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m-picker's Introduction


React Mobile Picker Component (web and react-native)

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npm i
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online example:


npm run rn-init
npm run watch-tsc
react-native start
react-native run-ios



4.x beta docs

If you are looking for 3.x doc, please see [email protected]


  <Picker indicatorClassName="my-picker-indicator">
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="1">one</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="2">two</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="3">three</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="4">four</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="5">five</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="6">six</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="7">seven</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="8">eight</Picker.Item>
  <Picker indicatorClassName="my-picker-indicator">
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="11">eleven</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="12">twelve</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="13">thirteen</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="14">fourteen</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="15">fifteen</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="16">sixteen</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="17">seventeen</Picker.Item>
    <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="18">eighteen</Picker.Item>


MultiPicker props

name description type default
className(web) additional css class of root dom node String
prefixCls(web) prefix class String ''
defaultSelectedValue(web) default selected values string[]/number[]
selectedValue current selected values string[]/number[]
onValueChange fire when picker change Function(value)

Picker props

name description type default
className(web) additional css class of root dom node String
prefixCls(web) prefix class String ''
defaultSelectedValue(web) default selected values string/number
selectedValue current selected values string/number
onValueChange fire when picker change Function(value)
disabled whether picker is disabled bool false
indicatorClassName className of indicator String
indicatorStyle style of indicator object

Picker.Item props

name description type default
className(web) additional css class of root dom node String
value value of item String

Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test


npm run coverage

open coverage/ dir


rmc-picker is released under the MIT license.

m-picker's People


bang88 avatar beilunyang avatar doxiaodong avatar hitbear518 avatar ibufu avatar kgtong avatar paranoidjk avatar sayll avatar silentcloud avatar swainet avatar warmhug avatar yiminghe avatar zhang740 avatar zhou-yg avatar ziluo avatar


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m-picker's Issues

Popup和Picker结合使用时,.getValue()报错,picker对象中没有此方法? this.props.onOk!(this.picker && this.picker.getValue())

PopupMixin.tsx line:116


import Picker from 'rmc-picker/lib/Picker'
import PopPicker from "rmc-picker/lib/Popup";

    const items = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ,"6" ,"7"];
    const popupContent = (
 => {
            return <Picker.Item value={item} key={generateUUID()}>
   const picker = (
          <div >
            <div >
                <Icon type="down" theme="outlined" />

split scroller

怎么不把 scroller 拆分出来?现在杂糅到一起看着维护成本略高,以及兼容性成本。



MultiPicker logic incorrect, when not set selectedValue.

If not set selectedValue, is no has event fire when reselect the first item.

core code:


    const selectedValue = this.getValue();
    const colElements =, (col: any, i) => {
      return React.cloneElement(col, {
        selectedValue: selectedValue[i],
        onValueChange: (...args) => this.onValueChange(i, ...args),

the getValue implement in MultiPickerMixin.tsx:

  getValue() {
    const { children, selectedValue } = this.props;
    if (selectedValue && selectedValue.length) {
      return selectedValue;
    } else {
      if (!children) {
        return [];
      return, (c: any) => {
        const cc: any = React.Children.toArray(c.props.children);
        return cc && cc[0] && cc[0].props.value;

If not set selectedValue, the result of getValue() alway equel the first item's value of picker's children of multipicker.

Picker.Item undefined

simulator screen shot - iphone 8 plus - 2018-03-16 at 17 53 19
import * as React from 'react'
import { TextInput, View, Text } from 'react-native'
// import RMCMultiPicker from 'rmc-picker/lib/MultiPicker'
// import RMCPicker from 'rmc-picker/lib/Picker'
import Picker from 'rmc-picker/lib/NativePicker'
// import { Toast } from 'antd-mobile'
// const Item = RMCPicker.Item
// const { Item } = RMCPicker
export default class DropPicker extends React.Component<any, any> {
state = {
value: [],
render() {
let value = 1
let data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
return (

<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>

{ => (
<Picker.Item key={'item'} value={'item'} label={'fdfdf'}>

{/* <RMCPicker.Item value="2">two</RMCPicker.Item>
<RMCPicker.Item value="3">three</RMCPicker.Item>
<RMCPicker.Item value="4">four</RMCPicker.Item>
<RMCPicker.Item value="5">five</RMCPicker.Item>
<RMCPicker.Item value="6">six</RMCPicker.Item>
<RMCPicker.Item value="7">seven</RMCPicker.Item>
<RMCPicker.Item value="8">eight</RMCPicker.Item> */}


React Native - TSC Support - Platform Specific Typings

Typescript definition file conflicts.

Platform: React Native
Scripting: Typescript

import Picker, { Popup } from "rmc-picker";

// TSC Compile Error. 
[ts] Module '"/doeworks/src/mobile/node_modules/rmc-picker/lib"' has no exported member 'Popup'. [2305]

3.8.*and 3.9.*不兼容

3.8.7引入后lib文件夹里有index.web.js!但是3.9.1 lib文件夹中没有index.js

MultiPicker React-Native 0.42 breaks with example

MultiPicker doesn't seem to work on RN 0.42. It breaks on the example provided.

Console.log provided below.

Expected a component class, got [object Object].handleException @ ExceptionsManager.js:63handleError @ InitializeCore.js:114reportFatalError @ error-guard.js:44guard @ MessageQueue.js:48callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue @ MessageQueue.js:107message @ index.js:73 ExceptionsManager.js:71 Warning: Exception thrown by hook while handling onSetChildren: Invariant Violation: Expected onMountComponent() to fire for the child before its parent includes it in onSetChildren(). Invariant Violation: Expected onMountComponent() to fire for the child before its parent includes it in onSetChildren(). at invariant (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:2210:7) at Object.onSetChildren (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:4623:58) at callHook (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:8194:4) at emitEvent (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:8211:1) at Object.onSetChildren (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:8498:1) at Constructor.setChildrenForInstrumentation (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:18282:32) at Constructor._updateChildren (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:18538:31) at Constructor.updateChildren (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:18454:6) at Constructor.receiveComponent (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:15284:6) at Object.receiveComponent (http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false:17561:18)reactConsoleErrorHandler @ ExceptionsManager.js:71console.error @ YellowBox.js:61printWarning @ warning.js:36warning @ warning.js:60callHook @ ReactDebugTool.js:72emitEvent @ ReactDebugTool.js:87onSetChildren @ ReactDebugTool.js:374setChildrenForInstrumentation @ ReactMultiChild.js:159_updateChildren @ ReactMultiChild.js:415updateChildren @ ReactMultiChild.js:331receiveComponent @ ReactNativeBaseComponent.js:130receiveComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:163_updateRenderedComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:981_performComponentUpdate @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:944updateComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:846receiveComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:709receiveComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:163_updateRenderedComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:981_performComponentUpdate @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:944updateComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:846performUpdateIfNecessary @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:734performUpdateIfNecessary @ ReactReconciler.js:213runBatchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:170perform @ Transaction.js:149perform @ Transaction.js:149perform @ ReactUpdates.js:95flushBatchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:199closeAll @ Transaction.js:222perform @ Transaction.js:163batchedUpdates @ ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:65enqueueUpdate @ ReactUpdates.js:227enqueueUpdate @ ReactUpdateQueue.js:23enqueueSetState @ ReactUpdateQueue.js:247ReactComponent.setState @ ReactComponent.js:63(anonymous function) @ tab-bar-item-ios.js:30tryCallOne @ core.js:37(anonymous function) @ core.js:123(anonymous function) @ JSTimers.js:100callTimer @ JSTimersExecution.js:95callImmediatesPass @ JSTimersExecution.js:199callImmediates @ JSTimersExecution.js:214(anonymous function) @ MessageQueue.js:214guard @ MessageQueue.js:46__callImmediates @ MessageQueue.js:214(anonymous function) @ MessageQueue.js:128guard @ MessageQueue.js:46invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue @ MessageQueue.js:126message @ index.js:73 ExceptionsManager.js:71 Unhandled JS Exception: Expected a component class, got [object Object].reactConsoleErrorHandler @ ExceptionsManager.js:71console.error @ YellowBox.js:61logIfNoNativeHook @ RCTLog.js:38__callFunction @ MessageQueue.js:236(anonymous function) @ MessageQueue.js:108guard @ MessageQueue.js:46callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue @ MessageQueue.js:107message @ index.js:73

4.0 版本不支持 preact

引入 Picker.Item 方式之后每行的文本为空,可能和 react 和 preact 的 props.children 的机制不一致有关系。

Remove zscroller

zscroller 已经成为影响“体积”和“复杂度”的最后一个大因素,被 Picker / ListView / Calendar 三个组件用到,分别都导致了一定的代码冗余、理解复杂度等问题。

以 Picker 为例、对比社区其他 UI 库做法:

原生实现的 framework7 picker
基于 angular 的 ionic picker

基于 zepto 的 weui picker
基于 react 的 weui picker
基于 vue 的 饿了么 picker
这三个压缩后体积都在 10k 左右,并且源码比较清晰无复杂依赖,没有多余代码。

发现一个和我们一样使用 zscroller 的 picker 也精简了不少代码。

我们目前的问题主要出在 zscroller 上、导致体积是他们的 2 倍多大小,zscroller 的 zoom / enableScrollX / paging / PullToRefresh 这些 增加代码行数、又增加复杂度,对组件来说也是多余代码。

Bug: if props are updated except selectedValue, Picker's selectedValue will have the value of first Picker.Item.

{/* if component props will be changed like below. */}

  selectedValue={someAwaitingValue /* it is undefined yet. */}

{/* vvvvvvvvvv */}

  selectedValue={someAwaitingValue /* it is undefined yet. */}

The condition for updating this.state.selectedValue is currently 'selectedValue' in nextProps.
This causes select method will update the selectedValue to be the first value of Picker.Item.

How to programatically opens the popup

In the example, there is a button inside the popup component, when button is clicked, popup shows.
How can the popup be opened by event other than the click of a button?



const map = (item: any) => {
      const { className = '', style, value } = item.props;
      return (
          style={{ ...itemStyle, }}
          className={`${selectedValue === value ? selectedItemClassName : itemClassName} ${className}`}
          dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: item.children || item.props.children }}

react中使用报错Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Item' of undefined,如何解决

import { MultiPicker, Picker} from 'rmc-picker';
<div style={{ background: '#f5f5f9', padding: 10 }}>
              <Picker indicatorClassName="my-picker-indicator">
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="1">one</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="2">two</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="3">three</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="4">four</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="5">five</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="6">six</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="7">seven</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="8">eight</Picker.Item>
              <Picker indicatorClassName="my-picker-indicator">
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="11">eleven</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="12">twelve</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="13">thirteen</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="14">fourteen</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="15">fifteen</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="16">sixteen</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="17">seventeen</Picker.Item>
                <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="18">eighteen</Picker.Item>
app.bundle.js:189551 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Item' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (app.bundle.js:189551)
    at __webpack_require__ (app.bundle.js:1299)
    at fn (app.bundle.js:722)
    at Object.<anonymous> (app.bundle.js:181898)
    at __webpack_require__ (app.bundle.js:1299)
    at fn (app.bundle.js:722)
    at Object.<anonymous> (app.bundle.js:75501)
    at __webpack_require__ (app.bundle.js:1299)
    at fn (app.bundle.js:722)
    at Object.<anonymous> (app.bundle.js:283796)



function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState([]);

  const onChange = value => {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <MultiPicker selectedValue={value} onValueChange={onChange}>
        <Picker indicatorClassName="my-picker-indicator">
          <Picker.Item className="my-picker-view-item" value="1">


OnClick handler for Picker

ref ant-design/ant-design-mobile#1841

What problem does this feature solve?

The user can change the value of the Picker/ PickerView/ DatePicker by clicking the value and scroll to that value besides scrolling the picker.

What does the proposed API look like?

<Picker onPickerClick={(value) => console.log(value) />

onPickerClick will return the value that is clicked.

Select value on click/tap


Is there a way to select the value on click on each item? I'm not familiar with ZScroller, but it seems like it eats all the click event for the items


preact对于children处理较弱,某些情况会在children为[]时转换为undefined,导致undefined.map和 for循环 等代码报错。

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