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statik's Issues

On the problem of statik

Hello, can statik compress and render Vue projects?
I want to realize the following ideas on your basis.

-f flag to overwrite existing output file

I'm using your project to include shader language files in my Go-GL project. I'm not serving the files over HTTP, I just like having the resources embedded into the binary so it's all in one single package. It works great but I find that I'm modifying my external shaders quite often as I develop my app. I have to delete statik/statik.go each time before I run statik again. I can see the value in not overwriting files on the disk but I think a -f force flag would make my life a lot easier.

Hash in file name?

Is there a way to serve the same files with hash in their name for aggressive caching?

flag: include flag is not present in the latest version.

It seems like there has been a couple of changes, one of which is addition of -include flag, since the last release v0.1.6. In module-aware set-up, go get fetches and installs the latest version found where -include is missing for the time being. Would you mind bumping a release with the latest changes?

fallback for SPA applications

Hi. Is there a way to achieve fallback to some specific file if route is not found?
I would like to serve web application with html5 router supported. Actually it works until you hit refresh button on the route that does not exists in the statik filesystem. In that case it would be cool that fallback would be configurable, ie: ./index.html.
I did a PR for similar library here, but it is unmaintained so I would switch to statik.

Directory listing disabled?

I'm probably obtuse and missing something, but this package (and similar packages) all seem to disable directory listing. I understand opening an index file instead of directory upon request, but I'm a bit confused as to why you wouldn't want to implement ReadDir or ReadDirNames?

My thinking is that I want to use this to bundle files, but then I want to walk those files and add a handler for each to my muxer so I can put them at / and not interfere with another handler.

Before I go off and add that, am I just missing something?

Can not handle the path containing dot

(*StatikFS).Open() can not handle the path containing dot.

See below

$ statik -src foo/
$ tree -F
├── foo/
│   ├── bar/
│   └── foo.txt
├── main.go
└── statik/
    └── statik.go

3 directories, 3 files
$ cat main.go
// main.go
package main

import (
	_ "./statik"

func main() {
	statikFS, _ := fs.New()
	path := "/./bar/../foo.txt"
	_, err1 := statikFS.Open(path)   // os.ErrNotExists occurred
	_, err2 := os.Open("foo" + path) // no errors occur
	fmt.Printf("err1 = %#v\n", err1)
	fmt.Printf("err2 = %#v\n", err2)
$ go run main.go
err1 = &errors.errorString{s:"file does not exist"}
err2 = <nil> 

Is this behavior expected? or a bug?

Compilation error in main.go

The line 9 in rakyll/statik/example/main.go
_ ""

is giving an error during our build :
_vendor/ cannot find package "" in any of: /root/go/src/***/go/vendor/ (vendor tree) /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)_
Deleting that line fixes the issue.

The package was installed using
_go get -v -u -f

Deterministic file generation

When using statik with default settings, and zipping the data the resulting file is different every time. Is it possible having a deterministic output for each run?

The goal is committing statik generated files in the VCS, and having them differ each run complicates things.

A command used is:

    statik -src=${src} -p ${component} -dest ${dest} -f -c ''

Prefix example dir with "_"

If you update your gopath with go get ..., there is an error in your repository:

cannot find package "" in any of:
    /home/pierre/Logiciels/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/pierre/Go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

Yes, this package does not exist.

Can you prefix your example dir with "_"?
It prevent the automatic installation with go get ....


go version
go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64

go get

../../../ fHeader.Modified undefined (type *zip.FileHeader has no field or method Modified)

Reproductible output


Is there any way to have reproductible output from statik?

As a context, this is needed for Debian. One of the packages I manage (InfluxDB) uses statik and I would like for it to be reproductible.

namespaces feature brokes compatibility with v0.1.6

master version of statik cmd generates code that uses fs.RegisterWithNamespace. But latest fs package from statik module version 0.1.6 doesn't have RegisterWithNamespace function.

Possible solution: statik cmd without -ns should generate statik.go with fs.Register()

Embedding fs package directly in output

Thoughts on adding the fs package to the output? This would remove the need for the generated package to have non std-lib imports, thus removing the need to vendor the fs package at all. I'd be happy to do the work if you think the design is good.

Panics if src directory doesn't exist

statik -src=./fgd
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x2d3c]

goroutine 1 [running]:
runtime.panic(0xd5820, 0x1fb379)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:266 +0xb6
main.func·001(0x7fff5fbffb24, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x26c1b8, ...)
    /Users/burcu/src/ +0x4c
path/filepath.Walk(0x7fff5fbffb24, 0x5, 0x221040ce20, 0x26c140, 0x2102a5060)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/path/filepath/path.go:378 +0x81
main.generateSource(0x7fff5fbffb24, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /Users/burcu/src/ +0x27f
    /Users/burcu/src/ +0x48

Help running on Windows

I want to convert some static files into a go binary but i don't know how to run your program, can you help?

Looking forward to trying v0.1.4 :)

Jaana, if you have a minute, could you push v0.1.4 tag?
I see that there was a go.mod file added 6h ago and I'm looking forward to trying it :)

Thank you!

Seems to ignore the src argument

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but statik always includes all files of the current working dir and seems to ignore my src parameter.

statik -src=assets

undefined: fs.RegisterWithNamespace

I am trying to build (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build app/main.go) but getting this error:
app/statik/statik.go:12:2: undefined: fs.RegisterWithNamespace

code from auto generated statik: fs.RegisterWithNamespace("default", data)

how to resolve this?

Readdir returns sub-subfolders

Suppose the following folder structure:


By default, http.File.Readdir in golang returns direct child files, so gives [test.txt, folder1/]

However, when I pack the files, File.Readdir seems to perform a recursive directory listing, and returns [test.txt,folder1,test2.txt] Note that test2.txt behaves as if it were in the root folder.

This causes issues in code using Readdir to recursively copy a directory from an embedded filesystem, and causes http.FileServer to give an incorrect listing when served without index.html

This issue is caused by , which does not check whether the file is in a subpath.

On a related note, empty directories are not listed at all, meaning that it would seem like they are non-existent.

Provide a NewReader on httpFile

I'm interested in using statik for a non-HTTP-serving use case, and one thing that'd make it a bit easier is if I could get a fresh bytes.Reader on the file:

// NewReader returns a new bytes.Reader reading from f.
func (f *httpFile) NewReader() *bytes.Reader {
	return bytes.NewReader(

The reason is because I need to use the file with something that wants an io.ReaderAt. I opted to use io.ReadFull, but that takes a copy of the underlying bytes which I'd like to avoid.

Multiple static file packages

I'd like to produce two (or more) different statik fs's in different import paths. Due to relying on init() and no public API from the package, it's impossible to use both filesystems at the same time; concurrent access is also impossible as fs.Register is package-scoped.

I'd propose modifying the API:

fs.New would take zipDatas ...string and fallback on whatever was put in fs.Register (backwards compatible),
The generated filesystem package could add Data() string for this purpose in addition to keeping init() behaviour.

Offical exmple does not work?


As you see , when i copy the exmple from offical packages, and run go run main.go, access browser just show 404. What is the mistake I got from , please help! Thanks in advance!

> go env
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOBIN=
set GOCACHE=C:\Users\Vector\AppData\Local\go-build
set GOEXE=.exe
set GOHOSTARCH=amd64
set GOHOSTOS=windows
set GOOS=windows
set GOPATH=D:\GoProject
set GOROOT=D:\Dev\go
set GOTOOLDIR=D:\Dev\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64
set GCCGO=gccgo
set CC=gcc
set CXX=g++
set GOMOD=
set CGO_CFLAGS=-g -O2
set CGO_FFLAGS=-g -O2
set CGO_LDFLAGS=-g -O2
set PKG_CONFIG=pkg-config
set GOGCCFLAGS=-m64 -mthreads -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=C:\Users\Vector\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build291331690=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-

Generated file was considered changed by git but source file didn't.

I have a file public/index.html(no other files under public/), and statik generated file is statik/statik.go. My colleagues complain that statik/statik.go was considered changed by git after executing go generate command, but they didn't touch the public/index.html file. Is there any way to avoid this?

Tests error with Golang 1.13 beta 1

I don't know if some rounding changed but I'm experiencing issues with Golang 1.13:

Testing    in: /builddir/build/BUILD/statik-0.1.6/_build/src
         PATH: /builddir/build/BUILD/statik-0.1.6/_build/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
       GOPATH: /builddir/build/BUILD/statik-0.1.6/_build:/usr/share/gocode
  GO111MODULE: off
      command: go test -buildmode pie -compiler gc -ldflags "-X -extldflags '-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld '"
--- FAIL: TestOpen (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestOpen/Files_should_retain_their_original_file_mode_and_modified_time (0.00s)
        fs_test.go:195: ModTime(/file.txt) = 2019-03-20 18:56:11 +0000 UTC; want 2019-03-20 18:56:10 +0000 UTC
    --- FAIL: TestOpen/Images_should_successfully_unpack (0.00s)
        fs_test.go:195: ModTime(/pixel.gif) = 2019-03-20 18:56:11 +0000 UTC; want 2019-03-20 18:56:10 +0000 UTC
    --- FAIL: TestOpen/'index.html'_files_should_be_returned_at_their_original_path_and_their_directory_path (0.00s)
        fs_test.go:195: ModTime(/index.html) = 2019-03-20 18:56:11 +0000 UTC; want 2019-03-20 18:56:10 +0000 UTC
        fs_test.go:195: ModTime(/sub_dir/index.html) = 2019-03-20 18:56:11 +0000 UTC; want 2019-03-20 18:56:10 +0000 UTC
    --- FAIL: TestOpen/listed_all_sub_directories_in_deep_directory (0.00s)
        fs_test.go:195: ModTime(/a) = 2019-03-20 18:56:11 +0000 UTC; want 2019-03-20 18:56:10 +0000 UTC
        fs_test.go:195: ModTime(/aa/bb/c) = 2019-03-20 18:56:11 +0000 UTC; want 2019-03-20 18:56:10 +0000 UTC
exit status 1
FAIL	0.011s

Readdir should treat zero for count value as it was negative to be fully compatible with the interface

Hi @rakyll

Thanks for the statik, it's a great lib:)

I found an issue in the Readdir implementation while I was using another library that called statik's fs.Readdir(0) and it resulted in a problem. No file was found in this case.

It should treat the zero value and the negatives the same as the GoDoc recommends:

The problematic Readdir implementation:


Line 190 in 3bac566

// If dirIdx reaches the end and the count is a positive value,

I fould the issue when I was using this library: shurcooL/httpfs#8

All best,

How do i check if directory exists ?

for files, following works

		file, err := statikFS.Open(relativeRequestPath)
		if err == nil {
			if fileInfo, err := file.Stat(); err == nil {
				isValidPath = true
				if !fileInfo.IsDir() {
					isValidFile = true

How to read files by FileSystem

I have a file named "sarasa-mono-j-medium.ttf" packaged in statik.go

But when I used codes like this:

	statikFS, err1 := fs.New()
	if err1 != nil {
	fontBytes, err2 := fs.ReadFile(statikFS, "sarasa-mono-j-medium.ttf")
	if err2 != nil {
	fontObj, err2 = freetype.ParseFont(fontBytes)
	if err2 != nil {

And the result told me

[FTAL] [2019-09-25 15:48:31] file does not exist

Does there has any problem in my codes? I don't want to open the file on a httpServer, I want to open the file directly, how?

Overwrite flag does not work on OS X

In the rename function the force overwrite flag is tested after a call to os.Rename, which succeeds in overwriting a file on OS X but not linux. (incoming PR to fix)

use static files in html templates

Hi, i use Statik for css and js files and wondering if it possible to use compiled html files in templates. Like loginfile, _ := statikFS.Open("/tmpl/login.html")
tHeader, err := tHeader.ParseFiles(

Possibility to add a package comment

Several tools complain if a package has no package level comment at all,
eg. staticcheck:

staticcheck ./...
statik/statik.go:3:1: at least one file in a package should have a package comment (ST1000)

I'd like to propose the addition of a new command line flag with a
useful default, e.g.

flagPkgCmt     = flag.String("c", "Package statik contains static assets.", "Package comment")

(An empty value for *flagPgkCmt would omit the comment.)

If this sounds sensible I could provide a PR.

Accessing the directory directly?

I'm using golang-migrate, which has the following API usage:

migration, err := migrate.NewWithDatabaseInstance("file://migrations/", "postgres", driver)

I want to use statik to embed a ./migrations/ directory in the binary, and then use that in the place of file://, but I'm not sure how I can achieve this because file://migrations either exists or it doesn't, and this package I'm using doesn't look internally to find that file. It's literally looking for ./migrations as I tell it to and statik isn't intervening in filesystem calls to place it's own filesystem there is it?

Is it possible to do this with statik, or with any tool for that matter?

want add some function to list the dirs

once i get a file with name .
it returns not exist.
i checked a long time,but don't know why.
at last, i see something in your source.
the root path must start with /...

please tag and version this project


Can you please tag and version this project?

I am the Debian Maintainer for statik and versioning would help Debian keep up with development.

Relative path not working

I modified the example, relative path seems not working.

Code snippet:

func main() {
	statikFS, err := fs.New()
	for _, name := range []string{"hello.txt", "/hello.txt"} {
		_, err := statikFS.Open(name)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("file %s: %s", name, err)
		} else {
			log.Printf("file %s exists", name)
$ go run main.go
2020/03/11 07:50:11 file hello.txt: file does not exist
2020/03/11 07:50:11 file /hello.txt exists

MIME types support

If you're serving, for example, js files with statik - it will return them with mime type text/plain, which will cause not working for some browser

statik: Command not found


I executed the following command

go get

No errors after the above command. However, when I try the following command, I get the error. "statik: Command not found".

statik -src=/path/to/your/project/public

How do I solve this?


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