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LWP::UserAgent - Web user agent class


use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent ();

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10);

my $response = $ua->get('');

if ($response->is_success) {
    print $response->decoded_content;
else {
    die $response->status_line;

Extra layers of security (note the cookie_jar and protocols_allowed):

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP ();
use LWP::UserAgent       ();

my $jar = HTTP::CookieJar::LWP->new;
my $ua  = LWP::UserAgent->new(
    cookie_jar        => $jar,
    protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https'],
    timeout           => 10,


my $response = $ua->get('');

if ($response->is_success) {
    print $response->decoded_content;
else {
    die $response->status_line;


The LWP::UserAgent is a class implementing a web user agent. LWP::UserAgent objects can be used to dispatch web requests.

In normal use the application creates an LWP::UserAgent object, and then configures it with values for timeouts, proxies, name, etc. It then creates an instance of HTTP::Request for the request that needs to be performed. This request is then passed to one of the request method the UserAgent, which dispatches it using the relevant protocol, and returns a HTTP::Response object. There are convenience methods for sending the most common request types: "get" in LWP::UserAgent, "head" in LWP::UserAgent, "post" in LWP::UserAgent, "put" in LWP::UserAgent and "delete" in LWP::UserAgent. When using these methods, the creation of the request object is hidden as shown in the synopsis above.

The basic approach of the library is to use HTTP-style communication for all protocol schemes. This means that you will construct HTTP::Request objects and receive HTTP::Response objects even for non-HTTP resources like gopher and ftp. In order to achieve even more similarity to HTTP-style communications, gopher menus and file directories are converted to HTML documents.


The following constructor methods are available:


my $ua2 = $ua->clone;

Returns a copy of the LWP::UserAgent object.

CAVEAT: Please be aware that the clone method does not copy or clone your cookie_jar attribute. Due to the limited restrictions on what can be used for your cookie jar, there is no way to clone the attribute. The cookie_jar attribute will be undef in the new object instance.


my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( %options )

This method constructs a new LWP::UserAgent object and returns it. Key/value pair arguments may be provided to set up the initial state. The following options correspond to attribute methods described below:

KEY                     DEFAULT
-----------             --------------------
agent                   "libwww-perl/#.###"
conn_cache              undef
cookie_jar              undef
cookie_jar_class        HTTP::Cookies
default_headers         HTTP::Headers->new
from                    undef
local_address           undef
max_redirect            7
max_size                undef
no_proxy                []
parse_head              1
protocols_allowed       undef
protocols_forbidden     undef
proxy                   {}
requests_redirectable   ['GET', 'HEAD']
send_te                 1
show_progress           undef
ssl_opts                { verify_hostname => 1 }
timeout                 180

The following additional options are also accepted: If the env_proxy option is passed in with a true value, then proxy settings are read from environment variables (see "env_proxy" in LWP::UserAgent). If env_proxy isn't provided, the PERL_LWP_ENV_PROXY environment variable controls if "env_proxy" in LWP::UserAgent is called during initialization. If the keep_alive option value is defined and non-zero, then an LWP::ConnCache is set up (see "conn_cache" in LWP::UserAgent). The keep_alive value is passed on as the total_capacity for the connection cache.

proxy must be set as an arrayref of key/value pairs. no_proxy takes an arrayref of domains.


The settings of the configuration attributes modify the behaviour of the LWP::UserAgent when it dispatches requests. Most of these can also be initialized by options passed to the constructor method.

The following attribute methods are provided. The attribute value is left unchanged if no argument is given. The return value from each method is the old attribute value.


my $agent = $ua->agent;
$ua->agent('Checkbot/0.4 ');    # append the default to the end
$ua->agent("");                 # don't identify

Get/set the product token that is used to identify the user agent on the network. The agent value is sent as the User-Agent header in the requests.

The default is a string of the form libwww-perl/#.###, where #.### is substituted with the version number of this library.

If the provided string ends with space, the default libwww-perl/#.### string is appended to it.

The user agent string should be one or more simple product identifiers with an optional version number separated by the / character.


my $cache_obj = $ua->conn_cache;
$ua->conn_cache( $cache_obj );

Get/set the LWP::ConnCache object to use. See LWP::ConnCache for details.


my $jar = $ua->cookie_jar;
$ua->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar_obj );

Get/set the cookie jar object to use. The only requirement is that the cookie jar object must implement the extract_cookies($response) and add_cookie_header($request) methods. These methods will then be invoked by the user agent as requests are sent and responses are received. Normally this will be a HTTP::Cookies object or some subclass. You are, however, encouraged to use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP instead. See "BEST PRACTICES" for more information.

use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP ();

my $jar = HTTP::CookieJar::LWP->new;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => $jar );

# or after object creation
$ua->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar );

The default is to have no cookie jar, i.e. never automatically add Cookie headers to the requests.

If $jar contains an unblessed hash reference, a new cookie jar object is created for you automatically. The object is of the class set with the cookie_jar_class constructor argument, which defaults to HTTP::Cookies.

$ua->cookie_jar({ file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt" });

is really just a shortcut for:

require HTTP::Cookies;
$ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt"));

As described above and in "BEST PRACTICES", you should set cookie_jar_class to "HTTP::CookieJar::LWP" to get a safer cookie jar.

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar_class => 'HTTP::CookieJar::LWP' );
$ua->cookie_jar({}); # HTTP::CookieJar::LWP takes no args

These can also be combined into the constructor, so a jar is created at instantiation.

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
  cookie_jar_class => 'HTTP::CookieJar::LWP',
  cookie_jar       =>  {},


my $creds = $ua->credentials();
$ua->credentials( $netloc, $realm );
$ua->credentials( $netloc, $realm, $uname, $pass );
$ua->credentials("", "Some Realm", "foo", "secret");

Get/set the user name and password to be used for a realm.

The $netloc is a string of the form <host>:<port>. The username and password will only be passed to this server.


$ua->default_header( $field );
$ua->default_header( $field => $value );
$ua->default_header('Accept-Encoding' => scalar HTTP::Message::decodable());
$ua->default_header('Accept-Language' => "no, en");

This is just a shortcut for $ua->default_headers->header( $field => $value ).


my $headers = $ua->default_headers;
$ua->default_headers( $headers_obj );

Get/set the headers object that will provide default header values for any requests sent. By default this will be an empty HTTP::Headers object.


my $from = $ua->from;
$ua->from('[email protected]');

Get/set the email address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent. The address should be machine-usable, as defined in RFC2822. The from value is sent as the From header in the requests.

The default is to not send a From header. See "default_headers" in LWP::UserAgent for the more general interface that allow any header to be defaulted.


my $address = $ua->local_address;
$ua->local_address( $address );

Get/set the local interface to bind to for network connections. The interface can be specified as a hostname or an IP address. This value is passed as the LocalAddr argument to IO::Socket::INET.


my $max = $ua->max_redirect;
$ua->max_redirect( $n );

This reads or sets the object's limit of how many times it will obey redirection responses in a given request cycle.

By default, the value is 7. This means that if you call "request" in LWP::UserAgent and the response is a redirect elsewhere which is in turn a redirect, and so on seven times, then LWP gives up after that seventh request.


my $size = $ua->max_size;
$ua->max_size( $bytes );

Get/set the size limit for response content. The default is undef, which means that there is no limit. If the returned response content is only partial, because the size limit was exceeded, then a Client-Aborted header will be added to the response. The content might end up longer than max_size as we abort once appending a chunk of data makes the length exceed the limit. The Content-Length header, if present, will indicate the length of the full content and will normally not be the same as length($res->content).


my $bool = $ua->parse_head;
$ua->parse_head( $boolean );

Get/set a value indicating whether we should initialize response headers from the <head> section of HTML documents. The default is true. Do not turn this off unless you know what you are doing.


my $aref = $ua->protocols_allowed;      # get allowed protocols
$ua->protocols_allowed( \@protocols );  # allow ONLY these
$ua->protocols_allowed(undef);          # delete the list
$ua->protocols_allowed(['http',]);      # ONLY allow http

By default, an object has neither a protocols_allowed list, nor a "protocols_forbidden" in LWP::UserAgent list.

This reads (or sets) this user agent's list of protocols that the request methods will exclusively allow. The protocol names are case insensitive.

For example: $ua->protocols_allowed( [ 'http', 'https'] ); means that this user agent will allow only those protocols, and attempts to use this user agent to access URLs with any other schemes (like ftp://...) will result in a 500 error.

Note that having a protocols_allowed list causes any "protocols_forbidden" in LWP::UserAgent list to be ignored.


my $aref = $ua->protocols_forbidden;    # get the forbidden list
$ua->protocols_forbidden(\@protocols);  # do not allow these
$ua->protocols_forbidden(['http',]);    # All http reqs get a 500
$ua->protocols_forbidden(undef);        # delete the list

This reads (or sets) this user agent's list of protocols that the request method will not allow. The protocol names are case insensitive.

For example: $ua->protocols_forbidden( [ 'file', 'mailto'] ); means that this user agent will not allow those protocols, and attempts to use this user agent to access URLs with those schemes will result in a 500 error.


my $aref = $ua->requests_redirectable;
$ua->requests_redirectable( \@requests );
$ua->requests_redirectable(['GET', 'HEAD',]); # the default

This reads or sets the object's list of request names that "redirect_ok" in LWP::UserAgent will allow redirection for. By default, this is ['GET', 'HEAD'], as per RFC 2616. To change to include POST, consider:

push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';


my $bool = $ua->send_te;
$ua->send_te( $boolean );

If true, will send a TE header along with the request. The default is true. Set it to false to disable the TE header for systems who can't handle it.


my $bool = $ua->show_progress;
$ua->show_progress( $boolean );

Get/set a value indicating whether a progress bar should be displayed on the terminal as requests are processed. The default is false.


my @keys = $ua->ssl_opts;
my $val = $ua->ssl_opts( $key );
$ua->ssl_opts( $key => $value );

Get/set the options for SSL connections. Without argument return the list of options keys currently set. With a single argument return the current value for the given option. With 2 arguments set the option value and return the old. Setting an option to the value undef removes this option.

The options that LWP relates to are:

  • verify_hostname => $bool

    When TRUE LWP will for secure protocol schemes ensure it connects to servers that have a valid certificate matching the expected hostname. If FALSE no checks are made and you can't be sure that you communicate with the expected peer. The no checks behaviour was the default for libwww-perl-5.837 and earlier releases.

    This option is initialized from the PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME environment variable. If this environment variable isn't set; then verify_hostname defaults to 1.

    Please note that that recently the overall effect of this option with regards to SSL handling has changed. As of version 6.11 of LWP::Protocol::https, which is an external module, SSL certificate verification was harmonized to behave in sync with IO::Socket::SSL. With this change, setting this option no longer disables all SSL certificate verification, only the hostname checks. To disable all verification, use the SSL_verify_mode option in the ssl_opts attribute. For example: $ua-ssl_opts(SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE);>

  • SSL_ca_file => $path

    The path to a file containing Certificate Authority certificates. A default setting for this option is provided by checking the environment variables PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE and HTTPS_CA_FILE in order.

  • SSL_ca_path => $path

    The path to a directory containing files containing Certificate Authority certificates. A default setting for this option is provided by checking the environment variables PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_PATH and HTTPS_CA_DIR in order.

Other options can be set and are processed directly by the SSL Socket implementation in use. See IO::Socket::SSL or Net::SSL for details.

The libwww-perl core no longer bundles protocol plugins for SSL. You will need to install LWP::Protocol::https separately to enable support for processing https-URLs.


my $secs = $ua->timeout;
$ua->timeout( $secs );

Get/set the timeout value in seconds. The default value is 180 seconds, i.e. 3 minutes.

The request is aborted if no activity on the connection to the server is observed for timeout seconds. This means that the time it takes for the complete transaction and the "request" in LWP::UserAgent method to actually return might be longer.

When a request times out, a response object is still returned. The response will have a standard HTTP Status Code (500). This response will have the "Client-Warning" header set to the value of "Internal response". See the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method description below for further details.


The following methods set up when requests should be passed via a proxy server.



Load proxy settings from *_proxy environment variables. You might specify proxies like this (sh-syntax):

export gopher_proxy wais_proxy no_proxy

csh or tcsh users should use the setenv command to define these environment variables.

On systems with case insensitive environment variables there exists a name clash between the CGI environment variables and the HTTP_PROXY environment variable normally picked up by env_proxy. Because of this HTTP_PROXY is not honored for CGI scripts. The CGI_HTTP_PROXY environment variable can be used instead.


$ua->no_proxy( @domains );
$ua->no_proxy('localhost', '');
$ua->no_proxy(); # clear the list

Do not proxy requests to the given domains, including subdomains. Calling no_proxy without any domains clears the list of domains.


$ua->proxy(\@schemes, $proxy_url)
$ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], '');

# For a single scheme:
$ua->proxy($scheme, $proxy_url)
$ua->proxy('gopher', '');

# To set multiple proxies at once:
    ftp => '',
    [ 'http', 'https' ] => '',

Set/retrieve proxy URL for a scheme.

The first form specifies that the URL is to be used as a proxy for access methods listed in the list in the first method argument, i.e. http and ftp.

The second form shows a shorthand form for specifying proxy URL for a single access scheme.

The third form demonstrates setting multiple proxies at once. This is also the only form accepted by the constructor.


Handlers are code that injected at various phases during the processing of requests. The following methods are provided to manage the active handlers:


$ua->add_handler( $phase => \&cb, %matchspec )

Add handler to be invoked in the given processing phase. For how to specify %matchspec see "Matching" in HTTP::Config.

The possible values $phase and the corresponding callback signatures are as follows. Note that the handlers are documented in the order in which they will be run, which is:

  • request_preprepare => sub { my($request, $ua, $handler) = @_; ... }

    The handler is called before the request_prepare and other standard initialization of the request. This can be used to set up headers and attributes that the request_prepare handler depends on. Proxy initialization should take place here; but in general don't register handlers for this phase.

  • request_prepare => sub { my($request, $ua, $handler) = @_; ... }

    The handler is called before the request is sent and can modify the request any way it see fit. This can for instance be used to add certain headers to specific requests.

    The method can assign a new request object to $_[0] to replace the request that is sent fully.

    The return value from the callback is ignored. If an exception is raised it will abort the request and make the request method return a "400 Bad request" response.

  • request_send => sub { my($request, $ua, $handler) = @_; ... }

    This handler gets a chance of handling requests before they're sent to the protocol handlers. It should return an HTTP::Response object if it wishes to terminate the processing; otherwise it should return nothing.

    The response_header and response_data handlers will not be invoked for this response, but the response_done will be.

  • response_header => sub { my($response, $ua, $handler) = @_; ... }

    This handler is called right after the response headers have been received, but before any content data. The handler might set up handlers for data and might croak to abort the request.

    The handler might set the $response->{default_add_content} value to control if any received data should be added to the response object directly. This will initially be false if the $ua->request() method was called with a $content_file or $content_cb argument; otherwise true.

  • response_data => sub { my($response, $ua, $handler, $data) = @_; ... }

    This handler is called for each chunk of data received for the response. The handler might croak to abort the request.

    This handler needs to return a TRUE value to be called again for subsequent chunks for the same request.

  • response_done => sub { my($response, $ua, $handler) = @_; ... }

    The handler is called after the response has been fully received, but before any redirect handling is attempted. The handler can be used to extract information or modify the response.

  • response_redirect => sub { my($response, $ua, $handler) = @_; ... }

    The handler is called in $ua->request after response_done. If the handler returns an HTTP::Request object we'll start over with processing this request instead.

For all of these, $handler is a code reference to the handler that is currently being run.


$ua->get_my_handler( $phase, %matchspec );
$ua->get_my_handler( $phase, %matchspec, $init );

Will retrieve the matching handler as hash ref.

If $init is passed as a true value, create and add the handler if it's not found. If $init is a subroutine reference, then it's called with the created handler hash as argument. This sub might populate the hash with extra fields; especially the callback. If $init is a hash reference, merge the hashes.


$ua->handlers( $phase, $request )
$ua->handlers( $phase, $response )

Returns the handlers that apply to the given request or response at the given processing phase.


$ua->remove_handler( undef, %matchspec );
$ua->remove_handler( $phase, %matchspec );
$ua->remove_handler(); # REMOVE ALL HANDLERS IN ALL PHASES

Remove handlers that match the given %matchspec. If $phase is not provided, remove handlers from all phases.

Be careful as calling this function with %matchspec that is not specific enough can remove handlers not owned by you. It's probably better to use the "set_my_handler" in LWP::UserAgent method instead.

The removed handlers are returned.


$ua->set_my_handler( $phase, $cb, %matchspec );
$ua->set_my_handler($phase, undef); # remove handler for phase

Set handlers private to the executing subroutine. Works by defaulting an owner field to the %matchspec that holds the name of the called subroutine. You might pass an explicit owner to override this.

If $cb is passed as undef, remove the handler.


The methods described in this section are used to dispatch requests via the user agent. The following request methods are provided:


my $res = $ua->delete( $url );
my $res = $ua->delete( $url, $field_name => $value, ... );

This method will dispatch a DELETE request on the given URL. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method.

This method will use the DELETE() function from HTTP::Request::Common to build the request. See HTTP::Request::Common for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features.


my $res = $ua->get( $url );
my $res = $ua->get( $url , $field_name => $value, ... );

This method will dispatch a GET request on the given URL. Further arguments can be given to initialize the headers of the request. These are given as separate name/value pairs. The return value is a response object. See HTTP::Response for a description of the interface it provides.

There will still be a response object returned when LWP can't connect to the server specified in the URL or when other failures in protocol handlers occur. These internal responses use the standard HTTP status codes, so the responses can't be differentiated by testing the response status code alone. Error responses that LWP generates internally will have the "Client-Warning" header set to the value "Internal response". If you need to differentiate these internal responses from responses that a remote server actually generates, you need to test this header value.

Fields names that start with ":" are special. These will not initialize headers of the request but will determine how the response content is treated. The following special field names are recognized:

':content_file'   => $filename # or $filehandle
':content_cb'     => \&callback
':read_size_hint' => $bytes

If a $filename or $filehandle is provided with the :content_file option, then the response content will be saved here instead of in the response object. The $filehandle may also be an object with an open file descriptor, such as a File::Temp object. If a callback is provided with the :content_cb option then this function will be called for each chunk of the response content as it is received from the server. If neither of these options are given, then the response content will accumulate in the response object itself. This might not be suitable for very large response bodies. Only one of :content_file or :content_cb can be specified. The content of unsuccessful responses will always accumulate in the response object itself, regardless of the :content_file or :content_cb options passed in. Note that errors writing to the content file (for example due to permission denied or the filesystem being full) will be reported via the Client-Aborted or X-Died response headers, and not the is_success method.

The :read_size_hint option is passed to the protocol module which will try to read data from the server in chunks of this size. A smaller value for the :read_size_hint will result in a higher number of callback invocations.

The callback function is called with 3 arguments: a chunk of data, a reference to the response object, and a reference to the protocol object. The callback can abort the request by invoking die(). The exception message will show up as the "X-Died" header field in the response returned by the $ua->get() method.


my $res = $ua->head( $url );
my $res = $ua->head( $url , $field_name => $value, ... );

This method will dispatch a HEAD request on the given URL. Otherwise it works like the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method described above.


my $bool = $ua->is_protocol_supported( $scheme );

You can use this method to test whether this user agent object supports the specified scheme. (The scheme might be a string (like http or ftp) or it might be an URI object reference.)

Whether a scheme is supported is determined by the user agent's protocols_allowed or protocols_forbidden lists (if any), and by the capabilities of LWP. I.e., this will return true only if LWP supports this protocol and it's permitted for this particular object.


my $bool = $ua->is_online;

Tries to determine if you have access to the Internet. Returns 1 (true) if the built-in heuristics determine that the user agent is able to access the Internet (over HTTP) or 0 (false).

See also LWP::Online.


my $res = $ua->mirror( $url, $filename );

This method will get the document identified by URL and store it in file called $filename. If the file already exists, then the request will contain an If-Modified-Since header matching the modification time of the file. If the document on the server has not changed since this time, then nothing happens. If the document has been updated, it will be downloaded again. The modification time of the file will be forced to match that of the server.

Uses "move" in File::Copy to attempt to atomically replace the $filename.

The return value is an HTTP::Response object.


# Any version of HTTP::Message works with this form:
my $res = $ua->patch( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => $content );

# Using hash or array references requires HTTP::Message >= 6.12
use HTTP::Request 6.12;
my $res = $ua->patch( $url, \%form );
my $res = $ua->patch( $url, \@form );
my $res = $ua->patch( $url, \%form, $field_name => $value, ... );
my $res = $ua->patch( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => \%form );
my $res = $ua->patch( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => \@form );

This method will dispatch a PATCH request on the given URL, with %form or @form providing the key/value pairs for the fill-in form content. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method.


This method can only accept content that is in key-value pairs when using HTTP::Request::Common prior to version 6.12. Any use of hash or array references will result in an error prior to version 6.12.

This method will use the PATCH function from HTTP::Request::Common to build the request. See HTTP::Request::Common for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features.


my $res = $ua->post( $url, \%form );
my $res = $ua->post( $url, \@form );
my $res = $ua->post( $url, \%form, $field_name => $value, ... );
my $res = $ua->post( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => \%form );
my $res = $ua->post( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => \@form );
my $res = $ua->post( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => $content );

This method will dispatch a POST request on the given URL, with %form or @form providing the key/value pairs for the fill-in form content. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method.

This method will use the POST function from HTTP::Request::Common to build the request. See HTTP::Request::Common for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features.


# Any version of HTTP::Message works with this form:
my $res = $ua->put( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => $content );

# Using hash or array references requires HTTP::Message >= 6.07
use HTTP::Request 6.07;
my $res = $ua->put( $url, \%form );
my $res = $ua->put( $url, \@form );
my $res = $ua->put( $url, \%form, $field_name => $value, ... );
my $res = $ua->put( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => \%form );
my $res = $ua->put( $url, $field_name => $value, Content => \@form );

This method will dispatch a PUT request on the given URL, with %form or @form providing the key/value pairs for the fill-in form content. Additional headers and content options are the same as for the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method.


This method can only accept content that is in key-value pairs when using HTTP::Request::Common prior to version 6.07. Any use of hash or array references will result in an error prior to version 6.07.

This method will use the PUT function from HTTP::Request::Common to build the request. See HTTP::Request::Common for a details on how to pass form content and other advanced features.


my $res = $ua->request( $request );
my $res = $ua->request( $request, $content_file );
my $res = $ua->request( $request, $content_cb );
my $res = $ua->request( $request, $content_cb, $read_size_hint );

This method will dispatch the given $request object. Normally this will be an instance of the HTTP::Request class, but any object with a similar interface will do. The return value is an HTTP::Response object.

The request method will process redirects and authentication responses transparently. This means that it may actually send several simple requests via the "simple_request" in LWP::UserAgent method described below.

The request methods described above; "get" in LWP::UserAgent, "head" in LWP::UserAgent, "post" in LWP::UserAgent and "mirror" in LWP::UserAgent will all dispatch the request they build via this method. They are convenience methods that simply hide the creation of the request object for you.

The $content_file, $content_cb and $read_size_hint all correspond to options described with the "get" in LWP::UserAgent method above. Note that errors writing to the content file (for example due to permission denied or the filesystem being full) will be reported via the Client-Aborted or X-Died response headers, and not the is_success method.

You are allowed to use a CODE reference as content in the request object passed in. The content function should return the content when called. The content can be returned in chunks. The content function will be invoked repeatedly until it return an empty string to signal that there is no more content.


my $request = HTTP::Request->new( ... );
my $res = $ua->simple_request( $request );
my $res = $ua->simple_request( $request, $content_file );
my $res = $ua->simple_request( $request, $content_cb );
my $res = $ua->simple_request( $request, $content_cb, $read_size_hint );

This method dispatches a single request and returns the response received. Arguments are the same as for the "request" in LWP::UserAgent described above.

The difference from "request" in LWP::UserAgent is that simple_request will not try to handle redirects or authentication responses. The "request" in LWP::UserAgent method will, in fact, invoke this method for each simple request it sends.


The following methods will be invoked as requests are processed. These methods are documented here because subclasses of LWP::UserAgent might want to override their behaviour.


# This checks wantarray and can either return an array:
my ($user, $pass) = $ua->get_basic_credentials( $realm, $uri, $isproxy );
# or a string that looks like "user:pass"
my $creds = $ua->get_basic_credentials($realm, $uri, $isproxy);

This is called by "request" in LWP::UserAgent to retrieve credentials for documents protected by Basic or Digest Authentication. The arguments passed in is the $realm provided by the server, the $uri requested and a boolean flag to indicate if this is authentication against a proxy server.

The method should return a username and password. It should return an empty list to abort the authentication resolution attempt. Subclasses can override this method to prompt the user for the information. An example of this can be found in lwp-request program distributed with this library.

The base implementation simply checks a set of pre-stored member variables, set up with the "credentials" in LWP::UserAgent method.


$request = $ua->prepare_request( $request );

This method is invoked by "simple_request" in LWP::UserAgent. Its task is to modify the given $request object by setting up various headers based on the attributes of the user agent. The return value should normally be the $request object passed in. If a different request object is returned it will be the one actually processed.

The headers affected by the base implementation are; User-Agent, From, Range and Cookie.


my $prog = $ua->progress( $status, $request_or_response );

This is called frequently as the response is received regardless of how the content is processed. The method is called with $status "begin" at the start of processing the request and with $state "end" before the request method returns. In between these $status will be the fraction of the response currently received or the string "tick" if the fraction can't be calculated.

When $status is "begin" the second argument is the HTTP::Request object, otherwise it is the HTTP::Response object.


my $bool = $ua->redirect_ok( $prospective_request, $response );

This method is called by "request" in LWP::UserAgent before it tries to follow a redirection to the request in $response. This should return a true value if this redirection is permissible. The $prospective_request will be the request to be sent if this method returns true.

The base implementation will return false unless the method is in the object's requests_redirectable list, false if the proposed redirection is to a file://... URL, and true otherwise.


The default settings can get you up and running quickly, but there are settings you can change in order to make your life easier.

Handling Cookies

You are encouraged to install Mozilla::PublicSuffix and use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP as your cookie jar. HTTP::CookieJar::LWP provides a better security model matching that of current Web browsers when Mozilla::PublicSuffix is installed.

use HTTP::CookieJar::LWP ();

my $jar = HTTP::CookieJar::LWP->new;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => $jar );

See "cookie_jar" for more information.

Managing Protocols

protocols_allowed gives you the ability to allow arbitrary protocols.

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
    protocols_allowed => [ 'http', 'https' ]

This will prevent you from inadvertently following URLs like file:///etc/passwd. See "protocols_allowed".

protocols_forbidden gives you the ability to deny arbitrary protocols.

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
    protocols_forbidden => [ 'file', 'mailto', 'ssh', ]

This can also prevent you from inadvertently following URLs like file:///etc/passwd. See "protocols_forbidden".


See LWP for a complete overview of libwww-perl5. See lwpcook and the scripts lwp-request and lwp-download for examples of usage.

See HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response for a description of the message objects dispatched and received. See HTTP::Request::Common and HTML::Form for other ways to build request objects.

See WWW::Mechanize and WWW::Search for examples of more specialized user agents based on LWP::UserAgent.


Copyright 1995-2009 Gisle Aas.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

http-daemon's People


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http-daemon's Issues

Extend IO::Socket::IP to replace ::INET [ #91699]

Migrated from (status was 'open')



From [email protected] on 2013-12-28 01:38:25

The HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn is based on a IO::Socket::INET object, which is a pity because that does not support IPv6.  The ::IP implementation is a drop-in replacement.

From [email protected] on 2017-01-16 16:49:48

Dne Pá 20:38:25, MARKOV napsal(a):
> The HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn is based on a IO::Socket::INET object,
> which is a pity because that does not support IPv6.  The ::IP
> implementation is a drop-in replacement.

Attached patch implements it. Thus is should also fix CPAN RT #71395.

From [email protected] on 2017-01-17 14:06:39

Dne Po 16.led.2017 11:49:48, ppisar napsal(a):
> Attached patch implements it. Thus is should also fix CPAN RT #71395.

This patch replaces the previous one. It fixes bad inet_ntop() invocation.

From [email protected] on 2017-09-18 14:01:01

Dne �t 17.led.2017 09:06:39, ppisar napsal(a):
> Dne Po 16.led.2017 11:49:48, ppisar napsal(a):
> > Attached patch implements it. Thus is should also fix CPAN RT #71395.
> This patch replaces the previous one. It fixes bad inet_ntop() invocation.

Attached patch adds a special handling for undefined and emptry LocalAddr arguments to work around IO::Socket::IP incompatibility (CPAN RT#123069).

From [email protected] on 2017-09-18 14:27:38

Dne Po 18.zá�.2017 10:01:01, ppisar napsal(a):
> Attached patch adds a special handling for undefined and emptry
> LocalAddr arguments to work around IO::Socket::IP incompatibility
> (CPAN RT#123069).

Grr. I made a typo. Attached patch replaces it.

From [email protected] on 2018-05-23 15:16:43

Dne Po 18.zá�.2017 10:27:38, ppisar napsal(a):
> Dne Po 18.zá�.2017 10:01:01, ppisar napsal(a):
> > Attached patch adds a special handling for undefined and emptry
> > LocalAddr arguments to work around IO::Socket::IP incompatibility
> > (CPAN RT#123069).
> Grr. I made a typo. Attached patch replaces it.
There was another bug found, CPAN RT#125242.

HTTP client hangs if zero-length file sent

print $self "Content-Length: $size$CRLF" if $size;

Using send_file_response with empty file suppress "Content-Length" header line, because "if $size" contstruction treated as false.

Then library succsessfully complete operation with RC_OK code, but HTTP client waits data from server, and timeout occured as a result.

Removing "if $size" resolve this problem.

DZil the dist.

Please update this dist to use DZil to make the releases from now on.

libhttp-daemon-perl: HTTP::Daemon doesn't report keep-alive connection to HTTP/1.0 clients [ #93722]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From [email protected] on 2014-03-10 21:14:40

This bug has been forwarded from


Package: libwww-perl
Version: 5.803-4
Severity: normal

When an HTTP/1.0 client requests persistent connections, HTTP::Daemon
respects the request, but doesn't indicate to the client that the resulting
connection is keep-alive.  Assuming the server example from the man page,
the conversation looks like this:

    $ nc mulj 32790
    GET /xyzzy HTTP/1.0
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 16:45:53 GMT
    Server: libwww-perl-daemon/1.36
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Length: 1329
    Last-Modified: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 00:36:13 GMT
    ... contents of /etc/passwd ...
    [ client hangs waiting for output ]

The problem is that the server didn't indicate a persistent connection by
sending the appropriate Connection header with the response.  This made the
HTTP/1.0 client think that the server didn't understand the keep-alive
request and it simply read the response until EOF -- which never came.  This
problem exists with Wget prior to 1.10.1 when interacting with HTTP::Daemon

While assuming persistent connections is correct in HTTP/1.1, it is not the
case in HTTP/1.0, where persistent connections exist only as an extension
that must be explicitly negotiated between and understood by both the client
and the server.  If the server doesn't respond with the appropriate token,
the HTTP/1.0 client must assume that it is talking to a server that doesn't
understand persistent connections and behave accordingly.

To summarize: when dealing with HTTP/1.0 clients requesting persistent
connections, HTTP::Daemon should either include "Connection: Keep-Alive" in
the response or not use persistent connections at all.  The former is
obviously preferrable.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.11-1-686
Locale: LANG=en_US, LC_CTYPE=en_US (charmap=ISO-8859-1)

Versions of packages libwww-perl depends on:
pn  libdigest-md5-perl            <none>     (no description available)
ii  libhtml-parser-perl           3.45-2     A collection of modules that parse
ii  libhtml-tree-perl             3.18-1     represent and create HTML syntax t
ii  liburi-perl                   1.35-1     Manipulates and accesses URI strin
ii  perl [libmime-base64-perl]    5.8.7-3    Larry Wall's Practical Extraction 
ii  perl-modules [libnet-perl]    5.8.7-3    Core Perl modules

Versions of packages libwww-perl recommends:
pn  libcompress-zlib-perl         <none>     (no description available)
pn  libhtml-format-perl           <none>     (no description available)
ii  libmailtools-perl             1.62-1     Manipulate email in perl programs

-- no debconf information


Thanks in advance,
Daniel Lintott, Debian Perl Group

support IO::Socket::UNIX [ #69302]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From [email protected] on 2011-07-06 02:02:40

It would be nice if instead of subclassing from IO::Socket::INET, 
HTTP::Daemon subclasses from IO::Socket (or perhaps IO::Handle). This way 
it can support HTTP daemon listening to, say, Unix socket (as a note, 
Starman also supports serving HTTP requests over Unix socket).

From [email protected] on 2011-07-06 04:57:25

On Tue Jul 05 22:02:40 2011, SHARYANTO wrote:
> It would be nice if instead of subclassing from IO::Socket::INET, 
> HTTP::Daemon subclasses from IO::Socket (or perhaps IO::Handle). This 
> it can support HTTP daemon listening to, say, Unix socket (as a note, 
> Starman also supports serving HTTP requests over Unix socket).

Btw, I just wrote a quick hack to allow HTTP::Daemon to serve over Unix 
socket: HTTP::Daemon::UNIX (on CPAN shortly).


sockhostname called on literal $addr instead of $self crashes HTTP::Daemon-6.0.1 [ #125242]

Migrated from (status was 'open')



From [email protected] on 2018-04-30 12:37:15

Hi all

A bug seems to have slipped in with the patch to move from
IO::Socket::INET to ::IP (Extend IO::Socket::IP to replace ::INET -

In sub url, line 64, the "sockhostname" method is called on the result
($addr) of $self->sockaddr (called on line 52). But $addr is not a class
object, but a binary string, so this must fail, and actually does with
this error:

Can't call method "sockhostname" without a package or object reference
at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTTP/ line 64.

The following patch fixes this:

---      2018-04-30 09:31:17.902832206 +0200
+++   2018-04-30 14:17:47.502075060 +0200
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
        $url .= '[' . inet_ntop(AF_INET6, $addr) . ']';
     else {
-       my $host = $addr->sockhostname;
+       my $host = $self->sockhostname;
         if (!defined $host) {
            if (sockaddr_family($addr) eq AF_INET6) {
                $host = '[' . inet_ntop(AF_INET6, $addr) . ']';

Noticed this on CentOS, after upgrading from
perl-HTTP-Daemon-6.01-5.el7.noarch to
perl-HTTP-Daemon-6.01-7.el7.noarch. Both files report
$VERSION="6.01", but the one from 5.el7 ISA IO::Socket::INET, while the
other one ISA IO::Socket::IP.



Markus Wernig
Unix/Network Security Engineer
SIP/XMPP: [email protected]
Furch D25-SR Cut - Ovation CE C2078AX-5
------------------------------------------- -

From [email protected] on 2018-05-24 08:02:14

Dne Po 30.dub.2018 08:37:15, [email protected] napsal(a):
> Hi all
> A bug seems to have slipped in with the patch to move from
> IO::Socket::INET to ::IP (Extend IO::Socket::IP to replace ::INET -
There is still an error if the daemon is bound to an IPv6 specific non-local address. Attached patch fixes both the issues.

From [email protected] on 2018-11-13 11:03:00

On Mon Apr 30 08:37:15 2018, [email protected] wrote:
> Hi all
> A bug seems to have slipped in with the patch to move from
> IO::Socket::INET to ::IP (Extend IO::Socket::IP to replace ::INET -
> In sub url, line 64, the "sockhostname" method is called on the result
> ($addr) of $self->sockaddr (called on line 52). But $addr is not a class
> object, but a binary string, so this must fail, and actually does with
> this error:
> Can't call method "sockhostname" without a package or object reference
> at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTTP/ line 64.
> The following patch fixes this:
> ---      2018-04-30 09:31:17.902832206 +0200
> +++   2018-04-30 14:17:47.502075060 +0200
> @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
>         $url .= '[' . inet_ntop(AF_INET6, $addr) . ']';
>      }
>      else {
> -       my $host = $addr->sockhostname;
> +       my $host = $self->sockhostname;
>          if (!defined $host) {
>             if (sockaddr_family($addr) eq AF_INET6) {
>                 $host = '[' . inet_ntop(AF_INET6, $addr) . ']';

I've just tripped over this one as well. The fix above sorted the issue for me.


[PATCH] Documentation - content-type header [ #82313]

Migrated from (status was 'open')



From [email protected] on 2012-12-29 00:39:22

Could I suggest the attached patch for the documentation please? I spent
a while searching the internet for the best way to add a content-type
header; seeing as everyone will almost certainly want to do this, I
think an example would be good in the main documentation.

Many thanks.

From [email protected] on 2014-12-29 14:31:52

Is there any chance of getting this fixed please? It's preventing
automatic building with Debian, as debhelper appears to use
-Werror=format-security by default, which forces the build to fail with
this potential security problem highlighted.


From [email protected] on 2014-12-29 14:37:06

Sorry, ignore that, sent to the wrong bug number...

From [email protected] on 2015-02-11 11:52:45

On 2012-12-28 19:39:22, abeverley wrote:
> Could I suggest the attached patch for the documentation please? I spent
> a while searching the internet for the best way to add a content-type
> header; seeing as everyone will almost certainly want to do this, I
> think an example would be good in the main documentation.

It looks like this issue should be migrated to

HTTP::Daemon does not send header information to client when not using $c->get_request before [ #59238]

Migrated from (status was 'new')



From [email protected] on 2010-07-10 01:04:35

i read the header not with $c->get_request(1) but with readline($c) from
the client and the further content with $c->read($content, $contlen).
later i construct a response object and send it to the client. but no
header information is send, it's completly missing. maybe an error in
HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn ?

i appended some code and a wireshark tcp stream.

HTTP::Daemon: [POD] Link a few more references to other classes [ #16812]

Migrated from (status was 'open')



From [email protected] on 2005-12-30 17:14:49

For thinks like the C<HTTP::Request> that refer to other classes but are only C<>s, please consider converting them to L<>s to make navigation a bit easier.

From [email protected] on 2010-01-31 15:10:26

On Fri Dec 30 12:14:49 2005, ADAMK wrote:
> For thinks like the C<HTTP::Request> that refer to other classes but
> are only C<>s, please consider converting them to L<>s to make
> navigation a bit easier.

Patch attached.

twice: Use of uninitialized value $port [ #82816]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From on 2013-01-18 21:34:20

When using it together with
SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon::ReapForkOnAccept, a warning occurs:
Use of uninitialized value $port in numeric ne (!=) at
C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/ line 51.
Use of uninitialized value $port in concatenation (.) or string at
C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/ line 51.

I had already a look into it and would suggest a simple fix in line 51:
$url .= ":$port" if (defined($port) and $port != $self->_default_port);

(added: "defined($port) and" as well as brackets around the condition).

Thanks for your work!


Sometimes cannot be accessed via $d->url

Documentation says

=item $d->url

Returns a URL string that can be used to access the server root.

But, it happens that we cannot access the server via $d->url.

In fact,

From the comments from eserte and jkeenan, this may happen on BSD machines, not on linux or macOS.

We should fix this, and allow people to use $d->url as it is.

Arg length for inet_ntoa [ #71395]

Migrated from (status was 'open')



From [email protected] on 2011-10-01 23:29:38

"Bad arg length for Socket::inet_ntoa, length is 16, should be 4" at
HTTP/ line 48

All this is about the sub url in the module. If you have
IO::Socket::INET6 installed, using HTTP::Daemon with, say, Gepok, will
throw an error when you send the sockname ($addr here, in the sub url)
to inet_ntoa. Because IO::Socket::SSL will use INET6 if it is installed.
INET6 sends a 16-byte string when you ask for sockaddr, and inet_ntoa
chokes. So, I have a patch to use the Sys::hostname value for the $url,
not only if the two conditions there are met, but also if $self isa
IO::Socket::INET6. Which avoids sending the too-long string to inet_ntoa.

The patch is attached and below:

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ sub url
     my $self = shift;
     my $url = $self->_default_scheme . "://";
     my $addr = $self->sockaddr;
-    if (!$addr || $addr eq INADDR_ANY) {
+    if (!$addr || $addr eq INADDR_ANY || $self->isa('IO::Socket::INET6')) {
        require Sys::Hostname;
        $url .= lc Sys::Hostname::hostname();


From [email protected] on 2012-02-18 12:20:49

I don't understand how you get into this situation.  Did you explicitly override the 
HTTP::Daemon::ISA to be IO::Socket::INET6 instead?

From [email protected] on 2012-02-18 18:28:07

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 07:20:50AM -0500, Gisle_Aas via RT wrote:
| <URL: >
| I don't understand how you get into this situation.  Did you explicitly override the 
| HTTP::Daemon::ISA to be IO::Socket::INET6 instead?

I did not explicitly override, but IO::Socket::SSL will use
IO::Socket::INET6 if it is installed, which produced the problem.


From [email protected] on 2012-02-19 10:29:07

Does this mean that you are using HTTP::Daemon::SSL then?

From [email protected] on 2012-02-19 11:48:26

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 05:29:08AM -0500, Gisle_Aas via RT wrote:
| <URL: >
| Does this mean that you are using HTTP::Daemon::SSL then?

Yes, the software uses both HTTP::Daemon and HTTP::Daemon::SSL. Also


From [email protected] on 2012-03-05 15:49:01

On Sun Feb 19 06:48:26 2012, [email protected] wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 05:29:08AM -0500, Gisle_Aas via RT wrote:
> | <URL: >
> | 
> | Does this mean that you are using HTTP::Daemon::SSL then?
> Yes, the software uses both HTTP::Daemon and HTTP::Daemon::SSL. Also
> HTTP::Daemon::UNIX.
> Amiri

Writer of Gepok here. I wonder whether the appropriate patch should be 
directed to HTTP::Daemon::SSL (I'm guessing yes?)

But currently I'm using Amiri's patch myself on my deployment targets.


From [email protected] on 2012-03-06 02:11:09

On Mon Mar 05 10:49:01 2012, SHARYANTO wrote:
> On Sun Feb 19 06:48:26 2012, [email protected] wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 05:29:08AM -0500, Gisle_Aas via RT wrote:
> > | <URL: >
> > | 
> > | Does this mean that you are using HTTP::Daemon::SSL then?
> > 
> > Yes, the software uses both HTTP::Daemon and HTTP::Daemon::SSL. Also
> > HTTP::Daemon::UNIX.
> > 
> > Amiri
> Writer of Gepok here. I wonder whether the appropriate patch should 
> directed to HTTP::Daemon::SSL (I'm guessing yes?)
> But currently I'm using Amiri's patch myself on my deployment targets.
> Regards,
> Steven

Btw, the kind folks at PerlMonks have also suggested simply to 
uninstall IO::Socket::INET6 (at least on Debian, by uninstalling libio-
socket-inet6-perl). Works for me, haven't tested on other platform.


From [email protected] on 2017-01-16 16:51:45

Dne So 01.�íj.2011 19:29:38, AMIRI napsal(a):
> "Bad arg length for Socket::inet_ntoa, length is 16, should be 4" at
> HTTP/ line 48
> All this is about the sub url in the module. If you have
> IO::Socket::INET6 installed, using HTTP::Daemon with, say, Gepok, will
> throw an error when you send the sockname ($addr here, in the sub url)
> to inet_ntoa. Because IO::Socket::SSL will use INET6 if it is installed.
> INET6 sends a 16-byte string when you ask for sockaddr, and inet_ntoa
> chokes. So, I have a patch to use the Sys::hostname value for the $url,
> not only if the two conditions there are met, but also if $self isa
> IO::Socket::INET6. Which avoids sending the too-long string to inet_ntoa.

Port to IO::Socket::IP should fix it <>.

Discrepancies in the Parsing of Content Length header leading to http request smuggling

Poor parsing of content-length header in httpdaemon will lead to http request smuggling

RFC security considerations

Libwwwperl parses poorly the content-length header , if a proxy downstream a request to Libwwwperl which violates RFC in parsing
the content-length header will lead to http request smuggling , as it ambigiously parse the incoming request and contradicts with
the downstreaming proxy


  1. Content_Length is treated as content-length header by httpdaemon , hence when a proxy downstream a request by just forwarding the
    content_length header it will lead to http request smuggling
  2. Multiple content-length header with different field values got accepted

Reference for http request smuggling

  1. James Kettle research paper
  2. Portswigger


Below here I attached all the poc for the discrepancies occured in httpdaemon in parsing the request which will lead to http request

Discrepancy in Parsing

1. Multiple Content-Length with different values got accepted , which is violation according to RFC ,and can lead to http request smuggling



GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content-Length: 2
Content-Length: 3


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 17:50:12 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 24

Body Length: 2 Body: ab

2. Failed to parse the Content-Length correctly

Eg : Content-Length: 3 3 , Content-Length: 3\r\n 1



GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content-Length: 3 3



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 18:02:08 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 25

Body Length: 3 Body: abc

3. negative content-length field values got mapped to positive values differently

Eg : -3 = 1 , -2 = 2 , -1 = 3



GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content-Length: -1



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 18:10:12 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 25

Body Length: 3 Body: abc

4. +ve sign got accepted before content-length field value

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content-Length: +3


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 18:12:36 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 25

Body Length: 3 Body: abc

5. Content_Length header got accepted as content-length , this will definitely lead to http request smuggling


GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content_Length: 3



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 18:14:23 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 25

Body Length: 3 Body: abc

6. decimal values got accepted in content-length values


GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content-Length: 03.00



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 18:17:47 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 25

Body Length: 3 Body: abc

7. FormFeed \x0c , BackSpace \x08 , Vertical tab \x0b got accepted before and after content-length values

Content-Length: [prefix]3[suffix]

 echo -ne "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nContent-Length: \x0c3\r\n\r\naaa" | nc 8008

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 18:20:17 GMT
Server: libwww-perl-daemon/6.14
Content-Length: 25

Body Length: 3 Body: aaa

version 6.14

Code to Reproduce

use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status;
use Try::Tiny;

my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(
    LocalAddr => '',
    LocalPort => 8008,
) || die;

print "Server started at:", $d->url, ">\n";
while (my $c = $d->accept) {
        while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
        if ($r->method eq 'GET' and $r->uri->path eq "/") {
            my $body_data = "\rBody Length: " . length($r->content) . " Body: " . $r->content ;

            my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(200);

        else {
        warn "request failed" ;

HTTP::Daemon always resolves server hostname from IP [ #19123]

Migrated from (status was 'open')


From on 2006-05-07 00:00:18

HTTP::Daemon in sub url (aka $self->daemon->url) always resolves the IP
to a hostname, even if the IP was specified.

    if (!$addr || $addr eq INADDR_ANY) {
 	require Sys::Hostname;
 	$url .= lc Sys::Hostname::hostname();
    else {
	$url .= gethostbyaddr($addr, AF_INET) || inet_ntoa($addr);

This is a problem because the server may be having the ports forwarded
to it from a firewall, ie the external address of the server may not be
the correct address for the clients to connect to.

This causes problems for instance in ->redirect if relative paths are
specified. It is possible to work around the problem by either
specifying full paths in redirects or by setting the server hostname to
be the IP of the external interface.

It would be better if HTTP::Daemon could simply make a check for a
config flag, before executing the block that resolves the hostname.

Or it could simply use whatever address is specified, if one has been
manually specified, not performing the lookup.

It seems safer that the default should be to not do the lookup, and that
reverse lookups should require a config flag.

From on 2006-05-07 00:02:36

Can you please obfuscate or remove my email in the bug report? I didn't
expect that it would be printed as is for any bot to spam.

From on 2006-05-07 00:28:57

> This causes problems for instance in ->redirect if relative paths are
> specified. It is possible to work around the problem by either
> specifying full paths in redirects or by setting the server hostname to
> be the IP of the external interface.

By the way, the hostname hack (by which i mean the altering the
system-wide hostname) is not a particularly good idea, some other
services may open themselves up in ways they wouldn't normally, eg X
appears to automatically authenticate connections on any IPs it can
resolve your hostname to ... at least it does on slackware.


Could not connect to '[::1]:13381': IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname '[::1]'

The tests for HTTP-Daemon-6.12 hang in t/url.t when using perl 5.20.2 on FreeBSD 13 thus:

$ .../perl-5.20.2/bin/perl -Mblib t/url.t
# url: http://[::1]:13381/
# 599 Internal Exception
# Could not connect to '[::1]:13381': IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname '[::1]'

They pass on the same machine using perl 5.32.0, so I assume that there's a dependency on a higher version of some module that comes with 5.20.2 where you've not given the right version number.

v6.15 requires LWP::UserAgent >= v6.37

Either lift the required version of LWP::UserAgent to 6.37 or fix the failing test:
t/00-report-prereqs.t .. ok
Bad http proxy specification 'http://[::1]:41085/' at t/basic.t line 173.

Looks like your test exited with -1 just after 36.

t/basic.t ..............
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 9/45 subtests
t/chunked.t ............ ok
t/content_length.t ..... ok
t/encoding.t ........... ok

Setting $\ to "\n" inserts newlines in the file send with $c->send_file() or $c->send_file_response()

When you set $\ ($OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR) to anything other than "" (empty string) in the server script,
the value of $\ is inserted multiple times in a file send with $c->send_file() or $c->send_file_response();

It may not be too bad for a text file but it makes a BINARY FILE corrupted and useless, a video for example.

I put an example of the server and client script that I used.

I also found the problem.

This is coming from the send_file() method.
This method reads the file to be send by chunk of 8K and it prints the temporary buffer to a filehandle.

And because $\ is global, a new line is inserted on each print of HTTP::Daemon::send_file().

The SOLUTION is to put :
local ($\ = "");
in the method send_file()

The reason I didn't make a pull request is because I am not sure if that is the best solution.

Would it be better to put local ($\ = ""); at the top of the package for example ?

the same problem that I found might also impact other methods of this package
because there is other methods that prints to a filehandle. And I do not know enough HTTP to decide myself.

In particular, when it concerns the CRLF "\r\n"

Those are the methods that can be possibly impacted : (because of a print to a filehandle)

I put aside methods that print to STDERR.

sub send_status_line {
sub send_crlf {
sub send_basic_header {
sub send_header {
sub send_response {
sub send_redirect {
sub send_error {
sub send_file_response {
sub send_file {




my $file = "/path/to/small/video_file.mp4";
my $port = 3000;
my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalPort => $port) || die "fail";

$\ = "\n";
print $d->url;

while (my $c = $d->accept) {
        while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
                if ($r->method eq "GET") {
                        print "got a GET request";             # the reason to set $\ to "\n"
                        # $c->send_file_response($file);
        undef $c;


my $url = "http://localhost:3000/";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $res = $ua->request($req);

open FH, ">:bytes", "response.mp4";
print FH $res->content;
close FH;

PS :
Sorry for the indentation, I don't know how that works

IO::Socket::SSL and HTTP::Daemon's select-sysread loop don't work well together [ #52602]

Migrated from (status was 'open')


From [email protected] on 2009-12-09 11:12:49

The below bug raised for HTTP::Daemon::SSL is actually a bug in the 
base HTTP::Daemon. You can rewrite the test server in the Perlmonks 
node using only HTTP::Daemon and the result is the same.

HTTP::Daemon::SSL hangs on largish (e.g. >37k or >67k) POST request.

Quoting zwon on

"It looks like select-sysread loop in HTTP::Daemon doesn't work 
correctly with IO::Socket::SSL. That's because select in _need_more 
tests real filehandle and sysread reads from IO::Socket::SSL object 
which is buffered, so

sysread($self, $_[0], 2048, length($_[0]))

may actually read more than 2048 bytes from the socket and 
select on socket will hang.

Removing Timeout [which avoids the select() altogether] as proposed by 
derby solves the problem."

Complete description in:

From [email protected] on 2009-12-09 11:16:31

sorry - my mistake :(

From [email protected] on 2009-12-09 11:18:56

ok, i shouldn't be raising RT tickets this late.

so: the test case does work fine with just HTTP::Daemon, but it *is* an 
issue in the underlying HTTP::Daemon and IO::Socket::SSL which prevents 
HTTP::Daemon::SSL from working with large posts.

From [email protected] on 2009-12-09 12:02:17

FYI - I'm testing re-introducing the _need_more method which was in 
HTTP::Daemon::SSL 1.03 to work around this. This has other issues (not 
least of which is breaking abstraction).

On Wed Dec 09 06:18:56 2009, AUFFLICK wrote:
> ok, i shouldn't be raising RT tickets this late.
> so: the test case does work fine with just HTTP::Daemon, but it *is* an 
> issue in the underlying HTTP::Daemon and IO::Socket::SSL which 
> HTTP::Daemon::SSL from working with large posts.

HTTP::Daemon listening on localhost (Win32 only bug) [ #62354]

Migrated from (status was 'open')


From [email protected] on 2010-10-21 20:38:51


the following code:

use HTTP::Daemon;
my $srv = HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalAddr => 'localhost:8080');
print "url=", $srv->url;

on Windows box (strawberry perl 5.10.1) prints:


however the daemon listens just on so the $srv->url is invalid.

on a Linux bow prints:


which is OK (more or less)


From [email protected] on 2010-10-21 20:40:06

sorry fo typo:

> url=
shoud be


HTTP::Daemon has undeclared dependencies

Today I attempted to install Test::Smoke against Perl 5 blead using cpan as the installer. The cpan utility detected two undeclared dependencies in HTTP::Daemon.

Running test for module 'HTTP::Daemon'
Fetching with HTTP::Tiny:
Checksum for /home/jkeenan/.cpan/sources/authors/id/O/OA/OALDERS/HTTP-Daemon-6.14.tar.gz ok
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
----      OALDERS/HTTP-Daemon-6.14.tar.gz     ----
    Module::Build::Tiny [build_requires]
Running test for module 'Module::Build::Tiny'
Checksum for /home/jkeenan/.cpan/sources/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/Module-Build-Tiny-0.039.tar.gz ok
  Warning: discovered Module::Build as undeclared prerequisite.
  Adding it now as such.
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
----   LEONT/Module-Build-Tiny-0.039.tar.gz   ----
    ExtUtils::Config [build_requires]
    ExtUtils::Helpers [build_requires]
    ExtUtils::InstallPaths [build_requires]
    Module::Build [build_requires]
Running test for module 'ExtUtils::Config'

Module-Build and Module-Build-Tiny were reported as unsatisfied. Can you investigate?

Terminates after sigpipe if client close connection [ #85904]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From [email protected] on 2013-06-05 19:36:40

This behaviour is observed at least last ~5 years, so I am not sure maybe it's a feature.

I can submit PoC if required.

From [email protected] on 2014-06-10 19:11:29

On Wed Jun 05 23:36:40 2013, vsespb wrote:
> This behaviour is observed at least last ~5 years, so I am not sure
> maybe it's a feature.
> I can submit PoC if required.


use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Daemon;

my $PORT = 55001;

if (fork()) { # parent
	#$SIG{PIPE}=sub{die "HEY\n";};
	my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(Timeout => 20, LocalAddr => '', LocalPort => $PORT);
	while (my $c = $d->accept) {
		my $r = $c->get_request;
		my $body = "x" x 100_000;
		my $resp = HTTP::Response->new(200, 'OK', [], $body);
		print STDERR "sent\n";
		$c = undef;  # close connection
	print "DONE\n";
} else { # child
	my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $PORT, Proto    => 'tcp');
	print $sock "GET /\n\n";
	close $sock;


perl || echo $?
will print 141. this means SIGPIPE (SIGPIPE number is 13 + 128 = 141).

also if you uncomment 
#$SIG{PIPE}=sub{die "HEY\n";};
it will print "HEY"

I think it something that should be at least documented.
people who use high level API like $c->send_response($resp); have insperation that they don't do low level things like writings to the sockets, so they are not expect they need to handle SIGPIPE.

Missing content in new frame after \n\n. patch provided [ #124327]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From [email protected] on 2018-02-05 16:03:58

If the content of a post arrives in a new frame after the double return
_sometimes_ the sysread will miss it. I don't know if this is a time
related issue or not but it happens frequently while using Axios.

To mitigate this I am checking for 'Content-Length' in the header and if it
exists, verifying that length after the double return.
The following patch implements this.

# diff -c3 /home/breshead/Downloads/
*** /home/breshead/Downloads/ 2012-02-18 04:21:23.000000000 -0800
--- 2018-02-05 07:58:16.278661220 -0800
*** 116,123 ****
  $buf =~ s/^(?:\015?\012)+//;  # ignore leading blank lines
  if ($buf =~ /\012/) {  # potential, has at least one line
      if ($buf =~ /^\w+[^\012]+HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\015?\012/) {
! if ($buf =~ /\015?\012\015?\012/) {
!     last READ_HEADER;  # we have it
  elsif (length($buf) > 16*1024) {
      $self->send_error(413); # REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE
--- 116,135 ----
  $buf =~ s/^(?:\015?\012)+//;  # ignore leading blank lines
  if ($buf =~ /\012/) {  # potential, has at least one line
      if ($buf =~ /^\w+[^\012]+HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\015?\012/) {
!     if ($buf =~ /\015?\012\015?\012(.*)/) {
!             # It is possible for the data to follow the double
!             # return in the next frame, especially with axios for some
!             # So if the content length exists then check it and
_need_more() as needed.
!             my $content = $1;
!             my $content_len = length($content);
!             if ($buf =~ /Content-Length:\s*(\d+)/){
!                 my $advertised_len = $1;
!                 if ($content_len >= $advertised_len){
!                     last READ_HEADER;  # we have it
!                 }
!             }else{
!                 last READ_HEADER;  # we have it
!             }
  elsif (length($buf) > 16*1024) {
      $self->send_error(413); # REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE

Doug Breshears
JSH Farms Inc.

[MACOS] HTTP::Daemon not working since 6.05 on MacOS

we are using HTTP::Daemon in fusioninventory-agent to build a portable inventory agent. I started to notice a failure on CircleCI tests this summer and as I had to rebuild our perl for our MacOS package I discovered HTTP::Daemon was no more working. I had to revert to HTTP::[email protected] with cpanm to have it working.

In CircleCI, our tests are showing this error:

t/agent/http/server.t ............................... 1/12 Bad arg length for Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in, length is 28, should be 16 at /System/Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level/ line 824.
# Looks like your test exited with 29 just after 2.

t/agent/http/server.t ............................... Dubious, test returned 29 (wstat 7424, 0x1d00)

see our CircleCI build 821.
It seems CircleCI uses perl 5.18 but I built perl 5.30 and it wasn't working too.

HTTP-Daemon-6.05 breaks WWW::Mechanize

CPANtester Carlos Guevara informed me yesterday that tests of WWW::Mechanize were hanging on various smoke rigs he runs. I confirmed his hunch that the failing tests are run only when HTTP::Daemon is already installed against the underlying perl. The failure will look like this:

$ bleadprove -vb t/local/referer.t 
t/local/referer.t .. 
ok 1 - use WWW::Mechanize;
ok 2 - An object of class 'WWW::Mechanize' isa 'WWW::Mechanize'
Error GETing Can't connect to (Connection refused) at t/local/referer.t line 39.

At this point the test process hangs indefinitely; it does not die. If this installation is being attempted as part of use of a CPAN installer like cpanm or if module installation is being attempted in dependency order, then the human running the process has to intervene with a Ctrl-C.

We first hypthosized that this was a Blead Breaks CPAN problem. After considerable work -- because of the need to manually kill hanging processes -- we found that this was occurring as far back as perl-5.30.0. But Carlos's smokers only began to hang in the past few days.

Our attention turned to HTTP-Daemon, which is required for WWW-Mechanize's tests and for the failing test in particular. My analysis suggests that there is a problem with HTTP-Daemon-6.05 that is not being detected by the distro's own test suite but which does appear in that of WWW-Mechanize.

To reproduce:

  1. Install perl 5 blead (though perl-5.31.2 would probably suffice); install cpanm against it.
  2. Get the previous version of HTTP-Daemon from CPAN:
$ wget
  1. Install it against that perl.
$ ./bin/cpanm HTTP-Daemon-6.04.tar.gz
  1. Confirm that we still have older version of Daemon
$ ./bin/perl -Ilib -MHTTP::Daemon -E 'say $HTTP::Daemon::VERSION;'
  1. Install other prerequisites for WWW-Mechanize ... but not Daemon and not Mechanize
$ ./bin/cpanm Test::Deep HTTP::Request HTML::HeadParser LWP::Simple URI::Escape \
  HTML::TreeBuilder HTTP::Request::Common URI HTTP::Response URI::URL LWP CGI \
  URI::file HTML::TokeParser Test::Fatal Test::Warnings LWP::UserAgent HTML::Form \
  Test::Output HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI HTTP::Cookies URI::URL
  1. Re-confirm that we still have older version of Daemon
./bin/perl -Ilib -MHTTP::Daemon -E 'say $HTTP::Daemon::VERSION;'
  1. Test WWW::Mechanize; no need to install it yet
$ ./bin/cpanm --test-only WWW::Mechanize
--> Working on WWW::Mechanize
Fetching ... OK
Configuring WWW-Mechanize-1.91 ... OK
Building and testing WWW-Mechanize-1.91 ... OK
Successfully tested WWW-Mechanize-1.91
  1. Re-confirm that we still have older version of Daemon
./bin/perl -Ilib -MHTTP::Daemon -E 'say $HTTP::Daemon::VERSION;'
  1. Install newer version of HTTP::Daemon
$ ./bin/cpanm HTTP::Daemon
  1. Confirm that we have newer version of Daemon
./bin/perl -Ilib -MHTTP::Daemon -E 'say $HTTP::Daemon::VERSION;'
  1. Re-test WWW::Mechanize now that we have newer Daemon
$ ./bin/cpanm --verbose --test-only WWW::Mechanize
t/local/back.t ........................... ok     
t/local/click.t .......................... ok   
t/local/click_button.t ................... ok    
t/local/content.t ........................ 1/10 # Running tests against
t/local/content.t ........................ ok     
t/local/encoding.t ....................... ok   
t/local/failure.t ........................ ok     
t/local/follow.t ......................... ok     
t/local/form.t ........................... ok     
t/local/get.t ............................ ok     
t/local/nonascii.t ....................... ok   
t/local/overload.t ....................... skipped: Mysteriously stopped passing, and I don't know why.
t/local/page_stack.t ..................... ok    
t/local/post.t ........................... ok   
t/local/referer.t ........................ 1/13 Error GETing Can't connect to (Connection refused) at t/local/referer.t line 39.


  1. Reproduce the hang
$ bleadprove -vb t/local/referer.t 
t/local/referer.t .. 
ok 1 - use WWW::Mechanize;
ok 2 - An object of class 'WWW::Mechanize' isa 'WWW::Mechanize'
Error GETing Can't connect to (Connection refused) at t/local/referer.t line 39.

  1. Manually run the WWW::Mechanize tests blocked by the hang
$ cd ~/.cpanm/latest-build/WWW-Mechanize-1.91
$ bleadprove -vb t/local/reload.t t/local/submit.t
t/local/reload.t .. 
ok 1 - use WWW::Mechanize;
ok 2 - An object of class 'LocalServer' isa 'LocalServer'
ok 3 - 'Created object' isa 'WWW::Mechanize'
ok 4 - Initial reload should fail
ok 5 - An object of class 'HTTP::Response' isa 'HTTP::Response'
ok 6 - Get google webpage
ok 7 - Valid HTML
ok 8
ok 9
ok 10 - Not HTML
ok 11 - An object of class 'HTTP::Response' isa 'HTTP::Response'
ok 12 - Valid HTML
ok 13 - WWW::Mechanize test page
ok 14 - cookies are not multiplied
ok 15 # skip Test::Memory::Cycle not installed
t/local/submit.t .. 
ok 1 - use WWW::Mechanize;
ok 2 - An object of class 'LocalServer' isa 'LocalServer'
ok 3 - 'Created the object' isa 'WWW::Mechanize'
ok 4 - 'Got back a response' isa 'HTTP::Response'
ok 5 - Got the correct page
ok 6 - Got local page
ok 7 - is HTML
ok 8 - Hopefully no upload happens
ok 9 - 'Got back a response' isa 'HTTP::Response'
ok 10 - Can click "submit" ("submit" button)
ok 11 - Found "Foo"
ok 12 - No upload happens
ok 13 # skip Test::Memory::Cycle not installed
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=28,  8 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.01 sys +  0.59 cusr  0.14 csys =  0.78 CPU)
Result: PASS
$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 31 subversion 3) configuration:
  Commit id: 82007f754ed1e129a53fc7c964d84cddba7ca0de
    uname='freebsd 11.2-stable freebsd 11.2-stable #0 r339445: sat oct 20 00:08:11 utc 2018 [email protected]:usrobjusrsrcsysgeneric amd64 '
    config_args='-des -Dusedevel -Uversiononly -Dprefix=/home/jkeenan/testing/blead -Dman1dir=none -Dman3dir=none -Duseithreads -Doptimize=-O2 -pipe -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing'
    ccflags ='-DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'
    optimize='-O2 -pipe -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing'
    cppflags='-DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include'
    gccversion='4.2.1 Compatible FreeBSD Clang 6.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_601/final 335540)'
  Linker and Libraries:
    ldflags ='-pthread -Wl,-E  -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib/clang/6.0.1/lib /usr/lib
    libs=-lpthread -lgdbm -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil
    perllibs=-lpthread -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil
  Dynamic Linking:
    ccdlflags=' '
    cccdlflags='-DPIC -fPIC'
    lddlflags='-shared  -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options:
  Built under freebsd
  Compiled at Jul 30 2019 23:20:52

Can you investigate?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

HTTP::Daemon->new runs daemon on random port [ #83854]

Migrated from (status was 'open')


From on 2013-03-09 19:51:07

Distribution: RPC-XML-0.77
Perl version: 5.14.2
OS:           Mageia GNU/Linux 2 (x64); kernel 3.3.8


I tried to pass invalid port 65536. HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalPort =>
65536) opens connection on random port instead of return undef, because
valid ports must be >= 0 and <= 65535.

If you pass port "0", HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalPort => 0) also will return
ref to daemon object opened on random port.


use HTTP::Daemon;
my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalPort => 65536) || die;
print "Please contact me at: <URL:", $d->url, ">\n";


Please contact me at: <URL:http://localhost:52712/>

From on 2013-03-09 20:16:10

On Sat Mar 09 14:51:07 2013, wrote:
> Distribution: RPC-XML-0.77

Oops. Distribution: HTTP-Daemon-6.01

From on 2013-03-09 20:25:47

It seems it's a problem with IO::Socket::INET (I've opened

From on 2013-03-15 08:22:11

С�б �а� 09 15:25:47 2013, пи�ал:
> It seems it's a problem with IO::Socket::INET (I've opened

It's not a bug. Please, close it.

Two enhancement requests

Thanks for creating HTTP::Daemon. I have been using it in my projects.

Recently I found the need for two features I wonder if they are available.

  • Can the Daemon (as sockets) work with other plain TCP socket (IO::Socket::INET) via IO::Select? In another word, I want the daemon to act both as HTTP server and regular TCP server at the same time
  • Can I have websocket functionality on it?

Thanks in advance,

HTTP::Daemon 6.06 breaks Test-Smoke's t/poster-post.t

If HTTP::Daemon 6.06 is installed on a machine and I then proceed to build and test the latest (version 1.74) Test-Smoke distribution from CPAN, Test-Smoke's t/poster-post.t FAILs. According to @eserte, this problem began with HTTP::Daemon 6.05. If an older version of HTTP::Daemon is installed, these t/poster-post.t PASSes.

Today I went to upgrade my smoke-testing rig on FreeBSD-11. Vendor perl is 5.28. Installed version of HTTP::Daemon is 6.01. Test-Smoke PASSed and was upgraded.

Then I had occasion to examine Note the red ink. After consultation with Slaven, I did an install of Test-Smoke in a non-permanent PREFIX directory against blead perl with HTTP::Daemon 6.06 installed.

$ bleadperl -v | head -2 | tail -1
This is perl 5, version 31, subversion 12 (v5.31.12 (v5.31.11-17-g8100f3cd3c)) built for amd64-freebsd-thread-multi

$ bleadperl -V:config_args
config_args='-des -Dusedevel -Uversiononly -Dprefix=/home/jkeenan/testing/blead -Dman1dir=none -Dman3dir=none -Duseithreads -Doptimize=-O2 -pipe -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing';

$ bleadperl -MHTTP::Daemon -E 'say qq|$HTTP::Daemon::VERSION|;'

$ bleadprove -V
TAP::Harness v3.42 and Perl v5.31.12

$ bleadprove -vb t/poster-post.t
t/poster-post.t .. 
# Temporary daemon at:
ok 1 # skip Could not load LWP::UserAgent
ok 2 # skip Could not load LWP::UserAgent
ok 3 # skip Could not load LWP::UserAgent
ok 4 - An object of class 'Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl' isa 'Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl'
ok 5 - write_json
not ok 6 - Got id

#   Failed test 'Got id'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 123.
#          got: '[]: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "(end of string)") at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 146.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl=HASH(0x803332c90)) called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# '
#     expected: '42'
ok 7 - An object of class 'Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny' isa 'Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny'
ok 8 - write_json
not ok 9 - Got id

#   Failed test 'Got id'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 143.
#          got: '[]: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "(end of string)") at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 146.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny=HASH(0x805347af8)) called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# '
#     expected: '42'
ok 10 # skip Could not load HTTP::Lite
ok 11 # skip Could not load HTTP::Lite
ok 12 # skip Could not load HTTP::Lite
not ok 13 - no warnings

#   Failed test 'no warnings'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 168.
# There were 2 warning(s)
# 	Previous test 5 'write_json'
# 	Use of uninitialized value $response_body in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl=HASH(0x803332c90)) called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# ----------
# 	Previous test 8 'write_json'
# 	Use of uninitialized value $response_body in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny=HASH(0x805347af8)) called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# tear down: 44390
# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 13.
Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
Failed 3/13 subtests 
	(less 6 skipped subtests: 4 okay)

Test Summary Report
t/poster-post.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 13 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  6, 9, 13
  Non-zero exit status: 3
Files=1, Tests=13,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr  0.01 sys +  0.23 cusr  0.02 csys =  0.31 CPU)
Result: FAIL

In t/poster-post.t there are a number of SKIP blocks where tests are not run if either LWP::UserAgent or HTTP::Lite is not installed. However, installing those two modules against that perl only increased the number of test failures in t/poster-post.t.

$ bleadperl -MLWP::UserAgent -E 'say qq|$LWP::UserAgent::VERSION|;'

$ bleadperl -MHTTP::Lite -E 'say qq|$HTTP::Lite::VERSION|;'

$ bleadprove -vb t/poster-post.t
t/poster-post.t .. 
# Temporary daemon at:
ok 1 - An object of class 'Test::Smoke::Poster::LWP_UserAgent' isa 'Test::Smoke::Poster::LWP_UserAgent'
ok 2 - write_json
not ok 3 - Got id

#   Failed test 'Got id'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 101.
#          got: '[]: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "Can't connect to 127...") at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 146.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::LWP_UserAgent=HASH(0x803333c90)) called at t/poster-post.t line 99
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 99
# '
#     expected: '42'
ok 4 - An object of class 'Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl' isa 'Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl'
ok 5 - write_json
not ok 6 - Got id

#   Failed test 'Got id'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 123.
#          got: '[]: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "(end of string)") at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 146.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl=HASH(0x80535f9a8)) called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# '
#     expected: '42'
ok 7 - An object of class 'Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny' isa 'Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny'
ok 8 - write_json
not ok 9 - Got id

#   Failed test 'Got id'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 143.
#          got: '[]: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "(end of string)") at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 146.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny=HASH(0x805395120)) called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# '
#     expected: '42'
ok 10 - An object of class 'Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Lite' isa 'Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Lite'
ok 11 - write_json
not ok 12 - Got id

#   Failed test 'Got id'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 163.
#          got: '[]: CoreSmokeDB: Connection refused at t/poster-post.t line 161.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Lite=HASH(0x805a99750)) called at t/poster-post.t line 161
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 161
# '
#     expected: '42'
not ok 13 - no warnings

#   Failed test 'no warnings'
#   at t/poster-post.t line 168.
# There were 4 warning(s)
# 	Previous test 2 'write_json'
# 	Use of uninitialized value $response_body in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::LWP_UserAgent=HASH(0x803333c90)) called at t/poster-post.t line 99
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 99
# ----------
# 	Previous test 5 'write_json'
# 	Use of uninitialized value $response_body in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::Curl=HASH(0x80535f9a8)) called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 121
# ----------
# 	Previous test 8 'write_json'
# 	Use of uninitialized value $response_body in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Tiny=HASH(0x805395120)) called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 141
# ----------
# 	Previous test 11 'write_json'
# 	Use of uninitialized value $response_body in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
#  at /usr/home/jkeenan/gitwork/zzzothers/Test-Smoke/blib/lib/Test/Smoke/Poster/ line 147.
# 	Test::Smoke::Poster::Base::post(Test::Smoke::Poster::HTTP_Lite=HASH(0x805a99750)) called at t/poster-post.t line 161
# 	eval {...} called at t/poster-post.t line 161
# tear down: 37914
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 13.
Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
Failed 5/13 subtests 

Test Summary Report
t/poster-post.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 13 Failed: 5)
  Failed tests:  3, 6, 9, 12-13
  Non-zero exit status: 5
Files=1, Tests=13,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  0.26 cusr  0.03 csys =  0.32 CPU)
Result: FAIL

Can you investigate?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn should be decoupled from HTTP::Daemon [ #7466]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From [email protected] on 2004-08-25 02:33:47

I guess this is best classified as a "Wishlist item."

HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn should be decoupled from HTTP::Daemon, which 
would allow users to use HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn (which contains the 
bulk of the code) with other daemon modules (such as Net::Daemon, 
Net::Server, etc.).

As it is now, you can pull this off by subclassing HTTP::Daemon and 
re-implementing a bunch of its methods, but that seems unnecessarily 
messy. (I took this approach when using HTTP::Daemon to build a proxy 
server along with Net::Server.)

It appears that HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn could be tweaked to reduce or 
eliminate the coupling.

I'd be happy to donate the code to do this, if there is interest. (I 
don't want to do this on speculation, as I don't think it is significant 
enough to warrant forking the module, and in my experience, module 
maintainers are usually reluctant to accept patches of this nature if 
they don't fit their vision of how the module should be architected.)


CONNECT with Content-Length hangs the proxy [ #76988]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From [email protected] on 2012-05-04 13:45:17

If a client sends a CONNECT to HTTP::Proxy that includes a Content-
Length header then the result is a hang of the proxy.

It's obviously not a normal condition, but it happened on my 
configuration using PHP with cURL and the Google Api library. This 
library explicitly sets a Content-Length header for a POST request and 
cURL sends it in the CONNECT request to the proxy. I think it's a cURL 
wrong behavior, but it was much more easier to fix on the proxy side.

The solution was simply to add this line:

    $len = $ct = $te = undef if $method eq "CONNECT";

after this code:

    my $te  = $r->header('Transfer-Encoding');
    my $ct  = $r->header('Content-Type');
    my $len = $r->header('Content-Length');

This way wrong headers are pretty ignored.

I don't know if anyone else will ever have the same problem, I think 
it's not a common situation, anyway I like to report it.

HTTP::Daemon should support HTTPS [ #2187]

Migrated from (status was 'new')



From [email protected] on 2003-03-06 19:56:04

As per title.

See attached diff.

From [email protected] on 2003-03-06 20:12:03

Previous patch is incomplete.

This patch is a hack, but works.

From [email protected] on 2003-03-06 20:16:14

[MAHEX - Thu Mar  6 15:12:03 2003]:

> This patch is a hack, but works.

For some values of "works".

Note that you should add "if $self->is_ssl;" after the line that
modifies @HTTP::Daemon::Client::ISA.

HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn::send_basic_header() always sends Server: and Date: headers [ #16330]

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From on 2005-12-07 02:09:26

HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn::send_basic_header() always
sends Server: and Date: headers, even if they already exist
in the HTTP::Response object. This is a problem because
send_response() always calls send_basic_header(). In my case,
the HTTP::Response object is an actual response from another
server, so naturally already contains those headers.

Fortunately, the excellent design of the class made it easy for
me to override send_basic_header() in a subclass, but it would
have been nice if I hadn't had to.

Irrelevant but apparently compulsory information:
libwww-perl-5.803 (from CPAN, not Debian package)
Perl 5.8.4 (Debian package version 5.8.4-8)
Linux 2.6.11 (Debian-based custom distro)

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