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MongoDB dockerized backup agent. Runs schedule backups with retention, S3 & SFTP upload, notifications, instrumentation with Prometheus and more.

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backup mongodb kubernetes docker s3-storage

mgob's Issues

error ls: *.gz.encrypted: No such file or directory


  host: "db-mongodb.default.svc.cluster.local"
  port: 27017
  # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
  params: ""
  # Daily at 5am UCT*_*_*
  cron: "0 5 */1 * *"
  retention: 1
  timeout: 60
  bucket: "myapp-test_mongodbdump"
  keyFilePath: /etc/mgob/service-account.json
  url: [redacted]
  channel: myapp-devops
  username: mgob
  # 'true' to notify only on failures 
  warnOnly: true
time="2023-03-25T19:11:20Z" level=info msg="new dump" archive=/tmp/myapp-test-1679771441.gz err="<nil>" mlog=/tmp/myapp-test-1679771441.log
ls: *.gz.encrypted: No such file or directory
time="2023-03-25T19:11:22Z" level=info msg="Local backup finished Local backup finished `/tmp/myapp-test-1679771441.gz` -> `/storage/myapp-test/myapp-test-1679771441.gz` Duration: 1.723790023s" plan=myapp-test

Cloned and built using

I verified that the gz backup file and log file were created in /storage/myapp-test

I am migrating from stefanprodan on GCP k8s...please let me know if any other repro steps are necessary.

create Pod common-mgob-0 in StatefulSet common-mgob failed error: Pod "common-mgob-0" is invalid: spec.initContainers[0].name: Duplicate value: "init-cleanup"

hi, i got this error in cluster events while deploying mgob on our cluster, using fluxcd (the envvars you'll see are correctly assigned in the folder relative kustomization resource):

create Pod common-mgob-0 in StatefulSet common-mgob failed error: Pod "common-mgob-0" is invalid: spec.initContainers[0].name: Duplicate value: "init-cleanup"

this the helmrelease i'm using:

kind: HelmRelease
  name: common-mgob
  namespace: ${namespace}
  interval: 1m
  timeout: 10m
  releaseName: common-mgob
    enable: true
    timeout: 10m
      # see
      chart: mgob
      version: "2.1.0"
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: mgob
      interval: 24h
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthUsername
    targetPath: config.hourly\
    optional: false
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthPassword
    targetPath: config.hourly\
    optional: false

      # Add each plan as per below.
        # run every day at 6:00 and 18:00 UTC
          cron: "@hourly"
          # number of backups to keep locally
          retention: 4
          # backup operation timeout in minutes
          timeout: 60
          # mongod IP or host name
          host: common-mongodb-headless.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local
          # mongodb port
          port: 27017
          # mongodb database name, leave blank to backup all databases
          database: "e4t-lab-ha"
          # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
          params: "--ssl --authenticationDatabase admin"

      # -- Persistent volume for backups, see `config.retention`
        name: "mgob-storage"
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 10Gi
          storageClassName: ${envName}-nfs-csi-test
      # -- Persistent volume for temporary files
        name: "mgob-tmp"
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 1Gi
          storageClassName: ${envName}-nfs-csi-test
        name: "mgob-restore-tmp"
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 10Gi
          storageClassName: ${envName}-nfs-csi-test

    #  mongodb as sidecars to validate backup
        tag: 5.0.10

and the helmrepository:

kind: HelmRepository
  name: mgob
  namespace: ${namespace}
  interval: 24h

Error sending notification email

I have a problem with sending notifications. Right after running the backup I always come across the following error below:

mgob-backup-manager | time="2023-06-09T07:23:53Z" level=info msg="Backup finished in 4h23m53.110717758s archive mydatabase-1686279600.gz size 2.1 GB" plan=mydatabase mgob-backup-manager | time="2023-06-09T07:28:13Z" level=error msg="Notifier failed sending email notification failed: dial tcp connect: connection timed out" plan=mydatabase mgob-backup-manager | time="2023-06-09T07:28:13Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2023-06-10 03:00:00 +0000 UTC" plan=mydatabase

Detail: Before making the settings for production, I created an example for validation and testing. During the tests the database had almost no data and right after the backup I always received the email smoothly.

What could be happening?

The `/status` endpoint provides incorrect information.

I force a backup via the API:

# curl -XPOST http://localhost:8090/backup/coremedia
{"plan":"coremedia","file":"coremedia-1681481854.gz","duration":"73.335066ms","size":"1.9 kB","timestamp":"2023-04-14T14:17:34.175514639Z"}

The dump was - for me - created correctly:

# ls -l /opt/mgob/storage/coremedia/coremedia-1681481854*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1876 Apr 14 16:17 /opt/mgob/storage/coremedia/coremedia-1681481854.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1134 Apr 14 16:17 /opt/mgob/storage/coremedia/coremedia-1681481854.log

But the call to /status returns a 500:

# curl -s http://localhost:8090/status/ | jq
    "plan": "coremedia",
    "next_run": "2023-04-14T18:10:00Z",
    "last_run": "2023-04-12T18:10:00.071630282Z",
    "last_run_status": "500",
    "last_run_log": "BACKUP FAILED: after 0 retries, mongodump log : exit status 1"

The log file shows no problems:

# cat /opt/mgob/storage/coremedia/coremedia-1681481854.log 
2023-04-14T14:17:34.202+0000    writing admin.system.users to archive '/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz'
2023-04-14T14:17:34.206+0000    done dumping admin.system.users (3 documents)
2023-04-14T14:17:34.206+0000    writing admin.system.version to archive '/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz'
2023-04-14T14:17:34.209+0000    done dumping admin.system.version (2 documents)
2023-04-14T14:17:34.209+0000    writing cms_internal_models.processes to archive '/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz'
2023-04-14T14:17:34.216+0000    writing cms_internal_models.processes_deleted to archive '/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz'
2023-04-14T14:17:34.221+0000    writing cms_internal_tasks.counter to archive '/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz'
2023-04-14T14:17:34.230+0000    done dumping cms_internal_models.processes (0 documents)
2023-04-14T14:17:34.231+0000    writing cms_internal_tasks.default to archive '/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz'
2023-04-14T14:17:34.232+0000    done dumping cms_internal_models.processes_deleted (0 documents)
2023-04-14T14:17:34.233+0000    done dumping cms_internal_tasks.counter (0 documents)
2023-04-14T14:17:34.236+0000    done dumping cms_internal_tasks.default (0 documents)

Docker output also looks good so far:

{"level":"info","msg":"Clean up temp finished Temp folder cleanup finished, `/tmp/coremedia-1681481718.gz` is removed.","plan":"coremedia","time":"2023-04-14T14:15:18Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"On demand backup finished in 81.955669ms archive coremedia-1681481718.gz size 1.9 kB","plan":"coremedia","time":"2023-04-14T14:15:18Z"}
2023/04/14 14:15:18 "POST http://localhost:8090/backup/coremedia HTTP/1.1" from - 200 140B in 83.319544ms
2023/04/14 14:15:34 "GET http://localhost:8090/status/ HTTP/1.1" from - 200 204B in 78.22µs
{"level":"info","msg":"On demand backup started","plan":"coremedia","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"dump cmd: mongodump --archive=/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz --gzip --host mongodb --port 27017 -u \"xxx\" -p xxxx --authenticationDatabase admin ","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
{"archive":"/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz","err":null,"level":"info","mlog":"/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.log","msg":"new dump","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
ls: *.gz.encrypted: No such file or directory
{"level":"debug","msg":"apply retention","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Local backup finished Local backup finished `/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz` -\u003e `/storage/coremedia/coremedia-1681481854.gz` Duration: 7.381566ms","plan":"coremedia","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Clean up temp finished Temp folder cleanup finished, `/tmp/coremedia-1681481854.gz` is removed.","plan":"coremedia","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"On demand backup finished in 73.335066ms archive coremedia-1681481854.gz size 1.9 kB","plan":"coremedia","time":"2023-04-14T14:17:34Z"}
2023/04/14 14:17:34 "POST http://localhost:8090/backup/coremedia HTTP/1.1" from - 200 140B in 73.68587ms
2023/04/14 14:17:40 "GET http://localhost:8090/status/ HTTP/1.1" from - 200 204B in 65.491µs

feature request: skip local storage for backups

It would be great to have an option to back-up straight to cloud storage as otherwise, with larger datasets, the local storage requirements get quite big. Alternatively, an option to not keep local backups would also be fine (currently setting retention: 0 does nothing).

Issues with latest helm chart 1.8.3

This is a follow-up to #86.

No past versions anymore

As already mentioned in #86 the latest index.yaml only contains the current version, no past ones. This breaks backwards compatibility with existing deployments in production environments where versions are pinned to specific tested versions. You should include past versions again as you did with earlier versions of the chart.

versioning scheme inconsistent with git version tags

The current version of mgob is 1.12.17, there's also a matching git tag. However, if I specify this version in my values.yaml as:

  tag: "1.12.17"

then the helm install fails with this error:

Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = NotFound desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": not found

It finally worked with 1.12.17-all. But IMHO you should provide an image with only 1.12.17 as well.

Thanks a lot however for the work you put into mgob and the helm chart, this is much appreciated!

best regards,

Azure cli no more in image

thx for this fork !

It seems Azure cli is no more in your mgob image, after dump finished I get this error :

{"error":"Azure uploading /storage/xxxxx-1666269967.gz to mgob failed /bin/sh: az: not found : exit status 127"}

feature request: option to stepdown after backup


I have a [email protected] three member replica set running on k8s and automated backups using mgob. Its memory limit (400M) is set to the max operational amount based on the working set to save $. This works great until the nightly backup is executed. When a backup completes, the primary memory spikes and will eventually do one of two things:

  1. terminate with OOMKilled
  2. even worse, succumb to disk paging with huge query times until the memory limit is reached

My efforts to figure out how to limit mongodb memory usage have been fruitless...I've tried changing the wired tiger cache limits, increasing memory limits, etc. The cluster is maxed to point where I would have to spin up more nodes ($) to increase memory further.

I'd like to propose a an option to stepdown the primary after successful dump. This is what I end up doing after seeing the primary is getting close to OOMKilled or performance goes to hell.

What do you think?

Thank you for taking on the maintenance of this critical piece of infra!

Feature request: always preserve 1 version of the log

After upgrading to 2.0.20, I noticed a lot of failed backups the next day, but unfortunately the pod log didn't say much:

time="2024-03-13T02:31:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=kviz-daily
time="2024-03-13T02:31:05Z" level=info msg="new dump" archive=/tmp/kviz-daily-1710297060.gz err="after 0 retries, mongodump log : exit status 1" mlog=/tmp/kviz-daily-1710297060.log plan=kviz-daily
time="2024-03-13T02:31:05Z" level=error msg="BACKUP FAILED: after 0 retries, mongodump log : exit status 1" plan=kviz-daily

Since most of our backups have rentention set to 0 (ie we push to S3, there's no need for local retention), the logs were removed and I've had no chance of figuring out what happened.

For now I've set the retention to 1 (except one very big plan) so if it happens again I can dig through the log. But ideally, no matter the retention levels, we should keep at least the last version of the log. Perhaps simply applying retention+1 to logfiles would suffice in this case (as we don't expect them to be very large anyway).

Configuration via environment variables

The helm chart didn't fit my exact needs in a recent project, so I ended up deploying mgob as a Deployment in a recent Kubernetes setup instead.

One thing I was missing was the ability to configure the image via environment variables. I ended up doing a custom setup, like this - with secrets for username and password pulled from the secrets automatically created by the mongodb community operator:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: mongodb-backup
  serviceName: mongodb-backup
  replicas: 1
      app: mongodb-backup
        app: mongodb-backup
      - name: mongodb-backup
        image: maxisam/mgob:1.9.15-all
        - name: DB1_HOST
          value: mongodb-svc
        - name: DB1_PORT
          value: "27017"
        - name: DB1_DATABASE
          value: db1
        - name: DB1_USERNAME
              name: mongodb-db1-user
              key: username
        - name: DB1_PASSWORD
              name: mongodb-db1-user
              key: password
        - name: DB2_HOST
          value: mongodb-svc
        - name: DB2_PORT
          value: "27017"
        - name: DB2_DATABASE
          value: db2
        - name: DB2_USERNAME
              name: mongodb-db2-user
              key: username
        - name: DB2_PASSWORD
              name: mongodb-db2-user
              key: password
        - /bin/bash
        - -c
          - |
            cat /config.yml.template |
            sed s/HOST/$DB1_HOST/ |
            sed s/PORT/$DB1_PORT/ |
            sed s/USERNAME/$DB1_USERNAME/ |
            sed s/PASSWORD/$DB1_PASSWORD/ |
            sed s/DATABASE/$DB1_DATABASE/ > /config/api.yml &&
            cat /config.yml.template |
            sed s/HOST/$DB2_HOST/ |
            sed s/PORT/$DB2_PORT/ |
            sed s/USERNAME/$DB2_USERNAME/ |
            sed s/PASSWORD/$DB2_PASSWORD/ |
            sed s/DATABASE/$DB2_DATABASE/ > /config/crawler.yml &&
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - containerPort: 8090
        # - ...
        - name: mongodb-backup-configmap
          mountPath: /config.yml.template
          subPath: config.yml
      - name: mongodb-backup-configmap
          name: mongodb-backup-configmap
          - key: config.yml
            path: config.yml
    # ...
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
    role: backup
  name: mongodb-backup-configmap
  config.yml: |
      host: HOST
      port: PORT
      username: USERNAME
      password: PASSWORD
      database: DATABASE
      cron: "0 1 * * *"
      retention: 5
      timeout: 60

The complex setup of running sed on a config.yml template for each file is clearly not optimal. I was wondering if you might consider better support for configuration of plans through environment variables for the docker image itself?

I'm not sure what the optimal format would be, but am open to working on it together if you want input/think this might be a valuable feature :-)

Office365 mail auth error

Office365 login error. With this configuration I send email on spring boot application.

time="2023-03-23T18:00:44Z" level=error msg="Notifier failed sending email notification failed: 504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type [FR2P281CA0035.DEUP281.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM 2023-03-23T18:00:39.250Z 08DB2B43918359DA]" plan=xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  port: 587
  username: no-reply@xxxxxx
  password: yyyyyyyyyy
  from: no-reply@xxxxxx
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]

Error: unable to install chart

I'm getting this error:

Error: looks like "" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch : 404 Not Found

which can be reproduced manually by:

helm repo add maxisam 
Error: looks like "" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch : 404 Not Found

The file has been deleted 5 days ago. Please restore it.

Thanks in advance,

how does the validation step work?

how does the validation step work? needs to be enabled someway?

i just triggered a plan, no mention of any test of validation

time="2024-04-16T12:12:39Z" level=info msg="mgob 2.0.20"
time="2024-04-16T12:12:39Z" level=info msg="starting with config: &{LogLevel:info JSONLog:false Host: Port:8090 ConfigPath:/config StoragePath:/storage TmpPath:/tmp DataPath:/data Version:2.0.20 UseAwsCli:false Has
time="2024-04-16T12:12:39Z" level=info msg="mongodump version: 100.8.0 git version: 732ddfaa6b467ffcd5bfa69a455953320eed85f4 Go version: go1.21.1    os: linux    arch: amd64    compiler: gc "
time="2024-04-16T12:12:39Z" level=info msg="NAME:   mc version - manage bucket versioning  USAGE:   mc version COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]  COMMANDS:   enable   enable bucket versioning   suspend  s
uspend bucket versioning   info     show bucket versioning status    FLAGS:   --config-dir value, -C value  path to configuration folder (default: \"/root/.mc\") [$MC_CONFIG_DIR]   --quiet, -q                   dis
able progress bar display [$MC_QUIET]   --no-color                    disable color theme [$MC_NO_COLOR]   --json                        enable JSON lines formatted output [$MC_JSON]   --debug
 enable debug output [$MC_DEBUG]   --insecure                    disable SSL certificate verification [$MC_INSECURE]   --limit-upload value          limits uploads to a maximum rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, GiB/s. (default
: unlimited) [$MC_LIMIT_UPLOAD]   --limit-download value        limits downloads to a maximum rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, GiB/s. (default: unlimited) [$MC_LIMIT_DOWNLOAD]   --help, -h                    show help    "
time="2024-04-16T12:12:40Z" level=info msg="aws-cli/1.29.44 Python/3.11.6 Linux/4.18.0-477.15.1.el8_8.x86_64 botocore/1.31.44 "
time="2024-04-16T12:12:40Z" level=warning msg="gpg failed /bin/sh: gpg: not found : exit status 127"
time="2024-04-16T12:12:41Z" level=info msg="Google Cloud SDK 445.0.0 bq 2.0.97 bundled-python3-unix 3.9.16 core 2023.09.01 gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0 gsutil 5.25 "
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="WARNING: You have 2 update(s) available. Consider updating your CLI installation with 'az upgrade' azure-cli                         2.52.0 * "
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="rclone v1.65.0 "
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="Next tmp cleanup run at 2024-04-16 13:00:00 +0000 UTC"
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2024-04-16 13:00:00 +0000 UTC" plan=hourly
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="New job found, saving to store" plan=daily
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2024-04-17 00:00:00 +0000 UTC" plan=daily
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="New job found, saving to store" plan=weekly
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2024-04-21 00:00:00 +0000 UTC" plan=weekly
time="2024-04-16T12:12:43Z" level=info msg="Starting HTTP server on port 8090"
time="2024-04-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="On demand backup started" plan=hourly
time="2024-04-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="new dump" archive=/tmp/hourly-1713269713.gz err="<nil>" mlog=/tmp/hourly-1713269713.log plan=hourly
time="2024-04-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="Local backup finished filename:`/tmp/hourly-1713269713.gz`, filepath:`/storage/hourly/hourly-1713269713.gz`, Duration: 13.39091ms" plan=hourly
time="2024-04-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="Clean up temp finished Temp folder cleanup finished, `/tmp/hourly-1713269713.gz` is removed." plan=hourly
time="2024-04-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="On demand backup finished in 324.669122ms archive hourly-1713269713.gz size 465 kB" plan=hourly

this my full flux helmrelease:

kind: HelmRelease
  name: common-mgob
  namespace: ${namespace}
  interval: 1m
  timeout: 10m
  releaseName: common-mgob
    enable: true
    timeout: 10m
      # see
      chart: mgob
      version: "2.1.0"
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: mgob
      interval: 24h
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthUsername
    targetPath: config.hourly\
    optional: false
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthPassword
    targetPath: config.hourly\
    optional: false
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthUsername
    targetPath: config.daily\
    optional: false
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthPassword
    targetPath: config.daily\
    optional: false
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthUsername
    targetPath: config.weekly\
    optional: false
  - kind: Secret
    name: ha-base-hr
    valuesKey: mongodbAuthPassword
    targetPath: config.weekly\
    optional: false

      tag: "2.0.20-all"
      # Add each plan as per below.
        # run every day at 6:00 and 18:00 UTC
          cron: "@hourly"
          # number of backups to keep locally
          retention: 4
          # backup operation timeout in minutes
          timeout: 60
          # mongod IP or host name
          host: common-mongodb-headless.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local
          # mongodb port
          port: 27017
          # mongodb database name, leave blank to backup all databases
          database: "e4t-lab-ha"
          # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
          params: ""
        # run every day at 6:00 and 18:00 UTC
          cron: "@daily"
          # number of backups to keep locally
          retention: 7
          # backup operation timeout in minutes
          timeout: 60
          # mongod IP or host name
          host: common-mongodb-headless.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local
          # mongodb port
          port: 27017
          # mongodb database name, leave blank to backup all databases
          database: "e4t-lab-ha"
          # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
          params: ""
        # run every day at 6:00 and 18:00 UTC
          cron: "@weekly"
          # number of backups to keep locally
          retention: 30
          # backup operation timeout in minutes
          timeout: 60
          # mongod IP or host name
          host: common-mongodb-headless.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local
          # mongodb port
          port: 27017
          # mongodb database name, leave blank to backup all databases
          database: "e4t-lab-ha"
          # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
          params: ""

      # -- Persistent volume for backups, see `config.retention`
        name: "mgob-storage"
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 10Gi
          storageClassName: ${envName}-nfs-csi-test
      # -- Persistent volume for temporary files
        name: "mgob-tmp"
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 1Gi
          storageClassName: ${envName}-nfs-csi-test
        name: "mgob-restore-tmp"
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 10Gi
          storageClassName: ${envName}-nfs-csi-test

    #  mongodb as sidecars to validate backup
        tag: 5.0.10

gpg bin missing in latest image

hi, using chart 2.1.0, with mgob 2.0.18, i see this in pods logs (gpg bin missing, and others), i don't know if my backups are failing because of these errors, or other things...

mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:20Z" level=info msg="mgob 2.0.18"
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:20Z" level=info msg="starting with config: &{LogLevel:info JSONLog:false Host: Port:8090 ConfigPath:/config StoragePath:/storage TmpPath:/tmp DataPath:/data Version:2.0.18 UseAwsCli:fals
e HasGpg:false}"
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:20Z" level=info msg="mongodump version: 100.8.0 git version: 732ddfaa6b467ffcd5bfa69a455953320eed85f4 Go version: go1.21.1    os: linux    arch: amd64    compiler: gc "
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:20Z" level=info msg="NAME:   mc version - manage bucket versioning  USAGE:   mc version COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]  COMMANDS:   enable   enable bucket versioning   suspe
nd  suspend bucket versioning   info     show bucket versioning status    FLAGS:   --config-dir value, -C value  path to configuration folder (default: \"/root/.mc\")   --quiet, -q                   disable progres
s bar display   --no-color                    disable color theme   --json                        enable JSON lines formatted output   --debug                       enable debug output   --insecure
   disable SSL certificate verification   --limit-upload value          limits uploads to a maximum rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, GiB/s. (default: unlimited)   --limit-download value        limits downloads to a maximum ra
te in KiB/s, MiB/s, GiB/s. (default: unlimited)   --help, -h                    show help    "
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:21Z" level=info msg="aws-cli/1.29.44 Python/3.11.5 Linux/4.18.0-477.15.1.el8_8.x86_64 botocore/1.31.44 "
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:21Z" level=warning msg="gpg failed /bin/sh: gpg: not found : exit status 127"
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:23Z" level=info msg="Google Cloud SDK 445.0.0 bq 2.0.97 bundled-python3-unix 3.9.16 core 2023.09.01 gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0 gsutil 5.25 "
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:24Z" level=info msg="WARNING: You have 2 update(s) available. Consider updating your CLI installation with 'az upgrade' azure-cli                         2.52.0 * "
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:24Z" level=info msg="rclone v1.64.0 "
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:24Z" level=info msg="Next tmp cleanup run at 2024-04-16 11:00:00 +0000 UTC"
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:24Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2024-04-16 11:00:00 +0000 UTC" plan=hourly
mgob time="2024-04-16T10:25:24Z" level=info msg="Starting HTTP server on port 8090"
mgob time="2024-04-16T11:00:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=hourly
mgob time="2024-04-16T11:00:30Z" level=info msg="new dump" archive= err="after 0 retries, mongodump log : exit status 1" mlog=
mgob time="2024-04-16T11:00:30Z" level=error msg="BACKUP FAILED: after 0 retries, mongodump log : exit status 1" plan=hourly
mgob time="2024-04-16T11:00:30Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2024-04-16 12:00:00 +0000 UTC" plan=hourly
mongodb {"t":{"$date":"2024-04-16T10:25:32.489+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":5945603, "ctx":"main","msg":"Multi threading initialized"}
mongodb {"t":{"$date":"2024-04-16T10:25:32.489+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4615611, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"MongoDB starting","attr":{"pid":1,"port":27017,"dbPath":"/data/db","architecture":"64-bit"
mongodb {"t":{"$date":"2024-04-16T10:25:32.489+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20720,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Memory available to mongo process is less than total system memory","attr":{"availableMemS

Environment variables injection

would it be possible to inject environment variables to config-files via Kubernetes configuration?

As an example, Kubernetes StatefulSet with attached secret-password from mongodb-backup-creds:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: mongodb-backup
  namespace: mongodb
  serviceName: "mgob"
  replicas: 1
        - name: mongodb-backup
          image: maxisam/mgob:2.0.18-all
            - name: BACKUP_PWD
                  name: mongodb-backup-creds
                  key: password

Kubernetes config-map with BACKUP_PWD injection:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: mongodb-backup
  namespace: mongodb
  mongodb-backup.yml: |
      host: "mongodb-0.mongodb,mongodb-1.mongodb,mongodb-2.mongodb"
      port: 27017
      username: "backup"
      password: "$BACKUP_PWD"
      cron: "0 2 * * *"
      retention: 14
      timeout: 60

Metrics page doesn't return any information about the actual backups

The /metrics page only returns data about the go instance and promhttp, but does not return any about the actual backups themselves. Meaning mgob_scheduler_backup_total, or mgob_scheduler_backup_latency and others are missing. I'm running it in a docker instance using the latest version. Here's the version info:


Any help is appreciated.

how to store passwords securely

the helm chart does not support mounting secrets as env making it hard to manage secrets securely:

Let env allow valueFrom option
Allow more custom detail in the secret option

This will allow secrets to be pulled cross namespace using replicator then mounted as env without having to put the secret in the configmap.

happy to do the pr what the process?

Upload path changes on 1.10.14


We use mgob image 1.9.12-all and tried to upgrade to 1.10.14-all version and use Azure as storage backend.
with 1.9 version, backup were uploaded in storage/ path but after upgrade to 1.10, backup are in tmp/

Is it a normal behaviour ?


"cron: panic running job: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 0" when running planned config


Thanks for the awesome project! Unfortunately I'm getting a strange issue when running my plan in mgob. Below is the full stack trace I am getting:

2022-12-13T15:30:00.678233506Z 2022/12/13 15:30:00 cron: panic running job: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 0
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678252737Z goroutine 55 [running]:
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678259563Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:161 +0x69
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678262770Z panic({0xc05be0, 0xc000298210})
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678265786Z 	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x212
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678268855Z{0xc000480000, 0x2edf})
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678271933Z 	/go/src/ +0x245
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678275185Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678278469Z 	/go/src/ +0x630
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678281517Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678293129Z 	/go/src/ +0x1f8
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678296566Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...}, ...}, ...})
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678299714Z 	/go/src/ +0x13b
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678302752Z*Cron).runWithRecovery(0xc0000607d0?, {0xe15420?, 0xc0002d0000?})
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678305785Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:165 +0x62
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678308848Z created by*Cron).run
2022-12-13T15:30:00.678311862Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:199 +0x7b2
2022-12-13T15:35:00.047428329Z time="2022-12-13T15:35:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=config
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599743667Z 2022/12/13 15:35:00 cron: panic running job: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 0
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599766494Z goroutine 59 [running]:
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599774493Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:161 +0x69
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599777971Z panic({0xc05be0, 0xc000298288})
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599781180Z 	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x212
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599784459Z{0xc000483000, 0x2edf})
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599787726Z 	/go/src/ +0x245
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599791004Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599794399Z 	/go/src/ +0x630
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599797609Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599801026Z 	/go/src/ +0x1f8
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599816853Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...}, ...}, ...})
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599819484Z 	/go/src/ +0x13b
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599821970Z*Cron).runWithRecovery(0xc000064fd0?, {0xe15420?, 0xc0002d0000?})
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599824489Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:165 +0x62
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599826958Z created by*Cron).run
2022-12-13T15:35:00.599829386Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:199 +0x7b2
2022-12-13T15:40:00.067217384Z time="2022-12-13T15:40:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=config
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653024694Z 2022/12/13 15:40:00 cron: panic running job: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 0
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653054720Z goroutine 63 [running]:
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653066290Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:161 +0x69
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653070674Z panic({0xc05be0, 0xc00003a708})
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653074772Z 	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x212
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653079045Z{0xc000396000, 0x2edf})
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653083237Z 	/go/src/ +0x245
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653087520Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653091872Z 	/go/src/ +0x630
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653096064Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653100411Z 	/go/src/ +0x1f8
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653104654Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...}, ...}, ...})
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653108971Z 	/go/src/ +0x13b
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653113197Z*Cron).runWithRecovery(0xc000064fd0?, {0xe15420?, 0xc0002d0000?})
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653117434Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:165 +0x62
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653121624Z created by*Cron).run
2022-12-13T15:40:00.653125759Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:199 +0x7b2
2022-12-13T15:45:00.068879257Z time="2022-12-13T15:45:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=config
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647122041Z 2022/12/13 15:45:00 cron: panic running job: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 0
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647141503Z goroutine 36 [running]:
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647149450Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:161 +0x69
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647153686Z panic({0xc05be0, 0xc00003a780})
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647158551Z 	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x212
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647163503Z{0xc000399000, 0x2edf})
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647168385Z 	/go/src/ +0x245
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647172055Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647184427Z 	/go/src/ +0x630
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647188333Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e140, 0xa}, ...}, ...}, ...)
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647191942Z 	/go/src/ +0x1f8
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647195428Z{{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0xc000298050, 0x6}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc00028e100, 0xd}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...}, ...}, ...})
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647199061Z 	/go/src/ +0x13b
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647202831Z*Cron).runWithRecovery(0xc0000617d0?, {0xe15420?, 0xc0002d0000?})
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647206330Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:165 +0x62
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647209779Z created by*Cron).run
2022-12-13T15:45:00.647213229Z 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:199 +0x7b2

In case it helps, here is my config (with some data redacted):

  cron: "*/5 * * * *"
  retention: 12
  timeout: 15
  host: ""
  port: 27017
  database: ""
  username: "[REDACTED"
  password: "[REDACTED]"
  # add custom params to mongodump (eg. Auth or SSL support), leave blank if not needed
  # params: "--authenticationDatabase admin"
  # disable gzip compression
  noGzip: false
  # number of retries
  attempts: 3
  # backoff factor  * (2 ^ attemptCount) seconds
  backoffFactor: 60
    host: "srv-captain--mongodb"
    port: 27017
    username: "[REDACTED]"
    password: "[REDACTED]"
    # params: "--authenticationDatabase admin"
    noGzip: false
    database: test_restore # database name for restore

I'm not sure what's wrong here (or what's up with the stack trace) so asking for some help here! Thanks! 🙌

Error running backup


I get an error when the backup is running (stack trace below).

I don't know Go, but I believe the issue is the evaluation of this regex.

The output of running the mongodump command inside the container contains the following lines before the error is thrown:

basmongodump --gzip --host *** --port 27017 -u *** -p *** --db minds-q --authenticationDatabase admin
2023-05-26T10:03:36.578+0000    writing minds-q.fs.files to dump/minds-q/fs.files.bson.gz
2023-05-26T10:03:36.579+0000    writing minds-q.fs.chunks to dump/minds-q/fs.chunks.bson.gz
2023-05-26T10:03:36.586+0000    done dumping minds-q.fs.files (1 document)
2023-05-26T10:03:36.595+0000    done dumping minds-q.fs.chunks (1 document)

The collections are MongoDB collections to store files. Maybe the regex can't handle two dots in the collection name?

Help is much appreciated. This tool is really useful, I'd be very nice to use it!



Stack trace:

2023/05/26 09:59:31 http: panic serving runtime error: slice bounds out of range [-1:]
goroutine 68 [running]:
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1850 +0xbf
panic({0xc05c20, 0xc0002cc1c8})
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:890 +0x262{}, {0xc000410178, 0x1f}, 0xd9?, 0x6)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/recoverer.go:130 +0x545{}, {0xc000410178?, 0xc0002c2c00?}, 0x8?, 0x1?)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/recoverer.go:106 +0x15d{}, {0xc0002ff000, 0xec4, 0xad23bf?}, {0xc05c20, 0xc0002cc198})
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/recoverer.go:89 +0x4d5{0xc05c20, 0xc0002cc198})
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/recoverer.go:46 +0x45
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/recoverer.go:30 +0xdd
panic({0xc05c20, 0xc0002cc198})
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x212{0xc000282800, 0x3ef})
        /go/src/ +0x245{{0xc0002cc038, 0x5}, {{0xc0002922b8, 0x7}, {0xc000292290, 0xc}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc0002cc0a8, 0x18}, ...}, ...}, ...)
        /go/src/ +0x630{{0xc0002cc038, 0x5}, {{0xc0002922b8, 0x7}, {0xc000292290, 0xc}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc0002cc0a8, 0x18}, ...}, ...}, ...)
        /go/src/ +0x12d{0x7fac3927a9f8, 0xc0002abf00}, 0xc0002c6400)
        /go/src/ +0x428
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xb85fe0?, {0x7fac3927a9f8?, 0xc0002abf00?}, 0xc0002921c6?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f*Mux).routeHTTP(0xc000284600, {0x7fac3927a9f8, 0xc0002abf00}, 0xc0002c6400)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/mux.go:436 +0x1f9
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xe19ef8?, {0x7fac3927a9f8?, 0xc0002abf00?}, 0xe11fc0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f{0x7fac3927a9f8, 0xc0002abf00}, 0xc0002c6200)
        /go/src/ +0x2f6
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xc000403798?, {0x7fac3927a9f8?, 0xc0002abf00?}, 0xc000403778?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f*Mux).ServeHTTP(0xc000284600, {0x7fac3927a9f8, 0xc0002abf00}, 0xc0002c6200)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/mux.go:70 +0x371*Mux).Mount.func1({0x7fac3927a9f8, 0xc0002abf00}, 0xc0002c6200)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/mux.go:311 +0x19c
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xb85fe0?, {0x7fac3927a9f8?, 0xc0002abf00?}, 0xc0002a0045?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f*Mux).routeHTTP(0xc000284120, {0x7fac3927a9f8, 0xc0002abf00}, 0xc0002c6200)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/mux.go:436 +0x1f9
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xc0002c6100?, {0x7fac3927a9f8?, 0xc0002abf00?}, 0x8?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f{0xe19338, 0xc0002d0000}, 0xc0002c6100)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/logger.go:57 +0x3aa
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x0?, {0xe19338?, 0xc0002d0000?}, 0xf8?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f{0xe19338?, 0xc0002d0000?}, 0x129e701?)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/middleware/recoverer.go:37 +0x83
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xe19e50?, {0xe19338?, 0xc0002d0000?}, 0x129e7d0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2109 +0x2f*Mux).ServeHTTP(0xc000284120, {0xe19338, 0xc0002d0000}, 0xc0002c6000)
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/mux.go:87 +0x32a
net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP({0xc000288d80?}, {0xe19338, 0xc0002d0000}, 0xc0002c6000)
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2947 +0x30c
net/http.(*conn).serve(0xc0002879a0, {0xe19ef8, 0xc000288c90})
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1991 +0x607
created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
        /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3102 +0x4db

Configure target with connection string URI

In the examples in the README for how to configure a target mongod the format is something like this:

  # mongod IP or host name
  host: ""
  # mongodb port
  port: 27017
  # mongodb database name, leave blank to backup all databases
  database: "test"
  # leave blank if auth is not enabled
  username: "admin"
  password: "secret"

The kubernetes MongoCommunity operator automatically creates secrets with a connection string, which means it would be nice to be able to set that directly in the config:

  connectionString: mongodb://admin:[email protected]/test

See the mongodb community operator docs here:

Is this something that could be considered as an additional option?

improve documentation

Hi, I am running this as a docker swarm service on the manager node. Nothing really happens after it says "backup has started".

Here's the service I create:

docker service create --name mgob \
  -p 8090:8090 \
  --mount type=bind,src=./mgob/config,dst=/config \
  --mount type=bind,src=./mgob/storage,dst=/storage \
  -e backup__TARGET_URI=mongodb://user:[email protected]:27017,, \
  -e backup__S3_BUCKET=backups \
  -e backup__S3_ACCESS_KEY=xxx \
  -e backup__S3_SECRET_KEY=xxx \
  --constraint node.labels.mongo.replica==1 \
  maxisam/mgob:1.10.14-aws -LogLevel=info

Config file:

# mgob/config/backup.yml
  cron: "*/2 * * * *" # run every two minutes for testing
  retention: 14 # Retains 14 local backups
  timeout: 60 # Operation timeout: 60 minutes

  host: ","
  database: "mongo_staging"
  port: 27017
  # params: "--ssl --authenticationDatabase admin" # Additional mongodump params, leave blank if not needed
  noGzip: false # Disable gzip compression (false means compression is enabled)

  # accessKey and secretKey are optional for AWS, if your Docker image has awscli
  api: "S3v4"

Here are the logs:

[vagrant@manager1 ~]$ docker service logs -f mgob
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:54Z" level=info msg="mgob 1.10.14"
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:54Z" level=info msg="starting with config: &{LogLevel:info JSONLog:false Host: Port:8090 ConfigPath:/config StoragePath:/storage TmpPath:/tmp DataPath:/data Version:1.10.14 UseAwsCli:false HasGpg:false}"
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:54Z" level=info msg="mongodump version: 100.6.1 git version: 6d9d341edd33b892a2ded7bae529b0e2a96aae01 Go version: go1.19.3    os: linux    arch: amd64    compiler: gc "
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:54Z" level=info msg="Minio Client is disabled."
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="aws-cli/1.22.46 Python/3.9.16 Linux/6.5.6-300.fc39.x86_64 botocore/1.23.46 "
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.31 libgcrypt 1.9.4 Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GNU GPL-3.0-or-later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Home: /root/.gnupg Supported algorithms: Pubkey: RSA, ELG, DSA, ECDH, ECDSA, EDDSA Cipher: IDEA, 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES, AES192, AES256, TWOFISH,         CAMELLIA128, CAMELLIA192, CAMELLIA256 Hash: SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224 Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2 "
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="Google Storage is disabled."
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="Azure Storage is disabled."
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="RClone is disabled."
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="Next tmp cleanup run at 2024-05-08 13:00:00 +0000 UTC"
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="New job found, saving to store" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="Next run at 2024-05-08 12:14:00 +0000 UTC" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:13:55Z" level=info msg="starting http server on port 8090"
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:14:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup

mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:16:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:18:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:20:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:22:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:24:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup
mgob.1.mgrroaog849a@manager1    | time="2024-05-08T12:26:00Z" level=info msg="Backup started" plan=backup

I see nothing in /storage nor any errors. I don't receive any mongodb requests to my mongodb service.

When I docker exec -it 23a bash into the mgob container and run a mongodump --uri=<uri>, that works.
Also, going to the url, I'd expect a request to run an ondemand backup - which also does not happen. I receive a 405 with nothing in the logs.

Is this the right image? maxisam/mgob:1.10.14-aws, I am using mongodb version 5.

add restore support as alternate mode

Hello @maxisam,

first of all, thank you for your work on this project.

Currently, inside readme, the "Restore" paragraph states that you have to exec inside a running container the mongorestore command with the needed parameters.

It would be nice to support some switch to indicate that we actually want to start the container and restore an existent backup inside /storage/ and then exit the container.


inside the configuration file if an archive option exists this option will override the default behaviour and run mongorestore command.

mongorestore.yaml file

  cron: "0 3 * * *"
  retention: 14
  timeout: 60
archive: "/storage/last_mongodb_backup.gz"
  host: "mongodb"
  port: 27017
  database: ""
  username: "root"
  password: "mySecretPassw0rd"
  params: "--authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --sslCAFile=/certs/mongodb/mongodb-ca.pem --sslPEMKeyFile=/certs/mongodb/mongodb-client.pem --sslAllowInvalidCertificates"

This configuration file allows mongorestore to use the following parameters:

  • archive
  • target.port
  • target.database (that is actually skipped because it's empty)
  • target.username
  • target.password
  • target.params

and will be equivalent to connecting to a running container and running the following command:

mongorestore \
--host=mongodb \
-u root --password=mySecretPassw0rd --authenticationDatabase admin \
--ssl --sslCAFile=/certs/mongodb/mongodb-ca.pem --sslPEMKeyFile=/certs/mongodb/mongodb-client.pem --sslAllowInvalidCertificates \
--gzip --archive=/storage/last_backup.gz

Here it is the docker-compose.yml relevant part for the example

    hostname: mongorestore
    image: maxisam/mgob:1.10.14-all
      - ./mongodb_backup:/tmp
      - ./mongodb_backup:/data
      - ./mongodb_backup/mongorestore.yaml:/config/mongorestore.yaml:ro
      - ./certs:/certs:ro
      - ./mongodb_backup/backup:/storage
      - -LogLevel=info

Maybe adding support for connection string as an option for restore could be also very useful and simplify it.

Thank you in advance

feature request: "Purge backups which are older than..."

Hello Maxisam,
first: thank you very much for maintaining this repo! (I already used mgob from stefanprodan).
I was searching today for a possibility to purge all backups which are older than 30 days, but sadly I did not found any information about it. Is it already possible? - If not, it would be awesome to support the purge command in the configuration yml.
Thank you very much and best regards,

Feature Request: Restore Collections

it would be great to restore only some configurable collections to an existing database. If the collection is not available in the target database, it should be created, otherwise its overriden. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

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