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bettercomments's Issues

Missing options text

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 CE
  • This extension: 1.1 (1.1.9 on msdn?)


Options text is missing/does not show next to option boxes.

Steps to recreate

  1. Open Tools->Options...
  2. Better Comments->Font Options
  3. Text is missing screenshot

Current behaviour

No descriptive name/titles are displayed for options.

Expected behaviour

Options should have descriptive names/titles.

Highlighting of TODO is incorrect when preceded by whitespace

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 Community
  • This extension: 1.6.24


When the Color only the 'Todo' keyword (Task Comments) option is selected, only the first four characters of a TODO comment are highlighted correctly. For example (^ indicates the task highlight):

//TODO create a banana smoothie
// TODO drink that delicious smoothie
//  TODO wipe off your milk moustache

Steps to recreate

  1. Enable the Color only the 'Todo' keyword (Task Comments) option in Tools -> Options -> Better Comments -> Font Options
  2. Create a TODO comment with a space between the double slash and the TODO word (I've only tested this in a C# file)

Current behavior

Only the first four characters are highlighted, including whitespace, and so the end of the task word is not highlighted.

Expected behavior

The task word (Todo), the whole task word, and nothing but the task word should be highlighted.

I would be happy to create a fix/PR, but will probably be too busy until June because of finals.

[Feature Request] Add customizable coloring option for comments

Please add a customizable coloring option so people can see the text's color difference better.

People can always use different themes and they can have a hard time while differentiating the comment with other colored text, background, and other extension text popup etc.

And I personally just don't like the color.

[Request] Make the extension available for VS 2017

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: VS 15 Preview 3
  • This extension: N/A


Can you make a build available for VS "15"

Steps to recreate

  1. Better Comments does not show as an extension for VS "15"

Canceled settings are not discarded.

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2017 Community
  • This extension: 1.5.19


When I change something on the options page and then cancel, the settings are not discarded and still apply.

Steps to recreate

  1. Go to Better Comments options
  2. Change some settings.
  3. Click Cancel.
  4. Refresh the opened document by typing something or reopening it.

Current behavior

When cancel button on the options page is clicked, all the unsaved settings are still applied.

Expected behavior

When cancel button on the options page is clicked, all the unsaved settings should be discarded.

Extension Options do not display correctly

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2017 Professional
  • This extension: 2.0.48


The extension's options do not display correctly in the VS Tools|Options dialog. All checkboxes are missing their labels; the dropdown list is missing its items.

Steps to recreate

  1. Install extension
  2. Open Tools|Options and navigate to Better Comments
  3. None of the extension's options have text labels and the dropdown is missing all items.

Current behavior

None of the extension's options have text labels and the dropdown list is missing all items.

Expected behavior

The options should have text labels and the dropdown list should have items.

Getting an error in Razor views

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2017 Professional
  • This extension: 2.0.47


When I opened a Razor view in my solution, I received a Visual Studio error dialog indicating something went wrong with an extension and to check the Activity Log. Here's a portion of the log:

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'TagAggregator'. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.Implementation.TagAggregator`1.GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection snapshotSpans) at BetterComments.CommentsTagging.CommentTagger.GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans) in C:\projects\bettercomments\BetterComments\CommentsTagging\CommentTagger.cs:line 56 at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.Implementation.TagAggregator`1.<GetTagsForBuffer>d__38.MoveNext()

There are approximately 100 rows of this error recorded in the activity log.

Steps to recreate

  1. I opened a Razor view. In this case, however, this Razor view didn't even have any comments in it, C#, HTML or otherwise.

I must note, however, that even though I received the error upon activating a Razor view document, that it may not be that particular document that caused the error--especially in light of the fact that there are no comments in the activated view.

Current behavior

Please see the Activity Log snippet above.

Expected behavior

There should be no errors recorded in the Activity Log.

[Bug] Underline decoration in important comments is not removed.

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 Community Edition
  • This extension: 1.3.13


Should be able to set the important comment underline decoration on and off in the options page.

Current behavior

The underline decoration stays applied even when it's set off in the options page.

Expected behavior

When the option's checkbox is unchecked the underline decoration should be removed.

[Feature Request] Change only the color of the "Todo" Keyword.

Instead of coloring the entire comment it would be nice to have the option to only change the color of the keyword. For example, "//TODO: ..." instead of coloring everything yellow only color the "TODO:" part of the comment.

[Edit by @omsharp : The user defined classifications feature request is moved to it's own #8 ]
I'm not sure entirely how this works, but also letting user define custom keywords would be a nice feature to have. This might be a visual studio specific thing though.

I can try to implement this myself, but I don't really have any experience with extension making for visual studio.

Multiline comment with changed background color

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2017 Professional
  • This extension: 2.0.47


First of all, I love this extension - it's the best of it's type that I've used. I like the support for multi line comment styling support in particular. However when doing a multiline TODO comment, which I've styled with a background color that's not the same as the editor background, the first line of the comment has the background color extended all the way to the left margin of the editor. The remaining lines do not. Additionally, the closing multi line comment tag (*/) is not highlighted/styled.

Here's an example:


The closing comment tag is unstyled regardless of whether it's on the same line as the last of the comments, or the next line.

Steps to recreate

  1. Change the background color of a comment style to be different to the color of the editor surface
  2. Add a multiline comment

Current behavior

The first line of a multi-line comment is highlighted all the way from the left margin to the opening cvomment tag, and the other lines are not. Additionally the closing comment tag is not styled at all.

Expected behavior

The first line of a multi-line comment should not be highlighted between the left margin and the opening cvomment tag, so that it is consistent with the other lines. Additionally the closing comment tag should be styled.

No strike-through for double comments in VB.Net

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 Enterprise
  • This extension: 2.0.48


Everything works just perfectly fine, even 'x as Comment will strike the comment through. However if I double comment it with '' it just doesn't work. That's rather inconvinient, cause we use that to mark old code and with a double comment we can easily re-insert whole blocks

Steps to recreate

  1. start VB.Net project
  2. press CTRL + K,C twice
  3. nothing happens
  4. replace the second ' with a X
  5. everything happens

Current behavior

Comment is neither gray nor striked through

Expected behavior

Comment should be gray (or whatever I defined the color as) and be striked through

Feature Request: Regex Pattern Matching

This is more of a wishlist feature than essential, but would be extremely powerful: I'd like ability to add custom named, Regex matching patterns to create new styles.

This would depend on Feature #25 to be completed first, or there's really no point.

Does not work with Visual Studio 2017

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: [example 2017 Professional]
  • This extension: [example 2.0.48]


  1. Withing Visual Studio 2017, in the Extensions update window, there is a pop up window for a split second and disappears without any error message.

  2. The VSIX only supports Visual Studio 2015.

Apply same formatting to the parameters

How can I make the text within the param tag also have the same formatting as the entire comment?

When I increase the transparency of the comments it doesn't affect the text within the param tags.


Does not work with .js files

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: VS 17.3.3 Community 2022 (х64)
  • This extension: Better Comments2022 v.1.0


Works fine with .html
But does not work with .js files.
What could be the problem?

Steps to recreate

Rreinstalled a couple of times, experimented with the settings, it does not help.

Current behavior

Does not work with .js files

Expected behavior

should works:)

Visual Studio 2022 support?

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2022 Enterprise
  • This extension: N/A


Is there a version of this extension available or being worked on that is supported in Visual Studio 2022? I love this extension, but the current version in the Marketplace does not seem to support 2022.


BetterComments on IntelliJ

I really would love to have BetterComments on IntelliJ base IDEs, is there an intelliJ version planned?

[Feature Request] Add default comment tokens HACK and UNDONE

I really like the idea of your extension. While trying it out I noticed that the standard comment tokens HACK and UNDONE are not yet handled. Furthermore users can add custom tokens by their-self in the options dialog.

I would appreciate if you add the default tokens in a feature version.

More details about comment tokens:

[Feature Request] support image comment

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2019 pro
  • This extension: not yet


There is a very useful and interesting feature that allows you to display images in comments, such as image-comments,However, this extension has not been updated for a long time and does not support vs2019.
So, if you can integrate into this plugin, it would be great.

Thanks for your work

Comments are not colored when indented

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: Community 2017, 15.3.2
  • This extension: 2.0.48


The extension only works with code that is not indented. This has been the case for more than a month


Add support for leading white space before keywords

My company's standard for comments makes keywords not work as expected:

// NOTE: this does not highlight as expected if the keyword is defined without a leading space like
// this " note"
// TODO: does not work even with a leading space in the keyword definition, like " todo"
//note: this comment highlighting should function the same as
// note: this comment's.

Label not showing

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 Enterprise
  • This extension's version: 1.1.9


Settings menu doesn't have labels. Can't see the text.

Steps to recreate

  1. Open the settings dialog from Tools-> Options-> Better Comments

Current behavior

Doesn't show the labels' texts.

Expected behavior

Dialog should show what the text are.


Color of first 3 chars in Python

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio:2015 Community
  • This extension: 1.1


In Python source, the first 3 characters of a comment are grayed, or maybe a different opacity.

Steps to recreate

  1. Open a Python source and observe the comments.
    Using the default colors.
    Settings: Consolas font, 0 size offset, Italic is checked, 1 opacity.

Current behavior

See Description.

Expected behavior

Entire comment is the same color and opacity.

Coloring is gone

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2017, Version 15.2
  • Better Comments: 2.0.47

Somehow the colors of comments got lost. If I change in the options the colors of e.g. "Comments - Important" or "Comment - Task", the comments in the code are still shown with the default color. Worked before, maybe related to the update to version 2.0.47?

Please advice, many thanks!

font size is not adjusted in collapsed comments

Hi Omar,

just noted that the font size is back to normal when the comment is collapsed. This is the observed behavior (at least in VS 2017 Enterprise):


Imho, this should be also smaller, as defined in the BetterComments - options.

Hope you're well.

Kind regards,

Single line task comment tags are not styled, whereas multiline ones are

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2017 Professional, v15.9.6
  • This extension: 2.3.61


Single line TODO comments do not color the TODO tag with the style defined in the BetterComments configuration for task comments.
A Multiline formatted comment that is closed on the same line ( e.g. /* TODO: some comment */) also behaves the way a single line comment does, in that the TODO tag is not colored.
Multiline comments which span more than one line do style the TODO tag however.

Steps to recreate

With BetterComments installed, paste the following into a C# code file:

// TODO: A single line comment
/* TODO: A Multiline comment on one line */
/* TODO: A Multiline comment 

Current behavior

Tag coloring is inconsistent between comments which span multiple lines and those which do not. Here is an example, from VS 2017 Professional.


Expected behavior

The task tag text (TODO) should be consistently styled regardless of whether the comment spans more than one line.

[Feature Request] Customize keywords

It would be great if it was possible to customize the 4 different keyword...
Like for example :

! => note
? => question
todo => todo
x => suppress

if we could have a new tab in the options to change them...
Thanks in advance

Better Comments does NOT work at the VS Express 2017 for Windows Desktop.

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: [Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2017 for Windows Desktop ]
  • This extension: [15.9.13]


I installed the Better Comments successfully.
But the Better Commens does NOT work at Visual Studio Express 2017 for Windows Desktop.

Steps to recreate

  1. Downloaded the Better Comments install program at below URL

  2. After install the Better Comments, run the VS Express 2017 for Windows Desktop.

  3. But the Better Commentsdoes NOT work.

Current behavior

You can see below error and issue.(VS is Korean Version)
I installed the Better Comments successfully.
But in the code, the Better Comments does NOT work.



Expected behavior

I want the Better Comments works at the Visual Studio Express 2017 for Windows Desktop also.

Add case-sensitive to "better-comments.tags" setting

Hey, I would like to specify case-sensitive in the settings for a specific tag, e.g.:

"tag": "todo",
"color": "#FF8C00",
"strikethrough": false,
"underline": false,
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"bold": false,
"italic": false,
"case-sensitive": true

Not able to change font colors

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 Enterprise
  • This extension: 1.1.9


Cannot change default colors. It looks like your defaults assume a dark theme

So I am trying to change them to make it more useful for a light them. I looked at your directions, however they do not seem to work

If you look at the image, there is no option for Text Editor and if I click on "All Text Tool Windows" I do not see any options to update Better Comments. Please consider adding the settings directly into the better comments property screen.

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