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code-generator's Introduction


Golang code-generators used to implement Kubernetes-style API types.


These code-generators can be used

  • in the context of CustomResourceDefinition to build native, versioned clients, informers and other helpers
  • in the context of User-provider API Servers to build conversions between internal and versioned types, defaulters, protobuf codecs, internal and versioned clients and informers.



The examples above are dated. The current recommended script to use is


HEAD of this repo will match HEAD of,, and

Where does it come from?

code-generator is synced from Code changes are made in that location, merged into and later synced here.

code-generator's People


apelisse avatar cblecker avatar cici37 avatar deads2k avatar dims avatar howardjohn avatar ixdy avatar jefftree avatar jiahuif avatar jpbetz avatar justaugustus avatar k8s-publish-robot avatar k8s-publishing-bot avatar lavalamp avatar liggitt avatar madhavjivrajani avatar markusthoemmes avatar mikedanese avatar munnerz avatar nikhita avatar p0lyn0mial avatar pacoxu avatar pohly avatar roycaihw avatar skitt avatar smarterclayton avatar soltysh avatar sttts avatar thockin avatar wojtek-t avatar


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code-generator's Issues Error

When I run office example,I meet this error.Someone help me ?

sh /home/xieyd/go//src/ all v1alpha
/home/xieyd/go//src/ line 53: `codegen::join': not a valid identifier
make: *** [init] Error 2

Provide binary release of code generators

User story: As a user, I want a simple way to get executables for the code generators at a specific kubernetes release version.

go get gets the code generators at head, but the generators sometimes break backward compatibility. In order to get the code generators, I need to get the code at a specific release version and then manually build them. It would be simpler for some contributors if we provided them binary distributions of all of the code generators.

Generated files should follow golang standard for machine-generated files to avoid golint issues


Files generated by code-generator currently have a lot of issues picked up by golint. There are a few options to fix this:

  • Fix the actual lint issues in the generated code
    • This would require fixing the existing generated code and putting a process in place for the future to prevent lint issues in generated code from being merged
  • Ignore the generated files in some other way
    • This requires all users to implement their own solution to this problem
  • Follow the golang convention for machine-generated files so golint automatically skips them
    • I think this is the most appropriate solution because the golang community has standardized on it, it's trivial to implement, and it avoids adding more process

Proposed Solution

I propose that we add the following comment line just below the boilerplate header:

// Code generated by <generator-name>. DO NOT EDIT.

There are already lines similar to this generated but they do not match the desired regex, so we can just modify them. For example:✓&q=%22Do+not+edit+it+manually%22&type=Code.

After some quick poking around, this will require modifying not only code-generator but also kubernetes/gengo for example.

I've tested manually editing an auto-generated file to add this line and it does result in golint ignoring the file as expected.

I'm not very familiar with the process for auto-generated code in Kubernetes itself - would we want to re-generate all of the generated code as part of the PR for this issue?

I'm happy to take this on this weekend if we feel that it's a good solution.

glog doesn't like it when non-standard flag package is used

Note the ERROR: logging before flag.Parse:

client-gen \
>         --input-base "" \
>         --input "smith/v1" \
>         --clientset-path "" \
>         --clientset-name "clientset"

ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: F1029 14:26:52.019063   88249 client_generator.go:312] Failed loading boilerplate: open /Users/ash2k/gopath/src/ no such file or directory
goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc4264e8c60, 0xc1, 0x109)
        vendor/ +0xcf*loggingT).output(0x148ffa0, 0xc400000003, 0xc4253b5ce0, 0x146030e, 0x13, 0x138, 0x0)
        vendor/ +0x345*loggingT).printf(0x148ffa0, 0xc400000003, 0x1306ffd, 0x1e, 0xc42ad21928, 0x1, 0x1)
        vendor/ +0x14c, 0x1e, 0xc42ad21928, 0x1, 0x1)
        vendor/ +0x67, 0xc420010240, 0x12ff74b, 0x6, 0xc424dfc2a0)
        vendor/ +0xdf*GeneratorArgs).Execute(0xc420010240, 0xc420080f00, 0x12ff74b, 0x6, 0x13151b8, 0x1, 0x4)
        vendor/ +0x1d4
        vendor/ +0x65e

Provide an explicit way to tell that a package is for internal types aka allow json tags in internal types

code-generate currently uses a super unintuitive way to determine that a package is for internal types. It checks that the ObjectMeta field does not have json tag.

if member.Name == "ObjectMeta" {

This is really a bummer when you just copy the versioned types as the internal types and can't figure out why the generated code is not what it should be (and failing to compile). I just spent better part of last 6 hours trying to debug. Eventually reading the lister-gen code pointed me to right direction. Anyone having the same issue, the fix was to remove the json: tags from internal Go types.

Can explicit tag added to note that a package is internal types?

Support generating Get method custom options in genclient

We have a use-case where we pass extra options via query parameter to our EAS. We implement the GetterWithOptions interface in rest storage.

Currently there is no way to generate Get method with custom options. I am thinking supporting input arg for Get verb. Example:
// +genclient:method=Get,verb=get,

Does this sound acceptable?

Support code generation for repositories that use both CRD and EAS

I have a repo, where we only had CRDs. So, I used the script.
Now, we have added an EAS in the same repo.
Now, I have to use for all types
because I want to have a single client package.
So, I am forced to add internal types even for CRDs now.

It will be good not to have to have internal types for CRDs.

cc; @sttts

sub-informers not started if not accessed before informerFactory.Start()

I was looking at the generated informer factory code produced by code-generator, and couldn't figure out where the actual informers were being created, and found the following (sample-controller):

What this means is calling Start() before calling factory.SampleController().V1alpha1().Foo().Informer() will result in no informers being started.

While it's pretty typical to access these informers before starting them due to needing to setup resourceHandlers, it's possible a controller isn't actually using handlers, and might just be using the informers and listers as a caching mechanism, in which case, the user likely isn't directly calling the .Informer() methods at any point before accessing the lister.

Unable to use slices and maps inside anonymous structures

I'm writing a Kubernetes Controller listening on an Environment Custom Resource.

The pkg/apis/environment/v1alpha1/types.go has the following content:

package v1alpha1

import (
	meta_v1 ""

// +genclient
// +genclient:noStatus

// Environment describes an Environment resource
type Environment struct {
	meta_v1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	meta_v1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	Spec               EnvironmentSpec `json:"spec"`

// EnvironmentSpec contains the specs for an Environment resource
type EnvironmentSpec struct {
	Services []Service `json:"services"`


// EnvironmentList is a list of Environment resources
type EnvironmentList struct {
	meta_v1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	meta_v1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"`

	Items []Environment `json:"items"`

// Service describes a Service in the Environment Custom Resource
type Service struct {
	Code       string `json:"code"`
	Parameters struct {
		Foo map[string]string `json:"foo"`
		Bar int               `json:"bar"`
	} `json:"parameters"`

After running the script, I end up with a faulty pkg/apis/environment/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go file. The problem comes from this generated method:

// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (in *Service) DeepCopyInto(out *Service) {
	*out = *in

Trying to build or run this code will give me the following error

pkg/apis/environment/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go:113:15: in.Parameters.DeepCopyInto undefined (type struct { Foo map[string]string "json:\"foo\""; Bar int "json:\"bar\"" } has no field or method DeepCopyInto)

As soon as I have a Map or a Slice inside an anonymous struct included in the Parameters struct, I encounter this error.


A workaround to this is to create a named type that will contain the map. For example I refactored the Service struct like this:

// Service describes a Service in the Environment Custom Resource
type Service struct {
	Code       string `json:"code"`
	Parameters FooBar `json:"parameters"`

type FooBar struct {
	Foo map[string]string `json:"foo"`
	Bar int               `json:"bar"`

The generated func (in *Service) DeepCopyInto(out *Service) does not change, but the following 2 new methods are created:

// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (in *FooBar) DeepCopyInto(out *FooBar) {
	*out = *in
	if in.Foo != nil {
		in, out := &in.Foo, &out.Foo
		*out = make(map[string]string, len(*in))
		for key, val := range *in {
			(*out)[key] = val

// DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FooBar.
func (in *FooBar) DeepCopy() *FooBar {
	if in == nil {
		return nil
	out := new(FooBar)
	return out

And now, I don't have any issues building and running the code.

Is there a way to use maps and slices inside of anonymous func with the code-generator?

Type is not an interface, but: ""

I have a simple setup, generating a client for Pod and Pod list, yet it fails on Generating deepcopy funcs step with the following error on two different machines:

F1024 07:57:45.408268    1013 main.go:81] Error: Failed executing generator: some packages had errors:
type "" in k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces tag of type is not an interface, but: ""

I have set up the following Dockerfile, so that anybody can reproduce (in a way):

FROM golang:1.10.1-stretch

COPY . src/

RUN go get -u
RUN go get -d

RUN cp -r $GOPATH/src/ ./pkg/apis/

RUN bash -xe ./scripts/

Which results in this error message:

$ docker build -t my-client .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  31.85MB
Step 1/8 : FROM golang:1.10.1-stretch
Step 3/8 : COPY . src/
Step 4/8 : WORKDIR src/
Step 5/8 : RUN go get -u
Step 6/8 : RUN go get -d
Step 7/8 : RUN cp -r $GOPATH/src/ ./pkg/apis/
Step 8/8 : RUN bash -xe ./scripts/
+ go get -u
+ cd /go/src/
+ ./ all
Generating deepcopy funcs
F1024 11:34:42.764488     321 main.go:81] Error: Failed executing generator: some packages had errors:
type "" in k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces tag of type is not an interface, but: ""
The command '/bin/sh -c bash -xe ./scripts/' returned a non-zero code: 255

I know this might be too specific, but I'll appreciate any hints and/or help.

Hyphen as last subdomain in groupName breaks client generation

When using groupName as the client generation works.
Changing it to causes the generated clients to be broken:

Generating deepcopy funcs
Generating clientset for example:v1 at
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: F1106 07:49:42.418067   80131 main.go:69] Error: Failed executing generator: some packages had errors:
errors in package "":
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (6:6: expected 'STRING', found '-' (and 10 more errors)).

errors in package "":
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (8:6: expected 'STRING', found '-' (and 4 more errors)).

errors in package "":
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (4:10: expected 'STRING', found '-' (and 9 more errors)).
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (4:6: expected 'STRING', found '-' (and 4 more errors)).

errors in package "":
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (11:10: expected type, found '-' (and 2 mor
e errors)).
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (40:26: missing ',' in parameter list).

errors in package "":
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (16:16: expected ';', found '-' (and 1 more er
unable to format file "/Users/i068969/git/go/src/" (10:14: expected type, found '-'
(and 2 more errors)).
  • bad imports code-generatorv1 ""
  • interfaces have hyphen in them Code-generatorV1() code-generatorv1.Code-generatorV1Interface

type net.IP has no field or method DeepCopy

When generating clients for types that refer to net.IP the code generator generates invalid go code which is not able to compile. See for instance giantswarm/apiextensions#16. I am wondering how this is supposed to work. Can somebody elaborate on this? Our workaround was to rather use type string than net.IP but I feel like this should be fixed upstream. Cheers.

deepcopy: val.DeepCopyinterface undefined

The following types:

type Foo struct {
	Spec FooSpec

type FooSpec struct {
	Parameters map[string]interface{}

yield the following code:

// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (in *FooSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *FooSpec) {
	*out = *in
	if in.Parameters != nil {
		in, out := &in.Parameters, &out.Parameters
		*out = make(map[string]interface{}, len(*in))
		for key, val := range *in {
			if val == nil {
				(*out)[key] = nil
			} else {
				(*out)[key] = val.DeepCopyinterface{}()

which yields the following compiler error:

val.DeepCopyinterface undefined (type interface {} is interface with no methods

Generate json-schema from go types

When you create a CRD, it can have a schema defined using json-schema.

In the client libraries for a controller are generated from a go API definition, and CRDs are created, but there is no schema for the CRD, which means less validation.

It would be nice to generate the json-schema for the CRD from the Go types. So, this is proposing a new generator that generates json-schema for CRDs from go types.

go-to-protobuf should not always run goimports

Currently, when running go-to-protobuf, goimports and gofmt are run under the assumption that they are in the PATH. This does not always hold true. There is an option to skip-generated-rewrite, but that is said to be for debugging only.

It should be possible to run go-to-protobuf without running goimports and gofmt on the generated product, if desired. not creating lister and informer

When I invoke by specifying all generators, informers and listers are not created in my package. Logging doesn't give any indication of failures. Below is a repro for me.

Is there something I'm doing wrong in my workflow to generate and scaffold out the code for a custom resource controller?

$ GITHUB_USERNAME=trstringer
$ mkdir testcontroller
$ cd testcontroller
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/$GITHUB_USERNAME/testcontroller/pkg/apis/testresource/v1
$ echo "package v1" >> $GOPATH/src/$GITHUB_USERNAME/testcontroller/pkg/apis/testresource/v1/root.go
$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ ./ all$GITHUB_USERNAME/testcontroller/pkg/client$GITHUB_USERNAME/testcontroller/pkg/apis testresource:v1
Generating deepcopy funcs
Generating clientset for testresource:v1 at                                                           
Generating listers for testresource:v1 at                                                                                       
Generating informers for testresource:v1 at    
$ cd $GOPATH/src/$GITHUB_USERNAME/testcontroller
$ tree
└── pkg
    ├── apis
    │   └── testresource
    │       └── v1
    │           └── root.go
    └── client
        └── clientset
            └── versioned
                ├── clientset.go
                ├── doc.go
                ├── fake
                │   ├── clientset_generated.go
                │   ├── doc.go
                │   └── register.go
                ├── scheme
                │   ├── doc.go
                │   └── register.go
                └── typed
                    └── testresource
                        └── v1
                            ├── doc.go
                            ├── fake
                            │   ├── doc.go
                            │   └── fake_testresource_client.go
                            ├── generated_expansion.go
                            └── testresource_client.go

13 directories, 13 files

It's also worth mentioning that after the above repro, I modified the bash script and I added set -x at the top. I took the informer-gen and lister-gen commands and ran them manually. They both had zero return codes showing success, but the code was still not placed in the target package.

// cc @ritazh


Hey, this project looks super useful, but its still very unclear on how to utilize it. Would it be possible to get some better docs?

Support building inside Docker image

We are using code-generator Docker image to generate client etc for our controllers.

We build a docker image from this Dockerfile:

We had to make one change to the generate-*.sh scripts included in this repo is to avoid running go install. Here is the commit: kmodules@93af39d

This is what our final codegen script looks like:

My question is:

  • Can the generate*.sh add an option to not run go install?

In conversion gen if the pkg is wrong it results in nil pointer error

When using the conversion-gen tool recently, I had accidentally misspelled the package name in the comments for conversion-gen. When I ran the conversion-gen tool it gave me an error.

The command I ran was:

 conversion-gen --input-dirs --input-dirs -o ${HOME}/projects/src --go-header-file ./artifacts/boilerplate/boilerplate.go.txt -O zz_generated.conversion 

The error was

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x68 pc=0x124f4e0]

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x0, 0xc42683de60)
	/Users/kelly/work/go/src/ +0x1a0, 0xc4200a4480, 0x12ec128, 0x6, 0xc4267f9440)
	/Users/kelly/work/go/src/ +0xc4b*GeneratorArgs).Execute(0xc4200a4480, 0xc42001cdb0, 0x12ec128, 0x6, 0x12faed0, 0x12fa90b, 0x5f)
	/Users/kelly/work/go/src/ +0x1e6
	/Users/kelly/work/go/src/ +0x28c

It took quite some time to track down that the issue was I had misspelled as shown below in the package in the comment:


I tracked down the issue to the following line of code:

Changing this to the following:

	p := context.Universe[pp]
			if p == nil {
				glog.Errorf("package %s was not found", pp)

Made it much clearer what was happening. I am happy to create a PR with this change back against the main kubernetes repo, but wasn't sure if perhaps in this case it should exit instead of just log the error?

deepcopy file fails to generate if there is a missing doc.go file

While running the deepcopy file generation, there were no error msgs indicating that something fails, just the file was not generated. Took me a bit longer to figure out I forgot to create the doc.go file. I think it would be useful to error out if the doc.go file is not in the correct path. I ran the following command with no doc.go file and got the same output as when it was successful:

./ deepcopy "schedule:v1alpha1"

Generating deepcopy funcs

cc @nikhita @sttts

Imports lowercased

Several packages are lowercased during package generation. This causes import errors if, for instance, your Github account uses uppercase characters.

Some packages are also generated under lowercased paths so these packages are generated under a different directory than your project. For example my project might be in $GOPATH/src/ and code-generator will generate some files under $GOPATH/src/

Seeking advice for using deepcopy-gen

I tried to use deepcopy-gen on custom resource, but it doesn't work: 1. no xxx.deepcopy.go file was generated; 2. saw many confusing errors in log message.

Created this issue to seek help and advice for usng deepcopy-gen.

Here's what I did:

  • Add tag to my custom resource:
     // EtcdClusterList is a list of etcd clusters.
     type EtcdClusterList struct {
     	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
     	// Standard list metadata
     	// More info:
     	metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
     	Items           []EtcdCluster `json:"items"`
     type EtcdCluster struct {
     	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
     	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
     	Spec              ClusterSpec   `json:"spec"`
     	Status            ClusterStatus `json:"status"`
    For more information, check out .
  • Compile deepcopy-gen from code-generator repo at a8e1019
  • Run command:
    deepcopy-gen -i --go-header-file="$GOPATH/src/" -v=4 --logtostderr --bounding-dirs "" --output-file-base zz_generated.deepcopy

No generated file comes out.
Here's the log message:

Let me know if you need more details.

Some resources:

Make generators consumable as Bazel rules

It'd be nice to be able to use generators in a Bazel-based build as rules. E.g. a rule for client generation, a rule for deep copy functions generation, etc. Like e.g. rules_go.

/cc @ixdy doesn't like API groups that use `.` in the name

Two things, actually:

  • If I name a group, requires that the version directories be in a directory named
  • If you comply, then will try to import e.g. the v1alpha1 package as thing.k8s.iov1alpha1 "...", which is not a valid go import. gofmt then fails on the .s and everything explodes.

Support for different plural forms (feature request)

We have a custom resource with a non-s plural form (Lets say a Bison CRD) - the plural of Bison is Bison.

The API server etc all seem to handle this fine, but I can't see a tag to control this in code-gen at the moment. Right now I'm handling that by post-processing the generated code (sed -e /bisons/bison/) but this is suboptimal.

Should consumers use deepcopy-gen from here or gengo?

The implementations are clearly related, but not identical:

$ diff -ru gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen code-generator/cmd/deepcopy-gen
Only in code-generator/cmd/deepcopy-gen: args
Only in gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen: generators
Only in gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen: .gitignore
diff -ru gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen/main.go code-generator/cmd/deepcopy-gen/main.go
--- gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen/main.go	2018-09-18 15:00:39.748725576 -0700
+++ code-generator/cmd/deepcopy-gen/main.go	2018-09-18 14:54:36.693265814 -0700
@@ -16,21 +16,16 @@
 // deepcopy-gen is a tool for auto-generating DeepCopy functions.
-// Given a list of input directories, it will generate DeepCopy and DeepCopyInto
-// methods that efficiently perform a full deep-copy of each type. If these
-// already exist (are predefined by the developer), they are used instead of
-// generating new ones.
+// Given a list of input directories, it will generate functions that
+// efficiently perform a full deep-copy of each type.  For any type that
+// offers a `.DeepCopy()` method, it will simply call that.  Otherwise it will
+// use standard value assignment whenever possible.  If that is not possible it
+// will try to call its own generated copy function for the type, if the type is
+// within the allowed root packages.  Failing that, it will fall back on
+// `conversion.Cloner.DeepCopy(val)` to make the copy.  The resulting file will
+// be stored in the same directory as the processed source package.
-// If interfaces are referenced in types, it is expected that corresponding
-// DeepCopyInterfaceName methods exist, e.g. DeepCopyObject for runtime.Object.
-// These can be predefined by the developer or generated through tags, see below.
-// They must be added to the interfaces themselves manually, e.g.
-//   type Object interface {
-//     ...
-//     DeepCopyObject() Object
-//   }
-// All generation is governed by comment tags in the source.  Any package may
+// Generation is governed by comment tags in the source.  Any package may
 // request DeepCopy generation by including a comment in the file-comments of
 // one file, of the form:
 //   // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package
@@ -40,44 +35,45 @@
 //   // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
 // When generating for a whole package, individual types may opt out of
-// DeepCopy generation by specifying a comment on the type definition of the form:
+// DeepCopy generation by specifying a comment on the of the form:
 //   // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false
-// Additional DeepCopyInterfaceName methods can be generated by sepcifying a
-// comment on the type definition of the form:
-//   //,
-// This leads to the generation of DeepCopyObject and DeepCopyList with the given
-// interfaces as return types. We say that the tagged type implements deepcopy for the
-// interfaces.
-// The deepcopy funcs for interfaces using "+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces" use the pointer
-// of the type as receiver. For those special cases where the non-pointer object should
-// implement the interface, this can be done with:
-//   // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:nonpointer-interfaces=true
+// Note that registration is a whole-package option, and is not available for
+// individual types.
 package main
 import (
-	""
-	""
+	"flag"
+	"path/filepath"
+	""
+	""
+	generatorargs ""
+	""
 func main() {
-	arguments := args.Default()
+	genericArgs, customArgs := generatorargs.NewDefaults()
 	// Override defaults.
-	arguments.OutputFileBaseName = "deepcopy_generated"
+	// TODO: move this out of deepcopy-gen
+	genericArgs.GoHeaderFilePath = filepath.Join(args.DefaultSourceTree(), util.BoilerplatePath())
-	// Custom args.
-	customArgs := &generators.CustomArgs{}
-	pflag.CommandLine.StringSliceVar(&customArgs.BoundingDirs, "bounding-dirs", customArgs.BoundingDirs,
-		"Comma-separated list of import paths which bound the types for which deep-copies will be generated.")
-	arguments.CustomArgs = customArgs
+	genericArgs.AddFlags(pflag.CommandLine)
+	customArgs.AddFlags(pflag.CommandLine)
+	flag.Set("logtostderr", "true")
+	pflag.CommandLine.AddGoFlagSet(flag.CommandLine)
+	pflag.Parse()
+	if err := generatorargs.Validate(genericArgs); err != nil {
+		glog.Fatalf("Error: %v", err)
+	}
 	// Run it.
-	if err := arguments.Execute(
+	if err := genericArgs.Execute(
Only in gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen: Makefile
Only in gengo/examples/deepcopy-gen: output_tests

If this repository is supposed to be the canonical home, I'd expect the tests to move over here and all of examples/deepcopy-gen to be removed from gengo (to be replaced with a link pointing at this repo, if folks wanted an example of gengo in action?). As it stands, I'm not clear if I should be recommending:

$ go get -u


$ go get -u

Inconsistency of generated informers and the rest when CRD names ends in "s" and if CRD name has capital letters within the word

For example:
if crd kind singualr is kinesis ->> the generated code for informers becomes kinesises , it automatically try to "correct" the word by adding an "e", but they keep kinesiss for the rest of the generated code. The crd requires plural is just adding a s to singular in order to properly create it in the k8s master. So I cannot fix one without failing the other.

Another example:
If my crd is called dyanmodbtable but in pkg/api/xxx/v1alpha../types.go.
the struct I called it DynamoDbTable, again generated informers will use “DynamodbTableList” to register informers and listers. Note that is gets put "D"bTable as "d"btable.
error message when starting controller:
*v1alpha1.DynamoDbTable: no kind “DynamodbTableList” is registered for version

Steps to invooke code-generater
rm -rf vendor/
git clone vendor/
cd vendor/ && git checkout tags**/kubernetes-1.9.0**

Why are we autocorrect types all the time? If so, can we make it consistent so that when create the crd on k8s, it errors out? Or better yet, fails the code-generation if the naming fails some rules. IT is not obvious and hard to debug.

Feature Request: Add the ability to support gomock go:gen comments?

It would be handy if there were mocks of the generated interfaces from these generators. Seems like it would not be a huge deal to add given that these are already autogenerated.



package doer

//go:generate mockgen -destination=../mocks/mock_doer.go -package=mocks Doer

type Doer interface {
    DoSomething(int, string) error


go modules support

The generators insist on putting generated code into the GOPATH, rather than relative to the local directory the tool is running in.

For the simplest use case of generating code for a single controller, it seems like it should be possible to support building/generating outsisde of a GOPATH, using go modules. It's not clear to me what other use cases this tool supports, and/or if using it outside of GOPATH makes sense (hopefully it can, as I think GOPATH's long term support is in question)


As per the email sent to kubernetes-dev[1], please create a SECURITY_CONTACTS

The template for the file can be found in the kubernetes-template repository[2].
A description for the file is in the steering-committee docs[3], you might need
to search that page for "Security Contacts".

Please feel free to ping me on the PR when you make it, otherwise I will see when
you close this issue. :)

Thanks so much, let me know if you have any questions.

(This issue was generated from a tool, apologies for any weirdness.)


Why not generate defaulters in

I'm writing a CRD that uses defaulters. The documentation for states that it can generate defaulters (the generators comma separated to run (deepcopy,defaulter,client,lister,informer) or "all".) but it doesn't actually.

Is this intentional? Defaulters do get generated for internal types, but I haven't seen a clear definition of internal versus external so I don't know what types should be internal, or why defaulters (and conversions) only apply to internal types.

Support auto configuring code generators with meta code-generator cmd

User story: As a contributor, I would like to run the set of of supported code-generators against a project following the Kubernetes code structure and conventions without having to manually configure each of them and understand each of their specific semantics.

Background: The code-generator repo has a dozen different code generator commands. Each of the code generator commands takes a different set of flags derived from the directories present in the project. Configure each code generator for every new project or API extension should not be necessary. Instead, we should automatically configure each code generator based which directories are present.

Proof of concept implemented here

How to use go-to-protobuf

I would like to generate proto files for my kubernetes CRDs using go-to-protobuf. I tried to look int to the main Kubernetes repo and could not figure out how to do that. Can you give me some pointers on how to generate protobuf file from the hand written GO CRD types.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

EvalSymlinks: too many links

I'm getting an EvalSymlinks: too many links error when trying to generate a client:

CODEGEN_PKG=../../../ hack/

on this repo.

While looking into this, it seems that the error happens when generating code for the fake package:

❯ env CODEGEN_PKG=../../../ hack/
Generating deepcopy funcs
path /home/asymmetric/code/go/src/
Generating clientset for habitat:v1beta1 at
path /home/asymmetric/code/go/src/
path /home/asymmetric/code/go/src/
path /home/asymmetric/code/go/src/
EvalSymlinks: too many links

(Note: I added the debugging statement that prints path).

This seems to be happening here, which is called indirectly as part of the client code generation.

❯ uname -omr
4.13.0-37-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux

Not sure if this helps, let me know if you need additional info or if I should open the issue on gengo or kubernetes.

Disable to generate "Resource"SpecList and "Resource"SpecExpansion

During the code-generation process, the following interface is created

// TeamSpecInterface has methods to work with TeamSpec resources.
type TeamSpecInterface interface {
	Create(*v1.TeamSpec) (*v1.TeamSpec, error)
	Update(*v1.TeamSpec) (*v1.TeamSpec, error)
	Delete(name string, options *metav1.DeleteOptions) error
	DeleteCollection(options *metav1.DeleteOptions, listOptions metav1.ListOptions) error
	Get(name string, options metav1.GetOptions) (*v1.TeamSpec, error)
	List(opts metav1.ListOptions) (*v1.TeamSpecList, error)
	Watch(opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
	Patch(name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, subresources ...string) (result *v1.TeamSpec, err error)

using this type + tags description

import (
	meta_v1 ""

// +genclient
// +genclient:noStatus

// Team describes a Team
type Team struct {
	meta_v1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	meta_v1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec   TeamSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`

// TeamSpec defines the spec for a Team resource
type TeamSpec struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Description  string `json:"description"`
	Size         int    `json:"size,omitempty"`


// TeamList is a list of Team resources
type TeamList struct {
	meta_v1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	meta_v1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"`

	Items []Team `json:"items"`

When I run the main.go file, then these errors are reported

go run main.go                                                                                                        
pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/team/v1/teamspec.go:43:34: undefined: "".TeamSpecList
pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/team/v1/teamspec.go:46:2: undefined: TeamSpecExpansion
pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/team/v1/teamspec.go:77:60: undefined: "".TeamSpecList

Is there a way to tell to the generator to avoid to generate such v1.TeamSpecList, TeamSpecExpansion ?

Generator only works if is in the $GOPATH

Whenever I attempt to run , but constantly get the below stacktrace.

Generating deepcopy funcs
F1104 02:57:44.419529      35 main.go:79] Error: Failed executing generator: some packages had errors:
type "" in k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces tag of type is not an interface, but: ""
goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc42012b080, 0x104, 0x15a)
        /go/src/ +0xa7*loggingT).output(0x83eb60, 0xc400000003, 0xc4200cf1e0, 0x81ea9f, 0x7, 0x4f, 0x0)
        /go/src/ +0x348*loggingT).printf(0x83eb60, 0x3, 0x6ebfc7, 0x9, 0xc4200e7f48, 0x1, 0x1)
        /go/src/ +0x14f, 0x9, 0xc4200e7f48, 0x1, 0x1)
        /go/src/ +0x67
        /go/src/ +0x253

I created a simple test case using a Dockerfile below, using the sample-controller example, which replicates the problem.

FROM golang:1.9.2

ENV PATH=$PATH:/go/bin
RUN go get -u
RUN go get -d
RUN mkdir -p /go/src/ && touch /go/src/
RUN CODEGEN_PKG=/go/src/ /go/src/


UpdateStatus error: the server could not find the requested resource

I've customized a CRD object

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  version: v1alpha1
    kind: GoodJob
    plural: goodjobs
  scope: Namespaced

my code:

_, err := clientset.GoodjobV1alpha1().GoodJobs(newGoodjob.Namespace).Get(goodjob.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
	log.Printf("get GoodJob error, error: %s", err.Error())
_, err = clientset.GoodjobV1alpha1().GoodJobs(newGoodjob.Namespace).UpdateStatus(goodjob)
if err != nil {
	log.Printf("update GoodJob status error, error: %s", err.Error())

i can Get it, but update status get an error: the server could not find the requested resource (put test)


2018/07/08 00:01:29 old ---> {"kind":"GoodJob","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"name":"test","namespace":"good-job","selfLink":"/apis/","uid":"8aa1eea4-81f2-11e8-8d5d-00163e0c1991","resourceVersion":"15617721","creationTimestamp":"2018-07-07T14:32:14Z","annotations":{"":"{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"GoodJob\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"test\",\"namespace\":\"good-job\"},\"spec\":{\"shard\":{\"shards\":[\"1-3\",\"4-6\",\"7-9\"],\"type\":\"config\"},\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"name\":\"test\"}}},\"status\":{\"status\":1}}\n"}},"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"name":"test","creationTimestamp":null},"template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}}},"shard":{"type":"config","template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}},"shards":["1-3","4-6","7-9"]},"parallel":0},"status":{"status":1,"pipeline":"","shards":null,"successes":null,"fails":null,"logs":null}}
2018/07/08 00:01:29 new ---> {"metadata":{"name":"test","namespace":"good-job","selfLink":"/apis/","uid":"8aa1eea4-81f2-11e8-8d5d-00163e0c1991","resourceVersion":"15617866","creationTimestamp":"2018-07-07T14:32:14Z","annotations":{"":"{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"GoodJob\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"test\",\"namespace\":\"good-job\"},\"spec\":{\"shard\":{\"shards\":[\"1-3\",\"4-6\",\"7-9\"],\"type\":\"config\"},\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"name\":\"test\"}}},\"status\":{\"status\":0}}\n"}},"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"name":"test","creationTimestamp":null},"template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}}},"shard":{"type":"config","template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}},"shards":["1-3","4-6","7-9"]},"parallel":0},"status":{"status":0,"pipeline":"","shards":null,"successes":null,"fails":null,"logs":null}}
2018/07/08 00:01:34 old ---> {"metadata":{"name":"test","namespace":"good-job","selfLink":"/apis/","uid":"8aa1eea4-81f2-11e8-8d5d-00163e0c1991","resourceVersion":"15617866","creationTimestamp":"2018-07-07T14:32:14Z","annotations":{"":"{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"GoodJob\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"test\",\"namespace\":\"good-job\"},\"spec\":{\"shard\":{\"shards\":[\"1-3\",\"4-6\",\"7-9\"],\"type\":\"config\"},\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"name\":\"test\"}}},\"status\":{\"status\":0}}\n"}},"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"name":"test","creationTimestamp":null},"template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}}},"shard":{"type":"config","template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}},"shards":["1-3","4-6","7-9"]},"parallel":0},"status":{"status":0,"pipeline":"","shards":null,"successes":null,"fails":null,"logs":null}}
2018/07/08 00:01:34 new ---> {"metadata":{"name":"test","namespace":"good-job","selfLink":"/apis/","uid":"8aa1eea4-81f2-11e8-8d5d-00163e0c1991","resourceVersion":"15617874","creationTimestamp":"2018-07-07T14:32:14Z","annotations":{"":"{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"GoodJob\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"test\",\"namespace\":\"good-job\"},\"spec\":{\"shard\":{\"shards\":[\"1-3\",\"4-6\",\"7-9\"],\"type\":\"config\"},\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"name\":\"test\"}}},\"status\":{\"status\":1}}\n"}},"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"name":"test","creationTimestamp":null},"template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}}},"shard":{"type":"config","template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"containers":null}},"shards":["1-3","4-6","7-9"]},"parallel":0},"status":{"status":1,"pipeline":"","shards":null,"successes":null,"fails":null,"logs":null}}
2018/07/08 00:14:12 update GoodJob status error, error: the server could not find the requested resource (put test)

Add ability to create binary versions of k8s/code-generator helpers

Currently, given that there is no good option to run code generators in a go modules environment and given the need for some people to run the code generators in a minimal environment, some type of build script should be ideally available for this task to create portable binary runners.

Relevant go mod Issue: kubernetes/kubernetes#67566
Related issue: (closed for age): #15

I intend to have a PR open for this today

/kind feature
/sig api-machinery

Autogenerate register.go files

Looking at register.go - it looks like these could be generated via this tool as well.

When implementing a CRD it's not very clear what to put in these files, and a simple copy paste from the sample-controller with minor edits works, but it seems like this could be easily solved via code generation, which would also solve the documentation issue.

Extra context:

Friction log:

lister.go:78] unable to find ObjectMeta for any types in package

When I run the following command

go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/

on this project -

I get this error

Generating deepcopy funcs
Generating clientset for team:v1 at
Generating listers for team:v1 at
F0704 21:12:08.493297    2640 lister.go:78] unable to find ObjectMeta for any types in package

Failed making a parser

I'm trying to create a brand new apiserver using code-generator. So I create an empty golang project, and add this project into vendor

mkdir ${GOPATH}/src/
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
glide init
glide get

then I try to generator the code as follow

vendor/ \
all \ \ \

but got the error

Generating deepcopy funcs
F0910 19:18:35.552948   12153 main.go:81] Error: Failed making a parser: unable to add directory "": unable to import "": cannot find package "" in any of:
        /Users/sunxia/gocode/src/ (vendor tree)
        /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/sunxia/gocode/src/ (from $GOPATH)

and if I create the direcotry /Users/sunxia/gocode/src/ then the error change to

Generating deepcopy funcs
F0910 19:19:51.352507   12172 main.go:81] Error: Failed making a parser: unable to add directory "": No files for pkg "": map[parser.importPathString][]parser.parsedFile{}

Can someone tell me what's going wrong? thx a lot!

Cannot set namespace of informers created by informer factory

Currently the generated code outputs an interface like this:

// Interface provides access to all the informers in this group version.
type Interface interface {
	// Foos returns a FooInformer.
	Foos() FooInformer
	// Bars returns a BarInformer.
	Bars() BarInformer
	// FooBars returns a FooBarInformer.
	FooBars() FooBarInformer

These informers return an interface like this:

type FooInformer interface {
	Informer() cache.SharedIndexInformer
	Lister() v1alpha1.FooLister

However there is no way to specify you want an informer restricted to a particular namespace. The only alternative seems to be to use the method NewFooInformer constructor, but then I'm creating all my Informers and Listers myself.

conversion-gen shouldn't import kubernetes packages by default

If the project doesn't include dependency on kubernetes/kubernetes repo, the conversion-gen ends with panic (see #7), because by default it includes packages from this repo: conversion-gen/main.go#L59

The workaround is to pass the --extra-peer-dirs flag with explicit list of packages, but it doesn't feel right - either this flag should be mandatory, or the default package list should be minimal.

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