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grumble's Introduction

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What is Grumble?

Grumble is an implementation of a server for the Mumble voice chat system. It is an alternative to Murmur, the typical Mumble server.

Compiling Grumble from source

You must have a Go 1 environment installed to build Grumble. Those are available at:

Once Go is installed, you should set up a GOPATH to avoid clobbering your Go environment's root directory with third party packages.

Set up a GOPATH. On Unix, do something like this

$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH

and on Windows, do something like this (for cmd.exe):

c:\> set GOPATH=%USERPROFILE%\gocode
c:\> mkdir %GOPATH%

Then, it's time to install Grumble. The following line should do the trick:

$ go get

And that should be it. Grumble has been built, and is available in $GOPATH/bin as 'grumble'.

Project status

Grumble is pretty much feature complete, except for a few "minor" things.

There is no bandwidth limiting, and there is no API to remote control it.

Grumble's persistence layer is very ad-hoc. It uses an append-only file to store delta updates to each server's internal data, and periodically, it syncs a server's full data to disk.

Grumble is currently architected to have all data in memory. That means it's not ideal for use with very very large servers. (And large servers in this context are servers with many registered users, ACLs, etc.).

It is architected this way because it allowed me to write a pure-Go program with very few external dependencies, back 4-5 years ago.

The current thinking is that if registered users are taking up too much of your memory, you should use an external authenticator. But that code isn't written yet. The concept would be equivalent to Murmur's authenticator API via RPC. But a Grumble authenticator would probably be set up more akin to a webhook -- so just a URL in the config file.

Then there's the API problem. You can't currently remote control Grumble. Which can make it hard to use in production. I imagine Grumble will grow an API that it makes available via HTTP. Murmur's API is already quite stateless in many regards, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to put a RESTful API in Grumble to do the same job.


Getting the image


$ git clone
$ cd grumble/
$ docker build -t mumble-voip/grumble .


Command line

$ docker run \
  -v $HOME/.grumble:/data \
  -p 64738:64738 \
  -p 64738:64738/udp \


version: '3'
    image: mumble-voip/grumble
      - 64738:64738
      - 64738:64738/udp
      - $HOME/.grumble:/data

grumble's People


actown avatar codelingobot avatar davidebeatrici avatar grimkriegor avatar kissaki avatar mkrautz avatar mn6 avatar olabiniv2 avatar pcgod avatar porjo avatar rasmus-z avatar rubenseyer avatar


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grumble's Issues

Unable to import murmur sqlite database in docker container

I've mounted a murmur sqlite database into the container and am running docker-compose run grumble --import-murmurdb /import/mumble.db --cleanup to import it. When I do that, I get the following error message:

panic: sql: unknown driver "sqlite" (forgotten import?)

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.MurmurImport(0x7ffd49818f3e, 0x11, 0xc00017de18, 0x1)
        /go/src/ +0x62f
        /go/src/ +0x767

Seems like whatever dependency is required for sqlite is missing in the container.

[Bug] Maybe memory leak?

We run a grumble server with Docker and we use it in a small load (max 4 players at a same time).

After 7 days usage, we found the server unavailable: you can connect to it but you can't speak in a channel, after a short of time it shows "No tcp ping response".

Then I checked the server:

  1. The log shows grumble received the clients' connections. But these fake connections won't disconnect.

  2. The memory usage is huge (1.9g)

  3. I captured the network and found it keeping sending me packets even after I quited the client.

It guess it caused by some resources not freed correctly.

Some screenshots:

Dup ACKs after clients quit

Huge memory usage


Server log

(Clients will keep retrying, and you can see "new" clients increasing meanwhile no old connections closed)

I want to give grumble (and therefore mumble) the 2016 treatment

With Mumble you've got to use ice + front end to get access to it. But, many mumble chats are connected to a web community in some way, shape or form, and form should follow function. So, here's what I'm thinking and greatly appreciate thoughts and criticism on:

  • Add the api
  • Add a (since it's 2016) react.js front end
  • Add a CLI UI based on Cobra
  • Add a viper-based configuration system
  • Ensure that grumble is capable of steaming audio to a web page in an open format that works with all evergreen browsers
  • Ensure that users can easily join that streaming audio conversation using an evergreen browser

Overall goal: Serve all of this from a single distributed binary (the static files can be compressed into the executable using one of a number of various go packages/libraries) and then let it fly. I'm writing to get next-steps on this and get a feel for other users needs.


MumbleKit crashes when connecting to this server

Mumble for iOS(Mumblekit) crash and flashquit the application immediately after connect to this server. ips file is present but I don't have the device and environment to analyze it. Can you give me some help in diagnosing this problem?

I cannot seem to connect to grumble

Although it maybe PEBCAK, I am not really sure why I cannot connect to the server with the official client. I do not really use mumble.

I am using this script to create a cloud instance with debian 9.

The script should output an external ip address


##zones generated $gcloud compute zones list

gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME \
    --image-family $IMAGE_FAMILY \
    --image-project $IMAGE_PROJECT \
    --zone $VM_ZONE \
    --metadata-from-file startup-script=./

##connecting to instances
##gcloud compute ssh [instance-name]```

```#!/usr/bin/env bash
PACKAGES="git golang"

sudo apt-get -y install $PACKAGES

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
mkdir -p $GOPATH
go get
mkdir -p $HOME/.grumble

This script get called with the above script. grumble seems to get run as root.

I tried using the output ip address to connect to mumble but it does not work.

Debian9 uses golang 1.7.

I am not sure really how to configure the server so it works

Very basic server side configuration?

I am aware that there is a PR for a better configuration system (would be nice if that could be finalized), but is there any way to at least have some very basic configuration like a few fixed sub-channels?

I don't mind editing some file in the /data directory to hard set such configuration, but there seems to be no file to do so.

I read somewhere that there is a ways to edit the binary files for something like that?

Thanks for the help!

P.S.: Grumble seems like a really fast and efficient server for mumble, and I really like that mumble-web can connect to it directly, but with zero configuration options...

ACLs help

what if i wana give permission to @ALL client to make temp channels i tried to change acls but still not working i dont know where i am doing wrong.

OSX: Unable to compile

HAL:~ kevin$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
HAL:~ kevin$ go version
go version go1.3.3 darwin/amd64
HAL:~ kevin$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode
HAL:~ kevin$ mkdir -p $GOPATH
HAL:~ kevin$ go get
package unrecognized import path ""
HAL:~ kevin$

Mac OSX 10.9 Yosemite, Macbook Pro


I recently stumbled upon grumble after I searched the web for a self hosted discord alternative.
Are there any plans to add WebRTC to this server with some kind of authentication and a Rest API?
I'd love to add the frontend part as another FOSS project, to have a server that can be accessed by the Mumble client and additionally from the web browser like discord.
Mumble has (despite of community features like seperate communities, stickers etc.) everything a single server would need: voicerooms and chat.
I know there are projects like but this isn't the same as you'd need a proxy-server.
Other projects like never made it past project creation.

Package server returning 404

Hi, I'm trying to build grumble, but everything under returns a 404 request. Using Go 1.10:

Parsing meta tags from (status code 404)
package unrecognized import path "" (parse no go-import meta tags ())

Same situation for all packages when building Grumble from source

Unusable - Can't create channels

Only the super user SuperUser can create a channel, but the code to set the password for SuperUser over ssh was removed, and the code to use an RPC interface called Dial to set the password was also removed, leaving no code anywhere ever giving SuperUser a password. Trying to log in with an empty password does not work.

Thus, unless I'm totally misunderstanding, no one can create channels under any circumstances. That means all you can do is connect to the server, which has no channels, and just kind of sit there staring at it, imagining it actually doing something. If this is just supposed to be a toy application, at least having some code that said something.server.SetSuperuserPassword("thisisonlyatoydonotuse") would be nice. Otherwise, far as I can tell, it's totally unusable.

TODO items / project status

Hi there,

What's the current status of this project? Abandoned? Feature complete? What
would need to happen to make this a server you'd feel comfortable

Error when installing

I tried to install running go get as explained in the README, but it does not work. I get the following error:

$ go get
package unrecognized import path "" (parse no go-import meta tags ())

Using the Docker instructions works fine.

I think documentation should be updated.

Thanks a lot for this nice project!

Can we separate Server out into it's own pkg, and also make it use net.Conn/net.PacketConn/net.Addr interfaces rather than structs

I'm interested in using Grumble to set up an anonymous mumble server on the I2P network using the SAM API. In Go, the most convenient and natural way to interface with I2P is by implementing the required interfaces from "net" which is what the library sam3 does. But I see that the Server itself is actually in package main where it can't be imported by another project, and moreover that it uses a net.TCPListener and net.UDPConn, and in several places expects a net.TCPAddr or net.UDPAddr rather than a net.Addr. In order to be compatible with I2P, it needs to be compatible with other expectations*. I would like to make the Server a separate, importable package under /pkg/server/ with the name grumble and make it compatible with the following changes:

Change net.TCPListener to net.Listener in order to make it compatible with Tor Onion Services via cretz/bine and I2P Services via eyedeekay/sam3. Use a type-switch to determine which is in use at runtime.

Change net.UDPConn to net.PacketConn in order to make it compatible with I2P Services via eyedeekay/sam3. Since Tor is not able to do UDP communication, bine compatibility won't be a goal here.

Change net.TCPAddr's and net.UDPAddr's into net.Addr's in order to make them compatible with Tor addresses via cretz/bine and I2P addresses via eyedeekay/sam3. Implement saving and loading hidden service keys from disk in ~/.grumble.

This would allow other applications to import the Server wholesale, set up the server with a ServerConf how they like it, configure the connections they want to make/accept(Tor, I2P, TLS, whatever), and then have their own grumble servers ready to go with very little configuration. As a bonus, since Tor and I2P addresses use cryptographic addresses that are basically permanent and designed to be addressable from anywhere with the overlay network software, people using hidden Grumble would have no need for a static IP, it could easily run without needing permission to bind to port 443, on a residential connection, with no other configuration to be reachable.

It seems to be well within reach, I just chopped it up and moved some stuff around here: master...eyedeekay:master to see if it was possible. Is this something that Grumble would be interested in?

Introduce compatibility with Murmur SQL databases

Related to #21.

It would be nice if the Murmur "personality" was able to directly store its state into a Murmur SQL database.

That means we'd have to support the same DBs as Murmur: SQLite, MySQL and Postgres.

Everything should use database/sql, taking syntax differences into account for each DB variant.
We can worry about which backends to actually ship Murmur with separately. However, the lessons learned during development would come in handy there -- which Go libs worked best? etc.

I've always wanted to play with It's SQLite machine translated to Go. But anything works, including a simple cgo bridge to libsqlite3.

Feature Request: All Channel Listening

Since we have access to the Go code, is it possible that we send a user all the voice traffic instead of that just from his current channel. His current channel is normal volume and other channels have half volume.

The theory behind this is when having a LAN party, you want the background chatter as ambience noise. Isolating users to just the current channel means they miss out on the ambient experience of actually being in a room together. These days everything is becoming more and more virtual so finding a way to include the sounds of everyone else in the background would be useful, even if they are muxed together into a single channel stream.

Building and running on Raspberry Pi

Hi, trying to get Grumble up and running on the Pi so I can leverage the websockets functionality.

The install go get Fails on a $GOPATH not set error, even when $GOPATH is explicitly set before hand and can be seen in go env

Could someone let me know what I’ve missed?

crypt resync


Been experimenting with grumble and i've come across a issue where i'll get into a state where the system keeps trying to "resync". Its sending a empty CryptSetup message to the clients (ios, android). Android (jumble) handles this by either generating a new nonce and sending it to the server. iOS (MumbleKit) does nothing unless its a full CryptSetup message. What is the intended behaviour? Do you know why I might be getting into this state?

Introduce Murmur personality

It would be nice if grumble could be used exactly like Murmur.

Things like these would be needed for that to happen:

  • #21 - Introduce compatibility with Murmur .ini files
  • #22 - Introduce compatibility with Murmur SQL databases
  • #23 - Introduce compatibility with Murmur's gRPC interface
  • #25 - Introduce compatibility with Murmur command line interface

Packaging grumble for Guix System: State of grumble / Releases

Hi grumble devs! @mkrautz @actown @davidebeatrici @pcgod @rubenseyer @GrimKriegor ...

I wanted to inquire on the state of grumble development. I ask because we packaged grumble for guix system and one of the upstream maintainers had the following questions for us (original mailing list discussion where we submitted the patch):

  1. Are there plans for a release?

  2. Is grumble usable in its current state?

  3. Is it worth packaging grumble with the features that it currently has?

  4. Is grumble still maintained?

I appreciate your work on grumble and I am looking forward to your responses.

Windows "unrecognized import path"

I've installed go and tested it.
I'm running Windows Vista

When installing I get

C:\Users\Chris>go get
package unrecognized import path "

I found was the other issue with the same error but it was for OSX and... to be honest... I didn't understand the solution enough to make it work for Windows.

Introduce compatibility with Murmur .ini files

Grumble should be able to read murmur.ini files.

My thinking is that this is a "mode" or a "personality". It does not mean that grumble will only use murmur.ini files. The code should be flexible enough to allow other config mechanisms in the future.

plumble crashes

Plumble (the Android client) crashes when attempting to connect to Grumble.

I'm running Grumble on my laptop, and connecting from my Android phone over wifi. It consistently crashes when I attempt to connect to the server. The Grumble log just shows this:

[1] 2018/08/28 15:01:37.390964 <2:(-1)> New connection: (2)
[1] 2018/08/28 15:01:44.005798 <2:phone(-1)> Disconnected

No crash Plumble to Murmur (also running on my laptop)
No crash Qt Client to Grumble

(Using Plumble 3.3.0-rc1 on Android 8.1.0)

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