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mgear_dist's Issues

Setting connector drop-down menu to "orientation" results in an averaged rotation of all IK Ref objects

Describe the bug
If a component's IK Reference Array has multiple objects, and its connector is set to orientation (instead of standard), an orientConstraint is made with an "averaged" offset. This differs from the standard connector setting, where a parentConstraint is made (but offset is maintained).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create multiple control_01 objects (e.g. create 4 of them)
  2. Name one control: "hand" (this is optional, but I'll refer to this later as "hand")
  3. Adjust orientation on all control_01 objects -- by large amounts
  4. In "Component Setting" for each control_01, uncheck "World Space Orientation Align"
  5. Add all control_01 objects to hand control's IK Reference Array
  6. In "Main Settings" for hand control, change connector to "orientation"
  7. Build rig from guides
  8. Observe "averaged" orientation on the hand control



Additional information
NOTE: In screenshots, "EPIC_control_01" was used -- however this behavior is identical to the "control_01" component
Maya version: 2019.3.1
mGear version: 3.7.11

Submodule update --init failure on excons

I cannot get a clean git repo setup because of an issue with the excons submodule.

git submodule update --init
error: Server does not allow request for unadvertised object 61f5e5ce4f55ee8f148a92c9b75094dbe62a4047
Fetched in submodule path 'excons', but it did not contain 61f5e5ce4f55ee8f148a92c9b75094dbe62a4047. Direct fetching of that commit failed.

To Reproduce
Start fresh terminal:

git clone
cd mgear_dist/
git submodule update --init

Vendor scripts not getting released correctly with sconstruc

If you define the same exact path twice in the sconstruct only the last one declared is the one been taken into account so if you need copying on the same release folder from different sources you need to place them under the same line as a list.

Synoptic: Replace script jobs by callbacks

From @miquelcampos on August 28, 2017 10:34

EDIT: implement after: mGear: Callback Manager #165
Replace the scriptjobs for visual feedback with callbacks, for a more robust management with several synoptic window open.
Right now only the latest synoptic view has visual feedback for selected controls.

The call back manager should be independent from synoptic

Copied from original issue: mgear-dev/mgear_legacy#52

Allow Dup Sym to mirror extracted control curves

It would be great if I could modify my control curves on the built rig, just for the left/center side, extract control curves to the left/center guides, then dup sym on the left guides and get the control curves mirrored automatically to the right side after build. Would save time modifying guide curves that could be mirrored.

Exporting skinweights on lattice does not save the file

Describe the bug
It seems like there is no filed saved when exporting skinned lattices.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Skin a lattice. Export the skinned object weights. There is no file saved.

Additional information
I haven't had the time to debug it, maybe it's just looking for polygon or curves as an objects to export, but there is usually fair amount of non-linear deformers used in rigging so maybe it's useful to have that exported as well.

matrixConstrain not loading on windows

Describe the bug
when loading the plugins the matrixConstrain is missing

To Reproduce
Not sure if this is the latest mgear version. It's on the computer of the client

IMAGE 2021-04-13 16:13:39

Additional information
Add any other information about the problem here.

Easy installer

create a drag and drop script to install mGear in the user folder

Create new sphinx project

The previews Sphinx project is okay but in order to structure it all in a nicer / more understandable way we need to generate a full project from scratch for mGear 3.0.0.

Moving all hard coded rst content/images to the new project is going to be done and then the API documentation generation will be fully automated.

2019 OSX builds - crash during build from selection

Hello! - hope this is the correct place for this :)
I just finished building the plug-ins for Maya 2019 on OSX.

When I import the template biped guide, and 'build from selection' - Maya crashes mid-way into the build.

What is working:

  • The plugins load fine.
  • I am able to build random modules just fine.
  • A template biped rig that was generated on mgear 3.1.1 on windows/OSX Maya 2018 is working fine.

Build of the plug-ins seem to work perfect on 2018 OSX

To Reproduce

  • On Maya 2019 (OSX), use the plug-ins from below, import biped guide and build rig.


The error does not say much, not the standard Maya fatal error:

Additional information
built plugins:
scons build log:

Osx 10.14
Maya 2019
SCons 3.0.1 installed with brew


Further testing shows that the crash is related to the arm_2_jnt01 and leg_2_jnt01.
When these modules are deleted from the template, the build completes successfully.

  • parenting them under the root control - still crashing
  • unlinking them from the host and references IK etc - still crashing
  • update guides - still crashing
  • replacing them with any arm/leg module that i am creating - still crashing
  • replacing them with other module, like a chain that i am creating - all good.

Investigation continues...


Building with 'objects' mode works, any mode above will crash.
So far this actually looks like a 2019 OSX issue, and not related to the plug-ins themselves, but this is just a gut feeling.

submodules naming convention

Feature description
Naming convention of submodules

Extra information
Currently the repository consists of different style naming conventions:

simpleRig (camelcase)
maya-math-nodes (dashes)
mgear_core (underscores)

Would you like to standardize it? I personally prefer dashes or underscores, because everything becomes lowercase and easier to guess.

Make guide / rig nodes unique

Feature description
Currently, when building a rig from a guide, there are duplicate names in both the guide and rig hierarchies. Would it be possible for the built rig to have unique node names not clashing with the already existing guide?

Extra information
Currently, we are working around this by using long names in our scripting, but we are wondering if that's at all possible without causing any other problems in the framework?

Modularisation of mgear

From @mottosso on November 14, 2017 8:31

Hi Miquel,

We talked briefly about splitting mgear up into modules, such that a user could install only the parts of interest and to improve maintainability of smaller parts, as opposed to one large library.

Here's how I see that working.

  • Core
  • Data
  • Extensions
            |       |
     .------| mgear |-------.         core
     |      |_______|       |
 ____|____  ____|____  _____|_____
|         ||         ||           |
| shifter || rigbits || simpleRig |   extensions
|        |
|  data  |                            data


I'll start with this, as it's best suited for splitting apart. The Components, these are the data to an otherwise data-driven core framework. The data determines what can be built and details of how to build it.

Different data in, different rigs out. Simple.

 ____ | ____
\     |     /
 \    v    /
  \       /
   \     /
    |   |

If data were to be separate from the core, then there could be many different sets of data, by many different authors. This enables others to build their own library of rig components and facilitates discussion about the data itself, without getting distracted by the underlying core library.

For example, there could be a discussion about the various ways there are to build a component for IK/FK switching, and compare and contrast their differences. There could be many components out there, each with their own documentation and usage scenarios. A collection of components could have its own website, like how Material Design and Bootstrap is data to CSS, documenting each individual component and thinking about the design of data, separate from the underlying framework.


The core library is what glues the data together. It's contains the mechanism for exposing the mechanisms to the user and how to actually read and make use of them.

In here I see every module under the mgear/ package. The packages in there are what I'd call "extensions".


An extension builds upon the core library to form something more specific than mgear itself. Shifter is a good example of this. Shifter implements a data-driven approach to a rig framework and is, I think, the most flexible and powerful of the existing extensions.

The key point here is that mgear is fully capable of existing without these, but these are not able to exist without mgear. The extensions can be developed and maintained separately from mgear, and vice versa. Their own issue tracker, their own release cycles etc. Meaning the cognitive load when trying to understand either mgear or any of the extensions goes down by the amount of code each contain.

Say for example that, as a user, I was only interested in Shifter. At the moment, because it is bundled alongside mgear and the other frameworks, I can't tell whether I also need to learn and understand these other extensions. I can't tell whether making a change to Shifter would break simpleRig and I also can't tell which parts of mgear is actually used in Shifter, or if Shifter is used in mgear (i.e. a cyclic dependency).


Finally, these are just thoughts. I don't feel I know mgear well enough to say exactly this is the ideal approach. But I do think it lends itself well to being split up as there currently exists a few different frameworks embedded into one repository.

Something I'd like to see which I think would help adoption and maintainability is separating anything compiled from things that need no compilation. I found it really difficult at first to make a contribution to this project because I (1) didn't understand that I needed to build (instructions could help here) and (2) didn't have a suitable compiler installed to actually perform the build. Because of this I wasn't able to actually test what I contributed, and without automated tests we ended up with a contribution that broke mgear!

Here's what I'd like to see..

$ pip install mgear

This would grant a user with the basic framework for building tools with mgear.

$ pip install shifter

Now they'd be able to leverage a data-driven approach to building rigs.

$ pip install shifter-basics shifter-mocap

And now they'd have some data to get started with.

Copied from original issue: mgear-dev/mgear_legacy#94

Lip Joints naming issue with facial rigger

Describe the bug
The lip joints are not named with left and right naming convention. So when working with weights it's not easy to mirror. NGSkintools

To Reproduce
Just setup the face and do some manual tweaks and weight map gets damaged when you do a mirror

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional information

Anim Picker issues and Viewport Freeze

Thank you for your continued support on this tool!

Describe the bug
Trying to resize the Anim Picker view will eventually cause the Maya Viewport to stop updating. Maya restart is required after the issue.

To Reproduce
macOS Catalina 10.15.4
Maya 2018.5
mGear 3.5.0

  • Launch Maya with a new scene.
  • From the mGear menu: mGear -> Shifter -> Guide Template Samples -> Biped Template.
  • Select the 'rig' object, then build the rig (mGear -> Shifter -> Build from Selection)
  • Load the Anim Picker via the mGear menu
  • Load the biped.pkr file (Load -> Select File -> biped.pkr -> Load Picker -> OK)

Few issues appear at this point:

  • Actually clicking the 'Load Picker' button is hard to do (some misalignment between the button and the highlight area, see the video)
  • The view for the picker initially shows only the bottom left portion of the buttons, must be resized with the mouse wheel
  • Where the mouse cursor is doesn't correlate with what is highlighted in the picker. The mouse is offset by an arbitrary amount from what it is highlighting in the picker (this is not representative in the video, but if you try to mouse over elements you will see the issue).

Try to resize the Anim Picker a few times, and then try to manipulate the view port. The viewport will become unresponsive and require a Maya restart.


Additional information
I have some other 3rd party plugins installed, so it would be worth seeing if this is an issue for everyone with Maya 2018 on macOS Catalina.

Synoptic IK/FK match ikRot check.

Feature description
The mgear biped guide template's arm comes in with default settings that has separate IK arm translate and rotate controls. The synoptic looks for the ikRot nodes. So if you choose to disable the separate rotate translate settings the IK/FK match stops working. FEATURE REQUEST: a simple check if the ikRot exists, if not don't look for it and match the arm FK or IK.

animbits cache manager

When having isRig attribute on a non mgear rig present it still can't find the rig.
It is only looking for this attribute right?

error in scripteditor:

mgear_dist: Create new distribution structure

Due to how mgear_dist is growing it would be good to have the structure inside mgear_dist to be a little bit clearer and simpler.

@mgear-dev/developers I will create a test for this and will let you know when you can check it out. If you already have some comments please shoot

mgear_dist: Add version number to all sub-modules

We will adopt a system like Pyblish using to track each submodule version.
We will start with 3.2.0 version for each module. From this point each version number will evolve separately

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