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http-api-orm's Introduction


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主要提供一个 ApiModel 类,用于配置请求配置,管理响应数据,配置拦截器中间件(同axios,但会按顺序执行,可拆分处理逻辑)。


import ApiModel, {Params} from "http-api-orm";
import {reactive} from "vue";

// 假定接口返回数据格式为
const apiInfo = {
    //1 成功
    status: 1,
    msg: '成功',
    //content 为 数据内容 任意格式
    content: {}

class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    // Params 也提供 proxyData
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true
    data = {
        hasChildren: true,
        id: "",
        level: 0,
        name: "",
        note: "",
        org: 0,
        pid: "",
        state: 0,

    test() {
        const proxy = this.proxyData() = '4555'

//vue3 中使用  reactive 注意 as 类型,以避免 传入 子组件时,类型异常
const api1 = reactive(new MyApiModel()) as MyApiModel;
//推荐如下两种类型设置。在 template 中 也能准确提供类型识别。
const apiProxy = reactive(new MyApiModel().proxyData()) as MyApiModel & MyApiModel['data'];
// const temp  = new MyApiModel().proxyData()
// const api = reactive(temp) as typeof temp

// const apiProxy = reactive(new MyApiModel().proxyData()) as ReturnType<MyApiModel['proxyData']>;


import ApiModel, {Params} from "http-api-orm";
import type {ApiResponseMid} from "http-api-orm/types/lib/ApiModel";
import {reactive} from "vue";

// 假定接口返回数据格式为
const apiInfo = {
    //1 成功
    status: 1,
    msg: '成功',
    //content 为 数据内容 任意格式
    content: {}

class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true
    data = {
        hasChildren: true,
        id: "",
        level: 0,
        name: "",
        note: "",
        org: 0,
        pid: "",
        state: 0,

const api1 = new MyApiModel();

//设置参数 = '123'

apiM.getResData().then(r => {
//    此时 r为 axios 响应 AxiosResponse
//    此时直接使用 apiM.resData

const apiProxyData = new MyApiModel().proxyData();
//相当于  console.log(

ApiModel 配置 查看 类型文件,有详细注释


import ApiModel, {Params} from "http-api-orm";

export default class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    url = '/xx/xx'
    //method 默认 get
    // method = 'get'
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true
    //post参数 且  代理访问 数据
    postData = new Params(() => ({
        postId: '',
        postDetail: true

const apiM = new MyApiModel();
//vue3 使用,可作为响应式对象
// const apiM = reactive(new MyApiModel()) as MyApiModel;

//设置参数 = '123'

apiM.postData.postId = 'post'

apiM.getResData().then(r => {
//    此时 r为 axios 响应 AxiosResponse


import ApiModel, {Params} from "http-api-orm";
import type {ApiResponseMid} from "http-api-orm/types/lib/ApiModel";

// 假定接口返回数据格式为
const apiInfo = {
    //1 成功
    status: 1,
    msg: '成功',
    //content 为 数据内容 任意格式
    content: {}

export default class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    url = '/xx/xx'
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true
    data = {
        hasChildren: true,
        id: "",
        level: 0,
        name: "",
        note: "",
        org: 0,
        pid: "",
        state: 0,
    //如何接受 响应数据,由于各种项目 接口格式不一致,自行配置,假定接口正确
    resMid: ApiResponseMid[] = [
        function (r, m) {
            if (m) {
            return r

const apiM = new MyApiModel();

//设置参数 = '123'

apiM.getResData().then(r => {
//    此时 r为 axios 响应 AxiosResponse
//    此时直接使用 apiM.resData

const apiProxyData = new MyApiModel().proxyData();
//相当于  console.log(


//方案一  指令方式
import ApiModel, {Params} from "http-api-orm";
import {reactive} from "vue";

//以 vue 3为例
const tsx =
        {/*api.loading 会根据请求自动切换是否加载中 */}
        <el-table v-loading={api1.loading}>
            <!--  any-->

class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    url = '/xx/xx'
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true

const api1 = reactive(new MyApiModel()) as MyApiModel;

//设置参数 = '123'

api1.getResData().then(r => {
//    此时 r为 axios 响应 AxiosResponse

//方案2  调用方法式
import ApiModel, {Loading, Params} from "http-api-orm";
import {reactive} from "vue";
import {ElLoading} from "element-plus";
import {LoadingInstance} from "element-plus/es/components/loading/src/loading";
import {LoadingOptions} from "element-plus/es/components/loading/src/types";

class MyApiLoadingModel extends ApiModel {
    url = '/xx/xx'
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true
    loadingMan = new Loading<LoadingInstance, LoadingOptions>(function (o) {
        //如何开始loading 并返回 实例,如果存在
        return ElLoading.service(o)
    }, function (inst) {
        //如何关闭loading inst 为 可能存在的 loading实例
    }, {
        delayStartMs: 1000,
        delayCloseMs: 1000

const api2 = reactive(new MyApiLoadingModel()).proxyData() as ReturnType<MyApiLoadingModel['proxyData']>;

//设置参数 = '123'

api2.getResData().then(r => {
//    此时 r为 axios 响应 AxiosResponse


import ApiModel, {CancelMan, Params} from "http-api-orm";
import {reactive} from "vue";

export default class MyApiLoadingModel extends ApiModel {
    url = '/xx/xx'
    params = new Params(() => ({
        id: '',
        detail: true
    //取消请求控制器,默认 标记 default   可传入 symbol 作为唯一标记
    cancelMan = new CancelMan('default')

const api = reactive(new MyApiLoadingModel()) as MyApiLoadingModel;

//设置参数 = '123'

api.getResData().then(r => {

//取消请求  标记固定为 创建时传入的,,使用symbol 创建时,仅使用实例可以取消
// 取消给定标记的 所有请求,不传默认 default

axios 默认配置

import ApiModel from "http-api-orm";
import type {AxiosRequestConfig} from "axios";

export default class MyApiLoadingModel extends ApiModel {
    protected static _defaultConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {}

    constructor() {
        //通过defaultConfig 设置的axios 请求信息,会在所有模型中使用,,存储在静态变量中
        this.defaultConfig.headers = this.defaultConfig.headers ?? {}
        this.defaultConfig.headers.token = 'xxx'


import ApiModel from "http-api-orm";
import axios from "axios";
import type {ApiFinallyMid, ApiRequestMid, ApiResponseMid} from "http-api-orm/types/lib/ApiModel";
// 假定接口返回数据格式为
const apiInfo = {
    //1 成功
    status: 1,
    msg: '成功',
    //content 为 数据内容 任意格式
    content: {}
export default class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    reqMid: (ApiRequestMid)[] = [
        function (c, m) {
            console.log('reqMid1', m?.loading)
            //若此处 抛出异常 或 reject 将跳过 后续 reqMid 和 resMid 进入 finallyMid
            // throw new Error()
            // return Promise.reject('')
            // m?.cancelMan?.cancel()
            return c
        function (c, m) {
            return c
    resMid: ApiResponseMid[] = [
        function (r, m) {
            console.log('resMid1', m?.loading)
            //若此处 抛出异常 或 reject 将跳过 后续 resMid  进入 finallyMid
            // throw new Error()
            // return Promise.reject('')
            return r
        function (r, m) {
            console.log('resMid2', m?.loading)
            if (r.status === 200 && === 1) {
                if (m) {
            } else {
                return Promise.reject(
            return r
    //结束处理, 同 promise.finally
    finallyMid: ApiFinallyMid[] = [
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isCancel', m?.loading)
            //若此处 抛出异常 或 reject 仍然会执行后续方法
            // throw new Error()
            // return Promise.reject('')
            if (axios.isCancel(e)) {
                console.log('isCancel', e)
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isAxiosError')
            if (axios.isAxiosError(e)) {
                console.log('isAxiosError', e)
            return e
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isError')
            if (m?.request.isError(e)) {
                console.log('error', e)
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isAxiosResponse')
            if (m?.request.isAxiosResponse(e)) {
                console.log('isAxiosResponse', e)


import ApiModel, {Params} from "http-api-orm";
// 假定接口返回数据格式为
const apiInfo = {
    //1 成功
    status: 1,
    msg: '成功',
    //content 为 数据内容 任意格式
    content: {}
export default class MyApiModel extends ApiModel {
    list() {
        //根据当前实例创建一个新的实例,但使用传入的参数替换 原有的参数,并获得类型支持
        return this.createNew({
                url: '/xxx/list',
                params: new Params(() => ({page: 1, pageSize: 20, stauts: 0})),
                data: {total: 0, list: [] as any[]}

    changeState(s: boolean) {
        //此时传入的配置优先级最高  此时传入 url 会使用 url
        //而 getResData 时,模型配置的参数优先级最高   此时  此时传入 url 仍会使用 this.url
        return'/xx/xx', {id:, state: s}, {})


import ApiModel, {CancelMan, Loading, Params} from "http-api-orm";
import axios, {Method} from "axios";
import type {AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosInstance} from "axios";
import type {ApiFinallyMid, ApiRequestMid, ApiResponseMid} from "http-api-orm/types/lib/ApiModel";
import {ElLoading} from "element-plus";
import type {LoadingInstance} from "element-plus/es/components/loading/src/loading";
import type {LoadingOptions} from "element-plus/es/components/loading/src/types";
// 假定接口返回数据格式为
const apiInfo = {
    //1 成功
    status: 1,
    msg: '成功',
    //content 为 数据内容 任意格式
    content: {}
//较为简单的请求,可以使用 request 直接请求。
export default class UserModel extends ApiModel {
    // resData: any
    //定义一个 axios实例,可选的
    http: AxiosInstance = axios.create()
    //接口地址 可选的,默认 ''
    url = '/user/detail';
    //默认 get
    method: Method = 'post';
    //默认配置,静态,,此处定义,则 从让后代使用一个新的默认配置   在实例中使用 defaultConfig 获取配置
    protected static _defaultConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {}

    // get 请求参数 可选
    params = new Params(() => ({id: ''}))
    // post 请求参数 可选
    postData = new Params(() => ({}))
    //取消请求控制器,默认 标记 default   可传入 symbol 作为唯一标记
    cancelMan = new CancelMan('default')

    //接口状态 是否请求中
    // loading: boolean = false

    loadingMan = new Loading<LoadingInstance, LoadingOptions>(function (o) {
        //如何开始loading 并返回 实例,如果存在
        return ElLoading.service(o)
    }, function (inst) {
        //如何关闭loading inst 为 可能存在的 loading实例
    }, {
        delayStartMs: 1000,
        delayCloseMs: 1000

    reqMid: (ApiRequestMid)[] = [
        function (c, m) {
            console.log('reqMid1', m?.loading)
            //若此处 抛出异常 或 reject 将跳过 后续 reqMid 和 resMid 进入 finallyMid
            // throw new Error()
            // return Promise.reject('')
            // m?.cancelMan?.cancel()
            return c
        function (c, m) {
            return c
    resMid: ApiResponseMid[] = [
        function (response, m) {
            console.log('resMid1', m?.loading)
            //若此处 抛出异常 或 reject 将跳过 后续 resMid  进入 finallyMid
            // throw new Error()
            // return Promise.reject('')

            if (response.config.responseType === 'blob') {
                //假设本项目下载文件处理为此.下载文件不应担作为 getResData
                let aTag = document.createElement("a");
       = decodeURIComponent(
                aTag.href = URL.createObjectURL(;

            return response
        function (r, m) {
            console.log('resMid2', m?.loading)
            if (r.status === 200 && === 1) {
                if (m) {
            } else {
                return Promise.reject(r)
            return r
    //结束处理, 同 promise.finally
    finallyMid: ApiFinallyMid[] = [
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isCancel', m?.loading)
            //若此处 抛出异常 或 reject 仍然会执行后续方法
            // throw new Error()
            // return Promise.reject('')
            if (axios.isCancel(e)) {
                console.log('isCancel', e)
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isAxiosError')
            if (axios.isAxiosError(e)) {
                console.log('isAxiosError', e)
            return e
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isError')
            if (m?.request.isError(e)) {
                console.log('error', e)
        function (e, m) {
            console.log('f', 'isAxiosResponse')
            if (m?.request.isAxiosResponse(e)) {
                console.log('isAxiosResponse', e)

    data = {
        id: "",
        name: "",
        //0 禁用,1 正常
        state: 0 as 0 | 1,
        createTime: undefined,
        vipLevel: 0 as 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4,
        note: "",
        org: 0,

    get vipName() {
        return {
            0: '无',
            1: '初级会员',
            2: '中级会员',
            3: '超级会员',
            4: '黑卡会员',

    getList() {
        // 相当于  return  new UserModel()  但参数使用传入的参数,,快速创建了一个接口模型
        return this.createNew({
            //这里选项,同 ApiModel 配置项
            url: '/user/list',
            params: new Params(() => ({a: 1})).proxyData()

    save() {

    saveState(s: boolean) {
        return'/xx/xx', {id:, state: s}, {})

    down(c: AxiosRequestConfig) {
        return this.request.request({
            responseType: 'blob',

//    更多其他模型操作

http-api-orm's People


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