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vim-ultest's Introduction


Deprecation Warning

This repo is no longer being actively worked on. I've moved my efforts into Neotest. If you use NeoVim then I'd suggest switching to that as it will cover all features of vim-ultest. If you're a Vim user, this repo will still work and I will accept PRs but will no longer be adding features.

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
    1. Configuration
    2. Commands
    3. Plug mappings
  5. Debugging
  6. Feedback


The ultimate testing plugin for NeoVim

Running tests should be as quick and painless as possible. vim-test is a very powerful and extensive testing plugin, but it can be cumbersome to configure and lacks some features to make it feel like an integrated piece of your editor.

Rather than replacing vim-test altogether, vim-ultest (in name and practice) builds upon vim-test to make it even better while maintaining the ability to use your existing configuration. If you're already using vim-test then switching to vim-ultest is as easy as installing and... well, that's pretty much it.

The goal behind vim-ultest is to make running tests as seamless as possible.


  • Run tests and view results individually
    • Test result markers using signs or virtual text
    • Failure outputs in a floating window
    • Key mappings to jump between failed tests
    • Stop long running tests

Running Example

  • Attach to running processes to debug
    • Currently experimental so please report issues!
    • Uses python's readline library to pass input


  • Summary window
    • Highlight tests based on current status (running, succeeded, failed)
    • Show test output
    • View all tests currently found in all test files
    • Run tests with key binding


  • Multithreaded (not just asynchronous) to prevent blocking

  • Use existing vim-test configuration

  • Customisable

More features are being worked on. If you have any ideas, feel free to open an issue!



All users:

Vim only:

Note: Vim support is maintained with a best effort. Due to the differences between Vim and NeoVim and their RPC libraries, it is inevitable that bugs will occur in one and not the other. I primarily use NeoVim so I will catch issues in it myself. Please file bug reports for Vim if you find them!

NeoVim >= 0.5 is currently supported.

vim-ultest can be installed as usual with your favourite plugin manager. Note: NeoVim users must run :UpdateRemotePlugins after install if they don't use a plugin manager that already does.


" Vim Only
call dein#add("roxma/nvim-yarp")
call dein#add("roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc")

call dein#add("vim-test/vim-test")
call dein#add("rcarriga/vim-ultest")


" Vim Only
Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
Plug 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'

Plug 'vim-test/vim-test'
Plug 'rcarriga/vim-ultest', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }


use { "rcarriga/vim-ultest", requires = {"vim-test/vim-test"}, run = ":UpdateRemotePlugins" }



:help ultest-config

Any vim-test configuration should carry over to vim-ultest. See the vim-test documentation on further details for changing test runner and options. If you have compatibility problems please raise an issue.

One change you will notice is that test output is not coloured. This is due to the way the command is run. To work around this you can simply tell your test runner to always output with colour. For example

let test#python#pytest#options = "--color=yes"

let test#javascript#jest#options = "--color=always"

Alternatively if you are using a neovim >= 0.5 you can enable PTY usage which makes the process think it is in an interactive session

let g:ultest_use_pty = 1

Because Ultest runs processes in an interactive way, test runners may wait for input or run in "watch" mode. To avoid this you have to pass a flag to your runner to disable this.

For example with react-scripts

let test#javascript#reactscripts#options = "--watchAll=false"

Note: The window to show results relies on the 'updatetime' setting which by default is 4 seconds. A longer 'updatetime' will mean the window takes longer to show automatically but a shorter time means (Neo)Vim will write to disk much more often which can degrade SSDs over time and cause slowdowns on HDDs.


:help ultest-commands

For example to run the nearest test every time a file is written:

augroup UltestRunner
    au BufWritePost * UltestNearest
augroup END

Need user contributions

The Ultest command runs all tests in a file. For some test runners the plugin can parse the output of the runner to get results so that they can all be run as a single process. For other runners the tests all have to be run as inidividual processes, which can have a significant performance impact. Please check the wiki to see if your runner is supported. If it is not please open an issue with example output and I can add support for it!

Plug mappings

:help ultest-mappings

For example to be able to jump between failures in a test file:

nmap ]t <Plug>(ultest-next-fail)
nmap [t <Plug>(ultest-prev-fail)

For configuration options and more documentation see :h ultest


:help ultest-debugging

Debugging with nvim-dap is supported but some user configuration is required. See the debugging recipes for some working configurations. If you do not see one for your runner/language, please submit a change to the wiki so others can use it too!


Feel free to open an issue for bug reports, feature requests or suggestions. I will try address them as soon as I can!

vim-ultest's People


aerex avatar amenonsen avatar fallenangel97 avatar georgeharker avatar hiphish avatar ippachi avatar issafalcon avatar jpserra avatar ktakayama avatar lessthanseventy avatar mkonig avatar olimorris avatar rcarriga avatar timgent avatar


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vim-ultest's Issues

Lazy loading buggy until opening summery window

Describe the bug
I'm a big fan of loading plugins lazy when they become necessary (e.g. I don't need this plugin until I actually want to run a test or for writing an email not at all).
But apparently this does not work. The plugin gets loaded and the commands etc are their. But if I run :Ultest or :UltestNearest, nothing happens. Silence. I added some debugging messages to the VimL stuff. And I can trace it down to this call where it switches to Python. In python I don't anything to print. No clue what is happening here. If I execute :echo call('_ultest_run_all', ['path/to/file']) it always just prints 1. So the plugin is loaded and it basically does something. Just that nothing happens...
When I open the summary window with :UltestSummary and then go to a test case and hit r to execute the case, it works. From now on I can also call :Ultest and :UltestNearest.
If I turn of the lazy loading of the plugin and always source it at startup, it just works and I can call :Ultest right away.

Logs should be created using ULTEST_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ULTEST_LOG_FILE=vim-ultest.log nvim <test-file> and added here as well

11:36:06 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
11:36:06 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
11:36:06 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group run_all
11:36:06 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Running all tests in src/
11:36:06 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group run_all

To Reproduce

This assumes that vim-test is always available in path (simplification for the moment of testing). So this is the packer.nvim configuration:

lua packer.use({
      \   'rcarriga/vim-ultest',
      \   run = ':UpdateRemotePlugins',
      \   cmd = {'Ultest', 'UltestNearest', 'UltestSummary'},
      \ })

Expected behavior

The plugin works after it got loaded and you can execute :Ultest.

Error on new installation

Describe the bug
After install latest version starting vim gets me the following error message. The error comes back every few seconds. A normal usage of vim is impossible with that.

Error detected while processing function ultest#handler#get_nearest_test:
line    2:                                                                                                                                                                                                
E117: Unknown function: _ultest_get_nearest_test
Error detected while processing function ultest#handler#get_nearest_test:
line    2:
E15: Invalid expression: _ultest_get_nearest_test(a:line, a:file_name, a:strict)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Install latest version of your plugin. Start vim. Wait.

Expected behavior
Produce no error message on vim start.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Getting error randomly when the current buffer is a .vim file

Describe the bug
I'm using vim-ctrlspace and I have an open buffer of a .vim file. When I want to list the tabs using vim-ctrlspace, I see the following error:

error caught in async handler '/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_update_positions [['init.vim']]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/", line 98, in _update_positions
  File "/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/handler/", line 152, in update_positions
    vim_patterns = self._vim.sync_call("ultest#adapter#get_patterns", file_name)
  File "/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/vim_client/", line 128, in sync_call
    return self._eval(expr, sync=True)
  File "/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/vim_client/", line 141, in _eval
    return self._vim.eval(expr, async_=not sync)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynvim/api/", line 295, in eval
    return self.request('nvim_eval', string, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynvim/api/", line 182, in request
    res = self._session.request(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynvim/msgpack_rpc/", line 102, in request
    raise self.error_wrapper(err)
pynvim.api.common.NvimError: Vim(return):E484: Can't open file init.vim

This is the log file:

22:53:12 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
22:53:12 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
22:53:14 | DEBUG | MainThread | | No patterns found for init.vim

To Reproduce

  1. Open a .vim file
  2. Press ctrl + space to display vim-ctrlspace menu
  3. Press l to list tabs in vim-ctrlspace
  4. See the error

Expected behavior
There shouldn't be any errors!

[Bug] Incorrect PASS sign indicator when using dynamic string in suite description

Describe the bug

Hey @rcarriga ๐Ÿ‘‹ !
First of all, great plugin! It's making it real easy to use vim-test. I'm using it with jest in an Angular project and it's working great so far. I did run into an issue though: When trying to use dynamic values in the string describing my test suite/case, the plugin fails to mark a failed test as failed. My guess is there is some sort of namespacing issue there. Please see the following snippet, and the attached screenshots bellow showing the faulty behavior. Thanks!

// src/test.spec.ts

export class MyComponent {
  // ...

describe(, () => {
  test('this shows as OK even tho it fails...', () => {

describe('MyComponent_NameString', () => {
  test('this works as expected', () => {


13:58:40 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
13:58:40 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
13:58:40 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in src/test.spec.ts
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*%(it|test)\\s*[( ]\\s*%("|\'|`)(.*)%("|\'|`)'], 'namespace': ['\\v^\\s*%(describe|suite|context)\\s*[( ]\\s*%("|\'|`)(.*)%("|\'|`)']} to {'test': [re.compile('^\\s*(?:it|test)\\s*[( ]\\s*(?:"|\'|`)(.*)(?:"|\'|`)')], 'namespace': [re.compile('^\\s*(?:describe|suite|context)\\s*[( ]\\s*(?:"|\'|`)(.*)(?:"|\'|`)')]}
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test src/test.spec.ts found in src/test.spec.ts
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test this_shows_as_OK_even_tho_it_fails___4051083889056447564 found in src/test.spec.ts
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test MyComponent_NameString4051083889056447564 found in src/test.spec.ts
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test this_works_as_expected6682587002160702406 found in src/test.spec.ts
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
13:58:40 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
13:58:54 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in src/test.spec.ts at line 0
13:58:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering src/test.spec.ts as started
13:58:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering this_shows_as_OK_even_tho_it_fails___4051083889056447564 as started
13:58:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering MyComponent_NameString4051083889056447564 as started
13:58:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering this_works_as_expected6682587002160702406 as started
13:58:54 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group src/test.spec.ts
13:58:54 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process src/test.spec.ts with command ['node_modules/.bin/jest', '--noStackTrace', '--no-coverage', '--', 'src/test.spec.ts'], cwd = None, env = None
13:58:57 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:57 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:57 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:57 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:57 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Process src/test.spec.ts complete with exit code: 1
13:58:59 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Found failed test in output this shows as OK even tho it fails... in namespaces MyComponent โ€บ  of runner javascript#jest
13:58:59 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Found failed test in output this works as expected in namespaces MyComponent_NameString โ€บ  of runner javascript#jest
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering src/test.spec.ts as exited with result {"id": "src/test.spec.ts", "file": "src/test.spec.ts", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/g2/bt7vcjrn0v30vvnxnvs2p3qc0000gp/T/ultestu6s6l2ee/src__test_spec_ts/src__test_spec_ts_out"}
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering this_shows_as_OK_even_tho_it_fails___4051083889056447564 as exited with result {"id": "this_shows_as_OK_even_tho_it_fails___4051083889056447564", "file": "src/test.spec.ts", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/g2/bt7vcjrn0v30vvnxnvs2p3qc0000gp/T/ultestu6s6l2ee/src__test_spec_ts/src__test_spec_ts_out"}
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering MyComponent_NameString4051083889056447564 as exited with result {"id": "MyComponent_NameString4051083889056447564", "file": "src/test.spec.ts", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/g2/bt7vcjrn0v30vvnxnvs2p3qc0000gp/T/ultestu6s6l2ee/src__test_spec_ts/src__test_spec_ts_out"}
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering this_works_as_expected6682587002160702406 as exited with result {"id": "this_works_as_expected6682587002160702406", "file": "src/test.spec.ts", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/g2/bt7vcjrn0v30vvnxnvs2p3qc0000gp/T/ultestu6s6l2ee/src__test_spec_ts/src__test_spec_ts_out"}
13:58:59 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing src/test.spec.ts output
13:58:59 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group src/test.spec.ts
13:58:59 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing MyComponent_NameString4051083889056447564 output
13:58:59 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing this_works_as_expected6682587002160702406 output

To Reproduce
Copy the provided code snippet and run :Ultest on it.

Expected behavior
Plugin should handle dynamic values in suite/test descriptions correctly.


Additional context

$ vim -v
NVIM v0.5.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compilation: clang -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -DNVIM_TS_HAS_SET_MATCH_LIMIT -O2 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wmissing-prototypes -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fno-common -fdiagnostics-color=auto -DINCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNVIM_MSGPACK_HAS_FLOAT32 -DNVIM_UNIBI_HAS_VAR_FROM -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 -I/tmp/neovim-20210702-21950-fs4dxz/neovim-0.5.0/build/config -I/tmp/neovim-20210702-21950-fs4dxz/neovim-0.5.0/src -I/usr/local/include -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/usr/include -I/usr/local/opt/gettext/include -I/tmp/neovim-20210702-21950-fs4dxz/neovim-0.5.0/build/src/nvim/auto -I/tmp/neovim-20210702-21950-fs4dxz/neovim-0.5.0/build/include
Compiled by brew@iMac-Pro

Any plan to support windows?

This plugin works very well on linux, but does not work on windows, since the pty module does not work on windows according to python's official documentation(in fact, it does not work on windows at all since there's no termios module):

import errno
import os
import pty
import select
from contextlib import contextmanager

The pty module defines operations for handling the pseudo-terminal concept: starting another process and being able to write to and read from its controlling terminal programmatically.

Because pseudo-terminal handling is highly platform dependent, there is code to do it only for Linux. (The Linux code is supposed to work on other platforms, but hasnโ€™t been tested yet.)

Any plan to support windows?

Question about the relationship to vim-test

Describe the bug
For a go test file, the commands don't seem to work properly.

Let's say I open a ..._test.go file, when I run :TestFile, it runs all the tests, and when I do :TestNearest, it correctly run the test I'm in using the following command (I'm using richgo for my go tests):

richgo test -run '\''MyTest$'\'' ./parent/child/current'; richgo test -run 'MyTest$' ./parent/child/current

However, when I do :UltestNearest, I see no Go files in /parent

I open vim in ./parent directory and I go to the file ./parent/child/current/file_test.go, and that's where I'm trying to run the tests

Also, I'm not sure if I see this error because of what's happening above, but I thought I mention this too.

When I run :UltestSummary, I see the following error:

Error detected while processing function ultest#summary#toggle[4]..ultest#summary#open[2]..<SNR>484_OpenNewWindow[29]..<SNR>484_FullRender[2]..<SNR>484_Clear:
line    2:
E118: Too many arguments for function: clearmatches

To Reproduce
I think the explanation covers this part

Expected behavior
I was expecting for vim-ultest to mimic what vim-test does, with added features

Here's a screenshot of the output. Maybe it's worth noting that the right border of the box seems to be missing inside tmux. when I run it outside of tmux, the box seems to be fine ....... actually, I lied! I exited and tried again and it was find inside of tmux, but I'm keeping the screenshot just in case ๐Ÿ™‚

Sorry if I'm bothering you with all the issues I'm creating, but the plugin seems to be very promising and useful I'm doing my best to use it, but I'm not able to succeed

Error โ€œThe input device is not a TTYโ€ when used with Docker

I am getting this error when using Neovim Nightly (Lua) with PyTest via Docker. Moving my cursor over the title of the test throws out a box with "The input device is not a TTY"

My config is:

    g['test#python#runner'] = 'pytest'
    g['test#python#pytest#options'] = '--color=yes'
    g['test#python#pytest#executable'] = 'docker-compose -f "./docker-compose.yml" exec -w /usr/src/app web pytest'

Test in camelcase won't run

Describe the bug
Test won't run if name of test is in camelcase.

18:57:48 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
18:57:48 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
18:57:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
18:57:48 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in
18:57:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*%(async )?def (test_\\w+)'], 'namespace': ['\\v^\\s*class (\\w+)']} to {'test': [re.compile('^\\s*(?:async )?def (test_\\w+)')], 'namespace': [re.compile('^\\s*class (\\w+)')]}
18:57:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test found in
18:57:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
18:57:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
18:57:52 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in at line 0
18:57:58 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in at line 1

I am using djangotest as the python runner

To Reproduce
Create a test, and name it with camelcase in a django project, and try to run it.
For example:
This won't run.

def testSomething:
    self.assertEqual(True, True)

This will run

def test_something:
    self.assertEqual(True, True)

Expected behavior
As it runs as expected with vim-test, I would expect it to be run with vim-ultest as well.

Also while I am here, I have a simple question as well:
Is it possible to clear the icons after running tests? Couldn't figure out how to do this

Go: Configuration for using delve DAP rather than vscode-go

Not sure if this is a bug or a user error but I'm leaning towards the latter :) In the docs there is a sample configuration for vscode-go which parses the output to see if a test failed or not because there is no error code returned. With delve an error code is returned so this is not an issue.

Using the following configuration

	dap = {
		type = "go",
		name = "Debug test",
		request = "launch",
		mode = "test", -- Mode is important
                program = "${workspaceFolder}",
                  -- program = "${file}"
                dlvToolPath = vim.fn.exepath("dlv"),
                args = args

:DebugNearest and :debug does successfully stop at breakpoints. The issue is that the sign stays at 'running' as it appears the error code is not checked. I'm not sure if I am missing a particular configuration above, I thought code checking would have been the default.

Anyways this is super low priority, running :Ultest afterwards will refresh the signs.

Being spammed with errors when opening a file as sudo

Describe the bug
I'm on Archlinux and opening sudo nvim /etc/pacman.conf (which is owned by root), and ultest is spamming me with errors. For every motion that I do, I'm getting an error:

Error detected while processing function ultest#handler#get_nearest_test[1]..<SNR>503_Call[3].._ultest_get_nearest_test[1]..remote#define#request:
line    2:
Error invoking '/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_get_nearest_test' on channel 10 (python3-rplugin-host):^@no request handler registered for "/home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_get_nearest_test"

I didn't create a log, but let me know if that would help and I can try to create one.

To Reproduce
Open a file with sudo and see the errors

Expected behavior
Errors should be handled gracefully and not interfere with file navigation

Error when opening buffer in directory with restricted access

Describe the bug
Prints out error message Error: vim-ultest encountered an unknown error on startup, check v:exception

Logs couldn't be created as I was in the /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/syntax and there isn't permission to create a file in that directory. I also tried to name the file ~/vim-ultest.log to create it in the home directory, but that didn't work as well

To Reproduce
Go to /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/syntax and open a buffer in neovim. It should prompt you with the error Error: vim-ultest encountered an unknown error on startup, check v:exception. It seems like I only get this message when opening a buffer in a directory with restricted access.

It also doesn't print the error message when running with sudo.

Expected behavior
Don't print any error message


Additional context
At first it printed out Error: vim-ultest remote function not detected, try running :UpdateRemotePlugins on install/update, but this seems to be fixed by 2032c74. However, I tried to do :UpdateRemotePlugins again after that commit, and then it came back. I tried to do it even more times, and then it suddenly disappeared again showing the error I am receiving now.

Undetected Tests

Language: dart/flutter
The tests aren't detected if the description of the text is on the next line (due to it being too long).

If I cut out a few words out of the description such that the description is on the sae line as the function call of test(), the tests are detected.


Go: a failing test appears to put nvim into insert mode at the end

Describe the bug
Running Ultest-nearest on a passing test works as expected. Running Ultest-nearest on a failing test puts neovim into insert mode at the end. Running Ultest-file which contains a failing test also puts neovim into insert mode.


11:27:09 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
11:27:09 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
11:27:09 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in dap_test.go
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*func (\\w+)'], 'namespace': []} to {'test': [re.compile('^\\s*func (\\w+)')], 'namespace': []}
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test dap_test.go found in dap_test.go
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 found in dap_test.go
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestFailure-3646284460309850492 found in dap_test.go
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
11:27:09 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
11:27:21 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in dap_test.go at line 9
11:27:21 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 as started
11:27:21 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group TestSuccess-3646284460309850492
11:27:21 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 with command ['go', 'test', '-run', 'TestSuccess$', './.'], cwd = None, env = None
11:27:21 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Process TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 complete with exit code: 0
11:27:21 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 as exited with result {"id": "TestSuccess-3646284460309850492", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestznheystd/dap_test_go/TestSuccess-3646284460309850492_out"}
11:27:21 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group TestSuccess-3646284460309850492
11:27:25 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in dap_test.go at line 14
11:27:25 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestFailure-3646284460309850492 as started
11:27:25 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group TestFailure-3646284460309850492
11:27:25 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process TestFailure-3646284460309850492 with command ['go', 'test', '-run', 'TestFailure$', './.'], cwd = None, env = None
11:27:26 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Process TestFailure-3646284460309850492 complete with exit code: 1
11:27:26 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering TestFailure-3646284460309850492 as exited with result {"id": "TestFailure-3646284460309850492", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestznheystd/dap_test_go/TestFailure-3646284460309850492_out"}
11:27:26 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group TestFailure-3646284460309850492
11:27:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing TestFailure-3646284460309850492 output
11:27:31 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in dap_test.go at line 0
11:27:31 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering dap_test.go as started
11:27:31 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 as started
11:27:31 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestFailure-3646284460309850492 as started
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group dap_test.go
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process dap_test.go with command ['go', 'test'], cwd = None, env = None
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Process dap_test.go complete with exit code: 1
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering dap_test.go as exited with result {"id": "dap_test.go", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestznheystd/dap_test_go/dap_test_go_out"}
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 as exited with result {"id": "TestSuccess-3646284460309850492", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestznheystd/dap_test_go/dap_test_go_out"}
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering TestFailure-3646284460309850492 as exited with result {"id": "TestFailure-3646284460309850492", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestznheystd/dap_test_go/dap_test_go_out"}
11:27:31 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group dap_test.go
11:27:31 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing dap_test.go output
11:27:31 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing TestSuccess-3646284460309850492 output
11:27:31 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing TestFailure-3646284460309850492 output

Go: one failing tests makes all tests fail

Testing code

package main_test

import (

func TestSuccess(t *testing.T) {
	a := 1

func TestFailure(t *testing.T) {
	t.Fatal("failed test")

Running :Ultest shows both tests as failing. This makes the next failing test mapping useless. Both test show the same error. Commenting out the t.Fatal makes both tests pass.

Screenshot 2021-06-10 at 19 5106


19:51:45 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
19:51:45 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
19:51:45 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in dap_test.go
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*func (\\w+)'], 'namespace': []} to {'test': [re.compile('^\\s*func (\\w+)')], 'namespace': []}
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test dap_test.go found in dap_test.go
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestSuccess-4403637724796131416 found in dap_test.go
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestFailure-4403637724796131416 found in dap_test.go
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
19:51:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
19:51:48 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in dap_test.go at line 0
19:51:48 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering dap_test.go as started
19:51:48 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestSuccess-4403637724796131416 as started
19:51:48 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestFailure-4403637724796131416 as started
19:51:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group dap_test.go
19:51:48 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process dap_test.go with command ['go', 'test'], cwd = None, env = None
19:51:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Process dap_test.go complete with exit code: 1
19:51:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering dap_test.go as exited with result {"id": "dap_test.go", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestg8sv6o5y/dap_test_go/dap_test_go_out"}
19:51:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering TestSuccess-4403637724796131416 as exited with result {"id": "TestSuccess-4403637724796131416", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestg8sv6o5y/dap_test_go/dap_test_go_out"}
19:51:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering TestFailure-4403637724796131416 as exited with result {"id": "TestFailure-4403637724796131416", "file": "dap_test.go", "code": 1, "output": "/var/folders/x4/wv98pc6d38n0ykn769h63jjw0000gn/T/ultestg8sv6o5y/dap_test_go/dap_test_go_out"}
19:51:49 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing dap_test.go output
19:51:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group dap_test.go
19:51:49 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing TestSuccess-4403637724796131416 output
19:51:49 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing TestFailure-4403637724796131416 output

No feedback for Elixir test

Describe the bug
No output whatsoever when testing an Elixir ExUnit case.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install elixir (I'm running 1.10.3)
  2. Clone
  3. ULTEST_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ULTEST_LOG_FILE=ultest.log nvim test/foo_test.exs
  4. Run :Ultest, :UltestSummaryOpen

Debug output:

๏Œƒ (carb)  /tmp/foo $ tail -f ultest.log
11:43:24 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
11:43:24 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
11:43:33 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group run_all
11:43:33 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Running all tests in test/foo_test.exs
11:43:33 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group run_all

Expected behavior

Any feedback in neovim instance.


Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Q: Is it possible to scroll through the result?


First of all thanks for the plugin, I started using and I really like it.

I had aquestion about tests that have very long output e.g. tests in typescript for the front end that generate a html body when they fail.

When I run a test similar to the aforementioned one, I can see some of the output but not all of it and I couldn't figure out how to check the rest of the output since I don't know how to scroll through the output of a test.

I'm not using any configuration for either vim-test or vim-ultest. I'm using them out of the box

If you need any more input please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Cannot run tests (pytest)

Describe the bug

I have a test file written in Python using pytest as the test runner. Whenever I execute :Ultest or :UltestNearest I get a Neovim error. Running the test with :TestFile or TestNearest however works fine. Here is the error:

error caught in async handler '/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:functi
on:_ultest_run_nearest [[0, '']]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/", line 83, in _ru
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/handler/", line 14
8, in run_nearest
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/handler/runner/",
line 46, in run
    self._run_group(tree, file_tree, file_name, on_start, on_finish, env)
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/handler/runner/",
line 168, in _run_group
    cmd = self._vim.sync_call("ultest#adapter#build_cmd", tree[0], scope)
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/vim_client/", line
 121, in sync_call
    return self._eval(expr, sync=True)
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/share/nvim/site-packages/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/vim_client/", line
 134, in _eval
    return self._vim.eval(expr, async_=not sync)
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynvim/api/", line 295, in eval
    return self.request('nvim_eval', string, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynvim/api/", line 182, in request
    res = self._session.request(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hiphish/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynvim/msgpack_rpc/", line 102, in request
    raise self.error_wrapper(err)
pynvim.api.common.NvimError: Vim(let):E118: Too many arguments for function: test#base#build_args

To Reproduce
Create a file with the following contents:

def test_numeric_inequality():
    a = 2
    b = 3
    assert a != b

def test_numeric_equality():
    a = 3
    b = 3
    assert a == b

Place the cursor on either test function and execute :Ultest or :UltestNearest.

Additional context

  • Neovim version v0.5.0-dev+1360-ga7205e2b7 (nightly)
  • pynvim version 0.4.3 (from pip)
  • Python version 3.9
  • OS: Void Linux
  • Log file: vim-ultest.log

[Feature Request] Provide :UltestAttachDebug command

New issue to replace #49 to keep things a bit cleaner

The functionality to attach to current processes and open a debugger in a floating window works well using :UltestAttach. What would be interesting is if similar functionality could be added to attach to programs running using DAP.

For example, with debugpy we could add

import debugpy


Then running :UltestAttachDebug would attach to this instance and open the tray/sidebar.

Would something like this be feasible?

Support for test#strategy?

vim-test's test#strategy option lets you execute the test in different execution environments. AFAIK ultest only supports output via floating window. Is it possible to have the same behavior in ultest?

Bug: Plugin needs `pynvim` installed in activated venv

Describe the bug
I tried to make it run and it does work now - however I had to install pynvim in the venv I am using for my projects - it is installed in my main environment but for some reason ultest does only consider my venv-interpreter. As I work with poetry, this would imply I needed to install the module in each project, which is a minor annoyance but I would like to know whether it's not possible to separate some of the calls that reference the editor functionality. I see in

from pynvim import Nvim, function, plugin
for example that you import pynvim there, I assume that happens with the $VIRTUAL_ENV interpreter, which is called if you do these calls here:
call s:Call('_ultest_run_all', a:000)

This is not a "bug" per se but I'd say it's a desirable behaviour! :)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Install vim-ultest with packer
  • install pynvim in system interpreter
  • create new venv, install pytest and activate it
  • configure pytest as test launcher in config file
  • launch nvim on file containing tests

Expected behavior
vim-ultest works if the currently activated venv is not using pynvim and sources the interpreter defined in g:python3_host_prog instead to prevent the (small) issue of installing pynvim into all projects.

Issue running `UltestDebugNearest` with Go

Describe the bug

Setting a breakpoint in a Golang test and then running :UltestDebugNearest results in:

error caught in async handler '/Users/awalker/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_external_result [[{'namespaces': [], 'id': 'TestParseLoginMethodExtractionComplete-5127535966012300037', 'col': 1, 'name': 'TestParseLoginMetho
dExtractionComplete', 'line': 29, 'type': 'test', 'running': 0, 'file': 'services/scheduler/upload/login_method_extraction_complete_test.go'}, 0, '/var/folders/hh/nbqckpb91qv7t2q3n8kcgqt022nfxk/T/nvimwKMAye/2']]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/awalker/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/", line 114, in _external_result
    return self.handler.external_result(*args)
  File "/Users/awalker/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/handler/", line 90, in external_result
    raise ValueError(f"Unknown file {file_name}")
ValueError: Unknown file 0


   1   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
   2   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
   3   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
   4   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in services/scheduler/upload/login_method_extraction_complete_test.go
   5   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*func (\\w+)'], 'namespace': []} to {'test': [re.compile('^\\s*func (\\w+)')], 'namespace': []}
   6   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test services/scheduler/upload/login_method_extraction_complete_test.go found in services/scheduler/upload/login_method_extraction_complete_test.go
   7   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestParseLoginMethodExtractionComplete-5127535966012300037 found in services/scheduler/upload/login_method_extraction_complete_test.go
   8   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestProcessLoginMethodExtractionComplete-5127535966012300037 found in services/scheduler/upload/login_method_extraction_complete_test.go
   9   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
  10   โ”‚ 16:58:37 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
  11   โ”‚ 16:58:45 | ERROR | MainThread | | Error name 'process_id' is not defined converting args to str f"Saving external stdout path '{output_path}' for test {process_id}"
  12   โ”‚ 16:58:45 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering TestParseLoginMethodExtractionComplete-5127535966012300037 as started
  13   โ”‚ 16:59:20 | ERROR | MainThread | | Attempted to register test result for unknown file {file_name}

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior
The test runs and hits my breakpoint.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
my debug adapter config looks like this at the time of the test run

  request= "launch",
  dlvToolPath= "/Users/awalker/go/bin/dlv",
  mode= "test",
  type= "go",
  program= "/Users/awalker/plaid/go.git/services/scheduler/upload",
  args=     {
      [1] = "",
      [2] = "TestParseLoginMethodExtractionComplete$",

Nothing happens on Ultest* commands

Very similar to #21.

Describe the bug
Nothing happens when running Ultest* commands. Tests are seemingly detected fine (they show up in UltestSummary tree), however, they are not actually running. I am in Typescript test file, using Jest. :TestFile from vim-test runs succesfully.

Logs should be created using ULTEST_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ULTEST_LOG_FILE=vim-ultest.log nvim <test-file> and added here as well:

21:33:00 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
21:33:00 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
21:33:01 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\v^\s*%(it|test)\s*[( ]\s*%("|'|)(.*)%("|\'|)'], 'namespace': ['\v^\s*%(describe|suite|context)\s*[( ]\s*%("|'|)(.*)%("|\'|)']} to {'test': [re.compile('^\s*(?:it|test)\s*[( ]\s*(?:"|'|)(.*)(?:"|\'|)')], 'namespace': [re.compile('^\s*(?:describe|suite|context)\s*[( ]\s*(?:"|'|)(.*)(?:"|\'|)')]}
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test /path/to/bar.test.ts found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test bar5117784500479910972 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo0 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo1 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo2 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo3 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo4 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo5 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo6 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo7 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test foo8 found in /path/to/bar.test.ts
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
21:33:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
21:33:17 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in bar.test.ts at line 0
21:33:17 | INFO | MainThread | | No tests found for bar.test.ts rerunning after processing positions

To Reproduce
See above

Expected behavior
Tests actually run


Additional context
:checkhealth does not show any problems, remote plugins are up-to-date, Python3 and pynvim are available (I am also using UltiSnips which need Python and are functioning fine).

"E118: Too many arguments for function: clearmatches" in Neovim stable

Describe the bug
This happens in Neovim 0.4.4

The command :UltestSummaryOpen raises this error:

Error detected while processing function ultest#summary#open[2]..<SNR>165_OpenNewWindow[29]..<SNR>165_FullRender[2]..<SNR>165_Clear:
line    2:
E118: Too many arguments for function: clearmatches

After this the :Ultest command raises errors. the summary window doesn't update and the tests isn't marked; the whole plugin doesn't work with the summary window opened.

Attach this log with a :UltestSummaryOpen followed by a :Ultest in a file with two tests:

22:53:45 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
22:53:45 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
22:53:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
22:53:46 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in /home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/
22:53:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*%(async )?def (test_\\w+)'], 'namespace': ['\\v^\\s*class (\\w+)']} to ['^\\s*(?:async )?def (test_\\w+)']
22:53:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474 found in /home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/
22:53:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_is_read_only4853966193254504374 found in /home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/
22:53:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
22:53:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group run_all
22:54:00 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Running all tests in /home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Sending test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474 to vim-test
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Sending test_is_read_only4853966193254504374 to vim-test
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group run_all
22:54:00 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Received test from vim-test test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474 with args ['poetry', 'run', 'pytest', '/home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/']
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474 with command: ['poetry', 'run', 'pytest', '/home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/']
22:54:00 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Received test from vim-test test_is_read_only4853966193254504374 with args ['poetry', 'run', 'pytest', '/home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/']
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group test_is_read_only4853966193254504374
22:54:00 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process test_is_read_only4853966193254504374 with command: ['poetry', 'run', 'pytest', '/home/terseus/programacion/python/gitignorehub/tests/']
22:54:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Test test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474 complete with exit code: 0
22:54:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group test_is_mapping-6355241463067513474
22:54:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Test test_is_read_only4853966193254504374 complete with exit code: 0
22:54:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group test_is_read_only4853966193254504374
22:54:40 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
22:54:40 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
22:55:06 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
22:55:06 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created

To Reproduce

  • Install Neovim v0.4.4
  • Install the plugin
  • Open vim
  • Execute :UltestSummaryOpen

Expected behavior
Either make it compatible with Neovim v0.4.4, or include "Neovim nightly / v0.5" to the requirements in the README.

Additional context

Getting error when opening a test file

Describe the bug
I'm opening a test file (a go file in my case), and I'm getting the following error:

python3-rplugin-host: Async request caused an error:
Vim(let):E117: Unknown function: list2str

To Reproduce
Open a ..._test.go file

Expected behavior
I shouldn't see any errors

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
I have pynvim package installed, and I'm not sure what's missing

The message doesn't seem to be directly coming from the plugin, but since this plugin lists pynvim as requirements, and when I disable this plugin, I can open the test file, I'm guessing the error is coming from this plugin

Debugging recipe in wiki needs minor correction

At, the pytest recipe refers to a module_index variable that's not defined. I don't (yet) fully understand what ought to be in cmd, but I used the following code just to follow the intent of the code in the recipe, and I can confirm it works (i.e., :UltestDebug starts up a debugging session).

+                            local module_index = 1
+                            if vim.tbl_contains(non_modules, cmd[1]) then
+                                module_index = 3
+                            end
+                            local module = cmd[module_index]
+                            local args = vim.list_slice(cmd, module_index + 1)

(I didn't see a way to edit the wiki directly, and I'm not sure how to make a PR against it, hence this issue.)

[Feature Request] Attach to process associated with file

Looking at the code I see
command! UltestAttach call ultest#output#attach(ultest#handler#get_nearest_test(line("."), expand("%:."), v:false))
This gives me the impression that if no nearest test is found then no process will be attached to. What would be nice if given the following file

#! usr/bin/env python
import pdb

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we ran the :UltestAttach command, it would first check for nearest test and try to attach. If no test is found as a fallback it will try to find the (newest?) process which contains the file name and tries to attach to that.

Would something like this be feasible?

Jest test freeze, but works with vim-test

Typescript, jest
Running a test freeze

Running it directly with vim-test works properly.



20:45:01 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
20:45:07 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in src/pipes/tests/PipeForm.test.tsx at line 55
20:45:07 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering should_render_form,_header_and_submit_button-4681889750434716771 as started
20:45:07 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group should_render_form,_header_and_submit_button-4681889750434716771
20:45:07 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process should_render_form,_header_and_submit_button-4681889750434716771 with command ['node_modules/.bin/react-scripts', 'test', '-t', '^<PipeForm> should render form, header and submit button$', 'src/pipes/tests/PipeForm.test.tsx'], cwd = None, env = None
20:45:08 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:45:08 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:45:08 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:45:08 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:45:08 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:45:08 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file

Log indicates running: ['node_modules/.bin/react-scripts', 'test', '-t', '^ should render form, header and submit button$', 'src/pipes/tests/PipeForm.test.tsx'], cwd = None, env = None

Running this command manually works properly: node_modules/.bin/react-scripts test -t '^<PipeForm> should render form, header and submit button$' src/pipes/tests/PipeForm.test.tsx

No output

NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1385-g93f15db5d
No output is displayed.
Python, Pytest.


  1. Open the test file,
  2. run the test (:UltestNearest)
  3. try to display the output (:UltestNearest)
    I expect the output of the ran test to be display in a floating window.



20:35:29 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
20:35:30 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
20:35:30 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*%(async )?def (test_\\w+)'], 'namespace': ['\\v^\\s*class (\\w+)']} to {'test': [re.compile('^\\s*(?:async )?def (test_\\w+)')], 'namespace': [re.compile('^\\s*class (\\w+)')]}
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test server/api/test/ found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestListProjectsFieldValues5844803339631356660 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_givenProject_thenReturnAllValues-957566468643009455 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test TestListProjectResourceFieldValues5844803339631356660 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_givenUnhandledResourceType_thenRaiseError2789591621640477456 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_givenInvalidField_thenRaiseError2789591621640477456 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test test_givenHanledResource_thenReturnValues2789591621640477456 found in server/api/test/
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
20:35:30 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
20:35:39 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in server/api/test/ at line 30
20:35:39 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456 as started
20:35:39 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456
20:35:39 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456 with command ['poetry', 'run', 'pytest', 'server/api/test/'], cwd = None, env = None
20:35:41 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:41 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:41 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:41 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:41 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:50 | DEBUG | Thread-3 | | Writing data to output file
20:35:51 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Process test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456 complete with exit code: 0
20:35:51 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Registering test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456 as exited with result {"id": "test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456", "file": "server/api/test/", "code": 0, "output": "/tmp/ultest0us1r641/server__api__test__test_list_field_values_py/test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456_out"}
20:35:51 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group test_givenProjectPipes_thenReturnAllValues2789591621640477456

The plugin is amazing btw!

[go test]: Incorrrect test results being reported

I know from the debugging wiki there are some issues with go test due to it not returning 0/1 exit codes after completion but I'm filing an issue in the hopes that there is a way, like in the debug flow, to attach an output parser.

As an example if I run a go test file using a call to :Ultest it shows the test as failing even though the actual output shows success.
Screen Shot 2021-04-09 at 3 05 10 AM

I'm happy to help contribute if this doesn't already exist and isn't too deep in the weeds of what vim-test ultimately controls.

Jank caused due to result in floating window

Language: Dart/Flutter

I would prefer to have a way to increase the hold time before the plugin pops up the floating window with the test result. It causes jank when trying to move through the buffer. A "hoverDelay".


Floating window for summary pane

It would be amazing if we could have support for showing summary pane as a floating window, since a lot of times, the test description strings are long. So floating window seems better for those kind of scenarios

Runner stuck with CreateReactApp

Describe the bug
The testrunner gets stuck when running the tests

Please include language and test runner being used.
typescript with the default create-react-app template.
The test will be run with react-scripts test

Logs should be created using ULTEST_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ULTEST_LOG_FILE=vim-ultest.log nvim <test-file> and added here as well
20:07:35 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
20:07:36 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
20:07:36 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
20:07:36 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in src/App.test.tsx
20:07:36 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\v^\s*%(it|test)\s*[( ]\s*%("|'|)(.*)%("|\'|)'], 'namespace': ['\v^\s*%(describe|suite|context)\s*[( ]\s*%("|'|)(.*)%("|\'|)']} to {'test': [re.compile('^\s*(?:it|test)\s*[( ]\s*(?:"|'|)(.*)(?:"|\'|)')], 'namespace': [re.compile('^\s*(?:describe|suite|context)\s*[( ]\s*(?:"|'|)(.*)(?:"|\'|)')]}
20:07:36 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test src/App.test.tsx found in src/App.test.tsx
20:07:36 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test renders_learn_react_link4787548909642993506 found in src/App.test.tsx
20:07:36 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
20:07:36 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
20:07:49 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in src/App.test.tsx at line 1
20:07:49 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering renders_learn_react_link4787548909642993506 as started
20:07:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group renders_learn_react_link4787548909642993506
20:07:49 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process renders_learn_react_link4787548909642993506 with command ['node_modules/.bin/react-scripts', 'test', '-t', 'renders learn react link$', 'src/App.test.tsx'], cwd = None, env = None
20:12:02 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
20:12:02 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
20:12:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
20:12:02 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in src/App.test.tsx
20:12:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\v^\s*%(it|test)\s*[( ]\s*%("|'|)(.*)%("|\'|)'], 'namespace': ['\v^\s*%(describe|suite|context)\s*[( ]\s*%("|'|)(.*)%("|\'|)']} to {'test': [re.compile('^\s*(?:it|test)\s*[( ]\s*(?:"|'|)(.*)(?:"|\'|)')], 'namespace': [re.compile('^\s*(?:describe|suite|context)\s*[( ]\s*(?:"|'|)(.*)(?:"|\'|)')]}
20:12:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test src/App.test.tsx found in src/App.test.tsx
20:12:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test renders_learn_react_link1151337496413743625 found in src/App.test.tsx
20:12:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
20:12:02 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
20:12:12 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in src/App.test.tsx at line 1
20:12:12 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Registering renders_learn_react_link1151337496413743625 as started
20:12:12 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group renders_learn_react_link1151337496413743625
20:12:12 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process renders_learn_react_link1151337496413743625 with command ['node_modules/.bin/react-scripts', 'test', '-t', 'renders learn react link$', 'src/App.test.tsx'], cwd = None, env = None

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
npx create-react-app reproduction-example --template typescript
cd reproduction-example
npm install
nvim src/App.test.tsx

Expected behavior
Running the test

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
If I run the command from the log output my self it runs in an interactive way, I think this might be the issue
node_modules/.bin/react-scripts test -t 'renders learn react link' src/App.test.tsx
If you set the env variable CI=true it is no longer interactive and just prints the result:

Error "no notification handler registered" on diff

Describe the bug
Using vim-fugitive, the command ":Git difftool -y master" spams me several (4) times with the error message.

Comment #44 (comment) looks similar

no notification handler registered for "/Users/myuser/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_update_positions"

Enabling debug logs shows nothing, no matter if the command is started manually or via commandline (ULTEST_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ULTEST_LOG_FILE=vim-ultest.log nvim -c ":Git difftool -y master")

To Reproduce
:Git difftool -y

Expected behavior
No error


Additional context

Getting error when installing the plugin

Describe the bug
I add the following line to my ~/.vimrc:

Plug 'rcarriga/vim-ultest', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }

And I'm getting the following error:

Error detected while processing /home/farzad/.vim/plugged/vim-ultest/plugin/ultest.vim:
line  175:
E995: Cannot modify existing variable

To Reproduce
Add the line to ~/.vimrc and do :PlugInstall

Expected behavior
I shouldn't see any error (I think!)

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
I'm using neovim and vim-plug, my neovim version:

NVIM v0.4.4
Build type: Release

Make it clear that popup delay depends on `updatetime` option

Describe the bug

I'm not entirely sure this is related to vim-ultest rather than nvim itself, but when I first installed the plugin, the popup window with the failed test information took exactly 4 seconds to display (the one that pops up on hover on the first line of the failed test).

I checked with :options and found out that I had updatetime set to 4000 (which, I guess, is the default value). Reducing it to 100 actually makes the popup window appear instantly.

However, this will cause a lot more writes (40 times more) to the swap file, if it's used, therefor raising a potential issue on SSD devices. I would add this information to the readme, either telling users to disable swap files or to know the tradeoffs of a low updatetime.

Thanks for this plugin and keep up the great work!

ImportError when looking for Literal or Protocol in Python 3.7 typing

error caught in notification handler 'b'/home/michael/.local/share/nvim/site/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_update_positions' [[b'nvim/.config/nvim/init_plug.vim']]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/michael/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pynvim/plugin/", line 145, in _on_notification
  File "/home/michael/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pynvim/plugin/", line 89, in _wrap_delayed_function
    self._discover_functions(plugin, module_handlers, path, False)
  File "/home/michael/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pynvim/plugin/", line 220, in _discover_functions
    for _, fn in inspect.getmembers(obj, predicate):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 341, in getmembers
    value = getattr(object, key)
  File "/home/michael/.local/share/nvim/site/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/", line 76, in handler
    from .handler import HandlerFactory
  File "/home/michael/.local/share/nvim/site/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/handler/", line 8, in <module>
    from ..models import File, Namespace, Position, Result, Test, Tree
  File "/home/michael/.local/share/nvim/site/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/models/", line 3, in <module>
    from .file import File
  File "/home/michael/.local/share/nvim/site/plugged/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest/models/", line 2, in <module>
    from typing import List, Literal
ImportError: cannot import name 'Literal' from 'typing' (/usr/lib/python3.7/

Describe the bug
Literal and Protocol weren't added to typing until 3.8

To Reproduce
install vim-ultest on a system with Python 3.7

Additional context
all attempt to import either Literal or Protocol from typing. both were added in 3.8. you can find them in typing_extensions, though. so this code replacing the import (for Literal or Protocol where appropriate) in those files seems to work after typing_extensions is installed via pip

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

Jest failure output on TypeScript project is interpreted as potential binary file

Describe the bug
After running Ultest in a TypeScript test file, the popup terminal window interprets the output from Jest as a potential binary file and gives a warning (see screenshots) before showing the file. Entering the terminal window and typing y correctly shows the output, but as you can imagine it's not easy to do this every time (especially since I have to click on the popup terminal to interact with it).

I'm not sure whether this is an Ultest issue or a Jest issue, but the popup window seems to be adding some strange characters that aren't present when calling Jest directly from the command line.

My only configuration for Ultest / vim-test is adding --color=always to my Jest, and commenting it out doesn't make a difference, so it doesn't seem to be related.


01:18:42 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
01:18:42 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
01:18:42 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group update_positions
01:18:42 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Updating positions in src/test-function.test.ts
01:18:42 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v^\\s*%(it|test)\\s*[( ]\\s*%("|\'|`)(.*)%("|\'|`)'], 'namespace': ['\\v^\\s*%(describe|suite|context)\\s*[( ]\\s*%("|\'|`)(.*)%("|\'|`)']} to ['^\\s*(?:it|test)\\s*[( ]\\s*(?:"|\'|`)(.*)(?:"|\'|`)']
01:18:42 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | New test should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254 found in src/test-function.test.ts
01:18:42 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | No tests removed
01:18:42 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group update_positions
01:18:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group run_all
01:18:45 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Running all tests in src/test-function.test.ts
01:18:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Sending should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254 to vim-test
01:18:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group run_all
01:18:45 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Received test from vim-test should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254 with args ['node_modules/.bin/jest', '--color=always', '--no-coverage', "-t 'should fail and show a popup window$'", '--', 'src/test-function.test.ts']
01:18:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254
01:18:45 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting test process should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254 with command: ['node_modules/.bin/jest', '--color=always', '--no-coverage', '-t', 'should fail and show a popup window$', '--', 'src/test-function.test.ts']
01:18:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Test should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254 complete with exit code: 1
01:18:46 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254
01:18:46 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Showing should_fail_and_show_a_popup_window8269796582372893254 output

To Reproduce
Since it takes a little time to set up a new TypeScript + Jest project, I generated a default TypeScript config file and followed the instructions on Jest's Getting Started page to set up a minimal repo, which I've uploaded here.

Running npm install after cloning and then running :Ultest in test-function.test.ts should reproduce the error (unless the issue is completely on my end).

You can also compare the popup window's output to what Jest outputs from the command line by running npm run test.

Expected behavior
The terminal window should show Jest output without additional confirmation.

Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 1 28 56 AM
Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 1 29 00 AM

Additional context
Thanks for the great plugin! Let me know if you need any more information.

E5108: Error executing lua attempt to index local 'test' (a userdata value)

Describe the bug

While trying to run a TypeScript (filetype typescript) test with UltestDebugNearest, I run into this:

E5108: Error executing lua attempt to index local 'test' (a userdata value)

The vim-ultest.log file contains this:

10:02:19 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
10:02:19 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created

Additional context

nvim --version

NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1231-g48e805728
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compilation: /usr/bin/cc -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -O2 -g -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wmissing-prototypes -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fno-common -fdiagnostics-color=always -DINCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNVIM_MSGPACK_HAS_FLOAT32 -DNVIM_UNIBI_HAS_VAR_FROM -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 -I/build/nvim/parts/nvim/build/build/config -I/build/nvim/parts/nvim/build/src -I/build/nvim/parts/nvim/build/.deps/usr/include -I/usr/include -I/build/nvim/parts/nvim/build/build/src/nvim/auto -I/build/nvim/parts/nvim/build/build/include
Compiled by root@lgw01-amd64-055

Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

python --version

Python 3.8.6

Nvim-dap, Pytest, Debugpy and Docker

Firstly, this isn't an issue with the plugin at all, more of a general question on being able to use vim-ultest to debug remotely into a Docker container.

With my current config (for reference rather than to understand), I use a pretty hefty command to pass to the command line which triggers Docker to wait for any feedback from nvim-dap:

docker-compose -f "./docker-compose.yml" exec -T -w /usr/src/app debug python -m debugpy --listen ' ..
                debug_host .. ':' .. debug_port .. ' --wait-for-client -m pytest ' .. test_method[1]

Where test_method is the test name for the nearest test (something I pinched from vim-test). Using the instructions in the vim-ultest docs, combined with my previous setup, I form the following:

        builders = {
            ['python#pytest'] = function(cmd)
                local debug_host = ''
                local debug_port = 5678

                local test_method = fn['test#python#pytest#build_position']('nearest', {
                    file = fn['expand']('%'),
                    line = fn['line']('.'),
                    col = fn['col']('.')

                local args = 'docker-compose -f "./docker-compose.yml" exec -T -w /usr/src/app debug python -m debugpy --listen ' .. debug_host .. ':' .. debug_port .. ' --wait-for-client -m pytest ' .. test_method[1]
                return {
                    dap = {
                        type = "python",
                        request = "attach",
                        connect = {
                            host = debug_host,
                            port = debug_port
                        args = args,
                        mode = "remote",
                        name = "Remote Attached Debugger",
                        cwd = fn.getcwd(),
                        pathMappings = {{
                            localRoot = fn.getcwd(), -- Wherever your Python code lives locally.
                            remoteRoot = "/usr/src/app" -- Wherever your Python code lives in the container.

When I run this with UltestDebugNearest I get Invalid adapter: nil which is an nvim-dap error. Which seems odd as I use it with nvim-dap in my previous setup.

Is there anything obvious I may be overlooking? Granted I need to actually make use of the vim-ultest cmd function to pass to nvim-dap.

Configure mappings for the attach window

So far, loving the plugin! I haven't managed to make any other test plugin stick yet (including nvim-dap-ui) for various reasons, but this one seems the most ergonomic that I've tried.

Describe the bug
Is it either possible today, or possible to add customizations to the mappings used by the floating window on :UltestAttach?
Currently <c-c> in that window closes the window. Personally in these sorts of windows, i ctrl-c all the time, so this makes working with the window rather more difficult.

Expected behavior
I'd love to be able to run ctrl-d, like on a terminal, and/or a way to exit insert mode after you've entered it and just directly :q


What is the colorscheme you are using on the nvim screenshot ??
It would be helpful ๐Ÿฅฐ

Ultest does not detect custom vim-test runners

Describe the bug
While vim-test comes with a sane list of runners per default, it is far from complete. But that is not of an issue as it is pretty simple to just add new runners to the plugin. I have such runners in my setup. Here for example I add jest for the filetype typescript. This runner is very simple as it basically just brings the already existing jest runner for javascript into the typescript filetype plus tiny additions. This was/is working perfectly fine with vim-test.
So if I open a related test file for this and run for example :TestFile this works. If I now run :Ultest nothing happens. If I open the summary window with :UltestSummary the list of detected tests is empty.!

Logs should be created using ULTEST_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ULTEST_LOG_FILE=vim-ultest.log nvim <test-file> and added here as well

10:44:13 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
10:44:13 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
10:44:13 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Starting job with group run_all
10:44:13 | INFO | Thread-1 | | Running all tests in tests/unit/router/guards/global.spec.ts
10:44:13 | DEBUG | Thread-1 | | Finished job with group run_all
10:44:21 | DEBUG | MainThread | | No patterns found for tests/unit/router/guards/global.spec.ts

To Reproduce
Create a custom runner and put into your path somewhere under autoload/test/<filetype>/<runner>.vim. As an example you can take the example I liked above. Add the runner to your custom runners with let g:test#custom_runners = { '<filetype>': ['<runner>'] }. Depending on your exact setup you might need to enable the runner in test#enabled_runners. Now open a test file for this <filetype> which uses this <runner>. Try to run a vim-test command to run a test case and see it succeed. Now try the same with vim-ultest. It does not work.

Expected behavior
vim-ultest can pickup all custom runners for vim-test.

Request for Ultest equivalent to vim-test's :TestSuite

Thanks for writing this plugin! Similar to #69 I'm wondering about the possibility of adding support for running an entire test suite like vim-test's :TestSuite.

If this would be a reasonable first issue, I'd be happy to try and add support and raise a PR if you don't mind giving me an idea of where to start.

Opening a new file causes E484: Can't open file

Describe the bug

Opening a new file causes the following error: (this does not apply to already existing files)

:e test.js     Error detected while processing function <SNR>52_MonitorFile[4]..test#test_file[1]..test#determine_runner[9]..test#base#t
line    5:
E484: Can't open file test.js
Press ENTER or type command to continue

If you press enter then the file is opened as expected.

This only applies to some file types, for example: js, vim, php. File like lua, test work just fine. I'm assuming it only applies to files with a registered test runner.


10:22:06 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
10:22:06 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
10:22:11 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
10:22:11 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created

To Reproduce

nvim -u NORC
:e test.js # open a new file

Expected behavior

No error should occur. Should simply open the new file.

Additional context

Neovim version: NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1186-g8665a96b9 (built from master with Release)
vim-ultest and vim-test updated to latest

Python3 checkhealth:

## Python 3 provider (optional)
  - INFO: Using: g:python3_host_prog = "/usr/bin/python3"
  - INFO: Executable: /usr/bin/python3
  - INFO: Python version: 3.8.5
  - INFO: pynvim version: 0.4.3
  - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.

Using latest version of vim-test and vim-ultest as of this writing.

Removing ultest fixes this issue.

Thank you for this awesome plugin! Hope you can fix this minor issue:)

Nothing happens on any Ult* command

Describe the bug
When attempting to run any of the Ult* commands, nothing happens.

Output of vim-ultest.log after running UltestNearest and then UltestAttach:

12:22:23 | INFO | MainThread | | Logger created
12:22:23 | DEBUG | MainThread | | Handler created
12:22:30 | INFO | MainThread | | Running nearest test in spec/models/fast_forward_spec.rb at line 139

Running tests with TestNearest from vim-test work as expected.

To Reproduce
Call :UltestNearest, etc.

Expected behavior
Tests are executed.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
This is a Ruby on Rails project. Not sure if that matters.

Unicode icons are not portable

Several of the default icons used are in the private use area of Unicode, which means they can vary wildly from font to font and will most likely look like gibberish to anyone who is not using the exact same font as you. I propose replacing the defaults with something standardized; it will not look the same to everyone, but at least it will look like more or less similar.

The signs in question are:

  • g:ultest_pass_sign
  • g:ultest_fail_sign
  • g:ultest_running_sign
  • g:ultest_not_run_sign

I propose:

  • g:ultest_pass_sign: โœ“ Check Mark U+2713
  • g:ultest_fail_sign: ๐Ÿ—ฒ Lightning Mood U+1F5F2
  • g:ultest_running_sign: ๐Ÿ—˜ Clockwise Right and Left Semicircle Arrows U+1F5D8
  • g:ultest_not_run_sign: ? Question Mark U+003F

Virtual Text Highlighting on the line(s) of the failure/error


It would be nice if we could highlight the line that the error occurs, rather than just on the line of the function, maybe with some virtual text similar to LSP diagnostics. I've taken a few screenshots to try and demonstrate. Ideally it could highlight across buffers use a "stack trace" or something so you could "go to definition" on a function and open another buffer and it would continue to show the relevant line. I'm currently using the phpunitkit plugin for sublime text which could serve as a reference

current: only highlights the line of the function that failed

sublime text: highlights the line where the failure/error occurs

lsp: as an example of what it could look like

I'm willing to try and help but my experience in python/lua is very limited.


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