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hsl.jl's Issues

TagBot trigger issue

This issue is used to trigger TagBot; feel free to unsubscribe.

If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers.
Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

If you'd like for me to do this for you, comment TagBot fix on this issue.
I'll open a PR within a few hours, please be patient!

MKL instead of OpenBLAS on OSX (intel)

Dear all,
I came across a weird problem trying to replace OpenBLAS with MKL. Although I have installed the MKL package (] add MKL ; test MKL), in deps/build.jl I added as first statement ( using MKL ). But when the code runs it complains that:

(@v1.7) pkg> build --verbose HSL
Building HSL → ~/.julia/scratchspaces/44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f/bfe35eb36d387c1d0913aa2359210dac32764e19/build.log
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package MKL not found in current path:

  • Run import Pkg; Pkg.add("MKL") to install the MKL package.

[1] require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
@ Base ./loading.jl:967
[2] include(fname::String)
@ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:451
[3] top-level scope
@ none:5

Any ideas?

ma57 `get_factors.patch` build error

As a follow up to #12, I've been trying to build HSL's ma57 branch, but I've been having trouble.

My steps were:

  1. Download Homebrew.jl (after rm -rf removing it) withPkg.add("Homebrew")
  2. Move hsl_ma57-5.2.0.tar.gz into downloads
  3. Update the build.jl file with my SHA and comment out the ma97 stuff (for now)
  4. brew tap dpo/openblas & brew tap-pin dpo/openblas
  5. build HSL from Julia REPL with"HSL")

Step 5 above led to the following error:

failed process: Process(`patch -p1 -i /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/downloads/get_factors.patch`, ProcessExited(2)) [2]

with similar output to @lrsantos11:

INFO: Building Homebrew
INFO: Building HSL
INFO: looking for /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/downloads/hsl_ma57-5.2.0.tar.gz
INFO: hsl_ma57 found
INFO: Attempting to create directory /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/src
INFO: Directory /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/src already exists
INFO: Attempting to create directory /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps
INFO: Directory /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps already exists
INFO: Path /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0 already exists
INFO: Changing directory to /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0
patch: **** Can't open patch file /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/downloads/get_factors.patch : No such file or directory
===================================[ ERROR: HSL ]====================================

LoadError: failed process: Process(`patch -p1 -i /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/downloads/get_factors.patch`, ProcessExited(2)) [2]
while loading /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6/HSL/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 48


==================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]===================================

WARNING: HSL had build errors.

 - packages with build errors remain installed in /Users/jakeroth/.julia/v0.6
 - build the package(s) and all dependencies with `"HSL")`
 - build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script


What is the get_factors.patch? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Additionally, if I'm able to get it working, would it be useful for me to add a bit of detail to the documentation?

Build error


When I try to build HSL I have the following error:
LoadError: Checksum mismatch! Expected:
Delete /home/.../.julia/v0.5/HSL/deps/downloads/hsl_ma97-2.3.0.tar.gz and try again
while loading /home/.../.julia/v0.5/HSL/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 36

I have deleted it and tried again and it didn't work. Also I have this this just before the rror message
INFO: Building HSL
INFO: looking for /home/.../.julia/v0.5/HSL/deps/downloads/hsl_ma97-2.3.0.tar.gz
INFO: hsl_ma97 found

I don't understand why it's not found since it's there..

Edit: If I manually go change the expected number in the build.jl I get this new error:
LoadError: Provider BinDeps.BuildProcess failed to satisfy dependency libhsl_ma97
while loading /home/.../.julia/v0.5/HSL/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 36

HSL Ma97 and Ma57 functions do not export when `using HSL`


I have followed the installation instructions for HSL.jl, namely to set the "HSL_ARCHIVES_PATH" environment variable to the directory where I unzipped the archive, and then to build using Pkg. However, the installation does not seem to work, as the Ma97 and Ma57 symbols are not exported. I also tried setting the environment variables "HSL_MA57_PATH" and "HSL_MA97_PATH" to the directory, which unfortunately didn't work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Edit: After pointing "HSL_ARCHIVES_PATH" to a folder with the uncompressed, it seems that the build process has compiled, and "HSL.available_hsl_algorithms" contains the key-value pair "coinhsl" => v"2021.5.5" . However, this still does not expose Ma57 or Ma97, and it's not clear to me how I can interact with the solvers.

Allow to specify HSL archive path at installation

The current installation steps require the user to copy the HSL archive to the package's directory, before running build HSL.
Unless the package is dev-ed, this will typically be somewhere like ~/.julia/packages/HSL/XYZ, possibly changing at every new version.

Commercial optimization solvers' wrappers like Gurobi.jl require the user to, instead, specify the location of their Gurobi path before before the Julia wrapper.
In the HSL case (assuming I saved the archives to ~/hsl/, this could look like

ENV["HSL_MA57_PATH"] = "~/hsl/hsl_ma57-5.2.0.tar.gz"
ENV["HSL_MA97_PATH"] = "~/hsl/hsl_ma97-2.6.0.tar.gz""HSL")

From a user perspective it would remove the need to find the current package location, and manually copy the archive there.

As far as the build script is concerned, one could check whether these environment variables are defined (and, if not, look for a default location), then copy the archive to the deps/download and build the package as usual.

cc @amontoison

Compile HSL with -03 optimization

After some discussions about performances with @geoffroyleconte, I compared OpenBLAS32 / MKL backend and a basic compilation with a " -O3" compilation.
We should add -03 after gfortran and gcc by default.

const HSL_FC = haskey(ENV, "HSL_FC") ? ENV["HSL_FC"] : "gfortran -O3"
const HSL_F77 = haskey(ENV, "HSL_F77") ? ENV["HSL_F77"] : HSL_FC
const HSL_CC = haskey(ENV, "HSL_CC") ? ENV["HSL_CC"] : "gcc -O3"
# Current version of HSL
using HSL, MatrixMarket, SuiteSparseMatrixCollection
using LinearAlgebra, Printf, BenchmarkTools

ssmc = ssmc_db(verbose=false)
matrix = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "Boeing", "pwtk")
path = fetch_ssmc(matrix, format="MM")

n = matrix.nrows[1]
A = MatrixMarket.mmread(joinpath(path[1], "$([1]).mtx"))
b = ones(n)
b_norm = norm(b)

# Solve Ax = b.
LDL = @btime Ma57($A)           #  7.566 s (36 allocations: 343.44 MiB)
@btime ma57_factorize($LDL)     # 39.155 s (2 allocations: 851.30 KiB)
@btime ma57_solve($LDL, $b)     # 497.909 ms (6 allocations: 4.16 MiB)

import LinearAlgebra, MKL_jll
LinearAlgebra.BLAS.lbt_forward(MKL_jll.libmkl_rt_path, clear=true, verbose=true)

# Solve Ax = b.
LDL = @btime Ma57($A)          #  7.466 s (36 allocations: 343.44 MiB)
@btime ma57_factorize($LDL)    # 25.038 s (2 allocations: 851.30 KiB)
@btime ma57_solve($LDL, $b)    # 230.605 ms (6 allocations: 4.16 MiB)
# HSL compiled with -O3
using HSL, MatrixMarket, SuiteSparseMatrixCollection
using LinearAlgebra, Printf, BenchmarkTools

ssmc = ssmc_db(verbose=false)
matrix = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "Boeing", "pwtk")
path = fetch_ssmc(matrix, format="MM")

n = matrix.nrows[1]
A = MatrixMarket.mmread(joinpath(path[1], "$([1]).mtx"))
b = ones(n)
b_norm = norm(b)

# Solve Ax = b.
LDL = @btime Ma57($A)           #  3.123 s (36 allocations: 343.44 MiB)
@btime ma57_factorize($LDL)     # 14.857 s (2 allocations: 851.30 KiB)
@btime ma57_solve($LDL, $b)     # 314.188 ms (6 allocations: 4.16 MiB)

import LinearAlgebra, MKL_jll
LinearAlgebra.BLAS.lbt_forward(MKL_jll.libmkl_rt_path, clear=true, verbose=true)

# Solve Ax = b.
LDL = @btime Ma57($A)          # 3.345 s (36 allocations: 343.44 MiB)
@btime ma57_factorize($LDL)    # 9.488 s (2 allocations: 851.30 KiB)
@btime ma57_solve($LDL, $b)    # 186.227 ms (6 allocations: 4.16 MiB)

Interfacing the HSL

Below is the full list of HSL packages from

This issue is used to track the progress on HSL interfaces and to assign a priority to each.
Next to each package, please indicate:

  • a link to the pull request where the interface is implemented;
  • a priority level: 🥇 = high, 🥈 = medium, 🥉 = low.

As a guideline:

  • functionality that is already available in pure Julia should have low priority;
  • functionality that is already available via an interface to another low-level library should have low or medium priority.

Tick the box when an interface is complete and the pull request has been merged.

We will proceed in stages.

  • Stage 1:

    • Packages with a C interface 🏆
  • Stage 2:

    • MA Section
    • MC Section
  • Next stages: TBD


EA: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices

  • EA16 Compute selected eigenpairs using rational Lanczos method
  • HSL_EA19 Sparse symmetric or Hermitian: leftmost eigenpairs
  • HSL_EA20 s-root of a sparse self-adjoint positive-definite pencil
  • EA22 Sparse symmetric: simultaneous iteration
  • EA25 Sparse symmetric: Lanczos for the spectrum

EB: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrices

  • EB13 Sparse unsymmetric: Arnoldi’s method
  • EB22 Sparse unsymmetric: subspace iteration

EP: Parallel eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices

  • EP25 Sparse symmetric: Lanczos for the spectrum


FA: Random numbers

FD: Simple Functions

  • FD15 Real-valued machine constants


KB: Sorting numbers

  • KB05 Sort numbers into ascending order using Quicksort
  • KB06 Sort numbers into descending order using Quicksort
  • KB07 Sort numbers into ascending order with indexing using Quicksort
  • KB08 Sort numbers into descending order with indexing using Quicksort
  • HSL_KB22 Sorting reals using the Heapsort method


LA: Linear prgramming, i.e. minimization of a linear function subject to linear constraints

  • LA04 Sparse linear programming: steepest-edge simplex method
  • LA15 Sparse mathematical programming bases: factorize and update


MA: Solution of linear systems

  • MA38 Sparse unsymmetric system: unsymmetric multifrontal method
  • MA41 Sparse unsymmetric system: unsymmetric multifrontal method
  • MA42 Sparse unsymmetric system: out-of-core frontal method
  • HSL_MA42_ELEMENT Unsymmetric finite-element system: out-of-core frontal method (real and complex)
  • HSL_MA42 Sparse unsymmetric system: out-of-core frontal method
  • MA43 Sparse unsymmetric system: row-by-row frontal method
  • MA44 Over-determined linear system: least-squares solution
  • MA46 Sparse unsymmetric finite-element system: multifrontal
  • MA48 Sparse unsymmetric system: driver for conventional direct method
  • HSL_MA48 Sparse unsymmetric system: driver for conventional direct method 🏆 🥈
  • MA49 Sparse over-determined system: least squares by QR
  • MA50 Sparse unsymmetric system: conventional direct method
  • MA51 Auxiliary for MA48 and MA50: identify ignored rows or columns in the rectangular or rank-deficient case, compute determinant
  • MA52 Sparse unsymmetric finite-element system: out-of-core multiple front method
  • HSL_MA54 Definite symmetric full matrix: partial or complete factorization and solution
  • HSL_MA55 Band symmetric positive-definite system
  • MA57 Sparse symmetric system: multifrontal method
  • HSL_MA57 Sparse symmetric system: multifrontal method 🏆 🥉
  • MA60 Iterative refinement and error estimation
  • MA61 Sparse symmetric positive-definite system: incomplete factorization
  • MA62 Sparse symmetric finite-element system: out-of-core frontal method
  • HSL_MA64 Indefinite symmetric full matrix: partial or complete factorization and solution
  • MA65 Unsymmetric banded system of linear equations
  • MA67 Sparse symmetric system, zeros on diagonal: blocked conventional
  • MA69 Unsymmetric system whose leading subsystem is easy to solve
  • HSL_MA69 Unsymmetric system whose leading subsystem is easy to solve
  • MA72 Sparse symmetric finite-element system: out-of-core multiple front method
  • HSL_MA74 Unsymmetric full matrix: partial or complete factorization and solution
  • MA75 Sparse over-determined system: weighted least squares
  • HSL_MA77 Sparse symmetric system: multifrontal out of core 🏆 🥇
  • HSL_MA78 Sparse unsymmetric finite-element system: multifrontal out of core
  • HSL_MA79 Sparse symmetric system: mixed precision
  • HSL_MA85 Sparse diagonally-weighted linear least squares solver
  • HSL_MA86 Sparse solver for real and complex indefinite matrices using OpenMP 🏆 🥇
  • HSL_MA87 Sparse Cholesky solver for real/complex matrices using OpenMP 🏆 🥇
  • HSL_MA97 Bit-compatible parallel sparse symmetric/Hermitian solver using OpenMP 🏆 🥉

MC: Computations with real matrices and vectors

  • MC13 Permute a sparse matrix to block triangular form
  • MC21 Permute a sparse matrix to put entries on the diagonal
  • MC22 Permute a sparse matrix given row and column permutations
  • MC25 Permute a sparse matrix to block triangular form
  • MC26 Sparse rectangular matrix: compute normal matrix
  • MC29 Sparse unsymmetric matrix: calculate scaling factors
  • MC30 Sparse symmetric matrix: calculate scaling factors
  • MC33 Sparse unsymmetric matrix: permute to bordered block triangular form
  • MC34 Sparse symmetric structure: expand from lower triangle
  • HSL_MC34 Sparse symmetric structure: expand from lower triangle
  • MC37 Sparse symmetric matrix: represent as a sum of element matrices
  • MC38 Sparse rectangular matrix held by columns: transpose
  • MC44 Unassembled finite-element matrix: generate the element or supervariable connectivity graph
  • MC46 Sparse rectangular matrix held by rows: transpose
  • MC47 Sparse symmetric pattern: approximate minimum-degree ordering allowing dense rows
  • MC53 Generate an ordering for finite-element matrices within a subdomain
  • MC54 Write a sparse matrix in Rutherford-Boeing format
  • MC55 Write a supplementary file in Rutherford-Boeing format
  • MC56 Read a file or a supplementary file held in Rutherford-Boeing format
  • HSL_MC56 Read a file containing a sparse matrix held in format
  • MC57 Assemble a set of finite-element matrices
  • MC58 Estimate rank and find independent rows/columns of a sparse unsymmetric or rectangular matrix
  • MC59 Sort a sparse matrix to an ordering by columns
  • MC60 Sparse symmetric pattern: reduce the profile and wavefront
  • MC61 Straightforward interface to MC60
  • MC62 Generate a row ordering for a row-by-row frontal solver
  • MC63 Generate an element assembly ordering for a frontal solver
  • MC64 Permute and scale a sparse unsymmetric matrix to put large entries on the diagonal
  • HSL_MC64 Permute and scale a sparse unsymmetric or rectangular matrix to put large entries on the diagonal 🏆 🥇
  • HSL_MC65 Construct and manipulate matrices in compressed sparse row format
  • HSL_MC66 Permute an unsymmetric sparse matrix to singly bordered blocked diagonal form
  • MC67 Refine a profile-reducing permutation of a symmetric matrix
  • HSL_MC68 Symmetric sparse matrix: compute elimination orderings 🏆 🥉
  • HSL_MC69 Matrix format converter 🏆 🥉
  • MC71 Unsymmetric matrix: estimate 1-norm
  • MC72 Full unsymmetric matrix: calculate scaling factors
  • HSL_MC73 Sparse symmetric matrix: compute Fiedler vector and permute to reduce the profile and wavefront
  • MC75 Sparse unsymmetric matrix: estimate condition number
  • MC77 Sparse unsymmetric matrix: calculate scaling factors
  • HSL_MC78 Analysis phase in Cholesky algorithm 🏆 🥉
  • HSL_MC79 Sparse matrix: maximum matching and Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition 🏆 🥉
  • HSL_MC80 Sparse symmetric matrix: matching-based ordering and scaling
  • HSL_MC81 Randomized methods for low-rank matrix approximation

ME: Solution of complex linear systems and other calculations for complex matrices

  • ME22 Permute a sparse matrix given row and column permutations
  • ME38 Sparse unsymmetric system: unsymmetric multifrontal method
  • ME42 Sparse unsymmetric system: out-of-core frontal method
  • ME43 Sparse unsymmetric system: row-by-row frontal method
  • ME48 Sparse unsymmetric system: driver for conventional direct method
  • ME50 Sparse unsymmetric system: conventional direct method
  • ME57 Sparse Hermitian or complex symmetric: multifrontal method
  • HSL_ME57 Sparse solver for complex symmetric or Hermitian linear systems
  • ME62 Sparse Hermitian or complex symmetric finite-element system: out-of-core frontal method

See also
HSL_MA86 (Parallel sparse symmetric indefinite/Hermitian)
HSL_MA87 (Parallel sparse Cholesky)
HSL_MA97 (Bit-compatible parallel sparse symmetric/Hermitian)

MF: Computations with complex matrices and vectors

  • MF29 Sparse unsymmetric matrix: calculate scaling factors
  • MF30 Sparse symmetric matrix: calculate scaling factors
  • MF64 Permute and scale a sparse complex unsymmetric matrix to put large entries on the diagonal
  • MF71 Unsymmetric matrix: estimate 1-norm

MI: Iterative methods for sparse matrices

  • HSL_MI02 Symmetric possibly-indefinite system: SYMMBK method
  • MI11 Unsymmetric system: incomplete LU factorization
  • MI12 Unsymmetric system: approximate-inverse preconditioner
  • HSL_MI13 Preconditioners for saddle-point systems
  • MI15 Unsymmetric system: flexible GMRES
  • HSL_MI20 Unsymmetric system: algebraic multigrid preconditioner 🏆 🥈
  • MI21 Symmetric positive-definite system: conjugate gradient method
  • MI23 Unsymmetric system: CGS (conjugate gradient squared) method
  • MI24 Unsymmetric system: GMRES (generalized minimal residual) method
  • MI25 Unsymmetric system: BiCG (BiConjugate Gradient) method
  • MI26 Unsymmetric system: BiCGStab (BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized) method
  • HSL_MI27 Projected preconditioned conjugate gradient method for saddle-point systems
  • HSL_MI28 Symmetric system: incomplete Cholesky factorization
  • HSL_MI29 MPGMRES: an extension of GMRES which allows multiple preconditioners
  • HSL_MI30 Symmetric indefinite saddle-point system: signed incomplete Cholesky factorization
  • HSL_MI31 Symmetric positive-definite system: conjugate gradient method, stopping according to the A-norm of the error
  • HSL_MI32 Symmetric possibly-indefinite system: MINRES method
  • #134

MP: MPI dependant packages

  • HSL_MP01 MPI constants
  • HSL_MP42 Unsymmetric finite-element system: multiple-front method, element entry
  • HSL_MP43 Sparse unsymmetric system: multiple-front method, equation entry
  • HSL_MP48 Sparse unsymmetric system: parallel direct method
  • HSL_MP54 Parallel Cholesky solver
  • HSL_MP62 Symmetric finite-element system: multiple-front method
  • HSL_MP82 Tall-skinny QR factorization


NS: Solution of systems of nonlinear equations in several unknowns

  • NS23 Sparse nonlinear over-determined equations: Marquardt method


OF: File management


PA: Zeros of polynomials

  • PA16 Complex coefficients: all roots by the method of Madsen and Reid
  • PA17 Real coefficients: all roots by the method of Madsen and Reid


YM: Generate test programs for chapter M of the library

  • YM11 Generate a random sparse matrix


ZB: Array allocation

ZD: Derived types

  • HSL_ZD11 Derived type for sparse matrix storage schemes

Update docs for LBT

We should add in the documentation that HSL.jl supports LBT and also how to switch a BLAS vendor with LBT.

using ReferenceBLAS32_jll, LAPACK32_jll
using blis32_jll, LAPACK32_jll
import LinearAlgebra, OpenBLAS32_jll
import LinearAlgebra, MKL_jll
using AppleAccelerate
import LinearAlgebra, blis_jll, LAPACK_jll
# To easily reset some BLAS/LAPACK backends.
julia> BLAS.get_config()
└ [ILP64] libopenblas64_.s


julia> BLAS.get_config()
├ [ILP64]
└ [ LP64]

Build error in Julia 1.0.5

Hey all,

First, let me say thanks for putting this package together -- this looks like it's going to be really helpful :-)

When trying to build this package with HSL_MA57, following the instructions in the README, I encounter the following error (taken from the logfile):

Making install in example
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0/example'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0/example'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0/example'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0/example'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/src/hsl_ma57-5.2.0'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/lib/libhsl_ma57.a(hsl_ma57s.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol __hsl_ma57_single_MOD_ma57_regen' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status [ Info: building ma57 ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: failed process: Process(gfortran -fPIC -shared -Wl,--whole-archive /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/lib/libhsl_ma57.a -L/home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/lib -lopenblas -lcoinmetis -lgomp -Wl,--no-whole-archive -o /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/lib/`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
[1] error(::String, ::Base.Process, ::String, ::Int64, ::String) at ./error.jl:42
[2] pipeline_error at ./process.jl:705 [inlined]
[3] #run#505(::Bool, ::Function, ::Cmd) at ./process.jl:663
[4] run(::Cmd) at ./process.jl:661
[5] top-level scope at none:0
[6] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
[7] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1044
[8] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
[9] include(::String) at ./client.jl:392
[10] top-level scope at /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/build.jl:78
[11] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
[12] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1044
[13] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
[14] include(::String) at ./client.jl:392
[15] top-level scope at none:0
in expression starting at /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/build_hsl_ma57.jl:15
in expression starting at /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/build.jl:22

It looks here like the operative lines are:

/usr/bin/ld: /home/dmrosen/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/lib/libhsl_ma57.a(hsl_ma57s.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `__hsl_ma57_single_MOD_ma57_regen' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Any idea what might be causing this error? (I'm running Julia 1.0.5 on Ubuntu 18.04, using the Julia editor in Atom)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

MA57 vs MA97

@dpo Do you think is worth to implement a wrapper for HSL_MA57? What is the biggest difference? I'm not sure which one should I use.
BTW, are you going to ISMP at Bordeaux? If so, we should drink some wine and talk (live).


Windows installation


I am trying to install ma97 and interface it with Julia in a Windows machine. I tried your code, but I get this error:

  error("Your platform (\"$(Sys.MACHINE)\", parsed as \"$(triplet(platform_key_abi()))\") is not supported by this package because of dependency $vname")

From the comments, I can't quite understand what that error exactly means.

Also, I have just recieved the latest version of Ma97 and it is 2.5.0, while the file is written for 2.4.0. Hence, I changed the string to be compatible with the file I have. Could it be that this is the reason for the problem? Or is this code created only for specific machines? It is not clear in the readme file, which extra packages I should install in order for the build.jl function to work.

I would really appreciate it if you could help me.

Many thanks

Thread count

I want to restrict Ma57 to using a single thread.
Ideally, I would only need to do


but, if I understand the build steps correctly, the package builds its own OpenBlas libary.

Is there any way one can control the number of threads there?

Runtime error with libopenblas

I'm getting a strange behavior on an x86 AMD machine (I can run everything just fine on my Intel laptop). When trying to run the tests I get:

ERROR: LoadError: could not load library "/home/brian/.julia/dev/HSL/deps/usr/lib/" cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It's not clear to me what this message is saying, I'm guessing it's having troubles linking again libopenblas? The build step runs fine, I even get this output during the configure step:

checking for sgemm_ in -L/home/brian/.julia/artifacts/7fca6a59f5903d74ab82fd8c36b7656125da4318/lib -lopenblas... yes
checking for cheev_... yes
checking for METIS library... checking for metis_nodend_ in -L/home/brian/.julia/artifacts/21426dc9da406ede1def01afaf9e86678d0f84ad/lib -lmetis... yes

So it found the library just fine. Any ideas as to what the problem is?

build problem: no formula for metis4 on MacOS

Thanks for taking the lead on hooking up HSL.

When trying to build the package on my Mac with julia 0.4.1, I'm getting the following error:

INFO: Building Homebrew
HEAD is now at 4705b23 fzf: update 0.10.9 bottle.
HEAD is now at b178725 Merge pull request #83 from staticfloat/staging
INFO: Building HSL
Error: No available formula with the name "metis4" 
===========================================[ ERROR: HSL ]============================================

LoadError: ArgumentError: Cannot find formula for metis4!
while loading /Users/lruthot/.julia/v0.4/HSL/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 21


==========================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]===========================================

WARNING: HSL had build errors.

 - packages with build errors remain installed in /Users/lruthot/.julia/v0.4
 - build the package(s) and all dependencies with `"HSL")`
 - build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script


I installed metis4, but still the fails with the same error. Any thoughts?

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