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clickandsleep's Introduction


Simple App (Windows > 10 only) to make mouse-clicks at user defined positions,
go to sleep (shutdown to sleep mode),
wake up and repeat all over again and again.
In the following ClickAndSleep is called "app" or "CAS/cas".
Commands are only a linear sequence, no variables, no loops, no queries etc., besides internal things.
This is not rocket science!
Based on Autohotkey.
If you have advanced requirements, consider to use a native Autohotkey script.


Alpha, under construction!

Known issues

  • Restart allways starts with default config
  • Coordinates are only window-position-independent NOT window-size-independent!
  • Browser refuses to close, if not opened by CAS.
  • If the taskbar is not hidden, a mouse-click at screen-position "0,0" is done to autohide
    the taskbar!
    You cannot use the taskbar as a click-target therefore!
  • All "hidden" operations (ControlCommands etc.) are not implemented yet.


Fontsize can be set in the [Configuration-file], section [Config] (app restart required).




"clickandsleep.exe" [Command-file (or path to)] [Configuration-file (or path to)]
"remove" to remove CAS-exe from memory (used to compile a new one).

The Command-file has extension ".txt", defaults to "clickandsleep.txt".
The Configuration-file has extension ".ini", defaults to "clickandsleep.ini".

Each Command-file ("filename.txt") may have an associated Configuration-file ("filename.ini"),
or the default Configuration-file ("clickandsleep.ini") is used.
Configuration-file is possible changed by the "Loadset command", see below.

"autorun" values are NOT commandline parameters, but part of the Configuration-file (see below).

Path to the Command-file can be relativ (subdirectory of running directory) i.e. "dirXYZ\clickandsleep.txt" or
absolut, i.e. "C:\dir1\dir2\clickandsleep.txt"

Download via Updater (preferred method)

Portable, run from any directory, but running from a subdirectory of the windows programm-directories
(C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86) etc.)
requires admin-rights and is not recommended!
Directory must be writable by the app!

Default installation-directory is: "C:\jvrks\clickandsleep".

Download Updater from Github and start "updater.exe",
it possibly makes a self-update then and
copies itself to the installation-directory afterwards.

The copy of Updater is started then and it downlods the desired app (and dependant files).
(Later on it is used to update the app.)
The downloaded Updater (and dependant files) are not required anymore,
please confirm the request to delete the files.

clickandsleep.exe 64 bit Windows use:
updater.exe 64 bit
clickandsleep32.exe 32 bit Windows use:
updater.exe 32 bit

Updater viruscheck see Updater repository

  • From time to time there are some false positiv virus detections
    Virusscan at Virustotal see below.

Make shure to use only one of the clickandsleep*.exe files at a time!

Default hotkeys:

Hotkey Action Remarks
[ALT] + [m] open app menu Hotkeys are changeable -> Configuration-file
[SHIFT] + [ALT] + [m] remove app from memory Does not remove any wake up tasks! *1)
[CTRL] + [ALT] + [m] record mouseposition *2) appended to the Command-file

*1) Use Windows Taskscheduler (menu-button) instead to remove "wakup" task if necessary.
*2) Appends "//mouseClick,x,y", "//mouseClickLikeness,x,y,ca" and "//mouseClickLikenessFast,x,y,ca" to the Command-file if clicked. [SHIFT] + mouse-click appends "//mouseDblClick,x,y" only.

Recording of the 2nd command can be turned of by setting recordlikeness="OFF" -> Configuration-file .
To stop the Mouserecord-mode, push the hotkey again or make a right-click anywhere on the screen!

App menu:

In the menu there are the app-buttons in the top section,
and the commands are listed as buttons below.
You can click on any command-button to execute only this command immediately.
(Step by step debugging).
Comment-lines starting with a "//" are also executed in this mode.
Additional key-functions:

  1. [Ctrl] + click on a command-button: edit this command.
  2. [Alt] + click on a command-button: toggle command as a comment on/off ("//").

Command-list window:

The commands are displayed in a list.
To execute a single command (debug) select it and click on the [Single Command] Button.
To edit a single command select it and click on the [Edit Single Command] Button or
hold down [STRG] and click on the [Single Command] Button.
To comment out a command, click on the [Single Command] Button, while holding the [ALT] Button down.


On click on one of the Run-buttons, the commands in the Command-file are executed sequentially, i.e. line by line.

Commands are based on the underlying Autohotkey language.

To distinguish them from the Autohotkey command,
a CAS-command starts with a lower case letter, but is not case-sensitiv,
so use camel-case for better readability.

Command-parameters must be fixed values, variables are not allowed (besides "conditions, see below). They are delimited by a comma or a tab.

  • Activating CAPSLOCK holds on current command, press CTRL-key then to abort all commands,
    press ALT-key to jump over current command only!
    CAPSLOCK is automatically released afterwards.


  • Windows cannot go to standby-mode if hibernate-mode is enabled.
    Use "hibernate_off.cmd" as admin to switch hibernate-mode "off".

  • If you want to use the standby / wake up feature,
    you must run "clickandsleep.exe" as an "administrator"!

Wakeup from Standby

  • After wake up be patient, the app waits about a minute before continuing!

  • Early wake up: An early wake up timer is started.
    If you manually activate standby again this timer is not reset, i.e. adds to the delay.
    It is better then to start all over again.

Table of Commands:


Command Action Remarks like AHK command
rem A Comment line Only valid at the line-start no
; A Comment line Only valid at the line-start yes
// A Comment line Only valid at the line-start *1) no

*1) not treated as a commentline in Single-Step-Mode,
can be toggled on/off by clicking with [Alt] key down.

Condition variables:

Name Purpose
winCon Status of last WinExist command
errorLevelMemo The last errorlevel
runPID PID of the last "Run" command. *1)

*1) Not all Run commands return a valid PID.

Condition variables commands:

Command Action like AHK command
setWinCon Command to set winCon to true (!= 0) no
resetWinCon Set winCon to false (== 0) no


see -> Configuration-file -> [external]

Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
openChrome URL Opens the Google Chrome browser with the URL The browser is closed and then reopened with the URL no
openFirefox URL Opens the Firefox browser with the URL The browser is closed and then reopened with the URL no
openEdge URL Opens the Microsoft Edge browser with the URL The browser is closed and then reopened with the URL no
activateChrome URL Opens the window with running Chrome *1) no
activateFirefox URL Opens the window with running Firefox *1) no
activateEdge URL Opens the window with running Edge *1) no
closeChrome Closes Google Chrome *2) Timeout to close is fixed to 10 seconds no
closeFirefox Closes Firefox *2) Timeout to close is fixed to 10 seconds no
closeEdge Closes Microsoft Edge *2) Timeout to close is fixed to 10 seconds no

Browsers operate asynchron while loading a page, i.e. if the browser windows is ready,
the content is still loading, so give enough sleeptime!

*1) uses winCon.
*2) winCon is false if closed. Can only close Browser if opened by ClickandSleep!

Window handling:

AHK TitleMatchMode is allways set to "2".

Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
winClose ,WinTitle, WinText, SecondsToWait, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Close the current window Apps are closed or moved to background yes
winMinimize ,WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Minimizes the current window yes
winMaximize ,WinTitle, WinText Maximizes the current window no
WinActivate ,WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Waits until the specified window is active winCon must be true no
WinWaitActive , WinTitle, WinText, Timeout, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Waits until the specified window is active winCon must be true, Timeout is in seconds no
Winwait ,WinTitle *1), WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Waits until the specified window exists. winCon must be false, sets errorLevelMemo no
WinExist ,WinTitle , WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Checks if a matching window exists. Sets winCon variable *2) no
pushWin Memorizes current active window pushed on a stack no
popWin Restore memorized window poped from a stack no
showCasWin ,WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Brings the ClickandSleep-Window to the front no

*1) "ahk_pid" can be use as a WinTitle, translates to: "ahk_pid runPID" -> runPID: Condition variables
*2) winCon is the "handle to window number HWND" (hex), interpreted as "true" if not zero.


Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
coordMode TargetType , RelativeTo Sets coordinate mode use "Screen" if there is no client window! yes
coordModeReset - Sets coordinate mode to default no *1)

*1) Default is:
CoordMode, Mouse, Client
CoordMode, Pixel, Client
CoordMode, Caret, Client
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

Mouse Move and Click:

Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
mouseMove ,x,y,[Speed] Move to coordinate x, y Speed = 0 to 90, 90 is slowest no
mouseClick ,x,y,Speed,DownOrUp,Relative Click with the left mousebutton at coordinate x, y Click at current cursor-position if x,y are empty no (no ClickCount parameter)
mousedblClick ,x,y Click with the left mousebutton twice at coordinate x, y Click at current cursor-position if x,y are empty no (no ClickCount parameter, ClickCount is set to 2)
mouseClickLikeness ,x,y,ca,comment Click left if screenarea is equal ca use mouserecord-hotkey to get actual screenarea in clipboard *1) no
mouseClickLikenessTimesDelay ,x,y,ca,comment,n,d Click left if screenarea is equal ca use mouserecord-hotkey to get actual screenarea in clipboard *2) no
mouseClickLikenessFast ,x,y,ca,comment Click left if screenarea is equal ca use mouserecord-hotkey to get actual screenarea in clipboard *4) no
mouseClickRight ,x,y Click with the right mousebutton at coordinate x, y Click at current cursor-position if x,y are empty no
mouseClickRandom3 ,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3 Click with the left mousebutton at coordinate x, y Selects randomly one of three points to click on no
mouseClickAround ,x,y,maxoffset,[increment] Click aroud a point *3) no

To record the current mouseposition look at -> Default hotkeys section.
*All "likeness"-commands copy the calculated value to the clipboard!

*1) Checks the colors in a 20 X 16 pixel area.
"ca" is each mean-sum of R|G|B colors of the screen-pixels.
Color calculation takes time!

The "mouseClickLikeness" "ca-values" are browser-dependant!
Depends on screen brightness also!

*2) As "mouseClickLikeness" command, but repeated n times with d millisendseconds delay between,
if not successfull.
Default values:
n: 3 (times)
d: 10000 (milliseconds)
Press "Capslock" to abort command!
In case of success, both commands behave identical!

*3) Use mouseClickAround to click at multible points around x,y incremented by optional "increment" (default: 1) until "offset" is reached.

*4) As "mouseClickLikeness" but checked area is only 8 x 8 pixel in size.
Color mean-values are different from that of "mouseClickLikeness"!
To get the correct mean-value (Hexadezimal RGB), use any value i.e. FFFFFF and execute a singlestep.
The correct value is displayed in the Tooltip then!


Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
Sleep ,time, message t: delay execution for time t (milliseconds) t defaults to "defaultShowTime" (default is 4000 -> Configuration-file ) i.e. 4 seconds *1) no
sleeplong ,time, message t: delay execution for time t (seconds) t defaults to "defaultShowTime" (default is 4000 -> Configuration-file ) i.e. 4 seconds *2) no
KeyWait , KeyName , Options has additional default values
KeyName: defaults to ESCAPE
See List of Keys
Options: defaults to D
See Options
sleepLikenessFast ,x,y,ca,trials,comment no *3)
sleepLikenessFastLong ,x,y,ca,wait-time [minutes],comment no *4)

*1) A ToolTip with the delay time and the parameter "message" is shown at the top/center of the screen, if the parameter "message" is not empty.
*2) A ToolTip with remaining time and the parameter "message" is shown at the top/center of the screen, if the parameter "message" is not empty.
Default is: 10 seconds.
You can:

  • pause sleeplong with "Capslock"-ON,
  • end sleeplong with [Capslock"]-ON and holding the [ALT] key down for a few seconds
  • cancel the run operation with [Capslock"]-ON and holding the [Ctrl] key down for a few seconds

*3) Checks if mean-color becomes ca-values (hexadezimal RGB) in a 8 x 8 pixel area, if not sleeps 10 seconds and tries again maximal trials times, trials defaults to 360 times, i.e. 36000 seconds. Trials should not exceed 30000.
Activate CAPSLOCK to abort!

*4) As "sleepLikenessFast" but tries forever until mean-color becomes ca-values with wait-time minutes between.
Does NOT goto sleep-mode but saves/restores the active window before wait-delay.
If the start-window is in front:

  • activating the [CAPSLOCK]-key: command is canceled
  • activating the [CAPSLOCK] + [Ctrl]-key: all operations are aborted

Error handling:

Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
resetErrorlevel Reset errorlevel no
errorLevelHint ,message, timeout Message popup, closed after timeout timeout in milliseconds no
errorLevelStop Stops any Run execution no
errorLevelExit Exit, removes CAS from memory no
winconstop Stops any Run execution if winCon is false to use with activateBrowser command no
winconexit Stops and removes CAS from memory if winCon is false to use with activateBrowser command no

Start external apps:

Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
run ,Target, WorkingDir, Options, OutputVarPID Set debug-mode to on PATH: path to the file (*.exe or URL etc.),
Environment-variables are translated,
"winCon" must be false. no


Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
send ,text/characters to send type the text/chacaters as if you type them on your keyboard no
sendText ,text/characters to send type the text/chacaters as if you type them on your keyboard send in text mode no
sendBlindText ,text/characters to send type the text/chacaters as if you type them on your keyboard send in blind-text mode no
Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
sendEmail ,mailto,subject,body,bcc,bcc, ... Generates an eMail by using your default eMail-App Needs an extra click (send-button) to send it no
Use script on another computer with different display resolution:

With the button [Stamp with coordinates], you can stamp your script with the coordinates you are using!
This is an information only that the coordinates may not be correct.


Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
debugOn Set debug-mode to on no
debugOff Set debug-mode to off no
debugShowMouseMoveON Mouse ist slowly move to point before action takes place no
debugShowMouseMoveOFF default silently no
debugStopRun Stops at this command if debug is on no
debugShowSleepOff Do not show sleep-command-popup during debug-mode Sleep-ToolTips are allways displayed no
debugShowSleepOn Show sleep-command-popup during debug-mode Sleep-ToolTips are allways displayed no
showHintColored text,autoclose-time,forgroundcolor,backgroundcolor *1) Popup with colored text color: c + Hexvalue no
showTextFile ,path,autoclose-time *1) Popup with Text-file content Text is not editable no
tip ,text Show ToolTip at cursor position Automatically removed after 3 seconds no
tipTop ,text Show ToolTip at top/center *2) Automatically removed after 3 seconds no
tipAt ,x ,y ,text Show ToolTip at x, y Automatically removed after 5 seconds no
tipWindow text, transp,remove, "NoRefresh" Show top-centered ToolTip Removed after "remove" milli-seconds *3) no
tipWindowClose Forced close of tipWindow no
showHint ,message,time to display (milliseconds) Popup with message, time defaults to "defaultShowTime" -> Configuration-file no
showHintError ,hint-message to show,time to display (milliseconds) Show popup Only shown if errorLevelMemo is set no

showvar | ,n | ToolTip (at top, center, 10 seconds displayed) with content of the variable | n is name of variable to show | no showPid | ,t | Popup with the PID (runPID) from the last "run" command | t is time to display (milliseconds, defaults to "defaultShowTime" -> Configuration-file | no

*1) Uses the function-call mechanismn.
No comma is allowed in function-call-parameters!
(Because it is used as the delimiter!)
*2) Tooltips with system-messages are shifted to the right/left, parameter is openerDeltaX -> Configuration-file *3) transp : transparency, 0 (min) to 255 (max), default 0
Word "NoRefresh": do not delete previous tipWindow, avoids flickering, but keeps size of previous

Multiline text:

In multiline text use (eMail etc.):
Quotationmarks -> as "
Linebreaks -> as "%0A" [% zero A]


The Configuration-file (default is "clickandsleep.ini") contains the configuration-parameters.

The configuration-parameters are divided into sections:

Section [hotkeys]:
Hotkeys can be set to "off" by adding the word "off" to the definition.

Hotkeys characters:
^ = CONTROL key
! = ALT key
+ = SHIFT key
# = WIN key
All Autohotkey Hotkeys hotkeys-characters are usable, but only these four are displayed correctly in the menu.

Default Hotkeys are:
open menu ="!q",
exit app = "+!q",
record mouse position = "^!q".

Section [timing]:
Default timing parameters

Section [external]:
Pathes to Windows apps.

Section [run]:
Allowed "autorun" values are (not casesensitiv):

  • runOnce (changed!)
  • runRepeated (changed!)
  • runAfterDelay
  • runStandby
  • runAfterDelayStandby
  • off

"autorun" is inhibited if Capslock-key is activated during app-start!

Loadset command:

Command Parameter Action Remarks like AHK command
loadset ,[fileset-prefix] Loads the 2 files: Command-file: "fileset-prefix.txt" and Configuration-file: "fileset-prefix.ini". The running operation (runOnce etc. ) is continued with the new commands. no


  • Windows 10 or later.
  • To use sleep-mode suspend-mode must be turned off: "hibernate_off.cmd"
  • Notepad ++ to edit the commands-file (not in the source!)
  • clickandsleep.txt command-file (UTF-8 or ANSI)
  • clickandsleep.ini [Configuration-file] (UTF-8 or ANSI)
  • Directory must be writable, created files:

Files created

  • "wakeup.xml"
    Used to create a Windows wake up task.
    (Kept at the moment for debugging purposes).

Sourecode at Github, "clickandsleep.ahk" an Autohotkey script.

Additional information:

Command: openChrome, URL
Combines the following commands:
winExist, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
WinClose, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1; only executed if (winCon)
winExist, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
run,%chrome% %url%,,,runPID ; only executed if (!winCon)
winWait,ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1,,20


  • After wake up execute of "clickandsleep.exe remove" may fail. Remove it in the tray or restart Windows instead.

  • Only a single instance of "clickandsleep.exe" is allowed.


Overview of all default Hotkeys used by my Autohotkey "tools"


Window position and size are stored in the guiFile (default: "caswindow.cas").
The filename is configurable, Config-file: [config] -> [setup] -> guiFile="(path)filename"
The directory must be writable by the app!

License: MIT

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Copyright (c) 2020 J. v. Roos

Virusscan at Virustotal

Virusscan at Virustotal, clickandsleep.exe 64bit-exe, Check here
Virusscan at Virustotal, clickandsleep32.exe 32bit-exe, Check here
Use [CTRL] + Click to open in a new window!

clickandsleep's People


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