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layout-pixi's Introduction

PIXI layout engine

This package builds on top of @md5crypt/layout to provide a layout engine for PIXI.js. Reading that package's docs is recommended before starting doing anything with this one.

Layout elements

The following layout elements are available:

type class description
container ContainerElement container for other elements
graphic GraphicElement allows drawing shapes with PIXI.Graphics
sprite SpriteElement for displaying textures
sprite-sliced SlicedSpriteElement a 9-slice mesh element
sprite-tiling TiledSpriteElement allows drawing repeated backgrounds
text TextElement renders text using PIXI.Text
- RootElement meant to be used as the layout root element


abstract class BaseElement extends LayoutElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
mask boolean false when set to true a PIXI mask is used to clip the element's content to it's size.
sorted boolean false enables z-index sorting of children for this container. Note that z-index sorting works only for direct children
zIndex number 0 z-index value of the element, only meangfull if parent has z-index sorting enabled
alpha number 1 opacity of the element
rotation number 0 rotation around the center of the element, value in degrees
flipped false "vertical" "horizontal" false should the element be mirrored vertically / horizontally
interactive boolean false enables interaction events on the underling PIXI object
noPropagation boolean false sets interactiveChildren to false on the underling PIXI object disabling interaction event propagation
anchor number [number, number] 0 sets the anchor point (0.5 being the center) used for element positioning. If a single number is provided it is used for both axis. This not the same as PIXI's anchor property its used only for positioning, the pivot point used for rotation and scaling is set always to the element's center.

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.DisplayObject (readonly) a reference to the underlying PIXI object that this element is using.
sorted boolean see sorted in configuration
zIndex number see zIndex in configuration
alpha number see alpha in configuration
rotation number see rotation in configuration
flipped false "vertical" "horizontal" see flipped in configuration
interactive boolean see interactive in configuration
noPropagation boolean see noPropagation in configuration
mask boolean see mask in configuration
anchor [number, number] see anchor in configuration
scale number (readonly) the scale of the current element
globalScale number (readonly) the global scale of the current element (relative to the layout's root element)
globalBoundingBox {top: number, left: number, width: number, height: number} (readonly) the global position of the object (relative to the layout's root element)

Function reference

name signature description
setAnchor (x: number, y?: number) => void an alternative way to set the anchor property
on (event: string, callback: Function) => void passthrough to the underlying PIXI object's on function.

ContainerElement (container)

class ContainerElement extends BaseElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
scale boolean 1 The element's scale. The scale does not change the element's dimensions, it's applied after the layout has been computed.

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.Container (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
scale boolean see scale in configuration

GraphicElement (graphic)

class GraphicElement extends BaseElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
onDraw (self: GraphicElement) => void undefined A callback called every time the objects needs to be redrawn. Clear is called automatically before calling onDraw.

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.GraphicElement (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
onDraw (self: GraphicElement) => void see onDraw in configuration

SpriteElement (sprite)

class SpriteElement extends BaseElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
image string PIXI.Texture null null Texture the element should use, see the LayoutFactory documentation below to see how string value are resolved. When null Texture.WHITE is used.
scaling ScalingType "none" controls how the texture is scaled to fit the layout element. See ScalingType description in the section below.
verticalAlign "top" "middle" "bottom" "top" controls how the texture should be positioned inside the container.
horizontalAlign "left" "center" "right" "left" controls how the texture should be positioned inside the container.
tint number 0xFFFFFF tint applied to the texture

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.Sprite (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
image string PIXI.Texture null see image in configuration
scaling ScalingType see scaling in configuration
verticalAlign "top" "middle" "bottom" see verticalAlign in configuration
horizontalAlign "left" "center" "right" see horizontalAlign in configuration
tint number see tint in configuration

Texture scaling modes

mode description
none texture is positioned inside the element based on verticalAlign and horizontalAlign and no additional transformations are applied
clipped same as none but the texture is cropped to the element size after positioning. The same can be achieved using mask = true but the scaling mode is more efficient as it does not interrupt batch rendering with masks.
stretch stretch the texture to fit the element, verticalAlign and horizontalAlign are ignored
contain scale the image maintaining aspect ratio in such a way that the entire image is visible. verticalAlign and horizontalAlign are used to position the texture.
cover scale and crop the image maintaining the aspect ratio in such a way that the entire element is filled. verticalAlign and horizontalAlign are used to position the texture before cropping.

SlicedSpriteElement (sprite-sliced)

class SlicedSpriteElement extends BaseElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
image string PIXI.Texture null null Texture the element should use, see the LayoutFactory documentation below to see how string value are resolved. When null Texture.WHITE is used.
tint number 0xFFFFFF tint applied to the texture
slices PositioningBox 0 the slicing regions, uses PositioningBox from @md5crypt/layout.

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.NineSlicePlane (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
image string PIXI.Texture null see image in configuration
tint number see tint in configuration

Function reference

name signature description
setSlices (slices: PositioningBox) => void allows updating the slicing regions

TiledSpriteElement (sprite-tiled)

class TiledSpriteElement extends BaseElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
image string PIXI.Texture null null Texture the element should use, see the LayoutFactory documentation below to see how string value are resolved. When null Texture.WHITE is used.
tint number 0xFFFFFF tint applied to the texture

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.TilingSprite (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
image string PIXI.Texture null see image in configuration
tint number see tint in configuration

TextElement (text)

class TextElement extends BaseElement

Configuration reference

filed type default description
text string "" Text to render.
fit boolean true Should the text be shrank to fit the element. See text fitting section below for more details.
verticalAlign "top" "bottom" "middle" "top" controls how the text is positioned inside the element. For horizontal control set text align in text style.
style PIXI.ITextStyle {} The text style to use for the text.
resolution number 1 the resolution the text should be rendered at. The actual text resolution is computed based on the element's global scale, this value multiplies that value allowing for oversampling.
roundPixels boolean false sets roundPixels in the underlying PIXI object. In theory this can improve text readability.

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.Text (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
text string see text in configuration
fit boolean see fit in configuration
verticalAlign "top" "bottom" "middle" see verticalAlign in configuration
resolution number see resolution in configuration
roundPixels boolean see roundPixels in configuration

Function reference

name signature description
setStyle (style: Partial<ITextStyle>) => void sets the text style.
updateStyle (style: Partial<ITextStyle>) => void updates the current style by merging it with the provided object.
setText setText(text: string, style?: Partial<ITextStyle>) => void A convenience function that allows setting the text and style at the same time.

Text fitting

If text fitting is enabled the text font size will be automatically decreased to fit the element size. Text fitting will never increase the configured font size it will only decrease it.

Text fitting operates in two modes:

  • If word wrap is disabled, a single iteration is made to compute the target font size, as no re-flow is needed.
  • If word wrap is enabled, a binary search is executed to find the target font size. The search is capped at 8 iterations.

RootElement (root)

class RootElement extends BaseElement

The RootElement class is meant to be used as the layout root. It can not be crated via the factory and is meant to be crated by its constructor.

RootElement has a pre-configured layout config of volatile = true, a hardcoded name @root and type equal to root.

Note that RootElement does not have to be used as the root element. For example a ContainerElement will do just as well.

Properties reference

filed type description
handle PIXI.Container (readonly) reference to the underlying PIXI object.
scale boolean sets the base scale for the entire layout

Function reference

name signature description
constructor (factory: LayoutFactory, config?: BaseConfig) => RootElement the intended way of creating a RootElement instance

Layout factory

The layout factory shipped with this package extends the LayoutFactory from @md5crypt/layout with a few additional features.

Default values

Default config / layout values can be set for created elements. The defaults can be set for all elements or for specific element types individually. This can be done by calling setDefaults on a factory instance.

Texture resolver

Layout elements using textures allow them to be reference via string names. These string names will be resolved using the factories resolveAsset function, which by default will fail with an exception.

To use this feature a onResolveAsset callback must be set that accepts string names and returns texture instances.

Properties reference

filed type description
onResolveAsset (key: string) => Texture the texture resolver callback used by resolveAsset

Function reference

name signature description
setDefaults (defaults: ElementDefaults): void sets default values for all created elements.
setDefaults (type: string, defaults: ElementDefaults): void sets default values for created elements of a given type.

Using the module

There are two ways to use this library. The simplest one is to just import layoutFactory from @md5crypt/layout-pixi. This will create a default LayoutFactory instance with all the element types registered.

For some applications this can be unwanted as it will bloat the output code with all the element implementations and their underlying PIXI objects.

To avoid this, the individual elements can be imported one by one and registered to a custom factory instance. For example, if all we need is the container and sprite elements, we can do the following:

import ContainerElement from "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/ContainerElement"
import SpriteElement from "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/SpriteElement"
import LayoutFactory from "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/LayoutFactory"

const layoutFactory = new LayoutFactory()


Using JSX for writing layouts

JSX bindings are provided as an alternative way for writing the layout configurations.

To use the provided JSX bindings where intended to be used with typescript (tsconfig.json should have jsx set to react).

To use the bindings simply cerate a .tsx file and add the following import:

import React from "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/JSXSupport"

JSX.Element is assignable to LayoutElementJSON and can be passed directly to the layout factory.

One gotcha to watch out for is a top level React.Fragment which will result with a element of type jsx-fragment that the factory will refuse to create. To solve this React.toArray can be used. For more details about this function see the reference section below.

Basic syntax

The tag names are mapped to element types, so <container/> will be compiled into {type: "container"}.

All keys from layout and config objects are merged into a single property namespace, together with name and metadata.

So <sprite name="hello" width={100} image="foo" /> will be compiled into

    "type": "sprite",
    "name": "hello",
    "layout": {
        "width": 100
    "config": {
        "image": "foo"

This (obviously) means that config and layout keys can not overlap.


Stateless function components are supported, see example below:

const Foo = (props: {name: string, children?: React.ReactNode}) => (
    <container name={}>

<Foo name="bar">
    <sprite image="foo-bar" />

This will be compiled to:

    "type": "container",
    "name": "bar",
    "children": [
            "type": "sprite",
            "config": {
                "image": "foo-bar"


As a bonus basic slot support was added, see example below:

const Foo = (props: {children?: React.ReactNode}, slots: React.Slots<"bar">) => (
    <container name={}>

    <React.Slot name="bar">
        <sprite image="rab-oof" />
    <sprite image="foo-bar" />

This will be compiled to:

    "type": "container",
    "children": [
            "type": "container",
            "children": [
                    "type": "sprite",
                    "config": {
                        "image": "rab-oof"
            "type": "sprite",
            "config": {
                "image": "foo-bar"

Function reference

name signature description
React.Fragment (props: {children?: ReactNode}) => JSX.Element The build-in Fragment component
React.Slot (props: {name: string, children?: ReactNode}) => JSX.Element The build-in Slot Component
React.isFragment (element: JSX.Element) => boolean returns true if the passed element is a top-level fragment element
React.toArray (element: JSX.Element) => JSX.Element[] for a top-level fragment will return its children. For other elements will return the same element by wrapped in an array. This function is needed to unpack a top-level React.Fragment as layout factory will refuse to render it.
React.createElement (type, props, ...children) => JSX.Element the internal function JSX gets compiled into

Type reference

name description
React.ReactNode Type to use for JSX children
React.Slots<T> Type to use for the slot parameter, T should be a union of literal strings that will be used as keys.
React.ComponentProps<T> Gets the type of properties of the given component. Works for intrinsic elements (like "sprite") as well as for user defined function components.

Implementing new elements

New element types can be easily added outside the module's code. Let's use the following example implementation of an simple AnimatedSpriteElement to explain the process.

import {
    // our new element will extend BaseElement so it needs to be imported

    // the new element's config will extend BaseElement config

    // this is the type of BaseElement's constructor parameter
} from "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/BaseElement"

// we need that type for the register function
import type LayoutFactory from "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/LayoutFactory"

// PIXI stuff that will be needed
import { Texture } from "@pixi/core"
import { AnimatedSprite } from "@pixi/sprite-animated"

// Here we define the element's config properties that will be available in LayoutElementJSON
export interface AnimatedSpriteElementConfig extends BaseConfig {
    images?: (Texture | string)[]
    playing?: boolean

export class AnimatedSpriteElement extends BaseElement {
    // we must override handle type to match the PIXI object that this element will use
    declare public handle: AnimatedSprite

    // the static register function that is used to add the element to the layout factory
    public static register(layoutFactory: LayoutFactory) {
        layoutFactory.register("sprite-animated", (factory, name, config) => new this({
            type: "sprite-animated",
            // the PIXI object instance this element will be using
            handle: new AnimatedSprite([])

    constructor(props: BaseConstructorProperties<AnimatedSpriteElementConfig>) {
        // BaseElement expects all PIXI object's to anchored at the center
        this.handle.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5)
        const config = props.config

        // apply config (if provided)
        if (config) {
            if (config.images) {
                this.images = config.images
            if (config.playing) {

    public set images(value: (Texture | null | string)[]) {
        // here we resolve the string names to Textures using factory.resolveAsset
        this.handle.textures = => this.factory.resolveAsset(x))

        // changing the texture can change the element dimensions so we must notify
        // the underlying LayoutElement that its layout must be recalculated

    public get playing() {
        return this.handle.playing

    public set playing(value: boolean) {
        if (value) {
        } else {

    // this is called every time the layout has changed
    protected onUpdate() {        

        // we must set the PIXI object's position
        // in most cases the computedLeft / computedTop helper properties from BaseElement can be used
        this.handle.position.set(this.computedLeft, this.computedTop)

        // no fancy scaling options, just stretch the sprite to size
        this.handle.width = this.innerWidth
        this.handle.height = this.innerHeight

    // we must override contentHeight and contentWidth to let the layout know what size
    // is this element's content (in this case the texture dimensions)

    public get contentHeight() {
        return (this.handle.textures[0] as Texture).height

    public get contentWidth() {
        return (this.handle.textures[0] as Texture).width

export default AnimatedSpriteElement

// we must inject the new element to the type system by adding
// it to a special interface declared inside the layout-pixi package
declare module "@md5crypt/layout-pixi/ElementTypes" {
    export interface ElementTypes {
        "sprite-animated": {
            config: AnimatedSpriteElementConfig,
            element: AnimatedSpriteElement

Remember that the created AnimatedSpriteElement class must be registered in a LayoutFactory instance using AnimatedSpriteElement.register.

If the element type was correctly injected into ElementTypes LayoutElementJSON and JSX elements should automatically recognize the new element type.

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