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2.0 3.0 0.0 19.46 MB is a portfolio website about web developer Ingo Steinke. The site is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and 11ty (eleventy). English version:

Home Page:

JavaScript 12.21% Liquid 33.70% CSS 8.00% HTML 44.21% PHP 1.89%
webdeveloper frontend css css3 html html5 11ty eleventy jamstack javascript's Introduction

Portfolio website for Ingo Steinke, creative web developer. German version:

This is a simple, static, multilingual website using eleventy as a JAMstack tool to facilitate content editing and deployment. Accessibility and web performance are important non-functional requirements.

This website can be used to showcase best practices, try new CSS features using progressive ehancement, and to save CV documents using the print dialog.

My changelog contains details about features and fixes.

This is a screenshot after the relaunch in 2021:


Development Requirements

  • npm
  • eleventy (global path: npm install -g @11ty/eleventy)
  • a computer with an internet connection
  • linters and testing tools will be installed by npm

Frontend Debugging

To use console functions like console.log, set "removeConsole" to false in babel.config.json !

Edit Content

Project Structure

  • src/index.liquid (site structure, image tags etc.)
  • src/_data/**/content.js (localized strings)
  • img (image files)
  • styles.css, _includes/*.css(styles: CSS + PostCSS)


  • src/{__slug__}/index.liquid
    • include common page parts from src/_includes/
    • processed, built and added to sitemap
  • Common parts are not used for the (index.liquid) home page.
Offers/services (Leistungen)

Section to be added above "skills", replacing "skills" as a top navigation item, to add pages focused on the customers' perspective rather than the who-I-am-CV-perspective that the website started with. These pages must be provided in all languages.

Campaign landing pages

Keyword-centered additional landing pages, manually added in German only for specific campaigns and linked from the German footer only, should also be provided in all languages for more consistency.

Localization / text snippets

Text content can be edited in

src/_data/{{ content.language }}/content.js

to be used in liquid variables with the content. prefix.

My localization setup does not match eleventy's front matter handling, but this proved a quick and maintainable way to get things done.

When starting to work with eleventy, in January 2021, I had not been able to find an official documentation how to internationalize eleventy projects, and anything else I found seemed even more counter-intuitive to me, so here we go.


npm run build


  • npm run eslint
  • npm run stylelint
  • npm run serve &&
  • npm run codeceptjs CodeceptJS synchronization (optional)

export / update local tests to

  • TESTOMATIO=__$APIKEY__ npx check-tests@latest CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"

About Testing Tools and the War on Europe

🇺🇦 CodeceptJS and were created in Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine

If the build process fails for any reason, edit dist files manually to reflect src changes!


Manual deployment: SFTP / SCP

Upload dist content to and dist_en content to

Netlify CI (optional, currently deactivated)

  • Commits to the master branch will trigger a production deployment by netlify.
  • Commits to pull requests will trigger preview builds to a preview domain.

Distribution Directories

Distribution directories (dist, dist_en) are pushed to GitHub. It is not necessary to re-build them on the "serverless" server, Netlify can deploy the distributed content without further modification.

DNS setup for Netlify

We need to add DNS records for every domain not hosted directly on Netlify:  IN  A
www           IN  CNAME  IN  A
www           IN  CNAME  IN  A
www           IN  CNAME  IN  A
www           IN  CNAME

We must configure every domain in Netlify's domain settings as "Custom domains":

pattern de com
Default subdomain
Primary domain
Redirects automatically to primary domain
Domain alias
Domain alias

Note that Netlify does not respect .htaccess Apache configuration files, but needs a _redirects file instead (see Redirects and rewrites).

Code Style: Pragmatic Minimalism

  • Prefer semantic HTML and its built-in defaults,
  • prefer CSS to JavaScript,
  • follow helpful linter recommendations, deactivate unhelpful rules.
  • Compact CSS: composite classes instead of BEM verbosity,
  • mix functional and semantic class names pragmatically.
  • Prefer naming to code comments, but don't neglect explicit documentation either!
  • Always keep the documentation up to date!

Progressive Enhancement

All content and technical updates must be accessible and should consider web performance and progressive enhancement: content first, keep the site readable and usable without any style and script, test tab-navigation, screen reader; use static code analysis (eslint, stylelint), automated audits (axe, wave, lighthouse); run and update automated test scenarios!

The website should be fully functional and beautifully styled, including animation and interactivity, using only HTML and CSS without any scripts or images. Saving the website as a PDF using the print dialog should generate a printable document that resembles the website's style, contains all important information, including readable and clickable links, and that can be used as a CV document.

DOM elements with visibility controlled by script, like .sticky-header, must always stay visible without javascript, so we hide them by script when the document is ready.

Optional enhancements in scripts.js:

  • event handling to improve navigation UX
  • improve sticky header behavior
  • stop animation button
  • randomize animation
  • control interactive multimedia / videos

Development Roadmap

  • improve test coverage
  • upgrade outdated code dependencies
  • refactor CSS to improve readability maintainability
  • refactor JS: split into testable unit files
  • refactor liquid markup: more modular to remove redundancy
  • prepare additional pages for project details and older entries
  • document and prioritize work using GitHub issues:

Marketing / SEO

Blog, publish, participate in forums, and add content on free wiki services and profile pages like the following examples where we can create "do-follow backlinks" (i.e. links poiting to our own resouces without a restricting rel="nofollow" attribute)'s People


dependabot[bot] avatar openmindculture avatar


 avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

Layout Issues after Build Tools Updates

New issues despite no intended layout changes:

  • home page too wide, larger than viewport ( > 100vw ) on mobile (Vivaldi/Chromium on Android 12)
  • "clickable elements too close together" reported by Google search console (without providing further details)

Domain Alias Redirect Errors

not all combinations of http/https, www/non-www, dash/no-dash, work correctly.
Expected behaviour:

Steps to reproduce: examine all possible variations, for example

Duplicate without user-selected canonical

Duplicate without user-selected canonical
These pages aren't indexed or served on Google

Search Console
Page indexing issues detected in

To the owner of

Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Page indexing issue(s). The following issues were found on your site.

Top Issues

Duplicate without user-selected canonical
We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.

Content Update: Testimonials, Technologies

Update: Testimonials, Technologies:

add customers and their projects, upgrade and reorder skills and technological testimonials,

  • FoodTogether, ProjectTogether, FSE, Block Theme, Pods
  • also add to WP skills: FSE, Gutenberg, Pods?
  • link to own WP plugin
  • but ensure WP is low on the list
  • only mention old WP plugin as a side note or not at all
  • KleiderOrdnung Berlin, Fashion Changers, Sustainable Stylists in combination with KleiderOrdnung Düsseldorf
  • prepare to mention Shopware certification
  • mention Impact Hub community

Minor Website Updates WIP since Summer 2021

[ ] Readability ?! -> another issue
[ ] new profile picture -> dto.
[x] update project and customer list -> as it happens ...
[x] text improvement: 2x "begeisterter", replace with "nachhaltiger"
[x] mention sustainability, website carbon claim, sustainability manifesto etc.
[x] replace meetup link with link to profile
[x] ++ "fractal" stack
[x] -- "shopware 5" stack
[x] add photo "on TV" (from NCA conf 21) to talks section (using srcset)

Phone number not found in reverse search

Searching for my current phone number, Google's search result page only shows 3 (doubtful, generic) results below my (Google) business profile, although my phone number is present on my page in different notations already:

  • visually spaced (thus chunked into span elements)
  • as a full international phone uri starting with +49 as a link target

Expected behaviour:

  • search results for the full international phone notation should include my official website!

Possible fixes:

  • explicitly add this full international phone number notation as a string to my page's markup (possibly visually hidden)

contact form (607)

ISD + contact form

  • erst bei Bedarf, mit n1cer und sehr dezenter css transition, einblenden
  • "serverless" netlify form service?

add exali insurance link or badge

  • to prove professional insurance
  • either in footer area next to other badges, and/or in TOS section although that is initially hidden

Content Update: Skills

Update skills matrix on portfolio page:

  • focus on technology that I currently use (no vue, no lip, no webflow)
  • group by stacks / frameworks: MERN, JAM, Shopware 6, SW 5, ...
  • use colors in a more meaningful, recognizable way (e.g. PHP / Shopware shades of blue)
  • adapt breakpoints to allow for longer tag lines

Ensure maintainability:

  • refactor styles (useless generic child styles, overspecific declaration and order)
  • configure linter / editor and adapt styles to avoid warnings after stylelint update
  • configure base / import paths to avoid false positive errors in phpstorm

Fix Broken Domain Variants

Broken domain variants: ISD with http without dash does not work! ||
404 Not Found
Server: Netlify

neither does ||
Subject: *
Issuer: DigiCert TLS Hybrid ECC SHA384 2020 CA1
Expires on: Mar 3, 2023

Expected beaver 🦫 behaviour behavior:

  • A GET request using any variation of (www?)ingo(-?)steinke.(com|de) must result in the website, language version solely depending on the top level domain.
  • Canonical versions must not redirect. All other versions must redirect to one of the canonical versions (https + www + dash).
  • Canonical https versions should send an HSTS response header.
  • Redirecting https versions still need a valid SSL certificate.
  • Implementation is consistent for .decom and .de according to the principle of least astonishment.
  • The current implementation is completely documented inside this repository (TODO update README).
  • The current implementation should be completely configured using files in this repository (currently not possible).

Expected implementation:

domain goneo netlify ... - ... -

Checking and documenting the actual configuration:

  • There is no relevant configuration option for netlify (as my German ISP provides DNS name service, those are no "apex" domains configurable by Netlify).
  • Check configuration in German ISP control center ("expert functions" -> "DNS-Editor")
    • ....
  • Ensure that there are also no redirecting HTML files.
  • How do we use .htaccess for redirects?
    common, domain-agnostic .htaccess rules
    • on German host only for .de but not for .com?
    • deployed to Netlify, but Netlify does not respect Apache configuration files, needs a _redirects file instead (see Redirects and rewrites
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
# First rewrite to HTTPS:
# Don't put www. here. If it is already there it will be included, if not
# the subsequent rule will catch it.
RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
# Now, rewrite any request to the wrong domain to use www.
# [NC] is a case-insensitive match
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.ingo-steinke [NC]
RewriteRule .*{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

The current DNS settings do not specify to redirect non-www requests to Netlify,
also not for the .de domains which are working as expected?

The DNS settings for (not working) match those for
so what did I miss?

The 404 not found responses have a Netlify X-Nf-Request-Id we should use to check their error logs... not documented => new community support question: Where can I find the error logs to inspect details for a 404 request by Netlify X-Nf-Request-Id?

Compare site -> [domain name] -> settings -> domain settings:

pattern de com
Default subdomain
Primary domain
Redirects automatically to primary domain
Domain alias (missing!)
Domain alias (missing!)

refactor css after snapshot testing

As the maintainer of my own website, I want to keep the tools up to date and improve maintainability.

After not working on the site for a while, many tools have become outdated. Also, the codebase does not meet my current coding preferences anymore. Style sheets seem too chaotic, markup and content are mixed in a redundant way without leveraging modular possibilities of the static site generation system. And that system has seen two major upgrades meanwhile. While my site still runs on eleventy 0.x, there is a stable 2.0 release available.

None of those overdue changes should be done before increasing test coverage, including screenshot tests and possibly doing cross-browser end-to-end tests and audits.

  • improve test coverage
    • click journey both on desktop and on mobile, to check different menu versions
    • screenshot tests
    • cross-browser tests
    • audits
  • upgrade tools
    • upgrade PostCSS etc., test, adapt configuration
      • remove unnecessary diversity unless it makes sense
        • is there a good reason to use cssnano instead of postcss-minify?
    • upgrade stylelint etc., test, adapt configuration
    • upgrade eleventy (possible breaking changes from 0.x -> 2.0 !)
  • proceed with refactoring
    • check open issues and notes
    • more modular content structure
      • elements copied to _storybook should be components instead
      • tiles (projects / skills) should be components
    • refactor CSS
    • automate extracting critical CSS
    • automate image optimization
  • after snapshot testing (codecpt, see #42)
  • readability / maintainability / developer experience
    • -> specificity and ordering
    • -> refactor class names (BEM)
  • new css features with progressive enhancement (container, parent, aspect-ratio)

see trello card

Prepare English version:


  • internationalization (polyglot, i18n) #38 200
    • split markup and markdown to prevent code redundancy
    • configure deploy target for English language domain
    • use lang, hreflang, rel alternate
    • how to properly set rel canonical for polylang pages?
    • set up domains + URL concept for international content

Domains for Internation Content

  • Why use (ISCOM) ?

  • Why use another domain at all?

  • Using different domains for different languages is recommended by Google: "Google recommends using different URLs for each language version of a page", source:

  • Using "www" is recommend by Netlify for most use cases: "Unless your DNS provider supports CNAME flattening, ANAME or ALIAS records for apex domains, we strongly recommend setting the www subdomain (or another subdomain) as your primary domain."

  • Using a hyphen, while uncommon in domain names except for Germany and Japan, can benefit readability for given names (source:, also your brand might benefit from consistency with the established German one.

Localization (Providing Content in English)

  • localization (polyglot, l10n) #39 200
    • translate / copywriter content by myself
      • to ensure technical details are correct
      • to make it more authentic to start with
    • improve orthography, grammar and style using automated tools
    • get feedback from non German speaking contacts (Scots, Dutch, ...)
    • professional proof reader / translator (an actual human being)

Follow-Up: cross-link && SEO

2.0.0 Bugs and Refinements: mobile and legacy browsers

burger menu ux: close menu on any click; 131

refine link colors in privacy; 101:3
mobile width bugs; 101:4

legacy internet explorer bugs; 101:6
Icon ratio in IE 9 (height: auto did not work and was not even necessary)
grid sizes in IE 9 (gridless fallback) float ugly second row on small screens (probably better fallback without float but rather unroll like print view)

broken SVG in IE 9 (icons with unnecessarily large viewBox: scaled paths < 512)
grid sizes in IE 10 (ms-grid)
skills hashtags miss margin when multiline (fixed with mobile fixes 101:4 ?)
project grid content invisible in IE 10 (ms-grid)

a11y print and cross browser bugs; 101:7

Page displays incorrectly on old iPhone Safari

Page does not display correctly in Safari on iPhone 6+ (latest official 2021 update)
first view looked like a Desktop version,
second view looked correctly zoomed but some text truncated.

mobile page > 100vw

might be due to latest content updates, inspect tag rows (tech qa stack or blue tech tags below projects)
or due to the added websitecarbon badge

steps to reproduce: open on mobile, e.g. vivaldi browser on google pixel 4.x

expected behavior:

  • page is responsive on any device, even below 320px.
  • content is fully visible on any device, even without js + CSS applied

Animations may lag and do not respect reduced-motion pref

  • website must respect reduced motion preference and should not should heavy animation in that case
  • website animation should not lag on any contemporary device

Partial solutions:

  • start flounder animations only if no reduced motion preference is detected
  • show a still position of 1 primary + 1 secondary object as a fallback
  • (optionally add a pause class to allow a stop button to determine best fallback position)
  • remove the third (x2 secondary x2 before) object which is outside the viewport most of the times

CSS Refactor: Custom Property Names

add BEM-inspired group prefixes, like --color-secondary-background instead of --secondary-background to increase readability and maintainability

Color Contrast: Accessibility meets Art Direction => add Display Options Control

After optimizing headlines and markup, there are even more, probably false positive, color contrast warnings when linting the website using axe accessibility linter. Maybe related to pseudo content, transparency, gradients, background animations.


  • check if these are actual issues, and
  • find a solution to satisfy both human readers and automated linting tools.

Expected behaviour: zero errors, zero warnings.

(Possible related issues deleted, as both have already been fixed.)
Not a false positive, but a very strict one: my site actually fails to ensure minimum color contrast defined by WCAG 2, which brings back an art direction vs. accessibility problem:

Upgrade Outdated Build Tools: Stylelint, PostCSS

upgrade stylelint for maintainablility (the current version of stylelint is no longer officially supported - only one year after 1 built the project?! And as more time elapsed, the latest stable major versions should be ready to use now.

  • improve testing to prevent regression bugs using Codecept, testomat

  • upgrade CodeceptJS to latest stable major version 3

  • check stylelint migration guide

  • migrate stylelint

  • DON'T upgrade postcss, and postcss-preset-env, it's buggy! (see below) - retain stable version instead!

  • Stylelint:

Stylelint version 13.13.1 is no longer supported. While it may continue to work for a while, you may encounter unexpected behavior. Please upgrade to version 14.0.0 or newer. See the migration guide for more information.

  • PostCSS:

This version of postcss-preset-env is not optimised to work with PostCSS 8.
Please update to version 7 of PostCSS Preset Env.

Verify and repeat manual audits

  • is the code minified?
  • does the code work in relevant older browsers, including iOS Safari and maybe even internet explorer?
  • do print styles still work?
  • file size?
  • linting?

Any way to fix, or else reasonable decision to ignore descending specificity issues? #96

After deployment:

repeat external measurements and evaluations (also see README / Changelog)

  • Lighthouse / PageSpeed
  • WebPageTest
  • WebsiteCarbon
  • aXe
  • ...

Animation Composition and Optimization

Refactoring my animated background decoration: after revisiting old notes and code comments, investigating my code made me realize that it is overly complex and that the same visual impression can be achieved with a much simpler approach. Codepen prototyping resulted in a new, more minimal animation that can replace the deprecated prior one before getting fine-tuned in the context of color and content.

  • restrict movement boundaries
  • reduce the number of objects
  • reduce concurrent translations
  • simplify translation complexity:
    • linear movement along the Y-axis
    • linear 2d upscaling
    • alternating keyframe animations using ease-in + ease-out
    • anti-cyclic durations create perceived randomness (cicada principle)

This is already quite complex, but it still seems more reduced and easier to calculate than the prior version that I had derived from a liquid animation tutorial in 2021

Obsolete older notes:

  • animation composition
    now also supported by Firefox, the browser which had some performance issue caused by the background animations.
    Can we use the composition directives or any other overlooked feature to optimize animation performance?
    Visually, everything seemed to be okay so far.

Frontend Testing (305)

305 snapshot testing with codecept or cypress (42, 64, 69)

  • how to test local URLs (seems not possible without local webserver, but we have nodejs anyway)
  • how to scroll down hero banner (not possible with codecept but with cypress?)
  • necessary to install a separate browser and puppeteer? for a cross-browser compatible website, tests should never fail if any preinstalled modern browser is used, prefer lightweight setup for this mini project!
  • initial installation / evaluation
  • Integration Tests
  • integration test: dist/index.html
  • integration test: dist_en/index.html
  • snapshot test: screenshot of homepage initial and scrolled
  • optional CSS code snapshot (expect to "fail" after postCSS upgrade or class name refactoring, but not after internal refactoring)
  • optional JS code snapshot (expect to "fail" after babel upgrade, but not after internal refactoring)
  • Component Tests
  • component tests: ./_storybook/*.htm
  • Cleanup
  • uninstalled obsolete frameworks and components

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.