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tab-unloader-for-tree-style-tab's Issues

Settings page

  1. Green is too bright for a dark theme. I made for myself - 120, 82%, 13%
  2. "Enable", "Disable" and "Reset" buttons. Can they also be painted somehow? How it's done in TST:
    2020 09 07_123436

Middle Click doesn't close tab

I have disabled "Middle click to unload tab", yet TreeStyleTab is still reporting that "mouseup is canceled by other addons" (via the debug). After disabling Tab Unloader, middle click works as expected.

Let me know if I can provide any more information or try anything.

Oddly enough, double-middle-click does close the tabs, but I'm not entirely sure.


  • add timer for automatic suspend
  • add whitelist (for timer excluding)
  • add "suspend the whole tree" option

Context menu option for protecting tabs from unloading

This way you can use the unload all other tabs function or the shift multiselect -> unload function to unload all tabs but not close tabs which you'd like to not get unloaded. If any tabs are protected from unloading, there should also be a button to unset all protected tabs.

Unload Other Tabs

I wanted to move to this extension from the unmaintained "UnloadTabs" one, but one Feature I'm missing from that is a button to unload all (including pinned, if a setting is set) other tabs (in the current window) except for the one(-s) you opened the context menu on.

Add a note w.r.t. private window permissions?

I get great use out of this extension, thank you for making it!

I had just written out a whole report about how, weirdly, some (but only some!) things didn't work in private windows; while doing due diligence on this I accidentally discovered that the TST preferences page itself has a section for granting private window permissions to TST-based addons (separate from the Firefox permissions, which I did already have enabled). After checking those boxes the issue went away.

As it seems rather non-obvious that enabling Firefox's "Run in Private Windows" setting is insufficient, maybe it would be worthwhile to add a note about this to the description or the preferences page or something?

For sorting with the other TST meta-addons, do you think you could change the name that shows up in the list under `about:addons` to `TST Tab Unloader for Tree Style Tab` (from `Tab Unloader for Tree Style Tab`)?

Heya, for most of the other TST meta-addons,
their names as they show up under about:addons begin with TST,
which really helps to see and manage them all.

So for sorting with the other TST meta-addons,
do you think you could change the name that shows up in the about:addons list to:
TST Tab Unloader for Tree Style Tab
(from just Tab Unloader for Tree Style Tab)?


Options are clipped in about:config (Maybe conflict with user css)


When changing options I found that some of them are clipped and only appear for a blink of an I while an option section is being collapsed. For some reason there's no vertical scrollbar (only a pointless, superfluous horizontal one), and I didn't find a way to open the settings in a tab like for many other WE addons. (including TST)
Zooming can make the situation worse, and better to some degree, but I never see more of the reset button than a few pixels.

Allow export/import of options

An export (and import) feature would be very useful to keep a backup of the settings, and to transfer them between different Firefox installations/profiles. Especially in the case of different profiles, even Firefox Sync is not an option since usually the point of different profiles is to keep them separate and not sync-ed up to the same Firefox account (in terms of tabs, other extensions, etc.). So for that use case, a json file or something that we can export when we change settings in one profile, and then import from another profile, would be the most flexible and useful feature to have.

Can't edit the style code

I want to change the dimming code to something more drastic than 0.75 like so:

/* Dim unloaded tabs */ .tab.discarded { opacity: 0.5; }

But I cannot edit the text box

[Help/Support] How to access to hidden tabs?

I've finally after 15 minutes or so figured out how to actually hide the unloaded tabs in TST's sidebar now through TST's settings.
However, I can't figure out how to actually show them? Preferably efficiently with a hotkey, however if it's through an about:unloads type of browser config or another type of tab access page, that's suitable too.

Please help if you can @Lej77


Tab Unloader for Tree Style Tab - 4.0
Firefox - 60.0.1 (x64)

"Dim unloaded tabs" doesn't work when i use Alt + one mouse button click.
The clicked tab is suspended but doesn't dimmed.

Temporary solution - double click on tab:
Alt + double mouse button click

Same bug and solution with context menu.

Deactivated tab opacity

Is there any chance you can make the "Custom Tree Style Tab Style" Have a 50% option or be configurable somehow? Currently (probably due to my poor vision) at .75 I cannot tell a difference between the active and inactive tabs. Can you include a way to change the number in that section to customize it?

Thank you ahead of time, for any consideration.

Also love the plugin, its amazing.

Suggestions/requests for clearer wording

First of all, thank you very much for the detailed options page and the informative descriptions there. It's very useful to be able to customize the behaviour exactly the way we want, and the descriptions make it immediately clear how the various interactions work.

This issue is for the few places where I think it can be improved a bit:

  • The main description of the addon (in the addons page) lists the context menu items that can be added, and gives their names as "Unload Tab", "Unload Tree", etc. The actual name used in the context menu is "Suspend Tab(s)" , "Suspend Tree", etc. I was confused by this at first, thinking maybe I had another addon that was doing this. Could you change these to be consistent with each other?

  • In the options page:

    • Under "Wait for long press", there's "If checked, then cancel if an event is registered; otherwise, only allow if an event is registered." Could you add a short description of what counts as an "event"?
    • In the final "Other settings", the first option is to "use the unload method again" after a short delay. It's not clear why and when this might be necessary though. Is it for some older version of Firefox that wouldn't always unload the tabs properly, or is there a bug in some OS, or is it something else? A mention of why we might want this would be good.

Updated translations for 'zh': Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)

Your translation have been copied to your clipboard. Paste it here:

Updated translations for 'zh': Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語):

    "options_extensionToggle_DisableButton": {
        "message": "禁用扩展",
        "hash": "b80731df5e051b1d48b870883db518a8"
    "options_extensionToggle_EnableButton": {
        "message": "启用扩展",
        "hash": "c61d05c3db531f0ee5f15ef296f6ae73"
    "options_extensionToggle_Status_Header": {
        "message": "扩展状态:",
        "hash": "9a1c365e53e90af8c37d2146ef2cb96e"
    "options_extensionToggle_Status_Enabled": {
        "message": "已启用",
        "hash": "9689c35327e2444f88c808cffbdf2920"
    "options_extensionToggle_Status_Disabled": {
        "message": "已禁用",
        "hash": "624dcfb216e1ef66dcac7893dbe10821"
    "options_unloadOnLeftClick": {
        "message": "左键点击标签页进行卸载。",
        "hash": "8be2de96c9e51a9e56ef5da305c3330a"
    "options_unloadOnMiddleClick": {
        "message": "中键点击标签页进行卸载。(请注意,在 树状标签页 v2.4.18 以及更早的版本中,树状标签页 的默认动作无法被阻止。这意味着,如果在一个标签页上按下鼠标中键又松开,那么这个标签页将会被关闭。为了能在 树状标签页 的这些版本中通过中键点击来卸载标签页,您需要先按住鼠标中键并将鼠标拖动至另一个标签页后再松开。)",
        "hash": "93952a4c13dfcccabdb1055a28adc77e"
    "options_unloadOnRightClick": {
        "message": "右键点击标签页进行卸载。(目前无法阻止上下文菜单被打开。)",
        "hash": "db36e4484c2b8627452e671f047a1ffc"
    "options_unloadOnLeftClick_Title": {
        "message": "左键点击以卸载标签页",
        "hash": "3670a40eb71d5528eb3790e380b04c55"
    "options_unloadOnMiddleClick_Title": {
        "message": "中键点击以卸载标签页",
        "hash": "81b678ca3920bce09f9df8fce4cd9032"
    "options_unloadOnRightClick_Title": {
        "message": "右键点击以卸载标签页",
        "hash": "748520af9a3083019ab8d7d9e20da432"
    "options_selectOnLeftClick": {
        "message": "防止通过左键点击来选择标签页。如果此操作成功,那么被点击的标签页将不会被选中。",
        "hash": "fe1eb81c8508651fb449dc35a05f23da"
    "options_selectOnLeftClick_Title": {
        "message": "防止通过左键点击来选择标签页",
        "hash": "9e3e8bcc73eee665e06e5f8e47a5d998"
    "options_closeOnMiddleClick": {
        "message": "防止通过中键点击来关闭标签页。如果此操作成功,那么被点击的标签将不会被关闭。(请注意,在 树状标签页 v2.4.18 以及更早的版本中,该项无法实现)",
        "hash": "16339ed2c3ec2338ceee18410dcf4067"
    "options_closeOnMiddleClick_Title": {
        "message": "防止通过中键点击来关闭标签页",
        "hash": "482cf8f20be91a9ce8e9b5c071d615e8"
    "options_modifierKeysInfo": {
        "message": "只有在按下所选修饰按键并松开剩余修饰按键时,该次点击才会触发相应操作。",
        "hash": "4fdf47832c9fba89589ea367fd3972b6"
    "options_modifierKeysAnyMode": {
        "message": "任意按键模式:如果此项被勾选,那么只要按住所选修饰按键中的至少一个,点击就会触发相应操作。不需要同时按住所有被勾选的修饰按键。未被勾选的修饰按键的状态会被忽略。如果没有修饰按键被勾选,那么点击将一直触发相应操作。",
        "hash": "3ecc9663e225c082f3e9075f01c88fdd"
    "options_modifierKey_Ctrl": {
        "message": "Ctrl",
        "hash": "9a56ef2052b663bb43d70803ccf4c907"
    "options_modifierKey_Shift": {
        "message": "Shift",
        "hash": "2b34fb1481182ab8c1ffac3d2cc9493c"
    "options_modifierKey_Alt": {
        "message": "Alt",
        "hash": "a65b71114daa3d6da5528b783fe54142"
    "options_modifierKey_Meta": {
        "message": "Meta(MacOS中的命令)",
        "hash": "6ff938394459c9d95fbc195fafe1e29f"
    "options_clickTimeoutInfo": {
        "message": "测量点击的持续时间,也就是鼠标按下和松开之间的间隔时间。确保其在一定的间隔之内。设置一个最小时间,可使得相应操作只会在长按时被触发;或者设置一个最大时间,防止相应操作在拖放或长按标签页时被触发。",
        "hash": "ca98ebfadc33ba16860c980e813b227a"
    "options_clickTimeoutMin": {
        "message": "最小点击时长,单位为毫秒(设为 0 以禁用):",
        "hash": "6d7cb8db7e1dc76b2cc2205fba68aaa1"
    "options_clickTimeoutMax": {
        "message": "最大点击时长,单位为毫秒(设为 0 以禁用):",
        "hash": "ef96bd95e94bcecbbd84e0a8cac2588f"
    "options_doubleClick_enabled": {
        "message": "检测双击。",
        "hash": "49cce27e472cb4b300132f622960dbaf"
    "options_doubleClick_only": {
        "message": "如果此项被勾选,将只有双击才会触发相应操作;反之,双击将会取消相应操作。",
        "hash": "647de54cd4a6e2b8320632b88bc78df7"
    "options_doubleClick_timeout": {
        "message": "若两次鼠标按下事件之间的间隔时间小于该值,则会被算作双击,单位为毫秒:",
        "hash": "23f2d9684d73a9389ff631e89a73e7a5"
    "options_onDrag_enabled": {
        "message": "检测没有拖放行为的长按。这是一个特殊通知,会在标签页被鼠标左键长按时由 树状标签页 进行发送。如果该标签页被拖动,则该通知不会被发送。这个可以用来允许通过长按进行的操作,并在拖放标签页时取消。",
        "hash": "a5ec83872d5206ebcbd7d904dff93556"
    "options_onDrag_cancel": {
        "message": "一个事件被触发时,如果此项被勾选,则取消相应操作;反之,则允许相应操作。",
        "hash": "7e56907f7a4daed41418328b9e02f3b3"
    "options_onDrag_mouseUpTigger": {
        "message": "如果此项被勾选,那么鼠标松开事件会被当做长按事件来触发相应操作。目前 树状标签页 不会在拖放操作后发送鼠标松开事件,所以如果要发送一个鼠标松开事件,那么在此之前拖放不能被指定用途。这意味着,如果此项被勾选,那么该事件会在拖放没有被指定用途时才触发相应操作。",
        "hash": "2168e72a6c43f6aae0e85acbe88027d2"
    "options_onDrag_timeout": {
        "message": "以毫秒为单位的长按等待时间(如果该标签页未被拖动,则应在 400 毫秒后进行告知):",
        "hash": "1986726cb0fd589f6f0bc10263b8a43d"
    "options_dontPreventTSTAction": {
        "message": "不要阻止 树状标签页 的默认动作。",
        "hash": "bd91fd86d0ce474e574adb7f1e8b4d86"
    "options_applyToAll": {
        "message": "同时应用于已加载和未加载标签页。",
        "hash": "b2982c5c92bd0e95032d96b711a0d6a6"
    "options_applyToUnloadedTabs": {
        "message": "在未加载标签页而非已加载标签页上的点击才会触发相应操作。",
        "hash": "4cc5f4e241fe4c7218a37225a7a1a34f"
    "options_useSelectedTabs": {
        "message": "卸载所选标签页:如果多个标签页被选中,则将其全部卸载。",
        "hash": "f718b86f450be7944ee9484698a1fd59"
    "options_fallbackToLastSelected": {
        "message": "选择上次聚焦:如果标签页为活动状态,则会选择上次聚焦的标签页。如果此项未被勾选,则最近的标签页会被选中。",
        "hash": "0587dd90d5a9004f57622904af2d861a"
    "options_ignoreHiddenTabs": {
        "message": "忽略隐藏标签页:如果标签页为活动状态,则新选择的标签页不能是隐藏标签页。",
        "hash": "d6bd679f1cfb21b8cc79c25d2ca6f397"
    "options_contextMenuItems_Title": {
        "message": "上下文菜单项",
        "hash": "769b0fe66cd898c7a43e94ed2b5d7b74"
    "options_contextMenu_in_tab_bar": {
        "message": "在 Firefox 的原生标签栏中显示相关上下文菜单项。(需要 Firefox 64 以及更新的版本。)",
        "hash": "2be82a667deb7d7e9bd99c4de7e7cad1"
    "options_tstContextMenu_CustomRootLabel": {
        "message": "如果有超过一个上下文菜单项,那么它们将会被集中到一个条目当中,该条目名为(在字母之前放置一个 “&” 符号将会使该字母被用作该项的键盘快捷方式)(留空代表使用默认标签):",
        "hash": "6bdcc242a939fd143fa040fc2839041a"
    "options_unloadInTSTContextMenu_Title": {
        "message": "卸载标签页",
        "hash": "862c74cce2d43071305c014ffe9df09e"
    "options_unloadTreeInTSTContextMenu_Title": {
        "message": "卸载标签树",
        "hash": "56dd041b4aeb212f337be91d6e28112e"
    "options_unloadInTSTContextMenu": {
        "message": "在 树状标签页 的上下文菜单项中添加一项,用来卸载标签页。",
        "hash": "960200a6f31e2c0a19d98c5bd438f982"
    "options_unloadTreeInTSTContextMenu": {
        "message": "在 树状标签页 的上下文菜单项中添加一项,用来卸载标签树。",
        "hash": "a40c58f90a72af71e03432df64928154"
    "options_contextMenu_customLabel": {
        "message": "自定义上下文菜单项标签(在字母之前放置一个 “&” 符号将会使该字母被用作该项的键盘快捷方式)(留空代表使用默认标签):",
        "hash": "b95df73871d284aa6901c7059fc05006"
    "options_unloadInTSTContextMenu_DelayedRegistration": {
        "message": "在延迟一定时间后再将上下文菜单项重新注入到 树状标签页 ,以保证它们被放置在整个上下文菜单的末尾。该延迟以毫秒为单位(0 代表禁用):",
        "hash": "130005c3dce2926b49451d5589c74bb0"
    "options_dimUnloadedTabs": {
        "message": "让 树状标签页 侧栏中的未加载标签页变暗。",
        "hash": "24f08b075df48d93f4cbfe8a8c7712bc"
    "options_disableOptionsPageAnimations": {
        "message": "禁用选项页面的动画",
        "hash": "535a4c7a702ca4ede76ac286216c5ea3"
    "options_TabHide_Header": {
        "message": "标签页隐藏",
        "hash": "fae353353336e63bcf296fcb4c8ddbd3"
    "options_TabHide_HideUnloadedTabs": {
        "message": "通过用于隐藏标签页的 API 来隐藏未加载标签页。隐藏标签页不会被显示在工具栏中,且无法被键盘快捷方式选中。在当前标签页被关闭时,只要还有其它可见标签页,隐藏标签页就不会被选中。固定标签页无法被隐藏。",
        "hash": "f389ef6ea005b497d7ce9d86eb4d4bad"
    "options_TabHide_SuppressTSTHiddenClass": {
        "message": "禁止 树状标签页 中关于隐藏标签页的特殊行为。",
        "hash": "e9d35c95cd2aded7ab841d040ae1f3af"
    "options_TabHide_ShowHiddenTabsInTST": {
        "message": "在 树状标签页 侧栏中显示隐藏标签页。",
        "hash": "720a7b045f218fb4200814f9e3236673"
    "options_TabHide_Info": {
        "message": "如果该选项被启用,那么其对于取消勾选所有的 “$ignoreHiddenTabsOption$” 复选框来说是有用的。\n\n为了仍然能够选中未加载标签页,你可以使用 “$showHiddenTabsInTSTOption$” 选项。\n\n请注意:这需要 “标签页隐藏” 权限。而且此功能同样是实验性的,可能不会正确工作。",
        "placeholders": {
            "ignoreHiddenTabsOption": { "content": "$1" },
            "showHiddenTabsInTSTOption": { "content": "$2" }
        "hash": "e0fb2c35c3b0208e8f207279e3d15e20"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_Header": {
        "message": "修复未成功的标签页还原",
        "hash": "ee1534abe23debc42cce709e04bea9b4"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_reloadBrokenTabs": {
        "message": "当通过 WebExtensions API 来卸载一个标签页时,该标签页偶尔会被置为 “已损坏” 状态。如果一个 “已损坏” 的标签页被关闭,它将无法被重新打开(甚至通过启动时的会话还原也做不到),当它被再次加载时,它的网址将会被丢失。此选项将会重新加载 “已损坏” 标签页(其实就是重新设置这些标签页的网址),然后再卸载它们。这些 “已损坏” 的标签页在被修复前可能需要被重新加载多次。(与其它标签页下载器兼容。)",
        "hash": "02374404917e2344c400be9bba235995"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_reloadBrokenTabs_Normal": {
        "message": "在普通窗口中重新载入 “已损坏” 标签页。",
        "hash": "3a50548fcebbe7e337d362729b49df68"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_reloadBrokenTabs_Private": {
        "message": "在隐私窗口中重新载入 “已损坏” 标签页。",
        "hash": "8366577d68f778721e105933a0f047ba"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_reloadBrokenTabs_QuickUnload": {
        "message": "加载一个未加载标签页然后立即将其卸载,且在其被卸载时不显示加载图标,这是可以做到的。这个可以被用来快速而有效地判断一个标签页是否 “已损坏” 。不幸的是,使用该技巧会导致扩展 API 错误地将该标签页的网址报告为默认网址 “about:blank” 。这意味着,在处理这些被 “快速” 卸载的标签页时,一些扩展可能无法按照预期进行工作。这个问题将会在该标签页被再次加载时立刻消失。",
        "hash": "bfd6a80d679a17c18f501a18536689b7"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_reloadBrokenTabs_QuickUnload_Normal": {
        "message": "允许用 “快速卸载” 来测试普通窗口中的 “已损坏” 标签页。",
        "hash": "3f2e1a6a28d2b0343806e816f5302a87"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_reloadBrokenTabs_QuickUnload_Private": {
        "message": "允许用 “快速卸载” 来测试隐私窗口中的 “已损坏” 标签页。",
        "hash": "c015999b475e7dda094851363a10c66d"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_waitForUrlInMilliseconds": {
        "message": "一个已被卸载的标签页偶尔不会被正确地还原。在修复它之前将会等待该时间(和其它标签页卸载器兼容)(以毫秒为单位)(-1 代表禁用):",
        "hash": "497e4c7c4df45cb54205709e46692b6c"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_waitForIncorrectLoad": {
        "message": "Firefox 偶尔会将未加载状态的标签页标记为已加载。当这种情况发生时,其首先会将该标签页标记为未加载,然后立刻标记为已加载。如果该标签页被标记为未加载然后又在这里指定的时间之内被标记为已加载,那么此选项将能够使得该标签页在其被激活时才得到修复。错误加载的等待时间(以毫秒为单位)为(-1 代表禁用):",
        "hash": "564b86a2b7a9862eee83c5f568278951"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_fixIncorrectLoadAfter": {
        "message": "如果该标签页被 Firefox 错误地标记为已加载,则在延迟该时间(以毫秒为单位)后再次卸载它,以使其被标记为未加载(-1 代表禁用):",
        "hash": "5ab8426310875d06063ea1726c9386f4"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_permissionWarning": {
        "message": "请注意: 这需要 “标签页” 权限。(如果已安装 树状标签页 ,则即使没有该权限,其也能部分工作。)",
        "hash": "8d96a02f94f39f73f9cdaf47a83c2b6f"
    "options_TabRestoreFix_deprecatedWarning": {
        "message": "该片段是对一个 Firefox bug 所作出的变通方法,其已于 Firefox 62 中被修复。",
        "hash": "710b0d7f2412612c6991288ea5d85d0b"
    "options_TreeStyleTabStyle_Header": {
        "message": "自定义标签树和标签页样式",
        "hash": "5fd0a0ee2bbe488ede1949028db3ede2"
    "options_TreeStyleTabStyle_Info": {
        "message": "这里就是此扩展对 树状标签页 侧栏所做的样式更改:",
        "hash": "65a3e86ca827c4743996ed9d0a2d00bb"
    "options_unloadAgainAfterDelay": {
        "message": "在卸载多个标签页时,间隔一个短暂延迟(以毫秒为单位)后再进行下一次卸载。该延迟大小为(-1 代表禁用):",
        "hash": "f545d1213903115101330c00d3f039db"
    "options_unloadViaAutoTabDiscard_Prefix": {
        "message": "通过",
        "hash": "ac94ae03e6a14bc15ecdb2084dc56822"
    "options_unloadViaAutoTabDiscard_Name": {
        "message": "自动丢弃标签页",
        "hash": "e7698a4f219f82720687a412ed05bf19"
    "options_unloadViaAutoTabDiscard_URL": {
        "message": "",
        "hash": "2aa03c4fb60ac23be5010dd2c0dbab11"
    "options_unloadViaAutoTabDiscard_Suffix": {
        "message": "扩展来卸载标签页",
        "hash": "6bd7d33da5e74b6eec55d27f93675a1e"
    "options_OptionalPermissions_Header": {
        "message": "可选权限",
        "hash": "d26b6626a41a0e2af8629717b6bb1a39"
    "options_OtherSettings_Header": {
        "message": "其它设置",
        "hash": "0da3b206ce82c07a308c4754fb8a5afe"
    "options_ResetSettings_Button": {
        "message": "重置设置",
        "hash": "f5545c85577b03ed93d451abf748ce8d"
    "options_ResetSettings_Prompt": {
        "message": "您想要重置所有设置为默认值吗",
        "hash": "efb0732b8fbad8ba229adacec8e59350"
    "options_Commands_Title": {
        "message": "键盘快捷键",
        "hash": "3e4c94412820831fbea1494aa4d5ecf4"
    "options_Commands_Info": {
        "message": "选择下方的一个文本输入框,然后按下一个键盘组合比如 “Alt+X” 来将其绑定为所选文本框的键盘快捷方式。如果你想的话,也可以按下 “指定” 按钮并手动输入一个键盘快捷方式。(键盘快捷方式需要 Firefox 60 或者 更新的版本)",
        "hash": "d6711bc41af7a9731bc4b1d271f65d27"
    "options_Commands_ResetButton": {
        "message": "重置",
        "hash": "0d25968a7dfc21f95043a86dd5373b81"
    "options_Commands_PromptButton": {
        "message": "指定",
        "hash": "9635e60de0a0ced247f57a018b078152"
    "options_Commands_PromptButton_Description": {
        "message": "请输入文本来表示一个键盘快捷键。 比如 “Alt+X”",
        "hash": "2b60e52f0d530f4e64cb067e788ce50f"
    "options_Commands_UnloadTab": {
        "message": "卸载标签页",
        "hash": "862c74cce2d43071305c014ffe9df09e"
    "options_Commands_UnloadTree": {
        "message": "卸载标签树",
        "hash": "56dd041b4aeb212f337be91d6e28112e"
    "optionalPermissions_Request": {
        "message": "请求",
        "hash": "6308e104f913c46817c56d0aa5e7a001"
    "optionalPermissions_Remove": {
        "message": "移除",
        "hash": "3908a268c854fe64242e38845dbb7c81"
    "optionalPermissions_Available": {
        "message": "是否被授予:",
        "hash": "11e3e2893bac3b5c26b7bd37b5073de1"
    "optionalPermissions_Granted": {
        "message": "",
        "hash": "2d26162c8b4948b9e1bb7afbcddff3cb"
    "optionalPermissions_NotGranted": {
        "message": "",
        "hash": "746d8eb67a9d40ab91403bae19a08c92"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_Title": {
        "message": "“隐藏标签页”",
        "hash": "8310fd5cdd0c10a45aaf0aa7ff4a4a2e"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_Explanation": {
        "message": "通过用来隐藏标签页的 API 来隐藏标签页时需要用到 “标签页隐藏” 权限。\n\n在 Firefox 59 和 60 中,这是一个实验性的 API 。若要在 Firefox 59 或 60 中启用它,请访问 “about:config” 并将 “extensions.webextensions.tabhide.enabled” 设置为 true 。\n\n如果该 API 未被启用,那么它将无法被使用,即使已被授予权限。",
        "hash": "ef57213eb0aa98ff1bd8417cf75ca2d6"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_APIEnabled_Header": {
        "message": "API 状态:",
        "hash": "1e43f9d064762a63d31ad8949f378f57"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_APIEnabled_Enabled": {
        "message": "可用",
        "hash": "c9988aeddd357b9fe8a20daab44d980c"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_APIEnabled_Disabled": {
        "message": "不可用",
        "hash": "b57d09b2b7322d3eb14568c9d161a348"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_APIEnabled_Error": {
        "message": "权限被拒绝",
        "hash": "697edcc886c7ae0314fba8b0d400f79e"
    "optionalPermissions_TabHide_APIEnabled_Check": {
        "message": "检查 API 状态",
        "hash": "9fef3e2ec434d6c69d97d8514dfe0d1e"
    "optionalPermissions_Tabs_Title": {
        "message": "“标签页”",
        "hash": "3ef094340e2e6e981a0b8f44a4d80021"
    "optionalPermissions_Tabs_Explanation": {
        "message": "访问标签页的标题或网址需要 “标签页” 权限。\n\n此权限会用来修复某些标签页(这些标签页的网址需要被重新设置,因此未能被正确还原)。",
        "hash": "ab8673afa4124b79b793ff0342de7acd"
    "permissionsPage_Title": {
        "message": "权限",
        "hash": "29dcac1ee5e888f5435ab6fc809cdc4b"
    "permissionsPage_Info_Start": {
        "message": "由于一个",
        "hash": "e20b369d5898f439e32492ec58bebae0"
    "permissionsPage_Info_Bug": {
        "message": "Firefox 的bug",
        "hash": "14c1dd0ce7c71705f066be31c2141ffd"
    "permissionsPage_Info_End": {
        "message": "当前无法从选项页面中获取可选权限。作为一个变通方法,请从此页面中获取权限。",
        "hash": "467fde8d45d30c1d1db90623b2bdd401"
    "contextMenu_unloadTab": {
        "message": "挂起标签页(&A)",
        "description": "The title of the Tree Style Tab context menu item. The '&' is placed before the character that will become the keyboard shortcut.",
        "hash": "ece30802b4bf70b6fd9e3414c4ca1a15"
    "contextMenu_unloadTree": {
        "message": "挂起标签树",
        "description": "The title of the Tree Style Tab context menu item. The '&' is placed before the character that will become the keyboard shortcut.",
        "hash": "19897ed83ded86d5294cc214607f5b9e"
    "contextMenu_rootItemTitle": {
        "message": "标签页卸载器",
        "hash": "c7af804c17996fe7a3db2059fae79655"
    "treeStyleTabStyle_dimUnloadedTabs": {
        "message": "让未加载标签页变暗",
        "hash": "3ad637eb56c67a48199c4c2af6cb7e78"
    "treeStyleTabStyle_showHiddenTabs": {
        "message": "显示隐藏标签页",
        "hash": "ccbcfd4478b2e97d6d7d4a8378227dc0"

    "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "zh" }

All non-pinned tabs are unloaded (and hidden) on restart

I mainly use the extension to manually unload and hide tabs, but when I restart the browser (or my computer) all my previously opened tabs are automatically unloaded and hidden. Sometimes I don't realize this, I forget about Tree Style Tab, and after a while I have a ton of open but hidden tabs - many of which are duplicates.

I was wondering if this is the intended behavior, or I just keep missing something on the preferences page to change the behavior?

Show the "Unload Other Tab(s)" option by default

If this is done, I think it would be useful to have Unload Tab(s) as a separate context item so you can unload tabs with one click instead of having to select Tab Unloader->Unload Other Tab(s).

There would then be two added context menu items. If only one context menu item can be added for an addon, it would be good to at least show a window or a popup after the addon is installed to make the user know this option exists.

The "Unload Other Tab(s)" is very useful, especially if you have many tabs open or a low-end PC/smartphone, but most people who use the addon probably don't know about it.

[Enhancement Request] Add Support for Firefox Sync

Thanks for making a great extension! Very useful for managing large amounts of open tabs in conjunction with Auto Tab Discard. The only feature I miss is syncing the settings using Firefox Sync. According to the FF Sync website, this requires adding a few preferences. Would it be possible to add this as a feature?

Tab reordering when tab hiding is on

There is a bug regarding tab reordering when tab hiding and show hidden tabs in sidebar are both on.

R (unloaded)

C is a children tab, and R is an unloaded root tab which is the next tab of C. Other tabs are not shown in the above graph.
Normally, I can drag any tab and release it between C and R to reorder it as the next sibling of C or as the previous sibling of R.
However, if tab hiding is on, I can only release any tab as the next sibling of C, but not as the previous sibling of R.

This bug does not happen when tab hiding is off or when R is loaded.
It also happens when C is a root tab, but doesn't matter in this case since the next sibling of C and the previous sibling of R are the same thing.

configurable keyboard shortcuts for switching to the next/previous loaded tab only

Would it be possible to add configurable keyboard shortcuts for switching to the next/previous loaded tab? Currently the next tab is selected regardless if it's loaded or unloaded.
And maybe something similar for hidden tabs, allowing switching to the next/previous tab regardless if it's hidden or not. As far as I can see switching to the next hidden tab using keyboard is currently impossible.

Causes TST scrollbar to disappear

With a large number of unloaded tabs, tab unloader will make the TST scrollbar disappear. This issue started yesterday for me, and until today I could still get the scrollbar back by opening a large number of empty tabs. Maybe the numbers of open tabs required to activate the scrollbar isn't counting unloaded tabs?

Tab unloader version 6.5
TST version 3.8.7
Firefox version 89.0.2 on Manjaro KDE

[Enhancement] Unload Tree - Setting to ignore currently selected tab

Thanks for the useful tweaks to Tree Style Tab.

I was curious if an option to ignore the currently selected tab could be added for the Unload Tree feature. It would be useful for those times where you middle-click a ton of links that open under the current tree, but you want them unloaded without interrupting the current page.

I've attached an example.


Difference with Auto Tab Discard

This extension looks very useful, however it also mentions using Auto Tab Discard. What is the difference between this extension and ATD? What is the use case for using both extensions simultaneously?

This isn't an issue but a question, obviously, but I didn't know where else to ask it.

some tabs are not restored

Sometimes some tabs fail to restore - they are empty, completely blank, with nothing in the address bar and only with a title on the tab.

tab-unloader-for-tree-style-tab (5.1) has the same bug:
The bug has been fixed in this commit
I hope it will help to find a similar solution.

Steps to reproduce

  • Start Firefox (60.0.1 (x64)) with clean profile.
  • Install TST 2.4.21 - Perhaps this is an optional step. But I'm not sure.
  • Install tab-unloader-for-tree-style-tab 5.1 (also I set 500 milliseconds)
  • a) Open,
    b) type some search query, like "test"
    c) open ~10 links from search results, wait for full load.
    d) don't visit them (this can be important)
  • Unload this tabs via Alt+mouse button, or via context menu (unload tab or unload tree)
  • Then visit tabs - some of them were "spoiled".

[Help/Support] Show hidden tabs in Tree Style Tab's Sidebar no longer working.

The option to "Show hidden tabs in Tree Style Tab's Sidebar" is no longer working for me.

If I use the option to "Hide unloaded tabs with the tab hiding API" then I cannot see all the unloaded/hidden tabs in the Tree Style Tab's Sidebar. Not sure if something changed or some other addon messed with my configuration.

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