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msvtk's Issues

Default button doesn't show up correctly

  • Start VTKButtons demo
  • File/ Open... a vtk file

-> A warning is generated: The interactor must be set prior to enabling the widget
-> the VTK button label doesn't show up, one needs to toggle FlyTo checkbox to trigger the rendering (and the button still doesn't show up). Maybe update() should be called in msvQVTKButtonsMainWindowPrivate::addVTKButton()
-> toolButton->setShowButton(true) should be the value of the checkbox
-> msvQVTKButtonsMainWindowPrivate::addVTKButton() should probably call setShowLabel on the button.
-> there is trash (e.g. "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY") in the tooltip text (and it sometimes crash). You can't use vtkSetMacro when setting text (in msvVTKButtonsInterface), you must use vtkSetStringMacro instead.

FFS demo cleanup

update help dialog -> the current help dialog is a copy/paste from ECG dialog
If view menu should be empty, then remove from toolbar.
Make sure ffs correctly packages (IBAMR is packaged too)
Move Libs/IBTK into Libs/IBAMR -> don't make 2 libraries for the same thing

Factorize OnCenter/OnCorner/CornerIndex properties

The msvVTKButtons properties OnCenter, OnCorner and CornerIndex are a bit confusing.

I would suggest instead to factorize those properties in 2:

enum LocationType
  OnDataCenter = 0,
  OnDataCorner = 1,
  OnScreenCorner =2
vtkSetMacro(Location, int);
vtkGetMacro(Location, int);

enum ScreenCornerType
  BottomLeft = 0,
  BottomRight = 1,
  TopLeft = 2,
  TopRight = 3
vtkSetMacro(ScreenCorner, int);
vtkGetMacro(ScreenCorner, int);

This would gives the ability to easily extend the list of possible locations.

GridViewer Demo Application

Add GridViewer application for demonstrating new MSVTK filters and existing VTK features supporting multi-scale and spatio-temporal visualisation.

Unnecessary button callback properties

In msvVTKButtons, vtkButtonCallback has unnecessary data members, only msvVTKButtons *ToolButton is required, all the other ones can be retrieved via ToolButton.

msvVTKButtons data/bounds

When setting data on msvVTKButtons, it could automatically use those bounds (internally call SetBounds).

Fix GridViewer warnings

/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Applications/GridViewer/msvGridViewerPipeline.cxx: In member function ‘int msvGridViewerPipeline::readGridFile(const char*)’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Applications/GridViewer/msvGridViewerPipeline.cxx:478: warning: unused variable ‘inputAlgorithm’

vtk button could support QIcon

QIcons have the property to supporting different state for a button.
It would be great if those images could be the ones used by the msvVTKButtons. It seems that vtkTexturedButtonRepresentation2D would support it.

Move msvQVTKButtons into Libs/VTK/Widgets ?

I believe msvQVTKButtons and msvQVTKButtonsAction don't really depend on Qt but could depend solely on VTK.

Maybe we should try to move them (rename and re-style to follow VTK style) into MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets ?
I hope that it would make it more usable. For example, in Slicer (and I believe in other framework), VTK and Qt are quite separated.

Apply MSVTK style to QVTKButtons classes

A coding style has been defined for MSVTK, we should try to respect the syle as much as possible:
The coding style is not perfect and probably lack some rules. Feel free to discuss rules.

This non exhaustive list of files doesn't respect the MSVTK style guide:

Here are some of the style issues:

Crash in vtkButtons application

Open vtkButtons application
File -> Open
Instead of selecting a file, click "Cancel"
-> crash in msvQVTKButtonsMainWindowPrivate::addVTKButton

msvVTKGraphics configuration errors

CMake Error at CMake/msvMacroSimpleTest.cmake:22 (add_test):
  Error evaluating generator expression:


  No target "msvVTKGraphicsCxxTests"
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMake/msvMacroSimpleTest.cmake:35 (msv_test)
  CMake/msvMacroSimpleTest.cmake:41 (simple_test)
  Libs/VTK/Graphics/Testing/Cpp/CMakeLists.txt:19 (simple_test_with_data) doesn't redirect on

When I type "" in the URL bar of my browser, it attends to log me in and fails at re-routing me on "".
Could "" automatically redirect on ""? I believe it's rare enough that someone type "www." before a URL.


msvVTKWidgetClusters doesn't build on visual studio

10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(59) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::New' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(33) : see previous definition of 'New'
10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(63) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(39) : see previous definition of '{ctor}'
10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(69) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::~msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(40) : see previous definition of '{dtor}'
10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(77) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::RequestData' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(43) : see previous definition of 'RequestData'
10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(178) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::GetRadius' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(35) : see previous definition of 'GetRadius'
10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(183) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::GetRadii' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(36) : see previous definition of 'GetRadii'
10>4>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.cxx(188) : warning C4273: 'msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::PrintSelf' : inconsistent dll linkage
10>4>        e:\work\msv\msvtk\msvtk\libs\vtk\filtering\msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.h(31) : see previous definition of 'PrintSelf'
10>4>   Creating library E:\work\MSV\MSVTK\MSVTK-R64\MSVTK-build\bin\Release\msvVTKFiltering.lib and object E:\work\MSV\MSVTK\MSVTK-R64\MSVTK-build\bin\Release\msvVTKFiltering.exp
10>4>msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) const msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::`vftable'" (__imp_??_7msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources@@6B@) referenced in function "protected: __cdecl msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources(void)" (??0msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources@@IEAA@XZ)
10>4>msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: virtual char const * __cdecl msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::GetClassNameInternal(void)const " (?GetClassNameInternal@msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources@@EEBAPEBDXZ)
10>4>msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __cdecl msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::IsA(char const *)" (?IsA@msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources@@UEAAHPEBD@Z)
10>4>msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual class vtkObjectBase * __cdecl msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources::NewInstanceInternal(void)const " (?NewInstanceInternal@msvVTKBoundaryEdgeSources@@MEBAPEAVvtkObjectBase@@XZ)
10>4>E:\work\MSV\MSVTK\MSVTK-R64\MSVTK-build\bin\Release\msvVTKFiltering.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals
10>4>Build log was saved at "file://e:\work\MSV\MSVTK\MSVTK-R64\MSVTK-build\Libs\VTK\Filtering\msvVTKFiltering.dir\Release\BuildLog.htm"
10>4>msvVTKFiltering - 5 error(s), 7 warning(s)
7>3>msvVTKWidgetClustersTest1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class msvVTKWidgetClusters * __cdecl msvVTKWidgetClusters::New(void)" (?New@msvVTKWidgetClusters@@SAPEAV1@XZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl vtkNew<class msvVTKWidgetClusters>::vtkNew<class msvVTKWidgetClusters>(void)" (??0?$vtkNew@VmsvVTKWidgetClusters@@@@QEAA@XZ)

See other class declarations in Widgets directory ( -> MSV_VTK_WIDGETS_EXPORT )

Add git hook to enforce commit style

Commits must contain a reference to a github issue. The issue number must be prefixed with '#'.
Example of a valid commit message:

Add git hook to enforce issue number in commit message

Closes #7

CMake warnings

There are several warnings concerning not used variables passed to the external projects.

Change msvVTKPolyDataFileSeriesReader to use vtkDataReader

Provide a concrete implementation of msvVTKFileSeriesReader based on vtkDataReader which supports any reader derived from it, including vtkPolyDataReader. This can replace the polydata-only file series reader. Update tests and example to use new class.

vtkMergeDataObjectFilter does not propagate time.

I've been using the time series reader with vtkDataObject to read pure time-varying field data to merge into a non time-varying dataset with vtkMergeDataObjectFilter. I've found it doesn't report the time steps and time range from the data object.

This can be solved by adding a RequestInformation() method that propagates time; this largely copied from vtkProbeFilter:

int vtkMergeDataObjectFilter::RequestInformation(
vtkInformation _vtkNotUsed(request),
vtkInformationVector *_inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
if (this->GetNumberOfInputConnections(1) > 0)
// get the info objects
vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
vtkInformation *dataObjectInfo = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(0);
return 1;

Even though this works for my data, I'm unsatisfied by this code and have some questions:
What happens if the input is time-varying but the data object is not?
What happens if both are time-varying but with different time steps and range?
Are there standard methods for merging time information from two sources?

Cleanup msv?VTKButtons???

a) Minor design changes have been suggested as comments here: 04ff834

b) Apply MSVTK style to code:

  • 2 space for indentation
  • prefer SafeDownCast to reinterpret_cast/static_cast
  • Use Superclass to mother class calls
  • Prefer pre-increment over post-increment (++i instead of i++)
  • #ifndef/#define follow the convention __filename_h
  • Add space after if and for

Fix VTK Buttons warnings

/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtons.cxx:55: warning: unused parameter ‘caller’
[ 10%] [ 11%] Building CXX object Libs/VTK/Filtering/Testing/Cpp/CMakeFiles/msvVTKFilteringCxxTests.dir/msvVTKPolyDataBoundaryEdgeCapsTest1.cxx.o
Building CXX object Libs/VTK/Widgets/CMakeFiles/msvVTKWidgets.dir/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object Libs/VTK/Graphics/Testing/Cpp/CMakeFiles/msvVTKGraphicsCxxTests.dir/msvVTKEmbeddedProbeFilterTest1.cxx.o
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:52: warning: unused parameter ‘caller’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:83: warning: unused parameter ‘caller’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx: In constructor ‘vtkSliderInteractionCallback::vtkSliderInteractionCallback()’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:132: warning: ‘vtkSliderInteractionCallback::ToolButton’ will be initialized after
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:131: warning:   ‘vtkRenderer* vtkSliderInteractionCallback::Renderer’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:130: warning:   when initialized here
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx: In constructor ‘vtkSliderStartInteractionCallback::vtkSliderStartInteractionCallback()’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:160: warning: ‘vtkSliderStartInteractionCallback::ToolButton’ will be initialized after
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:159: warning:   ‘vtkRenderer* vtkSliderStartInteractionCallback::Renderer’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:158: warning:   when initialized here
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx: In member function ‘void msvVTKButtonsGroup::GetCameraPositionOnPath(double, double*)’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:379: warning: unused variable ‘resetBounds’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsInterface.cxx: In constructor ‘msvVTKButtonsInterface::msvVTKButtonsInterface()’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsInterface.cxx:49: warning: unused variable ‘Bounds’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKButtonsManager.cxx:43: warning: unused parameter ‘caller’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtons.cxx: In constructor ‘msvQVTKButtonsPrivate::msvQVTKButtonsPrivate(msvQVTKButtons&)’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtons.cxx:90: warning: ‘msvQVTKButtonsPrivate::VtkButton’ will be initialized after
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtons.cxx:89: warning:   ‘msvQVTKButtons* const msvQVTKButtonsPrivate::q_ptr’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtons.cxx:133: warning:   when initialized here
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtons.cxx: At global scope:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtons.cxx:165: warning: unused parameter ‘parent’
[ 35%] Building CXX object Libs/Qt/Widgets/CMakeFiles/msvQtWidgets.dir/msvQVTKButtonsInterface.cxx.o
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsGroup.cxx: In constructor ‘msvQVTKButtonsGroupPrivate::msvQVTKButtonsGroupPrivate(msvQVTKButtonsGroup&)’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:50: warning: ‘msvQVTKButtonsGroupPrivate::VtkButtonsGroup’ will be initialized after
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:48: warning:   ‘msvQVTKButtonsGroup* const msvQVTKButtonsGroupPrivate::q_ptr’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsGroup.cxx:76: warning:   when initialized here
[ 36%] Building CXX object Libs/Qt/Widgets/CMakeFiles/msvQtWidgets.dir/msvQVTKButtonsManager.cxx.o
[ 37%] Building CXX object Libs/Qt/Widgets/CMakeFiles/msvQtWidgets.dir/moc_msvQTimePlayerWidget.cxx.o
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsInterface.cxx: In constructor ‘msvQVTKButtonsInterfacePrivate::msvQVTKButtonsInterfacePrivate(msvQVTKButtonsInterface&)’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsInterface.cxx:38: warning: ‘msvQVTKButtonsInterfacePrivate::VtkButtonsInterface’ will be initialized after
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsInterface.cxx:37: warning:   ‘msvQVTKButtonsInterface* const msvQVTKButtonsInterfacePrivate::q_ptr’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsInterface.cxx:88: warning:   when initialized here
[ 38%] Building CXX object Libs/Qt/Widgets/CMakeFiles/msvQtWidgets.dir/moc_msvQVTKButtons.cxx.o
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/Qt/Widgets/msvQVTKButtonsManager.cxx:85: warning: unused parameter ‘parent’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKSliderFixedRepresentation2D.cxx: In member function ‘virtual void msvVTKSliderFixedRepresentation2D::BuildRepresentation()’:
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKSliderFixedRepresentation2D.cxx:172: warning: unused variable ‘tx’
/Users/exxos/Work/MSVTK/MSVTK/Libs/VTK/Widgets/msvVTKSliderFixedRepresentation2D.cxx:173: warning: unused variable ‘ty’


Add a variant to vtkProbeFilter where sample locations (cell number, parametric coordinates) are prescribed by point field arrays.

Extra rendering view created for each button

On Ubuntu 12.04.1, I build MSVTK in Release mode
a) Start vtkbuttons demo
b) Load a polydata .vtk file
-> the data is correctly loaded.
=> an extra black window (~100x100) is created in the top left corner of my desktop.
an extra window is created for each loaded dataset
Screenshot from 2013-02-04 08:36:58

Cleanup vtkbuttons main window

In the vtkbuttons application example:

  • the help dialog (in Help/About VTKButtons application) has not been changed from ECG application.
  • the time slider in the main window should be removed
  • as well as the VTKButtons Panel (and its menu bar entry)

Fix ButtonClusters warnings

Visual Studio warnings:

2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(512) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(514) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(558) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(623) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(634) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(638) : warning C4267: '=' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(747) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(776) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(805) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(806) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(830) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
2>..\..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Libs\VTK\Widgets\msvVTKWidgetClusters.cxx(831) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
13>..\..\..\..\MSVTK\Applications\ButtonClusters\msvQButtonClustersMainWindow.cxx(266) : warning C4267: 'initializing' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

Compilation warnings

C:\work\D\MSVTK\MSVTK-Superbuild-Debug-64bits-nightly-4.7.3-CMake 2.8.8\VTK\Rendering\vtkPickingManager.cxx(468): warning C4267: 'return' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

C:\work\D\MSVTK\MSVTK-Superbuild-Debug-64bits-nightly-4.7.3-CMake 2.8.8\VTK\Rendering\vtkPickingManager.cxx(489): warning C4267: 'return' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

C:\work\D\MSVTK\MSVTK-Superbuild-Debug-64bits-nightly-4.7.3-CMake 2.8.8\CTK\Libs\Core\ctkErrorLogFDMessageHandler.cpp(140): warning C4996: 'fileno': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _fileno. See online help for details.

Fix URLs on

Tested with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome on Ubuntu.
Open browser
Go to
Click "Documentation" in the toolbar of the website
-> not a valid URL

As a minor side note, I think that the box icon (used for the Applications category in the website ) has a lot of artefact due to some previous JPG encoding. Maybe it could be nice to "clean it up".

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