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blarney's Introduction

Blarney is a Haskell library for hardware description that builds a range of HDL abstractions on top of a small set of pure functional circuit primitives. It is a modern variant of Lava, requiring GHC 8.6.1 or later. Some aspects of the library are also inspired by the Bluespec language. Below, we introduce the library by example, supplementing the Haddock docs.



Type classes:

Example 1: Two-sort

Sorting makes for a good introduction to the library. Let's start with perhaps the simplest kind of sorter possible: one that sorts just two inputs. Given a pair of 8-bit values, the function twoSort returns the sorted pair.

import Blarney

twoSort :: (Bit 8, Bit 8) -> (Bit 8, Bit 8)
twoSort (a, b) = a .<. b ? ((a, b), (b, a))

This definition makes use of three Blarney constructs: the Bit type for bit vectors (parametised by the size of the vector); the unsigned comparison operator .<.; and the ternary conditional operator ?. A quick test bench to check that it works:

top :: Module ()
top = always do
  display "twoSort (1,2) = " (twoSort (1,2))
  display "twoSort (2,1) = " (twoSort (2,1))

We use Blarney's always construct

always :: Action a -> Module a

to perform the given action on every clock cycle. Blarney actions include statements for displaying values during simulation (display), terminating the simulator (finish), and mutating state (see below). All statements in an Action execute in parallel, within an a single cycle of an implicit clock. We can generate Verilog for the test bench as follows.

main :: IO ()
main = writeVerilogTop top "top" "/tmp/twoSort/"

Assuming the above code is in a file named Sorter.hs, it can be compiled at the command-line using

> blc Sorter.hs

where blc stands for Blarney compiler. This is just a script that invokes GHC with the appropriate compiler flags. For it to work, the BLARNEY_ROOT environment variable needs to be set to the root of the repository, and BLARNEY_ROOT/Scripts must be in your PATH. Running the resulting executable ./Sorter will produce Verilog in the /tmp/twoSort directory, including a makefile to build a Verilator simulator (sudo apt-get install verilator). The simulator can be built and run as follows.

> cd /tmp/twoSort
> make
> ./top
twoSort (1,2) = (01,02)
twoSort (2,1) = (01,02)

Looks like twoSort is working!

Example 2: Bubble sort

We can build a general N-element sorter by connecting together multiple two-sorters. One of the simplest ways to do this is the bubble sort network. The key component of this network is a function bubble that takes a list of inputs and returns a new list in which the smallest element comes first (the smallest element "bubbles" to the front).

bubble :: [Bit 8] -> [Bit 8]
bubble [] = []
bubble [x] = [x]
bubble (x:y:rest) = bubble (small:rest) ++ [large]
  where (small, large) = twoSort (x, y)

If we repeatedly call bubble then we end up with a sorted list.

sort :: [Bit 8] -> [Bit 8]
sort [] = []
sort xs = smallest : sort rest
  where smallest:rest = bubble xs

Running the test bench

top :: Module ()
top = always do
  let inputs = [3, 4, 1, 0, 2]
  display "sort " inputs " = " (sort inputs)

in simulation yields:

sort [03,04,01,00,02] = [00,01,02,03,04]

To see that the sort function really is describing a circuit, let's draw the circuit digram for a 5-element bubble sorter.

           |   |
Inputs  -->+---+---.
           |   |   |
           |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |
           v   v   v   v   v


The input list is supplied on the left, and the sorted output list is produced at the bottom. Each + denotes a two-sorter that takes inputs from the top and the left, and produces the smaller value to the bottom and the larger value to the right.

See The design and verification of a sorter core for a more in-depth exploration of sorting circuits in Haskell.

Example 3: Polymorphism

For simplicity, we've made our sorter specific to lists of 8-bit values. But if we look at the types of the primitive functions it uses, we can see that it actually has a more general type.

(.<.) :: Cmp a  => a -> a -> Bit 1
(?)   :: Bits a => Bit 1 -> (a, a) -> a

So .<. can be used on any type in the Cmp (comparator) class. Similarly ? can be used on any type in the Bits class (which allows packing to a bit vector and back again). So a more generic definition of twoSort would be:

twoSort :: (Bits a, Cmp a) => (a, a) -> (a, a)
twoSort (a, b) = a .<. b ? ((a, b), (b, a))

Indeed, this would be the type inferred by the Haskell compiler if no type signature was supplied. We can also use if-then-else instead of the ternary conditional operator:

twoSort :: (Bits a, Cmp a) => (a, a) -> (a, a)
twoSort (a, b) = if a .<. b then (a, b) else (b, a)

Example 4: Mutable registers

So far, we've only seen display and finish actions inside a Blarney module. Also supported are creation and assignment of registers. To illustrate, here is a module that creates a 4-bit cycleCount register, increments it on each cycle, stopping when it reaches 10.

top :: Module ()
top = do
  -- Create a register
  cycleCount :: Reg (Bit 4) <- makeReg 0

  always do
    -- Increment on every cycle
    cycleCount <== cycleCount.val + 1

    -- Display value on every cycle
    display "cycleCount = %0d" (cycleCount.val)

    -- Terminate simulation when count reaches 10
    when (cycleCount.val .==. 10) do
      display "Finished"

This example introduces a number of new library functions: makeReg creates a register, initialised to the given value; val returns the value of a register; the . operator is defined by Blarney as reverse function application rather than the usual function composition; and when allows conditional actions to be introduced. In addition to when, we can also use if-then-else in an Action context. For example, the final three lines above could have been written as:

  -- Terminate simulation when count reaches 10
  if cycleCount.val .==. 10
    then do
      display "Finished"
      display "Not finished"

Running top in simulation gives

cycleCount = 0
cycleCount = 1
cycleCount = 2
cycleCount = 3
cycleCount = 4
cycleCount = 5
cycleCount = 6
cycleCount = 7
cycleCount = 8
cycleCount = 9
cycleCount = 10

Example 5: Queues

Queues (also known as FIFOs) are a commonly used abstraction in hardware design. Blarney provides a range of different queue implementations, all of which implement the following interface available when importing Blarney.Queue.

-- Queue interface
data Queue a =
  Queue {
    notEmpty :: Bit 1           -- Is the queue non-empty?
  , notFull  :: Bit 1           -- Is there any space in the queue?
  , enq      :: a -> Action ()  -- Insert an element (assuming notFull)
  , deq      :: Action ()       -- Remove the first element (assuming canDeq)
  , canDeq   :: Bit 1           -- Guard on the deq and first methods
  , first    :: a               -- View the first element (assuming canDeq)

The type Queue a represents a queue holding elements of type a, and provides a range of standard functions on queues. The enq method should only be called when notFull is true and the deq method should only be called when canDeq is true. Similarly, the first element of the queue is only valid when canDeq is true. Below, we present the simplest possible implementation of a one-element queue.

import Blarney.Queue

-- Simple one-element queue implementation
makeSimpleQueue :: Bits a => Module (Queue a)
makeSimpleQueue = do
  -- Register holding the one element
  reg :: Reg a <- makeReg dontCare

  -- Register defining whether or not queue is full
  full :: Reg (Bit 1) <- makeReg 0

  -- Methods
  let notFull  = full.val .==. 0
  let notEmpty = full.val .==. 1
  let enq a    = do reg <== a
                    full <== 1
  let deq      = full <== 0
  let canDeq   = full.val .==. 1
  let first    = reg.val

  -- Return interface
  return (Queue notEmpty notFull enq deq canDeq first)

The following simple test bench illustrates how to use a queue.

-- Small test bench for queues
top :: Module ()
top = do
  -- Instantiate a queue of 8-bit values
  queue :: Queue (Bit 8) <- makeSimpleQueue

  -- Create an 8-bit count register
  count :: Reg (Bit 8) <- makeReg 0

  always do
    count <== count.val + 1

    -- Writer side
    when (queue.notFull) do
      enq queue (count.val)
      display "Enqueued " (count.val)

    -- Reader side
    when (queue.canDeq) do
      deq queue
      display "Dequeued " (queue.first)

    -- Terminate after 100 cycles
    when (count.val .==. 100) finish

Example 6: Mutable wires

Wires are a feature of the Action monad that offer a way for separate action blocks to communicate within the same clock cycle. Whereas assignment to a register becomes visible on the clock cycle after the assigment occurs, assignment to a wire is visible on the same cycle as the assignment. If no assignment is made to a wire on a particular cycle, then the wire emits its default value on that cycle. When multiple assignments to the same wire occur on the same cycle, the wire emits the bitwise disjunction of all the assigned values.

To illustrate, let's implement an n-bit counter module that supports increment and decrement operations.

-- Interface for a n-bit counter
data Counter n =
  Counter {
    inc    :: Action ()
  , dec    :: Action ()
  , output :: Bit n

We'd like the counter to support parallel calls to inc and dec. That is, if inc and dec are called on the same cycle then the counter's output is unchanged. We'll achieve this using wires.

makeCounter :: KnownNat n => Module (Counter n)
makeCounter = do
  -- State
  count :: Reg (Bit n) <- makeReg 0

  -- Wires
  incWire :: Wire (Bit 1) <- makeWire 0
  decWire :: Wire (Bit 1) <- makeWire 0

  always do
    -- Increment
    when (incWire.val .&. decWire.val.inv) do
      count <== count.val + 1

    -- Decrement
    when (incWire.val.inv .&. decWire.val) do
      count <== count.val - 1

  -- Interface
  let inc    = incWire <== 1
  let dec    = decWire <== 1
  let output = count.val

  return (Counter inc dec output)

Example 7: Recipes

State machines are a common way of defining the control-path of a circuit. They are typically expressed by doing case-analysis of the current state and manually setting the next state. Quite often however, they can be expressed more neatly in a Recipe -- a simple imperative language with various control-flow constructs.

data Recipe =
    Skip                         -- Do nothing (in zero cycles)
  | Tick                         -- Do nothing (in one cycle)
  | Action (Action ())           -- Perform action (in one cycle)
  | Seq [Recipe]                 -- Execute recipes in sequence
  | Par [Recipe]                 -- Fork-join parallelism
  | Wait (Bit 1)                 -- Block until condition holds
  | When (Bit 1) Recipe          -- Conditional recipe
  | If (Bit 1) Recipe Recipe     -- If-then-else recipe
  | While (Bit 1) Recipe         -- Loop
  | Background Recipe            -- Run recipe in background

To illustrate, here is a small state machine that computes the factorial of 10.

fact :: Module ()
fact = do
  -- State
  n   :: Reg (Bit 32) <- makeReg 0
  acc :: Reg (Bit 32) <- makeReg 1

  -- Compute factorial of 10
  let recipe =
        Seq [
          Action do
            n <== 10
        , While (n.val .>. 0) (
            Action do
              n <== n.val - 1
              acc <== acc.val * n.val
        , Action do
            display "fact(10) = %0d" (acc.val)
  runRecipe recipe 

Blarney provides a lightweight compiler for the Recipe language (under 100 lines of code), which we invoke above through the call to runRecipe.

A very common use of recipes is to define test sequences. For example, here is a simple test sequence for the Counter module defined earlier.

-- Test-bench for a counter
top :: Module ()
top = do
  -- Instantiate an 4-bit counter
  counter :: Counter 4 <- makeCounter

  -- Sample test sequence
  let test =
        Seq [
          Action do
        , Action do
        , Action do
        , Action do
            display "counter = %0d" (counter.output)

  runRecipe test

Here, we increment counter on the first cycle, and then again on the second. On the third cycle, we both increment and decrement it in parallel. On the fourth cycle, we display the value and terminate the simulator.

Example 8: Statements

For convenience, recipes can also be constucted using do notation. The Stmt monad is simply a wrapper around Recipe, which defines monadic bind as sequential composition. It is entirely syntatic sugar, providing no new functionality.

To illustrate, here's the factoral example from earlier, rewritten using the Stmt monad.

fact :: Module ()
fact = do
  -- State
  n   :: Reg (Bit 32) <- makeReg 0
  acc :: Reg (Bit 32) <- makeReg 1

  -- Compute factorial of 10
  let stmt = do
        action do
          n <== 10
        while (n.val .>. 0) do
          action do
            n <== n.val - 1
            acc <== acc.val * n.val
        action do
          display "fact(10) = %0d" (acc.val)

  runStmt stmt

We have found that some users prefer Recipe syntax, while others prefer Stmt syntax, so we offer both.

Example 9: Block RAMs

Blarney provides a variety of block RAM modules commonly supported on FPGAs. They are all based around the following interface.

-- Block RAM interface
-- (Parameterised by the address width a and the data width d)
data RAM a d =
  RAM {
    load    :: a -> Action ()
  , store   :: a -> d -> Action ()
  , out     :: d

When a load is issued for a given address, the value at that address appears on out on the next clock cycle. When a store is issued, the value is written to the RAM on the current cycle, and a load of the new value can be requested on the subsequent cycle. A parallel load and store should only be issued on the same cycle if the RAM has been created as a dual-port RAM (as opposed to a single-port RAM). To illustrate, here is a test bench that creates a single-port block RAM and performs a store followed by a load.

top :: Module ()
top = do
  -- Instantiate a 256 element RAM of 5-bit values
  ram :: RAM (Bit 8) (Bit 5) <- makeRAM

  -- Write 10 to ram[0] and read it back again
  runStmt do
    action do
      store ram 0 10
    action do
      load ram 0
    action do
      display "Got 0x%0x" (ram.out)

Somewhat-related to block RAMs are register files. The difference is that a register file allows the value at an address to be determined within a clock cycle. It also allows any number of reads and writes to be performed within the same cycle. Register files have the following interface.

data RegFile a d =
  RegFile {
    index  :: a -> d                -- Read
  , update :: a -> d -> Action()    -- Write

To read from a register file, use the index method or the generic lookup operator !. Unlike block RAMs, register files (especially large ones) do not always map efficiently onto hardware, so use with care!

Example 10: Streams

Streams are another commonly-used abstraction in hardware description. They are often used to implement hardware modules that consume data at a variable rate, depending on internal details of the module that the implementer does not wish to (or is unable to) expose. In Blarney, streams are captured by the following interface.

type Stream a = Source a

data Source a =
  Source {
    canPeek :: Bit 1
  , peek    :: a
  , consume :: Action ()

Streams are closely related to queues. Indeed, any queue can be converted to a stream:

-- Convert a queue to a stream
toStream :: Queue a -> Stream a
toStream q =
  Source {
    canPeek  = q.canDeq
  , peek     = q.first
  , consume  = deq q

As an example, here's a function that increments each value in the input stream to produce the output stream.

inc :: Stream (Bit 8) -> Module (Stream (Bit 8))
inc xs = do
  -- Output buffer
  buffer <- makeQueue

  always do
    -- Incrementer
    when (xs.canPeek .&. buffer.notFull) do
      consume xs
      enq buffer (xs.peek + 1)

  -- Convert buffer to a stream
  return (buffer.toStream)

Example 11: Modular compilation

So far we've seen examples of top-level modules, i.e. modules with no inputs or outputs, being converted to Verilog. In fact, any Blarney function whose inputs and outputs are members of the Interface class can be converted to Verilog (and the Interface class supports generic deriving). To illustrate, we can convert the function inc (defined in Example 10) into a Verilog module as follows.

main :: IO ()
main = writeVerilogModule inc "inc" "/tmp/inc"

The generated Verilog module /tmp/inc/inc.v has the following interface:

module inc(
  input  wire clock
, output wire [0:0] in0_consume_en
, input  wire [0:0] in0_canPeek
, input  wire [7:0] in0_peek
, input  wire [0:0] out_consume_en
, output wire [7:0] out_peek
, output wire [0:0] out_canPeek

Considering the definition of the Stream type, the correspondance between the Blarney and the Verilog is quite clear:

Signal Description
in0_consume_en Output asserted whenever the module consumes an element from the input stream.
in0_canPeek Input signalling when there is data available in the input stream.
in0_peek Input containing the next value in the input stream.
out_canPeek Output asserted whenever there is data available in the output stream.
out_peek Output containing the next value in the output stream.
out_consume_en Input signalling when the caller consumes an element from the output stream.

It is also possible to instantiate a Verilog module inside a Blarney description. To illustrate, here is a function that creates an instance of the Verilog inc module shown above.

-- This function creates an instance of a Verilog module called "inc"
makeInc :: Stream (Bit 8) -> Module (Stream (Bit 8))
makeInc = makeInstance "inc"

Notice that interface of the Verilog module being instantiated is determined from the type signature. Here's a sample top-level module that uses the makeInc function:

top :: Module ()
top = do
  -- Counter
  count :: Reg (Bit 8) <- makeReg 0

  -- Input buffer
  buffer <- makeQueue

  -- Create an instance of inc
  out <- makeInc (buffer.toStream)

  always do
    -- Fill input
    when (buffer.notFull) do
      enq buffer (count.val)
      count <== count.val + 1

    -- Consume
    when (out.canPeek) do
      consume out
      display "Got 0x%0x" (out.peek)
      when (out.peek .==. 100) finish

Using the following main function we can generate both the inc module and a top-level module that instantiates it.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let dir = "/tmp/inc"
  writeVerilogModule inc "inc" dir
  writeVerilogTop top "top" dir

Using this approach, we can maintain the module hierarchy of a Blarney design whenever we generate Verilog, rather than having to flatten it to massive netlist. This technique can also be used to instantaite any Verilog module within a Blarney design.

Example 12: Master-slave pattern

This is a common pattern in hardware design. Suppose we wish to move multiplication out of a module and into an separate slave module, where the slave takes requests (pairs of 32-bit integers to multiply) and produces responses (32-bit results).

type MulReq  = (Bit 32, Bit 32)
type MulResp = Bit 32

The slave component might be defined as:

slave :: Stream MulReq -> Module (Stream MulResp)
slave reqs = do
  resps <- makeQueue

  always do
    when (reqs.canPeek .&. resps.notFull) do
      consume reqs
      let (a, b) = reqs.peek
      enq resps (a * b)

  return (resps.toStream)

The master component produces requests for the slave, and consumes responses from the slave. In the example below, the master simply asks the slave to multiply 2 by 2, waits for the response, and then terminates the simulation.

master :: Stream MulResp -> Module (Stream MulReq)
master resps = do
  reqs <- makeQueue

  runStmt do
    wait (reqs.notFull)
    action do
      enq reqs (2, 2)
    wait (resps.canPeek)
    action do
      display "Result: %0d" (resps.peek)

  return (reqs.toStream)

The top-level module which connects the master and the slave needs to introduce a cycle, which can be achieved simply using Haskell's recursive-do (mdo) notation:

top :: Module ()
top = mdo
  resps <- slave reqs
  reqs <- master resps
  return ()

Example 13: Bit selection and lookup

Bit selection operators are used to extract a subset of bits out of a bit-vector. There are different flavours, depending on whether the indices are type-level numbers, elaboration-time numbers, or circuit-level numbers.

For type-level indices, we provide functions at and slice, and use type application to specify the type-level indices:

-- Extract most-sigificant bit of a byte
msb :: Bit 8 -> Bit 1
msb x = at @7 x

-- Extract upper 4 bits of a byte
upperNibble :: Bit 8 -> Bit 4
upperNibble x = slice @7 @4 x

For elaboration-time indices of type Int, we provide unsafeAt and unsafeSlice:

-- Extract most-sigificant bit of a byte
msb :: Bit 8 -> Bit 1
msb x = unsafeAt 7 x

-- Extract upper 4 bits of a byte
upperNibble :: Bit 8 -> Bit 4
upperNibble x = unsafeSlice (7, 4) x

The argument to unsafeAt could be out of range, and the result of unsafeSlice could have a different width to that implied by the range. Such cases will lead to confusing error messages, hence the "unsafe" prefix on the function names.

Finally, for circuit-level indicies of type Bit n, the generic lookup operator ! can be used:

-- Extract bit from byte at given index
getBit :: Bit 8 -> Bit 3 -> Bit 1
getBit x i = x!i

Blarney's generic lookup operator x!i returns the i'th element of x, and works for many different types of x and i. See the Lookup class for more details.

Example 14: Bit-string pattern matching

Recent work on specifying and implementing ISAs led us to develop two libraries for doing bit-string pattern matching. The first, BitPat, is statically-typed and based on the paper Type-safe pattern combinators. The second, BitScan, is dynamically typed but more expressive. As an example, BitScan, let's us define the following instruction decoder for a tiny subset of RISC-V.

import Blarney.BitScan

-- Semantics of add instruction
add :: Bit 5 -> Bit 5 -> Bit 5 -> Action ()
add rs2 rs1 rd =
  display "add r%0d" (rd.val) ", r%0d" (rs1.val) ", r%0d" (rs2.val)

-- Semantics of addi instruction
addi :: Bit 12 -> Bit 5 -> Bit 5 -> Action ()
addi imm rs1 rd =
  display "add r%0d" (rd.val) ", r%0d" (rs1.val) ", 0x%0x" (imm.val)

-- Semantics of store-word instruciton
sw :: Bit 12 -> Bit 5 -> Bit 5 -> Action ()
sw imm rs2 rs1 = display "sw r%0d" rs2 ", %0d(r%0d)" imm rs1

top :: Module ()
top = always do
  -- Sample RISC-V store-word instruction
  let instr :: Bit 32 = 0b1000000_00001_00010_010_00001_0100011

  -- Dispatch
  match instr
      "0000000   rs2[4:0]  rs1[4:0] 000 rd[4:0]  0110011" ==> add,
      "          imm[11:0] rs1[4:0] 000 rd[4:0]  0010011" ==> addi,
      "imm[11:5] rs2[4:0]  rs1[4:0] 010 imm[4:0] 0100011" ==> sw


The nice thing about this decoder is that the scattered immediate field imm in the sw instruction is automatically assembled by the library. That is, the imm[11:5] part of the immediate is combined with the imm[4:0] part to give the final 12-bit immediate value passed to the right-hand-side function. Scattered immediates appear a lot in the RISC-V specification. Thanks to Jon Woodruff for suggesting this feature!

Example 15: CPUs

A few processor cores have been implemented in Blarney:

  • Simple: 4-stage 8-bit CPU, with just 4 instructions, which resolves both control and data hazards.
  • Pebbles: 5-stage 32-bit RISC-V core separating the ISA from the pipeline microarchitecture.
  • Actora: 3-stage stack machine that runs code written a subset of Erlang.

Example 16: Namer plugin

One of the classic limitations of Lava is that identifier names are lost when the netlist is generated. In particular, this is problematic when you want to analyse, say, the critical-path of your circuit using a third-party tool, but there is no way to map the netlist names reported by the tool back to the Lava names in your original description.

Blarney provides a solution to this problem in the form of the Namer plugin. This is a simple GHC plugin (around 150 lines of code) that looks for monadic bindings of the form

  x <- m

where m has type Module a for any a, and automatically rewrites the binding as

  x <- withName "x" m

where withName is a Blarney primitive that introduces name information inside m This simple approach captures quite a lot of useful names.

The plugin is completely optional, and disabled by default. To enable it, first install using cabal

cd Haskell/BlarneyPlugins/Namer
cabal install

and then pass the --enable-namer-plugin flag to blc.

To further improve the readability of generated code, you can also pass the --enable-name-prop and --enable-simplifier options to your circuit generator. This will enable the (experimental) name propagation and netlist simplification passes respectively.

Class 1: Bits

Any type in the Bits class can be represented in hardware, e.g. stored in a wire, a register, or a RAM.

class Bits a where
  type SizeOf a :: Nat
  sizeOf        :: a -> Int
  pack          :: a -> Bit (SizeOf a)
  unpack        :: Bit (SizeOf a) -> a

The Bits class supports generic deriving. For example, suppose we have a simple data type for memory requests:

data MemReq =
  MemReq {
    memOp   :: Bit 1    -- Is it a load or a store request?
  , memAddr :: Bit 32   -- 32-bit address
  , memData :: Bit 32   -- 32-bit data for stores
  deriving (Generic, Bits)

To make this type a member of the Bits class, we have suffixed it with derving (Generic, Bits). The generic deriving mechanism for Bits does not support sum types: there is no way to convert a bit-vector (run-time circuit value) to a sum type (elaboration-time value) using the circuit primitives provided by Blarney.

Class 2: Interface

Any type in the Interface class can be used as a module input or output when doing modular compilation. Furthermore, collections of interfaces can be indexed by circuit-time values using the ! operator. To illustrate, here is an example circuit to split a stream of MemReq into four streams, using the lower two bits of the address to decide which output stream to use.

split :: Stream MemReq -> Module [Stream MemReq]
split reqs = do
  -- Create a list of 4 queues
  queues :: [Queue MemReq] <- replicateM 4 makeQueue

  always do
    -- Consume request, and put into appropriate queue
    when (reqs.canPeek) do
      let i :: Bit 2 = truncate (reqs.peek.memAddr)
      when ((queues!i).notFull) do
        enq (queues!i) (reqs.peek)

  return (map toStream queues)

The Interface class supports generic deriving: just add Interface to the deriving clause for the datatype. In the above example, MemReq is an Interface, and so too is Queue a for any a that is also an Interface.

Class 3: Lookup

The generic lookup operator ! is provided by the Lookup class.

-- Index a collection 'c' of elements 'e' using index 'i' 
class Lookup c i e | c -> e where
  (!) : c -> i -> e

A wide range of combinations of types are supported. The functional dependency c -> e allows the return type to be inferred from the collection type.

Class 4: FShow

Any type in the FShow class can be passed as arguments to the variadic display function.

class FShow a where
  fshow     :: a -> Format
  fshowList :: [a] -> Format     -- Has default definition

-- Abstract data type for things that can be displayed
newtype Format

-- Format constructors
mempty :: Format                         -- Empty (from Monoid class)
(<>)   :: Format -> Format -> Format     -- Append (from Monoid class)

As an example, here is how the FShow instance for pairs is defined.

-- Example instance: displaying pairs
instance (FShow a, FShow b) => FShow (a, b) where
  fshow (a, b) = fshow "(" <> fshow a <> fshow "," <> fshow b <> fshow ")"

The FShow class supports generic deriving.

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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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