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multibit-website-legacy's Introduction

Multibit is Deprecated - Do Not Use

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Dear Bitcoin Community,

It is time for us to let Multibit go.

KeepKey acquired Multibit a little over 1 year ago. At the time, the engineers who originally built and supported Multibit had announced that they would no longer be working on it or providing support. Multibit played an important role in the Bitcoin infrastructure. We felt that it was important for Multibit to continue and hoped that with our existing support and development teams, we would be able to keep Multibit alive.

The reality is that Multibit is in need of a lot of work. It has stubborn bugs that have caused us and Multibit users much grief. Additionally, Bitcoin has gone through a fundamental change in regards to the way fees work. The addition of SegWit in the coming weeks will mean the Multibit software has fallen still further behind.

Unfortunately, KeepKey simply does not have the resources to support the current issues, nor to rebuild Multibit to ensure ideal user experience. By focusing our attention on the KeepKey device, we will continue building and improving the best hardware wallet available.

Thus, KeepKey will discontinue support and maintenance of Multibit, effective immediately.

We recommend that all Multibit users discontinue using it and you move your keys to other wallet software of your choosing.

Next Steps for Multibit Users

Videos that demonstrate how to move your wallet to Electrum are available on YouTube.

Please note that the version of Electrum available for download today (version 2.8.3) doesn’t fully support the importing Multibit HD wallet words. The version shown in the Multibit HD video is the soon-to-be-released next version.

Multibit was a fantastic piece of software in its time, and we want to thank the Multibit developers for such an important contribution to Bitcoin’s history.


Ken Heutmaker

CTO, KeepKey

Welcome to the MultiBit Website Repository v4.0.0

Project status: Public beta. Expect minor bugs and API changes.

Build status: Build Status

This branch contains the source for the MultiBit website.

MultiBit Website

From a technical point of view this project uses

  • Java 7+ - Primary language of the app
  • Maven - Build system
  • Dropwizard - Self-contained web server
  • HTML5 and CSS - All pages are simple HTML5 with Bootstrap and Font Awesome
  • LESS - LESS is compiled into CSS to provide succinct stylesheets

Why Dropwizard? We don't want the complexity that comes with an application server or an external servlet container. Dropwizard gives us the simplicity we crave.

We looked at Jekyll, and while it's a great technology, we found it a bit limiting for what we needed from our website.


We follow the "Git Flow" branching strategy.

This means that the latest release is on the master branch (the default) and the latest release candidate is on the develop branch. Any issues are addressed in feature branches from develop and merged in as required.

Getting started

The website is a standard Maven build from a GitHub repository.

Below are some basic instructions for developers.

Verify you have Git

$ git --version

Install git if necessary.

Then, if this is your first time working with the website source code, clone the source code repository (over HTTPS) using:

$ git clone

A sub-directory called multibit-website will be created which is your project root directory.

To update a previous clone of the website use a pull instead:

$ cd <project root>
$ git pull

Verify you have Maven 3+

Most IDEs (such as Intellij Community Edition) come with support for Maven built in, but if not then you may need to install it manually.

IDEs such as Eclipse may require the m2eclipse plugin to be configured.

To quickly check that you have Maven 3+ installed check on the command line:

$ mvn --version

Maven uses a file called pom.xml present in the MultiBit HD source code project directory to provide all the build information.

Build and Preview

There are two ways to run up the project depending on whether you have access to a Java IDE or not.

Start the application (from an IDE)

To run the application within an IDE, simply execute SiteService.main(). You'll need a runtime configuration that passes in server site-config.yml as the Program Arguments.

Start the application (from the command line)

To run the application from the command line, first build from the project root directory (pulling in all sources from upstream):

cd <project root>
mvn clean dependency:sources install

then start the application using the shaded JAR:

java -jar target/site-<version>.jar server site-config.yml

where <project root> is the root directory of the project as checked out through git and <version> is the version as found in pom.xml (e.g. "4.0.0") but you'll see a .jar in the target directory so it'll be obvious.

All commands will work on *nix without modification, use \ instead of / for Windows.

Open a browser to http://localhost:8888/ and you should see the site (8888 is the develop branch port).

Workflow inside an IDE (strongly recommended)

Nobody wants to waste time getting stuff done, so here are some processes that we follow to make changes to the site efficiently.

Changing FTL files (rare)

Changes to the Freemarker templates (.ftl) that wrap the HTML require a restart to be picked up. To optimise this process you should set up a runtime configuration as follows:

  1. Adjust the runtime configuration for SiteService so that it performs both a "make" then a mvn generate-resources
  2. Start the SiteService process and only restart if you make a change to an .ftl file (should be rare)
  3. The restart will automatically generate fresh CSS from the LESS so it may be a quicker workflow
  4. Refresh your browser and verify that Dropwizard serves the resource as a 200 OK rather than 304 NOT MODIFIED if the change is not apparent

Changing only CSS/HTML

Changes to CSS are made by editing the .less files and compiling them through Maven using mvn generate-resources. HTML files can be edited directly. There is no need to restart SiteService if the changes do not involve a .ftl file which is the normal state of affairs.

  1. Create a runtime configuration for mvn generate-resources (no clean) call it "Maven Resources"
  2. Start the SiteService process and leave it running continuously
  3. For CSS, use Firebug/Developer Tools to preview the effect you're after then locate the main.less file and edit to accommodate your changes otherwise
  4. For HTML just edit the appropriate file under src/main/resources/views/html
  5. Run "Maven Resources" to compile main.less to target/classes/assets/css/main.css
  6. Refresh your browser and verify that Dropwizard serves the resource as a 200 OK rather than 304 NOT MODIFIED if the change is not apparent

Workflow outside an IDE (really slow)

If you're running via the command line your workflow is unfortunately a little less efficient.

  1. Run up the site application as detailed in the earlier sections
  2. Use Firebug/Developer Tools to preview the effect you're after
  3. For CSS, use Firebug/Developer Tools to preview the effect you're after then locate the main.less file and edit to accommodate your changes otherwise
  4. For HTML just edit the appropriate file under src/main/resources/views/html
  5. Stop the site application process (CTRL+C)
  6. Run mvn package to rebuild with the newly generated main.css
  7. Restart with java -jar target/site-<version>.jar server site-config.yml
  8. Refresh your browser to observe the change

Clearly an IDE is the better way to go if you think you will have a lot of editing work that will need an incremental approach.


Bitcoin is a global currency and so this site has many translations. If you'd like to contribute your own translation for the pages on offer please use this process:

  1. Find the two letter ISO 639-1 code for your language (fr, en, ja etc)
  2. Copy existing html files from src/main/resources/views/html/{lang}/ according to your source language (e.g. you're a French to Japanese expert so base on fr and copy to ja)
  3. Paste new html files to src/main/resources/views/html/{lang}/ according to your target language
  4. Repeat for image files in src/main/resources/assets/images/{lang} this is for language-specific screenshots that are applicable
  5. Translate all .html and image files as required then issue a pull request

Advanced Usage

The following are for administrators of the site and don't affect most people.


Use src/main/resources/views/ftl/base.ftl to change static elements like the alert and download version.

Building the web support files (site.xml and atom.xml)

Before pushing to GitHub the site.xml and atom.xml files need to be regenerated. This is done by executing the normal Maven build but adding a profile parameter as well:

mvn -DupdateWebSupport=true clean verify

Pushing changes

Push changes to the git repo using

git push production release-4.0.0:master

Where does the ASCII art come from?

The ASCII art for the startup banner was created using the online tool available at TAAG

I like this approach to building a website can I copy it?

Yes. All the code in this repo is under the MIT license so you are welcome to take it and go.

However, this implementation serves the MultiBit site so don't just clone this and run a mirror without first consulting us.

You may be interested in deploying Dropwizard applications on Heroku since their free instances are sufficient for most low to medium traffic sites and they integrate very well with git.

I've spotted a bug in the site what should I do?

Raise an Issue through GitHub and we'll address it. Before diving in make sure that you've checked to see that the issue has not already been raised by another.

multibit-website-legacy's People


bgok avatar davieshuang avatar gary-rowe avatar jeremy-brooks avatar jim618 avatar marclass avatar saivann avatar


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multibit-website-legacy's Issues

help couldn't help

Sir there is nothing like "Troubleshooting" i have checked my File, Trade, View, Tools and help nothing like Troubleshooting please help me to get my wallet back

USB drive instructions out of date

Originally suggested by @jonathancross

It seems the USB drive installation instructions are out of date:

Seems that "multibit.blockchain" was renamed to "multibit.spvchain"?

The mac instructions indicate:
"copy the files and multibit.blockchain onto your USB drive into the same directory".

Seems it should be:
"copy the files and multibit.spvchain onto your USB drive into the same directory".

transaction not going through

i sent $15 of BTC but it did not go through, it says it has only been seen by one peer. my network is fine and i have reset the blockchain and transaction but it still does not work. they are not in my multibit wallet or at the address i sent them to

Fix the UTF-8 rendering

At present the pages are not getting rendered as UTF-8 leading to occasional characters not working correctly in non-English translations.

Synchronising problem

I bought bitcoins and sent them to my account on multibit, but they never arrived. So i did what the support site said and tried resetting the blockchain from the day before. The thing is, after i do that, it keeps "synchronising" forever. i had left my computer in for 3 hours and nothing, I have a screenshot of my messages up to that point if it helps.

Provide French FTL templates and asset structure.

Saivann has kindly offered to provide a French translation of the site. This will require additional support work for templates.

A wider approach may be to introduce templates in all supported languages, but leave them as English. Over time people can translate them through pull requests.

Missing .wallet

I changed the name of my main wallet to My Multibit Wallet.
I then secured the wallet and the bitcoins.
It said the path was user/xxxx/apps/
I closed the wallet not thinking
Went back to open the wallet but the path does not exist.

How do I find the path to my multibit.wallet and multipbit.key to reopen.

I never changed anything in the code or destinations. Search for the file does not find it.


Hi, trying to send two bits from my wallet but the program hangs only endlessly saying sending bit coin...... How long should I wait ? What good is a wallet if you can't spend,transfer?


Lost wallet

Hi there.

I transfered 50btc to the untitled wallet which was successful.
I placed a password on the wallet
I then closed the wallet.
When I tried to reopen the wallet I could not find it. Instead it opened new wallets
There seams to be multiple wallets now available in the "untitled data" folder
sub folders "rolling backup" and "wallet-unenc-backup" but none of them are my original and first wallet.

please help...


Sir i've tried over again & again for the passed one week now i still can't recover my missing wallet by using the "HELP CONTENT" i have tried my best sir, and i have some balance there in my wallets but i was able to locate were my new wallet is but the old ones are not there, sir my request is this since am not very good in computer why don't you guys help me out buy forwarding my balance cash from my older wallet to my new wallet please................
I hope to hearing from you.




Improve explanation of multiple wallets and rolling backups

From Reddit:

"I used Multibit at first, and I really loved the multiple wallet function, and the simplicity of use; however, when it came to backing up my files, the rolling backups were very confusing for me. There didn't seem to be any explanation on your site or any faqs, I searched through r/bitcoin and still couldn't get it. I ended up just importing all of my backup wallets and couldn't really grasp what I could delete to keep things clean. I was mixed up between all of the files, the .key, the .info, and the .wallet, not knowing exactly what to do."

Better documentation is required in this area.

Add Karma ads

People can now integrate karma-ads into the site really easily by pasting the following code in the site:

<iframe src="" style="width:300px; height:30px; margin: 0; border:0px; padding:0; overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no"></iframe>

, replacing the address with their own and adjusting the size. That's all it takes! The following sites have an advert embedded so you can see the different sizes I've set. Note that any size is possible.

People can now create an advert on the site too. It's really easy. They enter it in markdown form. Once an advert is made, they pay to an address (QRCode given as well) and the ad will be put into the mix (still need to automate this part).

Website very slow to load on IPhone 4

On my IPhone 4 the website is so slow it load it is practically unusable.

Not sure if it is the size of the screenshots (in total), the 'matrix' text on the sides or something else.

Maybe we need a simpler landing page for mobile viewing.

Ewallet wont sync

Hey, I'm really new to this whole e-wallet bitcoin deal but i have recently made a transaction and had my bitcoins sent to a wallet on my multi bit wallet manager. I backed up this wallet and stored on a usb, everything was working great until my computer crashed. Now when i open Multibit my ewallet doesnt appear. When i open my ewallet manually, it gets stuck on syncing and an error happens it never starts the sync. this is my message log
The user data directory is "null\MultiBit".
The installation directory is "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14".
Unable to load blockchain "null\MultiBit\multibit.spvchain". The error was " null\MultiBit\multibit.spvchain (The system cannot find the path specified)".
org.multibit.file.WalletSaveException Cannot save wallet 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet
Created wallet "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet".
Could not load the wallet file "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet".
The error message was "Cannot backup wallet 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet"
Opening wallet "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\Untitled.wallet"...
... done.
Starting blockchain replay from network...
Replaying blockchain from date "Jan 3, 2009"
Stopping Bitcoin network connection...
The new wallet "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet" could not be created. The error was "Cannot backup wallet 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet". Loading...

The new wallet "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet" could not be created. The error was "Cannot backup wallet 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\MultiBit-0.5.14\null\MultiBit\multibit.wallet".
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Menu padding is inconsistent

Strangely, I can't seem to find the right CSS file in this repo and make a pull request.

That said, the current live website would benefit from the following changes :

menu li a, #menu li a:active, #menu li a:visited, #menu li a:link{

(Remove height)

menu li{

(Remove float)
(Add display:inline-block;)
(For IE7-8, add the following fix : zoom:1;display:inline;)


(Remove height)

Fix the Copperplate header rendering across browsers

Using Copperplate text is causing problems for Windows 7 browsers (FF, IE, Chrome) and only seems to work properly on Mac.

Suggest fixing the banner as an image with Copperplate text and leaving the titles as is in the hope that over time bugs will be fixed in the browsers.

Address the "Java is not secure" myth

Require an article providing reassurance that Java on the desktop is safe to use - just the browser plugin is risky. Something like:

Oracle have issued security advice stating that Java in the browser running applets is vulnerable to attack. Java running on servers, desktops and embedded devices is not vulnerable to these attacks.

MultiBit uses Java running on the desktop which is safe.

MultiBit comes as digitally signed code which you can check in various ways as it is open source. In this way you know what code is running on your machine.

At MultiBit we recommend that you keep your Java installation running at the latest available stable release. This will contain security fixes and performance enhancements that will contribute to keeping your machine secure.

Wallet password

I am trying to send bitcoin to a different e-wallet and my Multibit wallet is asking for my password. I entered the correct password but I continue to get the message "Could not decrypt bytes". I know there is no reset password option but how am I supposed to access my bitcoin if the wallet will not accept the correct password??

Introduce Google Analytics?

Should we introduce Google Analytics (GA) to the site?

This will drop a first-party cookie on the user which will need to be confirmed by the user - if it contains PII. Under those circumstances there is a need for explicit consent.

The Cookie Law site throws up a banner with the following text:

"We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. 
Cookies are files stored in your browser and are used by most websites 
to help personalise your web experience.

By continuing to use our website without changing the settings, 
you are agreeing to our use of cookies."

GA does not collect personally identifying information and it is against their T&Cs (see Section 7) to do so. There is some good guidance which essentially clears GA as being fine for privacy conscious sites.

So do we add the GA JavaScript to the main templates and introduce a privacy policy page?

Fix blog links

The links to the blog articles aren't working - they give 404s

Always Connecting - No BTC shown

I installed your software and decided to sent there my btc as i had bad experiences with some webs that were closing. I can see the balance of my multibit address ( but at the program the balance is 0 and it always shows connecting.
I recently open the port 8333 as i saw in one of your posts to someone else but it still doesn't work for me. It's always the message of "Connecting" or "Synchronizing"

Any help would be appreciated

Add a features page

Require an additional page to describe the reasons why someone would choose to use MultiBit over any of the alternative wallets.


Pls sir help, what will i do to get my wallets back?

Inline twitter sign up JS

To reduce leaking IP addresses to other sites I think we should inline e the twitter sign up JS. This would prevent twitter seeing the IP address of visitors to

If they signed up obviously twitter would get their IP data but the general visitor would not.

Blog article covering how to check download signatures

As discussed over email, we need to write up a blog article covering how people should go about verifying the signature of the downloaded app, and how to verify that the app has been signed for their OS (Authenticode etc).

IE rendering completely broken

The IE rendering on Windows 7 is completely broken - site is unusable.

Other browsers are fine so is probably a broken box model issue.

are in my bitcoin balance for 2 days, but are still not available

hello, I made a transfer from mtgox yesterday, the transaction appears well and are in my bitcoin balance, however they are still not available. pouriez you tell me if this is normal or if there is a problem, because I'm worried a little. thanks in advance for your response

confusion about backup

Documentation seems to put forth that there are two ways to backup a wallet.

  1. backup the wallet file to usb


  1. export your private keys to another file

I have to format my computer, and have a backup of my private key, as generated from the "Export Private Keys" tool.

Is this sufficient to restore? I do not have a copy of the wallet file itself.


Sir i've tried over again & again for the passed 4 days now i still can't recover my missing wallet by using the "HELP CONTENT" i have tried my best sir, and i have some balance there in my wallets and i was able to locate were my new wallet is but the old ones are not there, sir my request is this since am not very good in computer why don't you guys help me out buy forwarding my balance cash from my older wallet to my new wallet please................
I hope to hearing from you.


Pls sir help, what will i do to get my wallets back?

Add AWStats to get website analytics

Add the AWStats so that we can see the website analytics.

Have it running on localhost/ password protected to keep it confidential.
Can also add in some more detailed reports like country breakdown and referrer stats that aren't on the public stats

${downloadVersion} not resolving on help.html

On the installation help page the variable ${downloadVersion} is not resolving in the main text. This makes the command line instructions and the links to the installer invalid.

Open a terminal window and make the installer executable with:

chmod +x multibit-${downloadVersion}-linux.jar
Run the installer with:

java -jar multibit-${downloadVersion}-linux.jar

The page is deployed at:

Cannot get hold of sent money

get error message:

Det gick inte att läsa in blockchain /Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.spvchain. Felet var File size on disk does not match expected size: 0 vs 641024.

If you do not understand Swedish, email me so Iwill translate it for you.

Good Luck!

Hoping to get my money now in cyberspace somewhere...


some more info:

/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/log
109:log marcusleander$ ls -al
total 3888
drwxr-xr-x 9 marcusleander staff 306 20 Jun 21:15 .
drwxr-xr-x 15 marcusleander staff 510 20 Jun 21:21 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 377421 20 Jun 21:21 multibit_console.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 87359 20 Jun 21:31 multibit_debug.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 176891 18 Jun 00:00 multibit_debug.log.2013-06-17.0.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 97758 18 Jun 20:15 multibit_debug.log.2013-06-18.0.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 196 19 Jun 14:58 multibit_debug.log.2013-06-18.1.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 177403 20 Jun 21:15 multibit_debug.log.2013-06-19.0.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcusleander staff 1053442 18 Jun 20:15 multibit_debug.log1371579315150887000.tmp


21:15:28.855 [main] INFO org.multibit.MultiBit - Starting MultiBit at 20 Jun 2013 19:15:28 GMT
21:15:28.925 [main] INFO o.m.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit'
21:15:28.998 [main] INFO org.multibit.MultiBit - Configuring native event handling
21:15:29.151 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.b.mac.MacApplicationBuilder - Found EAWT libraries so building native bridge
21:15:29.153 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.b.mac.MacApplicationBuilder - Adding the DefaultOpenURIHandler
21:15:29.155 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Adding GenericOpenURIHandler
21:15:29.159 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Calling methodName setOpenURIHandler
21:15:29.160 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - GenericOpenURIHandler configured
21:15:29.160 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.b.mac.MacApplicationBuilder - Adding the DefaultPreferencesHandler
21:15:29.161 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Adding GenericPreferencesHandler
21:15:29.165 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Calling methodName setPreferencesHandler
21:15:29.167 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - GenericPreferencesHandler configured
21:15:29.167 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.b.mac.MacApplicationBuilder - Adding the DefaultAboutHandler
21:15:29.168 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Adding GenericAboutHandler
21:15:29.173 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Calling methodName setAboutHandler
21:15:29.173 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - GenericAboutHandler configured
21:15:29.173 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.b.mac.MacApplicationBuilder - Adding the DefaultQuitHandler
21:15:29.174 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Adding GenericQuitHandler
21:15:29.180 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - Calling methodName setQuitHandler
21:15:29.181 [main] DEBUG o.m.p.builder.mac.MacApplication - GenericAboutHandler configured
21:15:29.181 [main] INFO org.multibit.MultiBit - Checking to see if this is the primary MultiBit instance
21:15:29.190 [main] DEBUG o.m.ApplicationInstanceManager - Listening for application instances on socket 8331
21:15:29.191 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - userLanguageCode = sv
21:15:29.196 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Creating model
21:15:29.201 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.model.BaseModel - Initial view from properties file is 'MESSAGES_VIEW'
21:15:29.315 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Setting look and feel
21:15:30.107 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Creating user interface with initial view : MESSAGES_VIEW
21:15:30.947 [Timer-4] DEBUG - exchange is null ... creating exchange ... (isFirstExchange = true)
21:15:30.947 [Timer-4] DEBUG - creating exchange from exchangeShortname = MtGox
21:15:30.947 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = ''
21:15:30.949 [main] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.MultiBitFrame - Displaying view 'MESSAGES_VIEW'
21:15:31.159 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.MultiBitTabbedPane - Set selected index = 3
21:15:31.161 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Registering with controller
21:15:31.161 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Creating Bitcoin service
21:15:31.258 [main] DEBUG - Network parameters =
21:15:31.259 [main] DEBUG - Loading/ creating blockstore ...
21:15:31.260 [main] DEBUG - filePrefix = multibit
21:15:31.261 [main] INFO o.m.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit'
21:15:31.262 [main] DEBUG - Installed checkpoints file = '/Applications/'.
21:15:31.263 [main] DEBUG - Using user data checkpoints file as it is longer/same size as installed checkpoints - 11157 bytes versus 11157 bytes.
21:15:31.263 [main] DEBUG - Opening SPV block store '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.spvchain' from disk
21:15:31.418 [main] ERROR - Error creating MultiBitService File size on disk does not match expected size: 0 vs 641024
21:15:31.428 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG o.m.viewsystem.swing.StatusBar - StatusBar label = 'Det gick inte att l<8A>sa in blockchain /Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.spvchain. Felet var File size on disk does not match expected size: 0 vs 641024.'
21:15:31.493 [Timer-4] DEBUG - marketDataService = com.xeiam.xchange.mtgox.v2.service.polling.MtGoxPollingMarketDataService@49b9ef36
21:15:31.498 [Timer-4] DEBUG - Getting ticker for BTC USD
21:15:31.556 [main] INFO c.g.bitcoin.core.CheckpointManager - Read 116 checkpoints, hash is e94766930343db1ad31a64984eea6939f7739a4f7336b383e3fe8fcb6fbd027e
21:15:31.557 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Locating wallets
21:15:31.558 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - When loading early wallets, there were 3
21:15:31.558 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - When loading protobuf3 wallets, there were 0
21:15:31.559 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - When loading the wallet orders, there were 3
21:15:31.560 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Loading wallet from '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.wallet'
21:15:31.571 [main] DEBUG o.m.model.bitcoin.WalletInfoData - The wallet version in the constructor was '3'. In the wallet info file it was '2'. Using the latter.
21:15:31.711 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.wallet , walletFileSize 148 ,walletFileLastModified 1371669281000 ,walletInfoFileSize 550 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1371669281000
21:15:31.723 [main] ERROR - Could not add wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.wallet' to the blockChain as the blockChain is missing.
This is bad. MultiBit is currently looking for a blockChain at '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.spvchain'
21:15:31.723 [main] ERROR - Could not add wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.wallet' to the peerGroup as the peerGroup is null. This is bad.
21:15:31.723 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Loading wallet from '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Namnl<9A>s.wallet'
21:15:31.726 [main] DEBUG o.m.model.bitcoin.WalletInfoData - The wallet version in the constructor was '3'. In the wallet info file it was '2'. Using the latter.
21:15:31.727 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Namnl<9A>s.wallet , walletFileSize 117 ,walletFileLastModified 1371669401000 ,walletInfoFileSize 513 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1371669401000
21:15:31.728 [main] ERROR - Could not add wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Namnl<9A>s.wallet' to the blockChain as the blockChain is missing.
This is bad. MultiBit is currently looking for a blockChain at '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.spvchain'
21:15:31.728 [main] ERROR - Could not add wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Namnl<9A>s.wallet' to the peerGroup as the peerGroup is null. This is bad.
21:15:31.729 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Loading wallet from '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Ny.wallet'
21:15:31.731 [main] DEBUG o.m.model.bitcoin.WalletInfoData - The wallet version in the constructor was '3'. In the wallet info file it was '2'. Using the latter.
21:15:31.732 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Ny.wallet , walletFileSize 145 ,walletFileLastModified 1371669282000 ,walletInfoFileSize 539 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1371669282000
21:15:31.733 [main] ERROR - Could not add wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Ny.wallet' to the blockChain as the blockChain is missing.
This is bad. MultiBit is currently looking for a blockChain at '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.spvchain'
21:15:31.733 [main] ERROR - Could not add wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Ny.wallet' to the peerGroup as the peerGroup is null. This is bad.
21:15:31.802 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.swing.MultiBitTabbedPane - Set selected index = 0
21:15:31.823 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Checking for Bitcoin URI on command line
21:15:31.823 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - No Bitcoin URI provided as an argument
21:15:31.823 [main] DEBUG o.m.c.bitcoin.BitcoinController - handleOpenURI called and rawBitcoinURI ='null'
21:15:31.824 [main] DEBUG o.m.c.bitcoin.BitcoinController - No Bitcoin URI found to handle
21:15:31.832 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - Downloading blockchain
21:15:31.833 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - The current chain height is -1
21:15:31.833 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - For wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.wallet the lastBlockSeenHeight was 233856
21:15:31.833 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - For wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Namnl<9A>s.wallet the lastBlockSeenHeight was 233856
21:15:31.834 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - For wallet '/Users/marcusleander/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/Ny.wallet the lastBlockSeenHeight was -1
21:15:31.834 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.MultiBit - needToSync = false
Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
109:log marcusleander$

Website doesn't load: Bad Accept-Language header value

@charlieman opened this:

When I try to load the website, all get is the following plain text:

Bad Accept-Language header value: 'es,es-419;q=0.8,en;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4'

I am using chromium under Linux and the browser is configured with the following languages: Spanish, Spanish (Latinamerican), English, English (United States).

I guess the issue is with es-419 because with another browser with the accept-language header as es-pe,es;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 there's no issue.

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