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pycontw-frontend's Issues

[Feature Request] Adding more structured data for better SEO


1. Open Graph - All pages

Update the code under section of the page.

<meta property="og:title" content="{{default is same as page title}}">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property=“og:url" content="{{same as canonical}}">
<meta property=“og:image" content="{{image URL links}}">
<meta property=“og:description" content="{{default is same as meta description}}">

2. Herflang 多國語系 - All pages


<link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="{{}}">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-us" href="{{}}">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="zh-hant-tw" href="{{}}">

3. Image Alt Text - All pages

Apply below image tags for all pages, only when an image is uploaded:

<img src="{{image link}}" alt="{{image description}}">

4. Organization Schema - Homepage

For homepage, please use organisation schema: 

<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Organization",
"name":"PyCon Taiwan 2021", 
"url": "{{en-us}}, 
"logo": "{{use logo image on cdn**}}"

5. Job Posting part


<script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context" : "",
      "@type" : "JobPosting",
      "title" : "Software Engineer",
      "description" : "<p>Google aspires to be an organization that reflects the globally diverse audience that our products and technology serve. We believe that in addition to hiring the best talent, a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services.</p>",
      "identifier": {
        "@type": "PropertyValue",
        "name": "Google",
        "value": "1234567"
      "datePosted" : "2017-01-18",
      "validThrough" : "2017-03-18T00:00",
      "employmentType" : "CONTRACTOR",
      "hiringOrganization" : {
        "@type" : "Organization",
        "name" : "Google",
        "sameAs" : "",
        "logo" : ""
      "jobLocation": {
      "@type": "Place",
        "address": {
        "@type": "PostalAddress",
        "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
        "addressLocality": "Mountain View",
        "addressRegion": "CA",
        "postalCode": "94043",
        "addressCountry": "US"
      "baseSalary": {
        "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
        "currency": "USD",
        "value": {
          "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
          "value": 40.00,
          "unitText": "HOUR"

wishlist: integrate social media and google calendar

It would be great if we could integrate the information of social media (facebook and twitter) and google calendar on our website, so the participants and sponsor candidates could reach out us more comprehensively.

Regarding facebook and twiiter, to show the latest post on the website should be sufficient.

[Keynote] wrong font size and tab size


1.主題演講 下面的那串說明文字(為期兩天的議程中...) 在 rwd 字體大小為 14px
2.講者姓名、演講名稱、講者介紹(tab)、演講(tab)的 font weight 為 600
3.講者介紹以及演講的 tab button 大小全部跑版
4.講者介紹的介紹文字(Marc-Andre 擁有杜塞爾多...) 字體大小為 14px

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 的主題演講
  2. See error

Expected Behavior

1.主題演講 下面的那串說明文字(為期兩天的議程中...) 在 rwd 字體大小為 14px
2.講者姓名、演講名稱、講者介紹(tab)、演講(tab)的 font weight 為 600
3.講者介紹以及演講的 tab button 大小為 92px * 48px
4.講者介紹的介紹文字(Marc-Andre 擁有杜塞爾多...) 字體大小為 14px

Actual Behavior

1.主題演講 下面的那串說明文字(為期兩天的議程中...) 在 rwd 字體大小為 14px
2.講者姓名、演講名稱、講者介紹(tab)、演講(tab)的 font weight 為 600
3.講者介紹以及演講的 tab button 大小全部跑版
4.講者介紹的介紹文字(Marc-Andre 擁有杜塞爾多...) 字體大小為 14px

More Information

可以進一步在figma中的rwd page看

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Sponsor rwd] wrong layout of sponsor rwd


  1. Sponsor logo 在手機版應為三個一排

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. Scroll down to sponsor area
  3. See error

Expected Behavior

  1. Sponsor logo 在手機版應為三個一排

Actual Behavior

  1. Sponsor logo 在手機版應為三個一排

More Information


Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Keynote] keynote style改動


2.講者姓名、演講主題、tag名稱(講者、演講)字重為Black (其他頁面也一起做更動)

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. Click on keynote
  3. See error

Expected Behavior


When accessing keynote pages from schedule page, it fails to scroll to correct position


We discovered this issue in #157 (see the discussion).

For partial of the users, it fails to scroll to correct position on keynote page when accessing from schedule page.

Steps to Reproduce

This issue is reproducible only if the user sees the Chinese content in the keynote given by 魏澤人.

  1. Go to schedule page.
  2. Click on the keynote given by 魏澤人.
  3. It does not scroll the corresponding section.

Expected Behavior

It should scroll to the correct position.

Actual Behavior

It does not.

More Information

  • Checkout #151 to learn how the auto-scrolling being implemented.
  • We do not handle i18n when implementing the schedule page in #125 but somehow users can get Chinese or English version of content from Django backend (probably it also checks the default language of the user). This issue is expected to be solved if i18n is handled on this page.

[Index] 贊助商 light box 顏色錯誤 以及 間距須加大


  1. 贊助商 lightbox 的 stroke 以及 標題(如圖上的‘’關於‘’) 顏色為 ''#F3CC39''
  2. logo、標題、內文 以及按鈕之間需要加上 padding
  3. 贊助商公司名字下的底線可以刪除,因公司名稱太長會導致手機版本爆版

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Index
  2. Scroll down to 贊助商
  3. See an error

Expected Behavior

  1. 贊助商 lightbox 的 stroke 以及 標題(如圖上的‘’關於‘’) 顏色為 ''#F3CC39''
  2. logo與標題距離38px、標題與內文距離18px 、內文與按鈕距離51px 可以微調
  3. 贊助商公司名字下的底線刪除

Actual Behavior

  1. 贊助商 lightbox 的 stroke 以及 標題(如圖上的‘’關於‘’) 顏色為 ''#F3CC39''
  2. logo、標題、內文 以及按鈕之間需要加上 padding
  3. 贊助商公司名字下的底線可以刪除,因公司名稱太長會導致手機版本爆版

More Information

可以在 Figma 上看到原始設計稿首頁中的零件區進一步看


Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Feature Request] Add category filter on talk overview page

Is your feature request related to a problem?

We have almost 37 talks accepted this year (see the current talk overview page). It's a bit messy to display all the cards.

Describe the solution you'd like

A category filter is desired: cards with user-selected categories are displayed and all cards should be visible if the user does not select any.

P.S. This feature is in the design spec but I did not implement it in #126 due to the tight schedule.


Displaying issue of slido tab on talk/tutorial detail page


There is a bug left unresolved in #126: The slido tab is displayed after the detail page is access (but it shouldn't).

The code of the slido tab is commented out now and need to uncomment it before testing it out.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Uncomment these lines
  2. Run the app in your local machine (with npm run json-server run in another terminal)
  3. Go to
  4. See two tab body are displayed.


[Home/Sponsors] Enable page scrolling when modal is visible


When open the sponsor's modal, the page after the modal can be scrolled.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the home page and scroll to the "Sponsors" section
  2. Click an arbitrary sponsor's logo to open modal
  3. Move the mouse on the title of the modal
  4. Scroll then the page after the modal will be scrolled
  5. Move the mouse on the page and DO NOT close the modal
  6. Scroll then the page after the modal will be scrolled

Expected Behavior

When the modal is visible, the page after the modal should not be scrolled.

Actual Behavior

The page after the modal will be scrolled when the modal is visible.

More Information

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS Big Sur Version 11.2.3
  • Browser: Chrome Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 11 Pro
  • OS: iOS 14.6
  • Browser: Safari

Additional context


[Feature Request] Update CFP related page content - regarding "reusing/remaking the video"

Describe the solution you'd like

Some wording or checkbox should be sufficient to tell/remind submitters regarding the possible reusing/remaking of video records.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Any approach to help submitters comprehend the possible reusing/remaking of video records is good.

Additional context

[Drop Down Menu] Drop down menu is too wide and its color is wrong


Describe the bug

  1. Drop down menu layout too wide 且要置中
  2. Drop down menu 底色 要是 "#1B1A2E" 透明度 80%


Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. Hover on About
  3. See an error

Expected Behavior

  1. Drop down menu 要是置中且適中大小
  2. 底色 要是 #1B1A2E 透明度80%

Actual Behavior

  1. Drop down menu layout too wide 且要置中
  2. Drop down menu 底色看起來是灰色的


More Information

可以在 Figma 上看到原始設計稿 drop down menu 在首頁中的零件區可以進一步看


Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Mobile Sidebar] Sidebar and Nav Bar Style Update

1.Nav bar 高度為64
2.nav bar 的 pycon apac 字體改為 20 (放大)

1.sidebar 改為全屏
2.sidebar 保留上方 nav bar 內容,從右往左 move in (漢堡選單變為叉叉)
3.sidebar color is 121023
4.sidebar 裡的文字color is F0EBF5
5.sidebar dropdown color is 1A1A30
6.dropdown 字 color is E099E1

[最新公告] rwd排列方式錯誤


1.最新公告的 rwd 為兩個一排,現在為一個一排
2. rwd 最新公告 title大小為 26px
3. 卡片裡的title要與上面的邊界距離35px (padding加大)
4. 卡片裡的按鈕 thickness為3

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. See error

Expected Behavior


Actual Behavior

1.最新公告的 rwd 為兩個一排,現在為一個一排
2. rwd 最新公告 title大小為 26px
3. 卡片裡的title要與上面的邊界距離35px (padding加大)

More Information

可以到figma的rwd page觀看細節

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

Cannot render meta tags on speech details pages


In the page component pages/conference/_eventType/_id.vue, the og:title and og:description won't act properly.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to any talk or tutorial detail page
  2. Open the source code and find the default value of meta tags are used.

Expected Behavior

The customized values for meta tags are used.

Actual Behavior

The customized meta tags cannot be found.

More Information

#170 tended to solve this issue but reverted later since using fetch() on pages dynamic routes inducing another issue -- failed to send the request again after refreshing the page.

[Hero image] Hero Image should update the bg-image, font-family and border


  1. 封面的圖有更新
  2. pycon taiwan 10th anniversary 的字體錯誤
  3. with pythonistas as us 那裡字體錯誤
  4. 日期外圍的圈圈 stroke 為 3

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. See error

Expected Behavior

  1. 封面的圖有更新 可以至figma上export圖片
  2. pycon taiwan 10th anniversary 的字體錯誤 可以直接從figma上export圖片
  3. with pythonistas as us 那裡字體錯誤 可以直接從figma上export圖片
  4. 日期外圍的圈圈 stroke 為 3


Actual Behavior

  1. 封面的圖有更新
  2. pycon taiwan 10th anniversary 的字體錯誤
  3. with pythonistas as us 那裡字體錯誤
  4. 日期外圍的圈圈 stroke 為 3

More Information

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Feature Request] Embedded HackMD note on pages for keynotes and talks

[Feature Request] Embedded HackMD note on pages for keynotes and talks


For each speech we create a HackMD shared doc for attendees. However, there is no way to access them from our official website.


Store HackMD URL of each talk in the database and and serve these data for the frontend with backend API.



Potential Issues

  1. 4 tab headers will be break into two lines on mobile view.
  • Possible solution is scrollable tab headers but the implementation could be hard.
  • Another solution is simply replacing the tab titles with shorter words. It could mitigate the issue for most devices but not those mobiles with width < 375px (e.g. iPhone 5/SE).
  1. Users cannot edit on the embedded HackMD. I don't know the reason but probably HackMD just do not support it.
  2. [UX issue (?)] Slido is embedded in each HackMD note and also each speech page on the website. The later one is probably redundant.

Additional context

Discord discussion: link
Related issue: pycontw/

[NavBar] Top nav button hover 狀態 顏色錯誤


Describe the bug

  1. 導覽列的button hover時 顏色錯誤

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Index
  2. Hover on top navigation bar
  3. See an error

Expected Behavior

導覽列按鈕 hover 狀態應該是字的顏色轉變為黃色 ''#C2A53A'' 就好


Actual Behavior

導覽列按鈕 hover時 底色變黃 字變黑 跟設計稿不一樣

More Information

可以在 Figma 上看到原始設計稿 drop down menu 在首頁中的零件區可以進一步看


Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[最新公告] card的style修改


1.最新公告card 寬為214

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. Scroll down to 最新公告
    3. See error

Expected Behavior

1.最新公告card 寬為214

[Feature Request][Urgent] Date of main conference on the landing page

Describe the solution you'd like

More and more people are asking for the date of the main conference after seeing the announcement of CfP. For example,

Many people know the date of the main conference via social media like Facebook (for Mandarin speaker) and Twitter (for all non-Mandarin speaker), but in the mean time, many people do not use social media that much. It will be great (and probably a must) to put the info of the main conference on the landing page.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Some where on the official web site.

Additional context

See the email thread of PyCon APAC organizers (a public mailing list)

Invite the community to discuss and vote

Earn votes and support by involving the community and invite everybody to discuss your feature and
to vote for it (votes are +1 , 0 or -1 via adding a thumbs-up/down)

Add background decoration materials to the layout

Is your feature request related to a problem?

This issue is derived from #206.

The decorating images in the background are desired (and we currently do not have them).


Check out details at Figma.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add those images to layouts/default.vue, which applies to almost all pages. Please also consider the situation that some specific pages do not need those decoration images (e.g. 404 page, which is implemented with pages/_.vue) and may need to implement a new property for controlling this behavior.

Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context

  • The images can be downloaded here

[Feature Request] Update Sprints page content on website

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

The updated Sprints information could be displayed on PyCon APAC 2022 website

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered

The program team should provide the page content, and we should update the code according to the content.

Additional context

Invite the community to discuss and vote

Earn votes and support by involving the community and invite everybody to discuss your feature and
to vote for it (votes are +1 , 0 or -1 via adding a thumbs-up/down)

[Sponsor Area] logo wrong color and icon


1.贊助夥伴標題顏色錯誤 應為 ‘’#F3CC39''
2.連續六年贊助字體顏色應為白色 ‘’#FFFFFF''
3.文字前面應有小皇冠的 icon
5. rwd的贊助logo 連續贊助跑版

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Index
  2. Scroll down to Sponsor
  3. See an error

Expected Behavior

1.贊助夥伴標題顏色 應為 ‘’#F3CC39''
2.連續六年贊助字體顏色應為白色 ‘’#FFFFFF''
3.文字前面應有小皇冠的 icon
5. rwd的贊助logo 連續贊助不會遮到logo

Actual Behavior

1.贊助夥伴標題顏色錯誤 應為 ‘’#F3CC39''
2.連續六年贊助字體顏色應為白色 ‘’#FFFFFF''
3.文字前面應有小皇冠的 icon
5. rwd的贊助logo 連續贊助跑版

More Information

可以在 Figma 上看到原始設計稿 drop down menu 在首頁中的零件區可以進一步看

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[All pages] wrong og:image url & description meta tag missing content should be fixed


Describe the bug

For the OG part, the og:image URL should be a full URL, and suggest to adding the <meta property="og:url" content="{{same as canonical}}" />


The meta tag of the description is missing. Please add the content as same as og:description part.


Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. go to this webstioe, can check for the Facebook og part.

[About] Need to add padding between words


  1. 3種演講+7種活動 與下面一行文字中間需要加padding (35px)

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. Click on about
  3. Scroll down to 3+7
  4. See an error

Expected Behavior

  1. 3種演講+7種活動 與下面一行文字中間需要加padding (35px)

Actual Behavior

  1. 3種演講+7種活動 與下面一行文字中間需要加padding (35px)

More Information


Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Feature Request] Add PyCast page with embedded player

Describe the solution you'd like

Add PyCast page. Will be used at PyCast@OpenSpace booth and marketing , etc.

PyCast page preview


Describe alternatives you've considered

Besides previous page layout, is it possible to modify the embedded player provided by Firstory and put it in our web page?

<iframe src="" height="180" width="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Firstory embedded player preview


[YouTube subscription] url does not work


The url used for youtube subscription in the landing page does not work anymore.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the landing page
  2. Click on YouTube --> subscribe

Expected Behavior

Users are redirected to youtube and being subscribed automatically

Actual Behavior

Users are redirected to youtube and youtube complains This page isn't available. Sorry about that. Try searching for something else.

Additional context

We may want to use this permanent url instead

[Hero Image] 首頁按鈕太小 以及其與 slogan 的相對位置 錯誤


  1. 首頁按鈕太小
  2. 按鈕與slogan的位置應同一水平
  3. 按鈕與日期應貼齊左 (X軸相同)

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Index
  2. See an error

Expected Behavior

  1. 首頁按鈕大小為302 px * 97 px (比較大)
  2. 按鈕與slogan的位置應同一水平
  3. 按鈕與日期貼齊左 (X軸相同)


Actual Behavior

  1. 首頁按鈕太小
  2. 按鈕與slogan的位置沒在同一水平
  3. 按鈕與日期沒貼齊左

More Information

可以在 Figma 上看到原始設計稿 ‘’首頁‘’中進一步看

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

Sponsorship logo click tracer

We have done similar tasks for PyCon TW 2018 and 2019. This year we will keep doing this so it will help us provide our sponsors post-event summary report more easily by then.





Expected Behavior


Actual Behavior


More Information

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[About] Wrong text and title


  1. About 頁面中的年會歷史:「南遷」前面多一隔空格
  2. 標題應為Bold 且 字體為 ‘’Noto Serif TC‘’
  3. About 頁面中的pycon taiwan:關於 pycon taiwan 刪掉 pycon taiwan

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to index
  2. Click on about 的 年會歷史 跟 pycon taiwan
  3. Scroll down to 南遷
  4. See an error

Expected Behavior

2. 標題應為Bold 且 字體為 ‘’Noto Serif TC‘’
3. 關於 pycon taiwan 刪掉 pycon taiwan

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Actual Behavior

2. 標題應為Bold 且 字體為 ‘’Noto Serif TC‘’
3. 關於 pycon taiwan 刪掉 pycon taiwan

More Information


Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

[Sponsor Page] Sponsor page style adjustment



2.內文字體大小為 20
3.左右兩邊 margin 為 300
4. Margin 左右兩側有背景素材
5.中文文案須加hyperlink:若想了解 PyCon APAC 2022 完整的贊助方案,歡迎點擊下方按鈕填寫表單留下您的聯絡資料索取贊助書或是直接透過贊助組信箱 [email protected] 聯絡我們,讓我們了解貴單位的需求!!

[Feature Request] Display timezone information on schedule page

Is your feature request related to a problem?

The timeline on the schedule page is automatically altered based on browser timezone information. However, this page does not provide this information and users are possibly do not realize that the timeline is their local timezone.

Describe the solution you'd like

  • Simply add timezone information on this page

Describe alternatives you've considered

As mentioned in pycontw/, we can also adopt services like everytimezone.

Additional context

  • Related issue: pycontw/
  • We should also consider whether to display timezone information on speech detail pages.

[Feature Request] Update Events Overview page

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

Update the Events Overview page up to 2022 version.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Program team will prepare the en-us/zh-hant contents to update, and update the code according to the prepared contents

Additional context

Invite the community to discuss and vote

Earn votes and support by involving the community and invite everybody to discuss your feature and
to vote for it (votes are +1 , 0 or -1 via adding a thumbs-up/down)

[Feature Request] Update CFP related page content

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

The CFP related page content could be updated to fit PyCon APAC 2022

Describe alternatives you've considered

The program team should provide the page content, and we should update the code according to the content.

Additional context

Invite the community to discuss and vote

Earn votes and support by involving the community and invite everybody to discuss your feature and
to vote for it (votes are +1 , 0 or -1 via adding a thumbs-up/down)

[Footer] wrong color on footer and wrong shape on icon


  1. footer 底色應為 ''#18152D''
  2. copyright 底色應為 ''#0E0D1C''
  3. twitter, youtube, mail logo 的形狀應為圓形

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Index
  2. Scroll down to footer
  3. See an error

Expected Behavior

  1. footer 底色應為 ''#18152D''
  2. copyright 底色應為 ''#0E0D1C''
  3. twitter, youtube, mail logo 的形狀應為圓形

Actual Behavior

  1. footer 底色應為 ''#18152D''
  2. copyright 底色應為 ''#0E0D1C''
  3. twitter, youtube, mail logo 的形狀應為圓形

More Information

可以在 Figma 上看到原始設計稿

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The tab & slider position of schedule page are lost after visiting other page


After link to any speech page from schedule page and then go back to schedule page,

  • It always goes to the day 1 tab, even the user is previously open day 2 tab.
  • The previous page slider position of schedule page is lost.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to schedule page
  2. Click on any speech
  3. Go to previous page
  4. The position of slider is not maintained

Expected Behavior

The tab & slider position should be the same as last visited.

Actual Behavior

It does not.

More Information


Rectify the grid system in the layout


Currently, the page wrapper (components/core/i18n/PageWrapper.vue) does not provide a grid system setup that is feasible for all pages. It leads to customization for some of the pages and results in high maintenance costs.

Describe the solution you'd like

Modify the layout by following the grid system setup provided by the designers (checkout Figma).


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