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docogen's Introduction

Python PyTorch

Our code is implemented in PyTorch, using the Transformers ๐Ÿค— and PyTorch-Lightning โšก libraries.

DoCoGen - Domain Counterfactual Generator

DoCoGen is a controllable generation model for generating domain-counterfactual textual examples (D-con). Given an input text example, DoCoGen generates its D-con -- that is similar to the original in all aspects, including the task label, but its domain is changed to a desired one. DoCoGen intervenes on the domain-specific terms of its input example, replacing them with terms that are relevant for its target domain while keeping all other properties fixed, including the task label. It is trained using only unlabeled examples from multiple domains -- no NLP task labels or pairs of textual examples and their domain-counterfactuals are required.


If you use this code please cite our paper (see recommended citation below).

While we proposed a controllable generation model for generating domain-counterfactuals in our paper, the code in this repo is not limited to controlling only the domain but rather any concept or attribute available in the data.
Note that we include only the code of the DoCoGen generator, thus you can augment your own classifier.
If you wish to fully reproduce the DA results of our paper, including the data splits and the baselines, please contact us.

DoCoGen Lite - single script version

The DoCoGen Lite script is a single script version of the DoCoGen generator. It is a more simple and readable code that does not require PyTorch-Lightning. Although there are minor differences from the official code which was used in the paper, these differences are not significant. If you have a conda environment with the required packages (nltk, ๐Ÿค—-transformers, and ๐Ÿค—-datasets) -- you can run the script without any additional installation.

How to Run the Code - TL;DR

git clone
cd DoCoGen
conda env create -f docogen_lite_env.yml
conda activate docogen_lite_env
unzip data/ -d data/
python --dataset_file_path data/reviews.json --output_dir path/to/output_dir --domains_to_control airline dvd electronics kitchen


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_file_path DATASET_FILE_PATH
                        (str) Path to the dataset file (.json). Must include
                        the following fields: "text", "domain"
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        (str) Path to the output directory where the following
                        files will be save: (1) preprocessed datasets, (2)
                        masker, (3) trained domain classifier, (4) trained
                        DoCoGen (including the training outputs), (5) domain-
  --domains_to_control DOMAINS_TO_CONTROL [DOMAINS_TO_CONTROL ...]
                        (list of str) List of domains to control (should be
                        values of the "domain" field).
  --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        (str=t5-base) Name of the T5 model to use for the
  --classifier_name CLASSIFIER_NAME
                        (str=distilroberta-base) Name of the pre-trained model
                        which will be trained to be a domain classifier. This
                        model is part of the evaluation step of DoCoGen.
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        (int=96) Maximum length of the input and the generated
  --eval_size EVAL_SIZE
                        (int=1024) Size of the evaluation set. Use a small
                        value, since the evaluation step of DoCoGen includes
                        generations -- and it is really slow compared to the
  --labeled_size LABELED_SIZE
                        (int=16) Size of the labeled dataset which will be
                        used to generate domain-counterfactuals. Use a small
                        size or use `None` if you are interested in the whole
  --min_n_occurrences MIN_N_OCCURRENCES
                        (int=10) An n-gram which occurs less than this value
                        will have a masking score of zero.
  --smoothing SMOOTHING [SMOOTHING ...]
                        (list of ints/floats=[1, 5, 7]) The n-th element is
                        the smoothing hyperparameter for an n sized n-gram.
                        These hyperparameters are used to smooth the masking
                        score (higher values give more weight to the uniform
                        prior). In addition, the length of the smoothing list
                        determines the maximum n-gram size.
  --batch_size_classifier BATCH_SIZE_CLASSIFIER
                        (int=64) Batch size for the domain classifier.
  --batch_size_docogen BATCH_SIZE_DOCOGEN
                        (int=32) Batch size for DoCoGen.
  --docogen_epochs DOCOGEN_EPOCHS
                        (int=5) Number of epochs for DoCoGen training.
  --num_beams NUM_BEAMS
                        (int=4) Number of beams for DoCoGen generation.
  --generate_all_orientations GENERATE_ALL_ORIENTATIONS
                        (bool=False) If `True`, all possible orientations will
                        be generated for each example. Otherwise, randomly
                        sample an orientation.
  --print_generated_texts PRINT_GENERATED_TEXTS
                        (bool=True) If `True`, the generated texts will be
  --seed SEED

Paper's Code (Pytorch Lightning)

If you wish to reproduce the DoCoGen model from our paper please use this code. Otherwise, we recommend you to use the lite version as it is more simple, more readable and require fewer installations.

How to Run the Code

First, clone this repo to your local machine:

git clone


git clone
cd DoCoGen
conda env create -f code/docogen_env.yml
conda activate docogen_env
unzip data/ -d data/
python code/ -c code/configs/reviews.json

Installing The Environment

The code was tested on a Conda environment installed on Ubuntu 18.04. Install Conda and then create the environment as follows:

cd DoCoGen
conda env create -f code/docogen_env.yml
conda activate docogen_env

Adjusting The Raw Data

If you use the raw datasets we include in this repo (and which were used in our paper) you don't need to adjust the datasets. However, you will have to unzip the data file by running:
unzip data/ -d data/

If you plan to use your own dataset, please read the following instructions:
The raw data should be provided in a JSON format (a python-style dictionary with double keys wrapped in double quotes and values).
The keys of the dataset should be strings, and the values should be lists of strings (all the lists have the same size, the i-th entry corresponds to the value of the i-th example). The dataset must contain the following keys: 'split', 'text' and the concept you wish to control (e.g. in our paper it is 'domain'). This concept should be specified in the concept_to_control parameter (see: Config).
In addition, it might include an 'example_id' key (if it is not provided, a unique identifier will be given to each example in the format of f'{split}_{i}'). The dataset may include other keys which store values of other concepts (e.g. the 'label' key in the data/reviews.json dataset and eight intent labels in the data/mantis.json dataset).
The 'split' key's values should be , and need to be specified in the splits_for_training and splits_for_augmentations parameters (see: Config).

Raw dataset example:

  "example_id": ["unlabeled_1", "unlabeled_2", "train_1", "validation_1"],
  "split": ["unlabeled", "unlabeled", "train", "validation"],
  "domain": ["airline", "dvd", "dvd", "airline"],
  "label": [null, null, "positive", "negative"],
  "text": ["A good flight!", "A really bad movie.", "I have enjoyed the plot.", "The worst airline to travel."]

In order to load a pd.DataFrame and save it in a JSON format use the following code:

import pandas as pd
from project_utils.functions import save_json

df = pd.read_csv('/path/to/dataframe')
json_df = df.to_dict(orient='list')
save_json(json_df, '/path/to/json')

Preparing Configurations

In order to run our code, you need to provide a JSON format configuration file. The following table lists several important parameters which need to be configured (the top four parameters are a must). For a full description of all possible parameters see the documentations at code/configs_and_pipelines/

Key Type [Default] Description
project_dir a path-like a path to the directory of the projec, where all the data and models will be saved.
raw_data_json_path a path-like a path to the json file containing the raw dataset.
concept_to_control a string the column/key you wish to control (concept is also known as attribute in controlable generation, in the DoCoGen paper - the concept is 'domain').
values_to_control a list of strings Each string is a possible value of the controlled concept. These are the only values you wish to control. For example: ['airline', 'kitchen'].
splits_for_training a list or tuple of strings [('unlabeled',)] This are the the data splits (as given in the 'split' column) which will be used for training the masker and the generator.
splits_for_augmentations a list or tuple of strings [('train', 'validation', 'test')] This are the the data splits (as given in the 'split' column) which will be used as inpups, for generating new examples.
t5_model_name a string ['t5-base'] Possible values: 't5-small', 't5-base', 't5-large'.
max_seq_len an int [96] The maximal size of the inputs or the generated texts (examples longer than max_seq_len will be truncated).
threshold a float [0.08] Terms (n-grams) with a masking score above threshold are masked.
batch_size an int [48] The batch size of the the input to the generator.
generator_epochs an int [5] Number of training epochs for generator.
generator_classifier_batch_size an int [64] The batch size of the the input to the generator's classifier.
generator_classifier_epochs an int [3] Number of training epochs for the generator's classifier, which is trained to predict the values of the controlled concept. This classifier is used for selecting the best version of the generator, by measuring the accuracy of the generated examples (during each epoch's validation step).

Config example:

  "project_dir": "/experiments/reviews_base",
  "raw_data_json_path": "/data/reviews.json",
  "concept_to_control": "domain",
  "values_to_control": ["airline", "dvd"],
  "splits_for_training": ["unlabeled"],
  "splits_for_augmentations": ["train", "validation"]

We also include two configuration files which can be used to train DoCoGen on the datasets that were used in our paper. These files are saved at configs/.

Training DoCoGen

After adjusting your raw dataset and preparing the config file, you are ready to run our code:

conda activate docogen_env
python code/ -c path/to/config.json

Running these lines will first build two datasets which will be used for training DoCoGen (using the splits specified in splits_for_training) and for generating counterfactuals (using the examples from the splits specified in splits_for_augmentations). These two datasets will be saved to project_dir/data directory.

Next, it will train two models: the generator's classifier and the generator. Both models, including measurements of their performances during the training will be saved to the project_dir/models/classifier and project_dir/models/generator directories.
The generator classifier is trained to predict the values of the controlled concept. This classifier is used for selecting the best version of the generator, by measuring the accuracy of the generated counterfactuals (during each epoch's validation step). For additional instruction for loading and using the generator please see the following section.

Finally, it will generate augmentations which will be saved to project_dir/models/generation/ directory.

After executing the code, the project directory (project_dir) will be organized as follows:

โ”œโ”€โ”€ configs.json - the new configurations file
โ”œโ”€โ”€ data
โ”‚     โ”œโ”€โ”€ augmentations_dataset - a folder containing the augmentations dataset
โ”‚     โ”œโ”€โ”€ training_dataset - a folder containing the training dataset
โ”‚     โ””โ”€โ”€ language_masker.json - a file containing the masking component of DoCoGen
โ””โ”€โ”€ models
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ classifier 
    โ”‚     โ”œโ”€โ”€ metrics.csv or *_results.txt - performance measurements files (for each training step and epoch)
    โ”‚     โ”œโ”€โ”€ validation_mean_predict_acc_checkpoint.ckpt - pytorch lightning checkpoint
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ generation
    โ”‚     โ””โ”€โ”€ *_generations.csv - csv files with augmentations for each split
    โ””โ”€โ”€ generator
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ configs.json - a configuration file of the generator module
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ metrics.csv or *_results.txt - performance measurements files (for each training step and epoch)
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ model - a folder containing the trained DoCoGen
        โ”‚     โ”œโ”€โ”€ configs.json
        โ”‚     โ”œโ”€โ”€ configs_language_masker.json
        โ”‚     โ””โ”€โ”€
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ validation_mean_generated_predict_acc_checkpoint.ckpt - pytorch lightning checkpoint
        โ””โ”€โ”€ *_outputs.json or *_outputs.csv - generations at each validation epoch

Generating Counterfactuals

Note that project_dir/models/generation/ directory contains csv files with many counterfactuals, for the splits you specified in the splits_for_augmentations parameter.

You can also generate new counterfactuals by loading your trained model (or our pre-trained model, see below), which is saved in project_dir/models/generator/model/ directory.
Please follow this code (you may want to read the documentations of the generator module at code/modeling/generation/

cd code

from modeling.generation.controllable_model import ControllableT5

docogen = ControllableT5.load_model('project_dir/models/generator/model/')
batch_texts = ["I was very happy with their aircraft cabin.",
               "The camera reader is good and speedy."]
concepts_values = {'domain': ['airline', 'electronics']}  # indicate the values of the original texts
orientations = {'domain': ['dvd', 'kitchen']}  # indicate the orientations you want to use
counterfactuals =  docogen.mask_and_generate_texts(batch_texts, concepts_values, orientations)

After generating counterfactuals you can use them to augment your dataset and train your favorite classifier.

We include in this repository the datasets which were used in our paper for the sentiment classification (data/reviews.json) and intent prediction (data/mantis.json) tasks, including their splits into train, dev (validation) and test sets.
Each json file includes the following keys: 'split', 'domain', 'example_id', 'text' and the relevant task labels. The values of these keys are lists of strings. You can easily create a pd.DataFrame following this code:

import pandas as pd
from project_utils.functions import load_json

df = pd.DataFrame(load_json('/data/reviews.json'))

If you use these processed datasets please cite our paper and other relevant works (see Section "6. Experimental Setups" in our paper).

How to Cite DoCoGen

  author    = {Nitay Calderon and
               Eyal Ben{-}David and
               Amir Feder and
               Roi Reichart},
  editor    = {Smaranda Muresan and
               Preslav Nakov and
               Aline Villavicencio},
  title     = {DoCoGen: Domain Counterfactual Generation for Low Resource Domain
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
               Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), {ACL} 2022, Dublin, Ireland,
               May 22-27, 2022},
  pages     = {7727--7746},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year      = {2022},
  url       = {},
  timestamp = {Wed, 18 May 2022 15:21:43 +0200},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

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