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MASM Evaluator Issues



Certain commands (bm, x) allow specifying wildcard expressions. Not sure how wildcards are treated in WinDbg's MASM evaluator vs when evaluating normal expressions with ?

Some scenarios we need tests for:


ntdll!*foo* 1 //In this case, we should see there's a space and know that the 1 is not related to the wildcard expression

MasmParser.ParseIdentifier currently allows having an AsteriskToken when looking for a symbol expression, but we need to change that to only consider asterisks valid when we're in "wildcard mode"


DbgEng resolves symbols used in expressions via dbgeng!MultiSymFromName

  • Consider ignoring vtable adjustor thunks like DbgEng (SymTagThunk)
  • DbgEng normally replaces dots with underscores in module names. Does it "fix them up" again when it passes them to DbgHelp?
  • Consider implementing support for specifying either dots or underscores in module names, and we'll match either way (but prefer matching with whatever the user typed first before falling back)
  • Consider implementing support for resolving managed symbols in both TryGetModuleQualifiedSymbolValue and TryGetSimpleSymbolValue

Module Issues


    • In Remove(CORDB_ADDRESS baseAddress) we need to remove any managed symbols we generated as well. We don't generate a managed symbol "module", but we do generate symbols that may exist within the module we're removing on demand as required

Pattern Issues


  • In ToString(), our ExceptionData handler hits the NotImplementedException. Should we actually be returning true instead?


  • new ByteSequence(Int3, Int3, Int3, "*", "0x33C0"), //test eax,eax - this is causing extra false positives because it doesn't just match test eax,eax, and we ignore repeated junk bytes in our xfg version

I'm not sure if we should even use XFG patterns at all

public static ByteSequence[] XfgCompatiblePatterns =
    //todo: i think this is needed for "48895C248" but it can cause false positives
    //new ByteSequence(Ret, Int3, "*", Mov_RspDisp_AnyReg) //todo: seems to cause some false positives, e.g. a branch in RtlReleaseActivationContext is erroneously matched


    //Int3Int3Int3_MARK_RexPushAny, //gives a false positive

    /* Matched patterns:
     *   48895C248

    /*new ByteSequence(Int3, Int3, Int3, "*", MovAnyRsp, RexW_AnyB_AnyR_Mov),*/


    Extra1, //mov r10,rcx
    Extra2, //mov r10,rcx

    //new ByteSequence(Int3, Int3, Int3, "*", RexPushAny, RexPushAny),

    //but we DO want to match RtlAreBitsSet

    //todo: i think we should maybe comment these all out (even the ones we have below) and then add unit tests for each pattern
    //asserting that we got a match. not sure if we should embed the bytes we're matching against in our code, or if we should reference ntdll directly,
    //since we can have issues when theres multiple matches of addresses inside a function. e.g. when we have a jmp from function A to B. maybe we should
    //just handle those scenarios specially, by including the bytes for function A and function B that gets jumped to and test the behavior worked as expected
    //for this corner case we found. should probably have a method we can use to generate the bytes, etc and everything for each test case, and comment that
    //the function is from ntdll!foo etc. each test should call upon all patterns, and assert that there were no false positives of things only matched in raw.

DumpCommand.cs Todos

  • Implement all unimplemented commands
  • Implement missing 3 letter commands (dds, dps, dqs)
  • Make MemoryDumper more robust. Consider adding nested classes (e.g. MemoryDumper.Dword) for dumping the various memory types

Background Thread Exception Handling

If an unhandled exception occurs on any of our background threads (Cordb, DbgEng, InProcThread, Symbol Resolution Thread, PowerShell Engine Thread, and possibly anywhere else we use DispatcherThread / new Thread()) we need to somehow capture this and notify the user that a fatal error occurred

DisasmCommand.cs Todos

  • When we do u poi 0x00007ffcb6f1a388 we get an error that it's an invalid command
  • When we do "u" to disassemble, should we be leveraging our advanced analytics in CordbDisasmSymbolResolver?
  • If we had more than 1 chunk (when doing IL to native mapping), the address of the code in those other chunks could be far away from our initial start address. Furthermore, I don't think either our CordbILFunction.Disassembly nor CordbFunction.ILToDisassembly will know how to handle having more than 1 code chunk
  • dnSpy makes a remark that IL to native mappings must be retrieved prior to retrieving var homes, or the var homes array will be empty. Don't know if this is true or not/how to repro

Fix analysis on functions containing multiple symbols within them

Depends on: #1

We've applied a heuristic that says that if we run into another known entity while disassembling a function, we've gone too far and therefore this must be a bad function. However, in some cases you can have multiple symbols within a function, e.g. ntdll!RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList

Related issues:

  • The disassembly of ntdll!DbgBreakPointWithStatusEnd contains no instructions. The real symbol is ntdll!DbgBreakPointWithStatus
  • In OLEAUT32!LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal64 the finally block appears to have its own symbol. That means we're erroneously treating this finally block as being its own "function" which isn't true, its a part of LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal64

.NET Core Version Info

  • Retrieve the .NET Core version info. This can be done by inspecting the TargetFrameworkAttribute of the assembly. This isn't a good solution, but this is how dnSpy does it too (see DotNetHelpers.IsDotnetExecutable)
  • How do we detect whether a given assembly is an apphost? dotPeek is able to detect this

Variable Issues

  • In CordbNativeFrame.GetRegisterRelativeVariable we interpret what register to use when the register is CV_ALLREG_VFRAME. According to dbgeng!MachineInfo::CvRegToMachine the register should be RSP on x64 when we see CV_ALLREG_VFRAME. Need to test this is true. We've seen CV_ALLREG_VFRAME a lot for x86, but haven't seen it at all for x64; symbols send to say to use RBP explicitly

Breakpoint Issues


  • We're not actually handling our deferredBreakpoint and currentBreakpoint properly
  • In Add(CORDB_ADDRESS address), consider checking whether the address we're trying to set a breakpoint for is in managed code, and if so throw an error that a managed breakpoint should be used instead (which occurs via ICorDebugCode). IXCLRDataProcess.GetAddressType can potentially be used to check whether an address is part of a managed method or not
  • When adding unmanaged breakpoints, its not clear if we need to call FlushInstructionCache ourselves, or whether the CLR handles this for us?
    • This applies to both breakpoints added via CordbProcess::SetUnmanagedBreakpoint and raw breakpoints we use for setting breakpoints inside the CLR. It's possible mscordbi does call FlushInstructionCache but we're not doing that for our raw breakpoints
  • In ProcessDeferredBreakpoint, we need to implement special logic so that we don't re-enable the step breakpoint
  • In RestoreCurrentBreakpoint , we need to implement special logic so that we don't re-enable the step breakpoint
  • In RestoreCurrentBreakpoint I say If that instruction doesn't already have a breakpoint on it, we need to insert a sneaky step - is this true though? Are we in fact just sneaky stepping always?
  • In RestoreCurrentBreakpoint, do we need special logic if we're on the last instruction of a function? This talks about applying "step-in" logic in certain circumstances
  • In AddNativeStep, when handling the scenario where we're on an int3, we need to tell the difference between having an int3 on the "next" instruction vs "actually, we just hit an int3, so we were going to increment. the IP after it anyway". But having said that, if we're stepping, we want to break on the next instruction anyway, so i guess maybe we do need to set a hard breakpoint here. Maybe update the comment in the int3 case to note this

CordbEngine Events

  • How do we trigger the managed DataBreakpoint and BreakpointSetError events?
  • Need unit tests for how we handle the loader breakpoint for either create or attach
  • What if we stopped at a non-breakpoint, and then moved our IP TO a breakpoint. We never tripped over this breakpoint, so should we skip it or not?
  • From UnmanagedException: how does dbgeng handle queuing up a deferred breakpoint which it'llcreate a single step out of, but then the user single steps themselves. the deferred breakpoint should just be ignored right? I would guess the "I can see theres a breakpoint on the next instruction" logic would take care of that
  • From DoContinue: suppose we're at a hardcoded int 3 and we try and step, and we didn't change to another thread. in that case I would guess we need to NOT step since we're just going to increment the IP manually?
  • In TryClearHardInterrupt:
    • If we hit an int 3 on thread A, which we re-wound, switched to thread B and then continued, thread A is just going to trip over its int 3 again!
    • Should we be clearing the int 3 if we're planning on stepping anyway? Won't that cause us to double step? Need a test for this


  • Do data breakpoints need to be aligned? I think we can align by doing address & (size - 1)
  • What does dbgeng do if you try and set multiple data breakpoints on the same address? Does it keep both, or overwrite?
  • When removing breakpoints, need a unit test for managed, unmanaged, raw and data breakpoints of what happens if the breakpoint is already disabled and then we try and suspend it when we're removing it, and vice versa
  • Apparently the system will reset hardware breakpoints after the loader bp so we need to prevent users from adding them when we're at the loader bp. Test with WinDbg if this is also true when you're at the attach bp as well, and add tests for these two scenarios
  • Implement support for adding data breakpoints on a per-thread basis
  • Stepping over rep stosd instructions doesn't work. Need to understand why and implement special logic for all instructions like it that can cause issues when stepping
  • Need to apply data breakpoints to new threads as they spawn. Look into how WinDbg handles this
  • For some reason on attach with pwsh.exe when we single step initially, ret is executed twice. Not sure if its because its a ret, there's a syscall behind it, or its a bug in our debugger! I think I saw that when we were able to break in before it gets to the normal point where this issue occurs (which I think is in wait for single/multiple objects) it didn't double step, so it may indeed be related to the syscall. It doesn't happen the second time you step through the method

Symbol Issues


  • In WithFrameContext, DbgEng appears to have logic that says when a frame is not the top frame in a call stack, rewind the IP by 1 before calling SymSetContext, otherwise symbol resolution won't work on the frame. Is this true? How do we reproduce this issue?
  • In TrySafeManagedSymFromAddr
    • we call TryGetCodeHeaderData. Is it possible for it to throw in this particular context however? TrySafeManagedSymFromAddr must never throw!
    • We should cached all known modules and checked the address for that already
    • Try Assembly or AppDomain address?
      In DeferCalculateModuleInfoAsync
    • Sometimes get a duplicate load for, and get an error that it's already in pendingNativeOperations. Not sure what's going on
  • In RemoveManagedModule
    • At any point do we ever need to clear symbols from the global module? Do we know what sorts of symbols get assigned to that? I have seen that some invariably do. Can symbols get assigned to the global module that we can determine should actually belong to some other specific module later?
  • When we move support for resolving thunks from CordbDisasmSymbolResolver into DebuggerSymbolProvider, we need logic that considers whether the given IP has already is already the indirected address, or whether we need to indirect it for the user. When a user queries a given address, they might already be querying the indirected address, but in the case of CordbDisasmSymbolResolver the address hasn't been indirected yet. Our DebuggerSymbolProvider needs to allow being told whether it should try and indirect the address it was given or not


  • When downloading symbols using our custom SymSrv, call the file a .error file with the same name format that the real symsrv uses and then rename if it downloads successfully. Not sure if we need to automatically cleanup failed downloads somehow?
  • Call our custom SymSrv "FastSymSrv" in the in-program logs and have a line under it explaining that file.ptr, index2.txt and compressed files will not be supported
  • Then have an option to allow switching to "slow SymSrv" which is DbgEng's one
  • Should display a warning when the radio button for this is changed saying that it will only take effect on next launch of the debugger. Then need the actual mechanism to decide which SymSrv to use, and unload the existing one if the option has been changed
  • When doing FastSymSrv we should also do other optimizations, like not trying to load symbols for .NET files. Need to look at the COMIMAGE_FLAGS of the IMAGE_COR20_HEADER to see if a file may be C++/CLI (and also need to test that that is a valid way of detecting C++/CLI images). Do load symbols for C++/CLI files. If a normal .NET file has exports, we should probably list those like unmanaged symbols, and maybe need to make sure we do so regardless of what DIA has to say
  • If we see an index2.txt under one of the user's source directories when our SymbolServerW handler is called, we should throw a special exception that will bubble up to the user telling them to use slow SymSrv instead

C# Evaluation

How Visual Studio C# FuncEval works

  • Roslyn has an ExpressionEvaluator that may have some level of integration with Visual Studio's Dkm debugger API

  • dnSpy had the same idea, and created its own fork of Roslyn's ExpressionCompiler

  • For Visual Studio, the action begins in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Engine.dll!Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.EntryPoint

    • IDkmLanguageExpressionEvaluator_EvaluateExpression is at the top of the call stack, and after calling into Dkm pops out at IDkmClrExpressionCompiler_CompileExpression
    • This method then calls into Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExpressionEvaluator.ExpressionCompiler.dll!Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExpressionEvaluator.ExpressionCompiler (specifically a CSharpExpressionCompiler
    • The interface method IDkmClrExpressionCompiler.CompileExpression is implemented by the expression compiler
  • dnSpy doesn't actually seem to utilize ExpressionCompiler; instead, it calls straight into the EvaluationContext (which is what ExpressionCompiler does internally as well). This may explain how dnSpy can potentially get away with not having declared any of the IDkm interfaces (honestly I'm a bit confused as to how it even compiles given these aren't defined anywhere and the relevant DLL isn't referenced or included in the output directory)

  • Visual Studio seems to be able to bypass doing a funceval for simple things (e.g. 1+1) but when you actually call a function, it'll do a real funceval

  • The actual act of calling CordbThread::CreateEval is done from managed code. There are 3 modules of interest: vsdebugeng.manimpl, Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL and Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.Host

The following stack trace shows several points of interest:

015af048 58a30a6e Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.DebuggerHost.CorThread.CreateEval()
015af05c 58a3033d Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.DebuggerHost.RealFuncEval.DoRealFuncEval(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodBase, Ilrun.CallArgs)
015af0e8 58a3c924 Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.InspectionHook.TryRealFuncEval(Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.VSGlobalContext, Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.LocalContextWrapper, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodBase, Ilrun.CallArgs)
015af11c 58a3c752 Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.InspectionHook.Hook_TryRealFuncEval(Ilrun.VirtualMachine, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodBase, Ilrun.CallArgs)
015af134 58a3c6cb Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.InspectionHook.Hook_CallFromRootFrame(Ilrun.VirtualMachine, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodBase, Ilrun.CallArgs)
015af148 58d730ea Ilrun.VirtualMachine2.ExecuteHookedMethod(Ilrun.HookedMethod, Ilrun.CallArgs)
015af18c 58d70d94 Ilrun.VirtualMachine2.ForwardLoop()
015af1a0 58d709d6 Ilrun.VirtualMachine2.RunForward()
015af1d4 58d6e84f Ilrun.VirtualMachine2.ExecuteMethodInternal(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodBase, Ilrun.CallArgs, Ilrun.IVirtualStackFrame)
015af21c 58d6e709 Ilrun.VirtualMachine2.ExecuteInspectionQuery(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodBase, Ilrun.IVirtualStackFrame)
015af24c 58a2f31f Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.VilEvaluationServices.InterpretInspectionQuery(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmInspectionSession, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationFlags, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmFuncEvalFlags, UInt32, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.CallStack.DkmStackWalkFrame, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.Assembly, System.String, System.String, System.String, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.ClrCompilation.DkmClrCompilationResultFlags, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultCategory, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultAccessType, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultStorageType, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultTypeModifierFlags, Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.VilEvaluationResult, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.Type, Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.InspectionQueryUserContext, System.String ByRef, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.MethodInfo ByRef)
015af394 587411a4 VSDebugEngine.ClrInspector.VilHelper.ExecuteQueryInternal(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata.Assembly, System.String, System.String, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.ClrCompilation.DkmClrCompilationResultFlags, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultCategory, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultAccessType, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultStorageType, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmEvaluationResultTypeModifierFlags, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.ClrCompilation.DkmClrCustomTypeInfo, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmInspectionContext, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.CallStack.DkmStackWalkFrame, System.String, System.String, System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList, VSDebugEngine.ClrInspector.EvaluationResultContinuation)
015af408 5874585c VSDebugEngine.ClrInspector.VilHelper.ExecuteInspectionQuery(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.ClrCompilation.DkmCompiledClrInspectionQuery, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmInspectionContext, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.CallStack.DkmStackWalkFrame, System.String, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList, VSDebugEngine.ClrInspector.EvaluationResultContinuation)
015af458 5873bac8 VSDebugEngine.ClrInspector.EntryPoint.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.ComponentInterfaces.IDkmClrInspectionQueryProcessor.Execute(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.ClrCompilation.DkmCompiledClrInspectionQuery, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmInspectionContext, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.DkmILContext, System.String, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmCompletionRoutine`1)
015af484 078c241a Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.EntryPoint.IDkmClrInspectionQueryProcessor_Execute(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)

In Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL it creates a series of DecodedInstruction items for a DecodedMethod

It seems that the expression was already pre-evaluated by the time the IL instructions are passed to the API call that creates the DecodedMethod, indicating the expression was already pre-computed inside Roslyn's expression compiler

Identify data references during analysis

Iterate over all operands on each instruction disassembled and store the operand values on the DisasmFunctionResolutionContext. We then need to somehow know when we're finished processing the function stack, and then analyze all of the addresses that we identified to see whether they're within the allowed bounds of the current function. If so, if it's not an address we already know of, add it to the list of known entities for the module

General commanding issues

  • If you forget to list your arguments, e.g. you just typed "bp" we should give a better error saying args are missing, not that the command is invalid

Apply heuristics for identifying functions when no symbols are present

IDA Pro is able to identify functions even when no symbols are present. Even when symbols are present, sometimes things aren't actually functions after all (e.g. the many bad functions in System.Data)

Ghidra utilizes a series of heuristics for identifying the locations of functions. Consider implementing this functionality as well. Note that we've seen cases where a function began with sub against rsp or something, so we need to make sure that not only that such functions are identified as well, but that all functions listed in symbols are identified as functions using this heuristic based approach

Implement support for disassembling switch statements

IDA Pro is able to show the targets of switch statements.

In ntdll!RtlRestoreContext it says "sp analysis failed" on the jmp rdx. Does this mean IDA might be "simulating" values on the stack in order to figure out where the jump might go?

I've seen other things in IDA that indicate there may be a "physical" jump table located elsewhere in the assembly. There may be multiple scenarios we need to support

Once this analysis is working, we then need to implement for displaying the targets of a switch statement in graph mode similar to IDA

Cordb Engine Loop Issues

  • Attempting to set CORDEBUG_JIT_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION in CordbEngine.LoadModule will cause CORDBG_E_CANT_CHANGE_JIT_SETTING_FOR_ZAP_MODULE to be thrown within mscordbi if it's an NGEN image. We have logic to disable the use of NGEN images, but if a user opts to keep NGEN images (need to provide support for toggling this setting), we should check if the loaded module is an NGEN image and not try and set this flag to improve perf

  • When executing chaos.exe in a loop 100 times (1..100 | foreach { & "ChaosDbg\src\chaos\bin\Debug\chaos.exe" --minimized pwsh -e interop }) (and I think it might've been configured to exit after breaking in?) when we hit Ctrl+C we tripped over something in CordbEngine.Break and hit a NullReferenceException. It looks like what happened was if you hit Ctrl+C while we're still waiting on the TargetCreated task to complete, Process will be null. Do we also need to cancel the process creation if you hit Ctrl+C? Not sure

  • I think there's a race in adding the pause reason in CordbEngine.Break: if we just added this, but had just started processing an event in the time between this and calling EnsureHasStopReason, the event we just received is going to update the last stop reason, and so we'll think we didn't set one, when we did


  • In CordbProcess.Terminate we call TryContinue once to ensure that the Win32 Event Thread is running to be able to process our termination request (made above), but if we've stopped multiple times, do we need to keep continuing until the debugger is fully running, or will one continue be enough? We need a unit test for this question, and need to test both in interop and non-interop

  • Notes from CordbProcess.Terminate:

    Suppose an unhandled exception occurred on the unmanaged callback thread. As we begin to shut down, the cancellation token of the cordb engine thread will be cancelled, result in us trying to terminate the program. But when we try and call terminate here, we'll see that the process isnt synchronized!

    I think we need to fix the synchronization issue prior to cancelling the engine token. Need to document everywhere related to terminal shutdown where to go in the code to see the full documentation about our shutdown process across both managed, unmanaged, the engine loop, etc

    And maybe utilize the InProcThread that the unmanaged callback uses to continue to call Stop() and then somehow throw from there in a way that'll get caught?

  • In CordbSessionInfo, after EngineCancellationTokenSource?.Cancel();, we have the following comment:

    If the fatal shutdown thread calls engine.dispose, but the UI thread called engine.dispose, the UI thread disposed will be set to true, and so we'll return immediately from this, despite the fact that shutdown is still in progress

    Furthermore, the comments prior to WaitForCriticalFailureThread() talk about how we'll bail out of waiting if we're the engine thread...but we removed that logic from WaitForCriticalFailureThread for some reason. In the if (localCriticalFailureThread != null) check of WaitForCriticalFailureThread, the check if we're on the engine thread was commented out for some reason, don't know why

  • Comment in CordbEngine.Dispose: if somebody tries to dispose the engine while the critical failure thread is running, thats going to cause an issue!

  • When the user does intentionally kill their process, how should CordbEngine report the fact it died to the user? Do our existing event handlers cover this?

  • Comment in CordbEngine.StopAndTerminate: when chaos.exe crashes cos it doesn't know how to handle cpp exceptions, it doesn't seem like we're cancelling the engine token. So what causes that to happen when we have an unhandled exception on the unmanaged event thread?


  • In CordbLauncher.Attach we do Process.Modules, however if the process suddenly exits, we'll crash while trying to enumerate the target's modules

  • We have an assert that the process is not null in CordbEngine.PreEventCommon, but if there was a critical failure during session init and the Win32 Event Thread didn't stop, this could trigger the assert. Is it possible to make this scenario occur?

In case we need to manually invoke multicast delegate event items again:

var preEventDelegate = (MulticastDelegate) ucb.GetType().GetField(nameof(CordbUnmanagedCallback.OnPreEvent), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(ucb);

foreach (var handler in preEventDelegate.GetInvocationList())
    handler.Method.Invoke(handler.Target, new[] { s, e });*

Disasm Format Issues

  • CordbDisasmSymbolResolver

    • In CordbDisasmSymbolResolver, I have a comment that the CLR gives super generic names for thunks. But is this even true? Not sure if we have to test with powershell.exe instead of pwsh.exe
    • Right now all our thunk resolution logic is inside of CordbDisasmSymbolResolver. We need to move this into DebuggerSymbolProvider
  • DbgEngFormatter.TryFormatIndirect is not very robust

    • How would it handle lea? In this case the memory base will be rax or something
    • Do we perhaps need to actually be on a given instruction in some cases so that we can go ahead and resolve what a given register indirectly points to?
    • You can have instructions with more than 1 operand with indirect references, e.g. mov rdx,[7FFC116C2450h]. Right now we hardcode getting Op0Kind. There can be more than 2 operands (somehow) in some scenarios, so we may need to loop over all operands maybe?
  • DbgHelpDisasmSymbolResolver

    • Need to include the module name in the symbol that is returned
    • Need to implement support for handling indirect symbols properly
  • DbgEngDisasmSymbolResolver

    • Do we need to include the module name in the symbol that is returned? It does seem like DbgEng has special logic to include the module name on the symbols it returns, so we need to test
    • Need to implement support for handling indirect symbols properly

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