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paypal's Issues

new subscriptions API support?

Hi there,
PayPal subscription API will be deprecated as of March 31, 2019.
It seems like some endpoints will be changed, and billing plans and agreements are going away.
I assume you plan to upgrade the library sooner or later to adjust to the new api,
but how far up the priorities list is this? 😄
Will the new api replace the old one, or be added alongside it?

Sandbox payment amount is not displayed

Hello, I have a question about the amount shown?

` clientId := "AehUCWtgSv0ZXi-4o8P9jQ8oeyP07NRw0UqVzCwFFStmzq5-OqEXMhJGLr7HBqqbt9UonFHtHln4NVMC"
secretId := "EH2PBwQU5sGxFxaEjYiT8QuO7Ejs74QYkOAmQZRQ1kJMYFOauB7enxGSlxd5l9aUKKFVVO_73aVV1QLs"
c, err := paypalsdk.NewClient(clientId, secretId, paypalsdk.APIBaseSandBox)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("paypalsdk.NewClient err", err.Error())
accessToken, err := c.GetAccessToken()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("c.GetAccessToken err", err.Error())

amount := paypalsdk.Amount{
	Total:    "100.00",
	Currency: "USD",
redirectURI := ""
cancelURI := ""
description := "maimaimai"
paymentResult, err := c.CreateDirectPaypalPayment(amount, redirectURI, cancelURI, description)

I got a link from paymentResult,However, the payment amount of the page is not displayed.
Can you tell me how to solve it?Thanks!

Pay with Vaulted Card

In V2 how do we pay with a vaulted card once it is stored? I cannot for the life of me get it to work! It keeps giving me ORDER_NOT_APPROVED

Identity - get access token

I am trying to get an access token after an user has logged in with paypal.

client, err := paypalsdk.NewClient(util.Config.PayPal.ClientID, util.Config.PayPal.Secret, paypalsdk.APIBaseSandBox)

if err != nil {


token, err := client.GrantNewAccessTokenFromAuthCode(req.URL.Query().Get("code"), "myURL")

However I am always getting this error:

{"error_description":"client id or secret is null","error":"invalid_client","correlation_id":"88feef2c749e8","information_link":""}

My ClientID and Secret are correctly set. I can get an access token without any error using client.GetAccessToken()

What I am missing? Thanks

How I can get authorization -> id from payment responce?

How can I get authorization -> id from this type of response

           "intent": "authorize",
           "payer": {
               "payment_method": "credit_card",
               "funding_instruments": [
                       "credit_card": {
                           "payer_id": "3888888888888888888",
                           "number": "xxxxxxxxxxxx8888",
                           "type": "DISCOVER",
                           "expire_month": "10",
                           "expire_year": "2028",
                           "first_name": "ABC"
           "transactions": [
                   "amount": {
                       "currency": "USD",
                       "total": "4.00",
                       "details": {}
                   "description": "This is the authorize payment transaction description.",
                   "related_resources": [
                           "authorization": {
                               "amount": {
                                   "currency": "USD",
                                   "total": "4.00",
                                   "details": {}
                               "create_time": "2018-10-12T11:23:51Z",
                               "update_time": "2018-10-12T11:23:53Z",
                               "state": "authorized",
                               "parent_payment": "PAY-37J37J37J37J37J37J37J37J",
                               "id": "4FR34FR34FR34FR3A",
                               "valid_until": "2018-11-10T11:23:51Z",
                               "links": [
                                       "href": "",
                                       "rel": "self",
                                       "method": "GET"
                                       "href": "",
                                       "rel": "capture",
                                       "method": "POST"
                                       "href": "",
                                       "rel": "void",
                                       "method": "POST"
                                       "href": "",
                                       "rel": "parent_payment",
                                       "method": "GET"
           "id": "PAY-37J37J37J37J37J37J37J37J",
           "create_time": "2018-10-12T11:23:51Z",
           "state": "approved",
           "update_time": "2018-10-12T11:23:53Z",
           "links": [
                   "href": "",
                   "rel": "self",
                   "method": "GET"

I need to get this id "4FR34FR34FR34FR3A" to capture payment, how can I can I get this id from this response in golang?

Not work payment with credit_card

Not work if payment method = "credit_card". Other methods is works.

	payInfo := paypalsdk.Payment{
		Intent: intent,
		Payer: &paypalsdk.Payer{
			PaymentMethod: "credit_card",
			FundingInstruments: []paypalsdk.FundingInstrument{paypalsdk.FundingInstrument{
				CreditCard: &paypalsdk.CreditCard{
					Number:      "xxx",
					Type:        "xxx",
					ExpireMonth: "xxx",
					ExpireYear:  "xxx",
					CVV2:        "xxx",
					FirstName:   "xxx",
					LastName:    "xxx",
		Transactions: []paypalsdk.Transaction{paypalsdk.Transaction{
			Amount: &paypalsdk.Amount{
				Currency: currency,
				Total:    price,
			Description: description,
		RedirectURLs: &paypalsdk.RedirectURLs{
			ReturnURL: successURI,
			CancelURL: cancelURI,

Error: POST 400


I have error from this code.
client, err := paypalsdk.NewClient(secretKeys.PaypalSandboxClientId, secretKeys.PaypalSandboxSecret, paypalsdk.APIBaseSandBox)
// client, err := paypalsdk.NewClient(secretKeys.PaypalClientId, secretKeys.PaypalSecret, paypalsdk.APIBaseLive)
if err != nil {

// this required making paypalsdk.Client.client PUBLIC
client.Client = urlfetch.Client(ctx)

if _, err := client.GetAccessToken(); err != nil {

Error Msg:
client.Client undefined (type *paypalsdk.Client has no field or method Client, but does have paypalsdk.client)

what is this problem?

amount := &paypalsdk.Amount{
		Value: "1.00", Currency: "HKD",
	c.CaptureOrder(order.ID, amount, true, nil)

error msg
{"name":"INVALID_REQUEST","message":"Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violates schema.","debug_id":"11d0d004ac59b","details":[{"field":"/amount/currency_code","value":"","location":"body","issue":"MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER","description":"A required field / parameter is missing."},{"field":"/amount/value","value":"","location":"body","issue":"MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER","description":"A required field / parameter is missing."}],"links":[{"href":"","rel":"information_link","encType":"application/json"}]}

json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type int


is it out of date? Am I missing something?

--- FAIL: Test (4.55s)
panic: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type int [recovered]
        panic: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type int

package paypal

import (


func run() {
    c, err := paypalsdk.NewClient(
    if err != nil {
    _, err = c.GetAccessToken()
    if err != nil {

    payments, err := c.GetPayments()
    if err != nil {
        panic(err) // here

How to create an invoice in it?

I have two accounts. One is user another is the admin. Now, the user wants to send $10.00 invoice to admin. How could you manage it in this package?

GrantNewAccessTokenFromAuthCode doesn't work

So it seems like passing json as a body for /v1/identity/openidconnect/tokenservice request doesn't work anymore.

This request doesn't work:

curl -v '' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearing <token>" \
    -d '{"grant_type":"authorization_code","code":"<code>","redirect_uri":"<redirect_uri>"}'


{"error_description":"Grant type is null","error":"invalid_grant","correlation_id":"a7087aa10fff1","information_link":""}

Where this request using formdata works:

curl -v '' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Basic <base64(clientID:secret)>" \
    -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=<code>&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>' 

Also making GET request with query params also works.

Did I miss something here and I'm incorrect in my assumption? If not, I can provide a pull request that I started to work on. But one issue is that Paypal returns "expire_in" field as a string, so we would need to do something like here for that field where it is a custom type with UnmarshalJSON method:

Edit: Also it looks like using a bearing token for authorization doesn't work, but using a basic clientID:secret auth does work. I fixed the cURL example above.

is there a plan support the api Version 2?

thanks for your paypal sdk for go!
paypal has upgraded some api (Payments/Orders) to Version 2 and recommend to upgrade to Version 2;
Is there a plan to support Version 2?

How do I generate a client token?


To be able to display our app's info, our client needs to query Paypal with a client token.

Paypal documentation says that:

Your server is responsible for generating a client token, which contains the authorization and configuration details that your client needs to initialize the client SDK.

We tried the following:

paypalClient, _ := paypalsdk.NewClient(clientID, secretID, url)
token, _ := paypalClient.GetAccessToken()

But the generated token does not seem to be destined to be used client side.

How can I use you library to generate a client token? Is it even possible? We did not find the endpoint we need to call in Paypal documentation.

Thanks in advance,

Best regards

HTTP error would cause a "nil pointer dereference" runtime error

I found that the Send method of the Client, after doing a http request, would dump the http request and response before checking the error. Here's the code:

resp, err = c.client.Do(req)
c.log(req, resp)
if err != nil {
	return err
defer resp.Body.Close()

That will cause a "nil pointer dereference" if there is anything wrong with the http request (eg. an i/o timeout). Because in that case, the resp would be nil, making it impossible to get the body of resp in the log method.

Execute payment

hi im trying to execute payments after being redirected from paypals merchant view. keep getting 500s
is there a proper example demonstrating how to go about doing this?

bug report Quantity field of Item struct type must change from string to uint32 type

// Item struct
Item struct {
	//Quantity    string `json:"quantity"`
            //Quantity    uint32 `json:"quantity"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Price       string `json:"price"`
	Currency    string `json:"currency"`
	SKU         string `json:"sku,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Tax         string `json:"tax,omitempty"`
    because paypal service response field type  is number not string such as 

{"id":"PAY-3AL75111WY384445VLPMDDZI","intent":"sale","state":"created","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal"},"transactions":[{"amount":{"total":"7.00","currency":"USD","details":{}},"description":"My Payment","item_list":{"items":[{"name":"name","description":"Desc","price":"7.00","currency":"USD","quantity":1}]},"related_resources":[]}],"create_time":"2018-10-30T10:26:45Z","links":[{"href":"","rel":"self","method":"GET"},{"href":"","rel":"approval_url","method":"REDIRECT"},{"href":"","rel":"execute","method":"POST"}]}

`CreateDirectPaypalPayment` - invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

We are using below code and getting above Error - the code was taken from Example code mentioned in file

c, err := paypalsdk.NewClient("ClientID", "SecretKey", paypalsdk.APIBaseLive)
		c.SetLog(os.Stdout) // Set log to terminal stdout
		//accessToken, err := c.GetAccessToken()

		amount := paypalsdk.Amount{
			Total:    "7.00",
			Currency: "USD",
		redirectURI := Host + "/paypal/redirect"
		cancelURI := Host + "/payment/cancel"
		description := "Description for this payment"
		paymentResult, err := c.CreateDirectPaypalPayment(amount, redirectURI, cancelURI, description)

And error is on CreateDirectPaypalPayment

Any help would be appreciated.


When cycles_remaining of an Infinite Billing Agreement too big. Unmarshal into AgreementDetails.cycles_remaining will fail.

Error: cannot unmarshal number 18446744073709551615 into Go struct field AgreementDetails.cycles_remaining of type int64

Get country iso code for a payment in v2

In version v1 you could get the country iso code from a payment like this:

payment, err := c.client.GetPayment("PayPalPaymentID")
  if err != nil {
    return err	

code :=  payment.Payer.PayerInfo.CountryCode

How can I get the country code for the payer of a payment in v2?

Cancel Billing Agreement


I'm new here. Trying to write the Cancel Billing Agreement method using SendWithAuth. I keep getting error "500 An internal service error occured". Below is my code:

req, err := PaypalClient.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", PaypalClient.APIBase, "/v1/payments/billing-agreements/"+user.PaypalBillingId+"/cancel"), nil)

var response interface{}
err = PaypalClient.SendWithAuth(req, response)

Also what should I do with the response 204 no content ? It looks like the interface{} is causing problem as well.
However if I use curl in the terminal, everything is fine

CaptureOrder function doesn't meet current spec

I'm having issues integrating with PayPal's Checkout API, either I'm looking at the wrong docs or PayPal has made API changes recently.

captureOrder requires a different payload than required by the SDK. A "payment_source" consisting of a token and card object compared to an amount and currency object.

I'm seeing a similar issue with authorizeOrder

There also appears to be a missing method called updateOrder

Any help would be appreciated!

Issue creating billing agreement

While creating billing agreement I'm getting error: Invalid Fields passed in plan. Pass only a valid plan-id. I am passing BillingPlan object as mentioned in types.BillingAgreement

Readme Update SetLogFile

// Create a client instance
c, err := paypalsdk.NewClient("clientID", "secretID", paypalsdk.APIBaseSandBox)
c.SetLogFile("/tpm/paypal-debug.log") // Set log file if necessary

is now incorrect after my pull request.

possible solution
// Create a client instance
c, err := paypalsdk.NewClient("clientID", "secretID", paypalsdk.APIBaseSandBox)
c.SetLog(os.Stdout) // Set log to terminal stdout

ErrorResponse.Details not parsed

The field is always empty.

ErrorResponse.Detail has type string but API returns string array. client.go:110 does no error checking.

Example response from PayPal:

{"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","debug_id":"xxx","message":"Invalid request - see details","information_link":"","details":[{"field":"name","issue":"A profile with this name already exists"}]}

Card Number should be Numeric

{"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"field":"payer.funding_instruments[0].credit_card.number","issue":"Value must be numeric."}]

version bump to 1.0.2

any chance you can bump the version to 1.0.2 after the changes from this pr? A version is easier for me to reference than a particular commit in my dep configs

Doesn't work for Indian merchants !!!!

Works fine in dev mode, shows "Return to merchant" in production mode, it is similar to following issue :



Works and creates a redirect link.

After redirect link is opened it shows "Return to merchant" , sometimes shows "Unsupported payee currency" in production mode.

I wasted like 7 months to get this to work :(

Because I'm a solo developer I thought there must be some error on my end.
So I ended up changing implementation of Paypal SDK more than 3 times in my golang project.

After trying hard enough, I got this to work by using a buy now button with IPN listener by using some hacks such as passing user ID in custom field etc.

I got ill and was ICU for few weeks to get this to work in less time.

I followed suggestions that were given in, It worked fine in dev mode but as soon as I switched to production mode it didn't work.

As a result I had implement one more payment option (Instamojo) which took more time to get the actual product ready.

I had no issues with Instamojo even though they do not provide a package for golang, they even provide option to specify webhook URL for payment notifications.

I feel so bad right now, I don't even know what suggestion to give to make this to work without any issues for Indian merchants, but still here is a list that I have made that may ease the process.

  • If please make SDKs fail in dev mode itself so we will know that it will not work in production.

Add examples to handle errors in documentation

Sometimes paypal returns errors like:

400 Invalid request - see details

And we have to type assert the error to get the details field but currently, in there's no examples of error handling.

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