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php-jira-rest-client's Introduction

PHP JIRA Rest Client

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On-Premise only

If you want to interact with Jira cloud instead of On-Premise(Server, Data Center), check out this repository.

From version >= 5.0.0 of this repository this project is only using V2 of the Jira rest API, to use V3 check out this repository.



  1. Download and Install PHP Composer.

    curl -sS | php
  2. Next, run the Composer command to install the latest version of php jira rest client.

    php composer.phar require lesstif/php-jira-rest-client

    or add the following to your composer.json file.

        "require": {
            "lesstif/php-jira-rest-client": "^5.0"
  3. Then run Composer's install or update commands to complete installation.

    php composer.phar install
  4. After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Laravel: Once installed, if you are not using automatic package discovery, then you need to register the JiraRestApi\JiraRestApiServiceProvider service provider in your config/app.php.


you can choose loads environment variables either 'dotenv' or 'array'.

use dotenv

If you want to use Dotenv based configuration,first of all, you have to install dependency.

composer require vlucas/phpdotenv

then copy .env.example file to .env on your project root.

# if TOKEN_BASED_AUTH set to true, ignore JIRA_USER and JIRA_PASS.
# to enable session cookie authorization
# COOKIE_FILE=storage/jira-cookie.txt
# if you are behind a proxy, add proxy settings

Important Note: As of March 15, 2018, in accordance to the Atlassian REST API Policy, Basic auth with password to be deprecated. Instead of password, you should using API token.

Laravel Users: If you are developing with laravel framework(5.x), you must append above configuration to your application .env file.

use array

create Service class with ArrayConfiguration parameter.

use JiraRestApi\Configuration\ArrayConfiguration;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;

$iss = new IssueService(new ArrayConfiguration(
               'jiraHost' => '',
                // Basic authentication deprecated 
                 'jiraUser' => 'jira-username',
                'jiraPassword' => 'jira-password-OR-api-token',
               // instead,you can use the token based authentication. 
               'useTokenBasedAuth' => true,
               'personalAccessToken' => 'your-token-here',
                // custom log config
               'jiraLogEnabled' => true,
               'jiraLogFile' => "my-jira-rest-client.log",
               'jiraLogLevel' => 'INFO',
               // to enable session cookie authorization (with basic authorization only)
               'cookieAuthEnabled' => true,
               'cookieFile' => storage_path('jira-cookie.txt'),
               // if you are behind a proxy, add proxy settings
               'proxyServer' => 'your-proxy-server',
               'proxyPort' => 'proxy-port',
               'proxyUser' => 'proxy-username',
               'proxyPassword' => 'proxy-password',


Table of Contents


Custom Field












Create Project

Create a new project.

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\Project\Project;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $p = new Project();

        ->setDescription('Example Project description')

    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $pj = $proj->createProject($p);
    // ''
    // 10042 
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Update Project

Update a project. Only non null values sent in JSON will be updated in the project.

Values available for the assigneeType field are: 'PROJECT_LEAD' and 'UNASSIGNED'.

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\Project\Project;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $p = new Project();

    $p->setName('Updated Example')
        ->setDescription('Updated Example Project description')

    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $pj = $proj->updateProject($p, 'EX');
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Delete Project

Deletes a project.

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $pj = $proj->deleteProject('EX');
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Project Info

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $p = $proj->get('TEST');
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get All Project list

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $prjs = $proj->getAllProjects();

    foreach ($prjs as $p) {
        echo sprintf('Project Key:%s, Id:%s, Name:%s, projectCategory: %s\n',
            $p->key, $p->id, $p->name, $p->projectCategory['name']
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Project Components

See Jira API reference (Get project components)

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $prjs = $proj->getAllProjects();

    // Extract and show Project Components for every Jira Project
    foreach ($prjs as $p) {
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Project type

See Jira API reference (get all types)

See Jira API reference (get type)

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $proj = new ProjectService();

    // get all project type
    $prjtyps = $proj->getProjectTypes();

    foreach ($prjtyps as $pt) {

    // get specific project type.
    $pt = $proj->getProjectType('software');

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Project Version

get all project's versions.

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $vers = $proj->getVersions('TEST');

    foreach ($vers as $v) {
        // $v is  JiraRestApi\Issue\Version
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

or get pagenated project's versions.

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $param = [
        'startAt' => 0,
        'maxResults' => 10,
        'orderBy' => 'name',
        //'expand' => null,

    $proj = new ProjectService();

    $vers = $proj->getVersionsPagenated('TEST', $param);

    foreach ($vers as $v) {
        // $v is  JiraRestApi\Issue\Version
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get All Field List

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Field\Field;
use JiraRestApi\Field\FieldService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $fieldService = new FieldService();

    // return custom field only. 
    $ret = $fieldService->getAllFields(Field::CUSTOM); 
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Create Custom Field

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Field\Field;
use JiraRestApi\Field\FieldService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $field = new Field();
    $field->setName('New custom field')
            ->setDescription('Custom field for picking groups')

    $fieldService = new FieldService();

    $ret = $fieldService->create($field);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Field Create Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

If you need a list of custom field types(ex. com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppicker) , check out Get All Field list.

Get Issue Info

See Jira API reference

Returns a full representation of the issue for the given issue key.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $queryParam = [
        'fields' => [  // default: '*all'
        'expand' => [
    $issue = $issueService->get('TEST-867', $queryParam);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

You can access the custom field associated with issue through $issue->fields->customFields array or through direct custom field id variables(Ex: $issue->fields->customfield_10300).

Create Issue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueField;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $issueField = new IssueField();

                ->setSummary('something\'s wrong')
                ->setDescription('Full description for issue')
                ->addVersionAsArray(['1.0.2', '1.0.3'])
                ->addComponentsAsArray(['Component-1', 'Component-2'])
                // set issue security if you need.
                ->setSecurityId(10001 /* security scheme id */)
                // or you can use DateTimeInterface
                //            (new DateTime('NOW'))->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 month 5 day'))
                // )
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);
    //If success, Returns a link to the created issue.
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

If you want to set custom field, you can call the addCustomField function with custom field id and value as parameters.

try {
    $issueField = new IssueField();

                ->setSummary('something\'s wrong')
                ->setDescription('Full description for issue')
                ->addCustomField('customfield_10100', 'text area body text') // String type custom field
                ->addCustomField('customfield_10200', ['value' => 'Linux']) // Select List (single choice)
                ->addCustomField('customfield_10408', [
                    ['value' => 'opt2'], ['value' => 'opt4']
                ]) // Select List (multiple choice)
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);
    //If success, Returns a link to the created issue.
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Currently, not tested for all custom field types.

Create Multiple Issues

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueField;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $issueFieldOne = new IssueField();

                ->setSummary('something\'s wrong')
                ->setDescription('Full description for issue');

    $issueFieldTwo = new IssueField();

                ->setSummary('something else is wrong')
                ->setDescription('Full description for second issue');
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->createMultiple([$issueFieldOne, $issueFieldTwo]);
    //If success, returns an array of the created issues
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Create Sub Task

See Jira API reference

Creating a sub-task is similar to creating a regular issue, with two important method calls:


for example โ€‹

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueField;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $issueField = new IssueField();

                ->setSummary('something\'s wrong')
                ->setDescription('Full description for issue')
                ->setIssueTypeAsString('Sub-task')  //issue type must be Sub-task
                ->setParentKeyOrId('TEST-143')  //Issue Key

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);

    //If success, Returns a link to the created sub task.
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

If you want to set custom field, you can call the addCustomField function with custom field id and value as parameters.

try {
    $issueField = new IssueField();

                ->setSummary('something\'s wrong')
                ->setDescription('Full description for issue')
                ->addCustomField('customfield_10100', 'text area body text') // String type custom field
                ->addCustomField('customfield_10200', ['value' => 'Linux']) // Select List (single choice)
                ->addCustomField('customfield_10408', [
                    ['value' => 'opt2'], ['value' => 'opt4']
                ]) // Select List (multiple choice)
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);
    //If success, Returns a link to the created issue.
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Currently, not tested for all custom field types.

Add Attachment

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    // multiple file upload support.
    $ret = $issueService->addAttachments($issueKey, 
        ['screen_capture.png', 'bug-description.pdf', '']

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Attach Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());

Update issue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueField;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {			
    $issueField = new IssueField(true);

                ->setDescription('This is a shorthand for a set operation on the summary field')

    // optionally set some query params
    $editParams = [
        'notifyUsers' => false,

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    // You can set the $paramArray param to disable notifications in example
    $ret = $issueService->update($issueKey, $issueField, $editParams);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'update Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());

If you want to change the custom field type when updating an issue, you can call the addCustomField function just as you did for creating issue.

Update labels

This function is a convenient wrapper for add or remove label in the issue.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $issueKey = 'TEST-123';

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $addLabels = [
        'triaged', 'customer-request', 'sales-request'

    $removeLabel = [
        'will-be-remove', 'this-label-is-typo'

    $ret = $issueService->updateLabels($issueKey,
            $notifyUsers = false

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'updateLabels Failed : '.$e->getMessage());
Update fix versions

This function is a convenient wrapper for add or remove fix version in the issue.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $issueKey = 'TEST-123';

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $addVersions = [
        '1.1.1', 'named-version'

    $removeVersions = [
        '1.1.0', 'old-version'

    $ret = $issueService->updateFixVersions($issueKey,
            $notifyUsers = false

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'updateFixVersions Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Change Assignee

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
	$issueService = new IssueService();

    // if assignee is -1, automatic assignee used.
    // A null assignee will remove the assignee.
    $assignee = 'newAssigneeName';

    $ret = $issueService->changeAssignee($issueKey, $assignee);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Change Assignee Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
	$issueService = new IssueService();

    $accountId = 'usre-account-id';

    $ret = $issueService->changeAssigneeByAccountId($issueKey, $accountId);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Change Assignee Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());

Remove Issue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->deleteIssue($issueKey);
    // if you want to delete issues with sub-tasks
    //$ret = $issueService->deleteIssue($issueKey, array('deleteSubtasks' => 'true'));

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Remove Issue Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());

Read property

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = "TEST-879";

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $property = $issueService->getProperty($issueKey, 'com.railsware.SmartChecklist.checklist');
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Write property

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Property;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = "TEST-879";

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $property = new Property();
    $property->value = "- First entry\n- second entry";
    $issueService->setProperty($issueKey, $property);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Add comment

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Comment;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {			
    $comment = new Comment();

    $body = <<<COMMENT
Adds a new comment to an issue.
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2
** sub Bullet 1
** sub Bullet 2
* Bullet 3

        ->setVisibilityAsString('role', 'Users');

    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $ret = $issueService->addComment($issueKey, $comment);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'add Comment Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());

Get comment

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $param = [
         'startAt' => 0, 
         'maxResults' => 3,
         'expand' => 'renderedBody',
    $comments = $issueService->getComments($issueKey, $param);


} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'get Comment Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

get comment by comment id

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $param = [
         'startAt' => 0, 
         'maxResults' => 3,
         'expand' => 'renderedBody',
    $commentId = 13805;

    $comments = $issueService->getComment($issueKey, $commentId, $param);


} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'get Comment Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Delete comment

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
    $commentId = 12345;

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->deleteComment($issueKey, $commentId);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Delete comment Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Update comment

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Comment;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {
    $commentId = 12345;

    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $comment = new Comment();
    $comment->setBody('Updated comments');
    $issueService->updateComment($issueKey, $commentId, $comment);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Update comment Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Perform a transition on an issue

Note: this library uses goal status names instead of transition names. So, if you want to change issue status to 'Some Status', you should pass that status name to setTransitionName

i.e. $transition->setTransitionName('Some Status')

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Transition;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-879';

try {			
    $transition = new Transition();
    $transition->setCommentBody('performing the transition via REST API.');

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $issueService->transition($issueKey, $transition);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'add Comment Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());

Note: If you are JIRA with local language profiles, you must use setUntranslatedName instead of setTransitionName.

i.e. $transition->setUntranslatedName('Done')

Perform an advanced search

Simple Query

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$jql = 'project not in (TEST)  and assignee = currentUser() and status in (Resolved, closed)';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->search($jql);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());
Simple Query with LinkedIssue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\JqlFunction;

// Searches for issues that are linked to an issue. You can restrict the search to links of a particular type. 
try {
    $linkedIssue = JqlFunction::linkedIssues('TEST-01', 'IN', 'is blocked by');

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->search($linkedIssue->expression);

} catch (JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

// Searches for epics and subtasks. If the issue is not an epic, the search returns all subtasks for the issue. 
try {
    $linkedIssue = JqlFunction::linkedissue('TEST-01');

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->search($linkedIssue->expression);

} catch (JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());
JQL with pagination

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$jql = 'project not in (TEST)  and assignee = currentUser() and status in (Resolved, closed)';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $pagination = -1;
    $startAt = 0;	//the index of the first issue to return (0-based)    
    $maxResult = 3;	// the maximum number of issues to return (defaults to 50). 
    $totalCount = -1;	// the number of issues to return
    // first fetch
    $ret = $issueService->search($jql, $startAt, $maxResult);
    $totalCount = $ret->total;
    // do something with fetched data
    foreach ($ret->issues as $issue) {
        print (sprintf('%s %s \n', $issue->key, $issue->fields->summary));
    // fetch remained data
    $page = $totalCount / $maxResult;

    for ($startAt = 1; $startAt < $page; $startAt++) {
        $ret = $issueService->search($jql, $startAt * $maxResult, $maxResult);

        print ('\nPaging $startAt\n');
        print ('-------------------\n');
        foreach ($ret->issues as $issue) {
            print (sprintf('%s %s \n', $issue->key, $issue->fields->summary));
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());
JQL query class

See Jira API reference

If you're not familiar JQL then you can use convenience JqlQuery class. JqlFunction class can be used to add jql functions calls to query. You can find the names of almost all fields, functions, keywords and operators defined as constants in JqlQuery and static methods in JqlFunciton classes. For more info see the Jira docs (link above).

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\JqlQuery;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\JqlFunction;

try {
    $jql = new JqlQuery();

        ->setStatus('In Progress')
        ->setCustomField('My Custom Field', 'value')

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->search($jql->getQuery());

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Remote Issue Link

get remote issue link
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-316';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $rils = $issueService->getRemoteIssueLink($issueKey);
    // rils is array of RemoteIssueLink classes
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, $e->getMessage());
create remote issue link
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\RemoteIssueLink;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-316';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ril = new RemoteIssueLink();

        ->setTitle('Remote Link Title')
        ->setSummary('Crazy customer support issue')

    $rils = $issueService->createOrUpdateRemoteIssueLink($issueKey, $ril);

    // rils is array of RemoteIssueLink classes
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Create Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Issue time tracking

This methods use get issue and edit issue methods internally.

See Jira API reference (get issue)

See Jira API reference (edit issue)

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\TimeTracking;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    // get issue's time tracking info
    $ret = $issueService->getTimeTracking($this->issueKey);
    $timeTracking = new TimeTracking;

    $timeTracking->setOriginalEstimate('3w 4d 6h');
    $timeTracking->setRemainingEstimate('1w 2d 3h');
    // add time tracking
    $ret = $issueService->timeTracking($this->issueKey, $timeTracking);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Add worklog in issue

See Jira API V2 reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Worklog;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';

try {
    $workLog = new Worklog();

    $workLog->setComment('I did some work here.')
            ->setStarted('2016-05-28 12:35:54')
            ->setTimeSpent('1d 2h 3m');

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->addWorklog($issueKey, $workLog);

    $workLogid = $ret->{'id'};

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Create Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

edit worklog in issue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Worklog;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';
$workLogid = '12345';

try {
    $workLog = new Worklog();

    $workLog->setComment('I did edit previous worklog here.')
            ->setStarted('2016-05-29 13:15:34')
            ->setTimeSpent('3d 4h 5m');

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->editWorklog($issueKey, $workLog, $workLogid);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Edit worklog Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Get issue worklog

See Jira API reference (get full issue worklog)

See Jira API reference (get worklog by id)

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    // get issue's all worklog
    $worklogs = $issueService->getWorklog($issueKey)->getWorklogs();
    // get worklog by id
    $wlId = 12345;
    $wl = $issueService->getWorklogById($issueKey, $wlId);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Add watcher to Issue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    // watcher's id
    $watcher = 'lesstif';
    $issueService->addWatcher($issueKey, $watcher);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'add watcher Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Remove watcher from Issue

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    // watcher's id
    $watcher = 'lesstif';
    $issueService->removeWatcher($issueKey, $watcher);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'add watcher Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

issue notify

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Notify;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

$issueKey = 'TEST-961';

try {
    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $noti = new Notify();

    $noti->setSubject('notify test')
        ->setTextBody('notify test text body')
        ->setHtmlBody('<h1>notify</h1>test html body')
        ->sendToUser('lesstif', true)

    $issueService->notify($issueKey, $noti);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    $this->assertTrue(false, 'Issue notify Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Create Issue Link

See Jira API reference

The Link Issue Resource provides functionality to manage issue links.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\IssueLink\IssueLink;
use JiraRestApi\IssueLink\IssueLinkService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $il = new IssueLink();

        ->setLinkTypeName('Relates' )
        ->setComment('Linked related issue via REST API.');
    $ils = new IssueLinkService();

    $ret = $ils->addIssueLink($il);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Issue LinkType

See Jira API reference

Rest resource to retrieve a list of issue link types.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\IssueLink\IssueLinkService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $ils = new IssueLinkService();

    $ret = $ils->getIssueLinkTypes();
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Create User

See Jira API reference

Create user. By default created user will not be notified with email. If password field is not set then password will be randomly generated.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    // create new user
    $user = $us->create([
            'password' => 'abracadabra',
            'emailAddress' => '[email protected]',
            'displayName' => 'Charlie of Atlassian',

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get User Info

See Jira API reference

Returns a user.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    $user = $us->get(['username' => 'lesstif']);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Find Users

See Jira API reference

Returns a list of users that match the search string and/or property.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    $paramArray = [
        'username' => '.', // get all users. 
        'startAt' => 0,
        'maxResults' => 1000,
        'includeInactive' => true,
        //'property' => '*',

    // get the user info.
    $users = $us->findUsers($paramArray);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Find Assignable Users

See Jira API reference

Returns a list of users that match the search string.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    $paramArray = [
        //'username' => null,
        'project' => 'TEST',
        //'issueKey' => 'TEST-1',
        'startAt' => 0,
        'maxResults' => 50, //max 1000
        //'actionDescriptorId' => 1,

    $users = $us->findAssignableUsers($paramArray);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Find users by query

See Jira API reference

Returns a list of users that match the search string.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    $paramArray = [
      'query' => 'is watcher of TEST',

    $users = $us->findUsersByQuery($paramArray);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

delete User

See Jira API reference

Removes user.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    $paramArray = ['username' => '[email protected]'];

    $users = $us->deleteUser($paramArray);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

update User

See Jira API reference

Updates user.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\User\UserService;

try {
    $us = new UserService();

    $paramArray = ['username' => '[email protected]'];

    // create new user
    $user = [
            'password' => 'abracada',
            'emailAddress' => '[email protected]',
            'displayName' => 'Charli of Atlassian',

    $updatedUser = $us->update($paramArray, $user)


} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Create Group

See Jira API reference

Create new group.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Group\GroupService;
use JiraRestApi\Group\Group;

try {
    $g = new Group();

    $g->name = 'Test group for REST API';

    $gs = new GroupService();
    $ret = $gs->createGroup($g);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Users from group

See Jira API reference

returns a paginated list of users who are members of the specified group and its subgroups.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Group\GroupService;

try {
   $queryParam = [
        'groupname' => 'Test group for REST API',
        'includeInactiveUsers' => true, // default false
        'startAt' => 0,
        'maxResults' => 50,

    $gs = new GroupService();

    $ret = $gs->getMembers($queryParam);

    // print all users in the group
    foreach($ret->values as $user) {
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Add User to group

See Jira API reference

add user to given group.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Group\GroupService;

try {
    $groupName  = 'ํ•œ๊ธ€ ๊ทธ๋ฃน name';
    $userName = 'lesstif';

    $gs = new GroupService();

    $ret = $gs->addUserToGroup($groupName, $userName);

    // print current state of the group.

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Remove User from group

See Jira API reference

Removes given user from a group.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
use JiraRestApi\Group\GroupService;

try {
    $groupName  = 'ํ•œ๊ธ€ ๊ทธ๋ฃน name';
    $userName = 'lesstif';

    $gs = new GroupService();

    $gs->removeUserFromGroup($groupName, $userName);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get All Priority list

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Priority\PriorityService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $ps = new PriorityService();

    $p = $ps->getAll();
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Priority

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Priority\PriorityService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $ps = new PriorityService();

    $p = $ps->get(1);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get Attachment Info

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Attachment\AttachmentService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $attachmentId = 12345;

    $atts = new AttachmentService();
    $att = $atts->get($attachmentId);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Gets the attachment information and saves the attachment into the outDir directory.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Attachment\AttachmentService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $attachmentId = 12345;
    $outDir = 'attachment_dir';
    $atts = new AttachmentService();
    $att = $atts->get($attachmentId, $outDir, $overwrite = true);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Remove attachment

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Attachment\AttachmentService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $attachmentId = 12345;

    $atts = new AttachmentService();

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
	print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Create version

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Issue\Version;
use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\Version\VersionService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $projectService = new ProjectService();
    $project = $projectService->get('TEST');

    $versionService = new VersionService();

    $version = new Version();

            ->setDescription('Generated by script')
            ->setStartDateAsDateTime(new \DateTime())
            ->setReleaseDateAsDateTime((new \DateTime())->add(date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 months 3 days')))

    $res = $versionService->create($version);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Update version

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Version\VersionService;
use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $versionService = new VersionService();
    $projectService = new ProjectService();

    $ver = $projectService->getVersion('TEST', '1.0.0');

    // update version
    $ver->setName($ver->name . ' Updated name')
        ->setDescription($ver->description . ' Updated description')
        ->setStartDateAsDateTime(new \DateTime())
        ->setReleaseDateAsDateTime((new \DateTime())->add(date_interval_create_from_date_string('2 weeks 3 days')))

    $res = $versionService->update($ver);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Delete version

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Version\VersionService;
use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $versionService = new VersionService();
    $projectService = new ProjectService();

    $version = $projectService->getVersion('TEST', '1.0.0');

    $res = $versionService->delete($version);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get version related issues

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Version\VersionService;
use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $versionService = new VersionService();
    $projectService = new ProjectService();

    $version = $projectService->getVersion('TEST', '1.0.0');

    $res = $versionService->getRelatedIssues($version);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get version unresolved issues

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Version\VersionService;
use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $versionService = new VersionService();
    $projectService = new ProjectService();

    $version = $projectService->getVersion('TEST', '1.0.0');

    $res = $versionService->getUnresolvedIssues($version);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Create component

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Component\ComponentService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Version;
use JiraRestApi\Project\Component;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $componentService = new ComponentService();
    $component = new Component();
    $component->setName('my component')
              ->setDescription('Generated by script')

    $res = $componentService->create($component);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Update component

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Component\ComponentService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Version;
use JiraRestApi\Project\Component;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $componentService = new ComponentService();
    $component = $componentService->get(10000); // component-id
    $component->setName($component->name . ' Updated name')
              ->setDescription($component->description . ' Updated descrption')
              ->setLeadUserName($component->lead->key);  // bug in jira api

    $res = $componentService->update($component);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());
Delete component

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Component\ComponentService;
use JiraRestApi\Issue\Version;
use JiraRestApi\Project\Component;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
    $componentService = new ComponentService();
    $component = $componentService->get(10000); // component-id

    $res = $componentService->delete($component);

} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get board list

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Board\BoardService;

try {
  $board_service = new BoardService();
  $board = $board_service->getBoardList();
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get board info

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Board\BoardService;

try {
  $board_service = new BoardService();
  $board_id = 1;
  $board = $board_service->getBoard($board_id);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get board issues

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Board\BoardService;

try {
  $board_service = new BoardService();
  $board_id = 1;
  $issues = $board_service->getBoardIssues($board_id, [
    'maxResults' => 500,
    'jql' => urlencode('status != Closed'),
  foreach ($issues as $issue) {
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get board epics

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

try {
  $board_service = new JiraRestApi\Board\BoardService();
  $board_id = 1;
  $epics = $board_service->getBoardEpics($board_id, [
    'maxResults' => 500,
  foreach ($epics as $epic) {
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get epic info

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

try {
  $epic_service = new JiraRestApi\Epic\EpicService();
  $epic_id = 1;
  $epic = $epic_service->getEpic($epic_id);
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());

Get epic issues

See Jira API reference

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

try {
  $epic_service = new JiraRestApi\Epic\EpicService();
  $epic_id = 1;
  $issues = $epic_service->getEpicIssues($epic_id, [
    'maxResults' => 500,
    'jql' => urlencode('status != Closed'),
  foreach ($issues as $issue) {
} catch (JiraRestApi\JiraException $e) {
    print('Error Occured! ' . $e->getMessage());


Apache V2 License

JIRA Rest API Documents

php-jira-rest-client's People


a-menshchikov avatar aexchecker avatar alexdmccabe avatar alexp11223 avatar anikgoel avatar arnested avatar cmuench avatar donkidd avatar ebarnad avatar elwingert avatar exemd avatar gemorroj avatar ghunti avatar hemeraone avatar keanor avatar lesstif avatar msnassar avatar nibynool avatar omarlopesino avatar reinfi avatar say1hello avatar schrank avatar scy avatar staabm avatar stmh avatar synga-nl avatar tjarrett avatar trailsnail avatar vumik avatar yaronkhazai avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

php-jira-rest-client's Issues

Trying to "search" issues with fixVersion fails due to Missing argument 1 for JiraRestApi\Issue\Version::__construct()

Here's the error message (slightly truncated):
Missing argument 1 for JiraRestApi\Issue\Version::__construct(), called in /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php on line 544 and defined

And here's stack trace:
Exception trace: () at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/Issue/Version.php:28 JiraRestApi\Issue\Version->__construct() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php:544 JsonMapper->createInstance() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php:376 JsonMapper->mapArray() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php:265 JsonMapper->map() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php:280 JsonMapper->map() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php:377 JsonMapper->mapArray() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/netresearch/jsonmapper/src/JsonMapper.php:265 JsonMapper->map() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/Issue/IssueService.php:350 JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService->search() at /home/alexa/PhpstormProjects/release/vendor/rbadmin/jira-bundle/Services/IssuesService.php:44

I'll submit PR shortly.

Parse error in constructor, line 77 in JiraClient.php

I must be doing something wrong as I did a fresh install several times and get this error using your first example file to access Jira:

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE ) or '{' or '$' in /var/www/html/myapp/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/JiraClient.php on line 77

  • PHP Version 5.4.16 (no Laravel or twig)
  • CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)
  • JIRA v6.4.1
    I used your install instructions and made sure I have dotenv and jsonmapper in vendor directory
    curl -sS | php
    php composer.phar require lesstif/php-jira-rest-client "^1.7.0"
    php composer.phar install

    I have a new .env (but did not start with an .env.example), so it contains just this:

Then I execute (from command line or from browser) this example file
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JiraRestApi\Project\ProjectService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;

try {
$proj = new ProjectService();

$p = $proj->get('TEST');


} catch (JiraException $e) {
print("Error Occured! " . $e->getMessage());

Hopefully I'm making an obvious mistake or omission and would appreciate your help!



So far you seem to have the most up to date and working package for JIRA. Would you mind looking into converting it into a Laravel compatible package? I was going to do so but would rather reach out to you first. Thanks

Transition Identifier must be an integer

Hey there, I'm trying to implement your gitlab-jira integration but I can't seem so make it work. I get this error on pushing the transition:

Error Message : {"errorMessages":["'transition' identifier must be an integer"],"errors":{}}' in /var/www/domain/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/JiraClient.php:198

Is there something wrong?

Class '\JiraRestApi\Issue\$name' not found

I am using IssueService search function with JQL "project=XYZ" and when result is coming it is giving me below error -

FatalErrorException in JsonMapper.php line 488:
Class '\JiraRestApi\Issue\$name' not found

Can anyone tell me why it would have been happening?

adds a comment response data parsing failed.

Missing argument 2 for JiraRestApi\Issue\Comment::setVisibility()


Unable to read the environment file at ../.env.

In Heroku I have this issue. It's works fine in local server but in Heroku it does not load environment variables.

Any experience with this issue in Heroku?

I am using this package in Lumen from Laravel.

OAuth support?

Would it be possible to add oauth support?
Currently it seems to only support login via a specific user/pass?

error if the "creator" is not a user or null

when performing an $issueService->search
if the creator can not be resolved by the API to a Jira user it returns NULL for the creator

This throws the following error in PHP
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught JsonMapper_Exception: JSON property "creator" in class "JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueField" must not be NULL in C:\t\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php:199
Stack trace:
#0 C:\t\vendor\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php(280): JsonMapper->map(Object(stdClass), Object(JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueField))
#1 C:\t\vendor\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php(382): JsonMapper->map(Object(stdClass), Object(JiraRestApi\Issue\Issue))
#2 C:\t\vendor\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php(265): JsonMapper->mapArray(Array, Array, '\JiraRestApi\Is...')
#3 C:\t\vendor\lesstif\php-jira-rest-client\src\Issue\IssueService.php(357): JsonMapper->map(Object(stdClass), Object(JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueSearchResult))
#4 C:\t\wwwroot\servicedeskqueryresult.php(28): JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService->search('project in (MDS...', 0, 50)
#5 {main}
thrown in C:\t\vendor\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php on line 199

sprint # committed and sprint carryover totals?

I'm trying to find a way to get the sprint total number committed, completed, and carryover. Is that possible using your library?

What I need is the numbers that can be found on the Sprint Velocity report

Not getting Custom fields IssueService->get()


I'm having issues getting value of Custom fields through IssueService->get(). Sample code:

$issueService = new IssueService();

$issue_detail_params = [
  'fields' => [ 
  'expand' => [

$issue_details = $issueService->get('ABC-123', $issue_detail_params);

Did a quick and dirty fix by adding call to addCustomFields() (see below).

It might be that:

  1. I am doing something stupid ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  2. There's a small fix that needs doing

Looking forward to any advice you can share. And thank you for a Great Library!


     *  get all project list.
     * @param $issueIdOrKey
     * @param array $paramArray Query Parameter key-value Array.
     * @return Issue class
     * @throws JiraException
     * @throws \JsonMapper_Exception
    public function get($issueIdOrKey, $paramArray = [])
        $queryParam = '?' . http_build_query($paramArray);

        $ret = $this->exec($this->uri . "/" . $issueIdOrKey . $queryParam, null);

	// Quick and dirty change
	$issue_data = json_decode($ret);
        $issue = $this->json_mapper->map(
             $issue_data, new Issue()
	return $issue;

Missing argument 1 for JiraRestApi\Issue\Component::__construct(), called in ..\vendor\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php on line 544 and defined

My controller :
use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;
use JiraRestApi\JiraException;
try {
$issueService = new IssueService();
$issue = $issueService->search('status not in (Closed, Cancel, Reject, Resolved)');
} catch (JiraException $e) {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
$issue = null;
Please, help me to resolve this issue. Thanks in advande.

auth adapter

In my company, jira in private network without https and basic auth doesn't work. Worked auth with session. : The log-in page uses cookie-based authentication, so if you are using JIRA in a browser you can call REST from Javascript on the page and rely on the authentication that the browser has established. Callers wanting to reproduce the behaviour of the JIRA log-in page (for example, to display authentication error messages to users) or who are calling both the REST and SOAP API can POST to the /auth/1/session resource as per the documentation below.

Multiple attachment uploading

Using the current addAttachments function the files are uploading individually and generating a lot of emails, looking at the JIRA documentation there seems to possibly be a better implementation that allows for bulk uploads. Would you be able to implement this API endpoint?

Uncaught Error: Class 'IssueService' not found in jira.php

Tried php-jira-rest-client utility and its great, but i'm facing one issue.

I have installed composer and every settings in jira folder internal to sub directory and tried to run basic login but it throws "IssueService throws class not found" error. It looks like it can't find IssueService, can you please help me for this issue?

'', 'jiraUser' => 'jira-username', 'jiraPassword' => 'jira-password', ) ``` )); ?>

use JiraRestApi\Configuration\ArrayConfiguration;

Works fine but IssueService throws class not found


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'IssueService' not found in /web/wp-content/themes/2016theme/jira.php:13
Stack trace: #0 /web/wp-includes/template-loader.php(75): include()
#1 /web/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/web/wp-...')
#2 /web/index.php(17): require('/web/wp-...')
#3 {main} thrown in /web/wp-content/themes/2016theme/jira.php on line 13

Error on getAllProjects example

Getting error on getAllProjects example:
Error Occured! JsonMapper::map() requires first argument to be an object, array given.


The use of ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH is PHP >= 5.6 and the indicates that PHP 5.4 is compatible. Everything else seems to work in PHP 5.4 but this throws a notice. Any suggestions?

json_decode failed with jql search result.

public function testSearch()
        $jql = 'project not in (TEST)  and assignee = currentUser() and status in (Resolved, closed)';
        try {
            $issueService = new IssueService();

            $ret = $issueService->search($jql);
        } catch (JIRAException $e) {
            $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : '.$e->getMessage());

Fatal error: Class 'string' not found in D:\github\php-jira-rest-client\vendor\netresearch\jsonmapper\src\JsonMapper.php on line 287

Comment is not being posted with transition

The example from doc:

    $transition = new Transition();
    $transition->setCommentBody('performing the transition via REST API.');

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $issueService->transition($issueKey, $transition);

Status getting switched but no comment added.

undefined variable $response


class JiraClient, function upload:
$body = 'CURL HTTP Request Failed: Status Code : '
.$this->http_response.', URL:'.$url
."\nError Message : ".$response; // @todo undefined variable $response

I'm still waiting for you to solve this problem. Can i ask, when you plan to do it?

issues do not support unassigned

When attempting to create a new issue with no assignee, I attempted to just remove ->setAssigneeName, passing a name value of null, passing a name value of "".

sample code to reproduce

    $issueField = new IssueField();

    $issueService = new IssueService();

    $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);
    return $ret;

It seem most natural that SetAssigneeName would be come optional

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'JiraRestApi\JiraException' with message ' in /var/www/html/composer/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/JiraClient.php on line 196
( ! ) JiraRestApi\JiraException: CURL HTTP Request Failed: Status Code : 400, URL: Error Message : {"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"assignee":"data was not an object"}} in /var/www/html/composer/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/JiraClient.php on line 196
Call Stack

Time Memory Function Location

1 0.0006 254200 {main}( ) ../test.php:0
2 0.0999 1332808 my_jira->new_fourd_project( ) ../test.php:15
3 0.1076 1376352 JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService->create( ) ../my_jira.php:43
4 0.1086 1388808 JiraRestApi\JiraClient->exec( ) ../IssueService.php:45

Adding query argument 'validateQuery' in searchMethod

Hi there,

I want to suggest an important improvement.
In IssueService in the search method, it would be really useful in some cases to add an argument "validateQuery" (type bool), with which someone can disable the query validation.
like so:

public function search($jql, $startAt = 0, $maxResults = 15, $fields = [], $expand = [], $validateQuery=true) { $data = json_encode(array( 'jql' => $jql, 'startAt' => $startAt, 'maxResults' => $maxResults, 'fields' => $fields, 'expand' => $expand, 'validateQuery' => $validateQuery ));
This is needed when e.g. making OR queries on the issueKey field.
Would be really nice if you could implement that in the next release.


Advanced JQL search: Only getting 15 issues back, but when I do the same JQL on the jira website, I get back many more. Please help?

I should be getting back many more than 15. What am I doing wrong?

My code:



require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // include Composer's autoloader

use JiraRestApi\Issue\IssueService;

//input is jira jql, returns total count of issues resulting from that jql search
function countIssues($jql)
    $issueService = new IssueService();
    $jiraResult = $issueService->search($jql);
    $issueCount = count($jiraResult->issues);

    return $issueCount;

  $jql = 'project = 10000 AND type = Bug';
  echo countIssues($jql)."\n";



$ php test1.php

Class 'Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider' not found in \JiraRestApi\JiraRestApiServiceProvider

Seems like one of your classes, \JiraRestApi\JiraRestApiServiceProvider, is extending an object that does not exist.

If you really want to use class Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider, you need to require the package in your composer.json. So something like this:

    "require": {
        "illuminate/support": "~5.4"

I haven't investigated if you actually need to include Laravel related packages at all. That is up to you to decide.

Epic Link

When using the search method of the IssueService object, the epic link for issues is not getting pulled into the fields object that it returns. Is there a way with this OO wrapper to get the epic links for issues or that feature not built in yet?

Thanks in advance.

.env not found on laravel framework.

InvalidArgumentException in Dotenv.php line 33:

Dotenv: Environment file .env not found or not readable. Create file with your environment settings at ./.env

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/web/interiorvista/tickets/dev/vendor/lesstif/php-jira-rest-client/src/Issue/IssueService.php on line 210

IssueField - some fields can be null

Thanks for the great API. Unfortunately I experienced some problems with the search-Call from IssueService.

It appears that many fields can be null, but they are not declared as nullable in the IssueField.php class. I found these: description, environment, resolution, aggregatetimespent, timeestimate, aggregatetimeoriginalestimate, resolutiondate, aggregatetimeestimate, lastViewed, timeoriginalestimate

Therefore JsonMapper is throwing an exception.

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