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๐Ÿค– A simple bot to translate JSON HTTP requests into Telegram push messages

License: MIT License

Go 88.81% Dockerfile 0.67% Python 2.83% HTML 5.78% Shell 1.90%
telegram chatbot devops chatops telegram-bot hacktoberfest

telepush's Issues

Feature Request: Support arm64 architecture

Hi, I built telepush on arm64 (aarch64) locally and everything seems to work fine. The build doesnt take long, but of course would be nice to just pull a published image from the project. For arm64, I did not need to make any changes to build it locally, so hopefully should not be hard. I can help testing if needed.

PS: support for e.g. arm32 (armhf) would be also nice. Both of these would open the project for the fairly numerous raspberryPi's user-base

Add request option to disable parsing text as Markdown

When a message contains reserved Markdown characters without actually being Markdown (e.g. a single _, a single [, etc.). Telegram will respond with an error.

'Bad Request: can't parse entities: Can't find end of the entity starting at byte offset 20'

There should be a request option so that suers can explicitly disable Markdown.

Sender blacklist

Introduce a way to blacklist certain user IDs for both incoming updates and outgoing messages. Update messages from them as well as outgoing messages to them will simply be discarded.

Idea: Webmentions Inlet

Middleman bot should be able to act as a receiver for Webmentions. That is, it should be able to process an x-www-form-urlencdoded POST request like the following, send out a notification and return 202.

Request Example:

POST /api/inlets/webmention HTTP/1.1
Host: middleman.yourserver.tld
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The only problem here is that the Webmention request performed by its sender will not contain any information about the Telegram recipient, i.e. there is no way to transmit a recipient_token and therefore no way to route the notification to a registered user.

Proposal: Introduce a way to configure the bot using commands, including the ability to set inlet-specific parameters. E.g. a new /config command might be introduced that requires two arguments, corresponding to key and value. These key-value pairs are persisted at the server and used for any kind of configuration โ€“ in this case for routing Webmention notifications. Specifically, a Middleman user might "subscribe" herself to incoming Webmentions for a certain domain: /config inlet.webmentions.subscription "". This will tell the bot to notify Alice about a new Webmention containing any URL under "" as a target.

One problem with the above proposal is that it doesn't feature any type of authorization. If you are Alice, hosting a middleman instance with multiple users, any of those users could practically subscribe to your Webmentions. I'd consider that acceptable for now, but if anyone comes up with a better approach, please let me know!

Invalid character response using requests in Python

I'm really excited to message myself via MiddleManBot to alert me when trailhead spots open for the John Muir Trail.

I'm calling the public bot in python as follows:

url = ""
payload = {
    'recipient_token': my_token,
    'text': my_text,
    'origin': my_app,
import requests
response =, data=payload)

I'm getting a response with status code 400, whose text is:

invalid character 'r' looking for beginning of value

Any idea what the issue could be?

Attach file to messages

How hard could be to implement the possibility to attach a file to the message sent to the bot?

Use specific, platform-independent data types

Hi, I build my own docker image for Raspberry Pi (armhf) using your repo. I needed to make one small change in Dockerfile (add one line - RUN apk add git - so should not change anything). The build was fine, but after starting the container and starting a chat with my bot, I get the following error (of course, ID changed):

2022/04/14 12:19:19 error getting updates: json: cannot unmarshal number 1234567890 into Go struct field of type int

Any idea what might be wrong? Could it be connected to a different arch?

failed to read store from /srv/data/store.gob

I'm getting this error when run telepush with docker:

docker run --rm \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -v /opt/telepush:/srv \
        --name telepush \
        telepush \
        -mode webhook \
        -token my-token \
        -metrics \
        -dataDir /srv/data \
        -urlSecret secret \
        -whitelist /srv/whitelist.txt

any advice?

Allow disable link previews when sending message

Is it possible to disable link previews when sending a message with this bot? If not, can that functionality be added?

It looks like it's possible through the Telegram Bot API, but I can't get it to work with the webhook2telegram bot. Specifically, the sendMessage method takes a disable_web_page_preview but when I pass that parameter into my POST request for this bot, it has no effect.


I'm using the Python requests library to send a message that contains a link.

import requests

payload = {
    "recipient_token": "my-token-value",
    "text": "here's [a link](",
    "origin": "MyBot",
    "disable_web_page_preview": True,  # this has no effect

url = ""
mmb_response =, json=payload)  # this sends the message

Here's what the message looks like when I receive it. I don't want the link preview included in the message.

Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 5 01 14 PM

Switch to config-based inlet adapter format

I want ease the process of adding new inlets without having to modify the actual code and recompile the app. Instead, come up with a JSON- / YAML- / INI-based config format for inlets, that can be switched out at runtime.

High-entropy tokens.

I tried to start TelepushBot and it issued me a token that consist of just six hex characters.
Does it mean that one can guess the token or just annoy random people by sending random messages though TelepushBot?
Should TelepushBot issue longer, more random tokens?

Idea: Web Reporting API Inlet


  1. Make some web server return Report-To header
Report-To { "group": "reporting-1", "max_age": 10886400, "endpoints": [{ "url": "" }] }
  1. Make webhook2telegram accept JSON like this
  "type": "csp",
  "age": 10,
  "url": "",
  "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0",
  "body": {
    "blocked": "",
    "directive": "script-src",
    "policy": "script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'",
    "status": 200,
    "referrer": ""

Bot is leaking ...

After few days of idling the bot is responding with '500 Internal Server Error', and it looks like it's leaking file descriptors:

ls /proc/25802/fd |wc -l

Idea: whitelist mode

Also known as "allowlist" mode.

Currently the blacklist (also known as "blocklist") allows any user to register a key and use this service as long as they are not blocked. I'm interested in an "allowlist" mode which only allows a group of authorized users to use this service.

Store not thread safe

StorePut put is executed from messageHandler, we might have a situation with a race condition.

Telegram API size limitation 4096?

Hey there! We try to use telepush for alertmanager notifications from our clusters. But we encounter situation, when not all notifications are delivered. After some investigations:

ts=XXXXXXXXXXXXX caller=dispatch.go:352 level=error component=dispatcher msg="Notify for alerts failed" num_alerts=21 err="telepush/webhook[0]: notify retry canceled due to unrecoverable error after 1 attempts: unexpected status code 400: message too long (max is 4096 characters)"

Some software deployed with Helm have multiply labels, and it`s easy-to-go to step over this limit. How this issue can be sold? Maybe force Telepush to short notifications size for Telegram eats it?

Idea: Kubernetes example

Hey! May be useful for someone... I can share ready k8s configs to deploy.

You need to change just 2 things:

  • pvc.yaml: spec.storageClassName
  • kubernetes.yaml: (in base64)
  • kubernetes.yaml: Deployment.spec,args (add/change as you wish)

I can create a Helm-chart for Telepush if it is needed. But everything is working well with this configs so far so good.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: telepush-secret
  namespace: default
type: Opaque
  token: XXXX
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: telepush
  namespace: default
    app: telepush
  replicas: 1
      app: telepush
        app: telepush
      - name: telepush
        - -mode
        - poll
        - -truncateMsgs
        - "true"
        - name: telepush-data
          mountPath: /srv/data
        - containerPort: 8080
        - name: APP_TOKEN
              name: telepush-secret
              key: token
      - name: telepush-data
          claimName: telepush-pvc
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: telepush
  namespace: default
    app: telepush
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
  type: ClusterIP


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: telepush-pvc
  namespace: default
    - ReadWriteOnce
  storageClassName: microk8s-hostpath
      storage: 100Mi

Whitelist not working with group chat_id


Whitelist doesn't work with group chat id (with negative sign), something like -123456789
It seems to work well with users chat_id that doesn't have the minus sign.

I haven't tested with Blacklist.

I'm using self-hosted bot with docker image version 3.3.0

I have tested a whitelist file with:
user chat id + group chat id (only user chat is permitted)
group chat id (all chats are permitted)

Feature: return 404 on /api/inlets/default and /api/messages in current version


Everything works as expected,
version 3 ( named telepush) removed the /api/messages endpoint,
but rejects it with 405 == "method not allowed", which is technically correct ( more or less ).
Unfortunately this isn't interpreted as failure by curl --fail

scripts used were changed to try v3 (/api/messages/YOUR-Tic-Tac-Token) first ,
but some clients ( not physically reachable ) might still try to use the old method
which does not work unless a frontend proxy is used like this ( nginx example)

    location ~ ^/api/messages$ {
         return 404;
         access_log /dev/null;

so the request is:
Please return 404 on /api/messages and /api/inlets/default ( exact path),
which would be technically correct as well ( endpoint does not exist ) and make "curl --fail" work

Pull Request here: #54

Thank You


(Original Text 2)

* the router seems to fail on 
* * `/api/messages/YOUR-Tic-Tac-Token`
* * `/api/inlets/default/YOUR-Tic-Tac-Token`

( solution/problem: 
in the below "original ticket" text , the endpoint `/api/messages` was blocked by nginx
to speed up the detection of v2/v3 telepush,

however , the "current" docker image does not seem to accept the urls including tokens..

so if you need to send something , the "recipient_token" has to be in json ,
then both "non-tokenized" endpoints `/api/inlets/default` and `api/messages` will work


(Original Text 1)
## Situation:

* had the thingy running in longpoll mode , logs filled up with "destination unreachable" and other warnings
* in a specific chat "sending links" was forbidden for a certain time
* the script used to send the messages is
* thingy did not send to specific chat anymore , but to all the others
* thingy did still respond to "/start" command
* started thingy in webhook mode 
* manually set webhook ( will document in another ticket)
* created a new token ( for the not-working chat )
* new token works
* as many clients ( some physically hard to reach ) use the "damaged" token , some approaches were tried to make the old location work again: 

* * 301/302 redirect  /api/messages/old-token -> /api/messages/new-token : client follows to new location , sends exact same byte size , message is not sent
* * nginx rewrite with extra location /api/messages/old-token /api/messages/new-token ( verified with extra host/port and rewrite_log)

## Your Question was ?
is there any chance to 

* implement a "token re-write" easily 
* debug the internal storage 
* "reset" any error marker for that chat ( if there is smth like that )
*  delete the old token and change a new one
* make it accept 301 requests 
* or "anything that works" ?

Issue: webhook not used

  • current docker image ( ghcr -> muety -> telepush)

  • tried to set secretUrl for setWebhook, thingy did still want me to send /api/updates .. inacceptable (!)

  • from the go code it should be
    ( the default is /api/updates , just if any one googles this )

  • since the thingy did not show the message from source code ( currently LINE 138 , Updates from Telegram are accepted under '/api%s'. Set the webhook accordingly (see\n", botConfig.GetUpdatesPath( )
    nginx was (ab)used and curl was used to set the webhook

relevant parts (nginx):

location /api/ {

    location = /api/updates {
        deny all; return 403;
    location ~ ^/api/messages$ {
         return 404;
         access_log /dev/null;

      location = /api/updates_customstring {
      rewrite  ^/api/updates_customstring$ /api/updates break;
      client_max_body_size 4M;

      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
      proxy_pass http://upstream_signals ;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_redirect     off;


relevant parts(curl)

# clear webhook
curl -F "url="<YOURTOKEN>/setWebhook
curl -F "url=https://<YOURDOMAIN.EXAMPLE>/api/updates_customstring"<YOURTOKEN>/setWebhook

Your Question was ?

  • why is the thingy not using the setUrl parameter ( used in docker compose: APP_URL_SECRET: customtokenthingy)
  • are PR's welcome to document at least the /api/updates endpoint ?


Feature Request: Docker compose example

Hello, first of all thanks for this excellent tool.

I see in the README that there's the Docker run command to execute it in a container. However I was wondering if you could test and provide also a Docker Compose example.

I'm getting an issue where the endpoint to test complains that 'passed token does not relate to a valid user', and I don't know if it might be because I made the wrong conversion to Docker Compose and provided wrongly the access token. The bot works on other applications so it's not a matter of the bot

My docker compose looks currently as follows

    container_name: telepush
    command: '-mode webhook -token ${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /home/my/telepush/directory:/srv/data

Worth mentioning also, I obtained the recipient token you mention by sending a /start message to the bot then copying the Chat ID. Is that correct?

Thanks in advance

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