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an unity mmo demo, base on ecs(game play), xlua(ui)

License: MIT License

C# 35.67% Batchfile 0.07% Lua 45.31% Makefile 0.10% HTML 1.35% Shell 0.04% C++ 0.06% CMake 3.61% C 12.11% ShaderLab 1.46% HLSL 0.21%
unity mmo xlua ecs entities lua gameplay lua-ecs

unitymmo's Issues

Start game with platform pc error


The referenced script (U3DExtends.LayoutInfo) on this Behaviour is missing!
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Scripting/ManagedReference/SerializableManagedRef.cpp Line: 199)

The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'MainUIMenuView_Canvas') is missing!
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Mono/ManagedMonoBehaviourRef.cpp Line: 334)

A scripted object (probably U3DExtends.LayoutInfo?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 112 bytes)
Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 2136)


本项目为 lua 实现的 FlowCanvas,BehaviourTree,StateMachine 集合,支持此三大类的相互嵌套。可以在 unity 的 FlowCanvas+NodeCanvas插件编辑后导出 lua 脚本直接在本项目使用,当然需要用到本项目提供的导出脚本。尽管项目名叫 blueprint(参考UE的蓝图 blueprint)



17/16:11:50:resource manager start
17/16:11:50:new_state : CheckExtractResource
17/16:11:51:CheckExtraceResource AppConfig.DataPath:E:/Games/UnityMMO-master/UnityMMO_Data/StreamingAssets/ isExists:False debugmode : True
17/16:11:51:AssetsHotFixManager:CheckExtractResource ok
17/16:11:51:Main.cs CheckExtractResource OK!!!
17/16:11:51:new_state : UpdateResourceFromNet
17/16:11:51:Main.cs UpdateResourceFromNet OK!!!
17/16:11:51:new_state : InitAssetBundle
17/16:11:51:ResourceManager:Initialize() m_BaseDownloadingURL:file:///E:/Games/UnityMMO-master/UnityMMO_Data/StreamingAssets/
17/16:11:51:Main.cs ResourceManager Initialize OK!!!
17/16:11:51:new_state : StartLogin
17/16:11:51:System.RuntimeType not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:LUA: load event file!
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:UIGlobal.lua[4] UI.AlertView table: 000001FA70DCD480
17/16:11:51:LUA: logic start
17/16:11:51:LUA: update manager start up
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:Game.lua[Game.OnInitOK()]
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.RectTransform+Edge not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.RectTransform+Axis not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:Message.lua[Init]
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:UIWidgetPool.lua[16] AppConfig.DebugMode true table: 000001FA70E97B60 nil
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:TestController.lua[14] self.enable true
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:LoginController.lua[Init]
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.Input not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.KeyCode not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:OnLoadAsset failed!--->>>ui_common trace back : at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.AddMessage (System.String message, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0
at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.HandleLog (System.String message, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0
at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType level, System.String msg, UnityEngine.Object obj) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEngine.Object context, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.Logger.Log (UnityEngine.LogType logType, System.Object message) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message) [0x00000] in :0
at XLuaFramework.ResourceManager+d__191[T].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 17/16:11:51:OnLoadAsset failed!--->>>ui_login trace back : at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.AddMessage (System.String message, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0 at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.HandleLog (System.String message, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType level, System.String msg, UnityEngine.Object obj) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEngine.Object context, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.Logger.Log (UnityEngine.LogType logType, System.Object message) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at XLuaFramework.ResourceManager+<OnLoadAsset>d__191[T].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0


[:01000017] lua call [1000016 to :1000017 : 14 msgsz = 25] error : /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:184: /root/u3d/lualib/Common/Util/sprotoloader.lua:21: nil sproto at index 1
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'sproto.core.loadproto'
/root/u3d/lualib/Common/Util/sprotoloader.lua:21: in function 'Common.Util.sprotoloader.load'
/root/u3d/service/msgagent.lua:60: in local 'f'
/root/u3d/service/msgagent.lua:92: in upvalue 'f'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:141: in function </root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'
[:01000016] lua call [1000017 to :1000016 : 14 msgsz = 0] error : /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:184: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: in upvalue 'yield_call'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:376: in function ''
/root/u3d/service/gated.lua:42: in function </root/u3d/service/gated.lua:18>
(...tail calls...)
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/snax/gateserver.lua:151: in upvalue 'f'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:141: in function </root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'
[:0100000d] invalid client (fd = 11) error = /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/snax/loginserver.lua:146: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed


net manager read empty!

net manager read empty!
大佬,你服务器是64位还是32位,我用的ubuntu 64位虚拟机,电脑pc win10 64 , 报了个包尺寸不对,断线处理,不忙的时候,给指条路呗~~谢啦

lua ecs 使用C存储数据层,真的能提高性能吗

下面是我做的测试(平台win7 x64 vs2017):

local ECSCore = require("ECSCore")

local chunk = ECSCore.CreateChunk(32)

local times = 100
local core_cost = 0
local lua_cost = 0

for n = 1,times do
    local bt = microsecond()
    for i = 0, 10000 do
        ECSCore.WriteNumber(chunk, 0, 123)
        ECSCore.WriteNumber(chunk, 4, 123)
        ECSCore.ReadNumber(chunk, 0)
        ECSCore.ReadNumber(chunk, 4)
    core_cost = core_cost +  microsecond() - bt

    local t = {a = 0, b= 0}
    bt = microsecond()
    for i = 0, 10000 do
        t.a = 123
        t.b = 123
        local v1 = t.a
        local v2 = t.b
    lua_cost = lua_cost +  microsecond() - bt
print("ecs core cost", core_cost)
print("lua cost", lua_cost)


ecs core cost        205641
lua cost     33294

我认为使用C存储数据层,造成无法直接使用lua原生指令操作基本类型的数据,只能通过lua虚拟栈操作。 而C#可以直接操作native指针,这个是lua不具备的。



Start main scene and console throw error

31/16:1:52:ResourceManager:Initialize() m_BaseDownloadingURL:file:///E:/work/Uni
31/16:1:53:OnLoadAsset failed!--->>>StreamingAssets trace back : at XLuaFramew
ork.LogHandler.AddMessage (System.String message, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x0
00ed] in <5a31560096d8420d8fc14c1c8bac16d8>:0
at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.HandleLog (System.String message, System.String st
ackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00001] in <5a31560096d8420d8fc14c1c8bac16
at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.St
ring stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [
0x00018] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba5124a22b81cac4>:0
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType level, System
.String msg, UnityEngine.Object obj) [0x00000] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba5124a22b81c
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEn
gine.Object context, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x0000b] in <7
at UnityEngine.Logger.Log (UnityEngine.LogType logType, System.Object message)
[0x00029] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba5124a22b81cac4>:0
at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message) [0x00008] in <712d4fd831
at XLuaFramework.ResourceManager+d__19`1[T].MoveNext () [0x000ce]
in <5a31560096d8420d8fc14c1c8bac16d8>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator e
numerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00028] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba512






Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist

[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap
[:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher
[:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster
[:01000004] master listen socket
[:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave
[:01000005] slave connect to master
[:01000004] connect from 4
[:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221
[:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report
[:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors
[:01000005] Shakehand ready
[:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd
[:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr
[:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main
[:01000009] Server start
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000c] Start debug console at
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000f] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000010] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000011] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000012] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000013] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000014] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000015] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000d] login server listen at : 8001
[:01000016] LAUNCH snlua gated 16777229 1 1
[:01000016] Listen on
[:01000017] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000018] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000019] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000020] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000021] LAUNCH snlua world
[:01000022] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000023] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000024] LAUNCH snlua chat
[:01000025] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000026] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000027] LAUNCH snlua id_service
[:01000009] KILL self
[:01000002] KILL self
[:0100000e] connect from (fd = 11)
Cat:logind.lua[22] user, password 1 password DevelopServer
[:01000025] Table 'UnityMMOAccount.Account' doesn't exist
1@DevelopServer is login, secret is 447e22468b387c3d
Cat:msgagent.lua[50] user_info.agent 16777239
[:01000017] 1 is login
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist


Why doesn't it work?

[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap
[:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher
[:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster
[:01000004] master listen socket
[:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave
[:01000005] slave connect to master
[:01000004] connect from 4
[:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221
[:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report
[:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors
[:01000005] Shakehand ready
[:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd
[:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr
[:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main
[:01000009] Server start
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000c] Start debug console at
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000f] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000010] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000011] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000012] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000013] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000014] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000015] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000d] login server listen at : 8001
[:01000016] LAUNCH snlua gated 16777229 1 1
[:01000016] Listen on
[:01000017] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000018] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000019] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000020] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000021] LAUNCH snlua world
[:01000022] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000023] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000024] LAUNCH snlua chat
[:01000025] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000026] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000027] LAUNCH snlua id_service
[:01000009] KILL self
[:01000002] KILL self




Could not create asset from Assets/AssetBundleRes/scene/base_world/base_world_2001/ReflectionProbe-0.exr: Cube texture could not be created. Only Power of Two textures can be cubemaps.


[:01000009] Server start
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000b] lua call [0 to :100000b : 0 msgsz = 56] error : �[31m/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:859: /home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:330: /home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet/socket.lua:358: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet/socket.lua:358: in function 'skynet.socket.readline'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/service/console.lua:16: in upvalue 'f'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:253: in function </home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:252>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:859: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'�[0m
[:0100000c] Start debug console at
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind

启动服务器报错lua loader error : /root/Server/game/service/chat.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value

lua loader error : /root/Server/game/service/chat.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value (global 'ErrorCode')
stack traceback:
/root/Server/game/service/chat.lua:5: in local 'main'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/loader.lua:48: in main chunk
[:01000024] KILL self
[:01000016] lua call [1000008 to :1000016 : 14 msgsz = 106] error : /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:184: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:628: /root/Server/skynet/service/service_mgr.lua:25: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:628: in function 'skynet.uniqueservice'
/root/Server/service/gated.lua:105: in function </root/Server/service/gated.lua:95>
(...tail calls...)
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/snax/gateserver.lua:149: in upvalue 'f'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:141: in function </root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'
[:01000009] init service failed: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: in upvalue 'yield_call'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:376: in function ''
/root/Server/service/main.lua:16: in local 'start'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:721: in function </root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:718>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:725: in function 'skynet.pcall'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:729: in function 'skynet.init_service'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:742: in upvalue 'f'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:114: in function </root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>

About Navmesh.


A question, does the server check the navmesh? Because I did not find the navmesh reading on the server, just the client.

Congratulations on the excellent work!

sproto 问题

请问下 为什么 项目中 有 2 个版本的sproto 保留1 个 会有问题吗


环境 mac unity 2019.3
xLua exception : luaopen_client_crypt at (wrapper managed-to-native) XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.luaopen_client_crypt(intptr

xLua exception : luaopen_sproto_core at (wrapper managed-to-native) XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.luaopen_sproto_core(intptr)

mac 相关的 lua 库 资源 有问题嘛?

另外 server 端 缺少文件
service/main.lua:2: module 'Common.Util.util' not fou

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