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pushwoosh-adobe-air's Issues

Adobe Air - Android: device token empty

my project suddenly stopped working (not receiving pushes) and my device token is always returning empty when I run the app. I have already migrated to google firebase per the instructions on the website.
I downloaded the sample project from this github to make sure that it's not my code, plugged my APP_ID and my senderID in the descriptor, and when I run the project in flash builder, I am getting this message:
TOKEN error: Please set the mSenderId constant and recompile the app.

specs: Adobe Air 27.0
Android 8.1.0

Errors when building app with AIR 20

I am needing to update my AIR application from AIR 17 to AIR 20 to get some important bug fixes. After doing so, I can no longer build an iOS version of my app. I get the following error every time I try:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_CGImageSourceCreateWithData", referenced from: ___72-[PWNetworkOperation decompressedResponseImageOfSize:completionHandler:]_block_invoke in C:\Users\cchilds\AppData\Local\Temp\822ea487-b9e7-4855-8eec-4208f176a533\libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(PWNetworkOperation.o) "_kCGImageSourceShouldCache", referenced from: ___72-[PWNetworkOperation decompressedResponseImageOfSize:completionHandler:]_block_invoke in C:\Users\cchilds\AppData\Local\Temp\822ea487-b9e7-4855-8eec-4208f176a533\libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(PWNetworkOperation.o) "_CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex", referenced from: ___72-[PWNetworkOperation decompressedResponseImageOfSize:completionHandler:]_block_invoke in C:\Users\cchilds\AppData\Local\Temp\822ea487-b9e7-4855-8eec-4208f176a533\libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(PWNetworkOperation.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_kCGImageSourceShouldCache", referenced from: ___72-[PWNetworkOperation decompressedResponseImageOfSize:completionHandler:]_block_invoke in C:\Users\cchilds\AppData\Local\Temp\822ea487-b9e7-4855-8eec-4208f176a533\libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(PWNetworkOperation.o) "_CGImageSourceCreateWithData", referenced from: ___72-[PWNetworkOperation decompressedResponseImageOfSize:completionHandler:]_block_invoke in C:\Users\cchilds\AppData\Local\Temp\822ea487-b9e7-4855-8eec-4208f176a533\libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(PWNetworkOperation.o) "_CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex", referenced from: ___72-[PWNetworkOperation decompressedResponseImageOfSize:completionHandler:]_block_invoke in C:\Users\cchilds\AppData\Local\Temp\822ea487-b9e7-4855-8eec-4208f176a533\libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(PWNetworkOperation.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 Compilation failed while executing : ld64

Looking around the internet, it appears as though this is possibly caused by not linking the ImageIO.framework when packaging the ANE. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Android Token Error

I've tried multiple times to get this to work with my Samsung Galaxy S9 (Android 9 Pie)
and Samsung Galaxy S5 (Android 8.1 Oreo) and always get a blank token error. It grabs the Hardware ID fine, but never gets the token. I did notice when I publish in Animate it brings up a warning after it finishes:

"Warning: packagedDependency firebase-measurement-connector-17.0.1.jar used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry"

I've followed the guide here:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

App crashes on Android 12 devices

I had a user test on her Android 12 device and the app crashed on startup. It came back with a message stating that the app closed because it had a bug. I then ran it through the Android studio emulator and here is the logcat errors it returned. I don't have an Android 12 device, so i can't run the app on a device right now.

2022-08-30 10:49:01.913 9950-9979/ E/FA: Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled. See
2022-08-30 10:49:01.913 9950-9979/ E/FA: Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
2022-08-30 10:49:01.933 9950-9988/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: pool-7-thread-1
Process:, PID: 9950
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
Strongly consider using FLAG_IMMUTABLE, only use FLAG_MUTABLE if some functionality depends on the PendingIntent being mutable, e.g. if it needs to be used with inline replies or bubbles.
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2022-08-30 10:49:02.491 9950-9950/ E/BufferQueueProducer: SurfaceView[]#3(BLAST Consumer)3 disconnect: not connected (req=2)
2022-08-30 10:49:04.118 9950-9979/ E/FA: Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled. See

pushwoosh.isPushNotificationSupported returns true in iOS Simulator, ANE raises error

According to Adobe AIR conventions, ANEs should provide a way to validate if they would work on current platform in runtime. PushWoosh ANE does contain such method, but it returns "true" in iOS Simulator, where fails it fails to work and doesn't avoid errors gracefully.


pushwoosh = PushNotification.getInstance();
trace("pushwoosh: " + pushwoosh);
trace("supported: " + pushwoosh.isPushNotificationSupported);
if ( ! pushwoosh.isPushNotificationSupported) {

var pushToken:String = pushwoosh.getPushToken();

Apr 6 17:57:21 boulder JackpotGiantCasino[32843]: pushwoosh: [object PushNotification]
Apr 6 17:57:21 boulder JackpotGiantCasino[32843]: supported: true
Apr 6 17:57:21 boulder JackpotGiantCasino[32843]: 970 DEBUG Context-0-59 [class GlobalErrorHandler] ERROR: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name getPushToken. / ArgumentError: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name getPushToken.

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64

Good day!
I've updated PushWoosh ANE to the version 5.5.3 and I can't build application now. I've tried to build on Win and Mac both, result is the same. Using Itellij Idea, adobe adk 28, iOs sdk 11.2

It will be nice if you will point me to what I am doing wrong.

I receive the next message during package process:

Generating executable...
/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/bin/ld64/ld64 -pie -ObjC -dead_strip -Z -arch armv7 -syslibroot "/Applications/" -L/usr/lib -F"/System/Library/Frameworks" -L"/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/lib" -o "../aot2193015749164496461.tmp" -exported_symbol _main "/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a" "/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/lib/libNotification.arm-air.a" -lc++ -lSystem.B -lcrt1.o -lstdc++ -lz -lobjc -framework CoreFoundation -framework UIKit -framework MobileCoreServices -framework CoreGraphics -framework Foundation -framework SystemConfiguration -framework AudioToolbox -framework CFNetwork -framework QuartzCore -framework OpenGLES -framework CoreLocation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreVideo -framework AVFoundation -framework Security -framework GameController -framework CoreMotion -framework AssetsLibrary -framework WebKit -framework StoreKit -framework Security -framework ImageIO -ObjC -exported_symbol _PushwooshExtInitializer -exported_symbol _PushwooshExtFinalizer -force_load "/Applications/" -filelist "/pushwoosh-adobe-air/PushNotificationsSample/bin-debug/AOTBuildOutput734566846094783354.tmp/OBJFilesList.txt" -ios_version_min 8.0
Generating executable...
/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/bin/ld64/ld64 -pie -ObjC -dead_strip -Z -arch arm64 -syslibroot "/Applications/" -L/usr/lib -F"/System/Library/Frameworks" -L"/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/lib" -o "../aot2304416727577730161.tmp" -exported_symbol _main "/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a" "/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/aot/lib/libNotification.arm-air.a" -lc++ -lSystem.B -lstdc++ -lz -lobjc -framework CoreFoundation -framework UIKit -framework MobileCoreServices -framework
CoreGraphics -framework Foundation -framework SystemConfiguration
-framework AudioToolbox -framework CFNetwork -framework QuartzCore
-framework OpenGLES
-framework CoreLocation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreVideo -framework
AVFoundation -framework
Security -framework GameController -framework CoreMotion -framework
AssetsLibrary -framework WebKit -framework StoreKit -framework Security
-framework ImageIO -ObjC -exported_symbol
_PushwooshExtInitializer -exported_symbol _PushwooshExtFinalizer -force_load "/Applications/" -filelist "/Volumes/Work/My_works/come2play/repos/BackgammonNew/libs/pushwoosh-adobe-air/PushNotificationsSample/bin-debug/AOTBuildOutput5885718497227145932.tmp/OBJFilesList.txt" -ios_version_min 8.0
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"___isOSVersionAtLeast", referenced from:
-[PWMessageViewController viewDidLoad] in libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(libPushwoosh.a-arm64-master.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"___isOSVersionAtLeast", referenced from:
com.adobe.air.ipa.ProcessError: Unable to generate executable
at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.launchProcess(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.linkMachO(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.generateMachineBinaries(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream.createIosBinary(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream.access$100(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
-[PWMessageViewController viewDidLoad] in libcom.pushwoosh.PushNotification.a(libPushwoosh.a-armv7-master.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
com.adobe.air.ipa.ProcessError: Unable to generate executable
at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.launchProcess(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.linkMachO(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.generateMachineBinaries(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream.createIosBinary(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream.access$100(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Compilation failed while executing : ld64

ADT command line:
/Applications/IntelliJ -Dapplication.home=/Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=en -Xmx2048m -jar /Volumes/Work/SDKs/air-sdk-28/lib/adt.jar -package -Xverbose -target ipa-debug -listen 7936 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore ******* -storepass ******* -provisioning-profile ******** /PushNotificationsSample/bin-debug/Unnamed.ipa /PushNotificationsSample/bin-debug/TestPushNotifications-app.xml -platformsdk /Applications/ -extdir /PushNotificationsSample/ANE-Pushwoosh -C /PushNotificationsSample/bin-debug TesPushWoosh.swf -C /PushNotificationsSample/src assets

Issue with the pushes sent from the API

When I use the latest ANE (5.9.0) in our app I cannot receive pushes sent from the API.

If the pushes have been sent from the control panel they are received normally.

Also, pushes are received if I use an older version of the ANE, e.g. the one of 30/8/2018.

The app is targeted to Android 26 and is compiled with Adobe Air 31.

Pushes seem to be sent correctly from the API since app versions with older ANE receive them while the ones with 5.9.0 do not.

Please advise.

Crash on Android

Hi ,

After updating distriqt ANE's to the latest version , I am getting the following crash

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at
at com.pushwoosh.firebase.PushFcmIntentService. (Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance (Native Method)
at (
at (
at (
at$1500 (
at$H.handleMessage (
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
at android.os.Looper.loop (
at (
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method)
at$ (
at (

I have updated the following ANE's



Its seems that your ANE don't support the changes.
Please advise what we can do as the update is necessary for our application.


ane size

what's wrong with the ANE size, is it not a release version ?
Former version i have used was 1,4 Mb and this one 14 Mb, final apk size increased from 400Kb to 9Mo and getting the app compiled is just too long.

other few questions

  1. what are the detailed parameters for scheduleLocalNotification alertJson string

  2. is the feature 'Pass additional Custom Data to the app' when publishing a notification from the pushwoosh website no longer a free option ?

Issues publishing with Air 20 and 21

I was publishing using Adobe Air 19 with no problems, but when I moved to 20, i get an error "Invalid Input" and just stops publishing. Any thoughts?

Conflict with distriqt androidsupport.V4 ane.


I am using multiple ane's from Distriqt (
It seems that their androidsupport ( ane have a conflict with the pushwoosh ane.

I get this error:
dx tool failed:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Landroid/support/annotation/ColorRes;

This when using AIR SDK 25, and the following ane's (All updated to latest versions.)

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Pushwoosh ANE conflicts with distriqt ANEs


I'm using the Pushwoosh ANE for a while and now I am facing an issue.
I have to use the distriqt Android Support ANE plus the distriqt playservices ANEs and they conflict with the Pushwoosh ANE.
I tried to remove the common libraries from Pushwoosh but unfortunately the result is an unstable app where the push services do not work.
Even if I would make it work somehow, I should have to repeat this procedure for every ANE update.
It would be very helpful to be able to use a Pushwoosh ANE without these common libraries.

Adobe Air - Pushwoosh ANE 1.5.0: extCtx is null. (iOS)

I am using Air v.23, tried it on iOS 8.4.1 and on iOS 10.2.1
using the ANE and the SWC from the latest github push (downloaded today)
and I am getting this error:

extCtx is null.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
	at com.pushwoosh.nativeExtensions::PushNotification/onDeviceReady()[/Volumes/workspace/workspace/pushwoosh-publish-adobe-air/ANE-Pushwoosh-src/actionscript/src/com/pushwoosh/nativeExtensions/]
	at MedMobileFlex/callPushServices()[/Users/morscad/Documents/WORK/WEB/Design Is Yummy/MedMobile/MedMobileFlex/src/MedMobileFlex.mxml:154]

Didn't try Android yet.

App crashes on startup

I've traced the crash to these lines of code in the manifest file.

meta-data android:name=""

If I take those lines out, I never get the push token for the app.

PushWoosh ANE interferes with DISTRIQT Android Support V4 ANE

I get a bunch of Java errors when trying to use your ANE with the Distriqt android support V4 ANE which supports all of their Android ANE functionality. Please remove the references listed in the attached image. If you can't then i guess i will have to start using OneSignal for pushes. [Thanks.[]
screen shot 2018-04-20 at 4 11 17 pm

No push sent to Android devices

I've integrated the new Pushwoosh ANE for Android 12 devices, and I am getting the token now, but can't seem to get the push notification to the device. The device is set up as a test device and when i send a test woosh, nothing is received.

I did see this in the logs:

2022-09-13 11:07:09.876 15826-15826/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process:, PID: 15826
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate receiver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/~~maW_EGKhnngLca5JDno-Sg==/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/~~maW_EGKhnngLca5JDno-Sg==/, /data/app/~~maW_EGKhnngLca5JDno-Sg==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /system_ext/lib64]]
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/~~maW_EGKhnngLca5JDno-Sg==/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/~~maW_EGKhnngLca5JDno-Sg==/, /data/app/~~maW_EGKhnngLca5JDno-Sg==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /system_ext/lib64]]
at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce( 
at android.os.Looper.loop( 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 

ANE filesize

Any way you can get the filesize down from 15mb. Most other ANE's are 500kb to 1mb. Do you have a version that just does the basic stuff?

Android X support

The app crashes on launch when publishing from Adobe Animate using AIR I noticed that the repo is still using the libraries. I've updated those ANe's and still no luck. Does the pushNotification.ane still need to be updated as well?

AIR 18+ - Android does not register device

I have set all the configuration to the ones provided in the docs.

In the sample in this git, it seems there is something wrong (check line 75 of "TestPushNotifications-app.xml" , the value PACKAGE_NAME should be changed in order to receive the push notifcation).

In my case, the application is not receiving the user token, I checked the device logcat and this is what I got:

02-13 00:26:39.973 23541 23541 D gcmExtension: GCMExtension.createContext extId: 02-13 00:26:39.973 23541 23541 D gcmContext: GCMExtensionContext.GCMExtensionContext 02-13 00:26:39.973 23541 23541 D gcmContext: GCMExtensionContext.getFunctions 02-13 00:26:39.983 23541 23541 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.getBoolean(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.pushwoosh.nativeExtensions.PushWoosh.onDeviceReady(Unknown Source) 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at Source) 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.adobe.air.Entrypoints.EntryMainWrapper(Native Method) 02-13 00:26:39.984 23541 23541 W System.err: at com.adobe.air.Entrypoints.EntryMain(

Example for adobe air crash on android devices

I changed all required data in the example config to my own (app pakage name, PW_APPID, PW_PROJECT_ID) and it doesnt work on android devices. App crashes in 30 seconds after app run.

Tested on Nexus 4 (android 5.1.1) and THL T200 (android 4.2.2).

I noticed the pw_appid format in the example config is incorrect (4F0C807E51EC77.93591449) due to I have pw id in format to one that is used in iOs section in the example (539E9-AB8AE).

It works properly on iOS devices.

PushNotification.ane has conflicts with other Distriqt ANEs

I've been trying to upgrade several apps to meet the new Android 12 requirement and have been able to update most of the Distriqt ANEs without any issues. After adding just the PushNotification.ane file, I am getting conflicts stating that certain packages are being used by more than one ANE and I can't publish the APK without them being removed.

I'm building the app in Adobe Animate (latest version) using AIR

Here's the errors I'm getting:

Warning: packagedDependency vectordrawable-animated-1.1.0.jar used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry
Warning: packagedDependency vectordrawable-1.1.0.jar used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry
Warning: packagedDependency tracing-1.0.0.jar used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry
Warning: packageName androidx.emoji2.viewsintegration used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry
Warning: packageName androidx.startup used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry
Warning: packageName androidx.emoji2 used by more than one ANE. Ignoring this entry

I don't have the knowledge to remove these myself and would appreciate some assistance.



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