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jsn's Introduction


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jsn is a tool for working with JSON representations in erlang--complex, nested JSON objects in particular.

In the spirit of ej, it supports the common formats output by JSON decoders such as jsone, jiffy, and mochijson2. Unlike ej, however, it supports all three common JSON representations in Erlang:

In addition to supporting the additional proplist and map formats, jsn's path input structure is somewhat more flexible, allowing for input of period-delimited binary strings or atoms to indicate a path through a deeply nested structure. This support is similar to kvc's path format, and also likely to be familiar to users of erlson.

This code base was originally developed as a wrapper around ej, adding support for the 'syntactic sugar' of the period-delimited keys. However, a need arose for the library to be proplist-compatible, then map-compatible, so it has been refactored to be a nearly standalone library.

Caveats & known issues

Deprecated: Erlang 17 or lower

jsn will no longer support Erlang 17 or previous Erlang releases. Allowing the map format to work without breaking Erlang versions that do not support maps (or have an incomplete implementation of maps, i.e., Erlang 17) requires inelegant conditional macros throughout the code and test. This support will be removed in the next major version of jsn.

Deprecated: encoding and decoding

jsn will no longer support encoding and decoding. It will be removed in the next major version of jsn. See below for more information.

Deprecated: key sorting functions

jsn will no longer support the jsn:sort/1, jsn:sort_keys/1, and jsn:sort_equal/2 functions. These functions are incompatible with the map format; the ambiguity of library functions which are only partially compatible with the supported formats is confusing for clients. For this reason, the functions will be removed in the next major version of jsn.

Proplist format concerns

It should be noted that the proplist format supported by jsn is compatible with the abandoned jsonx library, and is not compatible with the proplist format used in jsx and jsone. Specifically, jsn uses the empty list ([]) like jsonx to represent an empty object, whereas jsx and jsone use an empty tuple in a list ([{}]) to represent empty objects. jsn is incompatible with this format. While the getter (jsn:get/2,3) functions are generally functional; most other library functions are not, and may result in unpredictable behaviors.

Edoc generation broken by map support

the edoc make target (and using rebar3 edoc) are currently broken due to a parser problem triggered by the IF_MAPS(...) macro used to implement the map format in a backwards-compatible fashion. Edoc support will be restored when this problem is addressed in Erlang or the map backwards-compatibility constructions are removed from jsn in a future version.



  • Introduce a jsx_proplist format. This will support jsx and jsone compatible object creation; the library will also be updated to support this format in getters and other library functions.


  • Remove deprecated functions jsn:sort/1, jsn:sort_keys/1, and jsn:sort_equal/2.
  • Remove deprecated support for Erlang 17 and lower. Full map support will be assumed by the code, and these older versions will no longer be able to compile jsn.
  • Make map the default object format. Maps are superior to proplists for JSON object representation in Erlang, and will be favored primarily by the library.


To run this library locally, build the source code:


Then start an erlang shell:

make start

jsn is an OTP library, and does not really need to be started as such.

Application integration

To add jsn to your Erlang OTP application, simply add it to your rebar.config:

{deps, [
    %% ... your deps ...
    {jsn, {git, "", {branch, master}}}

and your applications src/<application>.app.src or ebin/<application>.app file:

{application, <application>, [
    {description, "An application that uses nested JSON interaction"},
    {applications, [
        %% ... your deps ...

After you re-compile, you will have full access to jsn from your local console.

Paths & indexes

Paths are pointers into a (potentially nested) jsn object. An object may contain sub-objects or arrays at any layer, and as such, a path may include both keys (as binary strings and sometimes atoms) as well as array indexes. Indexes can be provided as positive integers (i.e., 1 is the first element of an array) or as the shortcut atoms 'first' and 'last'.

There are 3 different supported path styles, each with different tradeoffs:

  1. List of binary/atom keys, e.g. [<<"person">>, 'id']. Mixing and matching atom and binary string keys is supported, but using binary keys only is most performant (and matches the 'native' path format). However, this format does not support array indexes.
  2. Tuple of binary keys and array indexes, e.g., {<<"users">>, last}. Atom keys are not supported due to potential ambiguity. This is the only possible path format to use if you want to leverage the array index feature.
  3. Period-delimited atom or binary string, e.g. <<"">> or ''. This format is the most compact and readable, but only supports keys (no array indexes).

Library functions

jsn provides functions to create, append, delete, and transform objects in all supported formats (proplist, eep18, and struct). This section contains a reference for the primary library functions available.

new/0,1,2 - Create a new object

  • new() - Create an empty object in the default format.
  • new(TupleOrTupleList) - Given a {Path, Value} tuple or a list of such tuples, return a new object (in the default format) containing the given path(s) and value(s).
  • new(TupleOrTupleList, Options) - Identical to new/1, but with the addition of Options, which allow passing a specific format.


% create an empty object
% []

% create an object using a single path, value pair.
jsn:new({'', <<"123">>}).
% [{<<"user">>,[{<<"id">>,<<"123">>}]}]

% create an object using a list of path, value pairs.
jsn:new([{'', <<"123">>}, {<<"">>, <<"John">>}]).
% [{<<"user">>,
%   [{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},{<<"name">>,<<"John">>}]}]

% create a jsn object in eep18 format
jsn:new([{'', <<"123">>},
         {<<"">>, <<"John">>}], [{format, eep18}]).
% {[{<<"user">>,
%    {[{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},{<<"name">>,<<"John">>}]}}]}

% create a jsn object in struct (mochijson2) format
jsn:new([{'', <<"123">>},
         {<<"">>, <<"John">>}], [{format, struct}]).
% {struct,[{<<"user">>,
%           {struct,[{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},{<<"name">>,<<"John">>}]}}]}

% create a jsn object in map format
jsn:new([{'', <<"123">>},
         {<<"">>, <<"John">>}], [{format, map}]).
% #{<<"user">> =>
%       #{<<"id">> => <<"123">>,<<"name">> => <<"John">>}}

get/2,3, get_list/2,3, and find/3,4 - Extract data from objects

  • get(Path, Object) - Return the value at Path in the Object, or undefined if it is missing.
  • get(Path, Object, Default) - Identical to get/2, but returns Default instead of undefined.
  • get_list(PathList, Object) - Identical to get/2, but expects a list of Paths, and returns a corresponding list of values.
  • get_list(PathList, Object, Default) - Identical to get/3, but expects a list of Paths, and returns a corresponding list of values.
  • find(Path, SearchTerm, Objects) - Find all the elements of the Objects list where the given Path in the element matches the SearchTerm, and return them.
  • find(Path, SubPath, SearchTerm, Object) - Get the Path from the given Object (should be a list of objects), and find all the elements in the list where the given SubPath in the element matches SearchTerm, and return them.


User = jsn:new([{'', <<"123">>},
                {'user.activated', true},
                {'', <<"Jane">>},
                {'', <<"Doe">>}]).
% [{<<"user">>,
%   [{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},
%    {<<"activated">>,true},
%    {<<"name">>,
%     [{<<"first">>,<<"Jane">>},{<<"last">>,<<"Doe">>}]}]}]

% get the user id
UserId = jsn:get('', User).
% <<"123">>

% get a non-existant field, with and without a custom default
jsn:get(<<"user.deleted">>, User).
% undefined
jsn:get([<<"user">>, <<"deleted">>, User, false).
% false

% get several fields in a single call:
jsn:get_list(['', '', ''], User).
% [<<"Jane">>,<<"Doe">>,undefined]
jsn:get_list(['user.activated', 'user.deleted'], User, false).
% [true,false]

User2 = jsn:new([{'', <<"456">>},
                 {'', <<"Eve">>},
                 {'', <<"L.">>},
                 {'', <<"Doer">>}]).
% [{<<"user">>,
%   [{<<"id">>,<<"456">>},
%    {<<"name">>,
%     [{<<"first">>,<<"Eve">>},
%      {<<"middle">>,<<"L.">>},
%      {<<"last">>,<<"Doer">>}]}]}]

% find the first user by id:
[User] = jsn:find({<<"user">>, <<"id">>}, <<"123">>, [User, User2]).
% [[{<<"user">>,
%    [{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},
%     {<<"activated">>,true},
%     {<<"name">>,
%      [{<<"first">>,<<"Jane">>},{<<"last">>,<<"Doe">>}]}]}]]

set/3 and set_list/2 - Add to and update existing objects

  • set(Path, Object, Value) - Append (or update) the Object by setting Path to Value, and return the result.
  • set_list(TupleList, Object) - Given a list of {Path, Value} tuples, apply the set/3 function to the each Path and Value using the given object, and return the result.


User = jsn:new([{'', <<"123">>},
                {'user.activated', true},
                {'', <<"Jane">>},
                {'', <<"Doe">>}]).
% [{<<"user">>,
%   [{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},
%    {<<"activated">>,true},
%    {<<"name">>,
%     [{<<"first">>,<<"Jane">>},{<<"last">>,<<"Doe">>}]}]}]

% Set Jane's middle name
jsn:set([<<"user">>, <<"name">>, <<"middle">>], User, <<"Jacqueline">>).
% [{<<"user">>,
%   [{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},
%    {<<"activated">>,true},
%    {<<"name">>,
%     [{<<"first">>,<<"Jane">>},
%      {<<"last">>,<<"Doe">>},
%      {<<"middle">>,<<"Jacqueline">>}]}]}]

% Deactivate Jane's User, and change her middle name
jsn:set_list([{'user.activated', false},
              {'', <<"Jay">>}], User).
% [{<<"user">>,
%   [{<<"id">>,<<"123">>},
%    {<<"activated">>,false},
%    {<<"name">>,
%     [{<<"first">>,<<"Jane">>},
%      {<<"last">>,<<"Doe">>},
%      {<<"middle">>,<<"Jay">>}]}]}]

delete/2, delete_list/2, and delete_if_equal/2 - Remove data from existing objects

  • delete(Path, Object) - Given a Path, remove it from the Object, if it exists, and return the result.
  • delete_list(PathList, Object) - Given a list of paths, apply delete/2 to Object and return the result.
  • delete_if_equal(Paths, ValueOrValues, Object) - Given a list of paths and a Value or list of Values, check each path Value/Values, and if equal, remove the matching Path, Value pair from the object, and return the result.


Company = jsn:new([{'', <<"Foobar, Inc.">>},
                   {'', <<"00000000">>},
                   {'', 469778436},
                   {'company.location', <<"U.S. Virgin Islands">>},
                   {{<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, 1, <<"id">>}, <<"00000000">>},
                   {{<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, 1, <<"name">>}, <<"Alice">>},
                   {{<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, 1, <<"position">>}, <<"CEO">>},
                   {{<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, 2, <<"id">>}, <<"00000001">>},
                   {{<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, 2, <<"name">>}, <<"Bob">>},
                   {{<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, 2, <<"position">>}, <<"CTO">>}]).
% [{<<"company">>,
%   [{<<"name">>,<<"Foobar, Inc.">>},
%    {<<"created">>,
%     [{<<"by">>,<<"00000000">>},{<<"at">>,469778436}]},
%    {<<"location">>,<<"U.S. Virgin Islands">>},
%    {<<"employees">>,
%     [[{<<"id">>,<<"00000000">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Alice">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CEO">>}],
%      [{<<"id">>,<<"00000001">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Bob">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CTO">>}]]}]}]

% remove the location from Company
jsn:delete('company.location', Company).
% [{<<"company">>,
%   [{<<"name">>,<<"Foobar, Inc.">>},
%    {<<"created">>,
%     [{<<"by">>,<<"00000000">>},{<<"at">>,469778436}]},
%    {<<"employees">>,
%     [[{<<"id">>,<<"00000000">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Alice">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CEO">>}],
%      [{<<"id">>,<<"00000001">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Bob">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CTO">>}]]}]}]

% delete Bob and the location in one call
jsn:delete_list(['company.location', {<<"company">>, <<"employees">>, last}], Company).
% [{<<"company">>,
%   [{<<"name">>,<<"Foobar, Inc.">>},
%    {<<"created">>,
%     [{<<"by">>,<<"00000000">>},{<<"at">>,469778436}]},
%    {<<"employees">>,
%     [[{<<"id">>,<<"00000000">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Alice">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CEO">>}]]}]}]

% conditionally delete the company Location
SecretLocations = [<<"Nevada">>, <<"Luxembourg">>, <<"U.S. Virgin Islands">>].
jsn:delete_if_equal('company.location', SecretLocations, Company).
% [{<<"company">>,
%   [{<<"name">>,<<"Foobar, Inc.">>},
%    {<<"created">>,
%     [{<<"by">>,<<"00000000">>},{<<"at">>,469778436}]},
%    {<<"employees">>,
%     [[{<<"id">>,<<"00000000">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Alice">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CEO">>}],
%      [{<<"id">>,<<"00000001">>},
%       {<<"name">>,<<"Bob">>},
%       {<<"position">>,<<"CTO">>}]]}]}]

copy/3,4 and transform/2 - Re-shaping existing objects

  • copy(PathList, Src, Dst) - Given a list of paths, a source object, and one or more destination objects, copy the paths and values from Src to the destination(s). This function always returns a list of objects.
  • copy(PathList, Src, Dst, Mutator) - Like above, but pass the value through a function/1 which mutates the set value.
  • transform(Transforms, Object) - Given a list of {Path, fun/1} tuples, apply the fun to the value at path and modify the given object. Return the new object.


Source = jsn:new([{'key1', <<"value1">>},
                  {'key2', <<"value2">>},
                  {'key3', <<"value3">>},
                  {'key3', <<"value3">>}]).
% [{<<"key1">>,<<"value1">>},
%  {<<"key2">>,<<"value2">>},
%  {<<"key3">>,<<"value3">>}]

Destination = jsn:new({'key4', <<"value4">>}).
% [{<<"key4">>,<<"value4">>}]

% copy some of the paths from source to destination
[NewDestination] = jsn:copy(['key1', 'key2'], Source, Destination).
% [[{<<"key4">>,<<"value4">>},
%   {<<"key1">>,<<"value1">>},
%   {<<"key2">>,<<"value2">>}]]

T1 = fun(<<"value", N/binary>>) -> N end.

% transform all the keys of NewDestination
jsn:transform([{key1, T1},{key2, T1},{key4, T1}], NewDestination).
% [{<<"key4">>,<<"4">>},
%  {<<"key1">>,<<"1">>},
%  {<<"key2">>,<<"2">>}]

encode/1 and decode/1,2 - Encoding/decoding JSON for interaction with jsn

NOTE: encoding and decoding are deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of jsn (2.x.x). the jsonx library that jsn uses for this functionality is abandoned, and users are strongly advised to use any of the many Erlang JSON libraries available:

  • jiffy (eep18 and map formats)
  • jsone (eep18, proplist, and map formats)
  • jsx (proplist and map formats)
  • mochijson2 (struct format)

equal/3,4 - Path-wise object comparison

  • equal(Paths, OriginalObject, OtherObjectOrObjects) - Given a list of paths, an Original object, and a single or list of objects, verify that each path in each of the other object(s) has the same value as the original does at the same path, for each path in the list of paths. If so, return ok; otherwise, return an error tuple with the error type and a summary of mismatches for the first mismatched object.
  • equal(Paths, OriginalObject, OtherObjectOrObjects, Mode) - Identical to equal/3, but with Mode explicitly passed in. There are two modes available:
    • hard - paths that do not exist in the objects to be tested are treated as errors. This is the default.
    • soft - missing paths are ignored. Only values that exist are checked for equality.


Object1 = jsn:new([{<<"path1">>, <<"thing1">>},
                   {<<"path2">>, <<"thing2">>},
                   {<<"path3">>, <<"thing3">>}]).
% {[{<<"path1">>,<<"thing1">>},
%   {<<"path2">>,<<"thing2">>},
%   {<<"path3">>,<<"thing3">>}]}

Object2 = jsn:new([{<<"path1">>, <<"thing1">>},
                   {<<"path2">>, <<"notthing2">>}]).
% {[{<<"path1">>,<<"thing1">>},{<<"path2">>,<<"notthing2">>}]}

% by path1, these objects are equal
jsn:equal([<<"path1">>], Object1, Object2).
% ok

% by path2, not so much
jsn:equal([<<"path2">>], Object1, Object2).
% {error,{not_equal,<<"mismatch of requested and existing field(s): path2">>}}

% same story with path3
jsn:equal([<<"path3">>], Object1, Object2).
% {error,{not_equal,<<"mismatch of requested and existing field(s): path3">>}}

% but if you use soft mode, path 3 works (because it's missing in Object2)
jsn:equal([<<"path3">>], Object1, Object2, soft).
% ok

% you can also use a list of objects for the 3rd argument.
jsn:equal([<<"path1">>, <<"path3">>], Object1, [Object1, Object2], soft).
% ok

is_equal/2 and is_subset/2 - Boolean object comparison

  • is_equal(A, B) - Compare a pair of objects (in proplist, eep18, or struct format), returning true if all values and/or key-value pairs are matched across both objects.
  • is_subset(A, B) - Compare a pair of objects or json terms (in proplist, eep18, or struct format), returning true if all values, key-value pairs, and array members in the first input are present in the second input.


Object1 = jsn:new([{<<"path1">>, <<"thing1">>},
                   {<<"path2">>, <<"thing2">>}]).
% [{<<"path1">>,<<"thing1">>},{<<"path2">>,<<"thing2">>}]

Object2 = jsn:new([{<<"path1">>, <<"thing1">>},
                   {<<"path2">>, <<"thing2">>}], [{format, struct}]).
% {struct,[{<<"path1">>,<<"thing1">>},
%          {<<"path2">>,<<"thing2">>}]}

Object3 = [{path1, <<"thing1">>},
           {path2, <<"thing2">>}].
% [{path1,<<"thing1">>},{path2,<<"thing2">>}]

jsn:is_equal(Object1, Object2).
% true

jsn:is_equal(Object1, Object3).
% true

Object4 = jsn:set(path1, Object1, 1).
% {[{<<"path1">>,1},{<<"path2">>,<<"thing2">>}]}

jsn:is_equal(Object1, Object4).
% false

Object5 = jsn:set_list([{path3, <<"thing3">>}], Object1).
% {[{<<"path3">>,<<"thing3">>},
%   {<<"path1">>,<<"thing1">>},
%   {<<"path2">>,<<"thing2">>}]}

Object6 = jsn:set_list([{path3, <<"thing3">>}], Object2).
% {struct,[{<<"path3">>,<<"thing3">>},
%          {<<"path1">>,<<"thing1">>},
%          {<<"path2">>,<<"thing2">>}]}

jsn:is_subset(Object1, jsn:new(Object1)).
% true

jsn:is_subset(Object1, Object2).
% true

jsn:is_subset(Object1, Object3).
% true

jsn:is_subset(Object3, Object1).
% false

jsn's People


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