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Challenge Submission - UTF-16 Decoding


This challenge will be more of an educational one. The exercise will be to build our own UTF-16 decoder.


The problem will be divided into parts of increasing difficulty. In order:

  1. Convert a list of integers (code points) into a string. Tools to use: chr, str.join.
  2. Combine pairs of small (≤ 255) integers into 16-bit codes. Integers are passed as a list. Decode it into a string, assuming we don't have any code point too big. We assume little-endian byte order.
  3. Do the same with bytes input instead of a list.
  4. Decode large code points using surrogates.
  5. Allow big-endian order depending on the BOM.

Challenge Submission - EXAPUNKS Emulator



EXAPUNKS is a 2018 video game by Zachtronics. It is set in a cyberpunk past
where all technology works using swarms of small programs, known as EXAs
(EXecution Agents). The principle of the game is to program your EXAs using an
assembly-like language, and accomplish various (illicit) jobs. It is a
challenging but accessible and immersive game, and I strongly recommend trying
it out.

For today's coding challenge, we will be building a simulator that can read and
execute a program written in the EXA language.

Disclaimer: EXAPUNKS and its contents, including the EXA language and the
excerpts from the TRASH WORLD NEWS manual used in this document, are a
property of Zachtronics LLC.

EXA fundamentals

Following the tradition of Zachtronics' previous programming games, the manual
of EXAPUNKS is a core element of the gameplay (and you're encouraged to print
it on physical paper). Let's refer to the said manual (or, as it calls itself,
TRASH WORLD NEWS issue 1) for some explanations:

Every EXA contains code and registers.
CODE: This is a list of instructions that tell an EXA what to do. It's
written in a special computer language specifically designed for them. We'll
dig into the language in the following sections.
REGISTERS: Think of these are slots that can store numbers. Registers
can be read and written to by instructions in your code.

An EXA has three registers:

  • The X register is a general-purpose storage register. It can store a
    number and initially contains 0.
  • The T register is a general-purpose storage register like X. It is also
    the destination for TEST instructions (challenge #2), and is the
    criterion for conditional jumps (challenge #3).
  • A file handling register named F. Its operation will be detailed in
    challenge #4.

Through every instruction description in this challenge, the following
abbreviations will be used to represent required operands:

  • R: A register
  • R/N: A register, or a number between -9999 and 9999
  • L: A label defined by a MARK pseudo-instruction (see challenge #3)

Challenge 1: Basic operations


For the first part of the problem, we will be focusing on the very basic
features of the language, such as registers and arithmetics:

  • COPY R/N R
    Copy the value of the first operand into the second operand.
  • ADDI R/N R/N R
    Add the value of the first operand to the value of the second operand and
    store the result in the third operand.
  • SUBI R/N R/N R
    Same as ADDI, for substraction.
  • MULI R/N R/N R
    Same as ADDI, for multiplication.
  • DIVI R/N R/N R
    Same as ADDI, for integral division.
  • MODI R/N R/N R
    Same as ADDI, for modulo.

Write a program that can understand a piece of code with any of the above
instructions and run it.


If you are relatively new to programming, this could be a steep challenge to
get into. Here are a few ideas to help you start out:

  1. It is generally a good idea to start by identifying the inputs and outputs
    of the program. Here, the input is the code for the EXA, which will be just
    plain text. No need to worry about outputs for now; printing the register
    values after each step should be enough. Don't hesitate to add more print
    lines as needed.

  2. The first piece of code you'll need is one that can read a line of EXA code
    and make sense of it. For example, "ADDI 30 X T" could be converted into
    ("ADDI", [30, "X", "T"]) or any other structure of your choice. This will
    make it much easier to write the actual running logic. It is at this step
    that you could check if instructions and their operands are valid.

  3. Before implementing the instructions, think about how you want to handle
    the registers. Here are some suggestions:

    • Just have the registers as variables.
    • Go for an object-oriented approach, where X and T are attributes of
      your EXA object.
    • Go for a functional approach, where the current register values (or state
      in general) is passed to instructions; those then return a new state.
  4. If you manage to design the code parsing and register handling carefully,
    actually implementing the instructions should be fairly easy! The only
    detail is that you will need to be careful about whether an argument is a
    number or a register name when both are allowed, and choose the correct


Here is an example:


Decomposed, this program will:

  1. Set X to 70
  2. Add 1 to the value of X and store that value back in X
  3. Set T to 3
  4. Multiply X by T and store that value in T
  5. Substract 1 from T and store the result in T

At the end, X should hold 71 and T should hold 212.


Here is another example for you to try your code on:

COPY 647 X

What are the values of the registers at the end? As a bonus, can you identify
what operation the last five instructions are effectively doing?

Challenge 2: Tests

I mentionned earlier that the T register was used for tests. This part of
the challenge will be to program the TEST instruction:

  • TEST R/N = R/N
    Compare the value of the first operand to the value of the second operand.
    If they are equal, set the T register to 1, otherwise set the T register
    to 0. The same syntax is used for the < (less than) and > (greater than)

Here is an example of TEST:

TEST T < 1

This will:

  1. Set X to 10
  2. Set T to the value of X
  3. Test if X and T are equal. This is true, so T is set to 1.
  4. Substract T from X, store it in T (now 9).
  5. Test if X is greater than T. This is true again, T is set to 1.
  6. Finally, test if T is smaller than 1. This is false, so T is set to 0.

So far it might not look very useful, but the next challenge will fix that.

Challenge 3: Labels and Jumps


So far our program pointer only moves through the program from top to bottom,
and doen't have much in the way of actual logic. Time to introduce some useful
flow control instrustions:

  • MARK L
    Mark this line with the specified label. MARK is a pseudo-instruction and
    is not executed.
  • JUMP L
    Jump to the specified label.
  • TJMP L
    Jump to the specified label if the T register equals 1 (or any value other
    than 0). This corresponds to a TEST result that was true.
  • FJMP L
    Jump to the specified label if the T register equals 0. This corresponds
    to a TEST result that was false.

If the same label is marked multiple times, the program is entirely invalid
and should fail to parse or compile.

Note: Be careful to not write any infinite loops!


Let me walk you through a simple example:

  1. Set X to 1
  2. Set T to 7.
  3. Line 4 gets marked as LOOP.
  4. Multiply X by T and store that in X.
  5. Decrease T by 1.
  6. If the value of T is not 0, jump back to LOOP (step 4.).

This effectively calculates 7! (factorial of 7), which should be 5040.


Can you implement a program that tests the Collatz conjecture for a number
of your choice? It doesn't need to output the number of steps or anything, for
now try to implement a program that goes through the sequence until it ends.

Challenge 4: File handling


All that programming is no good if it cannot input and output. Thankfully, EXAs
can manipulate files and leave traces.

In our simplified emulator, a file is simply a list of numbers with a name.
To use a file, an EXA must first grab that file by its name. Once done, it has
to drop it before using a different file.

Here is also where the F register comes in play. The reference guide reads:

The F register allows an EXA to read and write the contents of a held file.
When an EXA grabs a file, its "file cursor" will be set to the first value in
the file. Reading from the F register will read this value; writing to the
F register will overwrite this value. After reading or writing the F
register, the file cursor will automatically advance. Writing to the end of
the file will append a new value instead of overwriting.

Note: This is not the same file handling as the one you'd do with open
in Python. These files are virtual; lists which exist only in the emulator.
You will need to add them to your simulation.

The file manipulation instructions to implement are:

  • GRAB R/N
    Grab a file with the specified ID.
  • FILE R
    Copy the ID of the file into the specified register.
  • SEEK R/N
    Move the file cursor forward (positive) or backwards (negative) by the
    specified number of values.
    If SEEK would move the file cursor past the biginning or end of the file
    it will instead be clamped. Thus, you can use values of -9999 or 9999 to
    reliably move to the beginning or end of a file.
  • VOID F
    Remove the value highlighted by the file cursor from the currently held file.
  • DROP
    Drop the currently held file.
    If the file pointer is currently at the end of the held file, set the T
    register to 1, otherwise set the T register to 0.

Note that trying to access this register when the EXA isn't holding a file will
result in an "Invalid F register access" error, causing the EXA to crash and
terminate. If an EXA tries to open a file that does not exist (or is otherwise
not available), it also crashes.

Modify your emulator to support file handling. On top of the code to run, it
will need to be initialized with files (and their contents). It will need to
return the file contents at the end of execution.


Let's look at a simple file handling program. In this scenario, the environment
starts with two existing files: one called 100 with a list of numbers, and a
second one called 200 that's empty.

GRAB 100
GRAB 200

This time, try to walk through the instructions yourself. This script reads the
numbers in 100, sums them, and writes the sum to 200.

Final Challenge

Here's the final code I want you to test your emulator against. The virtual
world is expected to contain a file with the ID 400 that is initially empty.

GRAB 400
SEEK -9999
TEST X < 50

What are the contents of the file 400 at the end of the program? Can you
identify what calculation this program is doing?


If you enjoyed playing with the EXA language, then once again I recommend
purchasing and playing EXAPUNKS. In the real game, a single EXA is only
one of potentially many interconnected EXAs! This adds a whole new level
of richness to the idea, of which these challenges only scratched the surface.
Zachtronics' world of EXAs has a lot more to offer.

If you're already an EXAPUNK veteran, you will have already noticed the
simplifications made in this exercise. Here are some more advanced features
you could implement from the game:

  • Support for other misc instructions (SWIZ, HALT, NOTE, NOOP, RAND)
  • @ macro instructions for code repetition
  • Simulation of hosts and movement with LINK and HOST
  • Support for keyword values (a.k.a. strings)
  • Support for MAKE and DROP (create/delete files)
  • Support for hardware registers (read-only or write-only)
  • Accurate runtime errors
  • And the ultimate challenge: proper full EXA-VM simulation
    • Have swarms of EXAs with their programs properly in sync
    • REPL and KILL support for forking and termination
    • Support for the M register and MODE

Terrible Data from your wonderful job


The idea of this is to go through 4 phases where you create increasingly more difficult CSV files to parse


First input will be Easy_CSV.csv that will require
import csv
with open('Easy_CSV.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:

then it will show names and integers from the CSV files

second Input will be Intermediate.csv that will require more effort
then a hard.csv then a hellmode.csv

Challenge Submission - Baudot Code Encoder/Decoder


Back in the days of Teletypes, the Baudot code was the standard protocol for most telecommunications. It was patented in 1870 by the French engineer Émile Baudot, and was later modified by the New-Zealander engineer Donald Murray. This later code remained in use through most of the first half of the XXth century.

For more information, see


The Baudot code is a 5-bit binary code, usually represented on a ribbon of punched tape.
You'll notice that such a code has only 32 possible combinations, which wouldn't be enough for the 26 letters and the ten digits… The trick is that the code has actually multiple tables, with special control characters to switch between each mode. To put it simply, to read the code you need to know at any time whether you're in "Letter mode" or "Symbol mode", and have to switch from one to another when needed.

In this exercise, you will be implementing a decoder for the ITA2 US variant. The full table is on the next page.

The code will need to be a function that:
Takes in a string that looks like tape. There will be one code per line. That code uses underscore (_) for 0 and star (*) for 1
returns a plain text string

As a bonus, you can make an encoder for the code as well!

Code   Letter mode  Figure mode
_____  Null (\x00)  Null (\x00)
___*_  CR (\r)      CR (\r)
_*___  NL (\n)      NL (\n)
__*__  Space        Space
***_*  Q            1
**__*  W            2
*____  E            3
_*_*_  R            4
____*  T            5
*_*_*  Y            6
***__  U            7
_**__  I            8
___**  O            9
_**_*  P            0
**___  A            -
*_*__  S            Bell (\x07)
*__*_  D            $
*_**_  F            !
_*_**  G            &
__*_*  H            #
**_*_  J            '
****_  K            (
_*__*  L            )
*___*  Z            "
*_***  X            /
_***_  C            :
_****  V            ;
*__**  B            ?
__**_  N            ,
__***  M            .
**_**  Figures      Figures
*****  Letters      Letters

Example test in Python:

input_hw = """

def test_hello_world():
    assert baudot_decode(input_hw) == "HELLO WORLD!"

Challenge Submission - Roman Numerals Converter


Write code that converts a number into its Roman Numeral notation.

The Roman numeral notation uses letters to represent multiples of ten and five, the common ones being:

Letter Value
I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000

The multiples of 4 and 9 are generally represented by subtracting one from the next value, e.g.:

Letters Value
IV 4
IX 9
XL 40
XC 90
CD 400
CM 900

When representing the numbers from 1 to 10, this looks like:


The input numbers will be between 1 and 3,999 included (the largest value the standard notation can represent).

See the Wikipedia page for details, and a bunch more examples:


Here are some extra features you can implement as a challenge:

  1. Write a Roman to integer decoder, basically the inverse function.
  2. Make that decoder also work with the variant forms, such as the additive notation (e.g. IIII as 4)
  3. Add support for the Unicode Roman Numerals

Challenge Submission - Barcode Decoder

Barcode Decoder

Proposal for Python ATL Jam session



You probably know what a barcode looks like, and use it daily. In this exercise, we will be writing code that can convert the sequence of bars and spaces into the data it represents.

Barcode for a pop music album

For most products sold in the USA, barcodes follow the UPC (Universal Product Code) specification (or symbology). Visually, a UPC barcode looks like a series of bars of various widths, and the spaces between those bars also vary in width. This is actually a binary code that represents a number.

A UPC barcode can be divided into sections (blocks) of equal width. We will be representing a block occupied by a bar with 1, and one occupied by a space with 0.

Consequently, the barcode below can be modeled by:

Barcode for a bottle of water


In the first and second parts of the exercise, we will write code for decoding sequences of 7 blocks into digits. In the third part, we will use that knowledge to read full UPC-A codes. In the fourth part, we will check their validity using checksums. In the fifth and final part, we will be expanding our UPC-A decoder to the broader EAN-13 symbology using parity decoding.

1. Decoding the left digits

In all UPC variants, the digits of the code are encoded as sequences of seven blocks:

code digit
0001101 0
0011001 1
0010011 2
0111101 3
0100011 4
0110001 5
0101111 6
0111011 7
0110111 8
0001011 9

Exercise 1: Write code that can convert a sequence of seven blocks into a digit.


  • If you're starting out with Python, the easiest way to represent a code is probably to use a string, e.g. code = "0111011".
  • Make your code throws a meaningful and informative error in case an invalid input was given. It will make debugging much easier later.

2. Decoding the right digits

You may notice that all the codes above start with 0 and end with 1. This is because UPC is what's called a "continuous" symbology. There always is a transition on digit boundaries. Those codes are said to be Left (or L) encoded.

But in the case of the common UPC-A barcode, only the first six of the twelve digits are encoded that way. The second half of the digit codes start with 1 and end with 0.

So we need new codes for the right-side digits. The way UPC solves this is by having the right codes be the complements of the left codes, i.e. every 0 is replaced by 1 and every 1 by 0. The new coding table becomes:

L-code R-code digit
0001101 1110010 0
0011001 1100110 1
0010011 1101100 2
0111101 1000010 3
0100011 1011100 4
0110001 1001110 5
0101111 1010000 6
0111011 1000100 7
0110111 1001000 8
0001011 1110100 9

Exercise 2: Make your code from exercise 1 also work when the input codes are inverted. Try to reuse your previous code intelligently instead of writing a new matching table!

3. UPC-A Decoding

The UPC specification defines several barcodes, but the most widely used by far is the twelve-digit UPC-A symbology. Almost every product you can find in an American store uses this variety of barcodes to identify your product at checkout. Except for books and tiny beverages, but more on that later.

A full UPC-A code is built with:

  • A start marker, always 101 (3 blocks)
  • 6 L-coded digits (42 blocks)
  • A middle marker, always 01010 (5 blocks)
  • 6 R-coded digits (42 blocks)
  • An end marker, always 101 (3 blocks)

for a total of 95 blocks and 12 digits.

For example, this barcode below is written:

Barcode for my notebook


Now, let's insert spaces at the boundaries of digits, for clarity:

101 0001101 0111011 0110001 0111011 0110001 0110001 01010 1000010 1000010 1100110 1001000 1001110 1000010 101

By isolating the left and right parts, we can decode it:

Left:            0001101 0111011 0110001 0111011 0110001 0110001
Right:           1000010 1000010 1100110 1001000 1001110 1000010
Right inverted:  0111101 0111101 0011001 0110111 0110001 0111101
Left digits:     0       7       5       7       5       5
Right digits:    3       3       1       8       5       3

So the UPC for this barcode is 075755331853, which matches the plain text code on the image.

Exercise 3: Write code that can decode a full UPC-A code!

Below are a few examples to test your code against.

  • My favorite brand of root beer:

  • My sewing machine:

  • $6.48 worth of imported cheese:

  • The latest album from Atlanta artist Daily Bread



  • Start by writing code that can extract the 7-bit sections for each digit from the full code. This will allow you to reuse your code from parts 1 and 2 directly.
  • The logic itself shouldn't be too complicated. However, it can also fail easily. Make sure to check your assumptions and throw useful errors. For example, make the error specify at which position the code decoding failed. Or check that the markers are exactly as expected. This will be very useful when debugging.
  • Do not output the full code as an int, since leading zeros matter. A list of digits or a string would be a better idea.

Bonus: Can you make your program support reverted input, i.e. UPC-A codes read right to left by an upside-down scanner?

4. UPC-A Checksum Verification

Because there is a high risk of the code being misread, the only purpose of the last digit of the code is to verify a checksum. In other words, it is not part of the information conveyed by the code but helps to detect mistakes.

Assume that we name our digits from d1 to d12, respectively from left to right. In the example used in section 3, we'd have d1 = 0, d1 = 7, d2 = 5, etc. and d12 = 3 is the checksum digit.

Then the following must hold true:

(3*d1 + d2 + 3*d3 + d4 + 3*d5 + d6 + 3*d7 + d8 + 3*d9 + d10 + 3*d11 + d12) % 10 == 0

In practice, d12 is chosen so that the checksum is correct. If not, we know that a digit was either incorrectly printed or read.

Exercise 4: Make your UPC-A reader program also check the checksum. The examples given before are valid, but here are a few incorrect ones below.

Examples of invalid checksum:


5. EAN-13 Decoding

EAN-13, or International Article Number, is a specification that expands UPC-A by adding a thirteenth digit (as a prefix) to the existing code. Interestingly, it does so without any changes to the UPC-A format! EAN-13 barcodes look very similar to UPC-A, down to having 95 blocks and the same markers.

Barcode for "How Software Works"

EAN-13 barcodes are relatively rare in North America (although UPC-A codes are technically valid EAN-13, more on that later), with the exception of books. That's because the specification allows books to be identified by their ISBN prefixed with 978. Otherwise, EAN-13 codes are universally used abroad.

So how does it work? You may have noticed that all L-codes have an odd number of 1s in them. EAN-13 makes use of that property by introducing a new set of codes, called "even parity" codes or G-codes. And those are simply R-codes but reverted, or read right to left:

L-code G-code R-code digit
0001101 0100111 1110010 0
0011001 0110011 1100110 1
0010011 0011011 1101100 2
0111101 0100001 1000010 3
0100011 0011101 1011100 4
0110001 0111001 1001110 5
0101111 0000101 1010000 6
0111011 0010001 1000100 7
0110111 0001001 1001000 8
0001011 0010111 1110100 9

Exercise 5.1: Modify your digit-decoding code from exercises 1 and 2 to also support decoding even parity left codes / G-codes.

But this still does not explain where the extra digit comes from: it is encoded in the pattern of odd or even parities used for the first six digits! If we mark L-code digits as O and G-code digits as E, then the rule is:

Parities Digit

For example, here are the six first digit codes from an EAN-13:

Code:       0001101 0111101 0010001 0010111 0011011 0001101
Digit:      0       3       7       9       2       0
Bit count:  3       5       2       4       4       3
Parity:     Odd     Odd     Even    Even    Even    Odd

In this case, the parity pattern is OOEEEO which means the first digit is 3. Consequently, the start of the code is 3037920.

A couple of notes:

  1. The second half of an EAN-13 code works the same as in UPC-A and is always encoded with even R-codes, no parity manipulation is allowed.
  2. The checksum calculation is also the same for the last 12 digits, with the extra prefix being included in the sum with a weight of 1.

Because of how EAN-13 was designed, it is fully backward-compatible with UPC-A (technically speaking, EAN-13 is a superset of UPC-A). A UPC-A is the exact same as an EAN-13 with a prefix of 0.

Exercise 5.2: Modify your UPC-A decoding program from 3 and 4 to extract the parity information from the six first digit codes and translate it to the extra digit. If that digit is zero, then it should be ignored for UPC-A backward compatibility.


  • A notebook I brought from France:

  • A pack of cards made in Austria:

  • Russian folk music:

  • Books you should read:


Extra Challenges

This is probably enough of a challenge for tonight. If you've breezed through it or feel like having more fun at home, here are some additional challenges:

  1. Add UPC-E support. That thing is weird. It's also quite rare, I only found it on very small beverage containers from large companies. The example given in the introduction is one you can try to decode.

  2. Add support for some of the many other barcode formats that exist: Code 128, EAN-8, EAN-5, ITF…

  3. I previously recommended against using integers for modeling codes by manipulating their binary values. It's possible that you have already done this by habit, if not then I invite you to try it. As a test, can you identify the pop music album behind this code? 25279676323428426953040442277

  4. Can you write a function that can create a barcode from a known UPC/EAN?

  5. If you're feeling like going even further, try making a barcode scanner! For example, that application could take an image as an input, detect and locate barcodes in it, generate the binary code from the image and send it to the code we just made.

Challenge Submission - Factorio Calculator


Since we are stuck at home, it has been a good time for me to play my favorite video game, Factorio. Which I play way too much.

This week's challenge is to write a calculator that can help us play the game.

In Factorio, your goal is to build a factory that can collect then transform raw materials into increasingly refined items. Your complex network of machinery eventually ingests iron, copper, stone, and coal then makes rockets or nuclear reactors come out of the other side.

1. First steps

Here is an example of some very simple recipes:

  • you need 1 Iron Ore to make 1 Iron Plate
  • you need 1 Copper Ore to make 1 Copper Plate
  • you need 2 Iron Plates to make 1 Iron Gear Wheel
  • you need 1 Copper Plate and 1 Iron Gear Wheel to make 1 Automation Science Pack

Question 1: How much Iron Ore and Copper Ore does it take to manufacture 10 Automation Science Packs?

Try to write code that can solve this problem. You may solve it by hand and check that your answers match.

2. More science!

Science Packs are used in Factorio to do research and unlock new technologies. In order to keep things interesting, science packs become increasingly difficult to manufacture the more you progress!

Here are some new recipes for a new Science Pack:

  • you need 1 Iron Plate and 1 Iron Gear Wheel to make 2 Transport Belts
  • you need 1 Copper Plate to make 2 Copper Cables
  • you need 1 Iron Plate and 3 Copper Cables to make 1 Electronic Circuit
  • you need 1 Iron Plate, 1 Iron Gear, and 1 Electronic Circuit to make 1 Inserter
  • you need 1 Transport Belt and 1 Inserter to make 1 Logistic Science Pack

Question 2: How much Iron Ore and Copper Ore does it take to manufacture 200 Automation Science Packs and 200 Logistic Science Packs?

3. Automating the Boring Stuff

Doing all of this crafting by hand is possible but very time-consuming. The main gameplay element of Factorio is to build a network of machines and conveyors to do the job for you!

Machines take time to run their recipes, therefore you need to build enough machines to meet your production throughput targets. In this part, we will implement a tool that can compute how many machines we will need.


Let's look at the recipes from the first part. The time it takes to run each recipe are:

  • to mine 1 Iron Ore: 2 s
  • to mine 1 Copper Ore: 2 s
  • to smelt 1 Iron Plate: 3.2 s
  • to smelt 1 Copper Plate: 3.2 s
  • to make 1 Iron Gear Wheel: 1 s
  • to make 1 Automation Science Pack: 10 s

Let's say we want to make 10 Automation Science Packs per minute. Since it takes 10 seconds for one machine to make one, a single machine will be able to output 60 ÷ 10 = 6 items per minute. Therefore, we will need 2 machines to build the science packs.

To meet this quota, we will also need to make every minute:

  • 10 Iron Gear Wheels; 1 machine will be enough (60 ÷ 1 = 60 items/min)
  • 10 Copper Plates; 1 machine is also enough (60 ÷ 3.2 = 18.75 items/min)
  • 20 Iron Plates; 2 machines are required, barely (same as above)
  • 10 Copper Ore; 1 machine enough again (60 ÷ 2 = 30 items/min)
  • 20 Iron Ore; 1 machine as well (same as above)

Therefore, we will need a total 8 machines to run the full production chain for our production quota of 10 Automation Science Packs per minute.

In Practice

Here are the timings for the recipes defined in part 2:

  • to make 2 Transport Belts: 1 s
  • to make 2 Copper Cables: 1 s
  • to make 1 Electronic Circuit: 1 s
  • to make 1 Inserter: 1 s
  • to make 1 Logistic Science Pack: 12 s

Question 3: How many machines do you need to sustain a production of 50 Automation Science Packs and 50 Logistic Science Packs per minute?

4. Striking Oil

Later in the game you discover oil processing, and to your dismay its production process is quite a bit more complicated. The recipes are as follows:

  • 100 Crude Oil can be refined into 25 Heavy Oil, 45 Light Oil and 55 Petroleum Gas in 5 s,
  • 40 Heavy Oil can be cracked into 30 Light Oil in 2 s,
  • 30 Light Oil can be cracked into 20 Petroleum Gas in 2 s.

In general, Petroleum Gas is the resource we need but refining oil to make it generates excess Light Oil and Heavy Oil. To make the process work without any excess produce, cracking operations need to be used to eliminate the excess oil.

Question 4: How much Crude Oil is needed to make 950 units of Petroleum Gas without any excess oil?

In practice, Heavy Oil and Light Oil are also useful in their own right and need to be produced (in smaller quantities) as well.

Question 5: How much Crude Oil is needed to make 2,000 units of Petroleum Gas, 800 units of Light Oil and 225 units of Heavy Oil?


There are two approaches to solving the oil processing problem:

  1. do the math and find the solutions to the system,
  2. use iterative calculation to find a stable result in steps.

From a programming perspective, the second approach is a lot more fun. And it has the added advantage to be easy to fix if the recipes change (which does happen in Factorio).

I find it useful in this situation to use "production cycles per minute" as variables to solve with, and write down how to adjust each variable in function of the other. It can take so trial and error to find a stable solution.

Challenge Submission - Sorting 101


Sorting is arguably among the fundamental problems in Computer Science. Thankfully we rarely need to think about it too much. Like most other high-level programming languages, Python includes built-in sorting routines that use fast and efficient (and complex) algorithms. Sorted collections are always just one sorted() call away!

While not essential to all programming tasks, understanding how sorting works is quite useful. While the concept of sorting is very simple, the techniques used to achieve it can be very complex. Sorting problems are also a very common type of interview questions, so it pays to be prepared.

The core of the exercise is to sort a list of signed integers without using the built-in sorting calls. The challengers are free to use any sorting algorithm they want. For those who have never implemented sorting before, the insertion sort will be explained in the instructions. More advanced coders are invited to implement a more complicated algorithm of their choosing.

Challenge Submission - Rate My Password!

In this challenge, we will try to build a simplified "password checker" like those commonly seen on most websites.

Session for this challenge: RlAHzL

Disclaimer: This project is for fun, and should not be used to check the complexity of passwords that will protect actual sensitive information.
(Though if this script says your password is bad, you should be concerned.)



This challenge will be hosted on This will allow you to work without needing to install Python on your computer, and you will be able to see other members' submissions.

To connect, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "we're in a group"
  3. Click "join a session"
  4. Enter this ID in the box: RlAHzL, then press Enter.

Inside the session, you will see:

  • On the left of the screen, the controls and list of files
    • To access a file, click on it
    • To save your changes and run the tests, click "test" at the top
  • On the right of the screen, the editor for the file that's currently open.

In this challenge, is where you are expected to write your code. The tests are located in, and you are free to play with them if you wish.


The expected form of this program is a function that takes a string as an argument, and returns an evaluation of its adequateness as a password.

This whole process being somewhat complicated, we will split it in separate steps, each built as its own function.

1. Length score

Research has shown that the length of a password is generally its most significant characteristic. Nowadays, even mid-range consumer-grade graphics cards pack up incredible amounts of processing power, enough to crack any password up to 8 characters in reasonable time.

Therefore, our first step will be to give a "Length score" to a password based on its length. The logic is as follows:

  • 0 points for 7 characters or fewer
  • 1 point for 8 characters
  • +1 point for each additional character


  • password has a score of 1
  • password1234 has a score of 5
  • john has a score of 0

For this exercise, edit the length_score function in the file. This function takes a password as an argument and returns its length score as a number. The TestLengthScore class in contains tests for it, you may edit those as well if you wish.

2. Commonality check

It is also a terrible idea to choose a password that's common. It is guaranteed that attackers will try all the most common password first when trying to crack one.

For this part, write the is_common function, which takes a password as an argument and returns a boolean (True or False) indicating whether it's common or not. For this purpose, a (curated) list of approximately 1,000 common passwords is included as common_password.txt. You code will need to open that file, read it and check if the given password is found or not.

3. Complexity score

Finally, a password should be somewhat complex so that the chances of guessing it at random are minimal. To measure this, we will give our password a "complexity score", which is described below.

Each password starts with a score of 1, then gets points by matching the following rules:

  • Has mixed case (uppercase and lowercase): +1 pt
  • Has numbers: +2 pts
  • Has symbols: +2 pts
  • Has any other character: +3 pts

Note: "symbols" are any ASCII non-alphanumeric printable character, including spaces, such as:

Additionally, there are rules to penalize lazy passwords:

  • Has only one number: -1 pt
  • Has only one symbol or other character: -1 pt
  • All numbers/symbols are at the end of the password: password complexity worth 2 pts regardless of all other rules.

A few examples:

  • password: 1 pt
  • password123$: 2 pts (all at the end)
  • H3LLO_WORLD: 3 pts (1 + 2 for numbers + 2 for symbols - 2 for only one of each)
  • nen9aPhu: 3 pts (1 + 1 for case + 2 for numbers - 1 for only one number)
  • Ba$th5to: 4 pts (1 + 1 for case + 2 for numbers + 2 for symbols - 2 for only one of each)
  • Dre1käse: 5 pts (1 + 1 for case + 2 for numbers + 3 for foreign characters - 2 for only one of each)
  • Oo7,28=r+MU}: 6 pts (1 + 1 for case + 2 for numbers + 2 for symbols)

For this part, edit the complexity_score function in As previously, you can find the tests for this in This will likely be the most complicated part of the problem, do not hesitate to call for help.

4. Complete evaluation

Now that we have all the components, we can finally make a function that judges passwords!

The total score of a password is calculated as follows:

  • If the password is common, it immediately gets 0 points
  • Otherwise, calculate its score as the "Length score" multiplied by the "Complexity score"

The evaluation then returns an evaluation based of that score:

  • score < 10 pts: unacceptable
  • 10 pts ≤ score < 25 pts: weak
  • 25 pts ≤ score < 50 pts: ok
  • score ≥ 50 pts: strong

For this part, edit the rate_password function in

Bonus work

If the above was relatively easy for you, one last possible improvement is to check for proximity to common passwords. This involves modifying the is_common rule so that a password is also considered common if:

  • it has a case-insensitive match in the list,
  • removing any single character from the password makes it match a known common password,
  • it's one "l33t speak" substitution away from any known common password.

There are no tests for this, but you are welcome to write your own!


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