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unity-googledrive's Issues

Cannot receive progress value

When downloading a large file it would be nice to see the progress on the download. I have tried logging the response.progress, but that always returns 0.

Shouldn't this Log statement return a progress float?:

public IEnumerator DownloadFile(string url)
	#region Check the access token is expired
	var check = CheckExpiration();
	while (check.MoveNext())
	yield return null;

	if (check.Current is Exception)
		yield return check.Current;
		yield break;

	var request = new UnityWebRequest(url);
	request.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;

	var response = new UnityWebResponse(request);
	while (!response.isDone)
               yield return null;
	yield return new AsyncSuccess(response.bytes);

Oops, on further investigation, I added the progress value at a previous time in an attempt to populate it -- it does not exist in the current source code. Is there any way to easily get it?

Connecting to account during playmode without account settings

Sorry if the title is confusing! This program works great so far with one issue: whenever I play the game, I need to log in to google drive in the explorer pop up. The problem there is that if I send this to someone, they would need to log in to the account as well, which I would prefer they didn't have to (and not know my account login). Is there anyway for Unity to automatically log in to the google account?

Listing folders

Hi, I am developing an app that needs to browse for folders and download all the images inside a folder.
I use this to list the folders:
drive.ListFilesByQuery("mimeType = 'application/'");

However it does not retrieve any folder.


Hi! The plugin was working fine, but when I tryed to use another GMAIL account where to upload files, errors started to appear.

  • Now always pop up a browser to choose the account (and after selecting account it just freeze).
  • This error appears in Unity: > System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
    I triyed using the previous configuration but the errors persists.

Unity Basic For Android can't use .Net socket

Hi, i'm very interested in your plugin.

I'm creating a game with an included level editor. My idea was to use google drive in order to save player levels over multiples devices.

So i found your plugin, it works well on a desktop build, but i can't upload my apk on my android device.
Your plugin use TcpClient wich is not authorized with Unity Basic for Android.

Unity have his own API to access web : WWW :

Do you think you can use WWW instead of TcpClient ?

Build in android error (proxy method)

I'm trying to use this plugin as a feature (uploading screenshots to drive taken while playing). While testing in editor works just fine, when I build it in android I get this error:
</i> Exception: No such proxy method: at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy.Invoke (System.String methodName, System.Object[] args) [0x0015a] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:116 at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy.Invoke (System.String methodName, UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject[] javaArgs) [0x0002c] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:124 at UnityEngine._AndroidJNIHelper.InvokeJavaProxyMethod (UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy proxy, IntPtr jmethodName, IntPtr jargs) [0x00066] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:762 (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs Line: 116)

The error is located ( I think) before the authorization process.
IEnumerator InitGoogleDrive()
initInProgress = true;

    drive = new GoogleDrive();

    drive.ClientID = "";

    drive.ClientSecret = "tGNLbYnrdRO2hdFmwJAo5Fbt";

    //drive.ClientID = "";

    //drive.ClientSecret = "tGNLbYnrdRO2hdFmwJAo5Fbt";

    Debug.Log("init googleDrive access");

    drive.Scopes = new string[] {

    Debug.Log("pre googleDrive authorization");

    var authorization = drive.Authorize();

    yield return StartCoroutine(authorization);

    Debug.Log("doesnt trigger <<----- error");`

I followed the instalation and authorization steps, so I don't know how to solve this problem.
PD: It's for a VR daydream game, but I think the problem is with the android configuration.

list all is null

Hello im trying to extract list of files on gdrive but im getting null

// Get all files.
            var listFiles = drive.ListAllFiles();
            yield return EditorCoroutine.start(listFiles);

            string[] splitpath = savepath.Split('/');
            bool found = false;
            var files = GoogleDrive.GetResult<List<GoogleDrive.File>>(listFiles);
            if (files != null)

i have lot of files on my account so that cant be the issue
and i successfully connect to google, so that is not a problem too



sorry, i didn't found another way to contact you.
Is there a way to introduce in code gmail account username and password and skip authorize on every new device?

In any case, my mail:
[email protected]


No need Client Secret anymore?

screen shot 2017-09-05 at 12 09 44

Unfortenately the Client Secret is not available... Clicking on each Key entry but there is no Client Secret mentioned in any menus... Any idea?...

Now working from iOS.

Google will no longer support embedded browser Oauth requests.

On April 20, 2017 Google will no longer support Oauth 2 requests in embedded browers. Is anyone currently working on addressing this for iOS or does anyone have any good ideas on how to solve this? BTW nice work on the plugin, I really appreciate all the work that has gone into this plugin. Thank you!

파일 리스트를 못 불러옵니다.

유니티 2017로 안드로이드 어플을 개발하고 있습니다.
개인 구글 계정으로 접속까지는 성공한 상태입니다.
현재 구글 드라이브에 여러 개의 파일과 폴더가 있는데, 하나도 불러오지 못합니다.
코드는 아래와 같습니다.

파일이 있는 경우 foreach문까지 잘 들어가는데, 문제는 기존의 파일을 전혀 불러오지 못하네요..
file count가 0으로 나옵니다. 실제로는 파일이 여러 개 업로드 되어 있는 상태입니다.
단, drive.InsertFolder("new_folder", null)로 새 폴더를 생성하거나
drive.UploadFile(, )로 업로드한 파일은 드라이브 상에도 잘 생성되며 리스트에도 나타납니다.

코드상에서 insertFolder로 생성 후 동일하게 ListAllFiles() 로 탐색한 내용입니다.
샘플 코드에 있었던 이미지 파일과 텍스트 파일을 업로드했을 때도 둘 다 잘 읽어왔었습니다.

브라우저에서 따로 업로드해 올린 파일 정보만 읽어오지 못하는 것 같은데
어느 부분이 문제인지 도움을 좀 주실 수 있을까요?

[Unity 2017.1.0f3] iOS build error

screen shot 2017-09-05 at 12 35 33

A few errors on build for iOS platform :

Assets/__submodules/unity-googledrive/Assets/GoogleDrive/GoogleDriveAuthorization.cs(431,40): error CS0023: The !' operator cannot be applied to operand of type string'

Assets/__submodules/unity-googledrive/Assets/GoogleDrive/GoogleDriveAuthorization.cs(434,15): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type string' to bool'

Assets/__submodules/unity-googledrive/Assets/GoogleDrive/WebViewObject.cs(52,17): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type bool' to string'

Checked the code and it does returns string where a condition waiting for boolean... :(

Deleting file taking a long time

Hi there,

I sent you this message on the Unity forums but don't know if you are active on them so thought I would open it as an issue here too. Sorry if you get this twice as a result.

I've recently been using your Google Drive code in my Unity app and wanted to thank you because it's been absolutely indispensable. However there is one issue I've encountered which I was wondering if you could help me with. I know you wrote the code a while ago but any pointers you could give would be greatly appreciated.

I've got my app uploading to Google Drive, downloading and moving files around all fine. The problem comes when I want to delete something. I'm using your GoogleDriveFile.DeleteFile function and, when I check Google Drive via my web browser, I can see that the file has indeed been deleted. However the function is taking a long time to complete, sometimes over 5 minutes - just to delete a small text file.

Debugging it the issue seems to be on line 260 of UnityWebResponse.cs;

read = bufferedStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
} while (read > 0);

That call to bufferStream.Read is taking minutes to return and I really can't see why. If you can shed any light on this I would be much obliged.

Lastly, you might be interested to learn of a couple of issues I had to work around getting the google drive code to work.

Firstly google drive has dropped the need for a ClientSecret to pair with the ClientID. Your code still connects but only if you set the ClientSecret to string.empty.

Secondly the free version of Unity has dropped support for web sockets on mobile platforms. However there's a very reasonably priced download from the Unity Asset Store called "Good Ol' Sockets" which fixed this for me.

Anyway, thanks again for putting this code out there, it really has made a world of difference to my project.

Connects with Google but won't download anything

Hi, I'm trying to use the plugin to download selected files from the user's GoogleDrive, it automatically connects to Google, asks to log in and after logging in I'll get this error (while the app is still running without issues):

GET /?code=4/aOo-L2XQjyeIGQBeMBl1Aff7I_c-xwzG7SxGPMdX_D8 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*
Accept-Language: es-MX,es;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; LCJB; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Host: localhost:9271
Connection: Keep-Alive

AuthRedirectionServer:Listen() (at Assets/GoogleDrive/AuthRedirectionServer.cs:110)


Stopping the server...
AuthRedirectionServer:StopServer() (at Assets/GoogleDrive/AuthRedirectionServer.cs:167)
<GetAuthorizationCodeAndAccessToken>c__Iterator2:MoveNext() (at Assets/GoogleDrive/GoogleDriveAuthorization.cs:477)
<Authorize>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/GoogleDrive/GoogleDriveAuthorization.cs:238)

and Server stopped

I'm like 99% sure it's because I'm missing something or doing something wrong... probably installed Android QuickStart wrong (is it just to put the files on NativePlugins folder?) it's the first time I'm trying to use plugins like this or Google APIs, so bear with me.

Here's the code I'm using (.cs)

And where I put the files:

I would really appreciate it if you help me out, thanks :)

Google Play Services Failing On Startup

About two weeks ago I implemented the google drive upload plugin into two of my projects and was very happy with the results on both PC and Mobile.

This week I can't get google drive to initiate on any platform in my own projects as well as drive test example in a fresh project. In addition the sample apk and exe provided in the readme also fails to connect.

I am working with Unity Version 5.4.1f1. I preliminary searched to see if there was any other play service issue or new api releases and nothing definitive comes up. The error seemed to appear at a similar time to the firebase sdk getting official support with Unity, but I could not see how that would break this.

Any ideas, definitely excited to get this back up and running as it's really helpful,


구글 API인증 중에 Error: redirect_uri_mismatch 라는 에러가 납니다.


좋은 플러그인을 만들어주셔서 감사합니다.
한국 분인것 같아서 한국어로 등록합니다.

DriveTest.cs 에 ClientID와 ClientSecret을 넣고 DriveTest 씬을 실행을 했는데요,
리다이렉트시에 localhost:9271로 리다이렉트 되면서, 아래와 같은 에러가 나는데요,
localhost에 9271 포트로 서버가 떠있어야 하는 것인지요?

  1. That’s an error.

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Application: companygame
You can email the developer of this application at:
The redirect URI in the request: http://localhost:9271 did not match a registered redirect URI.

Exception: Authorization failed (Application name is not set)

I get this message in the console log debugging in android build:

GoogleDrive+Exception: Authorization failed.

And in the Android Device monitor I get this error:

11-28 17:40:07.718: D/Unity-GoogleDrivePlugin(28571): setUnityActivity: com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity@bed688c
11-28 17:40:07.728: D/Unity-GoogleDrivePlugin(28571): auth with accountName: [email protected]
11-28 17:40:07.738: W/AbstractGoogleClient(28571): Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
11-28 17:40:07.738: D/Unity-GoogleDrivePlugin(28571): google drive service:
11-28 17:40:07.738: E/Unity-GoogleDrivePlugin(28571): checkAuthorized: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the name must not be empty: null

I thought I set everything correctly (in editor works and uploads a file)

Delete file seems to do nothing


I don't know if I'm missing something but whenever I try do delete a file, the request seems not to be sent (No log in the console and no return from the Coroutine).
But, the files are effectivly deleted on the drive and I really need to know when a file is deleted.

Thanks for your reply :)

Wrong AuthorizationCode

From about February 2016 authorization is broken, got "error" : "invalid_grant".
Problem: Google server sends "GET /favicon.ico" request before callback request with auth code.
How to solve:
in AuthRedirectionServer.cs
string code = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("\r\n")).Split(' ')[1];
// checking if request has auth code
int index = code.IndexOf("/?code=");
if (index == -1)
byte[] header404 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" +
stream.Write(header404, 0, header404.Length);
// check end
code = code.Substring(index + 7);
AuthorizationCode = code;

Exporting a google doc file

I am trying to add functionality to export a google doc file as a pdf as mentioned in the docs here:

On creating the request, it gives a "unity google drive exception : required parameter mimetype" HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
How do I specify mimetype correctly in my request? This is what I have so far.

public IEnumerator ExportFile(File file)
var request = new UnityWebRequest("" +
file.ID + "/export");
request.method = "GET";
request.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;
request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/pdf";
request.body = new byte[0]; // with no data

	var response = new UnityWebResponse(request);
	while (!response.isDone)
		yield return null;

	JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(response.text);
	var json = reader.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>();

	if (json == null)
		yield return new Exception(-1, "ExportFile response parsing failed.");
		yield break;
	else if (json.ContainsKey("error"))
		yield return GetError(json);
		yield break;

	yield return new AsyncSuccess(new File(json));

Still learning. Will appreciate help.

file search not working in unity

I am trying to simply search for a file in my google drive for downloading through Unity eg a .pptx or even a .txt file which exists for sure.
This is the function I have and it gives no results on search. Connection to my google drive is successful and new files are created in the demo scene but search query does not work and I always get file not found for anything I try. Unity version is 2017. How do I get it to work?

IEnumerator DownloadPresentation()
Debug.Log ("download pressed");

	if (drive == null || !drive.IsAuthorized || downloadInProgress)
		yield break;

	downloadInProgress = true;
	Debug.Log ("download pressed 1");

	var list = drive.ListFilesByQueary("name = 'INSTRUCTIONS_G4 UNITY CYBERTOUCH DEMOS.txt'");
	yield return StartCoroutine(list);

	GoogleDrive.File file;
	Dictionary<string, object> data;

	if (list != null) 
		var files = GoogleDrive.GetResult<List<GoogleDrive.File>> (list);
		if (files == null || files.Count > 0) {
			// Found!
			file = files [0];
			Debug.Log ("file name is " + file.Title);
			Debug.Log ("file not found");
			yield break;


	Debug.Log ("download finished");	
	downloadInProgress = false;	


Thanks a lot. Attached the DriveTest file from the demo.

use plugin on Android but no file show...

i used plugin , and it works on PC .
but when i use it on Android, it doesn't work .
it show 32 files in my googleDrive on PC , but show 0 files on Android.
what's wrong with my APP? >> l.331 > EXC_BAD_ACCESS

While it runs on device, it register the follow error...
Not sure what to do in the file to fix it :(...
Any idea please?

Now every routine such as login/upload/download are working great from the editor on both windows and Mac.

screen shot 2018-09-01 at 15 36 05

AndroidJavaException; ClassNotFoundException

After using for a while the plugin; the android build of my APP started crashing.
I'd looked at the crash and decided to first update all of my google related plugins to its last version (google play games with the resolver).
After some managment the crash is finally gone (version conflicts I belive), but this Debug message appears and the plugin is not working on my buid.

I've been searching for a solution but nothing is working for me right now. It seems that is not compiling properly?

Any sugestions? Thanks in advance!

AndroidJavaException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.studio272.googledriveplugin.GoogleDrivePlugin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.studio272.googledriveplugin.GoogleDrivePlugin at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName( at java.lang.Class.forName( at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender(Native Method) at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.c(Unknown Source) at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$c$1.handleMessage(Unknown Source) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$ Source) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.studio272.googledriveplugin.GoogleDrivePlugin" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.VRAgent.WhereIsSierra-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.VRAgent.WhereIsSierra-1/lib/arm, /data/app/com.VRAgent.WhereIsSierra-1/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 9 more at UnityEngine.AndroidJNISafe.CheckException () [0x0008c] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJNISafe.cs:24 at UnityEngine.AndroidJNISafe.CallStaticObjectMethod (IntPtr clazz, IntPtr methodID, UnityEngine.jvalue[] args) [0x00011] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJNISafe.cs:207 at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject._CallStatic[AndroidJavaObject] (System.String methodName, System.Object[] args) [0x002d8] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:460 at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject.CallStatic[AndroidJavaObject] (System.String methodName, System.Object[] args) [0x00004] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/AndroidJavaBindings.gen.cs:82 at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject.FindClass (System.String name) [0x0001e] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:591 at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaClass._AndroidJavaClass (System.String className) [0x00013] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:611 at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaClass..ctor (System.String className) [0x00009] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/AndroidJavaBindings.gen.cs:92 at GoogleDrive..ctor () [0x0004d] in C:\Users\Guillermo\Documents\TRABAJO\VRAgent\VRClass_Language\Assets\GoogleDrive\GoogleDrive.cs:84 at ScreenCaptureUI+<InitGoogleDrive>c__Iterator4.MoveNext () [0x0004d] in C:\Users\Guillermo\Documents\TRABAJO\VRAgent\VRClass_Language\Assets\Code\MenuAndInterface\InGameMenu\InteractionMenu\CameraPhotoScreenCapture\ScreenCaptureUI.cs:201 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00028] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/MonoBehaviourBindings.gen.cs:62) ScreenCaptureUI:Start() (at C:\Users\Guillermo\Documents\TRABAJO\VRAgent\VRClass_Language\Assets\Code\MenuAndInterface\InGameMenu\InteractionMenu\CameraPhotoScreenCapture\ScreenCaptureUI.cs:51) (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/AndroidJNISafe.cs Line: 24)


screen shot 2017-09-05 at 11 38 51


Adding your project root to my unity project as SubModules but having a bunch of error from the docs folder.

Should I remove the entire folder? Or maybe to subModules from Assets only?...

iOS Build: invalid_request

I've gone through the process of getting this repo to build to iOS, and upon successfully launching the app on a device, instantly get a Debug.Log saying "invalid_request" as follows:

GoogleDrive+Exception: invalid_request
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51

Before this, I had gone through all of and removed all dealloc, release and retain commands. I also found that we needed to modify all webViewPlugin assignments to match below:
WebViewPlugin *webViewPlugin = (__bridge WebViewPlugin *)instance;

Memory Leak

When downloading a zip file, Unity holds onto the memory. Try downloading a 200MB file and you'll see that even after you stop the application in the editor, your memory consumption sky-rockets. If you play it again, it cumulatively adds to the memory.

Android build crash

hi there, can anyone help me getting android build. As it is crashing build it for android.

Error when publishing for iOS using Unity 5.4.0b22

Error when publishing for iOS using Unity 5.4.0b22. See #12 .

Type '[Assembly-CSharp]WebViewObject' has an extra field 'token' of type 'System.String' in the player and thus can't be serialized 

Type '[Assembly-CSharp]WebViewObject' has an extra field 'cancelled' of type 'System.Boolean' in the player and thus can't be serialized

Fields serialized in Editor, class 'WebViewObject'

Fields serialized in target platform, class 'WebViewObject'
    'token' of type 'System.String'
    'cancelled' of type 'System.Boolean'

Unable to authorize

I know this is old but, there doesn't seem to be another Google Drive Unity plugin, paid, free or otherwise.

The demo apk provided authorizes fine but does not upload files to Drive. I opened the project in Unity 4.6 and built a new apk and I get this error:

06-22 09:59:45.360: E/Unity-GoogleDrivePlugin(28812): checkAuthorized: Unknown

I thought it may have to do with Google changing the authorization scope: to

I changed these in the the plugin and rebuilt and imported it into my project and I still can't get authorization. It doesn't even get to the point of asking to choose and email to authorize with.

Do you have any ideas?

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