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mask about neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch HOT 35 OPEN

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024 2

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

Comments (35)

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024 2

After 50 epochs for TSP 20, I got 3.95 average val reward! Fairly close to 3.89, it probably would have gotten there eventually if I had let it keep training.

After two epochs on TSP 50, I'm seeing:

Validation overall avg_reward: 6.54308279466629
Validation overall reward var: 0.15608837694146416

not bad!

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024 2

I haven't made any nice plots yet, but these are quick screenshots from Tensorboard for TSP 50. Been running for ~21 hours, looks like the validation avg reward has just about reached 6.05-6.10.


Zoomed in on average training reward (stochastic decoding) first few hours of training


average training reward (stochastic decoding) so far


Validation reward (greedy decoding). The plot shows each reward (length of tour) for the set of 1000 val graphs- after every epoch (10,000 random training graphs), I evaluate by shuffling the 1000 held-out graphs and running on each one of them. So, this isn't showing an "average" - the average is just computed at the end of running over all 1000 graphs each time I do a validation pass

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024 1

@pemami4911 Sorry, I've updated the answer above.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024 1

Yeah I'll try running it with GPU and with CPU

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

unnir avatar unnir commented on July 28, 2024

I think sharing notebooks is always a good idea, so please share it. Would love to check it.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

What exactly was the issue with the mask? It looks like you’re taking mask.log()- won’t that return NaN where mask is 0?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

It returns -inf, and the softmax function will return 0.
mask test

I think that the main problem was with numerical instabilities when I forced the probabilities to 0. Also, I think that cloning the probabilities and not the mask caused some problems on the backpropagation (not so sure about this...(

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

What was the problem with the masking that you fixed?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

Certainly, there must be a more elegant way of doing this :)

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Can you tell me what the hyperparameters you are using are? Are you using the exponential moving average critic? Did you try it on TSP_20?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

I added the maskk = mask.clone() line and it seems to be learning something!! will update soon..

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

@ricgama After 1 epoch (10,000 minibatches of size 128), on my held-out validation set of 1000 graphs I got:

Validation overall avg_reward: 3.0088058819770813
Validation overall reward var: 0.1305618987729639

I saw some tours as low as 2.4! It's learning! THANK YOU! haha

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

After 1 epoch of TSP 20, I got:

Validation overall avg_reward: 4.1758026211261745
Validation overall reward var: 0.14051547629226666

With some tours as low as 3.6. According to the paper, I should be aiming for an average reward of 3.89.


from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024


For now, I'm just using a simple version with hidden_dim = 128 and no glimpses in the Pointer Net. I'm training with the paper AC network.

I'm posting here my test sets for n=10 and n=20 for best results comparison.
For n=10 I do:

tmp = np.load(test_path)
p = list(tmp['p'])
x = list(tmp['x'])
test = [[p[i],x[i]] for i in range(len(x))]

labels_te = np.array([x[0] for x in test],dtype=np.int64)
labels_te = np.lib.pad(labels_te,(0, 1), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
labels_te = np.delete(labels_te,(labels_te.shape[0]-1), axis=0)

inp_enc_te = np.array([x[1] for x in test])

where the labels are the optimal labels. For n=20:

tmp = np.load(test_path)
inp_enc_tr = np.array(tmp['x'])

For n=10 I obtain: true: 2.86695502642 predicted: 2.89031121256 with Supervised Learning.

I will try to post the RL results, for n=10 and 20, by the end of the week.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Cool, I'll update my repo with some results by the end of the week too. For TSP 20 RL, the validation average reward is down to 4.02 and still dropping little by little after 3 hours!

Can't believe it was just a mask.clone() that was breaking everything.. usually small bugs just act as regularizers.. I guess not in Deep RL :(

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

Do you have the training history plots?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

After 2 epochs for TSP 20, I got

Step  20000
Average train model loss:  -0.4126803118472656
Average train critic loss:  0.23534413764963638
Average train pred-reward:  4.466843187868655
Average train reward:  4.4662888267257435
Average loss:  -6.895590880492309

worse than your: Validation overall avg_reward: 4.1758026211261745.
Now I'm trying with one attention glimpse.
Are you using decaying lr?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Is this SL or RL? And is your train reward with greedy decoding, or stochastic decoding?

I am using the lr schedule from the paper - starting at 1e-3 and every 5k steps decrease by a factor of 0.96. I'm using the exponential moving average critic, not the critic network.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

It's RL and stochastic decoding. With one attention glimpse it appears a bit better so I will train 2 epochs and do greedy decoding and beam search to compare. My hardware is slower than yours so I want to check n=20 before moving to n=50...

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

OK- yeah you'll want to compare with greedy decoding, not stochastic. just FYI the beam search in my codebase isn't functional yet- it's only coded to propagate a single decoding hypothesis forward at each time step, which is equivalent to greedy decoding. Fixing that is on my to-do list :D

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

I've implemented my beam search. It works very well but for now only for batch=1, so it's a bit slower.
I can send it to you if you like...

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

Meanwhile, I think I will implement the Active Search of the paper. Have you looked into it?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Yeah you can send it to me if you'd like!

I haven't looked into implementing that yet. Not sure when I'll get to that part, got some other things I'm working on in the mean time

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

@pemami4911 When I was working on my BS to handle RL trained Pointer Model I found some inconsistencies that I have to look into before I share the code.

After 2 epochs Validation Av reward: 4.262 for n=20. I'm guessing that it's around the same as you within random fluctuations.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

Hello @pemami4911,

During my n=50 training it appeared loss=nan. It's strange because for n=20 it trained perfectly. I'm trying to debug my code to fix this.

While you were training for n=50 the flag print(' [!] resampling due to race condition') appeared often?
Do you have any sugestions?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Yes - You can see in my stochastic decoding function that I check if any cities were sampled that shouldn't have been- and if so, I resample all cities at that decode step. If that occurs (I think it's a race condition..?) I print out [!] resampling due to race condition. You should probably add that check too

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

So there must be a bug with the .multinomial() function because probability=0 actions should not be sampled.
I'm running a script simulating the masking/sampling loop to have an estimate of the probability of "bad" sampling. It should be very small but different from 0.
I saw your workaround for this problem. As the probability is very small, resampling again does the job. In theory, I think we should have a while condition not satisfied loop to guarantee that we never resample zero prob. actions.
I think that it is worth it to report this issue, " .multinomial() sampling 0 prob. actions" on Pytorch forum. What do you think?
After a proper masking, we should be able to just sit back and relax while the model is training...

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Were you able to replicate the "bad sampling" with your script?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

yes. It's just:

def apply_mask( attentions, mask, prev_idxs):    
    if mask is None:
        mask = torch.zeros(attentions.size()).byte().cuda()          

    maskk = mask.clone()

    if prev_idxs is not None:

        for i,j in zip(range(attentions.size(0)),
            maskk[i,j[0]] = 1

        attentions[maskk] = -np.inf

    return attentions, maskk

def count(n):
    k = 0
    for j in range(n):

        attentions = Variable(torch.Tensor(128,50).uniform_(-10, 10).cuda())
        prev_actions = None
        mask = None
        actions = []
        for di in range(50):
                attentions, mask = apply_mask( attentions, mask, prev_actions)
                probs = F.softmax(attentions).cuda()
                prev_actions = probs.multinomial()
                for old_idxs in actions:
                    # compare new idxs
                    if old_idxs.eq(prev_actions).data.any():
                        print(' [!] resampling')

    return k

By the end of the day I will have an estimate.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

The relative frequency on a run of 100000 batches, size 128 and n=50, was 0.00043.

Do you mind that I post a question on the Pytorch forum, using the code above?

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Yeah, go for it

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

Let's see if we get a clarification about this.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024

Hello @pemami4911 ,

I had a reply:
In fact, I've tried with CPU and did not register any bad sampling.
It is possible for you to run my code in you computer just to check if you can replicate the results?
Best regards,

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

pemami4911 avatar pemami4911 commented on July 28, 2024

Sorry for the late reply.. been busy

I ran it for the CPU and received 0 errors. The script is still running on my GPU (it runs muuuch slower, maybe we should switch to CPU for computing this portion of the code in our implementations..!) and I've already observed multiple resamplings.

Most likely, it is a bug in the low-level data transfer occurring between the CPU and GPU. I imagine they are using multi-threading to accomplish this. We should test this with the new torch.distributions.Categorical in 0.3 as well and then report back.

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

ricgama avatar ricgama commented on July 28, 2024


In fact on cpu is much faster then gpu: Wall time: 20.2 s vs Wall time: 1min for 100 realizations.
Yes, I think it is worth it to change this part in our code.

I've changed the code to Pytorch 0.3 and I will run it for 100000 batches during the next days. You can find the notebooks here:

from neural-combinatorial-rl-pytorch.

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