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laravel-menu's Issues

Problem with Bootstrap 3.

I use Bootstrap 3, but have problem when render (display don't correct).

<div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
          {{ $MenuName->asBootstrap() }}

Custom "active"

Currently it will use the class "active" if an element is active as defined in

Menu/Item.php on line 354:

$this->attributes['class'] = Builder::formatGroupClass(array('class' => 'active'), $this->attributes);

However many template use a different class, for example nav-active

Could you please add a config value to customize it?

Thank you very much.

Error add menu with action

I tried to add menu with action but always return Exception with message "Route [HomeController@getIndex] not defined." though its already defined.

This problem occurs when I put menu definition outside routes.php, I put it in app/menus.php which actually loaded by start/global.php

Error during removing

I was in need to remove this package. I tried with the command composer remove lavary/laravel-menu but throwing error:
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'Lavary\\Menu\\ServiceProvider' not found","file":"\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Foundation\/ProviderRepository.php","line":157}}Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error

cleaner way to check if logged in?

Hey because you are superman.. =)
Is there a cleaner better way to achieve this:

Menu::make('loginNav', function($menu){

    $menu->add(trans('login.login'), array('route'  => 'login'))
            ->meta('loggedIn', false);
    $menu->add(trans('login.register'), array('route'  => 'register'))
            ->meta('loggedIn', false);
    $menu->add(trans('login.logout'), 'todo')
            ->meta('loggedIn', true);
    $menu->add('Name', 'services')
            ->meta('loggedIn', true);

})->filter(function($item) {
        if($item->meta('loggedIn')) {
            return Sentry::check();
        return !Sentry::check();

PS: i like opening issues for you =) haha

Many inconsistencies

I was looking for a menu for Laravel 5 and I found this one.
Unfortunately the documentation and the branches do not match, so after a few hours making this work I had to quit.
Can anyone point me to the correct installation for the latest updated and working package?
I also want to encourage you to review the documentation because many of the examples do not work (anymore), and this will confuse of course everyone wanting to use it.

This will be a pity, seen the work has been made to develop it

Any help will be appreciated.



Set active state on specific url

Can I set somehow active state for specific url? I mean, if I click on "articles" in menu, then I choose an article, which url is like "/this-is-the-title/56" , so by default laravel-menu won't find the active menu with the help of current url, but the article contained by the articles menu item, so that should be active in my case.

Sub Menu - CSS Class

I need a set class for sub menu ul

    <li  class="navbar navbar-home" id="home"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
    <li  data-role="navigation" class="navbar navbar-about dropdown"><a href="#">About</a>

     // Need to set <ul class='submenu'>
           <li><a href="#>Who we are?</a></li>
           <li><a href="#">What we do?</a></li>

    <li><a href="services">Services</a></li>
    <li><a href="contact">Contact</a></li>

There is no asBootstrap

I may miss something, but I can't seem to find such method.
When calling it from my code there is no output, and I can't seem to understand what it's supposed to do. I'm curious because I'm using bootstrap.

Specify menu depth

Is it possible to specify a menu depth?
Like Menu::get('mainnav')->maxdepth(1) for showing only the top navigation.

get all menu instances

Is there a way i can get all menu's i made with Menu::make these are the Builder.php Classes i think..?

REST url parameters in routes.php


How to get the current parameters in routes.php?
for example. I'm in project/1 and I want a sidemenu where the link project/1/locations is defined.

I've got this:

Route::resource('project', 'ProjectsController', array('only' => array('show')));
Route::resource('project.locations', 'LocationsController');

Menu::make('sidemenu-project', function($menu) {
$menu->add('Locaties', array('route' => 'project.locations.index','{project?}'))->data('id',1)->prepend(' ');

Divider Rendering not working b/c Encoding

the item.blade.php should use this:

<li{!! Lavary\Menu\Builder::attributes($item->divider) !!}></li>

instead of

<li{{ Lavary\Menu\Builder::attributes($item->divider) }}></li>

How to create a link to #

Is there a way that I'm missing to create a link to # as in literally <a href="#"> as currently using 'url' => '#' ends up as because $link->url() calls $this->url->to($prefix . '/' . $url, array(), $secure) which then /# becomes the current site. This can cause different behavior than simply #.

Why does add use push?

Why does builder->add use collection->push?

This means each time you add an item, it's being prepended to the menu.


Logically if you add two items, you'd expect the first item to be first. But, using push means the first item is last, and the second item is first.

It seems like the add function should simply call $this->items[] = $item; so that they're added in order.

Perhaps you were looking for a function to add an item to the collection's items array and only saw push? Since it implements ArrayAccess, you can simply use $col[] = ...; to append an item to the array, rather than pushing/unshifting it.

Config file issues

After hitting issues with the facade ( I tried calling the the code below and received an error. I've seen similar errors in the past which has been down to Laravel having issues with multiple config files (on certain systems at random). The package/service provider/facade are all installed as per the docs, I'm running windows/WAMP.

My code:

    $menu = new Menu;
    $menu->make('MyNavBar', function($menu){
      $menu->add('Home',     array('route'  => ''));

The error:

Undefined index: default 
here: โ€ฆ\vendor\lavary\laravel-menu\src\Lavary\Menu\Menu.php 63

It seems as though the config is not loading, I've tried dumping the $options array from a line 56 in Menu.php and this returns:

 array (size=0)

Option for render Bootstrap menu only with ul li classes

I know i could publish the views and overwrite them, but anyway an option would be nice.

Reason: you're menu is like default rendered on the left side in the navbar, but what if i want to add other stuff like login, or second menu in the right side of the navbar..

Load Menu from Other Package


Here's my scenario, in my package i've created file menus.php


Menu::make('adminMenu', function($menu) {

    $menu->add('Dashboard', route('admin.home'))->prepend('<i class="fa fa-dashboard fa-fw"></i> ');
    $menu->add('Settings', 'settings')->prepend('<i class="fa fa-cogs fa-fw"></i> ');

    // sample dropdown
    $menu->add('Dropdown', '#')
        ->prepend('<i class="fa fa-sitemap fa-fw"></i>')
        ->append(' <span class="fa arrow"></span>');

        $dropdown   = $menu->get('dropdown');

        $dropdown->add('Second Level Item', '#');
        $dropdown->add('Second Level Item', '#');
        $dropdown->add('Third Level', '#')->append(' <span class="fa arrow"></span>');

            $thirdLevel = $menu->get('thirdLevel');

            $thirdLevel->add('Third Level Item', '#');
            $thirdLevel->add('Third Level Item', '#');
            $thirdLevel->add('Third Level Item', '#');


and load them from my ServiceProvider inside boot() method by calling

// include package menus.php
include __DIR__ . '/../../menus.php';

Then call it as usually from my view, but then i get this error


Seems like in boot() method, Menu package not loaded yet.. so my question how to make this work? do you have idea where to save menu builder instead using menus.php like i did?

Here's my files stucture



Very custom menu

Hi. I create a custom template, but still cant reproduce needed markup:

<ul class="sidebar-menu">
        <li class="active">
            <a href="index.html">
                <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Dashboard</span>
            <a href="pages/widgets.html">
                <i class="fa fa-th"></i> <span>Widgets</span> <small class="badge pull-right bg-green">new</small>
        <li class="treeview">
            <a href="#">
                <i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i>
                <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i>
            <ul class="treeview-menu">
                <li><a href="pages/charts/morris.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Morris</a></li>
                <li><a href="pages/charts/flot.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Flot</a></li>
                <li><a href="pages/charts/inline.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Inline charts</a></li>
        <li class="treeview">
            <a href="#">
                <i class="fa fa-laptop"></i>
                <span>UI Elements</span>
                <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i>
            <ul class="treeview-menu">
                <li><a href="pages/UI/general.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> General</a></li>
                <li><a href="pages/UI/icons.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Icons</a></li>
                <li><a href="pages/UI/buttons.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Buttons</a></li>
                <li><a href="pages/UI/sliders.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Sliders</a></li>
                <li><a href="pages/UI/timeline.html"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> Timeline</a></li>

How send icon title for "i" element before item "title"?

My custom template:

@foreach($items as $item)
    <li@lm-attrs($item) @if($item->hasChildren()) class="treeview" @endif @lm-endattrs>
        <a href="{{ $item->url() }}">
            <span>{{ $item->title }}</span>
            @if($item->hasChildren()) <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i> @endif
            <ul class="treeview-menu">
                @include('admin.blocks.sidebar-menu-items', array('items' => $item->children()))

Add "Active" function from pattern in the 1.4.x branch

I Lavary,
I noticed that you have extended the "active" function with the pattern recognition but you've done that only for the master branch which is only compatible with Laravel 5.
Could you please add this possibility to the 1.4 branch for the Laravel 4 users ?
Thanks for your great job and sorry for my broken english.

can't add second menu

Sorry for spamming you =)
but if i do:

Menu::make('mainNav', function($menu){
    $menu->add('Home',     '');
    $menu->add('About',    'about');
    $menu->add('services', 'services');
    $menu->add('Contact',  'contact');

Menu::make('loginNav', function($menu){
    $menu->add('Login',     '');
    $menu->add('Logout',    'about');
    $menu->add('Name', 'services');

I get Call to a member function asBootstrap() on a non-object
am i doing something wrong?

Array to string conversion Error

Hi, when I'm trying to add menu to view I'm getting this error:
Array to string conversion in /vendor/lavary/laravel-menu/src/Lavary/Menu/Builder.php line 557

here is my code:

Menu::make('menu_front', function ($menu) {

    $menu->add('Login', 'login');
    if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->isAdmin()) $menu->add('Admin', 'admin');



{!! Menu::get('menu_front')->asUl() !!}


{!! $menu_front->asUl() !!}

I use latest version 1.5.1 and laravel 5.1.10

PS: Laravel from v5.1 moved to spaces indents, I think it's good to change coding style here as well.

Is it possible to have active items for resource items?

I have a resource 'customers'. I created a menu with a link in it that links to CustomersController@index. When I click a link in my customer.index route which links to an edit page (customer.edit) the customers menu item doesn't get highlighted.

Would it be possible to make a menu-item also active when it matches the current url even if the current url has some extra paths? For example in this case:

  • menu item = /customers
  • current url = /customers/2

Or maybe add an option to a new menu item to match by regex of match by controller?

Build breadcrumbs based on active path

Hello, and thanks you for such great packaged!

But I can't find any easy way to build breadcrumbs based on active path.

Let's say we have following menu structure:

$menu->add('Dashboard', ['action' => 'DashboardController@showDashboardPage']);

$menu->add('Push Notifications');
$menu->pushNotifications->add('Overview', ['action' => 'Controller@ActionA']);
$menu->pushNotifications->add('Create Campaign', ['action' => 'Controller@Action B']);

So I want to build breadcrubms like so:

  • When on dashboard page: Home > Dashboard.
  • When on overview page: Home > Push Notifications > Overview.
  • When on create campaign page: Home > Push Notifications > Create Campaign.

I'm pretty sure I've read all documentation, but I can't find how to do this right now. Is this possible?

ErrorException in Builder.php line 577 : Array to string conversion

I'm trying to create a menu, according to the documentation, but always obtain the following error : "Array to string conversion" when i'm trying to print it on the view.
I tried to access the menu with the asUl method {!! Menu::get('MyNavBar')->asUl() !!} and with the custom menu template in a separate view but always got this issue.
Laravel version is 5.1.
A little help would be appreciated :)
Thank in advance.

What changes are needed to work with Laravel 4.2?


I'm running Laravel 4.2.3 and after adding the lavary\laravel-menu package and registering the alias and service provider I get the following error with simply adding this to my route.php

Menu::make('MyNavBar', function($menu){
    $menu->add('Home', '');

Argument 3 passed to Lavary\Menu\Menu::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\View\Environment, instance of Illuminate\View\Factory given, called in /webroot/vendor/lavary/laravel-menu/src/Lavary/Menu/ServiceProvider.php on line 32 and defined

When I try it on Laravel 4.1.30 it works just fine without any errors. Is there anything I can try to resolve this work on 4.2?



Unique title overriding

$menu->add('Companies', 'companies');
$menu->companies->add('New', 'companies/new');
$menu->companies->add('All', 'companies/all');

$menu->add('Users', 'users');
$menu->users->add('New', 'users/new');
$menu->users->add('All', 'users/all');

$menu->all->link->['foo' => 'bar']);

The title property is used to define the item object.

In the above use case, the item's link attribute is setting for both companies->all and users->all.

Is this intended, a bug, or am I blatantly missing something?

New Menu Layout

It would be nice to have the ability to show the menu horizontal. I have an application that I am rewriting in Laravel and need to have the menu go across the top. The menu system I have uses a hidden table for the layout but there maybe a better way to do it. I looked at doing it using CSS but with the list tags, I am not sure how a horizontal menu would work.


Specify the id of the item manually

Would be interesting to set the id of the item manually, it would facilitate the creation of submenus using the method find, so for example, I could set the id of the item by the same id of a record in a database table.

For example:

$menu->add("Item title", "Item ID", $options);

In this case the id of the item could be optional, if not passed, would be set automatically as currently occurs.

Permissions issue in sub-links

Menu::make('LandingPageMenu', function ($menu) {

$menu->add('Services', ['url' =>'services', 'class' => 'dropdown']);
$menu->services->data('permission', 'services_permission');

})->filter(function ($item) {
$permissions = ['services_permission'];

if (in_array($item->data('permission'), $permissions)) {
    return true;

return false;


Maybe it is a silly question i need some directions here.
I added to Services link a permission but sub-links aren't displayed in the menu.
Is there a way to inherit the permissions from the main link or do i need to set up for each sub-link?

Location of setting up your menu


Nice work on this package! One thing is a bit odd though. The readme advices people to include the setting up of your menu in your routes.php or in global.php , but to me that sounds like overkill. It seems to me this would be slightly better:

If you have some master template, put in the top

<?php require app_path() . '/views/menubuilder.php'; ?> 

There you build your menu. This way you won't unneccesarily pollute API calls with your menu building which you'll never use in those calls.

current or active route..

didn't search for it, but anyway a built in solution for current or active menu-item would be great...

An really this one is the best menu Builder for Laravel out there !! Thanks for making it =)

Facade not working

I've installed the latest package (using composer), and have added the service provider and facade as per the docs (including to my local config file. When I run the following code, I get the error listed below:

    Menu::make('MyNavBar', function($menu){
      $menu->add('Home',     array('route'  => ''));


  Non-static method Lavary\Menu\Menu::make() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context 

The error links to the first line of the code above.

It seems that the facade isn't working quite like it should, I've had a look but I'm not familiar enough with creating facades to see an issue.

I'm working on windows/WAMP if that makes any difference?

doesnt play nice with prefix

I have the following routes:

    Route::group(array( 'prefix' => Localization::setLocale(), 'before' => 'auth'), function()
        Route::get('/', ['as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'indexController@index']);
        Route::get('lorem/', ['as' => 'business-index', 'uses' => 'LoremController@index']);
        Route::get('lorem/{slug}-{id}', ['as' => 'lorem-page', 'uses' => 'LoremController@pageView'])
            ->where(['slug' => '[a-z0-9-]+', 'id' => '[0-9]+']);
        Route::get('ipsum', ['as' => 'ipsum-index', 'uses' => 'IpsumController@index']);


and the menu:

    Menu::make('loremipsum', function($menu){
        $menu->add('index', ['route' => 'home']);
        $menu->add('lorem', ['route' => 'lorem-index']);
        $menu->add('ipsum, ['route' => 'ipsum-index']);
        Event::fire('menuTop', $menu);

The prefix comes from the laravel-localization package. (can prefix en, nl, de et cetera)

Now when visiting, the index link also lights up! What am I doing wrong?

addition of ->neverActive()

I have a language switcher to URL/en/ and that language switcher should never be active, not should its parent for example.

Maybe an implemenation of neverActive() would be an option?

Don't work on windows

on my mac it work's totaly fine but on my pc the menu dont include.

also the bootstrap menu Settings

is null an
when i include the view without the Settings:

@include('laravel-menu::bootstrap-navbar-items', array('items' => $MainMenuRight->roots()))

it also don't work and in both cases it don't create's an new view Cache in storage.

Incorrect Syntax in doccumentaion page

hey, i think you miss write the docs page at prefixing

so here is the code

add('Home', array('route' => '', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-home', 'id' => 'home')); $menu->add('About', array('url' => 'about', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-about dropdown')); // URL: /about $menu->group(array('prefix' => 'about') function($m){ ``` $about->add('Who we are?', 'who-we-are'); // URL: about/who-we-are $about->add('What we do?', 'what-we-do'); // URL: about/what-we-do ``` } $menu->add('Contact', 'contact'); }); ?>

and it should be

add('Home', array('route' => '', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-home', 'id' => 'home')); $menu->add('about', array('url' => 'about', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-about dropdown')); // URL: /about $menu->group(array('prefix' => 'about'), function($m){ ``` $m->about->add('Who we are?', 'who-we-are'); // URL: about/who-we-are $m->about->add('What we do?', 'what-we-do'); // URL: about/what-we-do ``` }); $menu->add('Contact', 'contact'); }); ?>

thank you

Custom menu items view


I must say that this is an awesome library for laravel. I wanted to create a menu that will result to:

<div class="panel panel-default list-group">
    <a class="list-group-item collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-nav" href="#project"><span
            class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span>Projects<span
            class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-updown pull-right"></span></a>

    <div id="project" class="panel-collapse collapse">
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 1</a>
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 2</a>
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 3</a>
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 4</a>
<div class="panel panel-default list-group">
    <a class="list-group-item collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-nav" href="#account"><span
            class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open"></span>My Account<span
            class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-updown pull-right"></span></a>

    <div id="account" class="panel-collapse collapse">
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 1</a>
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 2</a>
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 3</a>
        <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Submenu 4</a>

as you can see, we are using bootstrap's accordion and collapse.
so far, here's what I have:

@foreach($items as $item)
    <div@lm-attrs($item) @if($item->hasChildren()) class="panel panel-default list-group" @endif data-test="test" @lm-endattrs>
    <a href="{{ $item->url }}">{{ $item->title }} </a>
        <div  id="account" class="panel-collapse collapse">
            @include('custom-menu-items', array('items' => $item->children()))

It seems so far from my desired output. Please help!


Composer Update Laravel 4.2 Problem

Generating autoload files
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException","message":"Call to undefined method Lavary\Menu\ServiceProvider::mergeConfigFrom()","file":"C:\xampp\htdocs\nanolarave
l\vendor\lavary\laravel-menu\src\Lavary\Menu\ServiceProvider.php","line":21}}Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error

L5 compatibility

Are there any plans to make this package compatible with L5? (Assuming it's not already)

Method names

Why do you choose to use certain methods in camelCase and others in snake_case? Is there a particular reason?

public function get_title()
    return $this->link->get_text();

public function hasChilderen()
    return (count($this->ref->whereParent($this->id))) ? true : false;

Url Not rendering in view when implementing advanced usage

All the other properties are applied except the url property and it is set in the routes.php file.
This is what i am talking about:

  <li @if($item->hasChildren()) class="treeview" @endif>
      <a href="{{ $item->url }}">
          {{ $item->prepend }}
          {{ $item->title }} 
          {{ $item->append }}

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