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qbx_core's Issues

Black screen after selecting existing character


When selecting a previously created character you get stuck on a black screen


  1. Create a new server using qbx-lean recipe (possibly same on main recipe, but definitely on lean).
  2. Leave server on completely default settings (no server.cfg changes)
  3. Create a character and save character.
  4. use /logout or 'logout' in F8 console
  5. Select character previously created
  6. Stuck on black screen.

No client side errors appear, but an error message from qbx_smallresources seems to appear when logging in (likely unrelated)

Expected behavior

Expect to be able to login and spawn

Actual behavior

Black screen after character selection (existing characters only)

Additional context

No response

Last Updated

3 hours ago

Custom Resources

Default qbox-lean recipe

Resource Rename


[BUG] Items.Shared additional info


Additional information used in items.shared is breaking core


['hiqualitysoil'] = {['name'] = 'hiqualitysoil', ['label'] = 'Soil (HQ)', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'hiqualitysoil.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['description'] = 'Soil for your plants', ['uses'] = { ['IsSoil'] = true, ['Soil'] = 60, }, },

Expected behavior

Core to load on login

Actual behavior

no resources are able to get the core object

Additional context

Some scripts pass additional information on the items.shared, doing this with qbox unfortunately breaks the core on load in.
I understand my situation could be from additional information I cant see because of escrow or to be blunt user error but here is an example

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mentioning any role crashes webhook logs


When passing any tag to the logger module with a webhook fails


Pass a log to the logger module with a webhook and a tag

Expected behavior

Webhook to post with tag

Actual behavior

Error on console and no webhook

Additional context

[script:qbx_smallreso] SCRIPT ERROR: @qbx_core/modules/logger.lua:55: attempt to concatenate a nil value (field '?')
[script:qbx_smallreso] > logPayload (@qbx_core/modules/logger.lua:55)
[script:qbx_smallreso] > fn (@qbx_core/modules/logger.lua:84)

Additionally the logger documentation should reflect that roles other than @everyone or @here need to be called using user/role ids or the user will not be tagged.

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[BUG] SCRIPT ERROR: @qb-core/server/storage.lua:74: qb-core was unable to execute a query! Column 'license' cannot be null


SCRIPT ERROR: @qb-core/server/storage.lua:74: qb-core was unable to execute a query! Column 'license' cannot be null


When a new player creates a character.

SCRIPT ERROR: @qb-core/server/storage.lua:74: qb-core was unable to execute a query! Column 'license' cannot be null

Expected behavior


Actual behavior


Additional context


Last Updated

couple of days ago

Custom Resources


Resource Rename


Figure out Other Module Splits

The problem

Are we going to be doing any module changes for 1.0.0? Or are the current 3 modules the intended 1.0.0 modules?

Ideal solution

Figure out ideal module setup for 1.0.0

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

cannot use vehicle keys because export is only for qbx_vehiclekeys


unless you use qbx_vehiclekeys, givekeys breaks


use any vehiclekey resource other than qbx_vehiclekeys. For example qb-vehiclekeys.

Expected behavior

expected behavior is that regardless of what vehiclekey system you use you should be able to trigger the event.

Actual behavior

Car ownership, and a number of other car related things break due to car keys not being given to players.

Additional context

Maybe move this out of core?

Last Updated


Custom Resources

modified qb-vehiclekeys/custom vehiclekeys resource

Resource Rename


upserting the cid is not happening properly


upserting the cid is not happening properly


try a different multichar

Expected behavior

cid to increment starting from 1

Actual behavior

cid NULL

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


Things someone has to do (prob berkie ngl)

The problem

Qbus/QBCore is shit

Ideal solution

remaking the whole framework

Alternative solutions

Remove useless tables from the database (cid, id and cleanup the metadata etc cauz i think there's some unused stuff in there too)
make the citizenid an incrementing number (after a while it's gonna be a long number so players shouldn't confuse it with their server id anyway, and fuck 'em if they're not dumb they'll find a way to call them different things)


Use TXAdmin's bans (they're maintained and should be better than whatever qbcore had)

Maybe use other features of txadmin idk
(i know they can already be used anyway but not duplicating features and making use of them in the adminmenu for example can be a good thing i guess)

Additional context

No response

spawn last location when qbx-spawn isnt present

The problem

When qbx-spawn isn't present, it spawns you at a set coord even if its with a character that's already made

Ideal solution

Make it so when qbx-spawn is removed and you select a made character, it spawns it at the last location.

Alternative solutions


Additional context


Change salary as a Boss/Owner of a job

The problem

You cannot change salary as boss/owner. From old days when old ESX we could do that but not with newer frameworks. I miss this feauture

Ideal solution

Give freedom to business owners (Boss) to change salary to their employees to create better business RP

Alternative solutions

Make it in DB salary system or make it possible to do salary in DB. (Changeable)

Additional context

No response

[BUG] Saving health/ Loggedin


Doesn't save health, armor.
Doesn't consume health when thirst or hunger is <= 0.
isLoggedIn in client/loop.lua always returning false


  1. Happened on fresh install too.
  2. Just throw urself under car and relog.

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename



The problem

Hi there, So far QBox has been awesome for us, However No matter what position setting I put in the config.lua the notifications seem to default to top right, I was wonder if this is just incomplete? Also an option for button center would be amazing

Ideal solution

More position options for qb:notify

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

Verify Vehicle Spawning

The problem

Review non deprecated vehicle spawning function in core and determine if code is prod ready for initial release

Ideal solution

See summary

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response



qbx_core/server/events.lua:36: attempt to index a nil value (field 'Player_Buckets')


see error

Expected behavior

should not show this

Actual behavior

getting error

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


Replace usages of QBShared with util functions

The problem

QBShared is being directly referenced within core.

Ideal solution

Call the underlying utility function directly supplied by the module

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

Default Spawn config does nothing, player gets spawned through fivem default map system thingy


The Config for Default Spawn doesnt Apply, the Player gets Spawned to a location of fivem-map-skater.


  1. use the lean recipe
  2. create character
  3. get spawned to x = 1602.39, y = 6623.02, z = 15.8417 (spawnpoint from fivem-map-skater)
  4. Cry

Expected behavior

get spawned to the default coords

Actual behavior

not get spawned to default coords

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


Players can see each other during character selection


Players are in the same bucket, so can see and hear each other when in the same character selection location


  1. Remove all character selection locations except for 1
  2. Have someone else load into character selection
  3. Load in yourself
  4. Observe that you can see each other and hear each other

Expected behavior

You wouldn't be able to see nor hear other players selecting characters

Actual behavior

You can see and hear other players selecting characters

Additional context

This is due to not putting players in different buckets on load-in due to a more severe bug associated with that. See #223

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[BUG] Permissions


Permissions seem broken


  1. Using /addpermission [id] god doesn't seem to do anything anymore.
  2. When using /admin you can not use player management.

Expected behavior

Working permissions? Was working before recent update past week

Actual behavior


Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


jim-payments maybe bridge not working 100%? qb script to qbx


bridge not working


when using jim-payments and using jim-catcafe or trying to use the cash register command it will throw an error when trying to locate nearest players.

Expected behavior

should pull the closest players and offer to charge the player

Actual behavior

error codes:
[ script:jim-payments] SCRIPT ERROR: @jim-payments/server/server.lua:246: attempt to index a nil value (local 'P')
[ script:jim-payments] > TriggerCallback (@qbx_core/bridge/qb/server/main.lua:81)
[ script:jim-payments] > handler (@qbx_core/bridge/qb/server/main.lua:43)
[ script:qbx_core] SCRIPT ERROR: error object is not a string

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


[BUG]attempt to index a nil value (global 'lib')


attempt to index a nil value (global 'lib')


  1. okok-vehicleshop
  2. Open vehicle menu
  3. nothing happens
  4. attempt to index a nil value (global 'lib')

Expected behavior

Menu should open, and should be able to browse cars.

Actual behavior

[BUG]attempt to index a nil value (global 'lib')

Additional context

Up into the recent update that was posted 8hours prior to this bug report, Everything been working flawlessly to what I can tell.

Also Advanced Drugs Creator 4.6 by jaksam1074, Is having same issue walk up to a blip and click E and same error, I believe this is to do with QB:Notify

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Resource Rename


Built-in Multi Job

The problem

Lots of servers want players to be able to have multiple jobs at the same time. Existing solutions accomplish this using a swapper, since QB requires that there be one "active" job. This can create issues for things like qbx_management, where managers would like to see all players who have the job, not only players who have the job active.

Ideal solution

  • Introduce a new table player_jobs which maps citizenids to job names, both as FKs to the players and jobs table. Blocked on #298
  • Add storage API for the new table
  • Modify the PlayerData to add; a table of <JobName, Job>
  • Review, update, or add new API functions for existing job related exports
  • PlayerData.job continues to represent the active job, but the active job should also be within
  • Deprecate SQL players.job column, but continue to write to it for backwards compatibility

Alternative solutions

  • Introduce an interface for interacting with a multi job system that core can rely on.
  • Then implement the interface using one of the existing multi-job resources as a default

This is the solution that's more friendly to supporting existing multi-job resources

Additional context

No response

[BUG] ox_doorlock


No framework


Update framework

Expected behavior

Compatible framework to be loaded

Actual behavior

[script:ox_doorlock:w] Warning: no compatible framework was loaded, most features will not work

Additional context

No response

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Custom Resources


Resource Rename


qbcore bridge compatibility issue - errors with GetPlate function


Some qbcore resources that require vehicle plate generate errors on qbx_core


I have seen this error on more than one legacy resources, for example renzu_garage but also qbx_vehiclesales.
When I recall the vehicle spawn event, the following error appear on client side:

Generally this is associated with GetVehicleProperties

Expected behavior

I expect no error from the qbcore bridge on qbx_core

Actual behavior

The error cause the vehicle to spawn without some properties (like damages)

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename

no rename at all.

Deprecate utils module in favor of qbxLib

The problem

  • Current utils module provides global functions which could and in some cases do conflict with natives or other resources global function names
  • There is overlap in utils module functions and functions provided by ox_lib

Ideal solution

  • Introduce a new 'lib' module which provides a global table qbxLib which has the util functions migrated over to it
  • mark utils module as deprecated and use lib.print.warn on load to notify developers to use the new qbxLib functions instead
  • only carry over functions that we'd like to keep, and evaluate the carry over function definitions for any changes as this is an opportunity to change definitions

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

[Bug]Can't seem to place props using any script


prop placement


using cdn-fuel or any fuel script that uses hose and fuel nozzle,

The nozzle will spawn and disappear.

Expected behavior

To be able to place or spawn props.

Actual behavior

using cdn-fuel or any fuel script that uses hose and fuel nozzle,

The nozzle will spawn and disappear.

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


Character Creation Better Error Checking

The problem

When creating a character there are rules and checks on the creation fields. For example, the first and last name must be capitalized. Failing one of these checks results in clearing of all fields.

Ideal solution

  • Just fix the issue for the user when it makes sense (if first letter is required to be capital, just change it for them etc)

Alternative solutions

  • Correct fields should not be cleared & user should be told which fields are incorrect and why
  • OR redo the UI using NUI to unlock powerful form features such as taking action on errors while the user is typing, highlighting error boxes, etc.

Additional context

No response

[SUGGESTION]Backwards compatibility togggle

The problem

So this is just an idea, I'm going to assume you guys are at least keeping QBox backward compatible with qbcore scripts right?

as not every developer will adapt ox_lib sadly,

So wouldn't it make sense to have toggle in config, So if compatibility mode is enable, it will silent the printing of not using ox_lib
and so on.

Ideal solution

Add config.CompatibilityMode in config.lua and make some adjustments to events.lua & debug.lua

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

Qb Compatibility Resource

The problem

We have a ton of deprecated functions and events in our core. This is a load of bloat that would be nice to remove, but we still want compatibility.

Ideal solution

Create a separate resource which provides compatibility so we can move deprecated functions/events there

Alternative solutions

Keep the compatibility functions within qbx-core, but hide them inside of a bridge folder so that they are not mixed in

Additional context

No response



not returning the string.trim(str) properly like in utils



Expected behavior

idk return the same as usual

Actual behavior


Additional context


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Resource Rename


the boss menu is not working

The problem

the boss menu is not working

Ideal solution

the boss menu is not working

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

Black screen instead of spawn [BUG]


After connecting, I select the spawn location, but after that I just get a black screen.


I installed Qbox, I use the latest artifact.
I used the txAdmin recipe you gave me.

The first character creation got stuck when I wanted to finalize it.
I restarted.

After a restart, the stuck character was fine, but I made a second one, which also worked fine the first time.

I select the character, it works fine.
The spawn location menu appears, I can choose a location.

As soon as I click on the location, the screen is black and my character does not teleport to the interior.

Expected behavior

I expected my character to appear in the selected location.

Actual behavior

Black screen instead of spawn

Additional context

No response

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Custom Resources


Resource Rename

[REQUEST] mp ped health in core

The problem

Female peds on spawn are set to lower max health then male peds, normally its a lol moment but people are becoming more and more aware. In my core I use a small snippet to correct it on spawn and run it through a loop. Just figured id bring it up as I didnt see it in the medical.

Ideal solution

if GetEntityMaxHealth(cache.ped) ~= 200 then
SetEntityMaxHealth(cache.ped, 200)
SetEntityHealth(cache.ped, 200)

Alternative solutions

could slap in small resources, id even stream in ped metas but I think its a fivem limitation

Additional context

No response

Confirmation on character delete

The problem

The character delete button can be mistakenly pressed and immediately deletes.

Ideal solution

Prompt user to confirm character deletion with an input dialog, allowing the user to cancel if required.

Alternative solutions


Additional context

This is when using qbx-lean (built in qbx_core character selection)

Figure out what we're doing about qb permissions commands

The problem

They are a kinda strange abstraction on ACE perms that may be more confusing than good. Are we gonna keep them or deprecate them?

Ideal solution


Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

qbx_core failed to load in the server


qbx_core error


Every time you login to the server qbx_core default character selection not showing up and spawn you as a ped then have error says failed to load model

Expected behavior


@qbx_core/client/character.lua:387: failed to load model '279228114' (waited 8.6ms)

Actual behavior

You load the server as a ped not in your default character

Additional context


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Resource Rename


[BUG] IsLicenseInUse


Cant connect since last commit


  1. Update qbx-core
  2. Connect to server
  3. Check console

Expected behavior

That I can connect to the server normally like before

Actual behavior

I cannot connect and the server console says:

[ script:qbx-core] SCRIPT ERROR: @qbx-core/server/events.lua:74: attempt to call a nil value (global 'IsLicenseInUse') [ script:qbx-core] > handler (@qbx-core/server/events.lua:74)

Additional context


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Resource Rename


Export ToggleOptin results in error


Export ToggleOptin results in error whenever called.



Expected behavior

Metadata value optin (true|false) to be not optin

Actual behavior

An error is returned.

[     script:qbx_core] SCRIPT ERROR: @qbx_core/server/functions.lua:311: attempt to call a nil value (field 'SetPlayerData')
[     script:qbx_core] > ref (@qbx_core/server/functions.lua:311)
[     script:qbx_core] > handler (@qbx_adminmenu/server/main.lua:256)
[script:qbx_adminmenu] SCRIPT ERROR: @qbx_adminmenu/server/main.lua:256: 
[script:qbx_adminmenu]  An error occurred while calling export `ToggleOptin` in resource `qbx_core`:
[script:qbx_adminmenu]  ---

Additional context

optin has traditionally been a broken feature, but with Qbox, I think it would be beneficial for this to work. The first step is to address the issue in the core when triggering the export.

Why keep this export?

Other features rely on this such as:

Scoreboard - Overhead IDs (hiding during spectating or when serving as an onduty admin)
Reports - Disables them from admins when off duty | EDIT: It seems /report was removed. Feature request created at: Qbox-project/qbx_adminmenu#24

Last Updated

Last week

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Resource Rename


Vehicle spawning irregularities


Near daily reports of vehicles requested from garage spawning with incorrect plate and missing mods


I have spent over 8 hours trying to reproduce and cannot reproduce locally or from remote server. Players are requesting a personal vehicle from their garage and this will happen sometimes, usually once per day at approx. 15 avg players. Has happened from v1.2+. Cannot verify if happened prior to 1.2.

Expected behavior

The plate to match the vehicle 100% of the time, keys given and mods to always apply to the vehicle.

Actual behavior

In small cases (<5% observed) the plate will not set.

  1. Using qbx_garages or rahe-boosting (I implemented server side vehicle spawn from QBX), a vehicle is created
  2. The vehicle's plate will not match the requested vehicle's plate
  3. User cannot drive vehicle (no keys), and their cosmetics and performance mods are not applied

Additional context

My server is a low pop beta with 10-20 players online when the issue generally occurs.

I created a thread in the Discord with my debugging information as I went through the process:

There were other issues discovered that were originally believed to be related (same issue happening with job spawns), but I believe those are unrelated now. At least for qbx_ambulancejob, the missing keys/wrong plate is believed to be due to the plate being set on the requestor's client without regard to who the entity owner is. The warning you'd expect is masked because the properties are not set by ox_lib as they are in the core.

I understand without reproduction steps that this is a long shot but it is a very troublesome issue. I will appreciate any suggestions or research into this.

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Custom Resources

Yes but nothing that will interfere with standard vehicle spawning

Resource Rename


New vehicles.lua update breaks qbx_vehicleshop


New vehicles.lua update breaks qbx_vehicleshop,


  1. Download latest version of qbx_vehicleshop
  2. Download latest version of qbx_core
  3. Try to Swap Vehicle within qbx_vehicleshop, youll get an error when trying to go into any category apart from compacts

Expected behavior

Should swap into the categories and let you access all vehicles

Actual behavior

Gave me an error when trying to go into any category that isn't compacts.

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename




Getting an error with the newly implemented UpsertPlayerEntity function


I started a fresh server

Expected behavior

For the error not to be there

Actual behavior

Screenshot 2023-02-18 010348

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


Armor not saving on reconnect


When putting on armor, it doesn't save - reconnecting doesn't save the metadata


put on armor
no armor

Expected behavior

put on armor

Actual behavior

put on armor
no armor

Additional context

No response

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Resource Rename


Add export GetVehiclesByCategory()

The problem

It's a common operation to create a map of categories to vehicles. adminmenu & vehicleshop both do it. This results in duplicate code across resources implementing the same feature

Ideal solution

create a centralized core export to reduce duplicate code in other resources for a common operation.

Alternative solutions

add a utility function to the utility module which converts the vehicles to the desired format. If we go this route maybe we could make a generic remapper function which inputs the key to map on so it can be re-used to create a map of hashes to vehicles, or for other tables as well.

At the very least, if going the module route, deprecate GetVehiclesByName and GetVehiclesByHash and create GetVehicles

Additional context

No response

Default ped model for existing characters after client restart


After restarting client you will see default freemode male ped for any existing characters


  1. deploy qbx-lean server with default settings
  2. create a character
  3. select ped model for character (non-freemode ped)
  4. save character
  5. use /logout or logout via F8 console
  6. saved character will show in character selection. You can login and logout and the haracter ped model will show correctly.
  7. Restart client and load into server
  8. Clicking on existing characters will now show freemode ped and wont show the saved ped model.
  9. Logging in will load the correct ped model and then the correct model will show in character selection from there on if logout is used again

Expected behavior

Saved ped model should show when selecting characters if loading into server after client restart.

Actual behavior

as described above

Additional context

qbx-lean recipe with default settings
Also occurs using spawn-default branch (as well as main branch)

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Duty of players not being tracked (potential issue with QBCore bridge)


Duty not getting set correctly on server start


To reproduce this, you may need to be using older qbcore resources like jim-closed shops. But essentially what happens is:

  1. Have a resource that checks duty of players
  2. Start server
  3. Resource will not do actions dependent on players not being off duty or not online
  4. Set your job to a job that can go on/off duty
  5. Action (in this case a ped shop keeper) will spawn when you go off duty

Expected behavior

Expected behavior is that when no players are on for that specific job, the ped will spawn by default.

Actual behavior

Ped or action won't happen unless player is on the job and then actively goes off duty.

Additional context

This seems to be an issue with qb-core resources, have not tested it with qbox resources or others.

Last Updated


Custom Resources


Resource Rename

Renaming is for weirdos

Fix lint errors

The problem

See title

Ideal solution

See title

Alternative solutions

No response

Additional context

No response

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