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leaflet-map's People


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leaflet-map's Issues

Making use of the attach callback

I am using the leaflet-map web component within an Angular 2 app, and the two appear to be a very good match.

However, there appears to be a problem with the way that Angular 2 updates the view and the way that leaflet-map updates the underlying leaflet map. For example, lets say I have an array of 3 locations and plot these on a map with the leaflet-marker element. If I then remove the second location from my array angular will update the DOM to show only two leaflet-marker elements, however, the last two markers are removed from the map.

It appears that Angular 2 removes the last maker (but not the first), and then reattaches it. This is the same leaflet-marker element, so no new marker is created.

I have managed to get the markers working correctly with Angular 2 by adding the following Polymer callback to leaflet-marker.

attached: function(){
    if(this.container && this.feature){

I'm happy to create a pull request if you think this is an acceptable approach.

Infinite loop with leaflet-map.view() / map.on('moveend')

I am using the tag as follows:
<leaflet-map id="leaflet" content tab="true" longitude="-121.00" latitude="40.00" zoom="5"></leaflet-map>
*Note: no data bindings to lat or lng. And the map is set to 100% width and height of screen.

Sometimes when I change device orientation the map freezes. Seems there is an infinite loop: leaflet-map.view() -> map.on('moveend') -> changes lat / lng -> observe fires leaflet-map.view() -> ...

Add polymerBehavior annotations for hydrolysis

Hi, I'm using web-components-shards to separate vulcanized bundles. When I built leaflet-map with it, the following warnings were emitted.

Behavior leafletMap.LeafletPopupContent not found when mixing properties into leaflet-circle!
Behavior leafletMap.LeafletPopupContent not found when mixing properties into leaflet-polyline!
Behavior leafletMap.LeafletPopupContent not found when mixing properties into leaflet-polygon!
Behavior leafletMap.LeafletTileLayer not found when mixing properties into leaflet-tilelayer!
Behavior leafletMap.LeafletTileLayer not found when mixing properties into leaflet-tilelayer-wms!
Behavior leafletMap.LeafletILayer not found when mixing properties into leaflet-geojson!
Behavior leafletMap.LeafletPopupContent not found when mixing properties into leaflet-marker!

This is because hydrolysis often fails to detect definitions of behaviors without @polymerBehavior annotations. If it fails, it emits them.

You can reproduce this in the following way.

$ npm install hydrolysis
$ mkdir -p ../leaflet/dist
$ touch ../leaflet/dist/leaflet.css
$ touch ../leaflet/dist/leaflet.js
// Save as `test.js`
var h = require('hydrolysis');
var imports = [

imports.forEach(function(html) {
$ node test.js

If you'd like it, I'll make a PR.

fitToMarkers not working

In the current version of the project, the fitToMarkers attribute doesn't work.

Here you have an example:

<leaflet-map fit-to-markers>
<leaflet-marker latitude="51.5" longitude="-0.10" title="Transparent" opacity="0.6">

<leaflet-marker latitude="51.5" longitude="-0.09" title="Popup Demo">

The fitToMarkers attribute should make the component to scan all the layers, get the lat-lng for all the features (here the two markers) and use them as bounding box for the map. But it doesn't anything.

The problem, AFAIK, is in the fitToMarkersChanged event:

         fitToMarkersChanged: function () {
        if ( && this.fitToMarkers) {
            var bounds = [];
            for( var i = 0, f; f = this.features[i]; i++ ) {
                if ( f.latitude && f.longitude ) {
                    bounds.push( [ f.latitude, f.longitude ] );
            if ( bounds.length > 0 ) {
       bounds );

where this.features doesn't exist (anymore?).

In other, in current Polymer version, the event isn't fired when an initial value to fitToMarkers is given.

On tables/Mobiles doesn't work

Hi there,

There is some problems with events on tables and mobiles (touchable devices). Zoom in/out doesn't work and neither markers/polygons. I have same related problem in other projects, whether I resolve the problem I would contact with you.

Good luck

leaflet point is not working together with template is=dom-repeat

Hey guys
I have this issue:
new bitmap image
The leaflet point is created but not filled with longitude and latitude. the index is filled.

the locationarray is a [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object] with
0: Object
lat2: 52.3812073
long2: 13.3977036

I get this error leaflet.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'lat' of null.

Is there a problem with dynamically generated leaflet points ?

Leaflet in IronPages messes up tiles in IE


I recently updated polymer and polymer elements and in IE leaflet messes up tiles. The code to reproduce is here

<!doctype html>
    <script src='bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js'></script>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/polymer/polymer.html'>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/iron-pages/iron-pages.html'>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/leaflet-map/leaflet-map.html'>
<body unresolved>
    <iron-pages id='pageControl' selected='0'>
            <leaflet-map style='width:1000px; height:1000px'></leaflet-map>

What could be the problem?

Move to leaflet-extras

Hi @brunob,

how do we organize the move to leaflet-extras?

As discussed in various places, the idea was to consolidate the implementation from @prtksxna and mine, which we did in autumn. And then move it to an official leaflet-repository. Leaflet, however, prefers to put it into leaflet-extras, which is fine with me.

With polymer 1.0 being released today and breaking compatibility, now is a good time to move the consolidated component to leaflet-extras. The Polymer 0.5 based components can stay at their old locations for a couple of month with a big hint at the top.

Current status is this: The port to Polymer 0.9 (compatible with 1.0) is in the 0.9 branch of I have a local gh_page branch for the 1.0 website.

Please create a leaflet-extras/leaflet-map repository and grant commit access to @prtksxna and me.

Thank you

Event example should add markers instead of display position

The event demonstration registers a moveend event and displays the position above the map. Although this is a valid example, it seems to be overlooked by causal visitors.

The demo should be released with a demonstration that adds markers on click events.

Add support for unbound popups

Popups are already supported as contents of and .

It should be possible to define popups without them being bound to another map object.

zoom-in/zoom out button z-index

Hi there,

The zoom-in/zoom-out button has this style :

.leaflet-bottom {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
pointer-events: none;

Why do use a 1000 z-index?
I use polymer's paper-dialog which have a z-index of 103... So when opening the dialog, I see the zoom-in/zoom-out button.
Why did you use a this value?

Style geojson features

I'm having trouble overriding the default style for features brought into my map using leaflet-geojson. It seems from the examples to be possible to set styles with components like leaflet-polygon, leaflet-circle etc. For instance, you can assign a polygon a color like this: <leaflet-polygon color="#f00">...</leaflet-polygon>.

However if I do something similar with leaflet-geojson the features are drawn with Leaflet's default style for the geometry type. Following the model from the leaflet-polygon example, I tried this to make my features yellow:

<leaflet-geojson data="[[data]]" color:"#f7ff00"></leaflet-geojson>

But the default line style is returned:

(source | live example)

I guess my question is, Is there a way to style leaflet-geojson features using an HTML attribute?

  • If yes, what might that look like?
  • If no, any suggestions on how I might begin to apply my own styles to features mapped via 'leaflet-geojson'?

Popup templates and data binding question

I cannot seem to get the popup to update when the data changes. Any suggestions?

Example HTML:

<dom-module id="x-app">
      <leaflet-marker latitude="51.5" longitude="-0.09" title="Popup Demo">
        <p>Content <span>[[num]]</span></p>
        <!-- Num should be 2 after a while, but perpetually remains 1 -->
      is: 'x-app',
      properties: {
        num: {
          type: Number,
          value: 1
      ready: function () {
        this.async(function () { this.num++ }, 2000);

Cannot read property 'disconnect' of undefined

Trying to just load in a test map I get the following:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'disconnect' of undefined

It points to line 726 in leaflet-core.html

    detached: function() {

I am running Chrome 50. Everything is loading ok. Is this a known thing? Is it something I am doing wrong on my end? I am trying to drop this into a page that uses Material Design Lite, don't know if that could be an issue.

appreciate any guidance..

tiles didn't load

Hi there,

I try to use the leaflet-map with polymer.
I add the leaflet-map tag inside my template, but when loading (and waiting) there is only one tile which is displayed (in the top left) with the original configuration (no leaflet-tilelayer, only set the latitude, longitude and zoom)

Does anyone have any idea?
Thanks a lot


stock and custom marker icons not rendering on Windows Server 2008R2

I have a map using both stock and custom icons (SVGs), that work well on our local machines (on both Firefox and Chrome) but are not visible when served from Windows Server 2008r2. All other SVGs work on the server on this site and others. I can see the SVGs and stock PNGs in my browser if I navigate to them directly, and I can view them on the server directly in IE. I have explicitly set the path to the image folder in our map element. We are still seeing only broken images icons when viewing the app from our servers. Chrome's developer console returns 'text/html' fir the PNGs and SVGs we are using. I tried replacing our custom marker icons with stock markers, and these are also not visible from the server.


Freeze After Panning

My map frozen after I pan the map.
I am using Chromium WebView on Android 5.1.1
is there any solution?

License problems

Thanks a lot for offering this up - I've been using it in my workplace and it's working pretty well.

I'm trying to import leaflet-map into my company's "third party" code directory but I'm having a problem with the language in the license, specifically this part:

leaflet-map is based on polymer and leaflet. Small parts of leaflet, especially the api documentation, have been copied into leaflet-map files.

It's not clear whether "based on" means. Is it derived (pieces of Polymer core code interspersed throughout), or is it just a certain subdirectory, or does it simply implement a Polymer element? I suspect the very latter, but I just want it to be clear.


vulcanize --inline-css breaks tiles

Vulcanize is the Polymer build tool that can inline HTML and CSS imports. When an app is vulcanized with the --inline-css flag enabled, the map tiles will not show up correctly. This is caused due to the leaflet css file not loading correctly.

I am using Polymer 1.1.0 where external CSS files have been deprecated but should still work.

Can be reproduced by installing vulcanize and vulcanizing the demo.

npm install vulcanize
vulcanize --inline-css demo.html > demo.vulcan.html

Work around is to add this line to your root HTML file before vulcanizing, making the CSS available to all.

<link rel="import" type="css" href="../leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" />

Is this project dead?

I just would like to know if you are interested to continue developing this project or not.

Cannot define property "title" for element "leaflet-marker" because it has the same name as an HTMLElement property, and not all browsers support overriding that.

I get this error when loading leaflet-map.html into my rails project with polymer.

Cannot define property "title" for element "leaflet-marker" because it has the same name as an HTMLElement property, and not all browsers support overriding that. Consider giving it a different name.

Seems like the sort of collision web components is designed to avoid but perhaps browser properties penetrate the shadow dom defenses?

    // polymer.js excerpt

    // Publishing/computing a property where the name might conflict with a
    // browser property is not currently supported to help users of Polymer
    // avoid browser bugs:
    // We can lift this restriction when those bugs are fixed.
    filterInvalidAccessorNames: function(propertyNames) {
      for (var name in propertyNames) {
        // Check if the name is in our blacklist.
        if (this.propertyNameBlacklist[name]) {
          console.warn('Cannot define property "' + name + '" for element "' +
   + '" because it has the same name as an HTMLElement ' +
            'property, and not all browsers support overriding that. ' +
            'Consider giving it a different name.');
          // Remove the invalid accessor from the list.
          delete propertyNames[name];

Tiles do not show correctly in IE when map is part of neon-animated-pages

I have boiled my problem down to whats shown below

<!doctype html>
    <script src='bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js'></script>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/polymer/polymer.html'>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/paper-styles/paper-styles.html'>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animated-pages.html'>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animatable.html'>
    <link rel='import' href='bower_components/leaflet-map/leaflet-map.html'>
<body unresolved>
    <dom-module id='base-page'>
            <neon-animated-pages id="pages" class="flex" selected="0">
                    <leaflet-map style='height:1000px;width:1000px'></leaflet-map>
        HTMLImports.whenReady(function() {Polymer({
            is: 'base-page'

When leaflet is part of a neon-animated-pages, the tiles do not show correctly in IE. Please someone help me ... @nhnb any idea about the issue?. Thanks

This may be related to the othe rissue I have posted earlier about the map not displaying correctly when part of iron-pages

Thanks and Cheers

leafleticon used in another element doesn't work

<polymer-element name="my-thing" >
<leaflet-map latitude="51.505" longitude="-0.09" zoom="13">
<leaflet-icon id="myicon" 
    iconurl=""> </leaflet-icon>

<leaflet-marker latitude="51.5" longitude="-0.10" title="Element" icon="myicon">

I think the problem is at line 599 of leaflet-marker.html

var iconElement = document.getElementById(this.icon);

since the element will be in the shadow DOM, document.getElementById will fail.(return null)

Add support for layer control

The layer control should be definable as component as well.

I should default to using TileLayers as base layers. LayerGroups, FeatureGroup, GeoJSON and TileLayer.WMS should be optional layers. Vector layers, that are not part of of a Layer- or FeatureGroup should be ignored by the layer control.

tiles not loading in crosswalk/webview

i wrapped an angularJS SPA demo with the leaflet-map web component inside.

The element works perfectly in the web browser, but not in a hybrid app in mobile device (android/amazon fireOS).

This looks to be a common issue with cordova apps when images are loaded from remote locations instead of the device's file system.

I remote debugged the device with chrome's inspector. All the tile images get a 404.

steps to repro:
install ionic framework (or just cordova)
$ionic create leafletdemo blank
optionally add crosswalk support (this replace webview)
edit the index.html and add the leaflet-map
connect the device (debugging enabled)
$ionic run android
goto chrome://inspect/#devices and see the network tab


Looks a custom implementation of a transfer file/cache pattern inside the component is required for solving the issue, instead of using the img tag with a remote src.


Popups when using GeoJSON

I am working with GeoJSON fine via the component

   <leaflet-map latitude="16.5" longitude="-80" zoom="5">    
        <leaflet-tilelayer url="{z}/{y}/{x}" max-zoom="13">
           Tiles &copy; Esri &mdash; Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri

        <template is="dom-bind">
            <iron-ajax url="http://localhost:6789/api/v1/spatial/expedition/165" auto last-response="{{data}}"></iron-ajax>
            <leaflet-geojson color="#FF0000" data="[[data]]"></leaflet-geojson>

Is there some property I can put into the GeoJSON that will form a popup when the marker is selected in the map?

The GeoJSON is

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPoint",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "Site": "ODP expedition 165",
        "URL": "",
        "popupContent": ""

divIcon Error

Line 281 in leaflet-marker.html should be:

this.icon_ = L.divIcon(icon);

divicon() -> divIcon()

No Touch Support

Somehow moving in the maps is not possible by touchscreen, also not in development-tools in chrome and firefox. Might has something to do with "tap" in polymer?

marker draggable=true won't update it's latitude/longitude values after being dragged

In the following example I expect the circle to update it's position once the marker is dragged.
Even when manually printing out latitude and longitude via on-drag the marker always shows only the initial values I set.
Do I miss something or is it a bug?

<leaflet-map fitToMarkers="true">
    <leaflet-marker on-drag="updateCircle" draggable="true" longitude="{{longitude}}" latitude="{{latitude}}"> </leaflet-marker>

    <leaflet-circle longitude="{{longitude}}" latitude="{{latitude}}"
                radius="{{mapRadius}}" color="#0a0" fillColor="#077">
// […]
updateCircle: function (e) {
    // this will always show only the initial location set, not the new one after dragging
    console.log(e.originalTarget.latitude, e.originalTarget.longitude);

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