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kamodo's Issues

Kamodo won't accept units 'N', 'S', or 'Ohm'

Inputting units 'N', 'S', 'Ohm', or any unit string with those units causes an error. I have a partial fix you can use from KamodofyPlasmaPy (, which is copied below. This function is used in the call to kamodofy, and I have had no problems with the function representation or execution in kamodo. An example call is:

kamodo['SecondLaw'] = kamodofy(func, units=KamodoUnit('N'), arg_units={'m':KamodoUnit('kg'),'a':KamodoUnit('m/s**2')} 

The important piece of code is:

def KamodoUnit(old_unit):  #takes any string, expects it to represent units
    for item in ['S','N','Ohm']:  #force sympy to accept by decomposing the unit
        if item in old_unit: old_unit = u.Unit(old_unit).decompose().to_string('ogip')
    unit_list = [(' / ','/'),(' * ','*'),(' ','*')]  #cannot accept spaces from astropy
    for old, new in unit_list: old_unit = old_unit.replace(old,new)
    if 'radian' not in old_unit: old_unit = old_unit.replace('rad','radian')
    return old_unit

(where u is from astropy import units as u) I run all of my units through this code without issue. The hardcoding of the problematic units (lines 2 and 3 of the above section) can be changed to be

if not hasattr(parse_expr(unit_str),'subs'):  #if not in sympy dictionary, decompose
    old_unit = u.Unit(old_unit).decompose().to_string('ogip')

Interestingly, sympy already has the units I had to hardcode this for (newtons, siemens, ohms), but won't accept them through kamodo. This issue may resolve itself if this other problem can be fixed.

Fix deprecation warnings

Kamodo was developed under sympy==1.4. sympy==1.5.1 produces deprecation warnings

sympy/physics/units/ SymPyDeprecationWarning: 

Moving method to UnitSystem class has been deprecated since SymPy 1.5.
Use unit_system.set_quantity_dimension or
nanotesla.set_global_relative_scale_factor instead. See for more info.

  useinstead="unit_system.set_quantity_dimension or {}.set_global_relative_scale_factor".format(self),
sympy/physics/units/ SymPyDeprecationWarning: 

Customizable plot elements

Enable a consistent way to customize plot elements, such as

  • aspect ratio
  • axis labels
  • plot titles
  • colormaps
  • contouring options

Missing Project Description

Suggested Description
"The CCMC Kamodo Analysis Suite is a NASA open-source Python package designed for functionalizing and analyzing heliophysics model outputs. It offers intuitive tools for data analysis, unit conversions, and creating publication-quality graphics. Kamodo supports a variety of models and data accessible via the HAPI interface, aiming to streamline data utilization and model output interaction for the heliophysics community."

Installation notes

I had to change python=3.7 to python=3.8 on a Mac M1. I think anaconda does not support arm64 before 3.8.

I also had to brew install cmake, which is not mentioned in the instructions

The README file in this repo has 2 bad links - [404:NotFound]

The markup version of the readme that is displayed for the main page in this repo contains the following bad links:

Status code [404:NotFound] - Link:


It should be ""

Status code [404:NotFound] - Link:

It should be ""

(The link in the readme’s raw markdown may appear in a different relative format to the links above)



Theses bad links were found by a tool I recently created as part of an new experimental hobby project:
I (a human) verified that this link is broken and have manually logged this Issue (i.e. this Issue has not been created by a bot).
If this has been in any way helpful then please consider giving the above Repo a Star.

If you have any feedback on the information provided here, or on the tool itself, then please feel free to share your thoughts here, or log an “Issue” in the repo.


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Support Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11

Python 3.7 is a very old version of Python, and as far as I can tell kamodo doesn't support more modern versions. It would be great to add support for newer versions of Python 😄

Invalid path for windows.

I have cloned this repository. after cloning it give error of invalid path!

Cloning into 'Kamodo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2702, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (956/956), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
Receiving remote: Total 2702 (delta 933), reused 900 (delta 900), pack-reused 1746
Receiving objects: 100% (2702/2702), 41.09 MiB | 9.95 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (1769/1769), done.
error: invalid path 'kamodo/cli/assets/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML'

fatal: unable to checkout working tree
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

Features request

Hi Kamodo team,

The progress of Kamodo is tremendous. The following are features I found useful in the past in studies of outer magnetosphere data with a focus on basic plasma physics processes. It would be great if you could include some of them in your long term goals. I believe Kamodo already has many of these features, though.

Offline analysis

  • user-defined list or function of coordinates of
    • sampling points, e.g., points along satellite trajectories
    • seed points as starting points for field-line tracing
  • various slicing options (like Paraview): plane, sphere, arbitrary
  • various extraction options: inside/out of sphere, box, below/above plane

GUI functionalities

  • calculator in the GUI (e.g., computing and showing 'rho*v_x')
  • combining data from more than one runs in the same view
  • saving selected data that can be reloaded in the GUI
  • saving the rendering scene that can be reloaded in the GUI
  • Bult-in web framework for data search (based on SPASE metadata?)

Data extraction along a trajectory

Data extraction along satellite trajectories is needed for many models to facilitate data/model comparisons of to probe local variability. This should be a general use tool in Kamodo that makes use of each Kamodified model's interpolator.

Composability checking [feature]

Currently, Kamodo does not validate composed functions. Rather, it assumes function types are compatible already. A user cannot tell if their pipeline works until evaluation. It would be great if kamodo could test functions at composition time.

Proposed Solution:
At each step of a composition, call the composed function with default inputs and generate corresponding default outputs. For example:

kamodo['f'] = kamodofy(lambda x = np.array([1,2,3]): x)
kamodo['g'] = kamodofy(lambda y = np.array([5,6,7]): y)
kamodo['h'] = 'f + g' 

kamodofy adds a data attribute to f and g by calling f and g without arguments. When 'h(x,y)' is composed from 'f' and 'g', kamodo should somehow assign its default arguments from f and g.

numpy distutils depricated

numpy.distutils deprecated in NumPy 1.23 and removed in Python 3.12

I'm setting up Kamodo for the first time and testing to run
per Darrens recommendation.
In cell 2 I got error:

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], [line 2](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=6&line=2)
      [1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=6&line=1) # confirm MW functions work appropriately with model varnames dictionary
----> [2](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=6&line=2) import kamodo_ccmc.flythrough.model_wrapper as MW
"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.distutils'"

I'm not sure where in kamodo_ccmc.flythrough.model_wrapper that numpy.distutils is used but if it is used more in Kamodo it might be a bigger issue for Python version >= 3.12 and numpy version >= 1.23

Here are migration advice from their webpage

Errors calling kamodo from C++

In order to call kamodo from C++, I had to remove the (C) from and change .util to util to prevent errors. Pybind11/C++ doesn't follow implied directory structure, so I had to use

from KamodoMaster.kamodo.kamodo import Kamodo, kamodofy

instead of the current import statement, and change all import statements with .util in the line to be util (without the .). Also, the last two lines of the file caused errors for similar reasons. Changing these to the following worked:

from kamodo import *
from util import *

Improve README - Equations

I saw those formulas using latex, are they purposeful? I think for a clear README a structured formula would be better, you could use <img src=""> and insert the same equation withou $$

Result for <img src="\vec{f}{\left (\vec{r} \right )} [km/s] = \lambda{\left (\vec{r} \right )}"> :

Flythrough won't import

The functions in the flythrough folder won't import. Those in the readers folder import fine. Maybe it needs an init file?

Move documentation from binary pdf files to plain text files

I noticed some of the (super useful!) documetation in the root directory of the repository is in .pdf files. I wanted to suggest moving from a .pdf format to another format that isn't a binary file, like MarkDown or ReStructuredText. That way it would be possible to version control the text properley and see what's changed as the documentation is updated between new Kamodo versions.


requirements.txt is a useful way to include package requirements.

The needed packages can be installed as:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Depreciation warnings and missing dependency

I was easily able to run the example at but encountered two issues when using Python 3.8 (I meant to use Python 3.7)

First, I needed to pip install execnet


from kamodo.readers._kameleon_kamodo import Kameleon

results in about 20 of these warnings:

lib/python3.8/site-packages/sympy/physics/units/ SymPyDeprecationWarning: 
Moving method to UnitSystem class has been deprecated since SymPy 1.5.
Use unit_system.set_quantity_dimension or
nanotesla.set_global_relative_scale_factor instead. See for more info.

Docker container

Create a Dockerfile that can be used to as a basis for kamodo environments and the gui.

Make plot_dict configurable

Kamodo's plots are defined in kamodo.plotting.plot_dict, shown below

plot_dict = {
	(1,)	:	{(('N','M'), ('N','M'), ('N','M')): {'name': '3d-parametric', 'func': surface}},
	('N',)	:	{
		(('N',),) : {'name': '1d-line', 'func': line_plot},
		(('N',),('N',),('N',)): {'name': '3d-line-scalar', 'func': line_plot},
		(('N',3),): {'name': '3d scatter', 'func': scatter_plot},},
	('N',2) :	{
		(('N',),) :{'name': '2d-line', 'func': line_plot},
		(('N',2),):{'name': '2d-vector', 'func': vector_plot},
	('N',3) : 	{
		(('N',),) :{'name': '3d-line', 'func': line_plot},
		(('N',3),):{'name': '3d-vector', 'func': vector_plot},
	('N','M'):	{
		(('N',),('M',)) :{'name': '2d-contour', 'func': contour_plot},
		(('N','M'),('N','M')):{'name': '2d-contour-skew', 'func': contour_plot},
		(('N','M'), ('N','M'), ('N','M')): {'name': '3d-parametric-scalar', 'func': surface},
		((1,),('N','M'),('N','M')):{'name': '3d-plane', 'func': plane},
		(('N','M'),(1,),('N','M')):{'name': '3d-plane', 'func': plane},
		(('N','M'),('N','M'),(1,)):{'name': '3d-plane', 'func': plane},
	('N','M',1): {
		((1,),('N',),('M',)):{'name': '3d-plane', 'func': plane},
		(('N',),(1,),('M',)):{'name': '3d-plane', 'func': plane},
		(('N',),('M',),(1,)):{'name': '3d-plane', 'func': plane},

Here the array shape of the function output is mapped to various combinations of array shapes for inputs, with the values being dictionaries pointing to the functions that actually generate plots.

It should be easier to change these defaults, for example by defining a configuration file the user can override from command line. plot_conf.yaml

Getting empty argument list from kamodo

I am getting an empty argument list from the get_function_args function in (line 271). Changing the current return line to the following solved the issue:

return symbols([a for a in signature(func).parameters if a not in hidden_args])

This only occurred for wrapped functions, such as those produced by the kamodo plasmapy wrapper (, specifically those with dimensionless argument units, dimensionless return units, and wrapped by the _Astropy wrapper. The problem did not occur for functions wrapped by the _Astropy wrapper when at least one of the argument or return units were not dimensionless.
Additionally, this change removes kamodo's dependency on the inspect.getfullargspec() function, which is being replaced by the inspect.signature function.

Example code to produce the error:

import KamodofyPlasmaPy as KPP
kamodo_list = KPP.ListPlasmaPy('plasmapy.formulary.mathematics.Fermi_integral')

You may need to change the import statement in KPP that imports Kamodo and kamodofy to reflect your kamodo installation. I don't expect this will change any behavior, as the output object is a list with the same behavior.

Kamodo not working on data stored in s3 buckets

Basic description of the issue:
I am attempting to interpolate the MMS trajectory through SWMF GM and OpenGGCM GM model outputs stored in s3 buckets online, but the code fails in the same way for both executions, indicating an empty list of files.

More details:
I am using OpenGGCM_GM converted files and SWMF_GM .out files in a model flythrough using the MMS trajectory. The code is adapted from the PyHC executable paper.

file_dir1 = 's3://helio-public/SWMF_GM/James_Webster_051716_1/'  # s3 location
variable_list = ['B_x','B_y', 'B_z']               # list of desired variable names
coord_sys = "GSM-car"                              # GSM and cartesian because we're using x,y,z from above 
output_dir = '/home/jovyan/efs/raringuette/Results/'  # directory where the user wants the output stored
file_name1 = 's3_SWMFGM_James_Webster_051716_1'                   # what the user wants the output files to be named
output_name1 = output_dir + file_name1 + ".csv"      # output dir plus output file name without extension
plot_coord = 'GSM'                                 # coordinate system chosen for output plots

# Convert to UTC timestamps
from datetime import datetime, timezone
sat_time = [time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() for time in epoch]  # times range should be in the model data

# Use MMS trajectory acquired from PySPEDAS/SpacePy
sat_x = pos[:, 0] / 6378
sat_y = pos[:, 1] / 6378
sat_z = pos[:, 2] / 6378

results_swmfgm = S.ModelFlythrough(model1, file_dir1, variable_list, sat_time, sat_x, sat_y, sat_z, 
                                                              coord_sys, output_name=output_name1, plot_coord=plot_coord)

On efs and local storage on my machine, this executes flawlessly. However, I get the error below when the data is stored in an s3 bucket on HelioCloud.

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[25], line 4
      2 import os.path
      3 if not os.path.isfile(output_name1):
----> 4     results_swmfgm = S.ModelFlythrough(model1, file_dir1, variable_list, sat_time, sat_x, sat_y, sat_z, 
      5                                        coord_sys, output_name=output_name1, plot_coord=plot_coord)
      6 else:  # if previously run, read in results
      7     results_swmfgm = S.O.SF_read(output_name1)

File /efs/raringuette/Kamodo/kamodo_ccmc/flythrough/, in ModelFlythrough(model, file_dir, variable_list, sat_time, c1, c2, c3, coord_sys, output_name, plot_coord, verbose, _print_units)
    408 coord_type, coord_grid = coord_sys.split('-')
    410 # get interpolated results
    411 # coord_type should be one of SpacePy's or AstroPy's coordinates
    412 # coord_grid is either 'sph' or 'car'
--> 413 results = U.Model_SatelliteFlythrough(model, file_dir, new_list,
    414                                       sat_time, c1, c2, c3,
    415                                       coord_type, coord_grid,
    416                                       verbose=verbose)
    418 # remove requested variables not found in the data
    419 var_list = [key for key in results.keys() if key not in
    420             ['utc_time', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'net_idx']]

File /efs/raringuette/Kamodo/kamodo_ccmc/flythrough/, in Model_SatelliteFlythrough(model, file_dir, variable_list, sat_time, c1, c2, c3, coord_type, coord_grid, verbose)
    151 # initialize model reader and times dictionary
    152 reader = MW.Model_Reader(model)  # Kamodo gets imported here
--> 153 start_utcts, end_utcts, filedate = File_UTCTimes(model, file_dir)
    155 # cut off trajectory times not found in data in file_dir
    156 idx = where((sat_time >= start_utcts) & (sat_time <= end_utcts))[0]

File /efs/raringuette/Kamodo/kamodo_ccmc/flythrough/, in File_UTCTimes(model, file_dir)
    205 else:
    206     reader = MW.Model_Reader(model)
--> 207     ko = reader(file_dir, filetime=True)  # creates any preprocessed files
    208     times, filedate = ko.times, ko.filedate
    209     del ko

File /efs/raringuette/Kamodo/kamodo_ccmc/readers/, in MODEL.<locals>.MODEL.__init__(self, file_dir, variables_requested, filetime, verbose, gridded_int, printfiles, **kwargs)
    127 patterns = unique([basename(f)[:10] for f in files])
    128 # get time grid from files
--> 129 dt = sp.IdlFile(files[0]).attrs['time']
    130 if dt is not None:  # filedate given not always at midnight
    131     self.filedate = datetime.strptime(
    132         dt.isoformat()[:10], '%Y-%m-%d').replace(
    133         tzinfo=timezone.utc)

IndexError: list index out of range

Digging deeper, the initial problem is simply that glob doesn't work on s3 buckets. I was able to create a successful alternate 'glob' to handle this.

def glob(file_pattern):
    import s3fs
    s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False)
    s3_files = sorted(s3.glob(file_pattern))
    return ['s3://'+f for f in s3_files]
file_dir1 = 's3://helio-public/raringuette/SWMF_GM/James_Webster_051716_1/'  # helio-public
swmf_files = glob(file_dir1+'*.out')


However, I can't even open the files using the methods Kamodo/spacepy uses for these files (see spacepy issue for the .out problem/solution). Attempting to use the typical Dataset call from netCDF4 on one of the OpenGGCM nc files produces the error below. First, demonstrating that the files exist...

def glob(file_pattern):
    import s3fs
    s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False)
    s3_files = sorted(s3.glob(file_pattern))
    return ['s3://'+f for f in s3_files]
file_dir2 = 's3://helio-public/raringuette/OpenGGCM_GM/Yihua_Zheng_040122_1/'
openggcm_files = glob(file_dir2+'*.nc')


Now, showing the code to open the file...

from netCDF4 import Dataset
cdf_data = Dataset(openggcm_files[0])

and the error produced.

Error:curl error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
curl error details: 
Warning:oc_open: Could not read url
OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 2
      1 from netCDF4 import Dataset
----> 2 cdf_data = Dataset(openggcm_files[0])
      3 cdf_data

File src/netCDF4/_netCDF4.pyx:2449, in netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset.__init__()
File src/netCDF4/_netCDF4.pyx:2012, in netCDF4._netCDF4._ensure_nc_success()
OSError: [Errno -68] NetCDF: I/O failure: 's3://helio-public/raringuette/OpenGGCM_GM/Yihua_Zheng_040122_1/'

Note that since 'helio-public' is a public s3 bucket, there should be no problem with access rights. Or, maybe I have missed something simple here.
I suggest looking into a special build of netCDF4 to include with kamodo-ccmc to enable this (see the docs), include an alternate package chosen automatically when s3 buckets are detected in the file paths (S3netCDF4), or switch to using xarray, which works on this already. If the xarray path is used, make sure to use

pip install "xarray[io]" 

to include the required additional backends (see the docs). You might also consider adding the support for dask and acceleration in the installation. In the near future, this additional support for s3 access will be needed for all types of model outputs (binary, csv, ascii, h5, etc).

SFcsv_reader leaving unclosed file

To avoid rerunning the ModelFlythrough function multiple times, I've been using the SFcsv_reader to read in the CSV file that gets output by ModelFlythrough. It seems that file is not getting closed after opening it. I get the warning:

/shared-libs/python3.7/py-core/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/root/work/Output/ModelFlythrough/OpenGGCMFlythrough.csv' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>

I haven't looked at your other readers, but if this is happening with the CSV reader, it's likely happening with other readers too.

Kamodo interpolation much slower than KameleonPlus Python wrapper interpolation

I made a comparison of the time for interpolation using Kamodo and the KameleonPlus Python wrapper. See the two files at


The Kameleon version is ~10x faster. Given that they both are interfacing with, this is somewhat unexpected.

On a side note, I also did an experiment to determine how much faster it is to loop over a grid and calling the interpolator at each iteration in a C++ program than looping over the same grid in a Python program (the Kameleon Python wrapper only allows scalars to be passed). It is about 3x faster. This is sort of on the border of where I want to bother doing anything about it. If I do, I'll share the code.

Module kamodo_ccmc.readers.OpenGGCM.readOpenGGCM not found

when importing the module kamodo_ccmc.readers.openggcm_gm_tocdf I get an error message (see the text below) saying that the module kamodo_ccmc.readers.OpenGGCM.readOpenGGCM does not exist.
I checked the files in the corresponding repository and the mentioned module does not exist indeed.
Could you please check whether you get the same error?

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [22], in <cell line: 3>()
      1 from kamodo_ccmc import readers
      2 from  kamodo_ccmc.readers import OpenGGCM
----> 3 import kamodo_ccmc.readers.openggcm_gm_tocdf

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kamodo_ccmc/readers/, in <module>
     10 from glob import glob
     11 #import kamodo_ccmc.readers.OpenGGCM.read_b_grids as rbg
     12 #import kamodo_ccmc.readers.OpenGGCM.readmagfile3d as rmhd
---> 13 import kamodo_ccmc.readers.OpenGGCM.readOpenGGCM as ropgm
     15 from os.path import sep,isfile,isdir,dirname,exists
     16 from os import remove

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kamodo_ccmc.readers.OpenGGCM.readOpenGGCM'

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