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Translation Bundle

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Symfony integration for PHP Translation


Install this bundle via Composer:

composer require php-translation/symfony-bundle

If you're using Symfony Flex - you're done! Symfony Flex will create default configuration for you, change it if needed. If you don't use Symfony Flex, you will need to do a few more simple steps.

  1. First, register the bundle:
# config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Translation\Bundle\TranslationBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Then, configure the bundle. An example configuration looks like this:
# config/packages/php_translation.yaml
    locales: ["en"]
        enabled: false
        config_name: app
            dirs: ["%kernel.project_dir%/templates", "%kernel.project_dir%/src"]
            output_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/translations"
            excluded_names: ["*TestCase.php", "*Test.php"]
            excluded_dirs: [cache, data, logs]
# config/packages/dev/php_translation.yaml
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
  1. And the last step, add new routes:
# config/routes/dev/php_translation.yaml
    resource: '@TranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing_webui.yaml'
    prefix: /admin

    resource: '@TranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing_symfony_profiler.yaml'
# config/routes/php_translation.yaml
    resource: '@TranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing_edit_in_place.yaml'
    prefix: /admin


Read the full documentation at

symfony-bundle's People


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symfony-bundle's Issues

[EditInPlace] Can not save when authenticated as anonymous

The "editing in place" save action does not store any translations when authenticated anonymous. The problem is that the javascript actually shows the "big white save check", but refreshing the page then shows the original translations again.

I've inspected the POST to the save action, and it seems like it was trying to save translations for nl instead of en. Next to that, the POST did not contain any data according to the profiler.

After logging in, and having a UsernamePasswordToken, the save action was successful again.

Symfony 4 - admin/_trans - Unable to find template "TranslationBundle:WebUI:base.html.twig"

Unable to find templates to the WebUI

Unable to find template "TranslationBundle:WebUI:base.html.twig" (looked into: /lsv/templates,  /lsv/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Form) in @Translation/WebUI/index.html.twig at line 1.

Twig configuration

        - '%kernel.project_dir%/templates'
    debug: '%kernel.debug%'
    strict_variables: '%kernel.debug%'
    form_themes: ['form.html.twig']

form.html.twig is in my src/templates/form.html.twig and just extends bootstrap_4_layout.html.twig

[EditInPlace] Add contextual informations when editing

When editing a translation via EditInPlace, we should use the status bar of ContentTools (at the bottom of the page) to display contextual informations about the current editing:

  • the full translation key
  • the translation domain
  • all the available variables (placeholders, parameters, transChoice)
  • maybe the other languages alternatives?

This will mainly require JavaScript to extend the ContentTools Inspector UI

Send emails to translators when action is required

Just an idea, see it as a really low priority feature request:

We have ten translators that all are responsible for one specific locale. Next to that we have two "super" translators, that are responsible for reviewing the translations of five of these locales. It would be great if we can notify these translators if we require their action.

Scenario 1: send email about new translations

  • developer committed and merged new feature, CI environment automatically pulls changes
  • an action/command that's executed by CI sees that there are new incoming translations
  • the action/command sends emails to the registered translators of these locales, and as the CI did send an optional commit message with the push action, that message is included with the email
  • the translators get an email with the number of new translations + a link to directly goto the web UI

Scenario 2: translator 100% completed translating a locale

  • the translator finished translating all "new" translations
  • bundle sends an email to the reviewers that they can start reviewing that locale. the email includes the number of translations ready for review (optional: also include name of translator?)
  • reviewer finishes all translation reviews, send an email to the dev email address about that

Profiler: Fallback locale in missing translations

When having country specific translations there are locales like de_CH and fr_FR. In my opinion the "Missing" tab in the profiler should only offer the possibility to translate the non country specific versions de and fr by default.
If the current locale setting is de_CH and there wasn't a fallback to de available (then it would be in the "Fallback" tab) a new created translation should always be de (if de is also in the supported locales) - this is also the symfony default behaviour.

Command "translation:download" should be more verbose

  1. I have no translations on the remote end
  2. I start the "php bin/console translation:download"
  3. Nothing happens (no files created. no output)

A small summary would be enough:

Files created: 0, translations downloaded: 0

[WebUI] Filter on profiler token

Would be great if the web UI would be able to filter on a profiler token. Since 2.7 the profiler collects all translations: symfony/symfony#14003

  • allow to filter the shown translations based on a profiler token
  • show <select> with the last 10 profile tokens
  • show button to load the last profile token
  • add link in profiler itself that directly filters on the translations of the visited token

Also see lexik/LexikTranslationBundle#165

Edit-in-place destroys frontend

When I enable the edit-in-place feature, the frontend gets destroyed completely, the website is unusable. So I have to disable this feature for now. Is there anything you can do about it?

Command translation:sync is missing an option to sync "from" or "to" SaaS

It always sends translations from local to remote, or merges the two.

Any translation removed from the remote is keep comming back from local files rather than beeing removed. If we assume that local files are only "cache", then our sync should always overwrite these files.

Even after changing direction direcly in commands code, the old translations were sent to SaaS.

How to deal with domains and loco tags?

Is it possible to map domains with loco tags like with happyr bundle ?

dedicated loco projects to domain is working but I tried:

  • mapping domains with tags in loco and all translations are pulled into all translation files (messages.yml, validators.yml and routes.yml) each time I make a synchronize.


        api_key: 'xxx'
        domains: ['messages', 'validators']

I can't find any information in doc.
thanks for your help.

Translator should encode output again

It seems that only when debug is enabled, TranslationExtension is used. The trans and transchoice filter then are marked as html safe, so the values will not get encoded anymore.


As result of that, we "forget" to add {{ 'key'|trans|raw }}, because outputting raw values already happens on dev. When prod thereafter is updated, the encoded value just get outputted again:

So in Twig the following:

Translation value: This is a test that is valid until <strong>%date%</strong>
Twig: {{ 'translation_key'|trans({'%date%': date}) }}

Output on debug = true environments

This is a test that is valid until Wed June 14

Output on debug = false environments

This is a test that is valid until <strong>Wed June 14</strong>

We expect the output to be the same for any type of environment. The proposed solution would be to not handle is_safe via the Twig extensions. Are there any reasons why is_safe should be there?

Improve the Controller actions for WebUI

From @damienalexandre:

I think it would be better to use the Symfony Serializer and a real object for the create and edit actions.

That way the validation of the object can be handled by the Validator component, and you don't have to handle the JSON decoding errors.

class TranslationMessage
  private $key;
  private $message;

Also at the moment you only check that a key exists, but it might still be empty 🙅‍♂️

And the responses from this API would be great with JsonResponse too 👍

"Synchronize all translations" doesn't work in profiler


"Synchronize all translations" button doesn't work in profiler.

I get the following JS error when I click:
symfonyProfiler.js:43 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of undefined at syncAll (symfonyProfiler.js:43) at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (f8c6e1?panel=translation:1994)

For information I'm using Symfony 3.4.2 and chrome 63

[Xliff] Allow "approving" translations

When translations are new, or when they have been edited lately, a workflow to approve them would help to ensure translation quality. The Xliff standard does support this out of the box, the bundle can help with that. Also see XliffExporter.

Scenario 1: new translation

  • developer introduces a new translation key in a Twig view.
  • translation bundle collects this key, and adds it to the xliff file with approved attribute set to no if the translation has a value.
  • Web UI has specific styling / workflow for the non-approved translations, translator goes to UI to review those specific translations.
  • The "approve translation" action sets approved to yes

Scenario 2: updating translation via edit in place or profiler

  • translator uses edit in place or profiler to edit a translation
  • POST action sets approved back to no
  • same "approve" workflow via Web UI as in scenario 1

Scenario 3: updating translation web ui

  • translator uses web ui to translate a key
  • there are two "save" buttons, the normal "save" one (behaves as scenario 2), and a "save + approve" button
  • translator saves and approves a translation key

Future enhancement could be to require a certain ROLE in order to approve a translation.

Parameters get replaced

When labels that have a parsed value get translated, the value overwrites the parameter placeholder.

title: 'Hi %name%'
# will be saved as
title: 'Howdy Richard'

For EditInPlace this can be fixed by:

  • Adding the translation value to the <x-trans> tag as a data-value attribute, without any replaced parameter.
  • Let the Javascript first replace the translatable label with data-value, so it is clear to the translator that it is a dynamic parameter.
  • ... or by using the XHR call that also is used with the Profiler integration

[Sf 3.3] Error on edit missing message in Profiler

Hi, I'm using the bundle in Sf 3.3-BETA. No problem during installation. But after apply a simple config:

    locales: ['fr', 'en']
        enabled: true
            dirs: ["%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/views", "%kernel.root_dir%/../src"]
            output_dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/translations"
            excluded_names: ["*TestCase.php", "*Test.php"]
            excluded_dirs: [cache, data, logs]

When I want to edit a missing message in SfProfiler, I catch this error in Network tab in DevTools (url:

Type error: Argument 1 passed to Translation\Bundle\Model\SfProfilerMessage::create() must be of the type array, object given, called in /var/www/vendor/php-translation/symfony-bundle/Controller/SymfonyProfilerController.php on line 160

If you need more information, let me know.

Error when trying to send an asset that already exists on the remote

  1. I have new translation keys on my website
  2. I use profiler to send them to remote: "Send selected translations to SaaS"
  3. I added a few more translation keys and reloaded the website page
  4. On profiler page under "missing" i see all keys - even keys that were sent in step 2.
  5. I click: Send selected translations to SaaS
  6. I see error: Asset already exists called "xxx"

The reason is that bundle does not know that these translations were already sent.
The only way of knowing that is to see if translation exists.

If asset on the remote exists, but was not translated, it will not be downloaded.

I think about accepting this type of response from SaaS so it will not break the whole process, or - to check if asset already exists and ignore it if it does.

Add support for platform adapters

We should always use the local file storage because it will speed up everything. But additional to that one could use a platform adapter. It is also a storage interface.

One should maybe create a service that chain multiple StorageInterfaces. The LocalFilesystem storage should always be there.

translation:extract false error and bug


I'm trying to use translation:extract in my project.

The process yields a bunch of errors that shouldn't be there:
a- "Message: Form label is not a scalar string": this error happens when I set label => false on my form configuration. According to Symfony documentation, this is the way to disable label settings, so the field should be simply ignored.
b- "Message: Form choice is not an array": this error happens when I use a function that returns an array instead of an array for a ChoiceType element. I think the extractor should compute the result of the function and use that to extract the translation items.

[EditInPlace] Disable "can't be translated" for specific items

The "can't be edited" message is great, but it breaks behavior in some cases. Some enhancements for this message would be:

  • option to disable it completely, and show the original translation
  • option to exclude specific items from "edit in place" (maybe via optional data in xliff?)

We can always refer to the web UI or profiler.

Add status command

A command that tells you how may new, obsolete and total translation you got.

Translation:extract error


I get the following error when I try to extract:

console translation:extract app en
14:18:54 ERROR [console] Error thrown while running command "translation:extract app fr". Message: "Notice: Undefined offset: 0" ["error" => Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ContextErrorException { …},"command" => "translation:extract app fr","message" => "Notice: Undefined offset: 0"] []

In FormTypeLabelImplicit.php line 37:

Notice: Undefined offset: 0

translation:extract [--hide-errors] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--] [] []

Cannot edit translation in Fallback tab on Translation page of Symfony WebProfiler

Cannot edit or cancel editing of fallback translations, get an error in Chrome Console:

symfonyProfiler.js:79 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByClassName' of null
at saveEditForm (symfonyProfiler.js:79)
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (f78a96?panel=translation:1)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the translation tab: http://localhost:8000/_profiler/f78a96?panel=translation
  2. Click on "Fallback" tab
  3. Press "Edit" and then "Save" or "Cancel"
  4. See the error I mentioned

Capistrano deploy throws exception

When deploying application with capistrano it fails and throws an exception:

  An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught LogicException: [PHP-Translation] To integrate with the Symfony profiler you first need to enable it. Please set framework.translator.enabled: true in /***/vendor/php-translation/symfony-bundle/DependencyInjection/CompilerPass/SymfonyProfilerPass.php:33  

Exception is thrown because $container has no definition for translator.data_collector, and it's not fixed when

  enabled: true

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array

When I was trying to sync translations I get this warning:

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array
500 Internal Server Error - ContextErrorException

This happens in: vendor/php-translation/symfony-bundle/Model/SfProfilerMessage.php at line 142:

if (!empty($this->getParameters())) {
             // Reduce to only get one value of each parameter, not all the usages.
             $meta['parameters'] = array_reduce($this->getParameters(), 'array_merge', []);

I'm not sure what is happening in the code there, but getParameters contains an instance of Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data and that causes the problem (dump from $toSave in SymfonyProfilerController:203):

  array(8) {
    string(2) "pl"
    string(8) "messages"
    string(13) "copyright_key"
    string(13) "copyright_key"
    array(1) {
      object(Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data)#1296 (6) {
        array(2) {
          array(1) {
            object(Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Stub)#1297 (8) {
              string(5) "array"
              string(5) "assoc"
              array(0) {
          array(1) {
            string(4) "2017"

BUG edit in place


I'm having troubles with the edit in place, wich works well in some pages, and not on others.

For example, i'm having this JS error on one page :

content-tools.min.js:3 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': 'light-blue"' is not a valid attribute name.
   at c.a.Text.c.mount (
   at new c (
   at c._initRegions (
   at c.start (
   at b.<anonymous> (
   at b.ComponentUI.a.dispatchEvent (
   at b.IgnitionUI.b.edit (
   at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (

Searching in code source for light-blue give's me some span, like :

<span class="light-blue">Sorted.</span>

Any idea ?

Thank you for your help

Move Translation\Bundle\EditInPlace\Translator

The "EditInPlace translator" should be living under Translation\Bundle\Translator, right?

Same would go for ResponseListener and Twig. Or do we like to keep all these classes in the "feature folder"? What do you thing?

Incorrect progress counting

It's a bit tricky, but I think it could be considered as incorrect progress counting, let me show an example:

Suppose, I have 3 different translation keys in total: foo, hello, and world.
And I have 2 languages, but each one has only 2 different of them:

# messages.en.yml
foo: bar
hello: Hello
hello: Привет
world: Мир

i.e. if 2 of them are translated into English and another 2 of them are translated into Russian - I have for both:

Total progress for this language: 100%

But I expected to see 66% for both

XliffConverter does not respect default locale

See: XliffConverter::catalogueToContent(MessageCatalogue $catalogue, $domain)

It does not set that option, and therefore in Symfony's XliffFileDumper \Locale::getDefault() is used


if (array_key_exists('default_locale', $options)) {
    $defaultLocale = $options['default_locale'];
} else {
    $defaultLocale = \Locale::getDefault();

The XliffConverter should get the default_locale from the configuration and pass that here.

"Edit Fallback" doesn't work in profiler

I get the following JS error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByClassName' of null at saveEditForm (symfonyProfiler.js:79) at HTMLInputElement.onclick (9bf8c4?panel=translation:1)

After investigation it is due to variable 'key' generation.

id attribute in html is generated with including current locale and key in saveEditForm is generated with including fallback source locale.

So, symfonyProfiler.js:79, document.getElementById(key) can't find id because in case of fallback message tab, and contrary to missing transaltions tab, id are differents. So, in that case, Js fails and it stops save process.

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