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uyou-for-youtube's Issues

[Bug][Dirty Fix] Hide Save Button, Hide Share Button and Hide Create Shorts Button only work after language is set to English and Region is set to US.

This is an extension to this bug report: #26

As the title said, these three options work only after the language is set to English and the region is set to US. It has to be both at the same time. Now you can hide those three buttons, and it will even work when you set your Region back to whatever you want.

I have no explanation for this, but it seems to work. Language English, region Germany, and I'm able to hide these buttons for the first time ever.

[Sideloading issue]

I tried keep & remove extensions, I still couldn't install it :(
uYou 1.4-1.6 Same error

Bug: Adjusting video speed freezes for videos being premiered

uYou 1.5, iOS 14.3, arm64e, Taurine Jailbreak, YouTube 16.32.6

For example, (this video will be premiered 9 hours from now)

As soon as you use video speed control overlay on this kind of videos, the app freezes and later is reported in CrashReporter as:


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4365582336




      __TEXT                   104358000-104368000 [   64K] r-x/r-x SM=COW

Termination Reason: Namespace SPRINGBOARD, Code 0x8badf00d

Termination Description: SPRINGBOARD, <RBSTerminateContext| domain:10 code:0x8BADF00D explanation:scene-create watchdog transgression: application<>:76912 exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 10.00 seconds | ProcessVisibility: Background | ProcessState: Running | WatchdogEvent: scene-create | WatchdogVisibility: Foreground | WatchdogCPUStatistics: ( | "Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 6.840 (user 6.840, system 0.000), 9% CPU", | "Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 0.000, 0% CPU" | ) reportType:CrashLog maxTerminationResistance:Interactive>

Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue:

Thread 0 Crashed:

0       libsystem_platform.dylib      	0x1cbeb9258 0x1cbeb4000 + 0x5258	// _sigtramp + 0x0
1       uYou.dylib                    	0x10d716430 0x10c538000 + 0x11de430	// 0x011de370 + 0xc0
2       uYou.dylib                    	0x10d6ff824 0x10c538000 + 0x11c7824	// 0x011c7750 + 0xd4
3       UIKitCore                     	0x183dd8f70 0x183209000 + 0xbcff70	// -[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:] + 0x64
4       UIKitCore                     	0x1837101c4 0x183209000 + 0x5071c4	// -[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:] + 0xd0
5       Module_Framework              	0x106f31b70 0x1057c8000 + 0x1769b70	// 0x01769a1c + 0x154
6       UIKitCore                     	0x183710518 0x183209000 + 0x507518	// -[UIControl _sendActionsForEvents:withEvent:] + 0x164
7       UIKitCore                     	0x18370ed7c 0x183209000 + 0x505d7c	// -[UIControl touchesEnded:withEvent:] + 0x218
8       UIKitCore                     	0x183e175dc 0x183209000 + 0xc0e5dc	// -[UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent:] + 0x3dc
9       UIKitCore                     	0x183e18f44 0x183209000 + 0xc0ff44	// -[UIWindow sendEvent:] + 0xf88
10      Module_Framework              	0x106c6dfac 0x1057c8000 + 0x14a5fac	// -[YTMainWindow sendEvent:] + 0x214
11      UIKitCore                     	0x183df22cc 0x183209000 + 0xbe92cc	// -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 0x2c8
12      UIKitCore                     	0x183e7c1ec 0x183209000 + 0xc731ec	// __dispatchPreprocessedEventFromEventQueue + 0x1cc0
13      UIKitCore                     	0x183e7f1a4 0x183209000 + 0xc761a4	// __processEventQueue + 0x193c
14      UIKitCore                     	0x183e76650 0x183209000 + 0xc6d650	// __eventFetcherSourceCallback + 0xa0
15      CoreFoundation                	0x18139a76c 0x1812f9000 + 0xa176c	// __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 0x1c
16      CoreFoundation                	0x18139a668 0x1812f9000 + 0xa1668	// __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 0xd0
17      CoreFoundation                	0x181399960 0x1812f9000 + 0xa0960	// __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 0x10c
18      CoreFoundation                	0x181393a8c 0x1812f9000 + 0x9aa8c	// __CFRunLoopRun + 0x338
19      CoreFoundation                	0x18139321c 0x1812f9000 + 0x9a21c	// CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x258
20      GraphicsServices              	0x198e97784 0x198e94000 + 0x3784	// GSEventRunModal + 0xa4
21      UIKitCore                     	0x183dd1fe0 0x183209000 + 0xbc8fe0	// -[UIApplication _run] + 0x430
22      UIKitCore                     	0x183dd7854 0x183209000 + 0xbce854	// UIApplicationMain + 0xa8
23      YouTube (*)                   	0x10436bf64 0x104358000 + 0x13f64
24      libdyld.dylib                 	0x1810536b0 0x181052000 + 0x16b0	// start + 0x4

Home tab broken

The home tab is only showing 3 videos and shorts. Does not refresh the list when i pull down.

Pleasr need help its a really urgemt matter

Houston we have a big problem. Ever since i updated to ios 14.7, the YouTube app had a problem where it only loaded 3-4 videos on the feed and cant scroll below that. This issue persists in all the tweaked Youtube versions too, even in uYou+, and i tried cercube, better cercube, YTjailed, Ytreborn. Every single one of them has this problem.

The only fix i found is changing dark mode to light mode and then refreshing the feed and then turn back on dark mode.(sometimes i have to do it multiple times and its really frustrating) In settings you should have set the appearance setting to "Use device theme" and this isnt available in uYou+ 1.3, it only has a toggle for dark mode on or off, but the v1.2 has, so i keep using it.

Its definitely a problem in the original YouTube, coz the issue persists in the original non modded youtube also. It might either be a problem with the ios update.

If you can find any solutions please it would be really helpful. I think using an older version of YouTube will fix the problem but u cant sign in to your google account because u get a pop up to update Youtube.

[Feature Request] A way to share downloaded Videos between different YouTube instances

I have thought about this in the past, but I had no need for it, and I didn't know if this is possible with different bundle IDs, but after seeing you adding support for importing videos from Cercube, I thought this wouldn't be a bad idea.

With the new "developer identity" trick to sign uYou with Appdb Pro, I'd like to switch completely from AltStore to Appdb Pro, but I'd rather not have to download all of my videos again.

[Feature Request] UI color settings

Tweaks like YTReborn would allow you to modify the UI's color (mainly to get OLED black), but it's no longer updated, and uYou is better.


Feature Request: Hide Explore Tab

Mostly on iPad and devices with tweak YTReExplore installed, you will get Explore tab instead of Shorts tab. Similar to other tabs that can be hidden by uYou, we should be able to hide Explore tab too.

v1.6.1 update

I got a update tips for v 1.6.1,but where I can find this version

A way to import Cercube's downloaded audios/videos

Is there a way - even if it is a manual way - to import Cercube's downloaded a/v into uYou?
I have a lot of downloaded a/v and it is a bit of a hassle to go write their names and get them all again.
Maybe a way to rename the files like the uYou naming scheme and a way to generate that plist file that accompanies the audio/video file.

A few enhancements.

Good day,

I recently switched from a combo of cercube + youtube reborn, to uYou, and I am liking it so far. Thank you for such an amazing tweak.
A couple of suggestions/enhancements, take from youtube reborn. Like "disable video endscreen popups", "disable video info cards", "hide channel watermark".

[Bug] Hide buttons under video player not working for some buttons

The feature to hide buttons under the video player seems to not work for some buttons.

It doesn't work for the "save", "share" and "create short" buttons. No matter what I do, these buttons will always get shown to me. Even disabling every single button (which normally should crash the app) gives me the following results:



[Feature Request] Zoom options/free zoom

YouTube only supports the standard aspect ratio or full zoom to 19.5/9 ratio on newer iPhones. I don't know if this is possible, but additional zoom levels (especially 18/9) or free zoom would be really nice to have, because I feel the full zoom omits to much content.


Hello bro i install the Ipa using Appdb pro on non jb device when downloading complete it give error Http status :200


Feature request

I would like to see a feature to set up a default tab when opening the app. Hopefully it could be added.

YouTube crashes when changing video speed with uYou

  • iOS 14.3/checkra1n/Substitute

  • YouTube 16.32.6

  • uYou 1.5. uYou is the only YouTube tweak I installed

  • How to reproduce the issue:

  1. Play a video, change video speed with uYou.
  2. Close the video.
  3. Important: preview another video (few seconds) before opening it.
  4. Changing the video speed, YouTube app will crash

[Bug] Downloaded videos not in the right order

I found a small bug in the video sorting algorithm. It seems to ignore the difference between AM and PM. For example videos downloaded at 11 AM will be shown as newer than videos downloaded at 3 PM on the same day, I assume because 11 gets interpreted as later than 3.


Maybe this has something to do with me being in a region, that doesn't use AM and PM, but the 24h format instead.

Loop dosent work

Loop option from YouTube dosent work, it just skips to the next video

The only way to solve it or similar is to download the video and put it in download

[Feature Request] Disable Auto Captions

YouTube's automatic subtitles are really annoying, and the worst part, they can't be disabled for the app.

The desktop version for browsers has a feature like that, but unfortunately it only gets applied to the browser.

Please add an option to disable auto captions for the YouTube app.

[Bug] YouTube videos unresponsive directly after search

This is an old bug, that I didn't come around reporting. Basically you can't open a Video directly after searching. Tapping on them does nothing, except highlighting them really shortly.

To fix this, you have to scroll the page a tiny bit. Here a video demonstrating this behavior:


Tested sideloaded IPA on iPhone 12 Max (iOS 15)

Share sheet not working properly for downloaded items

When trying to access the share sheet for downloaded videos (via uYou, not YouTube Premium), share sheet is not working as intended. It makes it impossible to use actions like saving to the files app.

appearing in the latest uYou on 2020 iPad Pro.

Feature Request: Switchable tabs

I think it would be very handy for a lot of users if we could switch the tabs from the bottom bar around as we like. It would be very useful for me at least, because I just can't get used to the library tab not being the rightmost one.

Bonus request: I'm seeing a lot of videos with a "Thanks" button below the player lately. Users should be able to hide that button as well.


Also the "Hide Create Shorts Button" option doesn't seem to work for me, as you can see.

iOS 15 support

I can't sign uYou for iOS 15. I get this error:

Signature failed: Does not support encrypted ipa packets

Fullscreen rotation direction toggle

Would you consider adding an option in uYou that changes fullscreen rotation from right to left? I have my phone on a stand in vertical position, I lay down and watch in fullscreen but the image is upside down. There is a workaround with accessibility shortcuts, but it's very cumbersome. Thanks for yout great app.

[Feature Request] Option to deactivate **automatic** subtitles for Videos, that are not in the same language, as the system

I made a very similar suggestion yesterday, but it seems I wasn't clear enough, I'm sorry.

YouTube has this very annoying habit of automatically enabling subtitles every single time I start a video (if english subtitles are available), even for the same videos I already disabled subtitles for.

When I deactivate subtitles for the video (as you suggested yesterday) it only works for this one video, and only for one time.

I recorded my screen to show this behavior to you:


I hope what I meant is understandable now. An option to deactivate these automatic subtitles would be great, it's one of the last things that drive me crazy.


Changing the system language to english (which is not optimal for me) fixed the problem for english videos only.

Now German videos get automatic subtitles. I didn't get automatic subtitles on German videos before, probably because my system language has been set to German.

I can conclude that subtitles, as far as they exist, are automatically enabled for videos, that are in a different language than your system.

You can encounter this behavior with this German video:

Uyou+ Nav bar disssapearing

whenever you click on the [uyou+] tab while watching a video. the nav bar to get to home, subscriptions , etc disappears for some reason. The only way to bring it back is to either click on the channel info on the video that you are watching or completely restart the app itself. Also white you're on the channel info if you press back while youre still on the [uyou] tab, the app completely crashes. I only have an ipad pro and I do not know if this issue occurs on other devices. I have uploaded a footage below.

This was on uyou+ ver 1.7 latest



[Feature Request] Show own playlist in menus instead of „watch later“

I hardly ever use the "Watch Later" playlist in YouTube, except for the occasional accidental misclick, but when users want to save a video to any other playlist, it requires an extra click

I think it would be a very distinguishing feature, if users could choose one of their own playlists to be displayed in the context menu instead of "watch later", or even better, if the last used playlist is shown instead. There are a number of good options.


I have never seen this feature anywhere else, so I think it could be a nice addition :)

[Bug] "Hiding buttons under the video player" doesn't work on sideloaded version (IPA)

  • iOS 14.3/14.5/15.0: Tested on at least 3 devices.

  • YouTube 16.37.3 & uYou 2.0 from your Github.

  • Sideload tool: AltStore (free account), appdb pro, iOS App Signer (Development certificate & Wildcard profile).

  • Describe the bug: Basically, Hiding YouTube buttons under the video player doesn't work at all if you use the IPA. It works perfectly with uYou from Cydia.

Can’t install problem

I have a problem when I unzip the file it's as "app" and not as "ipa" extension..
I'm I doing something false?
Best regards

"Remove Shorts section in YT Home

  • iOS 14.3/checkra1n/Substitute.

  • YouTube 16.35.4.

  • uYou 1.7. uYou is the only YouTube tweak I use.

  • How to reproduce the issue:

  1. Enable “Remove Shorts Section in YT Home”
  2. Scrolling on the Home tab, or Subscription tab... until you see a “Shorts” section or “Stories” section, YouTube will crash.
    (everything is fine if “Remove Shorts Section in YT Home” is disabled.

uYou not working

I have a problem, I installed uYou and I don't see it anywhere. After opening youtube I don't have uYou icon anywhere and nothing is blocked. My ios system 14.3 iphone 12 pro max unc0ver jailbreak 6.1.2

[Bug] "Remove Shorts section in YT Home" doesn't work correctly

  • iOS 14.3/checkra1n/Substitute.

  • YouTube 16.35.4.

  • uYou 1.7. uYou is the only YouTube tweak I use.

  • How to reproduce the issue:

  1. Enable “Remove Shorts Section in YT Home”
  2. Scrolling on the Home tab, or Subscription tab... until you see a “Shorts” section or “Stories” section, YouTube will crash.
    (everything is fine if “Remove Shorts Section in YT Home” is disabled.

[Feature Request] An option to disable "Custom Double Tap To Seek Time"

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