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swiftsvg's Issues

fill none is not considered

Your code is not considering fill None to the path.
It's filling fully

<path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;" 


<path fill="none" stroke="#000000"

carthage build frameworks failed for macOS.

Failed to write to /Users/A/X/Carthage/Build/Mac/SwiftSVG.framework: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “SwiftSVG.framework” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/A/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/9.2_9C40b/SwiftSVG/v2.1.2/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SwiftSVG/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/SwiftSVG.framework, NSFilePath=/Users/A/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/9.2_9C40b/SwiftSVG/v2.1.2/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SwiftSVG/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/SwiftSVG.framework, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe879d65390 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}

Is it support macOS?

Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIView init]

Xcode keeps showing a runtime error when this method is used:
public convenience init(SVGData svgData: Data, parser: SVGParser? = nil, completion: ((SVGLayer) -> ())? = nil) { self.init() CALayer(SVGData: svgData, parser: parser) { [weak self] (svgLayer) in DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync { self?.nonOptionalLayer.addSublayer(svgLayer) } completion?(svgLayer) } }

Is there a way to initialize self on the main thread?

README file SockPuppet and Pizza examples are the same

FYI, on the, both SockPuppet and Pizza examples are the same pizza SVG.

let pizza = "M185.158,60.775l-0.698-4.896c-0.675-3.783-1.681-7.316-3.208-10.128c-5.67-10.472-48.894-65.225-61.319-68.777c-2.081-0.595-7.61-1.974-14.101-1.974c-8.908,0-16.174,2.602-21.013,7.528c-4.369,4.442-6.737,10.636-7.054,18.44c-6.133,2.803-21.237,10.434-25.399,19.22c-2.099,4.433-10.814,8.388-17.817,11.571c-5.636,2.561-10.503,4.771-13.48,7.521c-1.598,1.476-3.766,3.669-6.267,6.202C7.681,52.688-3.083,63.58-9.476,66.273c-7.238,3.047-12.022,7.993-12.489,12.911c-0.249,2.633,0.84,5.033,2.917,6.415c3.74,2.492,17.312,4.357,26.946,4.357c2.032,0,3.994-0.077,5.819-0.237c5.479-0.503,25.312-0.905,44.213-0.905c22.609,0,32.813,0.55,34.684,1.023c3.92,0.995,7.436,0.942,12.58,0.554c3.368-0.246,7.289-0.536,13.075-0.435c5.942,0.118,11.431,0.349,15.948,0.544c4.02,0.169,7.287,0.312,9.459,0.312c1.462,0,2.392-0.06,3.031-0.178c0.235-0.03,1.45-0.127,7.174-0.127c10.246,0,26.791,0.305,26.798,0.305c2.165,0.031,3.745-1.457,4-3.467C184.779,86.538,186.425,73.199,185.158,60.775z M71.908,23.986c8.08-2.059,15.464-0.457,16.491,3.583c1.03,4.036-4.682,8.985-12.758,11.041c-8.079,2.059-15.461,0.459-16.491-3.582C58.125,30.993,63.836,26.049,71.908,23.986z M33.1,44.006c7.807-0.659,14.386,2.201,14.691,6.397c0.312,4.193-5.765,8.144-13.568,8.805c-7.809,0.66-14.387-2.201-14.691-6.4C19.223,48.61,25.297,44.671,33.1,44.006zM122.67,80.658c-0.223,0.481-0.329,0.981-0.344,1.473c-1.275-0.034-2.572-0.064-3.897-0.094c-0.921-0.019-1.791-0.024-2.629-0.024c-4.794,0-8.346,0.267-11.199,0.479c-4.11,0.311-6.946,0.45-10.042-0.332c-4.137-1.05-22.203-1.268-36.628-1.268c-19.423,0-39.159,0.41-44.93,0.938c-1.345,0.124-2.81,0.158-4.291,0.178C23.522,76.224,40.985,70.605,46.118,71.8c3.038,0.724,5.305,1.489,7.307,2.163c4.688,1.583,8.4,2.834,15.098,0.738c1.88-0.587,3.815-1.356,5.77-2.142c6.874-2.748,11.313-4.229,15.043-1.614c8.523,5.97,15.491,4.944,22.228,3.969l0.526-0.071c5.021-0.737,10.051-0.055,11.217,1.509C123.833,77.053,123.603,78.625,122.67,80.658z M111.153,57.015c-10.024,0.743-18.474-2.396-18.876-7.028c-0.406-4.629,7.39-8.989,17.41-9.734c10.022-0.752,18.479,2.397,18.881,7.027C128.974,51.904,121.175,56.27,111.153,57.015zM142.469,51.189c-1.634-5.537-4.103-11.182-7.809-14.091c-9.188-7.221-20.624-16.848-25.173-22.223C108.884,14.164,96.799,0.084,85.878-0.92c0.518-4.697,2.036-8.397,4.593-10.994c4.188-4.261,10.668-5.158,15.364-5.158c5.493,0,10.16,1.168,11.919,1.667c7.153,2.042,38.85,39.213,51.926,57.785c-4.398-1.786-9.489-2.251-15.089-0.152C148.921,44.351,145.108,47.405,142.469,51.189z M177.185,82.824c-5.475-0.083-15.981-0.236-23.304-0.236c-6.653,0-7.854,0.121-8.513,0.236c-0.301,0.047-0.774,0.07-1.361,0.079c0.029-0.512,0.06-1.065,0.077-1.571c0.924-18.863,1.812-27.383,13.295-31.685c9.708-3.65,16.787,4.983,19.528,9.136C178.086,66.809,177.729,76.612,177.185,82.824z"

let sockPuppet = "M185.158,60.775l-0.698-4.896c-0.675-3.783-1.681-7.316-3.208-10.128c-5.67-10.472-48.894-65.225-61.319-68.777c-2.081-0.595-7.61-1.974-14.101-1.974c-8.908,0-16.174,2.602-21.013,7.528c-4.369,4.442-6.737,10.636-7.054,18.44c-6.133,2.803-21.237,10.434-25.399,19.22c-2.099,4.433-10.814,8.388-17.817,11.571c-5.636,2.561-10.503,4.771-13.48,7.521c-1.598,1.476-3.766,3.669-6.267,6.202C7.681,52.688-3.083,63.58-9.476,66.273c-7.238,3.047-12.022,7.993-12.489,12.911c-0.249,2.633,0.84,5.033,2.917,6.415c3.74,2.492,17.312,4.357,26.946,4.357c2.032,0,3.994-0.077,5.819-0.237c5.479-0.503,25.312-0.905,44.213-0.905c22.609,0,32.813,0.55,34.684,1.023c3.92,0.995,7.436,0.942,12.58,0.554c3.368-0.246,7.289-0.536,13.075-0.435c5.942,0.118,11.431,0.349,15.948,0.544c4.02,0.169,7.287,0.312,9.459,0.312c1.462,0,2.392-0.06,3.031-0.178c0.235-0.03,1.45-0.127,7.174-0.127c10.246,0,26.791,0.305,26.798,0.305c2.165,0.031,3.745-1.457,4-3.467C184.779,86.538,186.425,73.199,185.158,60.775z M71.908,23.986c8.08-2.059,15.464-0.457,16.491,3.583c1.03,4.036-4.682,8.985-12.758,11.041c-8.079,2.059-15.461,0.459-16.491-3.582C58.125,30.993,63.836,26.049,71.908,23.986z M33.1,44.006c7.807-0.659,14.386,2.201,14.691,6.397c0.312,4.193-5.765,8.144-13.568,8.805c-7.809,0.66-14.387-2.201-14.691-6.4C19.223,48.61,25.297,44.671,33.1,44.006zM122.67,80.658c-0.223,0.481-0.329,0.981-0.344,1.473c-1.275-0.034-2.572-0.064-3.897-0.094c-0.921-0.019-1.791-0.024-2.629-0.024c-4.794,0-8.346,0.267-11.199,0.479c-4.11,0.311-6.946,0.45-10.042-0.332c-4.137-1.05-22.203-1.268-36.628-1.268c-19.423,0-39.159,0.41-44.93,0.938c-1.345,0.124-2.81,0.158-4.291,0.178C23.522,76.224,40.985,70.605,46.118,71.8c3.038,0.724,5.305,1.489,7.307,2.163c4.688,1.583,8.4,2.834,15.098,0.738c1.88-0.587,3.815-1.356,5.77-2.142c6.874-2.748,11.313-4.229,15.043-1.614c8.523,5.97,15.491,4.944,22.228,3.969l0.526-0.071c5.021-0.737,10.051-0.055,11.217,1.509C123.833,77.053,123.603,78.625,122.67,80.658z M111.153,57.015c-10.024,0.743-18.474-2.396-18.876-7.028c-0.406-4.629,7.39-8.989,17.41-9.734c10.022-0.752,18.479,2.397,18.881,7.027C128.974,51.904,121.175,56.27,111.153,57.015zM142.469,51.189c-1.634-5.537-4.103-11.182-7.809-14.091c-9.188-7.221-20.624-16.848-25.173-22.223C108.884,14.164,96.799,0.084,85.878-0.92c0.518-4.697,2.036-8.397,4.593-10.994c4.188-4.261,10.668-5.158,15.364-5.158c5.493,0,10.16,1.168,11.919,1.667c7.153,2.042,38.85,39.213,51.926,57.785c-4.398-1.786-9.489-2.251-15.089-0.152C148.921,44.351,145.108,47.405,142.469,51.189z M177.185,82.824c-5.475-0.083-15.981-0.236-23.304-0.236c-6.653,0-7.854,0.121-8.513,0.236c-0.301,0.047-0.774,0.07-1.361,0.079c0.029-0.512,0.06-1.065,0.077-1.571c0.924-18.863,1.812-27.383,13.295-31.685c9.708-3.65,16.787,4.983,19.528,9.136C178.086,66.809,177.729,76.612,177.185,82.824z"

I love this project and I love pizza, not complaining 😂🍕

Unable to load local cached SVG image in UIView. Don't throw any error related to file location

We are caching the SVG files from server and trying to load the same via method
UIView(SVGURL: svgURL) but it is not visible into view and also tried the sample URL and it loads. So does it need any specific format for loading image from local document directory ?

Sample Cached URL that i want to load into UIView.


SVG to bezier will not work

No matter what we try it will draw only the first line of the artwork

        let svgURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "sunglasses", withExtension: "svg")
        let pathFromSVGFile = UIBezierPath.pathWithSVGURL(svgURL!)!
        pathFromSVGFile.lineWidth = 3
        shapeLayer.path = pathFromSVGFile.cgPath

Where the exact same file works if we use the shape layer directly.

let svgShapeLayerFromFile = CAShapeLayer(SVGURL: svgURL!) //will work

Swift 3 support

Can you please enable a swift3 branch, so that we may create pull requests?

Center SVG

I can't figure it out how to center my SVG...
screen shot 2017-11-27 at 23 34 47
The code I'm using:

 let icon = UIView(SVGNamed: "icon_english") { (svgLayer) in
       svgLayer.fillColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
 icon.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.5)

Great! Here are some SVG assets I made in Inkscape for you to use!

Great work! I really hope that you can provide us with a fully SVG 1.1 compatible library!

Feel free to use some of my SVG assets for your demos (I made them in Inkscape):


You can download the original svg file from my google drive (click on the download button):

Feel free to use them, but check the fonts.. I use some fonts not on iOS by default, you should install them with the app, or replacing them with similar fonts

For an easier debug, here it is a splitted version of the two main buttons svg files, you can download the zip from here:

If you need other SVG assets for your lib, tell me! I will do them for you at no cost. If your lib development will be completed it will save me a lot of time! :)

Could it work for watchOS?

I'm trying this Framework for my app. I would like to use it in my watchAp�p too. I have read that the specification of the library must support watchOS. Is it possible to do it adding this to the podspec file?

ss.watchos.deployment_target = '2.0'

No resizing option

What the point of using vector graphics, which you couldn't scale?
The most important part - respecting content mode (scale to fill, center, aspect to fit)

Not rendering in storyboards

Just subclassed a regular UIView to inherit from SVGView and set the svg name but it does not render. Im using the latest version of xcode and have introduced the framework via cocoapods. am i missing something? All i get is a blank view.

I go det "Designables Error" in the storyboard inspector

fragmented image

when using this svg it comes out in pieces fragmented on the screen attached is the svg file and the resulting image where the hair and lapel are sent in random directions

screen shot 2017-10-03 at 10 26 58 pm

screen shot 2017-10-03 at 10 20 57 pm

original svg

Not able to use in NSTableView

When using this in a table view there are 2 issues

  1. When scrolling there the following output is printed Uncommitted CATransaction. Set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to debug.
  2. There seems to be no way to reuse a SVGLayer while scrolling. A new layer needs to be created every time.

CAShapeLayer has nil path

Given the following code, with a known good URL to the test flowers .svg file:

if let url =  Bundle.main.url(forResource: "hawaiiFlowers", withExtension: "svg")
    let shape = CAShapeLayer(SVGURL: url)
    assert(shape.cgPath != nil, "CAShapeLayer has no path!")  // <-- ERROR HERE.

The problem occurs with other .svg files as well. It appears that CAShapeLayer path is not being set. I don't fully understand the constructor code, but it appears that the path is not being set from the parser.

The good news is that the same code on UIBezierPath does work. (The downside that no fill/stroke attributes are being recorded with a UIBezierPath, making this method of limited use for drawing SVGs with multiple color elements.)

let maybeBezier = UIBezierPath.pathWithSVGURL(url)
if let bezier = maybeBezier {
        assert(bezier.cgPath != nil, "UIBezierPath has no path!")  // no error here

Also, a suggestion: the CAShapeLayer constructor should be failable, and return an Optional.


guard let shape = CAShapeLayer(SVGURL: url) else {
    print("Failed to create CAShapeLayer from URL \(url)")

Thanks again for all your work.

Support implicit command repetition

Per the SVG 1.1 spec:

"The command letter can be eliminated on subsequent commands if the same command is used multiple times in a row (e.g., you can drop the second "L" in "M 100 200 L 200 100 L -100 -200" and use "M 100 200 L 200 100 -100 -200" instead)."

Support for swift 2.3

I have my full project in Swift 2.3 and I can't upgrade it to Swift3

I am not able to use this library as its in Swift 3 and getting nearly 80 errors.

So u upload the previous swift 2.3 version of this library

Does not work with color on path


The view does not render anything when I add a color on the path.

I've also tried with your example and it is the same result.

It works fine when I remove the fill attribute.

Carthage needs tags to reference during install

So, I guess Carthage needs to look at the tag list (currently empty for this project) in order to install anything. Here's the STDOUT:

% carthage update
*** Cloning Alamofire
*** Cloning SwiftSVG
No tagged versions found for github "mchoe/SwiftSVG"

Line and Circle are not rendering

I have designed the below share icon. SwiftSVG is not rendering this.
Kindly help me.

  <g stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5">
	<line x1="50" y1="80" x2="80" y2="20"/>
	<line x1="20" y1="20" x2="50" y2="80"/>
	<circle cx="20" cy="20" r="10"/>
	<circle cx="80" cy="20" r="10"/>
	<circle cx="50" cy="80" r="10"/>

Images corrupted in storyboard

After installing SwiftSVG with CocoaPods every image in storyboard apear as question mark. When running app on iPhone everything seems fine.
snimek obrazovky 2018-01-21 v 18 27 21

SVG Resize to Fit in rect

I got this function to return my view with filled color
Fill color is not working
Image becomes too big and how do I resize this to fit in rect

func GetSvgViewFnc(SvgImgFileVar: String, ClrVar: UIColor) -> UIView
let svgURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(SvgImgFileVar, withExtension: "svg")
let svgShpLyrVar = CAShapeLayer(SVGURL: svgURL!)
svgShpLyrVar.fillColor = ClrVar.CGColor
svgShpLyrVar.bounds = CGRect(x: 0,y: 0,width: 24,height: 24)
let SvgVyu = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0,y: 0,width: 24,height: 24))
return SvgVyu

SVGView: Rendering (Preview) isn't working, can't resize

Rendering (Preview) isn't working (I tested on the original example project from github), image only appear on real or simulator device, but not in Xcode


Also how can we resize the image? I though it would be the same as UIView size, but it can be smaller than UIView size or even bigger (out of bounds), so seems SVGView is quite useless here, it just shows original SVG file resolution

Would be better if image could take all space of UIView (not bigger) and also saved its aspect ratio and also so we could set different behaviour like for ImageView in Android

<rect> tags not handled

It seems <rect> tags aren't part of the UIBezierPath when I parse the SVG file below :

Expected rendering :
capture d ecran 2017-02-23 a 19 16 29

Renders :
capture d ecran 2017-02-23 a 19 19 11

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 17.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" id="Calque_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
	 width="31.18px" height="31.18px" viewBox="0 0 31.18 31.18" enable-background="new 0 0 31.18 31.18" xml:space="preserve">
<rect x="8.621" y="11.809" width="0.875" height="7.688"/>
<rect x="10.121" y="11.809" width="0.875" height="7.688"/>
<rect x="20.184" y="11.809" width="0.875" height="7.688"/>
<rect x="21.684" y="11.809" width="0.875" height="7.688"/>
<path d="M15.574,12.783c-2.615,0-4.734,1.285-4.734,2.87s2.12,2.87,4.734,2.87s4.734-1.285,4.734-2.87S18.189,12.783,15.574,12.783z

SwiftSVG crashes with floating value format

SwiftSVG crashes with the following floating point value:

"M186.999998 336.769903 L0 129.0625 L0 7.10542736e-15 L186.999998 336.769903 Z"
assertion failed: Invalid character "e" found: file SwiftSVG/SwiftSVG/String+SVG.swift, line 494

Feature Request: Shadow Support

Firstly, thank you for this project. It's invaluable, and well written and presented.

Please consider adding shadow support to CALayer creation.

i.e. parsing and converting <filter> and subsequent <feOffset>, <feGaussianBlur> etc. declarations in to the relevant CA/CG calls.



Thank you.

SVG Add fill color and get an UIImage in swift

I want to add fill color for SVG and get as UIImage to set it for different button

I just tried but dint work

func getSvgImgFnc(SvgImgFileVar: String, ClrVar: UIColor) -> UIImage
    let svgURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(SvgImgFileVar, withExtension: "svg")
    let svgShapeLayerFromFile = CAShapeLayer(SVGURL: svgURL!)
    svgShapeLayerFromFile.fillColor = ClrVar.CGColor
    let SvgImjVar = UIImageView()
    return SvgImjVar.image!

Support for more SVGs

Hi, thanks for making a Swift SVG library! Many existing obj-c libraries are not quite Swift compatible yet and I'm glad you've begun one! That said, I'm wondering what needs to be done to support more SVG files. Is it a path versus fill support issue? I haven't yet gotten my hands dirty with SVG XML data so I don't really know what the issues are.

I've forked your repo with another SVG file for you to take a look at at your leisure. Hopefully we can show more SVGs with your library soon!

Thanks @mchoe!

Also, I thought it was odd that I had different results for both iOS and Mac demos with my supplied SVG file.

Can't use with storyboard

As the title tells, I'm not able to make it work with storyboards. Entering SVGView to a UIView doesn't present me an option to enter the SVGName. It simply doesn't detect/recognize the class. Also it's not available in the dropdown. Setting the module manually also doesn't help.

Doing this via code i.e. import etc works fine, just storyboard doesn't work.

Installation was via carthage so maybe this is related to #27

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