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econpdes.jl's Introduction

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This package provides the function pdesolve that solves (system of) nonlinear ODEs/PDEs arising in economic models (i.e. parabolic/elliptic PDEs arising from HJB equations). It is:

  • robust: upwinding + fully implicit time stepping (see here)
  • fast: sparse matrices + Newton acceleration
  • simple-to-use

A Simple Example

Let us solve the PDE for the price-dividend ratio in the Long Run Risk model with time-varying drift:

using EconPDEs

# Define a discretized state space
# An OrderedDict in which each key corresponds to a state variable
# Grids can be non-homogeneous
stategrid = OrderedDict( => range(-0.05, 0.1, length = 500))

# Define an initial guess for the value functions
# An OrderedDict in which each key corresponds to a value function to solve for, 
# specified as an array with as many dimensions as there are state variables
solend = OrderedDict(:V => ones(500))

# Define a function that encodes the PDE. 
# The function takes three arguments:
# 1. A named tuple giving the current value of the state. 
# 2. A named tuple giving the value function(s) (as well as its derivatives)
# at the current value of the state. 
# 3. (Optional) Current time t
# It must return a named tuple with the time derivatives
function f(state::NamedTuple, sol::NamedTuple)
           μbar = 0.018 ; ϑ = 0.00073 ; θμ = 0.252 ; νμ = 0.528 ; ρ = 0.025 ; ψ = 1.5 ; γ = 7.5
           μ = state.μ
           V, Vμ_up, Vμ_down, Vμμ = sol.V, sol.Vμ_up, sol.Vμ_down, sol.Vμμ
           # note that pdesolve will directly compute the derivatives of the valuefunction.
           # up and down correspond to the upward and downard derivative obtained by first difference=<= μbar) ? Vμ_up : Vμ_down
           Vt = - (1  - ρ * V + (1 - 1 / ψ) *- 0.5 * γ * ϑ) * V + θμ * (μbar - μ) *+
           0.5 * νμ^2 * ϑ * Vμμ  + 0.5 * (1 / ψ - γ) / (1- 1 / ψ) * νμ^2 *  ϑ *^2/V)
           (Vt = Vt,)

# The function `pdesolve` takes four arguments:
# 1. the function encoding the PDE
# 2. the discretized state space
# 3. the terminal value function
# 4. (Optional) a time grid
ys, residual_norms = pdesolve(f, stategrid, solend, range(0, 1000, length = 100))

# To solve directly for the stationary solution, 
# i.e. the solution of the PDE with ∂tV = 0,
# simply omit the time grid
y, residual_norm =  pdesolve(f, stategrid, solend)

More complicated ODEs / PDES (including PDE with two state variables or systems of multiple PDEs) can be found in the examples folder.

Boundary Conditions

When solving a PDE using a finite scheme approach, one needs to specify the value of the solution outside the grid ("ghost node") to construct the second derivative and, in some cases, the first derivative at the boundary.

By default, the values at the ghost node is assumed to equal the value at the boundary node (reflecting boundaries). Specify different values for values at the ghost node using the option bc (see BoltonChenWang.jl for an example).

EconPDEs v1.0.0

The 1.0 release has the following set of breaking changes:

  1. The first argument of pdesolve (the function encoding the PDE) must accept directional first derivatives and it must return a named tuple of time derivatives
  2. The fourth argument of pdesolve (the time grid) must be in increasing order
  3. pdesolve now returns a type with fieldnames zero (for the solution) and residual_norm (for the norm of residuals)

See the updated examples for the new syntax.

Optimal Stopping

Optimal stopping problems are also supported, as exemplified in Leland.jl. These problems are solved with "HJB variational inequality" (HJBVI), i.e.:

where S(x) is the value of exercising the option. Notice the traditional "value matching" (S(x̲)=v(x̲)) and "smooth pasting" (S'(x̲)=v'(x̲)) conditions are implied in the HJBVI formulation. See the deck of notes from Ben Moll on stopping time problems for more details. The S(x) can be provided to the solver as a vector defined on the grid via the keyword (or as the upper bound for cost minimization problems).


The examples folder solves a variety of models:

  • Habit Model (Campbell Cochrane (1999) and Wachter (2005))
  • Long Run Risk Model (Bansal Yaron (2004))
  • Disaster Model (Wachter (2013))
  • Heterogeneous Agent Models (Garleanu Panageas (2015), Di Tella (2017), Haddad (2015))
  • Consumption with Borrowing Constraint (Wang Wang Yang (2016), Achdou Han Lasry Lions Moll (2018))
  • Investment with Borrowing Constraint (Bolton Chen Wang (2009))


The package is registered in the General registry and so can be installed at the REPL with ] add EconPDEs.

econpdes.jl's People


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econpdes.jl's Issues

TagBot trigger issue

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If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers.
Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

If you'd like for me to do this for you, comment TagBot fix on this issue.
I'll open a PR within a few hours, please be patient!

Simple Firm Investment Problem

Consider the simple problem (w/ closed form solution):

I tried coding it up following your investment example:

using EconPDEs
stategrid = OrderedDict(:k => range(0.0, 5.0, length = 1000))
solend = OrderedDict(:V => ones(1000))
function f(state::NamedTuple, sol::NamedTuple)
    r = 0.05; δ = 0.10; z = 0.20;
    k = state.k
    V, Vk_up, Vk_down, Vkk = sol.V, sol.Vk_up, sol.Vk_down, sol.Vkk
    Vk = Vk_up
    iter = 0
    @label start
    i = Vk - 1.0
    μk = i - δ*k
    if (iter == 0) & (μk <= 0)
        iter += 1
        Vk = Vk_down
        @goto start
    Vt = - (z*k - i -0.5*(i^2.0) + μk*Vk - r*V)
    (Vt = Vt,)
y, residual_norm =  pdesolve(f, stategrid, solend)

I also tried:

using EconPDEs
stategrid = OrderedDict(:k => range(0.0, 5.0, length = 1000))
solend = OrderedDict(:V => ones(1000))
function f(state::NamedTuple, sol::NamedTuple)
    r = 0.05; δ = 0.10; z = 0.20;
    k = state.k
    V, Vk_up, Vk_down, Vkk = sol.V, sol.Vk_up, sol.Vk_down, sol.Vkk
    Vk = Vk_up
    iter = 0
    @label start
    i = Vk - 1.0
    μk = i - δ*k
    Vk = (μk >= 0) ? Vk_up : Vk_down
    Vt = - (z*k - i -0.5*(i^2.0) + μk*Vk - r*V)
    (Vt = Vt,), (; V, Vk, Vkk, k)
y, residual_norm =  pdesolve(f, stategrid, solend)

I'm not sure I understand how solve a model correctly w/ your package.
In both cases I get the same wrong value function not equal to the closed form solution.
The affine, closed-form solution: image

How can I solve this simple firm investment problem with your package?

Bug in AchdouHanLasryLionsMoll one asset example

In the AchdouHanLasryLionsMoll one asset example, the crucial pdesolve command has disappeared:

m = AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel()
stategrid = initialize_stategrid(m)
y0 = initialize_y(m, stategrid)
y, result, distance = pdesolve(m, stategrid, y0)

Simulate results from EconPDEs

Is there an easy way to simulate the variables after solving?
For example after I solve a simple consumption problem I would like to use the program output to plot for one path of shocks:
income over time
consumption over time
wealth level over time


Typo in GarleanuPanageasModel?

I am working through your GarleanuPanageasModel and I think I found a typo, but I cannot be sure, because I do not know with certainty how your pA and mcA maps into the paper's g^A and n^A. The former is suggested by the definition of κ, the latter by the definition of r.

Anyway, the denominator of equation 9 has the terms concerning A with a plus sign and the terms with B with a minus sign. This is an error, unless pAx/pA = - gAx/gA.

Furthermore, equation A.16 in the appendix defines n^A which resembles your mcA almost perfectly. But, the coefficient in the second line agrees with you definition of mcA, only if γA/(1-γA) = 1, which is not true.

Is there a documentation that could accompany the example?

Does this work on the latest version of Julia?

I tried README example w/ Julia v 1.6.2:

julia> using EconPDEs

julia> stategrid = (;μ = range(-0.05, 0.1, length = 500))
(μ = -0.05:0.0003006012024048096:0.1,)

julia> solend = (; V = ones(500))
(V = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0    1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],)

julia> function f(state::NamedTuple, sol::NamedTuple)
           μbar = 0.018 ; ϑ = 0.00073 ; θμ = 0.252 ; νμ = 0.528 ; ρ = 0.025 ; ψ = 1.5 ; γ = 7.5
           (; μ) = state
           (; V, Vμ_up, Vμ_down, Vμμ) = sol
           # note that pdesolve will directly compute the derivatives of the valuefunction.
           # up and down correspond to the upward and downard derivative obtained by first difference=<= μbar) ? Vμ_up : Vμ_down
           Vt = - (1  - ρ * V + (1 - 1 / ψ) *- 0.5 * γ * ϑ) * V + θμ * (μbar - μ) *+
           0.5 * νμ^2 * ϑ * Vμμ  + 0.5 * (1 / ψ - γ) / (1- 1 / ψ) * νμ^2 *  ϑ *^2/V)
           (; Vt)
ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location "; μ" around REPL[7]:3
 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[7]:1


pdesolve error

Hi, thanks for a great package. I am having trouble with running the pdesolve function. In running your example codes, I keep bumping into this error :

pdesolve(m, grid, y0)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching pdesolve(::CampbellCochraneModel, ::Plots.#grid, ::DataStructures.OrderedDict{Symbol,Array{Float64,1}})
Closest candidates are:
pdesolve(::Any, ::DataStructures.OrderedDict, ::DataStructures.OrderedDict; is_algebraic, kwargs...) at C:\Users\jhji.julia\v0.6\EconPDEs\src\pdesolve.jl:235
[1] eval(::Module, ::Any) at .\boot.jl:235

Above is case when I run Campbell and Cochrane example, but all others return similar. I am using following packages :

IJulia,DataFrames,Plots,TaylorSeries,QuantEcon,Interpolations,Optim,Roots,Distributions,Combinatorics,DataStructures,BandedMatrices, AiyagariContinuousTime,EconPDEs

Thanks in advance!

I think I figured out the typo in the example. I think you meant to type pdesolve(m, state, y0) in example script.

Allow a way to specify different boundary conditions

Right now, I assume that derivative of value function at boundary is zero. But it does not have to be. The method works for any value of the derivative at the boundary (because it is enough to pinpoint value of function outside the grid).

In other words, I should allow users to input their own conditions about derivative at boundary. Would be useful for investment problem of firm in Bolton, Chen, Wang.

Something like a OrderedDict or a tuple

(Vμ = [0.0, 0.0])
(Vμ = zeros(30), Vσ = zeros(10))

Order vs named

At some point rely exclusively on names rather than orders. But then I would need namedarrays to specify initial guess with multidimensional states.


Wachter (2005) calibration should have b=0.011, not 0.011*4 as it is right now in the code. It is already annualized; there is no need to multiply it by 4 (Wachter reports already annualized parameters).
I verified it against published 2005 FRL paper by computing E[r_f]. With b=0.011 it matches the published result.

More than two states

I would like to replace my own HJB solver with this package. In the process I realized that it cannot handle more than two state variables.

One obvious reason is that the differentiate function has methods for one and two states. Did you also assume 2 states in the rest of the package, or would it be enough to provide another method for differentiate?

Syntax error?


I'm very new to Julia and I'm not sure if this is my problem or the code has issue because of the Julia version change or etc.

All of you codes in example folder shows following error.

ERROR: LoadError: syntax: invalid assignment location "; c, r, ρ, σ, a, T"

I removed ';' sign in the function code like this

function (m::ArbitrageHoldingCosts)(state::NamedTuple, y::NamedTuple, τ::Number)
(c, r, ρ, σ, a, T) = m
(z) = state
(F, Fz_up, Fz_down, Fzz) = y

but then Julia shows:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching iterate

I really want to learn from your code. Could you please help me out with this issue?

DiTella Model

pdesolve(m, state,y0) returns the error "MethodError: no method matching norm(::Array{Float64,3},::Float64)" for DiTella model. I think the problem is that since we have a 3D array in the form of (pA, pB, and p), at some point the FiniteDifferenceScheme tries to calculate norm of this 3D array, which is not acceptable. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.

Finite horizon boundary problem

I'm having trouble solving a simple finite horizon bvp.

A simple example:

V_t + 2*V_x =0
V(0,t) = t

The closed form solution is V(x,t) = .5*(2t-x).
Is there a direct way to solve this using EconPDEs?

Aiyagari Continuous Time eample using EconPDEs

The Aiyagari Continuous Time example has not reappeared in the EconPDEs example. AiyagariContinuousTime.jl.

More generally a current and present value Hamiltonian growth model would be nice.

Solve Kolmogorov Forward Equation together with an HJB

Since your implementation calculates finite differences in a fully-implicit fashion, I cannot just solve an eigenvalue problem on the generator matrix to find the stationary distribution over the state space. My thinking was that I should solve for the stationary distribution simultaneously with the HJB, since the policy function and its derivatives may appear in the KFE.

However, I am not successful in constructing a simple extension to AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel. I am unclear about whether this can be done with EconPDEs at all, because my hand-written FD schemes for KFEs always needed some sort of normalization in every iteration.

using EconPDEs, Distributions

struct AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel
    # income process parameters


    # utility parameters


function AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel(;κy = 0.1, ybar = 1.0, σy = 0.07, r = 0.03, ρ = 0.05, γ = 2.0, amin = 0.0, amax = 500.0)
    AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel(κy, ybar, σy, r, ρ, γ, amin, amax)

function initialize_state(m::AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel; yn = 5, an = 50)
    κy = m.κy ; ybar = m.ybar ; σy = m.σy  ; ρ = m.ρ ; γ = m.γ ; amin = m.amin ; amax = m.amax

    distribution = Gamma(2 * κy * ybar / σy^2, σy^2 / (2 * κy))
    ymin = quantile(distribution, 0.001)
    ymax = quantile(distribution, 0.999)
    ys = collect(range(ymin, stop = ymax, length = yn))
    as = collect(range(amin, stop = amax, length = an))
    OrderedDict(:y => ys, :a => as)

function initialize_y(m::AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel, state)
    distribution = Normal((minimum(state[:y]) + maximum(state[:y]))/2, (minimum(state[:y]) + maximum(state[:y]))/8)
    g_prep = [pdf(distribution, y) * 1 / (√a+1) for y in state[:y], a in state[:a]]
    OrderedDict(:v => [(y + m.r * a)^(1-m.γ)/(1-m.γ)/m.ρ for y in state[:y], a in state[:a]],
        :g => g_prep/sum(g_prep))

function (m::AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel)(state, value)
    κy = m.κy ; σy = m.σy ; ybar = m.ybar ; r = m.r ; ρ = m.ρ ; γ = m.γ ; amin = m.amin ; amax = m.amax
    y, a = state.y, state.a
    ymin = minimum(state[:y]); ymax = maximum(state[:y])
    v, vy, va, vyy, vya, vaa = value.v, value.vy,, value.vyy, value.vya, value.vaa
    g, gy, ga, gyy, gya, gaa = value.g,,, value.gyy, value.gya, value.gaa
    μy = κy * (ybar - y)
    va = max(va, eps())
    # There is no second derivative at 0 so just specify first order derivative
    c = va^(-1 / γ)
    μa = y + r * a - c
    if (a ≈ amin) && (μa <= 0.0)
        va = (y + r * amin)^(-γ)
        c = y + r * amin
        μa = 0.0
    # this branch is unnecessary when individuals dissave at the top (default)
    if (a ≈ amax) && (μa >= 0.0)
        va = (((ρ - r) / γ + r) * a)^(-γ)
        c = ((ρ - r) / γ + r) * a
        μa = y + (r - ρ) / γ * a
    #     - ∂μa/∂a * g                              - μa*∂g/∂a -∂μy/∂y*g -μy*∂g/∂y + 1/2 *σy^2 *∂^2g/∂y^2
    gt = - (r - (-1 / γ) * va^(-1 / γ - 1) * vaa) * g - μa * ga + κy * g - μy * gy + 1/2 * σy^2 * gyy
    vt = c^(1 - γ) / (1 - γ) + va * μa + vy * μy + 0.5 * vyy * σy^2 - ρ * v
    return (vt, gt), (μy, μa), (v = v, c = c, va = va, vy = vy, y = y, a = a, μa = μa, vaa = vaa)

m = AchdouHanLasryLionsMollModel()
state = initialize_state(m)
y0 = initialize_y(m, state)
y, result, distance = pdesolve(m, state, y0, iterations = 20)

Basically, I added the distribution g to the solution object and added its law of motion, although I am not sure about the boundary condition on the a axis, but I tried different versions. The solution iteration does not converge and the result is odd in any case.

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