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softposit.jl's Introduction



A pure Julia implementation for posit arithmetic. Posit numbers are an alternative to floating-point numbers. Posits extend floats by introducing regime bits that allow for a higher precision around one, yet a wide dynamic range of representable numbers. For further information see

v0.5 respects the 2022 Standard for Posit Arithmetic but drops quire support. v0.4 implements the previous standard, has quire support but depends on the C implementation of SoftPosit.

If this library doesn't support a desired functionality or for anything else, please raise an issue.


In the Julia REPL do

julia>] add SoftPosit

where ] opens the package manager. Then simply using SoftPosit which enables all of the functionality.

Posit formats

SoftPosit.jl emulates and exports the following Posit number formats

Posit8, Posit16, Posit32

Posit8, Posit16, Posit32 are the standard formats with 2 exponent bits. The off-standard format Posit(16,1) (16 bits with 1 exponent bit, exported as Posit16_1) was part of the previous posit arithmetic draft standard.

For all the formats conversions between integers and floats and basic arithmetic operations +, -, *, / and sqrt (among others) are defined.


Conversion to and from Float64 and computing a square root

julia> using SoftPosit
julia> p = Posit16(16)

julia> sqrt(p)

And the bitwise representation split into sign, regime, exponent and mantissa bits using bitstring(p,:split)

julia> bitstring(Posit32(123456.7),:split)
"0 111110 00 11100010010000001011010"

Or solving a linear equation system with Posit8

julia> A = Posit8.(randn(3,3))
3×3 Matrix{Posit8}:
 Posit8(1.125)      Posit8(-0.5625) Posit8(0.0390625)
 Posit8(-1.5)       Posit8(0.0625)  Posit8(1.25)
 Posit8(-0.40625)   Posit8(1.875)   Posit8(1.125)

julia> b = Posit8.(randn(3))
3-element Vector{Posit8}:

julia> A\b
3-element Vector{Posit8}:

For an (outdated) comprehensive notebook covering (almost) all the functionality of SoftPosit.jl please read softposit_examples.ipynb

Rounding mode

Following the 2022 posit standard, posits should never underflow nor overflow. This is in v0.5 generally respected, but there are some caveats: Posits currently do underflow below about 4*floatmin of the float format you are converting from. In practice this is of little importance as even floatmin(::PositN)^2 is larger than that

julia> floatmin(Posit16)

julia> floatmin(Posit16)*floatmin(Posit16)

and similar for other posit formats. So in Posit16 arithmetic we have 1e-17*1e-17 = 1e-17 (no underflow) and 1e17*1e17 = 1e17 (no overflow).


If you use this package please cite us

Klöwer M, PD Düben and TN Palmer, 2020. Number formats, error mitigation and scope for 16-bit arithmetics in weather and climate modelling analyzed with a shallow water model, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2020MS002246. 10.1029/2020MS002246

softposit.jl's People


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softposit.jl's Issues

exp, log, sin, cos, tan support

Although the SoftPosit C-library does not have trigonometric functions implemented yet, we should consider a back and forth conversion as an intermediate work-around

sin(x::Posit16) = Posit16(sin(Float64(x)))

etc. Converting to Float32 should in theory work too as the dynamic range is slightly wider than for Posit32.

Arithmetic operations: power

Sofar, things like Posit16(1.23)^2 are not supported. I guess the best way would be to include promotion of integers to posits. The SoftPosit library does not have a power function but we might be able to implement this by a concatenation of multiplications/divisions. Priority on operations like power 2.

PositX1 conversion

Unfortunately, the PositX1 format (with 1 exponent bit, internally stored as 32bit) has poor conversion support. Posit8_1(Posit32(1.23)) causes an error for example.

Why sizeof(Posit8_1) == 4?

I feel I missed something obvious. Shouldn't sizeof(Posit8_x)==1 for all x?

On the other hand, sizeof(Posit8)==1, as expected. Can you explain it to me, or point to the documentation?

Steps to reproduce:

using Pkg
using SoftPosit

standard 2022 available

There is a new standard document available, which outdates the draft link given in README.
Probably it would be worth while adapting the software - look for an adapted version of the underlying C-library.


Precompilation warnings

julia> using SoftPosit
[ Info: Precompiling SoftPosit [0775deef-a35f-56d7-82da-cfc52f91364d]
WARNING: Method definition (::Type{Int64})(SoftPosit.AbstractPosit) in module SoftPosit at /Users/milan/.julia/packages/SoftPosit/JY6kx/src/conversions.jl:72 overwritten at /Users/milan/.julia/packages/SoftPosit/JY6kx/src/conversions.jl:73.
  ** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **

WARNING: Method definition (::Type{Int64})(SoftPosit.AbstractPosit) in module SoftPosit at /Users/milan/.julia/packages/SoftPosit/JY6kx/src/conversions.jl:73 overwritten at /Users/milan/.julia/packages/SoftPosit/JY6kx/src/conversions.jl:74.
  ** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **

FFTs with posits

Base.maxintfloat(::Type{Posit}) has to be defined.

julia> using SoftPosit, FastTransforms

julia> x = Posit16.(rand(8))
8-element Vector{Posit16}:

julia> fft(x)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching maxintfloat(::Type{Posit16})


Is this a correct behavior?

julia> Posit8(1.f0) > 0

julia> Posit8(1.f0) < 0

Float32 to Posit32 conversion yields unexpected results

While examining some conversions for a study, I stumbled that the conversion from Float32 to Posit32 does not work correctly. A number of other conversions work as expected.

Posit32: Posit32(-0.007027800427749753) Float32: -818.2957
Posit32: Posit32(-0.007557398173958063) Float32: -957.1266
Posit32: Posit32(0.005691442871466279) Float32: 489.9888
Posit32: Posit32(-0.007275644224137068) Float32: -883.2665
Posit32: Posit32(-0.006808562204241753) Float32: -760.8237

Other as expected. F64 to P32, P16, P8 and F32 to P16, P8

Posit32: Posit32(135.39814949035645) Float64: 135.39814949035645
Posit32: Posit32(245.05364990234375) Float64: 245.05364894866943
Posit32: Posit32(505.60044860839844) Float64: 505.6004524230957
Posit32: Posit32(-181.41913414001465) Float64: -181.41913414001465
Posit32: Posit32(-391.0908660888672) Float64: -391.09086990356445

Posit16: Posit16(-362.0) Float64: -362.2323274612427
Posit16: Posit16(-932.0) Float64: -931.7772388458252
Posit16: Posit16(-325.5) Float64: -325.4415988922119
Posit16: Posit16(837.0) Float64: 836.5764617919922
Posit16: Posit16(551.0) Float64: 551.0175228118896

Posit8: Posit8(-1024.0) Float64: -936.1075162887573
Posit8: Posit8(768.0) Float64: 755.1323175430298
Posit8: Posit8(-384.0) Float64: -422.3893880844116
Posit8: Posit8(-512.0) Float64: -526.3946056365967
Posit8: Posit8(512.0) Float64: 481.2452793121338

Posit16: Posit16(-237.625) Float32: -237.68079
Posit16: Posit16(-201.5) Float32: -201.4804
Posit16: Posit16(-299.5) Float32: -299.67523
Posit16: Posit16(-141.625) Float32: -141.65472
Posit16: Posit16(243.875) Float32: 243.85918

Posit8: Posit8(-384.0) Float32: -446.5549
Posit8: Posit8(768.0) Float32: 782.21906
Posit8: Posit8(-768.0) Float32: -877.843
Posit8: Posit8(-768.0) Float32: -697.1028
Posit8: Posit8(-384.0) Float32: -346.29642

How to reproduce:
Simplest syntax would be Posit32(42.0f0) or Posit32(Float32(1337)) already leading to the error.

Just found out this only happens for for Float32 where the absolute value is 16 or bigger. For <16 everything is good.

julia> Posit32(-15.5f0)

julia> Posit32(-15.9f0)

julia> Posit32(-15.99f0)

julia> Posit32(-16.0f0)

julia> Posit32(16.0f0)

The exponent seems to be interpreted as negative. The regime is starting with a 0. This could be something around the subtraction of the bias in the code I guess.

julia> (Posit32(16e0))

julia> (Posit32(16f0))

julia> bitstring(Posit32(16e0))

julia> bitstring(Posit32(16f0))

julia> bitstring(Posit32(Float64(16f0)))

MethodError: no method matching Posit16(::BigFloat)

Hello Milan,

I am learning to program in Julia and trying to use the package DifferentialEquations.jl (see in conjunction with SoftPosit.jl.

According to the author of DifferentialEquations.jl, you can use any custom type as long as some basic operators are defined. However, I encounter the error message MethodError: no method matching Posit16(::BigFloat) when trying to solve a simple ODE problem using posits (as initial condition and time array). In fact, the same error occurs for me when defining a variable like big_float = convert(BigFloat, 1.0) and then constructing a 16-bit Posit with Posit16(big_float). This suggests it has to do with SoftPosit.jl. The very same error message is thrown when using the alternative SigmoidNumbers.jl package.

Do you have an idea what the issue might be here?

Many thanks in advance and kind regards,


Posit32(true) fails

Using Matrix to make a dense matrix out of the Q output of the qr function wants Posit32(true) to work:

julia> using SoftPosit
julia> Qt,R = qr(Posit32.(randn(3,3)));
julia> Q = Matrix(Qt)

You're welcome to ignore this.

Arithmetic operations are not performed

Hi again,
I'm sorry, but there is another issue which I thought to mention in a different post. After resolving the method errors following your suggestions in the previous Issue post, the computation ran but wouldn't terminate! Many potential reasons of course, but I discovered that simple arithmetic operations of Posit16 values don't work on my Mac (M1 processor):

julia> a = Posit16(1.0);
julia> a + a

The same lines on the Windows machine give

julia> a = Posit16(1.0);
julia> a + a

Any ideas why this would happen? Recall that I installed the via Main to get SoftPosit.jl working on the Mac...


This is to summarize the performance of SoftPosit.jl measured via the conversion to and from Posit16 to and from Float32

v0.3 (SoftPosit-C) v0.4 (SoftPosit.jl) v0.5*
P16->F32 32ns 0.76ns 0.65ns
F32->P16 100ns 1.1ns 0.865ns
P16->F32->P16 120ns 1.9ns 1.4ns

*upcoming release which will include #68, the new 2022 posit standard and type-flexible conversions such that all PositN(::FloatN) conversion use a single function (with multiple-dispatch). Tested via

julia> using SoftPosit, BenchmarkTools
julia> function f!(::Type{TB},A::Array{TA}) where {TB,TA}
           @inbounds for i in eachindex(A)
               A[i] = TA(TB(A[i]))
julia> function f!(B::Array{TB},A::Array{TA}) where {TB,TA}
                  @inbounds for i in eachindex(A,B)
                      B[i] = TB(A[i])

julia> A = Posit16.(rand(UInt16,1000000));
julia> B = rand(Float32,1000000);
julia> @btime f!($B,$A);
julia> @btime f!($A,$B);
julia> @btime f!($Float32,$A);
julia> @btime f!($Posit16,$B);

Conversion of number to Posit8 returns NaR

I found unexpected results when converting a normal floating point number to a Posit8, I believe a large number should return max_posit instead of NaR

julia> using SoftPosit

julia> Posit8(1e9)

Have a nice day

Support for QuadGK

It'd cool to be able to use this package with QuadGK, which enables numerical integration with custom Julia types.

However, this currently doesn't work because the numeric type must be an AbstractFloat or a type that can be converted to an AbstractFloat. This initial issue would be solved by #14.

After that, the first issue I've faced is that there is no eps method for posit numbers:

julia> quadgk(x -> x ^ 2, Posit16(0), Posit16(1))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching eps(::Type{Posit16})

wrong sign function is called

@giordano Do you know why the sign function in src/constants.jl

function sign(p::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractPosit}
    if signbit(p)       # negative and infinity case
        if isfinite(p)  # negative
            return minusone(T)
        else            # infinity
            return notareal(T)
    else                # positive and zero case
        if iszero(p)    # zero
            return zero(T)
        else            # positive
            return one(T)

is not called for e.g. sign(::Posit8)? Some other method (probably for the supertype AbstractFloat is called that returns for sign(notareal(Posit8)) actually Posit8(0xc0) which is minus one (and makes sense in a float sense as the sign bit is actually negative). If, instead, I define sign(::Posit8) directly without parametric types it actually calls that method. I therefore assume that there is simply some conflict in the method preferences, which I currently don't understand. Any ideas?

TagBot trigger issue

This issue is used to trigger TagBot; feel free to unsubscribe.

If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers.
Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

If you'd like for me to do this for you, comment TagBot fix on this issue.
I'll open a PR within a few hours, please be patient!

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