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safe's Introduction

safe - A Vault CLI

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Vault is an awesome project and it comes with superb documentation, a rock-solid server component and a flexible and capable command-line interface.


So, why safe? To solve the following problems:

  1. Securely generate new SSH public / private keys
  2. Securely generate random RSA key pairs
  3. Auto-generate secure, random passwords
  4. Securely provide credentials, without files
  5. Dumping multiple paths

Primarily, these are things encountered in trying to build secure BOSH deployments using Vault and Spruce.


If you run Homebrew on MacOS, be aware that the the Formula for safe in homebrew core is outdated, incorrect, and unmaintained. We maintain our own tap, which you are encouraged to use instead:

brew tap starkandwayne/cf
brew install starkandwayne/cf/safe


To make it easier to target multiple Vaults from one client (i.e. your work laptop), safe lets you track and authenticate against targets, each representing a different vault.

To get started, you'll need to add a new target:

safe target myvault

The first argument is the URL to the Vault; the second is a shorthand alias for the target. Later, you can retarget this Vault with just:

safe target myvault

You can see what Vaults you have targeted by running

safe targets

All commands will be run against the currently targeted Vault.

To authenticate:

safe auth [token]
safe auth ldap
safe auth github
safe auth okta

(Other authentication backends are not yet supported)

For each type (token, ldap, okta or github), you will be prompted for the necessary credentials to authenticated against the Vault.


safe operates by way of sub-commands. To generate a new 2048-bit SSH keypair, and store it in secret/ssh:

safe ssh 2048 secret/ssh

To set non-sensitive keys, you can just specify them inline:

safe set secret/ssh username=system

If you use a password manager (good for you!) and don't want to have to paste passwords twice, use the paste subcommand:

safe paste secret/1pass/managed

Commands can be chained by separating them with the argument terminator, --, so to both create a new SSH keypair and set the username:

safe ssh 2048 secret/ssh -- set secret/ssh username=system

Auto-generated passwords are easy too:

safe gen secret/account passphrase

Sometimes, you just want to import passwords from another source (like your own password manager), without the hassle of writing files to disk or the risk of leaking credentials via the process table or your shell history file. For that, safe provides a double-confirmation interactive mode:

safe set secret/ssl/ca passphrase
passphrase [hidden]:
passphrase [confirm]:

What you type will not be echoed back to the screen, and the confirmation prompt is there to make sure your fingers didn't betray you.

All operations (except for delete) are additive, so the following:

safe set secret/x a=b c=d

is equivalent to this:

safe set secret/x a=b -- set secret/x c=d

Need to take an existing password, and generate a crypt-sha512 hash, or base64 encode it? safe fmt will do this, and store the results in a new key for you, making it easy to generate a password, and then format that password as needed.

safe gen secret/account password
safe fmt base64 secret/account password base64_pass
safe fmt crypt-sha512 secret/account password crypt_pass
safe get secret/account

Command Reference

set path key[=value] [key ...]

Updates a single path with new keys. Any existing keys that are not specified on the command line are left intact.

You will be prompted to enter values for any keys that do not have values. This can be used for more sensitive credentials like passwords, PINs, etc.


safe set secret/root username=root password
<prompts for 'password' here...>

Similarly, safe paste works the same way, but does not have a confirmation prompt for your value. It assumes you have pasted in the value from a known-good source.

Setting the value of a key to be the contents of a file


safe set secret/root ssl_key@/path/to/ssl_key_file

get path [path ...]

Retrieve and print the values of one or more paths, to standard output. This is most useful for piping credentials through keybase or pgp for encrypting and sending to others.

safe get secret/root secret/whatever secret/key
--- # secret/root
username: root
password: it's a secret

--- # secret/whatever
whatever: is clever

--- # secret/key
private: |
   -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
public: |

tree path [path ...]

Provide a tree hierarchy listing of all reachable keys in the Vault.

safe tree secret/dc1

paths path [path ... ]

Provide a flat listing of all reachable keys in the Vault.

safe paths secret/dc1

delete path [path ...]

Removes multiple paths from the Vault.

safe delete secret/unused

move oldpath newpath

Move a secret from oldpath to newpath, a rename of sorts.

safe move secret/staging/user secret/prod/user

(or, more succinctly, using brace expansion):

safe move secret/{staging,prod}/user

Any credentials at newpath will be completely overwritten. The secret at oldpath will no longer exist.

copy oldpath newpath

Copy a secret from oldpath to newpath.

safe copy secret/staging/user secret/prod/user

(or, as with move, using brace expansion):

save copy secret/{staging,prod}/user

Any credentials at newpath will be completely overwritten. The secret at oldpath will still exist after the copy.

gen [length] path key

Generate a new, random password. By default, the generated password will be 64 characters long.

safe gen secret/account secretkey

To get a shorter password, only 16 characters long:

safe gen 16 secret/account password

fmt format_type path oldKey newKey

Take the key at path:oldKey, reformat it according to format_type, and save it in path:newKey. Useful for hashing, or encoding passwords in an alternate format (for htpass files, or /etc/shadow).

Currently supported formats:

  • base64
  • bcrypt
  • crypt-md5
  • crypt-sha256
  • crypt-sha512
safe fmt base64 secret/account password base64_password
safe fmt crypt-sha512 secret/account password crypt_password

ssh [nbits] path [path ...]

Generate a new SSH RSA keypair, adding the keys "private" and "public" to each path. The public key will be encoded as an authorized keys. The private key is a PEM-encoded DER private key.

By default, a 2048-bit key will be generated. The nbits parameter allows you to change that.

Each path gets a unique SSH keypair.

rsa [nbits] path [path ...]

Generate a new RSA keypair, adding the keys "private" and "public" to each path. Both keys will be PEM-encoded DER.

By default, a 2048-bit key will be generated. The nbits parameter allows you to change that.

Each path gets a unique RSA keypair.

prompt ...

Echo the arguments, space-separated, as a single line to the terminal. This is a convenience helper for long pipelines of chained commands.

x509 issue [OPTIONS] --name path

Issues a new X.509 TLS/SSL certificate, and stores the new RSA private key and the certificate in the Vault at path, in PEM format.

x509 revoke [OPTIONS] --signed-by path/to/ca path/to/cert

Revoke a certificate that was signed by a Certificate Authority. The private key for the CA must be present in the Vault for this to work. Revoked certificates will be appended to the CA's certificate revocation list (CRL), stored at path/to/ca:crl

x509 validate [OPTIONS] path

Run a variety of validation checks against a certificate in the Vault. In its simplest form, without arguments, this verifies that the private key stored at path:key matches the certificate stored at path:certificate. Options control more powerful validations, like checking for revocation, SAN validity, and expiry.

x509 crl --renew path

Renews (re-signs) the certificate authority at path, without affecting the list of revoked certificates.

export path [path ...]

Export the given subtree(s) in a format suitable for migration (via a future import call), or long-term storage offline. Secrets will not be encrypted in this representation, so care should be taken in handling it. Output will be printed to standard output.

import <export.file

Read an export (as produced by the export subcommand) from standard input, and write all of the secrets contained therein to the same paths inside the targeted Vault. Trees will be imported in an additive nature, so existing credentials in the same subtree as imported credentials will be left intact.

If you've got an export saved in a file on-disk, you can feed it to safe import using your shell's redirection facilities:

safe import < ./path/to/export.file

You can also use cat, in the standard UNIX idiom:

cat ./path/to/export.file | safe import

(Note: storing exports on-disk is considered bad practice, as it leaks your secrets via a shared resource: the filesystem.)

Import and export can be combined in a pipeline to facilitate movement of credentials from one Vault to another, like so:

safe -T old-vault export secret/sub/tree | \
  safe -T new-vault import


Print the environment variables describing the current target:

safe env
  VAULT_ADDR  http://localhost:8200

You can also use this command to export a target's configuration into the outer shell in order to use the Vault CLI directly:

safe env --bash
\export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200;

eval $(safe env --bash)

safe's People


chapmanc avatar daviddob avatar dennisjbell avatar drnic avatar fearoffish avatar geofffranks avatar gerardocorea avatar jhunt avatar lnguyen avatar lvets avatar norman-abramovitz avatar quintessence avatar ramonskie avatar rkoster avatar scottillogical avatar starkandwayne-bot avatar teancom avatar thehandsomezebra avatar thomasmitchell avatar wndhydrnt avatar zerok avatar


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safe's Issues

Support "path:key" globally

We should support "path:key" format across most (all?) command in safe, like set, delete, move, and copy.

Handle unverifiable SSL certificates

Sometimes Vault owners decide to use self-signed certificates. safe needs to handle this properly, and honor the VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY environment variable, just like the Vault CLI itself.

Support `safe read /path/to/secret:key`

I want this to work:

$ safe read secret/handshake
--- # secret/handshake
knock: knock

$  safe read secret/handshake:knock
!! secret not found

Ideally, it works like this little spruce+jq pipeline:

$ safe read secret/handshake | spruce json | jq -r ".knock"

Print non-secret values in interactive mode

The following command:

safe write secret/path username=admin password

Enters interactive mode, and prints nothing but:

password [hidden]:
password [confirm]:

To be nice to end users, it should do the following:

username: admin
password [hidden]:
password [confirm]:

`safe seal` fails unauthenticated; needs better error messaging

If you try to safe seal without an authorized token, you get back a 500, which is less than useful.

→  safe seal
!! received HTTP 500 response

If you first auth, it works as intended:

→  safe auth token
Authenticating against safe1 at

→  safe seal

→  safe status is sealed is sealed is sealed

Modify safe seal so that it can recognize the "unauthenticated" error condition and print something helpful to the screen.

Ensure vault target is correct for given template

From codex:

All templates that need to use safe should verify that the user is targeted to the Vault they want to use, before we go blindly generating credentials and stuffing them in the vault.

inconsistent targets display

I do not care what order they are displayed in, but thought it was odd that the order changed on consecutive safe tagets commands. Probably related to go's hashing algorithm.
norm@ip-10-30-0-102:$ safe target prodc
Now targeting prodc at
$ safe targets


norm@ip-10-30-0-102:~$ safe targets



New `safe curl` command

It would be nice if we could safe curl [-X method] /v1/sys/et/cetera for troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes.

For HA vaults, it may be good to investigate an --endpoint flag to target a specific backend (vs. the active one)

Support Vault Targeting as an explicit thing

For users who straddle two or more vaults, using safe is a PITA. It involves setting the VAULT_ADDR explicitly and re-authing every time you change between the vaults.

Ideally, we support a safe target [<endpoint>] <alias> command that will target a different vault, a safe auth ... command to do the authentication, and store the tokens in a secure rc file in the user's $HOME directory.

New `safe exists` sub-command

Build a new command, safe exists that will take a single path and one or more attributes, and exit 0 if the path exists, and contains all of the attributes, or exit 1 otherwise.

This command should produce no output.

Use case:

if ! safe exists secret/account username password; then
  safe set secret/thing username -- \
       gen secret/thing password

Better `safe help` behavior

The help screen is too long to be useful.

Break it up into a top-level that lists out commands and their usage, and command-specific help screens that are invoked by safe help <command>

`prompt` sub-command

When writing automation scripts using safe, it would be great fun to allow the automator to introduce prompt commands that guide the operator in entering the correct credentials.

Use case:

safe \
  prompt "Enter the credentials for RabbitMQ" -- \
  write secret/rabbitmq username=admin password

Reset terminal on premature exit

Right now, if you Ctrl-C safe while it's in non-echo mode, the terminal remains in non-echo mode when returned to the shell. This necessitates blind-typing 'reset' to get it back to normal.

We should be better about this.

getopt handling in chained commands is b0rked

there is a bug in the latest safe version that let genesis crash

  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/cc bulk_api -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/cc internal_api -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/cc staging_upload -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/cc db_encryption_key -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/consul encryption_key -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/gorouter route_svcs_secret -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/gorouter status_api_pass -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/loggregator endpoint_secret -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets admin_client -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets cc_broker -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets cc_client -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets cc_routing -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets cc_user_lookup -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets doppler -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets firehose -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets gorouter -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets login -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets notifications -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets ssh_proxy -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets tcp_emitter -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/uaa/secrets tcp_router -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/nats password -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/blobstore webdav_password -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/blobstore secret -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/diego encryption_key -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/diego secret -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/db uaaadmin -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/db ccadmin -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/creds/db diegoadmin -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/uaadb password -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/ccdb password -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/diegodb password -- \
  gen ${VAULT_PREFIX}/routingdb password -- \
Generating secrets
/tmp/build/01f561ac/gopath/src/ --policy already declared at /tmp/build/01f561ac/gopath/src/

this piece of code in .env_hooks/setup_cf_secrets

the error exists since 0.0.30

New `safe paste` command

When copying and pasting our of a password manager (for example) the confirm field is superfluous.

We should add a new verb, paste, that behaves like write but doesn't do the confirmation, and also doesn't introduce extraneous linebreaks

Store `VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY` prefs with `safe target`

Support a -k option to safe target.

If specified, along with the name / URL, it will set or update a "don't validate SSL" flag in ~/.saferc

For example (assuming has a self-signed cert):

safe target local
safe read secret/handshake           # should fail

safe target -k local
safe read secret/handshake           # success!

safe target local
safe read secret/handshake           # success!

safe target local
safe read secret/handshake           # should fail

not authenticated

i would think i could skip authentication by providing a VAULT_TOKEN, but this doesn't seem to work.

$ safe status
You are not authenticated to a Vault.
Try safe auth ldap
 or safe auth github
 or safe auth token

could it be masked by a silent cert validation error?

$ safe vault status
Error checking seal status: Get https://sdp-vault-dev:27003/v1/sys/seal-status: x509: certificate is valid for vault, not sdp-vault-dev
$ vault capabilities /
Capabilities: [root]

safe ls

safe ls secret would show the folders and secrets one level beneath secret

Design questions:

  • newline separated?
  • should folders appear ending with a slash? colored blue?


  • should ls on a secret (leaf node) err... or maybe warn? (actual ls does neither, so maybe not)

Multiline Input

safe should really support multiline input somehow, using some special delimiter to terminate.

[alpine] bash: ./safe-linux-amd64: No such file or directory

On an alpine:3.5 container I installed safe but its giving this error:

curl -L -O
chmod +x safe-linux-amd64


bash: ./safe-linux-amd64: No such file or directory

Same for v0.1.2.


New x509 command

Build a new command set, safe x509 for dealing with x509 PKI certificate stuff, without being constrained by the limitations of the pki backend in Vault.

This new command should allow us to issue new certificate authorities, storing the certificate and key somewhere under secret/, and also use those CAs (identified by path) to sign other certificates and store them in under other arbitrary paths under secret/.

We should allow the special cases of self-signed certificates and intermediary CAs.

The point of this new command is to expose as much raw functionality as possible for setting up complicated PKI implementations as possible. In part, this replaces safe {pki,cert,ca-pem,crl-pem,revoke} A future command will be introduced to provide a more simplified interaction for zone-based authority domains like those found in Cloud Foundry. That command will use backend logic that we build out for the x509 command (but not call front-end commands directly)

Example invocations:

# Issue a simple self-signed certificate
safe x509 issue secret/my/cert --name

# Put some alias (Domain and IP SANs) in the self-signed cert
safe x509 issue secret/my/cert --name --name

# Create a Certificate Authority
safe x509 issue --ca secret/my/ca --ttl 10y

# Issue a 2-year certificate, signed by the CA we just created
safe x509 issue secret/my/cert --signed-by secret/my/ca --ttl 2y --name

# Revoke a certificate
safe x509 revoke secret/my/cert --signed-by secret/my/ca

For certificate authorities, the following attributes should be set on the CA path:

  • certificate - PEM-encoded X.509 certificate
  • key - PEM-encoded RSA secret key (un-encrypted)
  • serial - Certificate serial number for this CA (used internally by safe x509)
  • crl - PEM-encoded Certificate Revocation List for this CA

For non-CA certificates, the following attributes should be set on the certificate path:

  • certificate - PEM-encoded X.509 certificate
  • key - PEM-encoded RSA secret key (un-encrypted)

Support multiple keys with `safe gen`

If there's a backwards-compatible way to support safe gen [len] path key1 key2 ... keyN, it would be great, so that we can make use of that similarly to safe set path key1 key2 ... keyN.

`safe tree` should take a `-d` argument

If given, behave like the -d argument to regular tree, i.e. don't display paths, just intervening directory leaves. Perhaps have some additional stats per directory, like number of keys under each (say, -l)?

`safe help` and `safe help usage` gives an old command listing.

→  safe help
Usage: safe <command> [options...]

Valid subcommands are:

    targets     List all Vaults that have been targeted
    target      Target a new or existing Vault
    auth        Authenticate against the currently targeted Vault

    tree        Print a tree listing of all reachable keys for each path

    read        Retrieve and print the values of one or more paths
    write       Update a single path with new keys

    delete      Remove multiple paths from the Vault
    move        Move a secret from one path to another
    copy        Copy a secret from one path to another

    gen         Generate a new, random secret
    ssh         Generate a new SSH RSA keypair
    rsa         Generate a new RSA keypair

    export      Export one or more paths to a backup file
    import      Import a Vault backup file

    vault       Run arbitrary commands through the Vault CLI

Try 'safe help <thing>' for detailed information,
 or 'safe commands' for a list of all commands.

this output is out of date. it should really give the output of safe commands

→  safe commands
Valid commands are:

    auth        Authenticate to the current target
    ca-pem      Retrieve the Vault Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate
    cert        Issue a Certificate using the Vault PKI backend
    copy        Copy a secret from one path to another
    crl-pem     Retrieve the Vault Certificate Revocation List
    curl        Issue arbitrary HTTP requests to the current Vault (for diagnostics)
    delete      Remove one or more path from the Vault
    dhparam     Generate Diffie-Helman key exchange parameters
    env         Print the VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN for the current target
    exists      Check to see if a secret exists in the Vault
    export      Export one or more subtrees for migration / backup purposes
    fmt         Reformat an existing name/value pair, into a new name
    gen         Generate a random password
    get         Retrieve and print the values of one or more paths
    import      Import name/value pairs into the current Vault
    move        Move a secret from one path to another
    paste       Create or update a secret
    paths       Print all of the known paths, one per line
    pki         Configure the PKI backend on the target Vault
    prompt      Print a prompt (useful for scripting safe command sets)
    revoke      Revoke a Vault-issued Certificate
    rsa         Generate a new RSA keypair
    seal        Seal the current target
    set         Create or update a secret
    ssh         Generate one or more new SSH RSA keypair(s)
    status      Print the status of the current targets backend nodes
    target      Target a new Vault, or set your current Vault target
    targets     List all targeted Vaults
    tree        Print a tree listing of one or more paths
    unseal      Unseal the current target
    vault       Run arbitrary Vault CLI commands against the current target
    version     Print the version of the safe CLI

Try 'safe help <command>' for detailed information

safe auth github with wrong creds gives confusing 500 error

→  safe auth github
Authenticating against redacted at redacted
Github Personal Access Token:
!! API 500 Internal Server Error

500 errors generally are supposed to mean something is broken. Granted, this is only because this is actually what Vault sends back if it doesn't get a happy response.

12:44:02:0 tom@Light ~
→  curl $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/github/login     -d '{ "token": "saonetht"}' -v
*   Trying redacted...
* Connected to redacted on port 8200 (#0)
* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* Server certificate: redacted
* Server certificate: redacted
* Server certificate: redacted
> POST /v1/auth/github/login HTTP/1.1
> Host: redacted:8200
> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 22
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 22 out of 22 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 16:43:20 GMT
< Content-Length: 87
{"errors":["GET 401 Bad credentials []"]}
* Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
* Connection #0 to host redacted left intact

Should we maybe parse the response body for the 401 Bad credentials part, and if we get it, say something more helpful along the lines of The provided access token is not authorized to provide access to the Vault

safe target -k not working

$ safe target -k proto
safe target - Target a new Vault, or set your current Vault target
USAGE: safe target [-k] [URL] [ALIAS]

Targeting like this:

 safe target proto

works fine but since -k cannot be set spruce behaves incorrectly (see geofffranks/spruce#187)

Initializing vault securely

At Allstate we are working on defining the process of initializing and performing rekey processes periodically on a vault server.

This is our current plan: given a list of emails and PGP pub keys belonging to each of the team member of the platform team we will perform an initialization/rekey process that would generate the master key and split it, encrypt each part of it with the provided keys and send them via email.

usage could be something like:

safe init keys.yml

would this be suitable for a PR in this project?

safe x509 details

Add a new command, safe x509 details or safe x509 show that takes a path, and then prints out useful information about that certificate. I've been showing a few people the following trick:

safe read path/to/cert | openssl x509 -noout -text

which works, but has the following drawbacks:

  1. Requires openssl to be installed locally (minor)
  2. The -noout and -text options don't immediately spring to mind to someone who isn't steeped in the usage of the OpenSSL CLI
  3. It shows lots of other (interesting, but mostly unimportant) information like modulus and exponent; the proposed command would hide those, and focus on the user-facing details.

Mock Interaction:

$ safe x509 show secret/my/cert,ou=whatever,o=etc
signed by,ou=whatever,o=etc
uses a 4096-bit RSA key

expires in: 364 days
valid from Jun 1st 2017 - May 31st 2018
for the following names:
   - (DNS)
   - (DNS)
   - (IP)
   - [email protected] (email)

and here's what an expired certificate might look like:

$ safe x509 show secret/my/cert,ou=whatever,o=etc
signed by,ou=whatever,o=etc
uses a 2048-bit RSA key

valid from May 20th 2016 - May 19th 2017
for the following names:
   - (DNS)

(with appropriate coloring to convey importance of values, expiration failure, etc.)

`safe cert` should provide a `combined` attributes

Right now, safe cert stuffs the key and cert attributes into the Vault when it generates a new key and certificate. Some applications (like newer haproxy jobs in cf-release), want the cert+key combined into a single manifest property.

We can solve this by adding a combined key that is the cert, a few newlines, and the key.

safe -k is finnicky

Some minor issues:

  • The -k flag doesn't seem to take effect when specifying the args as alias url, but does with url alias

Vault PKI Backend Integration

Some features that would be useful while interacting with the PKI backend:

  1. command for safe to generate a signed certificate (it would then store serial, cert, and key in the secret backend - keys aren't stored in the pki backend after they're created)
  2. command for safe to revoke a signed certificate based on a secret backend path (or a serial number). If path was provided, look up the serial number stored there, and revoke that cert.
  3. command to grab the CRL pemfile
  4. command to grab the CA pemfile

Potentially other features for working with PKI roles, configuration, and CA creation?

safe tree not working on vault 0.6.0

No good deed goes unpunished (Clare Boothe Luce)

running vault server -dev

$ safe vault list secret/aws
$ safe tree
!! secret not found
$ safe target
Currently targeting proto at
$ safe vault version
Vault v0.6.0
$ safe vault status
Sealed: false
Key Shares: 1
Key Threshold: 1
Unseal Progress: 0

High-Availability Enabled: false

safe find

safe find -name key would find keys with name key.

Discussion points I can think of......

  • What flags from normal find should be supported?
  • Should we provide a way to search for keys within a secret?

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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.