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Plasmo Framework Documentation

The Plasmo Framework is a declarative browser extension development SDK. We abstract away most of the configuration of building browser extensions so that you can focus on the functionality of your product and ship faster!

Check out the documentation.

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docs's Issues

content-scripts-ui related issues

Current plasmo version: 0.57.2

Content-scripts-ui is injected into the html outside of the body, and I want to make sure that it's injected into the body.

Don't see how to configure in the documentation
I was hoping you could help me

Enhance popup documentation

Sure, I was testing it in the React Developer Tools and 1Password extensions and both do not allow to open the content of popup.html at the url chrome-extension://extension_id/popup.html

Also, I found this post and its example works quite well, I tried this line and the method getViews returns 1 when I'm inside the popup and 0 when I open the popup.html url, so I can hide the content in that case
(typeof chrome != undefined && chrome.extension) ?
chrome.extension.getViews({ type: "popup" }).length > 0 : null;

There is a problem with “Background Service Worker + Shortcut Commands”

There is an issue.

Chrome extension shortcut commands are not working in build mode.
Shortcut commands work in dev mode. but after building they don't work.
add the following codes and run "pnpm build".

//background.ts code
export {}
chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(function(command) {
    if (command === "shortcutPressed") {
        console.log("shortcut command was pressed");
console.log("background.ts is active");

//package.json manifest code
  "manifest": {
    "host_permissions": [
    "commands": {
      "shortcutPressed": {
        "suggested_key": {
          "default": "Alt+W"
        "description": "Open the extension main popup"

Feedback for “Quickstart with Supabase”

I am building a Plasmo extension using Svelte and am trying to send data to Supabase. I created a .env.local file with the environment variables (PLASMO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL, PLASMO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY). However, the env variables cannot be accessed from the background script or the popup (they are undefined). Any advice?

[RFC] Plasmo Upgrade Helper

How do you envision this feature/change to look/work like?

Development of an upgrade helper similar to React Native's one that allows inputting the currently installed Plasmo version and desired version and shows what steps are needed to make the codebase compatible with it.

The upgrade helper outputs the exact set of instructions needed for that version jump, including all versions in between.

Currently, the only information about updating Plasmo seems to be at

I don't know if this belongs in the issues for this repo or the docs repo so feel free to move it.

What is the purpose of this change/feature? Why?

With Plasmo's APIs and feature set being very volatile, it can be difficult to know what to change when upgrading versions (especially with larger upgrades). This is especially true as more and more extension get build with Plasmo but won't get updates as frequently as Plasmo does.

Looking at the Plasmo releases, there are breaking changes from time to time and other changes of the recommended way to do things. To keep codebases up-to-date with Plasmo's features, one currently has to go through the changelog manually and find out what to change. Creating an upgrade helper would help increase the lifetime of Plasmo extensions and potentially help the spread of newer Plasmo versions.

(OPTIONAL) Example implementations

(OPTIONAL) Contact Details

No response

Verify canary release

  • I verified that the issue exists in plasmo canary release

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
  • I checked the current issues for duplicate problems.

A process.env variable to indicate a bundle being built for conditional imports?

Is there an environment variable that indicate what bundle is being built? Something akin to process.env.PLASMO_BUNDLE containing a value like background or content? Honestly I only care to know during build time if something is a background bundle because I'd like to be able to conditionally change imports. E.g.

const sentry = process.env.PLASMO_BUILD === "background" 
  ? await import("~background/lib/sentry") 
  : await import("~contents/lib/sentry")

Or if implemented via import assertions, stage 3 where you would replace the import with null if the bundle type did not match the bundle being built

import sentryBG from "~background/lib/sentry" with { bundle: "background" }
import sentryContent from "~contents/lib/sentry" with { bundle: "content" }

const sentry = sentryBG ?? sentryContent
sentry.captureException(new Error("Wat"))

Right now the only check I can think of to determine if it's a background bundle is "serviceWorker" in globalThis but this is a runtime check, not a build check, so it cannot be tree shaken causing bundles to include code that will never be executed or worse trigger build/runtime errors.

It would also enable the ability to build a chrome extension api wrapper that would allow content scripts to execute background specific apis via sendToBackground messaging to an internal handler if invoked in a content script.

[DOC] new icon assets resolution

We now support more base icon name:


As well as the production/development variant:



See: PlasmoHQ/plasmo#172

Feedback for “Itero TestBed”

It's not very clear from reading this section how to configure Github Integration. I later found an option from within my Itero account page.

I was actually expecting a way to upload my zip image from my own Github Action workflow. Is this possible? If not, could it be something that could be considered in the feature roadmap? My build has nuances that I'd rather control in my own repository instead of through the config on Itero's side.

Thanks in advance!

Feedback for “Content Scripts” & "options.tsx"

I'm trying to figure out a way to inject specific UI/icon using my content.ts based on a toggle in my options.tsx, but none of the storage/message solutions appear to be working. The only example I see is one that uses content.tsx and options.tsx. Any advice here would be appreciated

docs throws an application error after enabling page translation

I use page translation to view plasmo documents, but when I turn on page translation and browse multiple pages, the page will throw an exception, and I have to refresh the page to continue browsing the document.
I have this issue when translating web pages into Chinese or German.
Only Chrome's web translation causes the issue, Edge doesn't have the issue.

Can you try to fix this bug?

Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).


framework-0a897eab13466586.js:9 DOMException: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.
    at uH (
main-23c1aa3ceb058a6c.js:1 DOMException: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.
    at uH (
main-23c1aa3ceb058a6c.js:1 A client-side exception has occurred, see here for more info:


Error occurs when "pnpm dev" after "pnpm create plasmo" according to the guide

$pnpm create plasmo

The installation went well with the above command.

After executing the below command, an error occurs.

$pnpm dev

file:///D:/work/exam-extention/exam-extention/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:74 Visit for documentation and more examples.)}});var qi={};Ie(qi,{default:()=>Pm});import{paramCase as gm}from"change-case";import{resolve as ym}from"path";import{cwd as wm}from"process";async function vm(){re();let t=U("--exp"),e=await Di(),r=wm(),n=ym(r,gm(e)||e);m("Project directory:",n);let o=je(n);if(m("Package name:",o.packageName),t&&!o.packageName.startsWith("with-"))throw new Error("Example extensions must have the with- prefix");await _n(n);let i=await Mt();m(Using package manager: ${} ${i?.version}),await new Bt(o,i,t).create(),await Ti(n,i),await Ni(o,n),await ji(n,r,o,i)}var Pm,Wi=d(()=>{pe();V();b();Ct();xr();De();Ii();Oi();$i();Ai();Ri();Pm=vm});import{WebSocket as xm,WebSocketServer as Sm}from"ws";var Em,Bi,Ui=d(()=>{Em=JSON.stringify({type:"build_ready"}),Bi=async t=>{let e=new Sm({port:t+1});return{triggerReload:()=>{for(let n of e.clients)n.readyState===xm.OPEN&&n.send(Em)}}}});var He,Vt=d(()=>{Ae();He=()=>{let t=Pe(),{target:e,tag:r}=t,[n,o]=e.split("-");return{tag:r,target:e,browser:n,manifestVersion:o}}});import{AssertionError as bm}from"assert";function Je(t){throw new Error("Statement should be unreachable")}function Ur(t,e="Value is invalid"){if(!t)throw new bm({message:e});return t}var lt=d(()=>{});function Fm(t){switch(t){case 0:return"Web";case 1:case 2:case 3:return Gi[t];default:Je(t)}}var Hr,Jt,Jr,ft,_m,km,Vi,Cm,Mm,Lm,Vr,Gr,Ce,Me,X,Hi,Ji,Xd,Gi,Ht,Zd,eh,zi,Ki,th,le,ke,Im,rh,Dm,nh,oh,ih,sh,Yi=d(()=>{lt();Hr="en",Jt=!1,Jr=!1,ft=!1,_m=!1,km=!1,Vi=!1,Cm=!1,Mm=!1,Lm=!1,Gr=Hr,Me=typeof self=="object"?self:typeof global=="object"?global:{};typeof Me.vscode<"u"&&typeof Me.vscode.process<"u"?X=Me.vscode.process:typeof process<"u"&&(X=process);Hi=typeof X?.versions?.electron=="string",Ji=Hi&&X?.type==="renderer",Xd=Ji&&X?.sandboxed;typeof navigator=="object"&&!Ji?(Ce=navigator.userAgent,Jt=Ce.indexOf("Windows")>=0,Jr=Ce.indexOf("Macintosh")>=0,Mm=(Ce.indexOf("Macintosh")>=0||Ce.indexOf("iPad")>=0||Ce.indexOf("iPhone")>=0)&&!!navigator.maxTouchPoints&&navigator.maxTouchPoints>0,ft=Ce.indexOf("Linux")>=0,Vi=!0,Vr=navigator.language,Gr=Vr):typeof X=="object"?(Jt=X.platform==="win32",Jr=X.platform==="darwin",ft=X.platform==="linux",_m=ft&&!!X.env.SNAP&&!!X.env.SNAP_REVISION,Cm=Hi,Lm=!!X.env.CI||!!X.env.BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY,Vr=Hr,Gr=Hr,km=!0):console.error("Unable to resolve platform.");Gi={[1]:"Mac",[2]:"Linux",[3]:"Windows"};Ht=0;Jr?Ht=1:Jt?Ht=3:ft&&(Ht=2);Zd=Object.values(Gi),eh=Fm(Ht),zi=Jt,Ki=ft,th=Vi&&typeof Me.importScripts=="function",le=Ce,ke=Gr;(n=>{function t(){return ke}n.value=t;function e(){return ke.length===2?ke==="en":ke.length>=3?ke[0]==="e"&&ke[1]==="n"&&ke[2]==="-":!1}n.isDefaultVariant=e;function r(){return ke==="en"}n.isDefault=r})(Im||={});rh=(()=>{if(typeof Me.postMessage=="function"&&!Me.importScripts){let t=[];Me.addEventListener("message",r=>{if( n=0,o=t.length;n<o;n++){let i=t[n];if({t.splice(n,1),i.callback();return}}});let e=0;return r=>{let n=++e;t.push({id:n,callback:r}),Me.postMessage({vscodeScheduleAsyncWork:n},"*")}}return t=>setTimeout(t)})(),Dm=!!(le&&le.indexOf("Chrome")>=0),nh=!!(le&&le.indexOf("Firefox")>=0),oh=!!(!Dm&&le&&le.indexOf("Safari")>=0),ih=!!(le&&le.indexOf("Edg/")>=0),sh=!!(le&&le.indexOf("Android")>=0)});var Qi,Xi=d(()=>{Yi();Qi=zi?"windows":Ki?"inotify":"fs-events"});async function ge(t,e){for(let r of t)if(await e(r))return r}var dt=d(()=>{});import{basename as Om,extname as Zi,posix as Nm,win32 as $m}from"path";var Z,es,Ge=d(()=>{Z=t=>t.replaceAll($m.sep,Nm.sep),es=t=>Zi(Om(t,Zi(t)))});import{relative as Tm,resolve as ts}from"path";var Gt,rs,ns=d(()=>{Gt=B(W(),1);b();Ge();rs=async({indexFilePath:t="",withMessaging:e=!1,withMainWorldScript:r=!1},n)=>{m("Creating BGSW entry");let o=ts(n.commonPath.staticDirectory,"background"),i=ts(o,"index.ts"),s=Tm(o,t),a=[e&&'import "./messaging"',t&&import "${Z(s).slice(0,-3)}",r&&'import "./main-world-scripts"'].filter(Boolean).join(`

SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:149:18)

Feedback for “Messaging API”

'plasmo' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...

Cannot update extension in Chrome

Hi, I found that the extensions, which are uploaded onto TestBed, cannot be update in Chrome today. They works well before and I just want to report the bug.

Fyi, the extensions on TestBed still can be published to Chrome Web Store by Itero and works fine.

So when I uploaded the new version of the extension onto TestBed, the displaying version on Itero Dashboard has been upgraded, but when I click on Update in the extension page, the extension did not update. I have tried to remove the extension and re-install it by the Install Page, but the one installed is still the previous version.

I think Plasmo is a really brilliant framework, thank you for the work!!

Feedback for “Content Scripts”

Hello! First, thank you for making and maintaining this, it's made chrome extension development really easy and it's so amazing that everything 'just works'

When overriding the manifest in package.json, the development server outputs a message saying that you might need to restart the server. I think it'd be helpful if there was a similar message when you update a PlasmoCSConfig within a content script. Or it could also be noted in the docs. Just a suggestion that would've saved me some time had I have known. Thanks!🙂

Messaging docs do not make it clear that messages from a popup to a content script shouldn't use the messaging API

I was very confused how to send messages from a popup to a content script. I tried to use sendToContentScript + PlasmoMessaging but it was never called. Eventually I found this discussion and used chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener in the CS and that works, but the docs don't make it clear that this is the right path.

Here are some related issues:

Need chrome.notifications.create Example

chrome.notifications.create doesn't seem to be working.
can't tell if I'm doing something wrong or if there's an official bug.

Would be great If there was an example and documentation on chrome.notifications.create

Feedback for “Messaging API” relayMessage does not work

I'm facing an issue while trying to invoke the relayMessage function from a webpage. Regardless of the methods I have tried, I'm unable to successfully call the function. I would appreciate some assistance in resolving this problem.

Steps to Reproduce:

In my web project, I have included the necessary dependencies and initialized the required configurations as per the documentation.
I have written the code to call relayMessage at an appropriate location in the webpage, as shown below:

import type { PlasmoCSConfig } from "plasmo"

import { relayMessage} from "@plasmohq/messaging"

export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = {
    matches: [

    name: "node"

And on our website page:

import { sendToBackgroundViaRelay } from "@plasmohq/messaging"
async function test() {
    const resp = await sendToBackgroundViaRelay({
        name: "node",
        body: {
            id: 12345,

Expected Result:

I expect that after invoking the relayMessage function, the message should be sent successfully and trigger the corresponding logic.

Actual Result:

However, despite my attempts, the function fails to be called successfully. I have checked the console for any error messages, but I haven't come across any helpful hints.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

I have ensured that all the required dependencies and configurations are correctly loaded before invoking relayMessage.
I tried adding some debug logs before calling relayMessage to check for any errors or exceptions, but I still couldn't identify the root cause of the issue.
Possible Causes and Solutions:

Thank you!

Feedback for “Content Scripts”

if i want use storage and message with the MAIN world. what should i do?

Now when i export MAIN in CS, i can not use storage and message, is it right?

Feedback for “Messaging API”

Can you create an abstraction to send messages from background to popup/sidepanel. I've done this alot in the pass, I'm currently using chrome native library to accomplish this, but an abstracted solution would be cool.

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