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algorithmic_javascript's Introduction


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Event Details

Hacktoberfest® is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.

  • Hacktoberfest is a celebration open to everyone in our global community.

  • Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.

  • You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.


  • To earn your Hacktoberfest tee or tree reward, you must register and make four valid pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 (in any time zone).
  • PRs can be made to any public repo on GitHub, not only the ones with issues labeled Hacktoberfest. If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam or behavior not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.
  • This year, the first 70,000 participants who successfully complete the challenge will be eligible to receive a prize.

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In line with Hacktoberfest values (Quantity is fun, quality is key) , here you are provided examples of pull requests that we consider to be low-quality contributions (which we discourage).

  • Pull requests that are automated (e.g. scripted opening pull requests to remove whitespace/fix typos/optimize images).

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  • Something that's clearly an attempt to simply +1 your pull request count for October.

Last but not least, one pull request to fix a typo is fine, but 5 pull requests to remove a stray whitespace is not.

Refer to HacktoberFest Website for detailed information

If you want to contribute then follow theses steps

1.fork the repo.
2.take the algorithm which you want to add to list
3.Make sure it's not repeated.
4. Be ready with your code in JAVASCRIPT
5.Add code file in folder and name the folder with problem name. e.g If you are adding Factorial code and it is sixth in serial number then Folder Name becomes Factorial_6
6.The added algorithm should have following sub-sections
> 5.1 A short Introduction
> 5.2 The challenge
> 5.3 Algorithmic thinking
> 5.4 Code Implementation
6. add two hr tags after each problem in file

Algorithms practiced using JS

List of problems

  1. String reversing
  2. Vowel counter
  3. Finding the Most Recurring Character
  4. Sentence Capitalization
  5. Palindromes
  6. Mean, Median, and Mode


1. String reversing

The string reversal algorithm is perhaps the most common JavaScript code challenge on the internet. In this article, we explore various string reversal techniques as a good number of string manipulation algorithms are dependent on ones ability to reverse a string.

The challenge: Given a string of text, write an algorithm that returns the text received in a reversed format. E.g

 // should return "mhtirogla"

Algorithmic Thinking:

The process here is quite simple and straight forward. Our function will receive only one parameter i.e the string to be reversed.

Next, we would have to manipulate the characters in this string logically in order to return the string in reverse.

Code Implementation: We will now explore ways to solve this challenge below. They are:

1.Chaining in-built methods
2.Using a For-loop

1.Chaining in-built methods:

The **.split()** method is used to split a string into an array of characters. It receives one argument which specifies the separator that determines where every split occurs.

The .reverse() method reverses the order of the elements in an array

The **.join()** method is used to combine the elements of an array into a string. It receives one argument which specifies the separator. When none is supplied, it defaults to a comma.

In the code snippet below we use these methods to create a one-line solution by chaining them in succession to split the received text into an array of characters, reverse the order of array’s elements and join the elements of the reversed array to produce the reversed text.

    function reverseString(text){
        return text.split("").reverse().join("")

2.For-Loop Way:

For loops are used to execute a piece of code as long as a condition is met. In the solution below, we use a decrementing for-loop to run through the string received and append each character to another variable in reverse order. See how this is done below

    function reverseString(text){
        let result;

        for(let i=text.length-1;i>=0,i--){
        return result;

2. Vowel counter

Here we will be working with strings and arrays. The main challenge is given in The challenge section below.Let's find it

The challenge:

You are given a string of text containing zero or more vowels in it,count the number of vowels that can be found in given text. For example:

vowelCounter("Hacktoberfest is very Nice") //will return 8

Algorithmic Thinking:

After reading the problem statement, __ given text of string__ must be in your mind. Let's go further to explore

A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. They may or may not accepts value as parameter for computational tasks. The values are also called as Arguments.

Let's Breakdown the approach

  • write a function which receives a parameter called "text". It should be string of any desired length which is to be passed in function as an argument.

  • create a counter to count vowels

  • Next, we need to scan the string and search for the vowels ('a','e','i','o','u')

  • Function will return the number of vowels found. So you have to use return function which stops the the function execution and returns a value.

Code Implementation:

We are going to use Two approaches for solving this problem:

1. Using Iterative approach
2. Using Regular Expression

1.Using Iterative approach:

const vowel = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"];

function vowelcnt(text) {
    let counter = 0;

    //Loop through text to test if each character is a vowel
    for (let letter of text.toLowerCase()) {
        if (vowel.includes(letter)) {

    // Return number of vowels

    return counter;

console.log(vowelcnt("i love HacktoberFest"))

Breaking-down the steps:

  • Firstly, we declard const vowel which is array of five vowels.

  • We declare a function and initialize the counter.

  • We make use of For loop to itearte over the given string. Next, we convert the all letters of string to lowercase as we don't want to miss out on uppercase letters.

  • In for loop,use if to check if selected letter is included in the array of vowels which we declared earlier. We call includes() method on array of vowels to check whether the array includes selected letter or not.

  • If the condition is true, we increment the counter.

  • After looping through, counter is returned which gives the counte of vowels found in given string.

3. Finding the Most Recurring Characterg

In this challenge, we will be dealing with strings, arrays and objects. We will learn to manipulate these data types using various methods that'd bring us to a working solution in the end.

The challenge: Given a string of text, find and return the most recurring character. e.g

maxRecurringChar('aabacada') // will return 'a'

Algorithmic Thinking:

From the challenge statement, we can infer that our function has only one parameter; the string of text.
We need to somehow keep track of every character in the string as well as the number of times it exists.
This we would describe as character mapping. Once we successfully create such a map, we can easily determine which character has the highest occurence.

Code Implementation:

We need to keep track of every character in the string as well as the number of times it exists.

The main concept we need here is character mapping. Our aim is to map characters to the number of times they exist.

for example: In string "success"

  • s=3
  • u=1
  • c=2
  • e=1

To implement this, an objet can be used.We loop through string received & add each character to a character map object as a key & the number of times it exists as a value

  let charmap = {

Let's implement it

maxCharValue is used to store the maximum value yet encountered at the point of every iteration with the for---in loop.

maxChar is used to store the character with the highest value on every iteration.

function maxRecurringChar(text) {
    let charMap = {}
    let maxCharValue = 0
    let maxChar = ''

    for (let char of text) {
        if (charMap.hasOwnProperty(char)) {
        } else {
            charMap[char] = 1

    for (let char in charMap) {
        if (charMap[char] > maxCharValue) {
            maxCharValue = charMap[char]
            maxChar = char

    return maxChar

//  will return 's' because it is occuring 3 times

4. Sentence Capitalization

Often during presentation situation arises where we need to manipulate the letter casing of strings within our application. Javascript offers two popular methods designed for this purpose:

1.toUpperCase(): this method returns the string passed in as an argument converted in uppercase letters. <br>

2.toLowerCase(): this method returns the string passed in as an argument converted to lowercase letters. 

The challenge: Given a sentence containing two or more words, return the equivalent of the sentence when capitalized. E.g

capitalSentence("a cat and a dog") // would return "A Cat And A Dog"

Algorithmic Thinking:

At a glance this may seem like a very simple challenge, but it actually isn’t when considered carefully.

Working through the challenge, it seems that we need to write a function that'd receive the sentence to be converted as an argument Next,we go through every word in sentence and capitilize every first letter of word. This brings concept of LOOP to mind

Code Implementation:

  1. Using .forEach Method: The .forEach method in javascript runs a provided function on each element within array

  2. Using .map and .slice method: The .map method is used to create a new array with the results gotten from calling a provided function on every element in the array on which it is called.

    function capSentence(text) {
        let wordsArray = text.toLowerCase().split(' ')
        let capsArray =>{
            return word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)
        return capsArray.join(' ')
  3. Using .map() and .replace() method:

    function capSentence(text){
        let wordsArray =text.toLowerCase().split(' ')
        let capsArray =>{
            return word.replce(word[0],word[0].toUpperCase())
        } )
        return capsArray.joint(' ')

5. Palindromes

What is a Palindrome: A palindrome is a word, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as "madam" or "racecar".

The challenge:

Given a string of text, return true or false indicating whether or not the text is a palindrome. e.g

    palindromeChecker('racecar') // will return true

Algorithmic Thinking:

According to challenge,"Given a string of text" implies that our funciton must have string-typed parameter which we call "text"

Next we will have to check if the string is paindrome or not. To do this we have to reverse the string and compare that rerverser string with the original one(i.e the one which is passed as argument)

Finally , we return True or False depending on the result of evaluation.

True: when it's palindrom
False: Otherwise

code Implementation:

In this challenge, we'd consider two, yet three ways to implement this as highlighted below:

1. An Intuitive Approach
2. Looping Through and Comparing Characters
3. Looping Through and Comparing Characters(Optimized)

  1. An Intuitive Approach:
    function palindromeCheck(text){
        var reverseText= text.toLowercase().split(' ').reverse().join(' ' )
        return text=== reverseText

Let's unveil the "mysteries":

  • Firstly, the function accepts the string that is to be tested

  • Next, all the letters are converted to lowercase,then .split() method is called on string that is received as text

  • Next, we call .reverse() to re-order the array elements in reverse.

  • After that .join() is called on reversed array to form a whole string.

  1. Looping Through and Comparing Characters:

     This could be a bit confusing than the previous implementation.
     We will break it into simple steps.Stay in the game. 
  • For example, If we have to test string "machine", we will compare "m" with "e", because if the string is reversed then "e" will take m's position

  • Similarly, "a" will be compared to "n".

  • Let's Jump to code.

    function palindromeChecker(text) {
        let charArray = text.toLowerCase().split('')
        let result = charArray.every((letter, index) => {
            return letter === charArray[charArray.length - index - 1];
        return result

Let's review it:

  • First we convert the string to lowercase and after it we use .split() method

  • We use special array method .every() to loop through array & perform our check. In fact,.every() method tests whether all elements pass the test or not which is implemented by provided function

  • Here, provided function accepts two parameters: current letter and index. Read more about every function here.

  • In .every() method, it will return true if test passes all cases and will return false if it didn't.

Did you notice any problem?There is problem with this implementation if we think performanace wise

  1. Looping Through and Comparing Characters(Optimized):

    function palindromeChecker(text) {
        var textLen = text.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < textLen/2; i++) {
            if (text[i] !== text[textLen - 1 - i]) {
                return false;
    return true;

6. Mean, Median, and Mode

The challenge:

Given an array of numbers, calculate the mean, median, and mode.

Algorithmic Thinking:

In terms of difficulty, the algorithm to find the mean of a collection of numbers is the easiest. Statistically, the mean is defined as the sum of the collection divided by its size. Therefore, we can simply use the array’s reduce method to calculate its sum and then divide that by its length. This algorithm has runtime complexities of linear time and constant space because every number needs to be added while no internal memory is necessary.

The algorithm to find the median of a collection is of medium difficulty. First, we need to sort the array, but if its size is even, we will need extra logic to deal with two middle numbers. In these cases, we will need to return the average of those two numbers. This algorithm has a linearithmic time complexity due to sorting and a linear space complexity because internal memory is needed to hold the sorted array.

The algorithm to find the mode is the most challenging. Since the mode is defined as the number or numbers that appear the most often, we will need to maintain a frequency table. To complicate things further, if every value appears the same number of times, there is no mode. In code, this means we will need to create a hash map that tallies the frequency of each unique number, and then loop through it to collect the maximum number or numbers, or none. Because every number needs to be counted to create the hash table which is held in memory, this algorithm has a linear time and space complexity.

code Implementation:

const stat1 = new Stats([1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5]); const stat2 = new Stats([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]);describe("Mean", () => { it("Should implement mean", () => { assert.equal(Stats.round(stat1.mean()), 3.43); assert.equal(Stats.round(stat2.mean()), 2.5); }); });describe("Median", () => { it("Should implement median", () => { assert.equal(stat1.median(), 4); assert.equal(stat2.median(), 2.5); }); });describe("Mode", () => { it("Should implement mode", () => { assert.deepEqual(stat1.mode(), [4, 5]); assert.deepEqual(stat2.mode(), []); }); });

7. Name

The challenge:

Algorithmic Thinking:

code Implementation:

8. Name

The challenge:

Algorithmic Thinking:

code Implementation:

9. Name

The challenge:

Algorithmic Thinking:

code Implementation:

10. Name

The challenge:

Algorithmic Thinking:

code Implementation:

11. Name

The challenge:

Algorithmic Thinking:

code Implementation:

algorithmic_javascript's People


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