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            var resultItems = [];
            if (searchText.length > 0) {
              // perform local searching
              datas.forEach(function(data) {
                var isMatch = false;
                var hitCount = 0;
                var searchTextCount = 0;
                var title = data.title.trim();
                var titleInLowerCase = title.toLowerCase();
                var content = data.content.trim().replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"");
                var contentInLowerCase = content.toLowerCase();
                var articleUrl = decodeURIComponent(data.url);
                var indexOfTitle = [];
                var indexOfContent = [];
                // only match articles with not empty titles
                if(title != '') {
                  keywords.forEach(function(keyword) {
                    function getIndexByWord(word, text, caseSensitive) {
                      var wordLen = word.length;
                      if (wordLen === 0) {
                        return [];
                      var startPosition = 0, position = [], index = [];
                      if (!caseSensitive) {
                        text = text.toLowerCase();
                        word = word.toLowerCase();
                      while ((position = text.indexOf(word, startPosition)) > -1) {
                        index.push({position: position, word: word});
                        startPosition = position + wordLen;
                      return index;

                    indexOfTitle = indexOfTitle.concat(getIndexByWord(keyword, titleInLowerCase, false));
                    indexOfContent = indexOfContent.concat(getIndexByWord(keyword, contentInLowerCase, false));
                  if (indexOfTitle.length > 0 || indexOfContent.length > 0) {
                    isMatch = true;
                    hitCount = indexOfTitle.length + indexOfContent.length;

                // show search results

                if (isMatch) {
                  // sort index by position of keyword

                  [indexOfTitle, indexOfContent].forEach(function (index) {
                    index.sort(function (itemLeft, itemRight) {
                      if (itemRight.position !== itemLeft.position) {
                        return itemRight.position - itemLeft.position;
                      } else {
                        return itemLeft.word.length - itemRight.word.length;

                  // merge hits into slices

                  function mergeIntoSlice(text, start, end, index) {
                    var item = index[index.length - 1];
                    var position = item.position;
                    var word = item.word;
                    var hits = [];
                    var searchTextCountInSlice = 0;
                    while (position + word.length <= end && index.length != 0) {
                      if (word === searchText) {
                      hits.push({position: position, length: word.length});
                      var wordEnd = position + word.length;

                      // move to next position of hit

                      while (index.length != 0) {
                        item = index[index.length - 1];
                        position = item.position;
                        word = item.word;
                        if (wordEnd > position) {
                        } else {
                    searchTextCount += searchTextCountInSlice;
                    return {
                      hits: hits,
                      start: start,
                      end: end,
                      searchTextCount: searchTextCountInSlice

                  var slicesOfTitle = [];
                  if (indexOfTitle.length != 0) {
                    slicesOfTitle.push(mergeIntoSlice(title, 0, title.length, indexOfTitle));

                  var slicesOfContent = [];
                  while (indexOfContent.length != 0) {
                    var item = indexOfContent[indexOfContent.length - 1];
                    var position = item.position;
                    var word = item.word;
                    // cut out 100 characters
                    var start = position - 20;
                    var end = position + 80;
                    if(start < 0){
                      start = 0;
                    if (end < position + word.length) {
                      end = position + word.length;
                    if(end > content.length){
                      end = content.length;
                    slicesOfContent.push(mergeIntoSlice(content, start, end, indexOfContent));

                  // sort slices in content by search text's count and hits' count

                  slicesOfContent.sort(function (sliceLeft, sliceRight) {
                    if (sliceLeft.searchTextCount !== sliceRight.searchTextCount) {
                      return sliceRight.searchTextCount - sliceLeft.searchTextCount;
                    } else if (sliceLeft.hits.length !== sliceRight.hits.length) {
                      return sliceRight.hits.length - sliceLeft.hits.length;
                    } else {
                      return sliceLeft.start - sliceRight.start;

                  // select top N slices in content

                  var upperBound = parseInt('1');
                  if (upperBound >= 0) {
                    slicesOfContent = slicesOfContent.slice(0, upperBound);

                  // highlight title and content

                  function highlightKeyword(text, slice) {
                    var result = '';
                    var prevEnd = slice.start;
                    slice.hits.forEach(function (hit) {
                      result += text.substring(prevEnd, hit.position);
                      var end = hit.position + hit.length;
                      result += '<b class="search-keyword">' + text.substring(hit.position, end) + '</b>';
                      prevEnd = end;
                    result += text.substring(prevEnd, slice.end);
                    return result;

                  var resultItem = '';

                  if (slicesOfTitle.length != 0) {
                    resultItem += "<li><a href='" + articleUrl + "' class='search-result-title'>" + highlightKeyword(title, slicesOfTitle[0]) + "</a>";
                  } else {
                    resultItem += "<li><a href='" + articleUrl + "' class='search-result-title'>" + title + "</a>";

                  slicesOfContent.forEach(function (slice) {
                    resultItem += "<a href='" + articleUrl + "'>" +
                      "<p class=\"search-result\">" + highlightKeyword(content, slice) +
                      "...</p>" + "</a>";

                  resultItem += "</li>";
                    item: resultItem,
                    searchTextCount: searchTextCount,
                    hitCount: hitCount,
                    id: resultItems.length
            if (keywords.length === 1 && keywords[0] === "") {
              resultContent.innerHTML = '<div id="no-result"><i class="fa fa-search fa-5x" /></div>'
            } else if (resultItems.length === 0) {
              resultContent.innerHTML = '<div id="no-result"><i class="fa fa-frown-o fa-5x" /></div>'
            } else {
              resultItems.sort(function (resultLeft, resultRight) {
                if (resultLeft.searchTextCount !== resultRight.searchTextCount) {
                  return resultRight.searchTextCount - resultLeft.searchTextCount;
                } else if (resultLeft.hitCount !== resultRight.hitCount) {
                  return resultRight.hitCount - resultLeft.hitCount;
                } else {
                  return -;
              var searchResultList = '<ul class=\"search-result-list\">';
              resultItems.forEach(function (result) {
                searchResultList += result.item;
              searchResultList += "</ul>";
              resultContent.innerHTML = searchResultList;

          if ('auto' === 'auto') {
            input.addEventListener('input', inputEventFunction);
          } else {
            input.addEventListener('keypress', function (event) {
              if (event.keyCode === 13) {

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      if (isfetched === false) {
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              error: function(counter, error) {
                console.log('Failed to save Visitor num, with error message: ' + error.message);
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                console.log('Failed to create');
        error: function(error) {
          console.log('Error:' + error.code + " " + error.message);

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