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call-me-maybe's Issues

ACS Data - Queer Women

Hi Jue!

I remember you mentioning last week that ACS might have some good sets of data to gather more information on queer women in the U.S. I've looked around on the Census website and I feel like I'm in a maze. Although I can see some working papers that have used ACS data, I can't seem to locate any data that could be of use.
Any suggestions for me or would you be able to meet at some point to discuss?


Uploading StoryMap JS files to GitHub

Hi Jue,

I am unsure how to embed the code for my StoryMap JS assignment in an html document. How do you embed the the iframe in an html document or external JavaScript page? I have included the embed code below. Should I create an inline link to the document with the url embedded?

Also, I would like to work with the StoryMap javascript to see how I can modify the document. Do you think this can be manipulated easily or is well outside the scope of my still very rudimentary knowledge of js? A link to the GitHub for StoryMap is below as well.

Thanks for your help!


<iframe src=""></iframe

Product Development Studio

Hi Jue - We met a few months ago to speak about building a curriculum at the j-school, where I'm starting in the Fall.. I noticed that you are teaching a product development studio (I think for the social j program?) this summer and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to sit in on a class. Please let me know. Thanks!

Read this if you want to cluster points with the same lat/lon in CartoDB

Manually changing lat/lon is one of the solutions to differentiate the points. Visually, it does the job, but it would be a pain to do that every time a new data point is created. A more sustainable way to solve this is to cluster the points in a map layer. This means the algorithm will cluster the points in a certain vicinity and show the aggregated number of points on respective zoom levels.

This requires you to get outside of the workflow of:

  1. plugging something in CartoDB UI
  2. hit the embed button

The UI doesn't give you a lot of flexibility in controlling your map layers. To achieve something like clustering, you would want to create the map, add the map layer, and cluster the points using CartoDB.js.

You use it as you would any other library in your site (you might have referred those as plug-in's... which is not the best terminology. When your load an external JS file to your site via the <script> tag, refer to it as a library. Nomenclature is important :)

Following CartoDB's documentation, you will initiate a map, and add your point layer on top of that.

Then google cartodb clustering, you should see a few solutions. Google is your bff.

cc @mmacvey1

Map Help

Hi! I was wondering if you had anytime today to help me with a map I'm trying to create? I've found all the data I need on gyms. But I'm having trouble overlaying population density on my map.

Trouble with Final Assignment


Right now I'm working on a final assignment for my scraping class. It's due tomorrow at noon, and I'm ALMOST done with it, but there's just one part that keeps giving me errors for some reason. My aim is to scrape a database of liquor licenses for the zip code 10036 and print the name and license type for each result. I'm using Python 2.7.9 for OSX. Here's the link:

And here's the function I've written to scrape each result:

def getRecords(url):
r = requests.get(url)
content = r.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content)

table = soup.findAll("table", attrs = {"summary": "For format purposes only."})
data = table.findAll("td", attrs = {"class": "displayvalue"})
Premises_Name = data[8].text.replace("&nbsp;", "")
License_Type = data[1].text.replace("&nbsp;", "")

return [Premises_Name, License_Type]**

The problem is that I keep getting this error message...

File "", line 35, in getRecords
data = table.findAll("td", attrs = {"class": "displayvalue"})
AttributeError: 'ResultSet' object has no attribute 'findAll'

...which tells me that there is no item in the page's element with the "td" tag and the attributes "class": "displayvalue".

Here's the problem: there is. If you look at each result on the page when you search the zip code 10036, you'll see something like this for each row:

"td class="displayvalue"
"td class="displaylabel"
"td class="displayvalue"

I have no idea what to do. I found a specific tag with specific attributes, and Python's flat out telling me that it doesn't exist. Can you please help me?

I'm going to a CUNY friend gathering this afternoon, so I won't be available during the day, but I'll be down to chat tomorrow morning, or tonight around 10.

Will Engel



I am completely lost in how to make a map for my interactive class. I have tried reaching out to other coaches to no avail. Let me know if you are available to help. Thank you!

Urgent Help, Infographic

Hi Jue,

I'm in Judy Watson and Christine McKenna's Craft II class, and we're working on our final project. We're looking into how New Yorker's deal with death, and we're hoping to get a good presence of data on our site.

Mary Hanbury and I are working pieces on the economics of the funeral industry, both for the super wealth and the very poor. We're looking to create an infographic that sort of follows the "choose your own adventure" model, and tracks the potential price of the funeral as you click down.

Do you know of any premade code for this, or a template of some sort we could work with? Please let us know ASAP as our deadline is approaching in 1 week, 5.17.

Paring down my data

Hi, Jue! I've started trying to create this chart, and I have a data set that I need. The issue is that I'm having trouble properly structuring it into a Pivot Table. I want to take the ELA test scores from students from the Bronx, grade 6-8. I want to make sure that I can isolate the values of the scores, Levels 1-4, in the sheet labeled BouroughELAResults. I am close, but my Pivot Table keeps looking strange, and I'm not sure how I should be setting up the table.

Also, since github doesn't support csv files or xls files, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to upload this to share it with you. Please advise.


highcharts and google sheets

Hey Jue - Me again! (I think I'm winning for most issues opened.)

Not sure if you're looking at this too much over the summer, but in case you are, I'd love your help - I have a thing I'm trying to figure out for my internship.

I'd like to make a highchart that passes in data from a google sheet - one that will (hopefully someday soon) be collecting audience input from a google form. I've used JSFiddle on Highcharts to attempt to test this out, but the chart is not appearing on the page, when I actually copy the code and paste it in from JSFiddle.

I've put everything I've done so far in a github repo:
And the README details the things I've changed from what Highcharts gives me in JSFiddle (not a lot). I've hit the point where I can't even figure out what to Google for this error, so I figured it was a good time to ask for help.

Let me know if you have any thoughts, and thanks! Hope your summer is going well.

Help with google fusion and merging

Hi Jue,

I'm having trouble merging the US Zip codes to my google fusion chart. I went to file and then merge but it didn't seem to work. I'm not sure if this is the way to setup an appointment with you but please let me know if you're available at all today. Thanks!

Weird problem with space and MoJo news quiz (again:/)

Hey Jue,

This dang newsquiz. I've got it working now (thanks for your help on that!). But I'm having a weird issue that I can't figure out. We're needing to embed a Thinglink hotspotted image for each question, for our quiz about parking. For some reason the quiz is putting in a bunch of extra space below the image and above the questions, which is making it really difficult to read and follow. Here is the live link:

I've hosted it on digital storage right now, but I can push it to git if that's better for you to check it out. Thanks Jue!



Hi Jue!
I am new to the Github apologies for my ignorance!
Is there an easy way to change the font of our texts? I have gone far enough to use MARKDOWN....but if i want to, for example, use bold/italics or insert hyperlinks......

how do i do this?

Thanks so much for you help!

Luis M

Excel Help

Hi! I am trying to analyze some data for a story due tomorrow night at midnight and I realize that I don't know Excel well enough (or at all) to do what I am trying to do. Can I come by sometime tomorrow and get some help? I actually think the solution is probably pretty simple, but long story short I don't understand pivot tables.

Hi from WaPo's Data Journalism party!

Dear Jue,

It was so nice running into you at the data journalism party! Would love to meet for coffee sometime in the next few weeks. I'm at [email protected].

Also, I realized why we recognized each other - you came to my session at SRCCON! (Building international journo-tech networks!) I was just looking through the transcript and I saw your name! Funny.

Hope to talk to you soon!




Thanks for the feedback today at the curricular meeting, especially on "we can learn a lot!" That's the best spirit. Let me know if you have any further thoughts on ways to improve the content and/or delivery of the data-related courses. Would love to hear your learning experiences :)

All the best, Jue

.CSV Data Set won't completely open in Excel

Hey Jue Yang,

I'm working with a data set from NYC's Open Data (this one specifically:

I wanted to refine it to only include data that's filtered for a few specific parameters, which works fine within the NYC Open Data site. But as soon as I try to open it within Excel (whether as a CSV or XLSX file), it tells me that it can't completely open the file.

I want to analyze the data and potentially use pivot tables with it. How can I make it completely accessible so I don't miss anything? Is there any application or tool you'd recommend to do so?

Thank you!

Randall's Island field usage data for 2014

Hi Jue!

I have a new one for you and @amandabee
I am trying to find field usage data for Randall's Island for 2014. I want to see how many field permits allocated to private and public schools last year....I searched parks and recreation website but no luck....maybe i am looking in the wrong place? I also searched open data but i dont think its there........when i looked in there it only had maps of the park and other info i didnt need.

any tips would be great! Thanks so much!

Luis Miguel Echegaray
social j


Hi Jueyang,

You sat next to me in class today :) I was wondering if you could email me about setting up an appointment to review some data skills if possible!

[email protected]

Making embedded Google chart responsive


I have a Google chart embedded here. It's occupying half of the page width but I want it to spread across 90% of the page width and also be responsive. I managed to get a static html version of the embedded iframe content (which I could send over to you) and it looks like each rectangle is an svg. It looks like this might help but help implementing it would be kewl.

I also want to make it skinnier. I tried a find/replace on the height attribute but that didn't work.


Setting up my website

Hi Jue Yang,

I have a web domain I bought via BlueHost, but am now having trouble figuring out next steps. I installed Wordpress, but cannot log into the wp-admin site. Also, when I tried to connect to my site's FTP server via Cyberduck, it gave me the following message:

DNS lookup for failed. DNS is the network service that translates a server name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing access to the network.

I was wondering if you could help me set my site up. I plan on doing a portfolio that encompasses my clips, photography, projects I've worked on, social media profiles, and an about me section. How can I fix the original problem so that I can begin setting up my site?

Thank you!

Google Sheets broke my quiz :(

Hey Jue,

I'm trying to submit a quiz I made last semester as a clip for an internship application. But it was a jquery that used Google Sheets as the source of the quiz data, and Google updated Sheets and it broke my quiz.

The quiz template came from here:
Here's what my broken quiz looks like now:

I already tried migrating the data in my old spreadsheet over to a new one in the new Sheets. That didn't work. :(

I'm working on a different quiz template right now, just in case I can't get this figured out, but it would be nice to use the motherjones one if it's fixable, since it's really a very nice format, when it's working.

What do you think??? Thanks you for your help!!!


Understanding My Data

Hi Jue!

I am working on a data viz chart about american work hours. Basically, I started down this road for my pitch and then realized I was thinking about my data all wrong. I don't have a specific tech question about this project, I really just need to talk the data through and think about other ways I might be able to chart this trend.

Project is due Friday at 10pm. My email is [email protected]


My pitch:

Version control class, from John Campbell

My most recent data journalism project was part of Gannett's Changing Face of America series. I helped give the Courier-Post a more granular look at diversity in Southern New Jersey. USA Today provided a dataset, excerpted from census data, that showed diversity at the county level. I used IRE's bulk census, also owing to USA Today, to compute a diversity index for each of the 101 towns in the three-county circulation area. The figures mostly were a tool for reporter Kim Mulford to tell the story in narrative form. More on the project at:

Earlier data projects similarly involved government data. We had an annual dive of education data provided by the state. The work was a grab-bag of Access, Excel and one-shot Perl scripts that have been lost to history.

Aside from diversity, the repositories at are largely devoted to work-flow tools, including shovelware.

I have not really used Github to collaborate, only to document, if you want to call it that. You witnessed the one exception, Hack Jersey, and Github was apparently under attack that day. (Wound up using copy-paste, rather than a push).

help with app for coding class!

Hey Jue, I'm working on our final project for coding, and I'm having trouble appending the data I'm using to the page. My js is here:

I have it organized correctly (in the restaurantArray function) - which Meghan helped my do by nesting _.each functions, so that health code violations are listed under specific restaurants. I can get the restaurant name on the page, and I've tried a similar thing with nesting _.each functions so that the list of complaints will show up under the restaurant name, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Does that make sense? Probably not. What times will you be around this week? Perhaps I could stop by to get your take! Thanks! - Catherine

Doing a salary poll or survey - best tools?

Hi Jue! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm a student in the social-j program, and I have an idea but I'm not sure the best way to execute it. And I'm not sure if it's something I should try to do on my own now (I'd like to, I'm impatient), or wait until our class in the summer.

Here's the problem I'm trying to solve: I'm supposed to be finding out the income distribution of my people on my beat. My beat is newsroom social media editors. There's not a lot of publicly available data about it. It's also a pretty small population size, all things considered.

Here's the secondary problem I'm trying to solve: Other people (read: those in my community) are curious about how much other social media editors are making. And like lots of people have written about lately, one of the best ways to close the gender pay gap is for everyone to talk about how much you make (knowledge = power ๐Ÿ’ช). But there's no super-easy way for people to talk about this sensitive issue on a large scale.

Here's my initial idea: I'd like to develop a poll/survey (what's the difference?) that I can send to specific sources I've talked to and that they can send to their work friends. The poll would ask:

  • job title,
  • salary,
  • how many years of experience you had when you started receiving that salary,
  • some kind of geographical/market size/cost-of-living question

Then after I get enough responses (how many is enough?), I'll develop a way to share that information back to the community, which will provide them a benefit, and hopefully encourage others to share their salaries. It could be as simple as me doing a little averaging and posting the average salary for people with x years of experience. Or it could be something interactive, where after you put in your information, it immediately is able to tell you where you stand compared with others with your experience level, or your geography, or whatever parameters you choose. However, I feel like I can't get that up and running until I have a good base chunk of data.


Should I just go ahead and write a survey in Google Forms or something, post it and start collecting data, figuring out exactly what I want to do with it later?
Or should I wait until after the summer semester starts and we flesh out the idea more?
Is there a better tool than Google Forms?

How do I create a data visualization story for Broadcast Craft

I'm not exactly sure how to approach this story for broadcast using data visualization, my deadline is March 9th. I'm pitching my story for tonight at 10 pm.

I'm not sure which story would work as both a data visualization and broadcast story, but here are some story ideas I plan to use.

  1. More Americans are pushing off retirement. As a result those that are over 70 1/2 years have to readjust how the contribute and receive distributions from their IRA, qualified plans, profit sharing plans, Roth IRAs, and 401ks.

  2. Recently, there has been a study done that 1.1 billion young adults and teens are at risk of permanent hearing loss because of earbuds.

  3. On Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle website, Goop, she made claims that there is an organ that the general population does not know about and its called fascia, which is essential to many of our health needs. Some of her claims can't be proven, however, many health professionals say that she is partially true about the benefits of fascia being ignored for years. It has a relationship to our body's pain, motion and flexibility. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds organs, bones, muscles, nerves, and tendons.

Summer project

Hi Jue,
Here is part of a project I want to work on this summer. Mapping schools, after school programs, UPK seats, including private schools. Putting in enrollment numbers, crossing guards...and then collision data from NYPD.
2nd stage would be making a channel for complaints and requests to the appropriate agency, DOE, DOT or NYPD. It doesn't exist. I've talked to about three council members who will be pushing for DOE to play a role in Vision Zero this year.
Sadly, I input the schools data by hand, as I couldn't figure out how in the time I had.
NOTE; It is so difficult to get real counts of school kids. UPK isn't included in schools lists, though UPK is free and full day now.Also, after school programs have tons of kids...

Need your help...

My name is Gloria and I would like to know when can we meet. I was advise to contact you for help in graphics.

I have to write a story with three graphics. I want to add this feature. How can I do it?
I'm at school now.


Congrats! You've made it to the issue queue. Now open your own. Feel free to mention @jueyang anywhere you like.

Help on CSS

I made a page but it's not styling properly. I used a bootstrap template and soundcite clips but none of the css is showing up.

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    ๐Ÿ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.