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devel-iperl-plugin-perlbrew's Introduction

package Devel::IPerl::Plugin::Perlbrew;

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Symbol 'delete_package';
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{IPERL_PLUGIN_PERLBREW_DEBUG} ? 1 : 0;

  : 'App::perlbrew';

use constant PERLBREW_INSTALLED => eval 'use '. PERLBREW_CLASS.'; 1' ? 1 : 0;

our $VERSION = '0.04';

sub brew {
  my $self = shift;
  my %env  = %{$self->env || {}};
  my %save = ();
  for my $var(_filtered_env_keys(\%env)) {
    say STDERR "@$self{name} ", join " = ", $var, $env{$var} if DEBUG;
    $save{$var} = $ENV{$var} if exists $ENV{$var};
    $ENV{$var} = $env{$var};
  if ($env{PERL5LIB}) {
    say STDERR join " = ", 'PERL5LIB', $env{'PERL5LIB'} if DEBUG;
    eval "use lib split ':', q[$env{PERL5LIB}];";
    warn $@ if $@; ## uncoverable branch true
  return $self->saved(\%save);

sub env { return $_[0]{env}  if @_ == 1; $_[0]{env}  = $_[1]; $_[0]; }

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  bless @_ ? @_ > 1 ? {@_} : {%{$_[0]}} : {}, ref $class || $class;

sub name { return $_[0]{name} if @_ == 1; $_[0]{name} = $_[1]; $_[0]; }

sub register {
  my ($class, $iperl) = @_;

  my $domain = sub {
    my $instance = $_[0]->instance;
    return $instance->{'perlbrew_domain'} if @_ == 1;
    $instance->{'perlbrew_domain'} = $_[1];

  $domain->($iperl, $ENV{'PERLBREW_HOME'});

  for my $name (qw{perlbrew}) {
    my $current = $class->new->name('@@@'); ## impossible name

    $iperl->helper($name => sub {
      my ($ip, $lib, $unload, $ret) = (shift, shift, shift || 0, -1);
      return $ret if not defined $lib;
      return $ret if 0 == PERLBREW_INSTALLED;

      my $new = $class->new->name($class->_make_name($lib, $domain->($ip)));
      if ($current->unload($unload)->name ne $new->name) {
        my $pb = PERLBREW_CLASS->new();
        $new->env({ $pb->perlbrew_env($new->name) });
        ## ensure the timing of the DESTROY, spoil
        undef($current = $current->spoil);
        $current = $new->brew;
      return $new->success;

  for my $name (qw{list list_modules}) {
    $iperl->helper("perlbrew_$name" => sub {
      my ($ip, $ret) = (shift, -1);
      return $ret if 0 == PERLBREW_INSTALLED;
      my $pb = PERLBREW_CLASS->new();
      local $App::perlbrew::PERLBREW_HOME = $pb->home
        if ($name eq 'list_modules');
      return $pb->run_command($name, @_);

  for my $name (qw{lib_create}) {
    $iperl->helper("perlbrew_$name" => sub {
      my ($ip, $lib, $ret) = (shift, shift, -1);
      return $ret if not defined $lib;
      return $ret if 0 == PERLBREW_INSTALLED;
      my $pb = PERLBREW_CLASS->new();
      eval { $pb->run_command_lib_create($class->_make_name($lib, $domain->($ip))); };
      return $@ ? 0 : 1;

  $iperl->helper('perlbrew_domain' => sub {
    my ($ip, $dir) = (shift, shift);
    return $domain->($ip) unless $dir && -d $dir;
    return $domain->($ip, $dir)->{'perlbrew_domain'};

  return 1;

sub saved { return $_[0]{saved}  if @_ == 1; $_[0]{saved}  = $_[1]; $_[0]; }

sub spoil {
  my $self = shift;
  my %env  = %{$self->env || {}};
  my %save = %{$self->saved || {}};
  for my $var(_filtered_env_keys(\%env)) {
    if (exists $save{$var}) {
      say STDERR "revert ", join " = ", $var, $save{$var} if DEBUG;
      $ENV{$var} = $save{$var};
    } else {
      say STDERR "unset ", $var if DEBUG;
      delete $ENV{$var};
  if ($env{PERL5LIB}) {
    say STDERR join " = ", 'PERL5LIB', $env{'PERL5LIB'} if DEBUG;
    eval "no lib split ':', q[$env{PERL5LIB}];";
    warn $@ if $@; ## uncoverable branch true
    if ($self->unload) {
      my $path_re = qr{\Q$env{PERL5LIB}\E};
      for my $module_path(keys %INC) {
        ## autosplit modules
        next if $module_path =~ m{\.(al|ix)$} && delete $INC{$module_path};
        ## global destruction ?
        next if not defined $INC{$module_path};
        ## FatPacked ?
        next if ref($INC{$module_path});
        ## Not part of this PERL5LIB
        next if $INC{$module_path} !~ m{^$path_re};
        ## translate to class_path
        (my $class = $module_path) =~ s{/}{::}g;
        $class =~ s/\.pm//;
        ## notify and unload
        say "unloading $class ($module_path) from $INC{$module_path}";
        _teardown( $class );
        delete $INC{$module_path};
  # no need to revert again.
  return $self->env({})->saved({});

sub success { scalar(keys %{$_[0]->{env}}) ? 1 : 0; }

sub unload { return $_[0]{unload} if @_ == 1; $_[0]{unload} = $_[1]; $_[0]; }

sub _check_env_perl {
  my ($env_perl, $path_perl) = (shift, _from_binary_path());
  $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL} = $env_perl = $path_perl unless $env_perl;
  return $env_perl unless $path_perl;
  return ($env_perl eq $path_perl ? $env_perl : $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL} = $path_perl);

sub _filtered_env_keys {
  return (sort grep { m/^PERL/i && $_ ne "PERL5LIB" } keys %{+pop});

sub _from_binary_path {
  say STDERR $^X if DEBUG;
  if ($^X =~ m{/perls/([^/]+)/bin/perl}) { return $1; }
  (my $v = $^V->normal) =~ s/v/perl-/;
  return $v;

sub _make_name {
  my ($class, $name, $current, $home) =
    (shift, shift, _check_env_perl($ENV{PERLBREW_PERL}), shift);
  my $pb = PERLBREW_CLASS->new();
  $pb->home($home) if $home;
  my ($perl, $lib) = $pb->resolve_installation_name($name);
  if ((! defined($perl))){
    if ($name =~ m/\@[^\@]+$/) {
      ($perl, $lib) = $pb->resolve_installation_name(join '@', $current, (split /\@/, $name)[1]);
    } elsif($name !~ /\@/ && $name !~ /^[\d\.]+$/){
      ($perl, $lib) = $pb->resolve_installation_name(join '@', $current, $name);
  $perl = $class->_resolve_compat($pb, $perl, $current, $lib) || $current;
  return $perl unless $lib;
  return join '@', $perl, $lib;

sub _resolve_compat {
  my ($class, $pb, $perl, $current, $lib) = @_;
  return '' unless $lib;
  my @installed = $pb->installed_perls;
  # get the current perl and version
  my ($current_perl)  = grep { $_->{name} eq $current } @installed;
  my $current_version = $current_perl->{comparable_version} || '';

  my ($avail) = (
    # filter the exact
    grep { $_->{perl_name} eq $perl && $_->{lib_name} eq $lib }
    # get the libraries only
    map  { @{$_->{libs}} }
    # filter the compatible libraries
    grep { $_->{comparable_version} == $current_version } @installed
  #use Data::Dumper;
  #say STDERR Dumper $current_perl, $current_version, \@installed if DEBUG;
  return '' unless $avail;
  return $avail->{perl_name};

## from Mojo::Util
sub _teardown {
  return unless my $class = shift;
  # @ISA has to be cleared first because of circular references
  no strict 'refs';
  @{"${class}::ISA"} = ();
  delete_package $class;

  my $self = shift;
  say STDERR "DESTROY $self @$self{name}" if DEBUG;
  return ;



=head1 NAME

Devel::IPerl::Plugin::Perlbrew - interact with L<perlbrew> in L<Jupyter|> IPerl kernel

=begin html

<!-- Travis -->
<a href="">
  <img src=""
       alt="Build Status" />

<!-- Coveralls -->
<a href=''>
  <img src=''
       alt='Coverage Status' />

<!-- Kritika -->
<a href="">
  <img src=""
       alt="Kritika Analysis Status"/>

<!-- CPAN -->
<a href="">
  <img src=""
       alt="CPAN version" />

=end html


In a shared server environment the Perl module needs of multiple users can be
met most easily with access to L<perlbrew> and the ability to install perl
modules under their own libraries. A user can generate a L<cpanfile> to
facilitate the creation of these libraries in a reproducible manner. At the
command line a typical workflow in such an environment might appear thus:

  perlbrew lib create perl-5.26.0@reproducible
  perlbrew use perl-5.26.0@reproducible
  ## assuming a cpanfile
  cpanm --installdeps .

During the analysis that utilises such codebases using a JupyterHub on the same
environment a user will wish to access these installed modules in a way that is
as simple as the command line and within the framework of a Jupyter notebook.

This plugin is designed to easily transition between command line and Jupyter
with similar syntax and little overhead.

=begin html

<p>There are some Jupyter notebooks in the <a href="./examples/">examples directory</a></p>

=end html


  IPerl->load_plugin('Perlbrew') unless IPerl->can('perlbrew');



  ## install dependencies
  cpanm --installdeps --quiet .
  ## install
  cpanm .

If there are some issues with L<Devel::IPerl> installing refer to their
L<|>. The C<.travis.yml> in
this repository might provide sources of help.

L<App::perlbrew> is a requirement and it is B<suggested> that L<Devel::IPerl> is
deployed into a L<perlbrew> installed L<perl|perlbrew#COMMAND:-INSTALL> and call
the L</"perlbrew"> function to use each L<library|perlbrew#COMMAND:-LIB>.

=over 4

=item installing perlbrew

For a single user use case the recommended install proceedure at
L<> should be used. If installing for a shared environment
and JupyterHub, the following may act as a template.

  mkdir -p /sw/perlbrew-$version
  export PERLBREW_ROOT=!$
  curl -L | bash

=item installing iperl

The kernel specification needs to be installed so that Jupyter can find it. This
is achieved thus:

  iperl --version

=item perlbrew-ise the kernel

The kernel specification should be updated to make the environment variables,
that L<App::perlbrew> relies on, available. Included in this dist is the command



=head1 IPerl Interface Method

=head2 register

Called by C<<< IPerl->load_plugin('Perlbrew') >>>.


=head2 perlbrew

  # 1 - success
  # 0 - it is already loaded
  # -1 - no library specified
  # 1 - success switching off reproducible and reverting to perl-5.26.0

This is identical to C<<< perlbrew use perl-5.26.0@reproducible >>> and will
switch any from any previous call. Returns C<1>, C<0> or C<-1> for I<success>,
I<no change> and I<error> respectively. A name for the library is required. To
revert to the I<"system"> or non-library version pass the value of

  IPerl->perlbrew('perl-5.26.0@tutorial', 1);

The function takes a Boolean as an optional second argument. A I<true> value will
result in all the modules that were loaded during the activity of the previous
library to be unloaded using L<delete_package|Symbol>. The default value is
I<false> as setting is to true might expose the L<unexpected|Symbol#BUGS>

When using multiple L<perlbrew> libraries it may be possible to use modules from
both, although this is not a recommended use.

  use Jupyter::Tutorial::Simple;
  ## run some code

  ## load @reproducible, but do not unload Jupyter::Tutorial::Simple
  IPerl->perlbrew('perl-5.26.0@reproducible', 0);
  use Bio::Taxonomy;
  ## ... more code, possibly using Jupyter::Tutorial::Simple

=head2 perlbrew_domain

B<This is experimental>.

  # /home/username/.perlbrew
  # /work/username/perlbrew-libs

Users often generate a large number of libraries which can quickly result in a
long list generated in the output of L</"perlbrew_list">. This experimental
feature allows for switching between I<domains> to reduce the size of these
lists. Thus, a collection of libraries are organised under domains. These are
only directories, must exist before use and are synonymous with
C<$ENV{PERLBREW_HOME}>. Indeed, this is a convenient alternative to

=head2 perlbrew_lib_create

  # 1 - success
  # 0 - already exists
  # -1 - no library name given

This is identical to C<<< perlbrew lib create >>>. Returns C<1>, C<0> or C<-1>
for I<success>, I<already exists> and I<error> respectively.

=head2 perlbrew_list


This is identical to C<<< perlbrew list >>> and will output the same information.

=head2 perlbrew_list_modules


This is identical to C<<< perlbrew list_modules >>> and will output the same


The following environment variables alter the behaviour of the plugin.

=over 4


A logical to control how verbose the plugin is during its activities.


This defaults to L<App::prelbrew>



These are part of the internal interface and not designed for end user

=head2 brew


Use the perlbrew library specified in L</"name">.

=head2 env

  $plugin->env({PERLBREW_ROOT => '/sw/perlbrew', ...});
  # {PERLBREW_ROOT => '/sw/perlbrew', ...}

An accessor that stores the environment from L<App::perlbrew> for a subsequent
call to L</"brew">.

=head2 new

  my $plugin = Devel::IPerl::Plugin::Perlbrew->new();

Instantiate an object.

=head2 name

  # perl-5.26.0@reproducible

An accessor for the name of the perlbrew library.

=head2 saved


An accessor for the previous environment variables so they may be restored as
the L</"brew"> L</"spoil">s.

=head2 spoil


When a L</"brew"> is finished with. This is called automatically during object

=head2 success

  # boolean where 1 == success, 0 == not success

Was everything a success?

=head2 unload

  # 1

A flag to determine whether to unload all the modules that were used as part of
this library during cleanup.


devel-iperl-plugin-perlbrew's People


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devel-iperl-plugin-perlbrew's Issues

kernel can appear dead

If a program, such as git is not available and a dependency is from a git repository App::Cpanminus::script::run fails.

IPerl->load_plugin('CpanMinus') unless IPerl->can('cpanm');

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