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homebridge-playstation's Issues

Unable to complete setup on Synology Docker

I was able to successfully complete auth via homebridge-playstation-login:

root@hombridge: homebridge-playstation-login
Discovered device: {
  address: { address: '192.168.X.Y', family: 'IPv4', port: 9302, size: 170 },
  hostRequestPort: 997,
  extras: {
    statusLine: '620 Server Standby',
    statusCode: '620',
    statusMessage: 'Server',
    status: 'STANDBY'
  discoveryVersion: '00030010',
  systemVersion: '06020004',
  id: 'ABCDEF',
  name: 'PS5-XYZ',
  status: 'STANDBY',
  type: 'PS5'
Authenticate to PS5-XYZ? (y/n) y
Connecting to <ABCDEF>... // PS5 turns on at this point
Connection successful, wait a bit so we can safely close the connection...

Discovering next device...

Please restart Homebridge now!

However, I don't see the "Please add [PS5 XYZ] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 111-22-333" message post-reboot.

In the logs post-reboot:

root@homebridge:/var/lib/homebridge $ grep -i playstation /var/lib/homebridge/homebridge.log 
[10/22/2022, 4:58:10 PM] Loaded plugin: [email protected]
[10/22/2022, 4:58:10 PM] Registering platform ''
root@homebridge:/var/lib/homebridge $ grep -i ps5 /var/lib/homebridge/homebridge.log
root@homebridge:/var/lib/homebridge $ 

Homebridge version: 1.5.0
Plugin version: 1.4.2
DSM: 6

Has to be in Rest Mode?

Hello, does the PS5 have to stay in Rest Mode in order for this plugin to work or does this plugin turn the PS5 on even when it’s completely off? Thank you.

Accessory Doesn't Appear When Trying to Add

Describe Your Problem:
I installed the previous version of this Plugin. When I was receiving connection errors as noted in a previous issue, I removed the plugin from Homebridge. I also remove the Bridge and Accessory from my Home app. With you latest update, I have now reinstalled the Plugin. I can get the Bridge added to the Home app, but the PS accessory does not show up in the list of available devices.


Discovered device: {
address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: XXXX, size: 170 },
hostRequestPort: 997,
extras: {
statusLine: '620 Server Standby',
statusCode: '620',
statusMessage: 'Server',
status: 'STANDBY'
discoveryVersion: '00030010',
systemVersion: '09090001',
name: 'PS5-XXX',
status: 'STANDBY',
type: 'PS5'
[2/10/2022, 3:49:59 PM] PS5-XXX XXXE is running on port XXXXX.
[2/10/2022, 3:49:59 PM] Please add [PS5-XXX XXXE] manually in Home app. Setup Code: XXX-XX-XXX

Plugin Config:

        "pollInterval": 5000,
        "platform": "playstation",
        "_bridge": {
            "username": "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX",
            "port": XXXXX

**NOTE - the Port in the Config != the Port in my Homebridge Logs. Not sure if they are meant to match.


  • Plugin Version: homebridge-playstation [v1.2.2]
  • Homebridge Version: [v1.4.0]
  • Node.js Version: [v16.13.2]
  • NPM Version: [v8.1.2]
  • Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux Buster (10)

Siri is confused :)

#1 (comment) one thing I’ve noticed. When I’m saying “hey Siri, turn on the tv” PlayStation is also turning on when the accessory type is set top box :(

homebridge-playstation-login command not sending sign in link.

Describe The Bug:

Homebridge WebUI Terminal setup using homebridge-playstation-login. Results no link just the message:

Result: Did not authenticate to any consoles.

Ubuntu 20.04 WebUi Terminal does not allow NPM package installs or sudo use either.

Could be an operator error but:
Tried this tutorial but to no avail since on Ubuntu.
Ubuntu 20.04 apt installed method does not allow
NPM installing nor Sudo commands via webUI with Ubuntu.

To Reproduce:

Ubuntu 20.04 (APT install )
Install Homebridge
Install homebridge-playstaion
run: homebridge-playstation-login (from web UI)
result: "Did not authenticate to any consoles."

Expected behavior:

Link to pair PlayStation account sign in, but does not link. WebUI gives results with:
Did not authenticate to any consoles.


Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

        "pollInterval": 2000,
        "platform": "playstation"



  • Plugin Version: v1.4.1
  • Homebridge Version: v1.4.1
  • Node.js Version: v16.15.1
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04

Notes: Installed on top of ubuntu 20.04.

PS5 turns on but doesn't turn off

Describe Your Problem:
I can use the commands to turn the ps5 on but cannot get it to turn off with commands
[1/30/2023, 7:13:26 PM] [homebridge-playstation] Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Remote is already in use

Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

            "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation",
            "_bridge": {
                "username": "removed",
                "port": 50568



  • Plugin Version:homebridge-playstation v1.4.2
  • Homebridge Version: latest
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System: unraid>


Latest version causing warnings as below. added to node settings "--trace-warnings" to get the output as below.

(node:3218) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 message listeners added to [Socket]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
at _addListener (node:events:595:17)
at Socket.addListener (node:events:617:10)
at UdpDiscoveryNetworkFactory.createRawMessages (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/discovery/udp.js:132:16)
at UdpDiscoveryNetworkFactory.createMessages (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/discovery/udp.js:113:21)
at UdpDiscoveryNetworkFactory.createDevices (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/discovery/udp.js:148:21)
at /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/discovery/standard.js:16:99
at ()
at Object.createDevices (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/discovery/standard.js:16:76)
at (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/discovery.js:22:45)
at PendingDevice. (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/device/pending.js:61:55)
at ()
at /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/device/pending.js:8:71
at new Promise ()
at __awaiter (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/device/pending.js:4:12)
at PendingDevice.resolve (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/device/pending.js:55:16)
at PendingDevice. (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-playstation/node_modules/playactor/dist/device/pending.js:37:41)

Error Unable to request credentials

Describe Your Problem:

Hi, I can see my ps5 in the home app but it doesn't respond. I'm getting the error "Can't request credentials in the logs when I try to wake/sleep the PS5. I have signed into my account, then pasted the URL but and put the remote play pin in, which works fine."

ERROR Unable to request credentials

Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

Show your Homebridge config.json here, remove any sensitive information.

"name": "homebridge-playstation",
"switches": [
"name": "PlayStation 5",
"host": "10.0.0.xx",
"ip": "10.0.0.xx",
"on_cmd": "playactor wake --ps5",
"off_cmd": "playactor standby --ps5",
"state_cmd": "playactor check --ps5| grep -i '200 Ok'",
"polling": true,
"interval": 900,
"timeout": 2000,
"manufacturer": "Sony",
"model": "CFI-1016A"
"platform": "playstation"



  • Plugin Version:
  • Homebridge Version:
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System:

Unable to authenticate PS4

Describe Your Problem:
Following the startup guide, I am getting stuck after running home bridge-playstation-login. After hitting Y to authenticate, terminal returns that there are no credentials for my PS4. logging in as root doesn't help either. I've seen 2 other issues similar to this (one of which was closed but did not have a documented resolution) so I'm logging this ticket for visibility.

Note, the closed issue did ask about a credentials file existing, following this direction, it appears this file does not exist for me, though it's unclear how to create one. Additional direction would be appreciated.


Discovered device: {
address: { address: '[deleted]', family: 'IPv4', port: 57252, size: 158 },
hostRequestPort: 997,
extras: {
statusLine: '200 Ok',
statusCode: '200',
statusMessage: 'Ok',
status: 'AWAKE'
discoveryVersion: '00020020',
systemVersion: '09040001',
id: '[deleted]',
name: 'PS4-531',
status: 'AWAKE',
type: 'PS4'
Authenticate to PS4-531? (y/n) y
No credentials for PS4-531 and unable to request (need root permissions).
Attempting to request root permissions now (we will relinquish them as soon as possible)...
[sudo] password for homebridge:

Plugin Config:

        "pollInterval": 5000,
        "platform": "playstation",
        "_bridge": {
            "username": "[deleted]",
            "port": 31973



  • Plugin Version: 1.4.1
  • Homebridge Version: 1.4.0
  • Node.js Version: 14.17.0
  • NPM Version: 6.14.13
  • Operating System: Raspbian


can you help me with this problem ? Everytime i press the button in home app in HB log writes "[playstation] Unable to request credentials" and nothing happens. I have latest version o you plugin. Thanks for reply :)

Multiple PlayStation ?

How can I add multiple PlayStation devices.
I have a PS4 and a PS5 on the same network.
Following the instructions, my PS4 gets added automatically but not the PS5.
For information I already use PS4 waker platform plugin for my PS4 and playactor with Cmdswitch2 plugin for my PS5... but I got some malfunction now and then so I hoped to get a plugin to control both smoothly.
Also, when i log into playactor it didn't send me to Sony web page for login but I think it is because my credentials are already saved because of previous configuration...

ps5 not showing up on homekit


Describe Your Problem:
<i'm installing the plugin fine, complete the authentication with homebridge-playstation-login through terminal, yet i dont get an authorization link. i restart homebridge, i see the plugin loading and get the "Please add [PS5 XYZ] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 111-22-333" message in logs, however try as i might, my homekit doesnt find my device.>


[21/09/2022, 19:58:45] [playstation] Discovered device: {
  address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 9302, size: 161 },
  hostRequestPort: 997,
  extras: {
    statusLine: '200 Ok',
    statusCode: '200',
    statusMessage: 'Ok',
    status: 'AWAKE'
  discoveryVersion: '00030010',
  systemVersion: '06000042',
  id: '78C8817EDA2B',
  name: 'PS5 Loutsa',
  status: 'AWAKE',
  type: 'PS5'
[21/09/2022, 19:58:45] PS5 Loutsa AB78 is running on port 34031.
[21/09/2022, 19:58:45] Please add [PS5 Loutsa AB78] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 668-33-715

Plugin Config:

            "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation"



  • Plugin Version:1.4.2
  • Homebridge Version: 1.5.0
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System: Raspbian

homebridge-playstation v1.4.1 problems authenticating PS4

Describe The Bug:
Cannot add authenticate PS4 (PS5 works though)

Device "PlayActor" does not appear in the IOS "second screen" app when trying to authenticate with the "homebridge-playstation-login" command.

To Reproduce:

$ cat /etc/sudoers|grep homebridge
homebridge ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/systemctl restart homebridge
homebridge ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/journalctl --no-pager --unit=homebridge.service
homebridge ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL

$ su - homebridge
# homebridge-playstation-login

Discovered device: {
  address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 64992, size: 158 },
  hostRequestPort: 997,
  extras: {
    statusLine: '200 Ok',
    statusCode: '200',
    statusMessage: 'Ok',
    status: 'AWAKE'
  discoveryVersion: '00020020',
  systemVersion: '09510001',
  id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
  name: 'PS4-889',
  status: 'AWAKE',
  type: 'PS4'
Authenticate to PS4-889? (y/n) y
No credentials for PS4-889 and unable to request (need root permissions).
Attempting to request root permissions now (we will relinquish them as soon as possible)...
Discovered device: {
  address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 62782, size: 158 },
  hostRequestPort: 997,
  extras: {
    statusLine: '200 Ok',
    statusCode: '200',
    statusMessage: 'Ok',
    status: 'AWAKE'
  discoveryVersion: '00020020',
  systemVersion: '09510001',
  id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
  name: 'PS4-889',
  status: 'AWAKE',
  type: 'PS4'
Authenticate to PS4-889? (y/n) y
Registering with device via Second Screen.
Open the PS4 Second Screen app and attempt to connect to the device named:

Expected behavior:
Should appear in "PS4 Second Screen App" to be able to add the PS4 Homebridge device but it does not appear.

No interesting log output

Plugin Config:

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge",
        "username": "xxxxxxxxx",
        "port": 51826,
        "pin": "xxxxxxxxx",
        "advertiser": "bonjour-hap",
        "bind": [
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Config",
            "port": 8080,
            "auth": "form",
            "theme": "auto",
            "restart": "sudo -n systemctl restart homebridge",
            "tempUnits": "c",
            "lang": "auto",
            "sudo": false,
            "log": {
                "method": "custom",
                "command": "sudo /usr/bin/journalctl --no-pager --unit=homebridge.service"
            "platform": "config"
            "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation"


  • Plugin Version:
  • Homebridge Version: 1.4.0
  • Node.js Version: v16.13.1
  • NPM Version:8.3.0
  • Operating System:PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.3"

Can't add the PS5 as accessory to HomeKit

Describe Your Problem:
Can't add the PS5 into my HomeKit... When trying to add the PS5 as an Accessory.
I'm using the 111-22-333 code, and can control its state from Homebridge...


Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:
"pluginAlias": "playstation",
"pluginType": "platform",
"singular": true,
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"pollInterval": {
"title": "Poll Interval",
"type": "integer",
"default": 5000,
"description": "Determine how often should device informations be fetched (in milliseconds)"
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-01 at 15 23 50


  • Plugin Version: 1.4.2
  • Homebridge Version: 1.6.0
  • Node.js Version: 18.15.0
  • NPM Version: 9.5.0
  • Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)

Plugin without response :

Great plugin that allows you to see if a console is in rest mode or in use. Unfortunately, if it is completely off, this creates an error (without response) in Homekit. It would have been really great if the Ping does not respond the plugin interprets that as console off. I hope to see this improvement in a future update!

Configuration code ?

Hello again,
When trying to add my PS4 in HomeKit through add accessory, the PS4 is detected alright but I'm asked for the HomeKit configuration code (8-digits), what should I used?
It didn't work using the pin code provided by PS4 system in add a peripheral for remote play...

EACCES: permission denied when entering Link code


I've just got my PS5 set up and would like to add it to Homebridge/Home. I've followed your install guide and I'm getting to the final step and typing in the link code, but I'm running into the error below:

EACCES: permission denied
Did not authenticate to any consoles.

I've tried multiple times but I'm still running into the same problem. I noticed above you said to run this as a user, not as root. Could that be something I'm doing wrong? I've never run into this issue before and I'm not even sure how to run this 'as a user', if I'm not already!

I've already got the PS5 into the Home app, but it doesn't turn on/off when clicked, with the log saying:

Device PS5-981 must be awake for initial registration

I assume that's because it's not fully linked for remote play. Remote play is enabled though.

Thanks for your help,

Mode Root

Hello everyone, I need your help. I can't put my Homebridge in root mode. Could you explain to me how to proceed? Thank you for your help.

Homebridge Log says Unable to Locate Device every two minutes

Describe The Bug:
When the PS5 is in sleep mode, I get this error every two minutes in the Homebridge log:
[6/28/2022, 4:25:29 PM] [playstation] Unable to locate device: with id [xxxxxxx] (blanked out for security)

This seems to have started since the PS5 turned off at the power point while in sleep mode (unintentionally).

It is also stopping the PS5 from being able to be turned on by Homebridge. I've tried removing and readding the plugin repeatedly with no luck. I think I need to be able to fully start the authentication process over, but each time I try that it remembers it from last time and never asks for the pin. How can I get this to forget the authentication so I can start over?

To Reproduce:
Unsure, but possibly shut down PS5 incorrectly?

Expected behavior:
This log to not appear

[6/28/2022, 4:25:29 PM] [playstation] Unable to locate device: with id [xxxxxxx]

Plugin Config:

            "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation"



  • Plugin Version: 1.4.1
  • Homebridge Version: 1.5.0
  • Node.js Version: 16.15.0
  • NPM Version: ??
  • Operating System: Docker on Synology NAS

Status still ON, when PS is powered off

Hi 👋

Describe The Bug:
If the PS5 is powered off and not put into standby..
In HomeKit the device is still listed as powered on and in the logs the error occurs:
[19/04/2022, 22:17:34] [playstation] Unable to locate device: with id 78XXXX

To Reproduce:
Power the PS off

Expected behavior:
Should be shown as off in HomeKit


  • Plugin Version: 1.4.1
  • Homebridge Version: 1.4.0
  • Node.js Version: 16.x
  • NPM Version: 8.1.0
  • Operating System: Raspbian

No terminal in homebridge UI - Mac

Describe Your Problem:
Not sure how to configure playactor as I don’t have terminal access in homebridge UI as it’s installed on a Mac. How do I configure it in terminal app with homebridge user?


Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

Show your Homebridge config.json here, remove any sensitive information.



  • Plugin Version:
  • Homebridge Version:
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System:

PS5 turns on when restarting HB

My PlayStation is turning on when i’m restarting Homebridge. Then it’s becoming „no response” in homekit until i fully login to psn.

Discover PS5 device over the specified interface

Describe Your Problem:

Similar with Homebridge issue #1957, I have this setup with TWO network interface. eth0 for WAN, IP and eth1 for LAN, IP

By default, Homebridge itself is working over the WAN interface which is usually NOT what we want so it provides a parameter mDNS (or the latest bind option) to speficy the interface that you want it to work on.

Unfortunately this plugin seems to have a similar issue that the discovery process (originally playactor browse) is working over the WAN interface and it does NOT work even I bind the Homebridge interface to the correct one (LAN in my case).

Plugin Config:

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge",
        "username": "xx:xx:xx:xxx:xx:xx",
        "port": xxxxx,
        "pin": "xxx-xx-xxx",
        "advertiser": "avahi",
        "bind": [
    "platforms": [
            "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation"

I wonder if it's possible providing such an option like what Homebridge does

multiple playstations dont appear in apple home

This is a great feature.
I had to deactivate the plugin because I have a PS4 and a PS5 and I used cmdswitch2 with Playactor instead but I prefer this plugin because the PlayStation appear as set top box.
I just reactivate the plugin and deactivate cmdswitch2 to test it.
It works really fine in homebridge as my two PlayStation are discovered in homebridge accessories, and I get two messages in log at homebridge reboot that ask to add manually in homebridge, one for the PS4 and one for the PS5. In homebridge, turning on/off the PS4/PS5 works smoothly.
The problem is that they are not discovered in Apple Home...

Did i missed a step?

I remember before it was compatible with multiple PlayStation the plugin showed one of my 2 PlayStations in Apple home and I could add it...

Originally posted by @mesoblaste in #22 (comment)

Trouble getting started

I am having trouble getting started with the plugin. I am on Windows 11, and when I run the homebridge-playstation-login command, I receive only the following error:

Unable to locate device: device (any)

My PS5 is powered on and is the only PlayStation device currently on my network. Any ideas? Thanks!

Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Other Error

Describe Your Problem:
I keep receiving the message "Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Other Error" while going through the process under the Homebridge Terminal.

Any idea here?

Appreciate your help. Thanks!


pi@homebridge:/var/lib/homebridge $ homebridge-playstation-login
Discovered device: {
  address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 9302, size: 162 },
  hostRequestPort: 997,
  extras: {
    statusLine: '200 Ok',
    statusCode: '200',
    statusMessage: 'Ok',
    status: 'AWAKE'
  discoveryVersion: '00030010',
  systemVersion: '06020004',
  id: '70662AA0B52F',
  name: 'Playstation',
  status: 'AWAKE',
  type: 'PS5'
Authenticate to Playstation? (y/n) y
Connecting to <70662AA0B52F>...
Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Other Error

Discovering next device...

Plugin Config:

    "pollInterval": 5000,
    "platform": "playstation"
  • Plugin Version: v1.4.2
  • Homebridge Version: v1.5.1
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System:

[Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Invalid PSN ID]

Hi all,

I have followed all the steps in the guide, when I enter the link code displayed on the ps5 I get this error:

[Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Invalid PSN ID]

does anyone know how to fix?
thank you

added PS5 as an accessory - Unable to request credentials error

Describe Your Problem:
command not being accepted by ps5 when attempting to turn ON/OFF in Home app


[10/17/2022, 9:59:00 PM] [playstation] Unable to request credentials

Plugin Config:

 "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation"


  • Plugin Version: v1.4.2
  • Homebridge Version: v1.5.0
  • Node.js Version: v14.15.4


* **NPM Version**: 6.14.10 * **Operating System**: Windows 11 Pro

Cannot complete setup

Describe Your Problem:
I tried using the plugin and got the following errors after setup. I tried running the command 'homebridge-playstation-login' in the command prompt, but got the message shown in the screenshots. I tried installing the app on my phone, and my laptop but none could find this PlayActor being referenced. Then, after temporarily skipping this step, i used the homekit code to set it up in the app but then got the error codes described below.


[30/03/2022, 21:11:12] [playstation] Discovered device: {
address: { address: 'XXXXX', family: 'IPv4', port: XXXXX, size: 157 },
hostRequestPort: 997,
extras: {
statusLine: '200 Ok',
statusCode: '200',
statusMessage: 'Ok',
status: 'AWAKE'
discoveryVersion: '00020020',
systemVersion: '09508011',
id: '0CFE45EA5205',
name: 'My PS4',
status: 'AWAKE',
type: 'PS4'
[30/03/2022, 21:11:12] My PS4 E57F is running on port 53696.
[30/03/2022, 21:11:12] Please add [My PS4 E57F] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 363-27-611
[30/03/2022, 21:12:03] [playstation] Unable to request credentials This is when i tried to toggle the power of it in the Home app
[30/03/2022, 21:12:52] [playstation] Unable to locate device: with id 0CFE45EA5205

Plugin Config:

"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge 7B8F",
"username": "XXXXX",
"port": XXXXX,
"pin": "XXXXX"
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"name": "Config",
"port": XXXXX,
"platform": "config"
"name": "Govee",
"username": "XXXXX",
"password": "XXXXX",
"apiKey": "XXXXX",
"offlineAsOff": true,
"platform": "Govee"
"addresses": [
"name": "Jude Hamilton",
"email": "XXXXX",
"password": "XXXXX",
"platform": "HomebridgeTPLinkTapo"
"pollInterval": 5000,
"platform": "playstation"



Plugin Version: 1.4.1
Homebridge Version: 1.4.0
Node.js Version: 16.14.0
NPM Version: 8.3.1
Operating System: Windows 11 Home

Second screen unable to see PlayActor w/ Homebridge running in Docker

Describe Your Problem:
I am running homebridge in a Docker container. The second screen app cannot see any device called PlayActor and hence I cannot continue with the setup.


Nothing of importance

Plugin Config:

Nothing of importance as I fail to setup the plugin


  • Plugin Version: 1.4.1
  • Homebridge Version: 1.4.0
  • Node.js Version: 16.13.2
  • NPM Version: 8.1.2
  • Operating System: Docker

Did not authenticate to any consoles.

Hi guys,

if I use the command homebridge-playstation-login, the terminal in the HomeBridge UI gives back"Did not authenticate to any consoles.". What am I doing wrong?

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-13 um 08 37 43

Plugin Version:

  • Homebridge Version: 4.50.1
  • Node.js Version: 16.17.0
  • NPM Version: 8.19.1
  • Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux Buster (10)


Hi im using HOOBS last Update.
Im trying to figured out problem with this.
I installed pluginm register ps and after reset i have this in log.
1. 10. 2022 22:37:49Playstation BridgePS5-423 BFE7 is running on port 35647.
1. 10. 2022 22:38:04Playstation BridgeERROR(node:1076) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 message listeners added to [Socket]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
Can you help me please

How do I reset the set up for the PS5/How do I remove and re-add the PS5 following all the steps again?

Describe Your Problem:
I have followed all the steps but it tells me that my credentials are a problem. I would like to remove all my credentials if that is possible to start again from scratch. Everytime i remove the plugin and add it again, all my PS credentials are already added in.

Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

Show your Homebridge config.json here, remove any sensitive information.



  • Plugin Version:
  • Homebridge Version:
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System:

Can't add the PS5 to homekit

Hi there

So did all the steps and rightly so the PS5 is shown as a device to add in HomeKit, but when I try to enter the code it tells me its wrong.

Im using Hoobs in a box :)

Add an option to specify port or port range to use

As far as I can tell, playactor has a "bind-port" option, but it doesn't look like this plugin has any way of setting that up in the config to be passed through to the playactor library.

I'm using a firewall on my Raspberry Pi and because the plugin seems to use a completely random port, I've had to set it up to allow all ports coming from the PS5. It's not a big deal, but it would definitely be better to have the option of specifying a port to use instead.

homebridge terminal user password?

Describe Your Problem:

when running the install command in the homebridge terminal window, a password is required, even though no password is set for the homebridge user.

:/var/lib/homebridge$ homebridge-playstation-login
No credentials for PSSystem and unable to request (need root permissions).
Attempting to request root permissions now (we will relinquish them as soon as possible)...
[sudo] password for homebridge:

Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

Show your Homebridge config.json here, remove any sensitive information.



  • Plugin Version:
  • Homebridge Version:
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System: elementary Loki (0.4.1 Loki)

Never getting HomeKit Code

Describe Your Problem:
I believe I have set up the plug-in correctly; setting up the RemotePlay and enterying the pin. The logs state that it can find my PS5, but it never gives the message about Playstation 5 being discovered, but never gives the message about adding it manually to HomeKit with the Setup Code. I can go into Home App and see the Playstation as a device under "Add Excessory), but again I don't know the code.


2/28/2022, 4:50:46 PMPlaystation BridgeLoaded plugin 'homebridge-playstation'
2/28/2022, 4:50:46 PMPlaystation BridgeLoading 1 platforms...
2/28/2022, 4:50:46 PMPlaystation BridgeBridge is running on port 51866.
2/28/2022, 4:50:46 PMPlaystation BridgeplaystationDiscovered device: {
address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 9302, size: 158 },
hostRequestPort: 997,
extras: {
statusLine: '200 Ok',
statusCode: '200',
statusMessage: 'Ok',
status: 'AWAKE'
discoveryVersion: '00030010',
systemVersion: '09090001',
id: '78C8XXXXXXXX',
name: 'PS5-XXX',
status: 'AWAKE',
type: 'PS5'

Plugin Config:

"platform": "playstation",
"pollInterval": 5000



  • Plugin Version: 1.3.1
  • Homebridge Version: 1.4.0
  • Node.js Version: 16.14.0
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System: Debian

Make the Plugin HOOBS compatible

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:
I´m using Hoobs (simple interface)
There is no terminal to excecute the link to the PSN Account

Describe the solution you'd like:
It would be great to make the plugin compatible with HOOBS

Describe alternatives you've considered:
Installing Homebridge :(

Additional context:
I would love to have that simple change <3

Cannot Add PS5 - 403 Error

Describe Your Problem:
When running homebridge-playstation-login I get a 403 error.


Discovered device: {
address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 9302, size: 158 },
hostRequestPort: 997,
extras: {
statusLine: '200 Ok',
statusCode: '200',
statusMessage: 'Ok',
status: 'AWAKE'
discoveryVersion: '00030010',
systemVersion: '06500010',
name: 'PS5-834',
status: 'AWAKE',
type: 'PS5'
Authenticate to PS5-834? (y/n) y
Connecting to ...
Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Other Error

Plugin Config:
"pollInterval": 5000,
"platform": "playstation"


  • Plugin Version: 1.4.2
  • Homebridge Version: 1.6.0
  • Node.js Version: 16.18.0
  • NPM Version:8.19.2
  • Operating System: Linux Mint (Ubuntu)

setOn is locked

hi everyone, thank you for the work on the plugin.

im having 1 issue with it.

when ps5 is in sleep mode, plugin working fine for me, but when PS5 its turned on, terminal showing me.

(node:2426) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 message listeners added to [Socket]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)

and then I can't do nothing. setOn is locked and then only way its manually.

also Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Remote is already in use

it will be possible adding a button to totally turn off the PS5?


Unable to request credentials error

it shows the status of my ps5 being on or off but whenever i try to use homekit to turn it on or off it just says "Unable to request credentials"

I am very new to this and have no clue whats wrong but if I had to guess its something with playactor I don't have terminal access on homebridge on windows and I'm not sure I installed it in the correct place

Small tip. activate remote play.

Add to read me file that the first thing to do also is also active remote play.
I got errors like "403 forbidden", "other error", "setOn is locked". the issue was that I didn't notice that the remote play wasn't activated on my ps5

Change device type

Hello !

I was trying to add my PS5 to HomeKit, i found the playactor guide and then your plugin. Great work !
Is it possible to change the device type of the switch created by the plugin ?

For example, with, the Xbox shows as a "set-top-box" with a nice icon in Homebridge
Capture d’écran 2022-02-08 à 18 27 05

Thx !

PS5 remote

I've noticed this plugin also adds the playstation as a selectable device to control in the control center remote image

I can't get it to work though, am I missing something? Or is this not a supported feature?
If not, can it be added? Could be really nice as a media remote


Hi when trying to set up gettn the following error when inputting the remote play code.

Registration error: 403: Forbidden: Other Error

Settings menu

Instead of having to manually modify HomeBridge's settings file a setting menu would be great at least for the basics of setting up the first PS4.

Docker Synology DSM 7.X

Describe The Bug:

Theres no root access for the homebridge-ui

To Reproduce:

Install Docker on Synology (or choose xpenology + vbox)
Install Homebridge SPK file
Install your Plugin
Try to configure any PS

Expected behavior:

To work as written in the guide :D


bash-4.4$ homebridge-playstation-login
Discovered device: {
  address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 52088, size: 156 },
  hostRequestPort: 997,
  extras: {
    statusLine: '200 Ok',
    statusCode: '200',
    statusMessage: 'Ok',
    status: 'AWAKE'
  discoveryVersion: '00020020',
  systemVersion: '09030001',
  id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  name: 'h@xPS',
  status: 'AWAKE',
  type: 'PS4'
Authenticate to h@xPS? (y/n) y
No credentials for h@xPS and unable to request (need root permissions).
Attempting to request root permissions now (we will relinquish them as soon as possible)...

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.


And, yeah theres no account available as shown in the Syno's Description.

Plugin Config:

            "pollInterval": 5000,
            "platform": "playstation",
            "_bridge": {
                "username": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
                "port": 32374


  • Plugin Version: Latest
  • Homebridge Version: Latest
  • Node.js Version: Latest
  • NPM Version: Latest
  • Operating System: DSM 7.0.1-42218 Update 3

PS5 Connection works but always shows offline

Hello dude,

so the setup works so far, it also detects a new HomeKit Device and can be connected.#

Unfortunately it always shows me "Entity not available" so is shown as offline although the Playstation is running.

On the PS5 I get the message "Remote User connected" for a short time, then after a few seconds I get "User no longer connected".

Unfortunately I have no idea how this can be fixed

Any idea?


Here some logs from Homebridge:

[26.6.2022, 04:58:29] [playstation] Discovered device: { address: { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 9302, size: 158 }, hostRequestPort: 997, extras: { statusLine: '200 Ok', statusCode: '200', statusMessage: 'Ok', status: 'AWAKE' }, discoveryVersion: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', systemVersion: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', name: 'PS5-753', status: 'AWAKE', type: 'PS5' } [26.6.2022, 04:58:29] PS5-753 220E is running on port 44585.

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