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react-movie-app's Introduction

Movie App

1. Base Settings

  • npx install : yarn global add npx, npx creae-react-app .
  • .env
  • prop-types install : yarn add prop-types

2. Routes Settings-1

  • install react-router-dom : yarn add react-router-dom
  • App.js
  • Router.js
  • Home.js, TV.js, Detail.js, Search.js

3. Routes Settings-2

  • make Header component
  • redirect (default URL setting)
  • switch (redner only one Route component)

4. Component Styling-1 : CSS Modules

  • put APPNAME.js APPNAME.module.css in same dir
  • APPNAME.module.css (APPNAME.module.scss)
.navList {
    display: flex;
  • APPNAME.js
import styles from "./APPNAME.module.css"

<tag className={styles.navList}>

5. Component Styling-2 : Styled Components

  • install styled components : yarn add styled-components
  • define "Styled Components"
const SCName = styled.TAG`

    // styling

const Header = styled.header``;

const List = styled.ul`
  display: flex;
  &:hover {
    background-color: blue;

const Item =``;


  • import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
  • styled(Link)

6. Make Global Style

styled component : Local
styled-reset : Reset CSS for styled-components

  • installation : yarn add styled-reset
  • GlobalStyles.js : createGlobalStyles (from styled-components) & reset CSS (from styled-reset)

7. Location Aware Header

  • give props current to Header.js component
  • Item Component
const Item =`
  width: 80px;
  height: 50px;
  text-align: center;
  border-bottom: 3px solid
    ${props => (props.current ? "#3498db" : "transparent")};
  transition: border-bottom 0.5s ease-in-out;
  • give props.current current location with withRouter
// withRouter : component which wraps other component and give some information about Router


// what we export === withRouter component which wraps Header component

export default withRouter(({ location: { pathname } }) => (
      <Item current={pathname === "/"}>
        <SLink to="/">Movies</SLink>
      <Item current={pathname === "/tv"}>
        <SLink to="/tv">TV</SLink>
      <Item current={pathname === "/search"}>
        <SLink to="/search">Search</SLink>


const HeaderComponent = (props) => (
  // props : history, location, match ...
  // current URL === props.location.pathname

      <Item current={props.location.pathname === "/"}>
        <SLink to="/">Movies</SLink>
      <Item current={props.location.pathname === "/tv"}>
        <SLink to="/tv">TV</SLink>
      <Item current={props.location.pathname === "/search"}>
        <SLink to="/search">Search</SLink>

export default withRouter(HeaderCompoent)

// use spread operator 

const HeaderComponent = ({location: {pathname}}) => (
  // props : history, location, match ...
  // current URL === props.location.pathname

      <Item current={pathname === "/"}>
        <SLink to="/">Movies</SLink>
      <Item current={pathname === "/tv"}>
        <SLink to="/tv">TV</SLink>
      <Item current={pathname === "/search"}>
        <SLink to="/search">Search</SLink>

export default withRouter(HeaderCompoent)

8. Get Movie Data (API from


what we wanna get

- Now playing (Movie)
- Upcoming (Movie)
- Top Rated (TV, Movie)
- Popular (TV, Movie)
- Airing Today (TV)
  • yarn add axios link

good thing about axios: we can configure(set) the instance of axios

// Send a POST request
  method: 'post',
  url: '/user/12345',
  data: {
    firstName: 'Fred',
    lastName: 'Flintstone'

// GET request for remote image in node.js
  method: 'get',
  url: '',
  responseType: 'stream'
  .then(function (response) {'ada_lovelace.jpg'))

stay on the version 0.18.0 of Axios yarn add [email protected]

8-2, 8-3 Apply API into project

  • Now playing (Movie)
  • Upcoming (Movie)
  • Top Rated (TV)
  • Popular (TV, X)
  • Airing Today (TV)
  • TV Show Detail
  • Movie Detail
  • Search (Movie, TV)
export const moviesApi = {
  nowPlaying: () => api.get("movie/now_playing"),
  upcoming: () => api.get("movie/upcoming"),
  popular: () => api.get("movie/popular"),
  movieDetail: id =>
    api.get(`movie/${id}`, {
      params: {
        append_to_response: "videos"

  search: term =>
    api.get("search/movie", {
      params: {
        query: encodeURIComponent(term)

9. Container

React Componenet Codeing

container - presenter paattern

  • container : [Data] data state get api logic
  • presenter : [styles] show those data state(X) class(X) api(X)
  index.js (for container export)

10. render api info into container

  async componentDidMount() {
    try {
      const {
        data: { results: topRated }
      } = await tvApi.topRated();
      const {
        data: { results: popular }
      } = await tvApi.popular();
      const {
        data: { results: airingToday }
      } = await tvApi.airingToday();
      this.setState({ topRated, popular, airingToday });
    catch {
        error: "Can't find TV information."
    finally {
      this.setState({ loading: false });

11. Search Container

Search Container - logics

  • type form -> enter -> handleSubmit()
  • handleSubmit : if Term not empty -> searchbyTerm()
  • searchbyTerm : get api data based on terms

issue : search api not working

12. Create Detail Routes

<Route path="/movie/:id" component={Detail} />

13-1. DetailContainer

src/Compoenet/Header.js를 꾸밀 때는 withRouter를 이욯애서 현재의 위치를 알려주었다. 하지만 이런 작업들을 Detail에 해 줄 필요는 없다. 왜냐하면 디폴트로 react-router가 모든 정보를 Route에게 주기 때문이다.

Header는 Route가 아니기 때문에 Router에서 location 정보를 받을 수 없다. 그래서 withRouter를 사용해서 location 정보를 받는 것이다.

하지만 나머지 Search, TV, movie Detail..은 Route이다. 디폴트로 Router는 모든 Route들에게 props를 전달해준다.

애초에 라우터 컴포넌트가 아닌 컴포넌트에게 라우팅 정보를 주고 싶을 때 withRouter를 쓰는 것이다.



  render() {
    console.log(this.props); // 여기서 실제로 Routing props를 받는다는 걸 알 수 있다.
    const { result, error, loading } = this.state;
    return <DetailPresenter result={result} error={error} loading={loading} />;

그러면 header가 받은 props와 동일한 props들을 받는다

{match: {...}, location: {...}, history: {...}, staticContext: undefined}

  1. 우리가 /movie에 있는지, /show에 있는지 알아내야 한다
  2. 어떤 숫자가 url id에 있는지 알아내야 함 :
  - match: 
      params: {id: "121212"}
  1. 잘못된 url 방지 : id에 부여된 값이 숫자인지 아닌지 판단해야 함

router props로부터 push, 받아와서

const {
  match: {
    params: { id }
  history: { push }
} = this.props;

url의 id값이 숫지인지 문자인지 판단 후 숫자가 아니라면 /로 이동

const parsedId = parseInt(id);
if (isNaN(parsedId)) {
  return push("/"); // home으로 url 바로 이동

13-2. Detail Container

  • this.isMovie = pathname.includes("/movie/"); : url을 검사하여 "/movie"가 포함되어있는지 여부 체크
  • 만일 영화라면 movieDetail에 id값 넣어 호출, 영화가 아니라면 showDetail에 id값 넣어 호출
    let result = null;
      if (this.isMovie) {
        const request = await moviesApi.movieDetail(parsedId);
        result =;
      } else {
        const request = await tvApi.showDetail(parsedId);
        result =;

14. Presenter Structure

const Section = ({title, children}) // children == reserved react prop

// copy-paste
Section.propTypes = {
  title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  children: PropTypes.oneOfType([

15. HomePresenter and Section Components

  • Components/Section.js
const Container = styled.div`
  :not(:last-child) {
    margin-bottom: 50px;
// children: reserved react prop 
const Section = ({ title, children }) => (
  • HomePresenter.js
const HomePresenter = ({ nowPlaying, popular, upcoming, loading, error }) =>
  loading ? null : (
      {nowPlaying && nowPlaying.length > 0 && (
        <Section title="Now Playing">
          { => movie.title)}
      {upcoming && upcoming.length > 0 && (
        <Section title="Upcoming Movies">
          { => movie.title)}
      {popular && popular.length > 0 && (
        <Section title="Popular Movies">
          { => movie.title)}

16. TVPresenter and Loader Components

  • Components/Loader.js

Loader is just another component! (Surrounded by <Container>)

16-2. Applying Loader Component into Presenter

loading ? <Loader> : <Container>Toprated, Popular, Airing</Container>

const Presenter = ({ topRated, popular, airingToday, loading, error }) =>
  loading ? (
    // render this if loading
    <Loader />
  ) : (
    // render these if not loading

17-1. SearchPresenter Component : prevent event (submit)

  <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <Input placeholder = "Search Movies or TV shows..." value={SearchTerm} />
  • value를 통해 입력값을 javascript로 handle하기
  • enter 누르면 제출이 되어 새로고침 되어 state를 잃어버리는 현상 방지
  • 제출이 되는 이벤트 방지하기

17-2. SearchPresenter Component : Update Term

  updateTerm = event => {
    // get value (=what we typed in) from event object 
    const {
      target: { value }
    } = event;
    // console.log(event);
    // console.log(;
    // Change the state to the value
      searchTerm: value

17-3. Applying Loader into SearchPresenter.js


    {loading ? (
      <Loader />
    ) : (
      // <> ~ </> : Return two Sections

18. Error and 404 message

(Error, 404) Message is also a component


{error && <Message color="#e74c3c" text={error} />}


{tvResults &&
 movieResults &&
 tvResults.length === 0 &&
 movieResults.length === 0 && (
  <Message text="Nothing found" color="#95a5a6" />
  • test : throw Error();

19. Making Poster Component

// id, imageUrl, title, rating, year, isMovie props로 받고 isMovie는 디폴트로 false 
const Poster = ({ id, imageUrl, title, rating, year, isMovie = false }) => (
  // 이 컴포넌트 전체에 link 걸어둠 : 클릭시 넘어가는 url 설계
  <Link to={isMovie ? `/movie/${id}` : `/show/${id}`}>  
        <Image bgUrl={imageUrl} />    // 이미지
        <Rating>                      // 평점
          <span role="img" aria-label="rating">
          </span>{" "}
      <Title>{title}</Title>          // 제목
      <Year>{year}</Year>             // 년도

20. Rendering Post Component

HomeContainer.js, SearchContainer.js, TVPresenter.js

  • tvapi에서 받아온 poster_path, original_name, vote_average, first_air_date
  • 직접 확인해보기, 어떤 흐름으로 움직이는지 파악
  • 여기서 Component의 key란?
  • 문자열.substring
<Section title="Airing Today">
  { => (
      year={show.first_air_date.substring(0, 4)}

  • movie api에서 받아온 객체의 id, poster_path, original_title, vote_average, release_date
  • 직접 확인해보기, 어떤 흐름으로 움직이는지 파악
  • 여기서 Component의 key란?
<Section title="Now Playing">
  { => (
      year={movie.release_date.substring(0, 4)}

21. Styling Poster Component

  • order of styled component : (ReferenceError: Cannot access 'Component' before initialization)

  • Image

const Image = styled.div`
  background-image: url(${props =>
  transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out;
  • ImageContainer

opacity, hide&hover

const ImageContainer = styled.div`
  margin-bottom: 5px;
  position: relative;
      opacity: 0.3
      opacity: 1

21-2. Add Default Image & Trim Title length

  • /src/assets/NoPoster.jpg

if url exists bgUrl={ImageUrl} or require("../assets/noPosterSmall.png")

      ? `${imageUrl}`
      : require("../assets/noPosterSmall.png")

requrie() ??

<Title>{title.length > 18 ? `${title.substring(0, 18)}...` : title}</Title>;

22. DetailPresenter - Add backdrop image

  • give backdrop image as props to style component
const Backdrop = styled.div`
  background-image: url(${props => props.bgImage});
  background-size: cover;
  filter: blur(3px);
  opacity: 0.5;
  z-index: 0;
  • z-index

22-2. DetailPresenter - Add Cover Image

CSS Hell gate..

  • without width: 100% & height: 100% ?
        ? `${result.poster_path}`
        : require("../../assets/NoImage.png")

23-3. DetailPresenter - Add Item

  • overview
  • Structure : Data, Title, ItemContainer, Item, Divider, Overview
  • TVName by API vs TVName by API
  {result.original_title ? result.original_title : result.original_name}

react-movie-app's People


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