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angular-2-datepicker's People


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angular-2-datepicker's Issues

Open datepicker from outside

We use the component inside a div with and have an icon next to it. I'd like to open the datepicker by clicking on the icon. Is there a way to do it like this:

<md-icon id='date_icon' (click)="datepicker.onInputClick()">date_range</md-icon>
<material-datepicker #datepicker

I tried it like this so far this way and also by accessing it from the parent component - does not work in both cases.

It would be great to have an API endpoint exposing the trigger method.

Thanks a lot!

Calendar not showing

Hi! Thanks for your amazing work. I'm trying to use this component with material 2, but i'm having css issues. The calendar doesn't shows because this line

.datepicker > div {
    display: none;

Here's another css issue:
screen shot 2016-11-26 at 18 11 35

rangeStart not working

I wanted to hide past date and only present and followed date must be able to select. I tried passing the Current Date using Date Object but it's not working. Is there anyway in which i can restrict past date from selecting??

Date Format

The default date format it says to be YYYY-MM-DD, although the date is always displayed using "/" and not "-". Is there a way of changing it?

Issue with lazy loading.

Got this error when using this component in a module which is being lazy loaded by the router.

Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: BrowserModule has already been loaded. If you need access to common directives such as NgIf and NgFor from a lazy loaded module, import CommonModule instead.

Use it in App.module.ts works. I think he problem is caused here by:!#q-browser-vs-common-module

I am not sure if BrowserModule is needed here

Maybe CommonModule can be used instead?

Unable to compile with Browserify

I'm having issues compiling with my Browserify module. I haven't yet investigated module changes however this is the error.

export * from './src/datepicker.module';
ParseError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'

.setDate should reset text if !value

I tried to use this component, but it's impossible to "clear" a date. Instead of that datepicker always shows current date.

Maybe setDate() should clear the text if passed argument is falsy?

Calendar closes when month is changes

Just finished installing, and I noticed very quickly that if you press the arrows to go forwards or backwards by a month, anywhere that isn't a date, or really anywhere in the document, the component will immediately close the calendar. Upon opening the calendar again the month is properly updated and date selection is fine given you were attempting to change one of those.

I looked at your source and the issue is minor abuse of the global click handler in src/datepicker.component.ts:479 where no matter what is clicked on the page, the closeCalendar() function gets called.

It is possible to call an inline version?


I'm integrating your component on an Ionic app. I was wondering if it is possible to add an attribute to make it inline.

Also the option of disable some dates would be very appreciated.


Error on importing module - Unexpected character '@' (9:0)

I have tried to include this directive in my project, but i got an next error in console:

common.js:12192 ./~/angular2-material-datepicker/src/datepicker.module.ts Module parse failed: /home/freem/Work/Projects/maketalents-ui/node_modules/angular2-material-datepicker/src/datepicker.module.ts Unexpected character '@' (9:0) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | export * from './datepicker.component'; | | @NgModule({ | declarations: [ DatepickerComponent ], | exports: [ DatepickerComponent ], @ ./~/angular2-material-datepicker/index.ts 1:0-40

I build my project with webpack and here is my part of webpack.config.js of TypeScript files loader:

module: { rules: [ { test: /\.ts$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: ['ts-loader'] }] }

If i exclude Datepicker from dependecies and imports - project works correctly.

Unable to run tests because of recompilation of .ts files in node_modules

  Error: Module build failed: Error: Typescript emitted no output for home/workspace/angular2-material-datepicker/index.ts.
  You should not need to recompile .ts files in node_modules.
  Please contact the package author to advise them to use --declaration --outDir.
      at Object.loader (/home/workspace/my-app/node_modules/ts-loader/dist/index.js:29:15)
  at karma-test-shim.js:136166

how to run demo?

I have run 'npm install' but how to run demo application in a http server?

Unable to Work with Two Date fields


Iam using Angular 4 in my application and i have two date fields to select which is start and expiration date. But now when i select the date of any start or expiration date, the same date is getting displayed in both the fields.

Any idea to differentiate the values of two fields.


Does the datepicker take this: 2015-06-29T00:00:00

My model is passing this date: 2015-06-29T00:00:00 to
<material-datepicker [(date)]="activeLeaseDetails.endDate" dateFormat="MM-DD-YYYY"></material-datepicker>

Now, when it does, this is what I get:


If I'm not supposed to send a date like, "2015-06-29T00:00:00", could you explain what the date should look like?


How extend or override style input.

Hello, I try to extend, override component and CSS.
but it's not work.

I want to change your input style to right style.
how can I do?

screenshot from 2017-02-01 01 18 33


rangeStart and rangeEnd

Great work by the way!

I noticed that rangeStart and rangeEnd only limited changing the date granular down to the month. Is it possible to have the range limited down to the day?

Go back many years

Is there another way to go back many years instead clicking month by month?

For example, if I need to set a date of the year 1985, I need to go back one month at a time until I arrive to that year?


update docs

a bit more description would be helpful. For instance, (dateChanged) is a useful emitter to know about without digging through the source code. great module, thanks.

German date format not supported (dd.MM.yyyy)

I would like to integrate your component in my project. It seems like a perfect fit besides the support of the date format. Looks like only hyphen-separated formats are currently supported.
Do you have plans to support dot separated formats like the german one as well ?
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards

Unable to compile

I'm unable to compile my application after installing and attempting to implement this datepicker. The console error says "Tye 'null' is not assignable to type 'Date', and references line 387 of your datepicker.component.ts file.

Datepicker needs "another" placeholder

Angular Material uses the placeholder attribute for the label.

If I try to do the same with the datepicker, the "label text" gets replaced by the actual date value.

To be consistent, shouldn't the datepicker keep the label text above the picker?

weekStart option has no effects

I'm setting weekStart option to 1, but week always start on Sunday.

In the component, I can see that class Calendar is instantiated without passing the firstWeekDay parameter, so the object is always created with its firstWeekDay property setted to 0.

If this omission is intentional, then the option weekStart shouldn't be documented in, as is now.

Compile fail: 'typeof Calendar' has no index signature.

I get the following error when adding version 0.5.0 to my project.

angular2-material-datepicker/src/calendar.ts(78,5): error TS7017: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because type 'typeof Calendar' has no index signature.

It fails because I have "noImplicitAny": true, set in my tsconfig.json file.

An easy fix is to just cast Calendar to any on that line.

I'll submit a pull request shortly.

z-index issue

the picker is behind a button. Is there a z-index setting?

Having trouble using this in AoT compiled apps

I'm having trouble using this in our AoT (Ahead of Time compilation) build. AoT is necessary for any Angular 2 app that wants decent production performance.

I think the difficulty is mainly due to absence of *.d.ts files for your library. This causes ngc, when compiling my app, to try to also compile your library's *.ts files. This doesn't work since they're not under rootDir - since it's good practice to keep third party libraries in a separate directory tree from your own app code.

I tried compiling the library with 'npm run ngc', but it seems that is broken in a couple ways.

The "files" target in tsconfig-aot.json references integration-test/ files - that directory doesn't exist in the git clone. I changed files to [ "src/main.ts", "src/datepicker.module.ts"] and got past this issue.

Also noImplicitAny: true is turned on, but the code doesn't pass noImplicitAny rules. Turning that off got me past this issue.

Also the compiler option "declaration": true should be present in order to create .d.ts files. When I turn this on however I get these errors:
Error: Error at /.../Angular-2-Datepicker/src/datepicker.component.ts:331:33: Public property 'dateFormat' of exported class has or is using private name 'DateFormatFunction'.
Error at /.../Angular-2-Datepicker/src/datepicker.component.ts:702:43: Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name 'ValidationResult'.
Error at /.../Angular-2-Datepicker/src/datepicker.component.ts:722:40: Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name 'ValidationResult'.

This is because the interfaces are used in the types of public @inputs. Adding "export" before the interface declarations fixed this.

After all this I was able to generate .d.ts files for the library. However I'm still having ngc compilation issues importing the DatepickerModule - but that is probably outside the scope of this issue.

How to use range dates?

Hi, how can I use the range date option to select a date? e.g. from date now to 7+ days or more ahead

Not advancing back when defining rangeStart and rangeEnd

I did use the properties for locking some dates, but once I set them, it is not posible to advance more than one month. Then coming back is not posible.

It would be nice to have a feature to block not just on a month basis but based on days.

tsc --noUnusedLocals: error TS6133: 'state' is declared but never used.


When I run tsc --noUnusedLocals I get these two errors:

../node_modules/angular2-material-datepicker/src/datepicker.component.ts(3,43): error TS6133: 'state' is declared but never used.
../node_modules/angular2-material-datepicker/src/datepicker.component.ts(312,23): error TS6138: Property 'renderer' is declared but never used.
// package.json
"angular2-material-datepicker": "^0.5.0",

Importing like so:

import { DatepickerModule } from 'angular2-material-datepicker';

Using formControlName with material-datepicker gives No value accessor for form control

Please help me on below. I am using material-datepicker with reactive forms.

I am getting the following error when the form loads.

Error: No value accessor for form control with name: 'birthday'
at _throwError (shared.js:122) [angular]
at setUpControl (shared.js:35) [angular]
at FormGroupDirective.addControl (form_group_directive.js:124) [angular]
at FormControlName._setUpControl (form_control_name.js:193) [angular]
at FormControlName.ngOnChanges (form_control_name.js:111) [angular]

allow user input to set date

It is often convenient and desirable for users to input text into the text input field instead of using the calendar.

I added this behavior to my implementation but seems a bit hacky and it would be preferable to allow this option as a component input flag.

This is what I did to implement this feature without editing the actual package component


import { ViewChildren, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'
import { DatepickerComponent } from 'angular2-material-datepicker'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'
import * as moment from 'moment'
class ExampleComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChildren(DatepickerComponent) datepickers;
  ngAfterViewInit() {
    function parseInputValue(value: string) {
      let md = moment(value, ['YYYY MM DD', 'MMMM DD YYYY'])
      let date = md.isValid() ? md.toDate() : undefined
      return date
    let handleInputChange = debounce((ref: any, newDate: string, focusedInDate: any) => {
      if (String(newDate) !== String(focusedInDate)) { = newDate
    }, 500) => {
      let input = d.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.datepicker__input')
      d.renderer.setElementProperty(input, 'readOnly', false)
      let focusedInDate;
      let newDate;
      d.renderer.listen(input, 'keyup.enter', () => {
        newDate = parseInputValue(input.value)
        handleInputChange(d, newDate, focusedInDate)
      d.renderer.listen(input, 'focusout', () => {
        newDate = parseInputValue(input.value)
        handleInputChange(d, newDate, focusedInDate)
      d.renderer.listen(input, 'focusin', () => {
        focusedInDate = parseInputValue(input.value)
      d.renderer.listen(d.elementRef.nativeElement, 'click', ($event) => {
        if (String($'cancel') > -1) {
          handleInputChange(d, newDate, focusedInDate)
        } else {

thanks. nice module

How to change datepicker__calendar style

i want overwrite datepicker__calendar style
so i write some code on scss file


It's not work...
so can you tell me: how to overwrite css style
Thanks a lot.

momentje support

I tried to use the library for my project but I use momentjs for dates. it would be nice if the date model accepts moment, it would be way much better since it is backwards compatible with Date.

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