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magister's Issues

Documentation version 2.1.0

At the moment, the documentation is not very apprehensive and the overall design is not very attractive. I hope this will be sorted out when version 2.1.0 is released.

Uncaught exception 'CurlException' on new Magister

I'm getting a Uncaught exception 'CurlException' error when ever I try to use the $magister = new Magister('school', 'username', 'password'); line. (with the correct credentials, of course) It seems to try to resolve locations.login as a domain name. Am I missing something here?

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'CurlException' with message 'CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST: Could not resolve host: locations.login' in  [...]/vendor/shuber/curl/lib/curl.php:169

Stack trace:

#0 [...]/vendor/shuber/curl/lib/curl.php(133): Curl->request('POST', 'locations.login', Array, NULL)

#1 [...]/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Magister.php(127): Curl->post('locations.login', Array)

#2 [...]/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Magister.php(107): Magister\Magister->invoke('', '')

#3 [...]/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Magister.php(51): Magister\Magister->login('', '')

#4 [...]/index.php(8): Magister\Magister->__construct('ozhw', '[leerlingnummer]', '[wachtwoord]')

#5 {main}

  thrown in  [...]/vendor/shuber/curl/lib/curl.php on line 169

selecting a diferent year for grades

How do you select a diverent year with grades. Magister\Models\Grade\Grade::all() just gives me the current year and does not take any arguments.

API key

Unfortunately Schoolmaster BV has decided to authorise all incoming API requests. That does not mean that this API does not work anymore. It does mean however that you need an API key in order to get access to the data.

I will take a look at this. I guess it will be necessary to have an API key now, so probably there will be an option to feed your magister API key and gain access again.

Magister foto

Hoe verkrijg ik de profielfoto van een magister account? gebruikt deze link:
MagisterID is hier Persoon->Id in Magister\Models\User::profile();

Fatal Error

Als ik een instantie aanmaak en die open met http://localhost:8080/ krijg ik de foutmelding na het openen van het php bestand:

'Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\Ring\Exception\ConnectException' with message 'cURL error 6: See' in E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guzzlehttp\ringphp\src\Client\CurlFactory.php:126 Stack trace: #0 E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guzzlehttp\ringphp\src\Client\CurlFactory.php(91): GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\CurlFactory::createErrorResponse(Object(GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\CurlMultiHandler), Array, Array) #1 E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guzzlehttp\ringphp\src\Client\CurlMultiHandler.php(244): GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\CurlFactory::createResponse(Object(GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\CurlMultiHandler), Array, Array, Array, Resource id #120) #2 E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guzzlehttp\ringphp\src\Client\CurlMultiHandler.php(136): GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\CurlMultiHandler->processMessages() #3 E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guzzlehttp\ringphp\src\Future\BaseFutureTrait.php(118): GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\CurlMultiHandler->execute() #4 E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guz in E:\Profielwerkstuk - kopie\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Exception\RequestException.php on line 49'

Magister Update

Hey there,

It seems there was a Magister update recently,
My application runs for almost a year without a problem and now it got error's all over the place

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain


#1 .\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\RequestFsm.php(132): GuzzleHttp\RequestFsm->__invoke(Object(GuzzleHttp\Transaction))
#2 .\vendor\react\promise\src\FulfilledPromise.php(25): GuzzleHttp\RequestFsm->GuzzleHttp\{closure}(Array)
#3 .\vendor\guzzlehttp\ringphp\src\Future\CompletedFutureValue.php(55): React\Promise\FulfilledPromise->then(Object(Closure), NULL, NULL)
#4 .\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Message\FutureResponse.php(43): GuzzleHttp\Ring\Future\CompletedFutureValue->then(Object(Closure), NULL, NULL)
#5 .\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\RequestFsm.php(135): GuzzleHttp\Message\FutureResponse::proxy(Object(GuzzleHttp\Ring\Future\CompletedFutureArray), Object(Closure))
#6 .\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Client.php(165): GuzzleHttp\RequestFsm->__invoke(Object(GuzzleHttp\Transaction))
#7 .\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Client.php(135): GuzzleHttp\Client->send(Object(GuzzleHttp\Message\Request))
#8 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Auth\ElegantUserProvider.php(70): GuzzleHttp\Client->delete('sessies/huidige')
#9 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Auth\Guard.php(140): Magister\Services\Auth\ElegantUserProvider->retrieveByCredentials(Array)
#10 [internal function]: Magister\Services\Auth\Guard->attempt(Array)
#11 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Support\Manager.php(101): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#12 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Auth\AuthServiceProvider.php(45): Magister\Services\Support\Manager->__call('attempt', Array)
#13 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Auth\AuthServiceProvider.php(45): Magister\Services\Auth\AuthManager->attempt(Array)
#14 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Magister.php(180): Magister\Services\Auth\AuthServiceProvider->boot()
#15 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Magister.php(164): Magister\Magister->bootProvider(Object(Magister\Services\Auth\AuthServiceProvider))
#16 [internal function]: Magister\Magister->Magister\{closure}(Object(Magister\Services\Auth\AuthServiceProvider), 6)
#17 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Magister.php(165): array_walk(Array, Object(Closure))
#18 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders.php(21): Magister\Magister->boot()
#19 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Magister.php(104): Magister\Services\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders->bootstrap(Object(Magister\Magister))
#20 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Services\Foundation\Http\Kernel.php(50): Magister\Magister->bootstrapWith(Array)
#21 .\vendor\stanvk\magister\src\Magister\Magister.php(61): Magister\Services\Foundation\Http\Kernel->bootstrap()
#22 .\app\commands\MagisterImport.php(84): Magister\Magister->__construct('hermannwesselin...', '...', '...')
#23 .\app\commands\MagisterImport.php(44): MagisterImport->magisterImport(Object(Student))
#24 .\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php(112): MagisterImport->fire()
#25 .\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php(261): Illuminate\Console\Command->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#26 .\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Console\Command.php(100): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#27 .\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php(843): Illuminate\Console\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#28 .\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php(188): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(MagisterImport), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#29 .\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php(119): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#30 .\artisan(59): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run()
#31 {main}

On my side:


		foreach (Student::all() as $student) {
			if ($student->school->is_magister === 1) {


$magister = new Magister\Magister($student->magister_link, $student->magister_username, $student->magister_password);
Can login manually with credentials

I am on "stanvk/magister": "dev-master"

Magister API changes?

For a little while now (maybe a week?) I'm getting issues from this library, even though it was working perfectly before and no changes were made. After updating to the latest release, it still won't work.

The underlying problem seems to be a 404 response to the POST to /api/sessie, which seems to suggest an API change on the Magister side. I'm not sure if this applies to all schools already, or just the one I'm using (

It seems the JavaScript implementation ( does still work. It's using a POST to /api/sessies instead, but it looks like it also needs an application/json POST body.

Any idea if the API has changed recently?

Composer fails to install


When trying to install your package I run into the following error:
- stanvk/magister dev-master requires filp/whoops ^1.2@dev -> no matching package found.

When I look at the whoops package ( I also noticed the latest version is 1.1.6. Can you please fix this dependency?


Documentation update

Obviously the documentation is not usable or easily interpretabel by new users, nor is it finished. It barely names all the functions of the API, let alone how to use them.

Since I want to fully focus on the code I could use some help with the documentation.
Feel free to contribute at magister-api/docs (see

Cooldown in Magister ;( (6.0.26)

Hello again,
Magister version 6.0.26 seems to have implemented a cooldown period before you area able to request information again. Are there any work arounds known?

  • Kasper


I'm writing my own API for Magister in Java and I'm wondering how to retreive the Authorization key via login. I'm able to retreive the key from the Authorization header in the browser but there are two problems:

  • The key is invalid after x time. (I think it's a hour)
  • The key has to be retreived via the Chrome development tools.

I want to automate the procress with a simple login script but I've no idea on how to do that. Can anyone list the steps required for getting the authorization key.


Paar vragen

Ik vroeg mij af de API alleen werkt voor leerlingen of ook voor docenten.
Voor welke versie van magister is dit ?
Kan ik met deze api bijvoorbeeld alle berichten van "Vandaag" ophalen of alle absenties/te laat van leerlingen opvragen ?

Thanks en keep up the good work ;)

New magister api

I received a message from magister that there will be a major update. Will you provide support for this or will there be no more development?


Is er een mogelijkheid om de weging van de cijfers mee te krijgen?

Joep de Jong

[Insight] Logical operators should be avoided - in src/Magister/โ€ฆ/Encryption/Encrypter.php, line 122

in src/Magister/Services/Encryption/Encrypter.php, line 122

The or operator does not have the same precedence as ||.
This could lead to unexpected behavior, use || instead.

    protected function getJsonPayload($payload)
        $payload = json_decode(base64_decode($payload), true);

        if ( ! $payload or $this->invalidPayload($payload))
            throw new DecryptException("Invalid data.");

        if ( ! $this->validMac($payload))

Posted from SensioLabsInsight


Is er een manier om bij leermiddelen te komen? als ik json_decode(Http::get("personen/$id/digitaallesmateriaal/Ean/EANCODE")->getBody()); gebruik krijg ik NULL terug, geen invalid url of geen rechten.

Nieuwe veranderingen aan de Magister API

In mijn REST API tooltje zie ik dat ik geen informatie meer mag opvragen van Magister. Ik krijg bijvoorbeeld op het pad api/leerlingen/{nummertje} nu de response OnvoldoendePrivileges met omschrijving null.
Op api/accounts/{id} krijg ik nu softtokenStatus = 'nietGekoppeld'. Klinkt mij in de oren als een OAuth systeempje wat ze nu implementeren? De school waar ik mee test gebruikt Magister v6.0.27.

mcrypt deprecated

Since mcrypt is deprecated in php 7.2 the Magister API needs an alternative such as OpenSSL.

Magister update?

Er lijkt wederom een nieuwe magister update plaats te hebben gevonden, namelijk die naar 6.1.11...

Ook deze update lijkt ervoor gezorgt te hebben dat de API niet meer werkt, ik zal vanavond even dieper in de code duiken of ik kan vinden waarom...

Persoonlijk krijg ik bij elke school die via mijn applicatie aangesloten is de "cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:" error..
( Er was sinds gister al een probleem, toen was de error wel nog anders! Toen kreeg ik een error op een array_key_exists functie waarbij ergens een tweede argument geen array meer was maar een string...)

Graag hoor ik of andere mensen ook dit probleem hebben en of iemand misschien op basis van deze errors gelijk een oplossing weet!


Messages werken niet want de url in url.php is verkeerd (dus heb die veranderd) alleen hij veranderd de ':message' niet naar de id van het bericht.

Still up to date?

Is this api still up to date or are there now (better) alternatives?

magister-api C#

Ik zou graag magister-api C# lib willen maken maar ik heb een probleem, als ik probeer inteloggen krijg ik dit:

En de login gegevens zijn correct, en de enige header die ik gebruik is: "application/json"
Wat is precies het gene wat ik verkeerd doe?

Only 6.0.24 support

In the near future, the API will only support Magister version 6.0.24 since almost all schools adopted version 6.0.24, there is hardly demand for version 6.0.23 and will probably not be used by any schools soon. For now, the unstable version (dev-master) supports 6.0.24!

:S Ehhm een ssl certificate?

Waarom is dat openssl programma installeren zo'n pain in the ass? Kan iemand me helpen met het maken van een ssl key om de api te gebruiken?

Extending Data Models


I would like to request the implementation of two new datamodals. Namingly

  • The courses
  • Column specific information

The courses are required to attach a grade to a specific course since the "Omschrijving" field in the individual grades is null. The url for retreiving the courses would be like :

Also the column specific information is required to get the weight of the grades. This information can be retrieved through:

Currently i wrote the config and the models myself for a quick fix. But would be nice to see this implemented obviously.



Magister agenda ophalen werkt niet meer?


Magister agenda

exception 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\ParseException' with message 'Unable to parse JSON data: JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Syntax error, malformed JSON' in /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Message/Response.php:148 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php(83): GuzzleHttp\Message\Response->json() #1 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php(147): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->Magister\Services\Database\{closure}(Object(Magister\Services\Database\Connection), 'personen/:id/af...', Array) #2 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php(123): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->runQueryCallback('personen/:id/af...', Array, Object(Closure)) #3 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php(84): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->run('personen/:id/af...', Array, Object(Closure)) #4 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Query/Builder.php(122): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->select('personen/:id/af...', Array) #5 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Query/Builder.php(112): Magister\Services\Database\Query\Builder->runSelect() #6 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Elegant/Builder.php(106): Magister\Services\Database\Query\Builder->get() #7 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Elegant/Builder.php(65): Magister\Services\Database\Elegant\Builder->getModels() #8 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/getMagister.php(31): Magister\Services\Database\Elegant\Builder->get() #9 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/test_oud.php(22): getMagisterData('xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', Array) #10 {main} Next exception 'Magister\Services\Database\QueryException' with message 'Unable to parse JSON data: JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Syntax error, malformed JSON (Query: personen/:id/afspraken, Array ( [van] => 2015-11-18 [tot] => 2015-12-10 ) )' in /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php:154 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php(123): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->runQueryCallback('personen/:id/af...', Array, Object(Closure)) #1 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Connection.php(84): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->run('personen/:id/af...', Array, Object(Closure)) #2 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Query/Builder.php(122): Magister\Services\Database\Connection->select('personen/:id/af...', Array) #3 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Query/Builder.php(112): Magister\Services\Database\Query\Builder->runSelect() #4 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Elegant/Builder.php(106): Magister\Services\Database\Query\Builder->get() #5 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/vendor/stanvk/magister/src/Magister/Services/Database/Elegant/Builder.php(65): Magister\Services\Database\Elegant\Builder->getModels() #6 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/getMagister.php(31): Magister\Services\Database\Elegant\Builder->get() #7 /var/www/html/magister-agenda/test_oud.php(22): getMagisterData('xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', Array) #8 {main}`

        try {
                $magister = new Magister($school, $username, $passwo$
        catch (Exception $e) {

                echo '<br><br>';
                echo 'Magister inlog';
                echo '<br><br>';
                echo $e;
                echo '<br><br>';

        try {
        $appointments = Appointment::where('van', $begin)->where('to$
                echo $appointments;
                $result = json_decode($appointments, true);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo '<br><br>';
                echo 'Magister agenda';
                echo '<br><br>';
                echo $e;
                echo '<br><br>';
                return $e;

Vorige week werkte onze implentatie van onze huiswerk ophaal module nog naar behoren. Maar er lijkt iets te zijn veranderd, wij krijgen deze error. Zoals je ziet, lukt het inloggen wel, maar de magister agenda zelf niet.

php --version
PHP 5.6.17-0+deb8u1 (cli) (built: Jan 15 2016 15:55:17) 

cat composer.json 
    "require": {
        "stanvk/magister": "~2.0"

Stand van zaken

Door gebrek aan tijd werken wij momenteel niet veel aan de API. In de nabije toekomst zijn we van plan om dit weer op te pakken. In de tussentijd houden we een oogje in het zeil en zullen we updates uitvoeren indien noodzakelijk.

Wat de website betreft, deze zal binnenkort weer online komen. De documentatie heeft een zeer hoge prioriteit en zal tegen die tijd grondig onder handen genomen worden.

Voor vragen en suggesties zijn Christopher (KickWood) en ik altijd bereikbaar.

Agenda data

Magister\Models\Appointment::today() is een array en ik snap dat je met een foreach loop data eruit kan halen.

foreach (Magister\Models\Appointment::today() as $appointment) {
    echo $appointment->Omschrijving;

Maar nu zie ik dat als ik var_dump(Magister\Models\Appointment::today()) doe er ook "dieperliggende" data is:

["Vakken"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => array(2) {
                        ["Id"] => int(81) 
                        ["Naam"] => string(22) "Wiskunde" 

Hoe verkrijg ik die data?
Ohja en wanneer komt de verbeterde documentatie uit?

Recieving data from parent's account.


I have noticed that on some schools using Magister, they only provide an account for the parents. The students see their time table on their parent's account. I've tried getting data when logging in as a parent, but without much success. You are able to get some information, but not for example your homework. I guess it has something to do with being able to have multiple students on the same school, all linked to the parent's account. Do I need to do something different to get things like homework assignments from a parent's account or is it just not possible?

  • Kasper

Voorbeeld code

Mogelijk is dit niet de plek maar ik zoek een beginnetje. Is er ms een voorbeeldstukje code waar wat gegevens worden uitgelezen o.i.d. zodat ik weet wat er allemaal aangeroepen moet worden

New dictionary breaks id property

Just ran into an issue with the latest master. Tracked it down to the dictionary.php:

  • 8894ee6 was still working OK
  • b857248 is (syntactically) broken, it happens ๐Ÿ’ฉ
  • a73c775 (and later) breaks getting the id property of a Magister\Models\Course (and possibly other models as well)

I've made a small test script to illustrate the differences:


require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$magister = new Magister\Magister('...', '...', ...');
$course = Magister\Models\Course::first();

$tests = [

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    echo "{$test}\n  ";

Up until 8894ee6, this resulted in:

  string(2) "Id"
  string(5) "AdAth"

It looks like there was already an issue with #getKey() using Id as a key name, instead of id, but perhaps this was affecting Magister\Models\Course only. But at least getting the ID using ->id worked.

In a73c775 and later, this no longer works:

  string(2) "Id"
  string(5) "AdAth"

As you can see, the only way of getting the id property was by using #ToArray(). Other properties (like afkorting) are still working properly.

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