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autoinstaller's Introduction

OpenShift in Action Autoinstaller

The autoinstaller application automates the deployment of an OpenShift cluster that's an analogue to Appendix A in OpenShift in Action. It also helps you complete the tasks for each chapter quickly if you break your system and want to quickly catch up.

Prerequisites for using autoinstaller

  • Ansible on a linux system (tested using Ansible
  • git, to clone this repository
  • Some sort of platform to deploy OpenShift on. Currently supported platforms:
    • AWS (EC2)
    • OpenStack
    • Linux (kvm/libvirt)
    • Other (virtual machines or bare metal systems already running CentOS 7)
  • Any special prerequisites for a given provider will be spelled out in its own section.

Testing Matrix

Providers and OpenShift versions that have been tested to date. Feel free to help!

Provider Origin 3.6 Origin 3.7 OCP 3.6 OCP 3.7
AWS ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
KVM ✔️

The KVM provider is currently blocked from deploying OCP by issue #4

AWS Quickstart

openshift_version = 3.6
openshift_type = origin
deployment = aws
ssh_key_file = /home/<YOUR_USER>/.ssh/id_rsa
deploy_catalog = true

region = us-east-1
sec_group = openshift
flavor = m4.xlarge
ssh_key_name = oia_key
  • run the following command: $ ./

That's it. This will create 2 instances in AWS and deploy an OpenShift cluster for you.

Getting started and configuration

Autoinstaller uses an ini configuration file. This is the only configuration you have to make to deploy OpenShift with the autoinstaller.

Global configurations

The config file starts with a section named [global]. This is where you'll define a few global parameters for your cluster.


The version of OpenShift you'd like to deploy. OpenShift In Action is written using version 3.6, but testing with 3.7 is in progress, and autoinstaller will be updated as new versions are released.


The type of OpenShift to deploy. For OpenShift In Action this value should be origin. The other possible option is openshift-enterprise, which deploys Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. You must set your RHN credentials and the appropriate RHN pool ID in order to install openshift-enterprise:

export RHN_USERNAME=<your RHN user ID>
export RHN_PASSWORD=<your RHN password>
export RHN_POOL_ID=<A pool ID with Openshift Enterprise subscription>


The SSH key your OpenShift cluster will use. For cloud providers, the public key will be uploaded and the private key placed on the master. For traditional virtualization platforms and bare metal systems, the public keys are distributed to all nodes and the private key on the master.

Autoinstaller assumes the following:

  1. ssh_key_file is a path to an SSH private key on the Linux system autoinstaller is running on.
  2. The corresponding public key is in the same directory, with the same file name, and containing the .pub file extension.

On Linux, ssh keys can be generated using the ssh-keygen utility. If you need to generate your ssh key on Windows, this link should be helpful.


The provider to use for your OpenShift cluster. This parameter is used to reference the provider-specific parameters in the next section. Current options are:

Current providers
  • aws
  • kvm
  • openstack
  • other

Each provider has its own section. You only need to have a single provider defined, but you can define multiple platforms. The deployment parameter in [global] tells which provider to use for a given deployment.

AWS Provider

The AWS provider comes complete with a list of CentOS and RHEL 7.4 AMIs for each EC2 region. You don't have to specify them. It just works.


We assume you have used, are using, or are comfortable with using AWS (Amazon Web Services) and its EC2 service. If you're new to AWS, their Getting Started with Amazon EC2 is a great first step.

Access environment variables

Everything in AWS requires authentication. Autoinstallers uses environment variables for your AWS secret key and access key set in accordance with their documentation. The following environment variables need to be set:


If these variables aren't set on the autoinstaller host, the provider can't function.

IAM role to create VPC and Security Group

The API key you use also needs to have the proper permissions to create a VPC, Security Group, and EC2 instances. If managing AWS permissions is new to you, they have documentation for that, too! It's a solid platform with a pretty low learning curve to get it set up for this purpose.



The region where you want to deploy OpenShift


By default, autoinstaller creates a security group for public access to OpenShift.


The instance flavor for your instance. m4.xlarge matches the OpenShift recommendations. We've tested with m4.large instances as well.


The name on the provider for your ssh key. If it's not already uploaded, autoinstaller will upload your specified key to your cloud provider using this name. This is the key name that will be referenced when instances are created.

KVM Provider

The KVM provider automatically downloads the proper CentOS7 cloud image to your KVM host and uses that to deploy your OpenShift cluster.

By default, no parameters need to be set.

Openstack Provider

OpenStack is an industry-leading on-premises cloud platform. It's a lot like having all of AWS' services inside your own datacenter.

Unlike AWS, each OpenStack deployment has a unique image ID that references. You need to tell autoinstaller that information, along with the same information used for EC2.


Access environment variables

Like the AWS provider, authentication environment variables are needed to access your OpenStack APIs. Your OpenStack username and passwords need to be available in the following variables on your autoinstaller host:


If these variables aren't set, this provider can't work.



The image ID for your OpenStack cloud that is a CentOS 7 image. This value is a long hash, for example 7e9fb03c-734b-4ad2-9244-df8b9c2e2b6e7e9fb03c-734b-4ad2-9244-df8b9c2e2b6e, and will be unique to each OpenStack environment.


The OpenStack project where you want to deploy OpenShift


The keystone API URL for your OpenStack cluster, for example


By default, autoinstaller creates a security group for public access to OpenShift.


The instance flavor for your instance. m4.xlarge matches the OpenShift recommendations. We've tested with m4.large instances as well.


The name on the provider for your ssh key. If it's not already uploaded, autoinstaller will upload your specified key to your cloud provider using this name. This is the key name that will be referenced when instances are created.

Other provider

This provider is the monkey wrench for autoinstaller. It doesn't provision your cluster instances. Instead it takes existing instances and deploys OpenShift on them for you.


  1. You have two CentOS 7 systems (physical or virtual) built out. This can be on any platform (Virtualbox, VMWare, etc.), assuming the rest of the assumptions are met.
  2. You have root access to both systems
  3. Both systems can communicate with each other freely via a TCP/IP network
  4. Both systems can access the internet
  5. Both systems have the CentOS 7 installed on one disk, and a second unformatted disk attached to the system.
  6. Both systems have at least two CPUs (or VCPUs), 4 GB of RAM, and 10GB of space on the second disk.



The IP address or hostname of the system that will be your master server.


The IP address or hostname of the system that will be your application node.


There are two many different physical and virtual systems to account for all possible disk-naming conventions out there. This value is configured for the other providers, and defaults to /dev/sdb for this provider. If your servers have a different name for its second disk, you can override that default value with this parameter.


The OpenShift deployment process takes 30-45 minutes on average. If you run into issues, you can set the deploy_openshift value to false. This will deploy your infrastructure and go all the way up to the point OpenShift is actually deployed and stop. This lets you investigate your cluster and

Sample autoinstaller.conf

openshift_version = 3.6
openshift_type = origin
deployment = kvm
ssh_key_file = /home/jduncan/.ssh/id_rsa
deploy_catalog = true

region = us-east-1
sec_group = openshift
flavor = m4.xlarge
ssh_key_name = jduncan_key

install_host =

image = 7e9fb03c-734b-4ad2-9244-df8b9c2e2b6e7e9fb03c-734b-4ad2-9244-df8b9c2e2b6e
region = us-east-1
sec_group = openshift
flavor = m4.xlarge
ssh_key_name = jduncan_key

master =
node =
docker_vol = /dev/sdb

deploy_openshift = true


To use autoinstaller:

  1. Clone this repository on to a Linux system running a RHEL-family version of Linux (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS). Currently, we haven't tested autoinstaller on Ubuntu or other Linux distributions. The requirements are minor. If you'd like to help in that regard, please let us know!
$ git clone
  1. Fill our your configuration file. This document should help, and we provide a sample file as well.
  2. Run the autoinstaller:
$ cd autoinstaller
$ ./autoinstaller

Depending on your desired provider and internet connection speed, the entire process could take a while. You are building out an entire OpenShift cluster, after all.


usage: [-h] [-c CHAPTER] [--config CONF_FILE] [-p DEPLOYMENT]

Autoinstaller for OpenShift in Action

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CHAPTER, --chapter CHAPTER
                        chapter you would like to provision through
  --config CONF_FILE    autoinstaller config file, default is
                        the deployment provider you'd like to use from your
                        configuration file
  -d, --dry-run         use this option to output the installation command but
                        not launch the installer

Multiple providers in a single configuration

You can have multiple providers in a single autoinstaller.conf. To specify a provider or override what is defined in your [global] configuration, use the -p or --provider parameter to specify the provider you want to use.

Advanced Usage

The goal of autoinstaller is to make it as simple as possible to deploy a multi-node OpenShift cluster. However, there are a ton of additional options you can manipulate beyond this documentation.

The autoinstaller application takes the options in your configuration file and passes them into a collection of Ansible playbooks that provision then your cluster. All variables that are read in are passed to the playbooks as extra_vars, the highest level in Ansible's order of precedence.

Ansible Roles

This project contains two primary types of roles, intrastructure and OpenShift. The infrastructure roles are designed to build out infrastructure for your cluster on different platforms. OpenShift roles are designed to take those newly created instances and deploy OpenShift.

Each type of supported hypervisor, along with 'other' infrastructure role, has a corresponding Ansible role. Additional roles for other platforms will be added as time and community desires allow. The OpenShift roles shouldn't need too much work, outside of bug fixes and feature requests.

If you'd like to contribute a new infrastructure role, please see the Contributing section.

Infrastructure Roles

OpenShift Roles

The OpenShift roles typically don't require a lot of tweaking to work, assuming the provider role has done its job correctly.


This role does the preperation steps common to both master and application nodes. There are no options required for this role.


This role sets up your OpenShift nodes, including configuring docker and storage.


This role configures your OpenShift master, and performs the actual OpenShift deployment.


If you are an Ansible user and want to add general improvements, or especially addtional hypervisor platforms, PRs and Issues are most definitely welcome!

autoinstaller's People


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autoinstaller's Issues

Autoinstaller Error

When I attempt to run in RedHat's linux environment with a kvm hypervisor I run into this error.
screen shot 2018-05-30 at 8 41 42 am
I think the error has something to do with {{ansible distribution }} .yml script.

Receiving error "'dict object' has no attribute 'instances'" on Ansible task was-hypervisor: create groups

Attaching the console output below along with the autoinstaller.conf file used.

TASK [aws-hypervisor : associate new elastic IPs with each of the instances] ***************
skipping: [] => (item={u'root_device_type': u'ebs', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'security_groups': [{u'group_id': u'sg-0b636e72', u'group_name': u'openshift'}], u'monitoring': {u'state': u'disabled'}, u'subnet_id': u'subnet-29c2b672', u'ebs_optimized': False, u'state': {u'code': 16, u'name': u'running'}, u'source_dest_check': True, u'client_token': u'', u'virtualization_type': u'hvm', u'architecture': u'x86_64', u'public_ip_address': u'', u'tags': {u'cluster': u'OiA-201804301128', u'role': u'master', u'Name': u'ocp1'}, u'key_name': u'openshiftinaction', u'image_id': u'ami-66eec506', u'ena_support': True, u'public_dns_name': u'', u'block_device_mappings': [{u'device_name': u'/dev/sda1', u'ebs': {u'status': u'attached', u'delete_on_termination': True, u'attach_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:50+00:00', u'volume_id': u'vol-0408a1e79dff02ce6'}}, {u'device_name': u'/dev/sdb', u'ebs': {u'status': u'attached', u'delete_on_termination': False, u'attach_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:50+00:00', u'volume_id': u'vol-0ea9d2aedf4965bda'}}], u'placement': {u'group_name': u'', u'tenancy': u'default', u'availability_zone': u'us-west-1b'}, u'ami_launch_index': 0, u'hypervisor': u'xen', u'network_interfaces': [{u'status': u'in-use', u'description': u'', u'subnet_id': u'subnet-29c2b672', u'ipv6_addresses': [], u'network_interface_id': u'eni-0a53a20e', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'attachment': {u'status': u'attached', u'device_index': 0, u'attachment_id': u'eni-attach-fb112517', u'delete_on_termination': True, u'attach_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:50+00:00'}, u'private_ip_addresses': [{u'private_ip_address': u'', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'association': {u'public_ip': u'', u'public_dns_name': u'', u'ip_owner_id': u'amazon'}, u'primary': True}], u'mac_address': u'06:16:40:b5:68:fe', u'private_ip_address': u'', u'vpc_id': u'vpc-1bd64b7c', u'groups': [{u'group_id': u'sg-0b636e72', u'group_name': u'openshift'}], u'association': {u'public_ip': u'', u'public_dns_name': u'', u'ip_owner_id': u'amazon'}, u'source_dest_check': True, u'owner_id': u'954276187504'}], u'launch_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:50+00:00', u'instance_id': u'i-06c18b36d10ade0f3', u'instance_type': u'm4.xlarge', u'root_device_name': u'/dev/sda1', u'state_transition_reason': u'', u'private_ip_address': u'', u'vpc_id': u'vpc-1bd64b7c', u'product_codes': []})
skipping: [] => (item={u'root_device_type': u'ebs', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'security_groups': [{u'group_id': u'sg-0b636e72', u'group_name': u'openshift'}], u'monitoring': {u'state': u'disabled'}, u'subnet_id': u'subnet-29c2b672', u'ebs_optimized': False, u'state': {u'code': 16, u'name': u'running'}, u'source_dest_check': True, u'client_token': u'', u'virtualization_type': u'hvm', u'architecture': u'x86_64', u'public_ip_address': u'', u'tags': {u'cluster': u'OiA-201804301128', u'role': u'node', u'Name': u'ocp2'}, u'key_name': u'openshiftinaction', u'image_id': u'ami-66eec506', u'ena_support': True, u'public_dns_name': u'', u'block_device_mappings': [{u'device_name': u'/dev/sda1', u'ebs': {u'status': u'attached', u'delete_on_termination': True, u'attach_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:29+00:00', u'volume_id': u'vol-00977c37745024c92'}}, {u'device_name': u'/dev/sdb', u'ebs': {u'status': u'attached', u'delete_on_termination': False, u'attach_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:29+00:00', u'volume_id': u'vol-03e02547602e8e97e'}}], u'placement': {u'group_name': u'', u'tenancy': u'default', u'availability_zone': u'us-west-1b'}, u'ami_launch_index': 0, u'hypervisor': u'xen', u'network_interfaces': [{u'status': u'in-use', u'description': u'', u'subnet_id': u'subnet-29c2b672', u'ipv6_addresses': [], u'network_interface_id': u'eni-1c52a318', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'attachment': {u'status': u'attached', u'device_index': 0, u'attachment_id': u'eni-attach-e710240b', u'delete_on_termination': True, u'attach_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:28+00:00'}, u'private_ip_addresses': [{u'private_ip_address': u'', u'private_dns_name': u'', u'association': {u'public_ip': u'', u'public_dns_name': u'', u'ip_owner_id': u'amazon'}, u'primary': True}], u'mac_address': u'06:85:35:71:16:c2', u'private_ip_address': u'', u'vpc_id': u'vpc-1bd64b7c', u'groups': [{u'group_id': u'sg-0b636e72', u'group_name': u'openshift'}], u'association': {u'public_ip': u'', u'public_dns_name': u'', u'ip_owner_id': u'amazon'}, u'source_dest_check': True, u'owner_id': u'954276187504'}], u'launch_time': u'2018-04-30T16:28:28+00:00', u'instance_id': u'i-0c486f3c8f43b8c5c', u'instance_type': u'm4.xlarge', u'root_device_name': u'/dev/sda1', u'state_transition_reason': u'', u'private_ip_address': u'', u'vpc_id': u'vpc-1bd64b7c', u'product_codes': []})

TASK [aws-hypervisor : Refresh facts to get EIPS] ******************************************
skipping: []

TASK [aws-hypervisor : create groups] ******************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "'dict object' has no attribute 'instances'"}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************************
	to retry, use: --limit @/Users/stephensont/Documents/workspace_openshift/autoinstaller/ansible/site.retry

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************                  : ok=15   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1
openshift_version = 3.6
openshift_type = openshift-enterprise
deployment = aws
ssh_key_file = /Users/stephensont/.ssh/id_openshiftinaction
deploy_catalog = false

region = us-west-1
sec_group = openshift
flavor = m4.xlarge
ssh_key_name = openshiftinaction
use_elastic_ips = false

install_host =

image = 7e9fb03c-734b-4ad2-9244-df8b9c2e2b6e7e9fb03c-734b-4ad2-9244-df8b9c2e2b6e
region = us-east-1
sec_group = openshift
flavor = m4.xlarge
ssh_key_name = jduncan_key

master_ip =
node_ip =
docker_vol = /dev/sdb

deploy_openshift = true

autoinstaller - KeyError


Just trying to create a two node Centos 7.5 instance of this to start learning OpenShift. Unfortunately I seem to be falling at the first hurdle with the book instance looking like the repositories were out of date when I tried running the ansible playbook example installation Appendix A.

Trying to then run through creating an autoinstaller stops with KeyError: 'master'

./ -p other -d

Thank you for reading OpenShift In Action. The autoinstaller application is
designed to help you save time when building out your environment to work
through the examples in the book.

A complete feature list and additional information is available in in
this repository.

If you have issues, please contact us on GitHub at or on the Manning
book forum at

Thanks again!

The OpenShift In Action Team

*** Dry Run Mode Enabled - no actual systems will be deployed

  • Using autoinstaller.conf for configuration
  • Loaded global configuration options
  • Loaded other configuration options
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./", line 191, in
    File "./", line 188, in main
    a = autoInstaller(args)
    File "./", line 35, in init
    self.master = self.deployment_confs['master']
    KeyError: 'master'

The rsa key is in place, so not quite sure

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